
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Year 4

Week beginning 16th July


Maths: our final week of maths will involve looking at line graphs and then moving on to a recap of a lot of our learning from this year!

English: we will be finishing off our newspaper reports, writing them up in neat and then completing our last hot task of the year.

Reading: 'Thieves of Ostia' has become a really exciting book which we are all very involved in, we will look at the rest of Flavia's adventure and analyse which techniques the author is using to capture our attention. 


We will be rehearsing for our assemblies and completing our 'Enterprise Week' activities. 


4C and 4B assembly - Wednesday 18th July 9:45am 

4A and 4R assembly - Wednesday 18th July 2:15pm



Junior Enterprise Market Wednesday 18th July 3pm-4pm.

Come and join us for our Roman museum in the woodlands! 

Week beginning 9th July


Maths: we will be recapping our fractions knowledge this week. We will look at equivalent fractions and fractions of amounts. We will continue to use our reasoning and problem solving skills to do this.

English: our non fiction cycle continues this week and we will be looking more into the features of a newspaper article. Our focus is on using past tense and factual language.

Reading: Thieves of Ostia continues and we are enjoying learning about the life of a Roman family and the adventures that Flavia goes on. We will look at authorial intent this week. 


PE days are Monday and Tuesday. 

Please practice your assembly lines at home, including your poem. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 2nd July


Maths: this week we will be refreshing our knowledge of multiplication, we will focus mainly on written multiplication but will also need to use our times tables skills. We will problem solve and reason with our multiplication skills also.

English: we are going to look at non-fiction writing for the last few weeks of term, we will be writing newspaper reports with a Roman theme. 

Reading: our new book is called 'Thieves of Ostia' we will continue to read this Roman themed book and answer comprehension questions based on it. 

Project: our project work this week will look at the invasion and conquering of Britain. 


We will also be doing lots of rehearsals for our Summer Assemblies.


The Year 4 Team 

Week beginning 18th June


Maths: this week we will be looking at coordinates, we will plot them, read them and create shapes with them. We will use the phrase 'along the corridor, up the stairs' to help remind ourselves of the rules for plotting coordinates.  

English: our immitate week is under way and we will be gradually writing our altered version of 'The sorceress comes to Camelot', we will remind ourselves of our Every Time We Write standards as well as the specific skills we have learnt in this topic.

Reading: to fit in with our Romans topic we are going to be looking at some myths and legends from the Roman era and use these to enhance our comprehension skills.

Project: in our project based learning sessions this week we will be looking at plotting a Roman time line and the most famous events during their history. 



The Year 4 Team

Friday 8th June


4A & 4R have had a good evening last night at the roman banquet all dressed in their toga's.  Today they will be acting out a roman battle and doing an archeological dig.

Thursday 7th June


4A & 4R have had a good evening last night and are enjoying today's activities.  On the menu today is Archery, Trebuchets and Roman Games with a roman banquet as their evening entertainment.  Dressing up in toga's should be very exciting for everyone!

Wednesday 6th June


11.20hrs: 4A & 4R have arrived safely and are already enjoying their first activity of Roman Armies where they are currently doing shield formation!  All having a great time.


08.18hrs: 4B and 4C had a great evening last night at their Roman banquet and have enjoyed their breakfast this morning.  They are getting ready for their final activities (acting out the story of Boudicca and an archeological dig) before returning back later today.

Tuesday 5th June


4B and 4C have enjoyed their breakfast this morning and have started their activities for today which are archery, trebuchet building and Roman games.


Update 15:55hrs - the children are all getting ready in their Toga's for their evening activity the Roman banquet and the sun is shining!


Monday 4th June


4B and 4C have arrived safely at Ufton Court and are settling into their first activity.

Week beginning 4th June


Year 4 are on their residential trips to Ufton court this week!

Monday 4th June 4B and 4C

Wednesday 6th June 4A and 4R

Children can arrive at school from 7:30am and need to be in by 7:45am. Please make your way to your child's classroom with your luggage (children need to be able to transport this themselves). All parents/carers need to check their details on consent forms are correct so you must bring your child into school and speak to their teacher before you go. 


All copies of letters can be found on the website should you need to check any final details. 


