
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Year 3

We can’t really believe that it is the last week of Year 3! Your children have been amazing. Thank you for coming to our assemblies this week. The children loved having you as an audience and were great at delivering their lines, songs and dances. They will be bringing home all of their books, wellies and PE kits over the next few days, so please send in a strong bag to put them in.


Thank you for your support over this year. Have a restful holiday.


Year 3 Team



Week beginning 22nd July 2019



We are finishing our letters to persuade shops to reduce the use of plastic. 


We will recap some methods to multiply and divide and carry out some investigations.



We will talk about our favourite books and give recommendations for what to read over the summer holidays.




Check your child has all of their belongings including any lost property. There is no PE this week.











Congratulations. Our collaborative learners this week are:






Week beginning 15th July 2019



We are writing a persuasive letter to shops to tell them about the impact of plastic and encouraging them to reduce the packaging that they are using.


We will recap some methods to multiply and divide. We will do our timed timetable test.  



We are reviewing the book and thinking about the themes that Roald Dahl using in the book.  




Water bottles and sun hats are needed for break times. Please apply sun cream before school.


Summer assemblies
3K/3M- Thursday 18th July at 10.00

3EM/3G- Thursday 18th July at 2.15

Please come and hear about what we have been learning this year.  


It is Enterprise week. We will be thinking about market research, profit and loss and designing and making packaging. We will be selling our tray bakes on Thursday afternoon outside the classrooms.








Week beginning 8th July 2019



We are looking at the features of a letter and thinking about what persuasion is.    


We will recap some methods to add and subtract. We will solve problems involving addition and subtraction.



We are reading aloud with intonation, thinking about how the punctuation informs how we read.




Water bottles and sun hats are needed for break times. Please apply sun cream before school.

Book Swap Monday- see posters around school

It will be the last swimming session on Friday. All of the children have made great progress this term.








Week beginning 1st July 2019


Thank you to everyone that ‘Blinged’ their bike today. It was great to see all the different creations.



We are writing our own portal story, using all of the features we have looked at on our toolkit.   


We will continue to convert different measurements.



We are reading the next part of our book Charlie and the Chocolate factory.  We will focus on reading aloud and looking at punctuation.




Water bottles and sun hats are needed for break times. Please apply sun cream before school.

Week beginning 24th June 2019


We had a very successful visit to Mercers Lake. The children were great and really enjoyed the day. Thank you for organising transport for your child and sharing cars when it was necessary. 



We are looking at how authors describe settings and thinking about what needs to be included in a setting description.


We are measuring length and re-visiting perimeter. We will convert measures in m, cm and mm



We are looking at how Roald Dahl expresses his opinions about the characters that he has created. 




With the changing weather it is sensible to send in a waterproof coat every day.





Week beginning 17th June 2019



We are using our model story to write our own version. We will be including a detailed setting description.  


We are learning about capacity and we will be reading measures in litres and millilitres.   



We are thinking about how characters feel and how Roald Dahl builds suspense.   




Please ensure your child has sun cream applied before school and that they bring a hat and water bottle every day.


Mercers Lake

Can they please come dressed in tracksuit/shorts and trainers and bring swim wear, a towel and a pair of water shoes or old trainers which can be worn in the water.  All other equipment will be provided for your child.  If the weather is hot and sunny, please ensure that your child has had sun cream applied prior to the start of the trip and brings a sun hat with them.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink, especially if the weather conditions are hot.

Week beginning 10th June 2019



We are writing lists of descriptions with commas. We will be describing the setting using imaginative vocabulary.


As it is assessment week, we will be testing fractions, shape and measures that we have learnt in this term. The children will also have a timestable test.  



We are reading the next few chapters of the book and thinking about how Roald Dhal uses speech to describe characters and settings. The children will complete a reading test as part of assessment week.  




Please ensure your child has sun cream applied before school and that they bring a hat and water bottle every day.


