A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week Beginning 18th September 2023
We are writing our won version of The Magic Paintbrush. We will use adjectives and our senses to describe the setting that our story takes place in.
We are reading the story 'Town Mouse, Country Mouse'. We are making sensible predictions and retrieving information from the text to answer questions.
We are learning about place value. We will partition numbers flexibly, write numbers in expanded form and place numbers on a number line.
Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about our rights and responsibilities.
We will think about the question 'What do some Christians say about God?'
We will think about the properties of materials. We will sort materials into groups.
We will think about how we keep safe online.
Thank you for reading at home with your child. When you read at home, please record it in the reading record. Children can earn clothes and accessories for their Reading Ted for every 50 reads that they complete. We will count home and school reads.
As part of our RE learning this half term there is an opportunity for someone to come and speak to the children about how they picture God. If you think you would be able to come and speak to the Year 2 children about this, or know someone who would be able to do this, then please let Mrs Knight know.
Week Beginning 11th September 2023
Welcome to Year 2! We have had a great start. The children have settled really well, even in the heat. We look forward to working with you and your children over the next year. Below you can read about the things they will be learning next week.
We are learning a story called the Magic Paintbrush. We will use our senses to describe a setting. We will use adjectives to make our writing exciting.
We are reading the story 'The Day The Crayons Quit!'. We are retrieving information from the text to answer questions.
We are learning about place value. We will partition numbers into tens and ones. We will write numbers in digits and words.
Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about our hopes and fears for the year.
We will think about the question 'What is an expert and a guide?'
We will learn about the seven continents and identify countries that are important to us.
We will think about how we keep safe online.
Reading books
All children should have a reading book. Please encourage your child to read each day. Books will be changed on Tuesdays.
PE days
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Water bottles
A gentle reminder that water bottles should contain water and not juice.
We will be going to the juniors on Thursdays this year for our music and outdoor PE session. On some weeks we will also visit the allotment, cooking room and woodlands. Please bring in some wellies for your child to use when we visit the allotment or woodlands.
Week Beginning 17th July 2023
We can't believe that it is the last week of the school year! It has been a great year and your children have worked really hard and deserve to feel proud for all they have achieved.
Thank you for all your support this year. We wish them every success as they head to the Junior School. Have a relaxing Summer!
We will write a poem.
We will read for pleasure and share our favourite stories.
We will be thinking about how to make a profit and why money is donated to charity. We will think about how the profits they make, will help others.
We will do some work on transition to the Junior School.
We will think about how to make a profit for a charity. We will create some advertising. We will plan how to make out product to sell.
Reading books
We are collecting in all reading books. Please look at home for any outstanding library books and reading scheme books and return to school. Children will not be bringing home school reading books this week.
Year 2 Summer assemblies
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our assemblies on Wednesday19th July
Honeybee and Dragonfly at 9.05
Froghopper and Millipede at 2.35
Bring your tissues!
Year 2 Summer Party
We are really looking forward to the Summer Party to celebrate the end of the Infant School for your child.
Please see communication about what they will need. They will need a change of clothes to warm up as the weather is not looking too good at the moment.
Enterprise week
We will be selling traditional lemonade and other lemony accessories in the playground on Wednesday afternoon. Please bring cash to pay for this. We are selling items for 50p each. We would love to sell out!
In order to make the most amount of money possible we were hoping that each child could provide a lemon to be squeezed. We have also tried contacting Sainsburys to see if they would donate lemons to us for this, but not had a response yet. If anyone has a contact in a local supermarket please ask them if they would like to donate lemons to support our enterprise week. We need around 100 lemons! We are raising money for St Catherine's Hospice.
Thank you
Your child will bring home their Y2 books this week. Please send in a bag suitable to carry them home. They will come home at the end of the week.
Please take home your child's wellies when convenient for you (before Wednesday if possible). If they are too small and you would like to donate them as spares for school, please let your child's class teacher know.
Week Beginning 10th July 2023
We have planned and now we will write our diary entry as a soldier in the Battle of Hastings.
We will finish our class book- Knight in Training- Dragons can't swim by Vivian French. We will summarise and review giving our opinions and making links with other books we have read.
We will be learning about statistics. We will be interpreting and drawing pictograms and bar charts.
We are thinking about changes. We will think about the changes there will be in Year 3 and the things that will be the same.
We will learn about the Battle of Hastings. We will re-enact the battle, thinking about the key events that happened.
We will think about how to make a profit for a charity. We will create some advertising. We will plan how to make out product to sell.
Please ensure your child has a hat everyday. Apply sun cream before school and provide a water bottle. Thank you
Enterprise week
We will be selling traditional lemonade. Please see communication for details.
In order to make the most amount of money possible we were hoping that each child could provide a lemon to be squeezed. We have also tried contacting Sainsburys to see if they would donate lemons to us for this product but not had a response yet. If anyone has a contact in a local supermarket please ask them if they would like to donate lemons to support our enterprise week. We need around 100 lemons! We are raising money for St Catherine's Hospice.