Return journeys on Wednesday 6th June (4S and 4C) and Friday 8th June (4A and 4R) are due to arrive back at approximately 3:45pm. 


Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions.


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 21st May


Maths: next week we will be looking at symmetry within shapes. We will look for horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines of symmetry as well as lines of symmetry in more unusual shapes. We will also look at reflectional symmetry and how to reflect across a given line. 

English/Reading: we will be combining these two subjects next week while we continue our studying of poetry. We will look at different poem styles and begin writing our own. 

Project: next week we will be preparing presentations about our work on potions. The children will use a Powerpoint style app to present their ideas as a group.  


PE days are Monday and Tuesday, please have full PE kit in on these days.

Please have a change of shoes in on Thursdays for Woodlands.


The Year 4 Team



All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!

Location: Earlswood Junior School-field

Time: 9:20-11:40am followed by a picnic on the field which will end at 12:20pm

The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.

As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!

See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!

Many thanks for your continued support,

The PE Team

Week beginning 14th May


Maths: this week we will be starting to look at 2d shapes, we will look for their features and how to sort, classify and draw them.

English: we will be looking at poetry this week in our English lessons. We will look at the features of a poem as well as performance poetry.

Reading: we are finishing George's marvelous medicine this week and will be looking at the text as a whole, answering comprehension questions and creating a book review. 

Project: as our Potions topic continues we will look more into the history of potions and medicine.


Please remember to wear sun cream to school and bring a hat in the warm weather.


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 7th May

We look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday this week.


Maths: this week we will be continuing to look at measures and conversions - we have been finding this quite tricky so any help at home would be brilliant. 

English: this week we will be planning our own finding tale. We have been writing about a 'secret garden' and our main character goes off and discovers something. We will be writing our version of this story and continuing to practice our grammar skills of fronted adverbials, embedded clauses and conjunctions.

Reading: George's marvelous medicine is nearly over! This week we focus on our comprehension skills and ensuring we use the text to find our answers. 


Reminders: PE days are Monday and Tuesday. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 30th April


English: we have been studying our new text 'Secret Garden' which is a journey tale. This week the children will be writing their version of this story a section at a time. We will use our grammar skills of conjunctions, fronted adverbials and appropriate adjectives. 

Maths: this week we will be looking at conversions between lengths and volume (cm/m/km/mm ml/l). We will use our skills of multiplying and dividing by 10,100,1000 to help with this.

Reading: we are all thoroughly enjoying George and his marvelous medicine. 

Project: this week we will be looking further into potions and how they are used in medicines, we will also be sketching some potion themed ideas.

Reminders: PE days are Monday and Tuesday. 

Please have wellies in for Thursdays.


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 23rd April


Maths: this week we will refresh our learning of multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 100. We will use this skill to help us convert between different units of measure, including mm/cm/m/km  g/kg  p/£.

Writing:this week we will being studying a new text based on out Talk For Writing approach. We are suing 'The Secret Garden'. Our grammar focuses will be on conjunctions (and, but, so, therefore, however etc) and fronted adverbials.

Reading: as George's marvelous medicine continues, we will be looking at word and phrases which catch the readers attention. We will discuss how they do this and the techniques used. 

Project: as part of our 'Potions' topic we will be looking at reversible and irreversible changes. We also have our science workshop this week. 


Please remember to bring sun hats and water bottles in this lovely warm weather we have been having. 

PE days are Monday and Tuesday.

Please have wellies for Thursdays.


Science workshop:

4A and 4C Monday 23rd April

4B and 4R Tuesday 24th April

Please note - you do not need to bring anything different for this workshop. 


The Year 4 Team


Week beginning 16th April:

We hope you had a lovely relaxing Easter break! Please note school starts back on MONDAY 16th April. We look forward to seeing you then, we will begin our Summer Term with the following learning:


Maths: we begin our summer learning with fractions! Our main focus for this week is improper and mixed number fractions. Improper fractions have a numerator bigger than the denominator e.g. 5/3. A Mixed number fraction contains a whole number and a fraction e.g. 2 and 3/5. We will look at how to convert between these two types of fractions e.g. 7/5 = 1 and 2/5. We will also be doing a short recap on equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. 

