
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6


At Earlswood we recognise and value the far ranging benefits that participation in physical education brings; from physical fitness and well-being to increased self-esteem and creating a positive, growth mindset. Inclusivity is a core principle of ours and, as such, PE is timetabled into the curriculum for all children, as well as providing a range of additional opportunities to participate in sports teams and extended sports squads such as football and netball. As a federation, we have made great strides in improving the quality and range of our provision and this is reflected in the internal sport tournaments we offer, the increase in external provision provided and the opportunity for pupils to take part in additional activities such as lacrosse and dance.


Our PE curriculum compromises of two 1 hour sessions a week (Juniors), two ½ hour sessions a week (Infants) and one ½ hour session a week (Reception).


Class teachers lead one session, following the ‘Real PE’ scheme of work. This is a programme of study which develops children’s fundamental agility, balance and coordination skills through a progressive framework of challenges and games which are adapted and suited from reception to Year 6. The second session run by the teachers each week is Games; in which the children are encouraged to be more competitive in a range of sports. In the Infants these sessions are based on a specific skill (catching, throwing, etc) which is taught through a variety of sports, whereas in the Juniors a different traditional sport is taught each half term, focusing on progression in basic skills, movement, teamwork, awareness and tactics which can then be applied in small sided, age appropriate games.


Overall, we firmly believe in the ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ mantra and look to have as many children at Earlswood as active as possible!