Thank you
Week Beginning 3rd July2023
We will write a diary imagining that we are at the Battle of Hastings.
We will be reading Knight in Training- Dragons can't swim by Vivian French. We will focus on inference.
We will be learning about statistics. We will collect some data and learn about how to present it. We will interpret pictograms and bar charts.
We are thinking about changes. We will think about the different types of touch. We will think about ones that we like and don't like.
We will learn about the Battle of Hastings. We will look at the Bayeux Tapestry and what it tells us about his period in history.
We will recreate part of the Bayeux Tapestry.
Spreadsheets- we will learn what columns and rows are. We will include images and allocate them a value. We will use the count tool to count items.
Please ensure your child has a hat everyday. Apply sun cream before school and provide a water bottle. Thank you
Enterprise week
We will be selling traditional lemonade. Please see communication for details.
Week Beginning 26th June 2023
The children will have the opportunity to do some free writing. They will be able to chose the style of writing they want to do.
We will be reading Knight in Training- Dragons can't swim by Vivian French. We will focus on retrieval and vocabulary.
We will be learning about statistics. We will collect some data and learn about how to present it. We will interpret pictograms and bar charts.
We are thinking about changes. We will think about the physical differences between girls and boys bodies. We will use correct scientific names to name the body parts. We will learn that some of our body parts are private to us.
We will learn about the Battle of Hastings. We will look at the coat of arms. We will think about the weapons that they had and the armour to protect them.
We will compare the plants what we have grown in different environments.
Spreadsheets- we will learn what columns and rows are. We will include images and allocate them a value. We will use the count tool to count items.
Please ensure your child has a hat everyday. Apply sun cream before school and provide a water bottle. Thank you
Parents meetings- it was lovely to share all of your children's achievements with you this week. Thank you for coming to the parents meetings.
Class swap day- Tuesday
Please take your child to the Junior School on Tuesday, where they will spend the day meeting their new teacher, classmates and seeing their new classrooms.
Week Beginning 17th June 2023
We are writing a suspense story this week.
We will be reading Knight in Training- Dragons can't swim by Vivian French. We will focus on inference and vocabulary
We will be learning about time. We will think about the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day.
We are thinking about changes. We will think about how our body has changed since we were a baby.
We will look at seeds and bulbs and think about how they grow.
Spreadsheets- we will learn what columns and rows are. We will include images and allocate them a value. We will use the count tool to count items.
Please ensure your child has a hat everyday. Apply sun cream before school and provide a water bottle. Thank you
Science- Please send in any spare seeds or bulbs. (We delayed this lesson from last week, so there is still time to have a rummage in your sheds and greenhouses for any spare seeds.)
Thank you
Parents meetings- If you haven't already booked, please sign up for a slot so we can celebrate all of the amazing learning your children have completed this year.
Week Beginning 12th June 2023
We will be writing a letter, writing a description and writing some instructions this week.
We will be reading Knight in Training- Dragons can't swim by Vivian French. We will focus on finding out is things are true or false and answer inference questions. We will look at the vocabulary used to describe the characters.
We will be learning about time. We will read and make quarter to and quarter past times on an analogue clock. We will think about telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
We are thinking about changes. We will think about the natural changes that happen as we grow from young to old. We will identify people who we respect who are older than us.
We will look at seeds and bulbs and think about how they grow.
Spreadsheets- we will learn what columns and rows are. We will include images and allocate them a value. We will use the count tool to count items.
Please help your child to tell the time on an analogue clock. Please focus on o'clock, hlaf past, quarter to and quarter past times. This could just be pointing them out on the clock during the day or reading clocks you see around our environment. Get them looking out for all the clocks out there!
Science- if you have any spare seeds or bulbs that we can have for our science lesson next week, please send them in on Monday. Thank you.
Week Beginning 6th June 2023
We will be writing about dragons. We will include details about its appearance, habitat and diet.
We will be reading Knight in Training- Dragons can't swim by Vivian French
We will learn about time. We will read and make o'clock and half past times on an analogue clock.
We are thinking about changes. We will look at the lifecycle of animals and plants.
We will think about the conditions a plant needs to be able to grow.
Week Beginning 22nd May 2023
We will be writing a portal story focussing on description and punctuation.
We will be reading a variety of texts and answering retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions.
We will learn about position and direction. We will use the term clockwise and anti-clockwise.
We are thinking about relationships. We will express our appreciation for people we care about.
We will think about if prayer is important to everyone.
Please check lost property boxes for any missing items.
Upcoming events- Sports day
We are looking forward to seeing lots of you on our sports day on 26th May (weather permitting). You should now know which event your child will begin at and the colour team to look out for.
Week Beginning 15th May 2023
This week we will be completing the KS1 SATs papers.