English: we will be continuing with our 'Rotten Red Riding Hood Text' which we looked at towards the end of last term. This week we will be creating our own versions of an alternative fairytale. 


Project: we will be launching our new project of 'Potions', we will begin by looking at solids, liquids and gases. 


PE days and Monday and Tuesday, please have full PE kit in on both of these days. 

Please have wellies in for Thursdays.

Year 4 Science Workshop

Please note that there has been a slight change to the dates of this fun and exciting experience. The classes will now be split across 2 days:

4A and 4C will be on Monday 23rd April 

4B and 4R will be on Tuesday 24th April 

Children do not need to bring anything extra for this day and should still wear full school uniform. 

Week beginning 26th March 


Maths: next week we will be continuing to look at rounding decimals to whole numbers and 1 or 2 decimal places. We will also be reminding ourselves of how to make calculations using time. 

English: next week we will be writing an adapted version of our text which is based on Little Red Riding Hood.

Reading: we will continue with James and The Giant Peach next week and will have a particular focus on different types of words. We will be using dictionaries and thesauruses to help with finding synonyms and meanings of words. 

Project: our final week of project work will be looking at natural features of America and England. We will continue to compare and contrast their features. 


PE kits in on Mondays and Tuesdays please. 



The Year 4 Team

Week Beginning 19th March


Congratulations to Alfie in 4A who won the Extreme Reading Competition in Year 4!!


Maths: next week we will be looking back at our decimals knowledge, we will compare, order and round decimals. We will also be problem solving and reasoning with these skills. 

English: next week we will begin our new fiction topic of writing. We will be looking at the book ' Honestly Red Riding Hood is Rotten' which tells the story of Little Red Riding Hood from the point of view of the wolf. By the end of this unit of work we will be writing our own fairy tale from an alternate perspective. 

Reading: we are continuing our work on James and The Giant Peach next week. Our focus will be looking at and analysing the vocabulary and features which capture the reader's imagination. 

Project: our studies of America and England continue this week, our focus will be on the features of these countries, both physical and natural. How much do you know about Central Park or The River Thames?


PE days are Monday and Tuesday, please have full PE kit in on these days.

Please hand back permission slips for our 'Potions Workshop' as soon as possible. 

We have lots of unnamed uniform being found, please make sure all items are named. 

A reminder that bows should not be worn in hair, plain hairbands only please. 

Friday 23rd March is Sport Relief, this is a normal uniform day but please can all children have a pair of trainers in on this day.


The Year 4 Team

























Week beginning 12th March 


Maths: Next week is assessment, the children will be taking part in an arithmetic and a reasoning paper. Alongside this, we will be doing some recap lessons on fractions and our usual 'Friday Fluency'.


English: As part of assessment week we will be writing a story based on the title 'Lost'. We will also be doing some discrete grammar lessons on nouns and determiners. 


Reading: We have begun reading 'James and The Giant Peach' and our loving it! Next week we will look into the words and phrases which capture the reader's imagination. 


PBL: The next few week of our 'Where in the World?' project will be a mixture of studying America and UK, looking at famous landmarks and natural features as well as creating our own art work. 



PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays - please have full PE kits in on these days. 

We will now be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 15th March. 


Week beginning 5th March


Maths: Next week we will be revising our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10,100,1000. We will problem solve and reason with these skills. Towards the end of the week we will also be recapping our fractions knowledge. 

Reading: We will begin to look at 'James and The Giant Peach' by Roald Dahl, we will look at predicting and making assumptions on the author's choices.

Writing: Our non-fiction writing about our own countries will finish this week. We will then be putting all of our skills into creating a brand new non-fiction write on another new country.

PBL: Next week we will continue to work on our map skills, focusing on co-ordinates and grid references. 

Reminders: PE days are Monday and Tuesday, please have full PE kits in on both of these days. 


The Year 4 Team


Week beginning 26th February 


Maths: Next week we will be looking at measure. We will use our knowledge of fractions and decimals and relate this to ml,l,g,kg etc. For example 1.5L=1 1/2L =1500ml. We will also problem solve with this maths.

English: We will be creating our own countries based on the mysterious findings of an explorer! We will then use these findings to write a non-chronological report about the country. 