We have had all of the replies for Mercers Lake but not all of the contributions. Please make a donation using the online system if you haven’t already and you are able to. Thank you.  







Summer 2


This half term we will be doing lots of cooking and preparing of food as our topic is Scrumdiddlyumptious. Please ensure your child’s allergy information is up to date at the office.


Thank you for your responses for our Mercers Lake trip.

If you are able to help, please let your child’s class teacher know.
Just a reminder that you have agreed to drop off and collect your child from Mercers Lake. If you are unable to take and collect your child from Mercers Lake or organise anyone else to, then please speak to Mrs Knight as soon as possible.
If your child attends breakfast or after school club, and you need them to travel to/from Mercers Lake in the minibus please let us know. We will not be able to take them on the minibus if you haven’t given us prior notice and permission.



Week beginning 3rd June 2019



We are looking at a new story that involves travelling through a portal to another world. We will look at how settings are described in different stories.


We will be measuring mass. We will compare, add and subtract mass in grams and kilograms.



We are making predictions about our new class book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.




Please ensure your child has sun cream applied before school and that they bring a hat and water bottle every day.


Please label any clothes, especially on swimming days. Swimming starts again this Friday (7th June).

Week beginning 20th May 2019



We are reading and writing some poetry based on natural disasters.


We are problem solving with fractions.



We are reading some poems.




Sports day is on Friday 24th May. Please come and join us for the morning of sports and stay for a picnic lunch. (Weather permitting)

Week beginning 13th May 2019


Thank you to everyone who has sent their replies for our trip to Mercers Lake. Please send back the sip and pay online. The deadline is 15th May. If there have not been enough voluntary contributions after this date, we will have to consider whether this has to be cancelled.



We are writing a newspaper report about the events in Pompeii AD 79 when Mount Vesuvius erupted. 


We are adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. 



We are finishing our story and thinking about what we can learn from the main character.




Swimming kits on Friday. Please name as many clothes as possible. We have already had trousers, pants and a t-shirt lost. Please look for shorts with combat pockets on the side. 2 children went home with the wrong shorts last week and only 1 pair have been returned. Please check your child has the correct clothes on a Friday evening. Thank you.







Sun Safety

At Earlswood, we acknowledge the importance of sun protection and want to work with parents and carers to ensure children are safe during periods of hot weather.


During the summer term, children will be taught to:

· Protect their head using a hat.

· Protect their skin using sunblock.

· Play in the shade.

· Drink lots of water.


To help support the children, we ask that parents and carers ensure:

· Children bring a hat to school everyday.

· Children have sunblock applied to their skin before coming to school.

· Children bring a water bottle everyday.


Thank you for your support with this.

Week beginning 7th May 2019


Don’t forget Monday is a Bank Holiday! School is closed.



We are planning and writing our own newspaper reports, using all of the features we have been learning. 


We are counting in tenths. We will place fractions on a number line. We will be finding fractions that make a whole.



We will continue to read our text ‘The Firework Makers Daughter’. We will summarise the action in the text.




Please send back Mercers Lake letters. If you have any problems getting your child to and from Mercers Lake, please talk to Mrs Knight.


Please ensure that you child has a water bottle in school.


With the weather being unpredictable at the moment, please make sure your child has a raincoat and a sun hat in school. 









Week beginning 29th April 2019


We hope that you enjoyed the break. It is good to see all the children back and ready for learning. Thank you for being organised with swimming kits.



We are looking at the key features of newspaper reports. We will be looking at writing in past tense and including an introduction and quote on our report.


We will be finding the perimeter of shapes.



We will continue to read our text ‘The Firework Makers Daughter’. We will look at how the characters are described and the language that the author uses.




This term PE in school, is only on Monday. It will be outside.
Our other PE session is swimming on Fridays.


With the weather being unpredictable, please make sure your child has a raincoat and a sun hat in school. 