This will be done in smaller groups so the children have a quiet environment to work in.
We will be reading some poetry and writing our own poems.
We are thinking about relationships. We will think about the people we trust.
We will think about how different religions pray and why they pray.
We will compare 2 oceans.
We will sketch pictures of aircraft and think about our sketching techniques.
Please check at home for school books and bring them back if you find any. Thank you.
Upcoming events- Sports day
We are looking forward to seeing lots of you on our sports day on 26th May (weather permitting)
Week Beginning 9th May 2023
We will be reading a story called Flotsam by David Wiesner. We will look at how we can use descriptive language in poems and paragraphs.
We will be reading a variety of texts and practising answering retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions.
We will be practising our arithmetic skills. We will focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You can help your child by revising quick fire number facts to 20 and learning 2, 5 and 10 timestables with division facts.
We are thinking about relationships. We will think about the times it is OK to keep a secret and when it is not appropriate.
We will learn about Bessie Coleman.
We will find out about the 5 main oceans in the world.
Next week (week beginning 15.5.23) the children will be sitting their SATs papers on Monday to Thursday. If you or your child is concerned about this, then please speak to your child's class teacher.
Week Beginning 2nd May2023
We will be writing about our trip to Brooklands Museum.
We will be reading a variety of texts and practising answering retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions.
We will be learning about fractions. We will find three quarters of a number and count up in fractions.
We are thinking about relationships.
We will learn about the first flight.
We will learn about Bessie Coleman.
We are looking at researching using the internet.
The children and adults all enjoyed their trip last week. They all showed Earlswood SMILE expectations and were a credit to our school.
Week Beginning 24th April 2023
We will be writing our own recount, innovating each paragraph. We will also edit our work.
We will be reading a variety of texts and practising answering retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions.
We will be learning about fractions. We will find the whole. We will learn about unit fractions and non unit fractions.
We are thinking about relationships. We will think about the types of physical contact we have in our families. We will express our feelings about the physical contact that we like and dislike.
We will evaluate the final designs of the vehicles that we have made.
We are looking at researching using the internet.
We are looking forward to our trip on Thursday. Please ensure your child has a packed lunch and water in a backpack.
We hope that you have a nice relaxing break. We look forward to seeing you on the 17th April.
Week Beginning 17th April 2023
We will be writing a recount. We will think about chronological order and time conjunctions.
We will be reading a variety of texts and practising answering retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions.
We will be learning about fractions. We will recognise and find a half, a quarter and a third.
We are thinking about relationships. We will identify members of our family and recognise that all families are different.
We are designing and making vehicles. Please send in small boxes for this.
Please send in small boxes for our DT project.
If you are able to help on our trip, please let you class teacher know.
Week Beginning 27th March 2023
This week is STEM week. We are thinking about communication.
We will be writing a travel brochure, persuading people to go to Australia.
We will finish our class book The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. We will review what we have read.
We will be measuring amounts in litres. We will solve problems that involve measures. We will read temperatures from a scale.
We will be learning about keeping our bodies healthy.
We will think about how we communicate on line as part of our STEM week.
We will think about the Easter story and why it is important to Christians.
Please respond to our trip letter to Brooklands Museum. We currently do not have enough responses and may have to cancel.
It was lovely to see so many of you at our open classrooms. The children really loved showing you all of the hard work they have been doing.
Your child's report will go out this week.
Week Beginning 20th March 2023
We will write our own persuasive writing, using imperative verbs and description.
We will continue to read our class book The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.
We will be measuring in grams and kilograms. We will compare mass. We will measure in mili-litres.
We will be learning about keeping our bodies healthy.
We are learning some simple coding on Purple Mash. We will de-bug a programme.
We will think about the stories that we have heard this term and reflect on how people were changed when they met Jesus.
This week we will have a TTRS competition in school. Prizes and certificates are available. Please encourage you child to use the TTRS app.
Week Beginning 13th March 2023
We are starting some persuasive writing. We will look at the features of persuasion.
We will continue to read our class book The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.
We will finish our learning based around length and height. We will start to think about capacity and mass.
We will be learning about keeping our bodies healthy.
We are learning some simple coding on Purple Mash. We will de-bug a programme. We will include code to cause a collision.
We are looking at the story of when Jesus heals ten lepers. We will think about why Christians call God Saviour and think about how he rescued people.
Please see the separate letter sent his week about our trip to Brooklands Museum after the Easter holiday. We will need some adults to accompany us on this trip so please email your class teacher if you are able to help. Thank you
Easter donation day- Year 2 are bringing small toys or sweets in the bag provided.
Red Nose Day- Pease donate and wear red for this charity event
Week Beginning 6th March 2023
This week is assessment week.
We are continuing to write our own suspense story, innovating the original text.
We will complete 2 reading assessments this week
We will complete an arithmetic assessment and a reasoning assessment. We will do a times table quiz.