Reading: Next week focuses on the similarities and differences between how texts are written on line and in books. We will also be looking at finding the meaning of the word from the context it has been written in and the sentences around it. 

PBL: We will be continuing to look at maps, atlases and other resources to help us identify co-ordinates, compass points, grid references and how to use a key. 


World book day is Thursday 1st March, all children are invited to come in to school dressed as a character from a book. 

PE days are Monday and Tuesday. 

Please have wellies in school on Thursdays. 

Please remember to update and bring in your reading records. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 19th February 


Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term! We hope you had a lovely, relaxing break.


Maths: next week we will be continuing to look at fractions, we will now focus on finding fractions of amounts by dividing by the denominator (bottom number) and multiplying by the numerator (top number). 

Reading: next week we will be studying non-fiction texts (factual), we will learn how to find information quickly and easily and extract it from the text. We will be doing some of these lessons alongside our English lessons. 

English: next week we are looking at writing no-fiction texts about countries. The particular skills we will be focusing on are looking at the features of non-fiction texts.

Project: our new topic is 'Where in the World...'. We will launch our topic by focusing on map skills and co-ordinates. 

Reminders: PE days are Monday and Tuesday, woodlands lessons are on Thursday's. 

Week beginning 5th February


Maths: Next week maths lessons will involve looking at fractions some more. We will build on the knowledge we already have of simplifying fractions and we will look at adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. 

English: Next week we will be using our knowledge about litter in the seas and oceans to write a persuasive piece. This will be in groups and worked on as a presentation. We will look at persuasive techniques for writing. 

Reading: Next week we will finish our book 'Why the Whales Came'. We will be looking at our inference skills and how we can infer what a character thinks and feels. We will also look at inferring character motives and actions. 

Project: Next week is exhibition week! Please join us on Tuesday 6th February in the Junior School Hall from 2:50pm to see our fantastic art work and other information on litter in our seas and oceans. 



PE days are Monday and Tuesday, please have full PE kit in on these days. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 29th January


Maths: next week we will be continuing to look at fractions. We will be comparing equivalent fractions (1/2=2/4), reducing fractions (3/9 can be simplified to 1/3) and identifying what a fraction represents. 


English: next week we will continue using the story of 'Flotsam' as a basis for our writing. We will be adapting the story to make it our own. The skills we will focus on are; using fronted adverbials, including conjunctions to join clauses and using adventurous vocabulary.  


Reading: 'Why the Whales Came' continues this week and we will be looking at author intent. We will look at why certain vocabulary choices have been made. What images do these words create? How does this section make us feel?


PBL: this week we start our environmental focus in our 'Blue Abyss' topic. We are going to be looking at the environmental factors which are affecting our seas and oceans. 



PE days and Monday and Tuesday from now on. Please have full PE kit in on these days. 

Please could we have your litter!! For our art project we will be using litter and would greatly appreciate having some donations, crisp packets, bottles etc. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 22nd January 


We had a wonderful time at Brighton's Sea Life Centre on Tuesday and Thursday, we hope you have enjoyed hearing all of the amazing facts the children learnt!


Maths: this week we will be looking at tenths and hundredths in decimals and fractions. We will be comparing between them and looking at how they can be represented in picture form. 

English: this week we will be continuing to look at our 'Flotsam' story and will be writing a paragraph each day. We have 'boxed up' the story into sections (beginning, build-up, problem/shock, resolution,ending) so we will write them in these sections. 

Reading: this week our book begins to look at the war, we will be making comparisons between how Gracie's father feels before and after the war. We will look at sumarising the main points to help us make these comparisons. 
PBL: we will be look at adaptation this week in project lessons and learning how different species have changed over time. 


Please could we have donations of litter (yes really)!

As part of our project we will be making a piece of art work to put across the message about how pollution is damaging the oceans. We are going to do this using litter! 


End of project exhibition

On Tuesday 6th February will be having an art exhibition to show you some of our creations, please join us in the school hall from 2:30pm-3:10pm to look at our fantastic work! 



PE days are Monday and Tuesday from now on, please have full PE kit in on these days. 

Please have wellies in for woodlands on Thursdays.


