
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Intent

Enable all children to achieve throughout the curriculum 


At the Federation of Earlswood Schools we aim...

To provide a knowledge rich and coherent education, where all children are given opportunities to achieve their goals, in a community based on respect and kindness that develops  self worth and an understanding of the  world they live in.


Every child in our school is recognised as individual and unique. The ability to learn is underpinned in curriculum subject areas by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and vocabulary.  There are clear, identified end points in each phase of learning which build upon what has been taught before and gives pupils the required knowledge and skills for their next stage of learning.  


Our curriculum at Earlswood is not solely focused on academic subjects and achievement.  We provide pupils with rich learning experiences, educational visits, residentials, extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities. We want children to build knowledge of the wider world and leave us with strong cultural capital for their next stage of education.


We prepare each pupil with the skills and strategies needed to thrive and flourish in modern day world and the next stage of their education.  We ensure that our pupils know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.  


Alongside the teaching of knowledge, skills and vocabulary, here at the Federation of Earlswood Schools, we promote positive mental health and physical well being for each member of our school community.  


We have extensive grounds, including woodlands, a  pond and climbing areas.  We value the role that outdoor education has in a child’s development and incorporate outdoor learning into our broad and balanced curriculum.  We intend to give pupils a love and excitement for being outdoors and playing in their outdoor environment. 

Curriculum Implementation 

How is our curriculum taught at a subject and classroom level?

Subject Leadership

 The role of the subject leader is pivotal in the successful implementation of our curriculum. We enable all subject leaders to have the knowledge, expertise and practical skill to be able to lead their areas effectively. Each curriculum subject has a dedicated team with clear roles and responsibilities.  Subject leaders and leaders at all levels, including Governors, regularly review and quality assure the subject areas.


CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

In order to deliver the best and most up to date curriculum we provide staff with CPD in their subject specific areas of leadership or teaching role, which is research based.  We equip staff with the expert knowledge required to deliver the subjects that they teach.  Ongoing professional development and training is provided to ensure that our challenging curriculum requirements can be met.  Leaders enable curriculum expertise to develop across the school and teaching staff. 



The curriculum at Earlswood is carefully mapped out to ensure that pupils acquire knowledge, vocabulary and skills in a well-thought out and progressive manner in every curriculum subject ensuring coverage across each subject over time.  New learning is based upon what has been taught before and prepares pupils for what they will learn next. 



Assessment at Earlswood is used to shape future learning.  It is not excessive or onerous as it is part of the day-to-day cycle of teaching and learning in the classroom. Teachers ensure that pupils embed key concepts in their long-term memory.  Key skills and objectives for curriculum areas are revisited throughout the year and applied in different contexts.  Pupils revisit prior learning as an introduction to their new learning and this provides a context upon which pupils can integrate their ‘new knowledge’ into a wider context.  Assessments are reliable and are moderated to ensure that expected outcomes are fully understood by all staff.


Curriculum Impact


We are proud of our curriculum, which lays academic foundations and opportunities to achieve and aspire in the future, making our pupils positive members of the community with a strong sense of self.


Monitoring and Evaluation

 There is a robust monitoring cycle in place to measure the impact of the curriculum this is distributed at all levels of leadership. Dedicated time is given to subject teams to enable them to monitor and evaluate the standards in their subject. This information then informs the action plan for that curriculum area.


The Senior Leadership Team has overall responsibility for assessing the intent, implementation and impact of the whole curriculum that we offer here at Earlswood.  The senior leadership team will support staff in their roles and responsibilities through coaching and action planning. 