We will learn about where Australia is and some of the physical features of Australia. We will learn about the aboriginal people and special places to them.
We will be learning about keeping our bodies healthy.
We are learning some simple coding on Purple Mash. We will de-bug a programme. We will include code to cause a collision.
We are looking at the story of Zacheus. We will think about why Christians call God Saviour and think about how he rescued people.
Please encourage your child to complete at least 2 sessions of timestable rockstars each week. We are seeing a real difference with recall speeds of children who are using this programme regularly.
Please continue to read with your child as often as possible. At the front of the reading record you will find questions to ask them about what they have been reading. If you can record any of their responses to these questions, that would be a real help to us- but reading with them is the most important!
Thank you for your support with this.
Week Beginning 27th February 2023
We are writing paragraphs that include suspense. We will use conjunctions and show not tell in our writing.
We are continuing to read The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We will make retrieve information form the text and look at specific vocabulary.
We will measure in centimetres and metres. We will compare and order lengths.
We will learn about where Australia is and some of the physical features of Australia.
We will be learning about keeping our bodies healthy.
We are learning some simple coding on Purple Mash
We are looking at the story of the paralysed man that is in the Bible. We will think about why Christians call God Saviour and think about how he rescued people.
World Book Day
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday 1st March. Children are invited to come into school dressed up as a book character.
Have a relaxing break. Thank you for all your support this half term!
Our next topic is Australia.
Week Beginning 20th February 2023
We are writing a story that includes suspense. We will learn a new story and think about the vocabulary that is included in it.
This half term we are reading The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We will make predictions and think about the main characters.
We will multiply and divide by 5. We will revise the 10x table.
We will learn about food chains and think about how we stay healthy.
We will be learning about keeping our bodies healthy.
We are learning some simple coding on Purple Mash
Thank you for attending the Meetings this week about expectations at the end of Year 2. If you missed it the PowerPoint that we used will be on the website.
After half term our PE days will continue to be on Thursday and Friday.
Week Beginning 6th February 2023
We will finish our non-chronological reports and publish them. We will write a recount of our walk on Thursday.
We will finish our class book Mr Majeika. We will summarise what has happened and review the book.
We will be thinking about odd and even numbers. We will learn the 10xtable and divide by 10.
We are learning about exercise and hygiene. We will think about the offspring of animals and how they change.
We will reflect on how we can work together to achieve our goals.
We are learning about Islam. This week will we learn about Eid.
Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. We will complete a session on how we use the internet safely.
Wednesday- Express yourself day. Children are invited to wear clothes that they feel expresses who they are.
Our local walk is on Thursday. Please ensure your child has boots to wear as it is very muddy. You might want to include a change of trousers for when we return to school or provide waterproofs.
Week Beginning 30th January 2023
We are using our Science and Geography learning to write a non-chronological report about habitats.
We will continue our class book Mr Majeika. We will infer feelings from characters' actions.
We will doubling and halving numbers. We will learn the 2xtable and divide by 2.
We are learning about exercise and hygiene. We will think about the offspring of animals and how they change.
We will continue to think about how we can work together to achieve our goals. We will work in different group to design a special bird.
We are learning about Islam. This week will we learn about Ramadan.
We will learn about simple mechanisms and create a habitat scene that includes a lever or slider.
If you have a shoe box, please send it in for our DT project.
Week Beginning 23rd January 2023
We are using our Science and Geography learning to write a non-chronological report about habitats.
We will continue our class book Mr Majeika. We will retrieve information and identify key events from the text.
We will learning about arrays and using them to calculate simple multiplication calculations.
We are learning about the artist Henri Matisse. We will look at some of his pictures and think about how he changed his style in his later life. We will make a collage inspired by his work.
We will think about how we can work together to achieve our goals. We will work in different group to design a special bird.
We are learning about Islam. This week will we learn about the Quran.
Please remember to record you child's reading everyday.
Please remind your children not to bring toys, games or cards from home.
Future dates for your diary:
Year 2 SATs information evening Wednesday 8th February at 2.45pm and 6pm.
Year 2 Nature Walk of local area Thursday 9th February (weather permitting). We will need adult helpers for this.
Letters will be sent about these events soon.
Week Beginning 16th January 2023
We are writing our own journey story where the character will face a problem, then resolve it before heading home.
We will continue our class book Mr Majeika. We will infer and summarise key events from the text.
We will be solving problems that include money and start our learning about multiplication and division.
We are learning about weather and climate. We will find out about polar, equatorial and desert climates and find where they are located in the world.
We will think about how we can work together to achieve our goals and begin to learn a new skill in a group.
We are learning about Islam. This week will we learn about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Thank you for the responses to some new phonics, maths and writing clubs on offer in Year 2. Specific children have been invited to these clubs and we are sorry if you are disappointed that your child was not selected. If your child was invited and you have not responded, we are now offering their space to someone else. Please let us know today, if you wish to take the space. There will be more opportunities for clubs in the Summer Term.