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 8th January 

Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplication. We will focus on written methods for multiplication, including 'grid method' and 'expanded method'. We will be looking at 2 digits x 1 digit and 3 digits x 1 digit. 

Reading: This week we will be launching our book 'Why The Whales Came'. We will be making predictions and looking into the characters in the book and how they feel. We will use our deduction and inducing skills to find this out.

English: This week we will be studying the book 'Flotsam'.

PBL: Our topic this half term is 'Blue Abyss', this involves looking into the world's seas and ocean, discovering what makes them function and why they are so fascinating. 


On Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th January we will be visiting the Sea Life Centre in Brighton. We would love some parent volunteers to join us.  Please email Miss Axelsen if you would be interested.



Our PE days for the rest of this year will be Monday and Tuesday. Please have full PE kit in on both of these days.

Please have wellies for woodlands on Thursday's.

Week Beginning 18th December 2017


Maths: This week we will be focusing on counting and place value with a Christmas theme.


English: This week we will focusing on the new John Lewis advert! We will be writing our persuasive letter to Moz the monster, encouraging him to come out from underneath the bed!


Reading: This week we will be focusing on Christmas comprehension! Answering questions based on a Christmas information piece.


PBL: We will be finishing our topic of the Ancient Egyptians, finishing the painting and decorating our canopic jars, which we made out of clay. We will also be getting into the Christmas mood!



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.


19th December at 6:30-School Christmas Carol Concert


Wednesday 20th December-last full day of term.


Thursday 21st December-Inset day.


Year 4 Assemblies

We were so proud of the year 4 assemblies that happened this week. The children were exceptional and did a really good job. It was lovely to see so many parents and carers there and thank you for your support.















Samuel P




Week Beginning 11th December 2017


Maths: This week we will be focusing on rounding, word problems and balancing equations. We will be revisiting and recapping our learning and skills that were previously taught.


English: This week we will focusing on the new John Lewis advert! We will be learning all about persuasive writing and the techniques we could use when writing a letter to the monster that lives under our bed persuading him to come out!


Reading: This week we will be focusing on poetry, looking at key features such as similes, personification, alliteration and powerful adjectives. We will also be looking at different types of poetry including free verse and narrative.


PBL: We will be continuing to focus on our topic of the Ancient Egyptians, painting and decorating our canopic jars, which we made out of clay last week. We will also be getting into the Christmas mood! Making our Christmas hats for the Christmas meal and Christmas cards!



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.


Thursday 14th December-Christmas lunch with the staff and children at the juniors.


Wednesday 20th December-last full day of term.


Thursday 21st December-Inset day.













Samuel K





Week Beginning 4th December 2017


Assessments Week:

This week we have assessment week where the children will wow us with all their skills and knowledge in writing, mathematics, reading and Spelling Punctuation and Grammar.


Maths: This week we will be focusing on missing number problems, using the skills we have learnt to help us work out the answer.

We will also be balancing equations.


English: This week we will be looking at our wonderful non-chronological reports and looking at ways to improve them. We will also be looking at determiners; these are the words that come before the noun.


Reading: This week we will be thinking about and reflecting on our focus reading text. From these discussions we will then complete an in depth book review.


PBL: We really enjoyed our mummification of a fish with Mrs Chandler, it was fantastic! We will also be continuing to design and create our very own canopic jars from clay.



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.

Brrrrrrr! It’s cold! As the weather gets chillier please ensure your child has a coat and preferably a hat, gloves and scarf in school every day.


Christmas Making Day 1st December

A big thank you to all the parents and helpers who made our Christmas making day a huge success! Our angels, reindeers, Santa’s and hats look fabulous.


Thank you so much for your generous support and donations for our Christmas fair!


Week Beginning 27th November


Maths: This week we will be focusing on our times tables and multiplication. We will be working on strategies to find the answer, including arrays and using concrete counting equipment.


English: This week we will be planning and writing our own non-chronological report, using and applying our knowledge of paragraphs. We will be building up our report by writing a new paragraph each day, finishing with a fantastic non-chronological report of our very own!