It has been a great half term. It was great to see so many parents at open classroom today. This children loved showing you all of their art and other learning.


Week beginning 23rd April 2019


Our topic this term is Tremors. We will be learning about natural disasters including volcanoes and earthquakes. We will be looking at different types of rocks and how soil is formed.



We are going to be writing a newspaper report so we will be looking at the key features this week.


We will be naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical language.



Our new book is ‘The Firework Makers Daughter’ by Phillip Pulman. We will be predicting from the blurb and front cover.




This term PE in school, is only on Monday. It will be outside.
Our other PE session is swimming on Fridays.

Please make sure your child has swimming costume and a towel in school every Friday. If your child is nervous or has never been swimming before, please let the class teacher know before the first session. Children will be back in time for lunch.


Woodland sessions are on Wednesdays.







We have had a great week exploring the art of Barbara Hepworth. The children have really enjoyed all of the learning, especially the soap carving. Thank you to all of you that have donated soap and newspaper!


Week beginning 1st April 2019



We are writing a non-chronological report based on wolves. We are including headings and sub headings to organise the information.


We will look at quarter and half turns clockwise and anti-clockwise. We will describe angles in shapes.



We will continue our text ‘Stig of the Dump’. We are looking at how the author uses language and how problems are resolved.




Check the Lost property for any clothes that you have lost this term.


Next term we will be swimming on a Friday. You have all received a letter about this. Please make sure your child has swimming costume and a towel in school every Friday. If your child is nervous or has never been swimming before, please let the class teacher know before the first session. Children will be back in time for lunch.






Week beginning 25th March 2019


This week is art week. We will be creating sculptures based on the British artist Barbara Hepworth. You will be able to see our creations in the last week of term.



We are writing information about animals. We will look at the key features of information texts.


We will look at shapes, including describing lines as perpendicular, horizontal or vertical.



We will continue our text ‘Stig of the Dump’. We are looking at how the author builds suspense.




Art week- Children might get messy but they will have fun!
PE as usual on Monday and Friday
No woodlands this week










Week beginning 18th March 2019



We are planning our own finding tale, ready to read to Year 1.


We will calculate how much time has passed between events using a numberline.



We will continue our text ‘Stig of the Dump’. We are summarising what we have read in each chapter.  




No more shoe boxes needed! Thank you for sending them in.


Art week- For art week Year 3 need bars of soap. If you could donate a bar or two we would be very grateful. White soap would be best as we are carving it into a ‘stone’ sculpture. (3 for a £1 in poundland!) We will also need lots and lots newspaper and carrier bags!


Please ensure your child has wellies in school.








It was great to see all of the children dressed up in their World Book day costumes! They had great fun listening to a secret reader. The book fair will be here in a few weeks. 


Week beginning 11th March 2019


This week is assessment week. The children will be completing assessment in Reading, Spelling, punctuation and Grammar and Maths.



We are planning our finding tale, based on the Sandy Cove story that we have written.


We will complete assessments and revisit 24 hour clocks.



We will continue our text ‘Stig of the Dump’. We are thinking about the characters feelings and actions.




Just this week outdoor PE will be on Tuesday (12th) not Monday

We are having a book amnesty. This week please send in any school books so that we can audit them and then order some new ones. There will be no books going home this week. Please read any books you have at home with your child. 

Please send in shoe boxes for our computing project. Thank you for all the show boxes. We still need more!


Upcoming events

Red Nose day- Friday 15th March Children can wear red and bring a donation.

Art week- For art week Year 3 need bars of soap. If you could donate a bar or two we would be very grateful. We will also need lots and lots newspaper!










It has been a great start to our new topic ‘Tribal Tales’. The children enjoyed taking part in some stone-age activities to kick start our History learning.
This Friday (1st March) children can wear their own clothes and bring a donation of an Easter egg for our Easter fair.