Year 2 choir is now full and there will be a waiting list.
Future dates for your diary:
Year 2 SATs information evening Wednesday 8th February at 2.45pm and 6pm.
Year 2 Nature Walk of local area Thursday 9th February (weather permitting). We will need adult helpers for this.
Letters will be sent about these events soon.
Week Beginning 9th January 2023
We are learning a journey story about Pirate Tom. We are thinking about how description is used to give a picture to the reader.
We will continue our class book Mr Majeika. We will retrieve information from the text.
We will be working on using money and calculating with money.
We are learning about living things and their habitats. We will identify 4 habitats in our world and think about how animals adapt to live in them.
We will think about how we achieve our goals and what the small steps are to get to the end point.
Please remember to send in reading books daily and record reading that your child is doing at home.
Thank you so much for all of your support this term.
Have a lovely break and we will see you in 2023!
Week Beginning 3rd January 2023
We are going to learn a fiction story with a focus on writing description. We will think about our choice of adjectives.
We will start our class book Mr Majeika. We will make some predictions.
We will be working on using money and calculating with money.
We will learn about the artist Matisse and think about how he used scissors like a paintbrush before trying it ourselves.
We will think about setting our own goals and what our aspirations are.
Well done to everyone who earned clothes for their reading ted this term! Don't forget reading books the first day back. We will collect them mall in on Tuesday and children will have a new book to read on Wednesday 4th.
Our PE days continue to be on Thursday and Friday.
Week Beginning 12th December
We are writing instructions to explain how to do something
We will finish our class book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We will review the book and share our opinions.
We will continue to work on shape. We will sort and order shapes.
We will compare the 4 capital cities of the countries in Great Britain.
We will paint in the style of Kandinsky and compare his work to other artists.
We are thinking about how diverse we are and what makes friendships special.
We will be going to the woodlands on Friday. Please make sure your child has suitable outdoor clothing.
Thank you for all your support with the Nativity. It was lovely to see so many of you there enjoying it and supporting the children.
Please check the lost property for any missing items before Friday.
Week Beginning 5th December
We are writing our own instructions using conjunctions, prepositions and time conjunctions.
We will continue our class book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We will summarise what we have read.
We will continue to work on shape. We are thinking about the properties of 2D and 3D shape.
We will compare the 4 capital cities of the countries in Great Britain.
We will think about how we are similar and different to our friends.
Nativity Preparations
Our dress rehearsals have been very successful. We are looking forward to seeing lots of you at the performances on Monday and Tuesday.
Week Beginning 28th November
We are learning how to write clear instructions. We will be finding out how to trap a dragon!
We will continue our class book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We will look at the vocabulary in the story.
We will complete our learning on addition and subtraction and begin to look at shape.
We will look at the work of Kandinsky and think about how he uses colour compared to Jade Fadojutimi. We will continue with this this week.
We are exploring the programme 2paint. We will create a painting using the lines tool to create a picture inspired by Mondrian.
Christmas Making Morning- Wednesday 30th November
It is lovely that you can join us for Christmas Making Morning again. This is an opportunity to come into school and help your child to make some festive decorations. We look forward to seeing lots of you there. Children need to be in school uniform.
Nativity Preparations
Thank you for helping your child to learn their lines. Please remind them to shout them so that everyone can hear what they are saying.
We have most costumes in school already and will provide them for your child. If your child is a narrator or a traveller, please can you provide a plain t-shirt and plain leggings/joggers. A tea towel for their head is optional. Just to clarify, Narrators are also travellers.
If your child is an angel, please provide white leggings/joggers.
If you can not provide this, please let us know and we can help.
Please can costumes be in school by Wednesday, ready for our dress rehearsal.
Thank you
Parents meetings
Thank you to everyone who has met with us this week. Your child's targets will be in their reading records.
Week Beginning 21st November
We are writing our own finding tale based using all of the tools we have learnt.
We will continue our class book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We will summarise what we have read.
We will continue to add and subtract crossing tens.
We are thinking about how we recognise right and wrong and the decisions we make.
We will look at the work of Kandinsky and think about how he uses colour compared to Jade Fadojutimi
We are exploring the programme 2paint. We will create a painting using the collage tool to create surrealist pictures. .
Nativity Preparations
Thank you for helping your child to learn their lines. Please remind them to shout them so that everyone can hear what they are saying.
We have most costumes in school already and will provide them for your child. If your child is a narrator or a traveller, please can you provide a plain t-shirt and plain leggings/joggers.
If your child is an angel, please provide white leggings/joggers.
If you can not provide this, please let us know and we can help.
Thank you
Parents meetings
We are looking forward to seeing you on 22nd or 24th November for our first parent meetings. Please sign up for a virtual appointment if you haven't already.
We have a staff INSET day on Wednesday 23rd November. School is closed to children.