Reading: We are coming to the end of our topic book 'The Time Travelling Cat and The Egyptian Goddess' and the story is getting very exciting! How is it going to end? We will continue to read through our chapters and focus on our comprehension and understanding of the text. We will be using our skills in inference and our knowledge of the book to answer some very thought provoking questions.


PBL: We will be continuing to focus on our topic of the Ancient Egyptians. We will be focusing on mummification! We will also be designing and creating our very own canopic jars from clay.



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.


Christmas Making Day 1st December

Please could you continue to bring in empty kitchen roll tubes in preparation for our Christmas making day. Many thanks for your continued support.


Junior Christmas Making Afternoon

On Friday 1st we will have our annual Christmas Making Afternoon in the Juniors from 13:45 - 15:15.

This is an opportunity to come and participate in Christmas craft activities with your children.

Please come to the main office to sign in. Hopefully see you there!


Thank you so much for your generous support and donations for our Christmas fair!













Week Beginning 20th November


Maths: This week we will be consolidating all the fantastic learning and skills we have developed over the last few weeks. We will pay particular focus to our multiplication and division of 10, 100 and 1000.


English: This week we will be focusing on non-chronological reports and looking at the use of paragraphs within these reports.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'The Time Travelling Cat and The Egyptian Goddess'. We will continue to read through our chapters and focus on our comprehension and understanding of the text. We will be using our skills of comparison and discussing in detail the descriptions that the Author uses and how these help us to picture in our minds the story.


PBL: We will be continuing to explore and learn about the fascinating Ancient Egyptians. We will focus in particular on the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. We will also be playing Egypt’s got Talent!



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.


Christmas Making Day 1st December

Please could you bring in empty kitchen roll tubes in preparation for our Christmas making day. Many thanks for your continued support.


Thank you so much for your generous support and donations for our Anti-Bullying and Children in Need.













Week Beginning 13th November


Maths: This week we will be focusing on time and the conversions between minutes and hours. We will also be looking at days, months, and years.


English: This week we will be continuing our study of our story based on our topic of Ancient Egypt, we will be revisiting the skills and features we learnt in particular adverbial phrases and adverbs. We will be changing one part of our story and re-writing it with this new change.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'The Time Travelling Cat and The Egyptian Goddess'. We will continue to read through our chapters and focus on our comprehension and understanding of the text. We will be using our skills of inference and description to answer key questions.


PBL: We will be continuing to explore and learn about the fascinating Ancient Egyptians. We will focus in particular on the pyramids! We will also look at special artefacts, their purpose and uses.



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.


Christmas Making Day 1st December

Please could you bring in empty kitchen roll tubes in preparation for our Christmas making day. Many thanks for your continued support.


Up and coming events at our School:


Anti-Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017

Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to show their support for anti-bullying.


Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017

Dress up in spots!

With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.


















Week Beginning 6th November


Maths: This week we will be studying measurement (converting between units) looking at multiplying and dividing with 10, 100 and 1000.


English: This week we will be continuing our study of our story based on our topic of Ancient Egypt, we will looking in particular at similes and using the skills and techniques we learnt last week to plan and re-write our story from memory.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our new book 'The Time Travelling Cat and The Egyptian Goddess'. We will continue to read through our chapters and be looking in particular at verb choices and character descriptions.


PBL: We will be continuing to explore and learn about the fascinating Ancient Egyptians. We will focus in particular on the Nile River, fact finding and mapping out the Nile with all its twists and turns.


Thank you so much for all your generous gifts that were donated on Friday for our parent presents, our bags at the front of our classrooms were overflowing!



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.


Egyptian Day for Year 4 Friday 10th November

Please remember to dress up in Egyptian clothing and we really look forward to our exciting work shop during the day as well as lots of fun filled activities!


Christmas Making Day 1st December

Please could you bring in empty kitchen roll tubes in preparation for our Christmas making day. Many thanks for your continued support.


Up and coming events at our School:


Poppy Day!

From Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November we will be selling poppies and other items in aid of The Poppy Appeal at both the infant and junior sites.


Anti-Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017

Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to show their support for anti-bullying.


Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017

Dress up in spots!

With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.


















A new spelling list of 10 words was sent home on Friday last week. Your children will need to learn and practice these words ready for their spelling test on Thursday this week. A new list will then be sent out on Friday this week and the cycle will repeat.