Week beginning 3rd March 2019



We are starting a new adventure story called ‘The adventure at Sandy Cove’.


We are learning about time. How many minutes in an hour, days in a week, months in a year?



Our new book for this half term is Stig of the Dump by Clive King.




Please remember to send in PE kits including a carrier bag for muddy trainers (Monday PE will be on the field).

Please send in shoe boxes for our computing project.
World book day is on 6th March. Children can dress up as a book character for the day.








Spring 2


This half term our topic is ‘Tribal Tales’. We will be looking at the period in history from the Stone Age to Iron Age.



We are starting a new adventure story called ‘The adventure at Sandy Cove’.


We are learning about time. How many minutes in an hour, days in a week, months in a year?



Our new book for this half term is 'Stig of the Dump' by Clive King.




World Book Day

This year we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2019.

The theme this year is ‘Sharing a Story’ and we will be providing opportunities for children to share stories in class and for adults in school to share their favourite stories.

We are inviting children to come to school on Thursday 7th March dressed as a character from a book.


Please remember to send in PE kits including a carrier bag for muddy trainers (Monday PE will be on the field).


We will be going to the allotment and woodland this half term. Please ensure your child has wellington boots that fit them in school. 


Week beginning 11th February 2019


What a busy half term we have had. The children have completed lots of lovely learning. Please keep an eye out on the website for our 'Round the World singing and dancing'. 



We are writing a letter recount about our Wisley trip.


We are looking at data handling and will be solving problems about pictograms, bar charts and tables.



We are finishing our class book and writing a review.  




School finishes on Thursday 14th February for half term week.


Cross country trials are on Tuesday, you should have received a letter if they are taking part. Please speak to the office or Mr Blackman if you are unsure.







Week beginning 4th February 2019


We read our stories at the Infants this week. We really enjoyed reading with Year 1 and sharing our fantastic stories.



We are looking at the language features of a recount text and thinking about how they are used to engage the reader.



We are learning about statistics. We will interpret graphs and tables and think about how information is presented.



We are reading the last chapters of ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be reading aloud with fluency and intonation.




Valentine Disco is on 8th February.







Week beginning 28th January 2019


What a great day we all had at Wisley! Thank you to everyone that helped make it a successful trip. Even though it was cold, the children really enjoyed themselves.



We are learning a recount. We will look a the features that are included in a recount.



We are learning about money and will be finding ways to give change using our subtraction knowledge.



We are continuing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be looking at how the author shows the action in a story.




Numbers day is on 1st Feb. Children can wear something with numbers on. Or even wear a onesie or a tutu. A suggested donation of £1 to go to the NSPCC.


Cross country club continues to run on Monday lunchtimes. Please ensure that PE is in school, if they want to take part.


Breck’s Story

Tuesday 5th February 2018, 6.30pm

Junior School Hall


Guest speaker, Téa Staegemann  , will be talking about how Breck’s life ended when he met up with a man who he had first spoken to online.


Téa will offer advice for parents to support your family online.


If you would like to attend, please ask the school office for a form.

Week beginning 21st January 2019



We are writing our own river story, thinking about the journey that our boat will take. We will include description and prepositions to make our stories exciting.



We are learning about money. We will be adding coins and notes to find totals. We will record them as pounds and pence eg. £32 and 40p. 



We are continuing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be summarising the action in some of the chapters that we read. 


Trip to RHS Wisley

Thank you for the trip responses. If you are unsure about whether you are helping on the trip or not, please confirm with your child’s class teacher.

We are leaving at 9am on Thursday so please can you ensure your child is in school in time to register and go to the toilet before we leave. They will need a packed lunch and coat. Children should wear their school uniform including school shoes.





On Friday 25th January, we have a talk from SES water. The children will find out about how they can save water at home and in school.

Numbers day is on 1st Feb. Children can wear something with numbers on. Or even wear a onesie or a tutu. A suggested donation of £1 to go to the NSPCC.