Anti-bullying Week
Odd Socks Day 14th November /Anti Bullying Week 14th November-18th November
On Monday 14th November we ask that children wear odd socks to mark the start of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (No donation is required). Odd Socks Day encourages us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us unique. During this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, we are encouraging the children to ‘Reach Out’ for help if they or they know someone who is experiencing bullying. Thank you for your support with these special events.
Week Beginning 14th November
We are writing our own finding tale based on The Bear and the Piano. We will think about how we describe our main character.
We will continue our class book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We will infer how the characters are feeling and retrieve information from the text.
We will add and subtract two 2-digit numbers, crossing tens.
We are thinking about what bullying is and what we do if we feel unsafe.
We will mix colours to explore the colour wheel. We are finding out about the British artist Jade Fadojutimi. She uses colour to express her feeling. On Wednesday we will have a big art day! The children will need a shirt or large t-shirt to cover their clothes.
We are exploring the programme 2paint. We will create a painting using pointillism.
Monday 14th November
Odd socks day- Wear odd socks to celebrate our differences.
Wednesday 16th November
Children will need a shirt or t-shirt to cover their clothes for our big art day.
If you have any large decorating brushes that you no longer need, please send them in to school.
Friday 18th November
Children in Need- wear spots and make a donation
Parents meetings
We are looking forward to seeing you on 22nd or 24th November for our first parent meetings. Please sign up for a virtual appointment if you haven't already.
We have a staff INSET day on Wednesday 23rd November. School is closed to children.
Week Beginning 7th November
This week is our assessment week.
The children will have assessments in reading and maths.
We are continuing to learn our story about the Bear and the Piano. We will look at the vocabulary used and think about how the writer has used adverbs and description to show what the character is like.
We will continue our class book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We will summarise what we have read.
We will add two 2-digit numbers, crossing tens.
We are thinking about how we make assumptions about people (stereotypes) and the differences we have.
We are finding out about the Gunpowder Plot. We will look at when and where it was, why it happened and what happened after.
We are exploring the programme 2paint. We will create an impressionist painting.
Wellies and coats need to be at school every day.
Anti-bullying Week
Odd Socks Day 14th November /Anti Bullying Week 14th November-18th November
On Monday 14th November we ask that children wear odd socks to mark the start of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (No donation is required). Odd Socks Day encourages us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us unique. During this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, we are encouraging the children to ‘Reach Out’ for help if they or they know someone who is experiencing bullying. Thank you for your support with these special events.
Week Beginning 31st October
Welcome back! This half term our topic is Colour. We are starting with Sculpture Week
We are learning a finding tale and focussing on character description. We will use adjectives and similes to describe the characters.
We will start our new class book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We will make some predictions.
We will focus on subtraction this week. We will subtract from 10 and add across 10.
Sculpture Week
We are looking at the artist Anthony Caro. We will create small and large pieces after reflecting on his sculptures.
Please remember to bring reading books to change.
Wellies and coats need to be at school every day.
Week Beginning 17th October
We are writing our own persuasive letters using all of the skills that we have learnt.
This week we are finishing the story Katie's Picture Show. We will be using our inference and summarising.
We will focus on addition this week. We will add to the next 10 and add across 10.
We will recognise the different choices that we can make.
Design Technology
We will make our bags for the reading teds.
We will look at Why the Bible is important to Christians.
We will look at how to use the internet safely.
Thank you for all the donations of cardboard. We will be using these for our sculpture week, which is the first week back after half term.
Enjoy your half term week (week beginning 24.10.22) We will see you back at school in 31st October
Week Beginning 10th October
This week is Feeling Good Week.
We will be thinking about how we can feel proud of ourselves and how we express who we are, promoting a sense of belonging.
We are learning the story the Day the Crayons Quit. We will complete some short burst writing and begin to innovate our own letters.
This week we are reading the story Katie's Picture Show. We will be using our retrieval, inference and prediction skills.
We will continue our learning about addition and subtraction. We will add to 100 using 10s and add and subtract ones.
We will think about what we are proud of and think about how we belong. This is part of our feeling good week activities.
Design Technology
We will complete our design and cut materials to make our bags for the reading teds.
School Photos- remember to wear school uniform and look smart for your individual photos. They will be on Wednesday and Thursday.
Please encourage your child to use Timestable Rockstars as often as possible. We expect all children to complete a session each week. We see the best results from children who are doing this more often. Thank you.
Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.
There are still places in the choir for Year 2 children. If your child is interested, please fill in the online form. It runs on Tuesdays after school until 3.45.
Week Beginning 3rd October
We are reading the story the Day the Crayons Quit. We will look at how a letter is set out and the features of persuasive language.
This week we are reading and comparing different versions of Town Mouse, Country Mouse and thinking about the vocabulary that is used.
We will have a place value quiz. We will start our learning about addition and subtraction with a focus on our number bonds to 10.
We will think about how our actions have positive and negative consequences.