If you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher.


The Year 4 Team

Week Beginning 30th October


Maths: This week we will be looking at perimeter, the children will learn how to find the perimeter of an object by adding together the length of the outside edges. 


English: This week we will be studying a story based on our topic of Ancient Egypt, we will look at the skills and techniques used in the writing which engage the reader. 


Reading: Our new book is 'The Time Travelling Cat and They Egyptian Goddess'. We will begin by making predictions and looking into author technique for describing characters. 


PBL: We launch our Ancient Egyptians topic this half term! We will start off by looking into the time periods of Ancient Egyptians, where Egypt is and how this time in history began. 



Please have wellies in school on Thursdays for our woodlands sessions. 

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Friday.


Up and coming events at our School:


Poppy Day!

From Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November we will be selling poppies for £1.00 each, in aid of The Poppy Appeal at both the infant and junior sites.


Anti Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to show their support for anti bullying.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.

4A 4B 4C 4R













Unfortunately, the Year 4's have not been given their new spellings to learn for this week, we apologise for this. On Thursday 19th October, in Year 4 we will discuss the spelling homework format and we will remind the children of the strategies which can be used to learn spellings. A new spelling list of 10 words will be sent home to learn on the Friday after half term and the children will be quizzed on the following Thursday. 


If you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher.


The Year 4 Team

Week Beginning 16th October


English: This week we are continuing with diary writing, we are focusing on recent events and writing a diary around a recent natural disaster. Our focus will be on using past tense, first person, time conjunctions, emotive language and our senses within our writing.

Maths: This week we will pull together our knowledge of subtraction and addition. We will look at how to use the inverse operation to check our work, 2 step problem solving, reasoning and using rounding to estimate answers. 

Reading: The Demon Dentist is coming to the end, we are going to finish the book and analyse the language and word choice which has been used throughout. We will also complete a book review and comparison to other work. 

PBL: Burps, Bottoms and Bile has been a wonderful topic and we are finishing with video presentations about The Digestive System, a saliva experiment and how food changes to different states within the digestive system. 



PE days are Tuesday and Friday, please have wellies in for Thursdays. 

The Halloween Disco is from 4:45pm until 5:45pm in the Junior School Hall. Entry is £2 and sweets are 50p.

On Thursday 19th October you are invited to 'Look around the classroom' from 3:30pm until 4pm. You will be able to see some of the work your child has produced so far in Year 4. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 9th October 2017


Maths: This week we will be looking at subtraction, similarly to last week we will begin with revising some mental methods for subtraction (partitioning, number lines, near halves, near multiples) and will then move on to the formal written method of column subtraction. We will look at number which require us to exchange (previously known as borrowing) and will use our skills to problem solve and reason. 

English: This week we will be writing a diary entry on a recent natural disaster. Our writing focus will be on using first person (I), writing in the past tense and using chronological order.

PBL: We are continuing with our digestive system learning this week, we will be creating a factual digestive system on aprons and will present our findings and knowledge to our class. 

Reading: We will continue looking at Demon Dentist and analysing some of David Walliams' writing techniques. We will particularly focus on his presentation within the book and humour. 



A letter went out on Tuesday regarding the Year 4 residential trip to Ufton Court in June, if you need another letter please speak to The School Office. Please hand slips in by Friday 20th October. 

PE days are Tuesday and Friday - please have PE kit in on these days.

Please have wellies for the woodlands on Thursdays.


Year 4 Team

Week beginning 2nd October


Maths: This week we will be looking at addition, beginning with mental methods for addition and moving on to the written columnar method. This weeks addition learning will also include problem solving.


English: This week we will be working on our grammar skills so we can improve our writing. Our lessons will look at adverbs to express time and cause as well as using the perfect form of verbs for past tense.




Reading: As the Demon Dentist continues we are going to look back at how to infer infer from the text. We will focus on the character of Miss Root and look at strategies David Walliams has used to convey her character to the readers.



PE days are Tuesday and Friday this half term, please have PE kits in school on these days.


Home work has been temporarily suspended (please see letter from MR Gale), children can still access RMEasimaths at home and are welcome to do as much as they would like on this. Times tables and spellings can still be worked on at home, please ask your child's class teacher if you would like some more ideas on this.