Cross country club continues to run on Monday lunchtimes. Please ensure that PE is in school, if they want to take part.










Week beginning 14th January 2019


Thank you for sending back your reply slips and paying online for the trip to Wisley. If you still need to do this, please do so as soon as possible. We have now had plenty of offers of help and you should have received a note to say whether we need you to come with us or not. If you are unsure, please check with your child’s class teacher. Thank you.



We are planning our own River story and thinking about where we could include prepositions.



We are finding fractions of amounts for example ½ of 16. ¼ of 12. We will do this practically using objects.  



We are continuing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be looking at how the author uses description to interest the reader.




Spelling tests are on Thursday. I realise there was a bit of confusion over spellings last week. Hopefully this week will be clearer and everyone will get the spellings they need!


Next week Mr Blackman will be starting cross country club. If your child would like an opportunity to compete for the school cross country team OR an opportunity to take part in a running club to improve their own fitness please come along to our lunch time club. The club will run from Monday 14th January to Monday 25th February. Year 3 & 4 club will run 12.15-12.45pm. The children will eat lunch after training. They will need their PE kit, shoes suitable for use on the field and a water bottle


Don’t forget to encourage your child to complete their reading bingo challenge. If you need a new bingo card, let us know.


If you would like to come and read a book to the class as a secret reader, please let us know.








 Welcome back! We hope that you had a lovely break.
This half term we are learning about Our Wonderful World.  


Week beginning 7th January 2019



We are reading a new story based on a journey down a river. We will look at the prepositions that are used to move the story on. 



We are learning about fractions. We will count in tenths and compare and order fractions with small denominators. 



We have started our new book 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We will infer characters feelings from their actions.



Please send in the letter for the trip and pay online if you have not already done so. Thank you for all the offers of help. We will let you know next week if we need you to accompany us. 


Please send in PE kits and wellies as soon as possible. 


Thank you







Week beginning 17th December


Thank you for supporting our Christmas assembly. The children loved having you as an audience and it was great to see them all confidently performing their songs. 



We will finish our poetry work and publish it to be displayed.



We will be solving multiplication and division problems.  



We are reading some news articles and scanning for information in them.  





On Wednesday we will be having our Greek Feast. The children are invited to dress up as an ancient Greek. Please make sure their clothes are weather appropriate or they have something warm to put on during playtime and lunchtime. 


School finishes on Wednesday 19th December at normal time- 3.20pm.


We hope that you have a lovely break. When we return in January, our topic will be Wonderful World. This includes a visit to RHS Wisley. If you have not returned the permission slip, please do so as soon as possible. We are still looking for helpers for this trip.


Merry Christmas!







Week beginning 10th December

It was great to see so many of you at Christmas making day. The children were all positive and created some fabulous decorations. 



We are creating our own poems based on the poem 'If I had Wings' by Pie Corbett. 



We will be continuing to work on division and will be solving division problems with remainders. 



We will finish and review our book 'The Beast of Olympus.'



Christmas sing-a long

Wednesday 12th December.

3K/3M at 9.15am

3EM/3G at 10am


On Wednesday 19th December we will be having our Greek Feast. The children can come dressed in Ancient Greek clothes.  








Week beginning 3rd December


This week is assessment week. We will be assessing the children on the learning that we have completed so far this term.



We are learning a poem and looking at the vocabulary that is used by the author.



We will be assessing calculation knowledge and testing timestables.



We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will think about how characters react to different situations.



Please come along to the Christmas Fair on Saturday, at the Infants from 12-2. It would be great to see you all there.


Christmas sing-a longs are fast approaching.

Ours will be on Wednesday 12th December.

3K/3M at 9am

3EM/3G at 10am

Please help your child to memorise their lines and practise saying them in a loud clear voice.

Week beginning 26th November



We are writing our own myths, using time signals, adjectives, powerful verbs and speech. 