Design Technology
We will think about the skill we need to make a back pack for the reading teds.
Mad Hatter Day- Thursday 6th October
The children will have a special lunch and they can wear a hat to school.
Your child should be bringing home a reading for pleasure book that they can share with you. These books are not at their reading level and we do not expect the children to read them independently.
They should be reading their levelled book for at least 10 minutes each day.
Week Beginning 27th September
This week is The Great Big Green Week
We are writing our own magic paintbrush story. We will use adjectives and senses to describe the setting in our own story.
This week we will be continuing to read Town Mouse, Country Mouse. We will think about the vocabulary in the book and make some comparisons.
We will compare and order numbers. We will count in 2s, 5s and 10s.
We will think about rewards and consequences.
We will investigate materials and find out which ones change shape, which is the stickiest and which materials are waterproof.
We will use a compass to find North, South, East and West and play a simple game
We will think about the hygiene rules in the kitchen
We are completing some messy science experiments this week. If you are able to donate one of the following, please do so by Monday. Thank you
Raspberry / Strawberry Jam
Golden Syrups
Green Week
This week is Green Week. We will think about our environment and how we can be more sustainable. The children are invited to wear green on Friday to mark the importnace of this week.
We will be going to the Junior site every Friday for PE, Music and either cooking or woodlands.
This week:
Millipede and Honeybee will be using the cooking room.
Froghopper and Dragonfly will be going to the woodlands.
Week Beginning 20th September
School will be closed as a mark of respect, on the bank holiday Monday 19th September.
We are exploring our story about a magic paintbrush. We will think about how an author helps the reader engage with a story and the features they use to do this. We will begin to write our own magic paintbrush story.
This week we will be reading Town Mouse, Country Mouse. We will retrieve information from the story.
We will estimate and place numbers on a numberline to 100. We will think about the numbers going up in 10s and 1s. We will practise the 10xtable.
We will think about our rights and responsibilities.
We will start our learning about materials and their properties. We will investigate how materials change shape.
We will use a compass to find North, South, East and West.
Please encourage your child to log onto Timestable Rockstars. This week we want them to really focus on learning 10Xtable facts with rapid recall. Please complete at least 2 sessions this week. There are lots of other resources you can use to help your child to learn timestables. Please see the maths tab on the website here:
We will be going to the Junior site every Friday for PE, Music and either cooking or woodlands.
This week:
Millipede and Honeybee will be going to the woodlands.
Froghopper and Dragonfly will be using the cooking room.
Week Beginning 12th September
We are exploring our story about a magic paintbrush. We will learn about adjectives, using our senses and similes to create setting descriptions.
We will read the story Town Mouse Country Mouse. We will retrieve information from the text.
We will partition and write numbers to 100.
We will continue to learn about the Zones of Regulation and how we recognise the feelings that we have.
We will find the 7 continents, 5 main oceans, the UK and Earlswood on a map.
We will use a compass to find North, South, East and West.
Children are expected to read every day. Please record when they read in their reading records.
Our PE days are on Thursday and Friday. Please send children into school in their PE kit on these days.
On Fridays we will be walking to the Junior School site to use the woodlands or cooking room, MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) and music room.
Welcome to Year 2!
We are all very excited to welcome you back to school after the Summer break. We have lots of exciting things planned for this year and look forward to working with you all.
Week Beginning 5th September
This week we will be getting to know the children through our PSHE lessons and some different activities in class.
We are starting to learn a story about a magic paintbrush. We will complete some independent writing.
We will read the story The Day The Crayons Quit and retrieve information, make predictions and inferences about what we have read.
We will start our work on place value, counting in ones and tens.
We will learn about the Zones of Regulation and how we recognise the feelings that we have.
Our PE days are on Thursday and Friday. Please send children into school in their PE kit on these days.
We will try to ensure that every child has a reading book at home by Friday. Please encourage your child to read to you every day.
On Fridays we will be walking to the Junior School site to use the woodlands, cooking room, MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) and music room.
Please contact your child's class teacher if you have any questions.
If there is anything you would find helpful to have on the blog please email Mrs Knight.
Week Beginning 18th July
Not sure how this has come round so fast but it is the last week of the Summer term. We have lots of exciting things this week!
Wednesday 20th July Leavers Assembly
HB and DF - 9:15-9:45
FH and MP -10-10:30
Thursday is our FUN DAY, please note the date change due to weather warnings Please send your child to school on Thursday in their own clothes with their swimwear under their clothes. Your child will also need a complete change of clothes (including underwear) and a named towel.
Literacy: In writing this week we will be researching all about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and will be creating fact files about him and his life.
Maths: This week we will be working out how much money/profit we have made from our enterprise sales and will be doing some money consolidation as well as some mathematical investigations.
Reading: We will be reading the end of the book 'Knights in Training'.
Week Beginning 11th July
Literacy: This week in writing we will be learning all about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and will be writing some fact files all about him.