The Year 4 Residential evening is Tuesday 3rd October at 6:30pm in the Junior School Hall, please join us for information on the residential trip Year 4 will be going on in June.


Week Beginning 25th September


Maths: This week will start with using problem solving skills to answer place value questions, this will involve studying questions which have been answered incorrectly and looking at where they have gone wrong. Towards the end of the week we will look at negative numbers. We will be counting backwards beyond 0 and studying what these numbers look like and what value they hold.


English: This week we will be writing our own stories based on everything we have learnt over the last few weeks. We will continue to focus on using accurate capital letters and full stops, interesting adjectives and including adverbs in our writing. 


Reading: As the Demon Dentist continues we get to a particularly exciting few chapters involving 'a chase' the children will be piecing together the sequence of events and plotting their actions and journey. We will also be answering comprehension questions based on the text.


PBL: We begin looking at the digestive system this week. We will find out about how this system works in our bodies and it's functions. 



Please have PE kits in for Tuesday and Friday. 

RM Easimaths needs to be completed by Thursdays. Year 4 children are required to complete 15 minutes each week (one session). If you have any problems with the website then please speak to your child's class teacher. 

Spellings will not be tested weekly in school. Please see the Homework Policy for more details.


The Year 4 Residential Information Evening is on Tuesday 3rd October at 6:30pm in Junior School Hall. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 18th September


Maths: This week we will be looking at identifying and representing numbers using different forms (we will use dienes and place value counters as well as pictorials). We will also be looking at rounding towards the end of the week. We will look at rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000. 


Reading: Demon Dentist continues this week and we are focusing on character motives. We will look at why they are making certain choices and the affect this has on the other characters. 


English: We will continue to look at our own version of 'The Demon Dentist' and will begin making adaptations to the story. We will remain focused on our use of adjectives and adverbs to create an interesting and grammatically effective story. 


PBL: We continue to look at the human body with a focus on teeth. We will be using marshmallows to create a mould of different teeth. Our next stop for the human body exploration is the digestive system. 



PE days are Tuesday and Friday for this half term, please have PE kits in school for these days. 

Please have wellies in for the woodlands sessions on Thursdays. 


The Year 4 Team

Week beginning 11th September 2017


Maths: This week in maths we will be looking at place value, this involves looking at the value of where the digits are placed within a number. This week focuses on the value of digits in thousands numbers and being able to compare and order numbers. 


English: This week we will be starting our first 'talk for writing' tale based on our reading book 'The Demon Dentist'. We will be using our fabulous knowledge of adjectives to describe what we can see in pictures. We will also be looking at the use of adverbs in our writing to add extra detail. We will also keep referring back to the correct use of our capital letters and full stops. 


PBL: This half term our project is 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile'! The children are very excited and can't wait to find out about the way our body works. Our particular focus this week is on teeth. We will be looking in particular at the names and features of our teeth, the causes and preventions of plaque and we will even be making our own teeth model using marshmallows! We are all extremely excited about this new topic and will surely be fully qualified dentists by the end of it!


Reading: Our book for this half term is 'Demon Dentist' by David Walliams. We have begun the book already and started to discover why Alfie is quite so scared of the dentist! This week we will be studying the characters; we will look at their descriptions and what this tells us about them. 


Reminders/important information:

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday, please have full PE kit in school on both of these days - any information on PE kits can be found in our uniform policy. 

We will be exploring the woodlands this half term so please have wellington boots in school for this. 


Teeth investigation - On Tuesday we will be carrying out an investigation into our teeth! Please could all children bring in their toothbrush for this! 



The Year 4 Team

Welcome back and a very warm welcome to Year 4! We have had a wonderful start to the year and the children have shown off their beautiful manners, excellent attitude to work and their helpful, kind nature. It is lovely to have you all with us. 


The Year Group blog is a place for staff to communicate with parents about the learning each week as well as giving any reminders or information needed. 


Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday for this half term. 


We will be visiting the woodlands so please have wellington boots in school. 


Our end of day timings have changed this year, please collect your child from outside their classroom at 3.20pm. 


We hope you have a wonderful year with us. 


The Year 4 Team