We will look at division facts for the timestables that we are learning. If I know 6 x 4 = 24 then I know 24 ÷ 6 = 4. We will use place value counters to divide larger numbers by a single digit.



We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will be making predictions and answering questions about what we have read. 



This Friday (23rd Nov) children can wear their own clothes and bring a donation for the Christmas Fair. Year 3 children have been asked to fill a bag (provided). Please see previous letters for more detail.


Next Friday (30th November) is Christmas making afternoon. You are welcome to join us for an afternoon of making from 1.45-3.20.







Week beginning 19th November



We are innovating our own Midas story, changing the characters and setting. We will focus on including time signals and adjectives to show the mood of the story.



We will continue to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit through problem solving activities.



We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will be summarising what we have read.



Please let us know if you would like to be a secret reader. Come and read a favourite story in class. Please e-mail to arrange a date and time.







Week beginning 12th November


This week is Anti-bullying week. The theme this Year is Choose Respect. In Year 3 we are focussing on kindness to others and what respect looks like at Earlswood.



We are looking at the grammar in our Midas story and thinking about which techniques the author has used. We will start to plan our own story.



We will be multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit number. We will use place value counters to partition and we will make arrays.



We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will be thinking about how the characters act and feel.



Thank you for all of the names you have given of people to remember for our poppy display. I will post a picture of the display next week. 


The children can wear spots on Friday 16th November 2018 and bring a donation for Children in Need.


Please continue to bring in junk modelling for our DT project.




Week beginning 5th November


This week is Science Week. We will experimenting to develop our questioning and investigation skills. Please ensure your child has wellies in school as we will be visiting the woodlands as part of the week.


We will look at how the author has used grammar to make the story exciting. We will learn about time signals and how they move a story on.



We will be counting in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 and recalling facts for the 3, 4 and 8 timestables.



We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will skim and scan to find answers in the text.



We are making decoy vessels this term- Please send in any junk modelling you have, especially small cardboard boxes and cardboard tubes.


Please see the message below about our Remembrance Day display and consider if you have a name/s that we can include.

What a busy half term we have had. The children have all settled really well into Year 3 routines and have been producing some great work in all areas of the curriculum, which I am sure you enjoyed seeing today.


Next half term we are learning about the Ancient Greeks in our topic ‘Gods and Mortals’.


As part of the topic we will be creating some models, so we need small cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, small bottles, lids and yoghurt pots (cleaned please). Please save any suitable things from your recycling and send them into school. Thank you.


Week beginning 29th October


We are learning a Greek Myth- Midas, thinking about how he is described and what his character is like.



We are rounding numbers to estimate answers to calculations. We will be completing missing number problems which involve addition and subtraction.



We are starting a new book ‘Beasts of Olympus’. We are looking at how the author describes the characters and we'll be making predictions about the story.



Book Bingo- The children are really excited about the new Book Bingo challenge and prize. Please encourage them to read as often as possible in the holidays.


As part of promoting enjoyment for reading we are looking for parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, to read or share a story they love in school. If you would like to come into school as a 'Secret Reader' please let your child's teacher know and we will organise a time for you to share one of your favourite books.


PE continues to be on Mondays and Fridays next half term. Please ensure PE kits come into school on the first day back.





Week Beginning 15th October


Now we have learnt our narrative poem we will be looking at the speech and how it is used. We will be writing some direct speech and punctuating it with inverted commas.



We are subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers using the written column method. Children will use place value knowledge to begin subtracting at ones, then tens, then hundreds. They will learn to exchange from other columns when needed.



We are finishing our text ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick-King Smith. We are using our scanning skills to find answers to questions and we will summarise what we have read.



Please read the notice about our Book Bingo reading challenge and encourage your child to fill in their bingo card.


Please make sure your child have all of their things for half term. Take home PE kits for washing and return them on the first day back.

Juniors - Book Bingo Reading Challenge


  1. Your child will receive a bingo card in their Reading Record book
  2. They will need to read a book relating to each box on the card - please sign it each time they complete a book
  3. When the card has been completed they will receive a golden ticket and can collect a new bingo card
  4. The golden tickets will be placed into a box ready for the prize draw at the end of the school year.
  5. The winning 2 children from each year group, will be taken as a group to a matinee performance of the musical Matilda!


We are looking for mystery readers to come in to class and read to the children. If you would like to volunteer for this, please let your child's teacher know.

Week Beginning 8th October


We are learning a poem about a tiger and a zebra. We will be picking out the language that has been used and thinking about how the author has used a poem to tell a story.



We are Subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from 3 digit numbers and learning some mental methods for solving subtraction calculations. will use our place value knowledge to help us find the answers.



We are continuing our text ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick-King Smith. We are thinking about how the characters are feeling and how we know this. We will be reading aloud to develop our intonation and fluency.



The photographer will be in school on Friday. Please make sure that your child has their school jumper with them.


The Halloween Disco is on Friday (12th November). Please collect your child from school at the normal time then bring them back for the disco at 4.45.







Week Beginning 1st October


We are looking at the paragraphs that we have written and picking out good features of them. We will be inventing our own stories about an animal in danger. We will be focussing on using powerful adjectives and verbs to describe characters' appearance and actions.



We are adding 2 and 3 digit numbers using the written column method. Children will use place value knowledge to begin adding at ones, then tens, then hundreds.



We are continuing our text ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick-King Smith. We will look at how the author has used language and summarise what we have read.



There have been some problems with children logging onto RM Easimaths to complete their home learning. If you are having difficulty, please let your child’s class teacher know. Please note that the passwords and logins DO NOT contain spaces.


Spellings are tested on Thursday and new spellings will go out by Friday.


Please remember to encourage your child to read daily (or as often as possible). It is great to see lots of children doing this already and filling in the home contact books regularly. Thank you.







Week Beginning 24th September


We are writing our own version of the Tigress story. We will be thinking about using correct punctuation and have a focus on presentation of work.



We are adding on in 1’s, 10’s and 100’s using our place value knowledge to help us with mental strategies.



We are starting our new text ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick-King Smith. We will make prediction and look at how the characters are introduced.



Please send in PE kit on Mondays. Children do not come to school wearing their PE kit in Year 3. This includes trainers.






Week Beginning 17th September


We are looking at the features of our Tigress story. We will be writing in role, thinking about the feelings of the characters.


We will continue to look at place value, adding on in ones, tens and hundred. We will be counting in 4’s, 8’s and 50’s and 100’s. We will be re-capping the 2, 5 and 10 timestables.


We are finishing our book The Diary of a Killer Cat. We will be summarising and thinking about vocabulary that the author has used.


PE days are Monday and Friday. Children bring PE kit in a bag and change at school.

RM Easimaths logins are in your child's reading record. Please encourage them to complete 2 sessions per week. Spelling tests will be on Thursdays and new words will be sent home on Fridays.







Welcome to Year 3!

It has been a great start and all the children have come into school with great attitudes, ready for learning. I am sure the children will tell you about our 'Predator Attack' and searching for the clues that it left behind.



In Year 3 children bring PE kit in a separate bag to keep in school all week. Thank you if you have already sent this in, in a clearly named bag. Our PE days will be Monday and Friday.

Children will need wellington boots in school for when we visit the woodlands and allotment.

Please make sure all jumpers and cardigans are named.

Week Beginning 10th September


We will be learning a story about a tigress and also looking at facts about tigers alongside this. We will be looking at how characters are described in stories and what that tells us about them.


We are learning about the value of digits in numbers, counting on and back in 1's, 10's and 100's.


We will start our book- Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine. We will make predictions and look at the vocabulary that the author has used.


Welcome back!


Check our page each week to see what we will be learning.