Maths: In maths this week we are consolidating our knowledge of the 4 operations (multiplication, division, subtraction, addition) as well as fractions of number.
Reading: In reading we be concluding reading 'Knights in Training'
Topic: This week is enterprise week and we will be making and selling earth cookies. These will be available to buy at 3:00 on Friday 15th July outside the Year 2 classrooms.
Week Beginning 4th July
Literacy: This week we will be learning all about how to write a diary entry. We will be having a go at writing our own based on the battle of Hastings.
Maths: In maths we will be continuing to learn about position and direction and will be focusing on making turns clockwise and anti clockwise.
Reading: In reading this week we will continue to read Knights in Training.
Week Beginning 27th June
Reminder: Tuesday 28th June is class swap day and children should be dropped off at the Junior School to meet their new teachers.
Literacy This week in literacy we will be continuing to innovate our suspense stories and having a go at writing our own in our hot task.
Maths: In maths we will be starting a new unit of learning all about position and direction. The children will be learning to identify the directions right and left and forward and backwards. They will also begin to introduce clockwise and anticlockwise turns.
Reading: The class will continue to read 'Knights in training' and will be working on developing comprehension and fluency when reading.
Topic: We will continue to learn about the Battle of Hastings and will be recreating our own Bayeux Tapestry.
Week Beginning 20th June
Literacy: This week in writing we will continue to learn our suspense story and will be practising using adverbs in short pieces of writing.
Maths: We will be continuing to learn how to tell the time on an analogue clock and will be practising reading times to the closest 5 minutes.
Reading: In reading we will continue to read ‘Knights in Training’ and will be working on our inference and vocabulary skills.
Topic: In topic this week we will be learning all about the Battle of Hastings. We would
like to recreate our own battle so if you have any cardboard at home please send it in with your child.
Week Beginning 13th June
Thank you so much for bringing in your shoe boxes! If you have anymore cardboard lying around the house (big or small|) please bring it in.
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be starting our final cycle of writing which is a story called 'The Shadow in the Castle' this will be focused on suspense.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to read 'Knights in Training' and will be continuing to explore the characters. The children will be working on using their vocabulary skills.
Maths: In maths we will be telling the time on an analogue clock. We will be revisiting o'clock and half past as well as introducing quarter to and quarter past the hour. This is something that you could practise at home with your children.
Topic: In topic we will be starting our new topic of Towers and Tunnels.
Week Beginning 7th June
Literacy: This week the children will be learning about portal stories and will be having a go at writing their own.
Maths: In maths this week we will be learning how to tell the time to o'clock and half past. This is something you should practise with your children at home.
Reading: In reading we will be starting a new text called 'Knights in Training' the children will be making predictions about what will happen in the book as well as using their retrieval skills to find the answers.
Topic: In topic it is the last week of our Explorers topic and we will be making our buggies. Reminder, if you have any shoe boxes at home please bring them into school.
Have a great half term everyone! We hope you have a lovely May break and we will see you back in school on the Tuesday 7th June.
Week Beginning 23rd May
Literacy: This week in writing we will be completing our recount unit of work and will be writing all about what we did at sports day. We will also be writing up instructions of how to make welsh rarebit.
Maths: In maths this week we will be doing some investigation, using physical resources and our knowledge to help us problem solve.
Reading: In reading this week we will be
Topic: To round off our explorers topic we will be creating our very own explorer vehicles and will be using wheels and axels to do this. For this to be as successful as possible we are asking that each child brings in a shoebox (or something similarly sized) which they can turn into a buggy.
Our sports day is being held on Tuesday 24th May. Please find further information below about the arrangements. Your child should have a slip in their reading record saying which event they will be starting at. Any questions please feel free to talk to their class teacher.
Year 1 and 2 Sports Day Tuesday 24th May
All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!
Location: Earlswood Junior School-field
Time: 9:30-11:30am followed by a picnic on the field which will end at 12:15pm
The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.
As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!
See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The PE Team
Week Beginning 16th May
This week the children in Year 2 will be sitting their KS1 Assessments (SATs). We ask that you send your children into school this week in good time so we can get organised to administer the assessments promptly. Your children are not aware that these are taking place as we do not wish to put any pressure on them so we ask that you do not mention it to them over the weekend. Below are when we will be doing each assessment
Monday :Reading Paper 1
Tuesday: Arithmetic
Wednesday: Reading Paper 2
Thursday: Reasoning
We have worked hard with the children to ensure that they are ready for these assessments and will be done in class as part of our normal teaching. The day will not be out of routine for your children and the test will be administer in a low stake environment which they are used to. If you have any questions please feel free to talk to your child's class teacher.
Literacy: We will be continuing to learn about recounts and will be practising using conjunctions to join sentences as well as writing in the past tense.
Maths: In Maths this week we will be continuing to develop our speed and accuracy when using the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) as well as using our reasoning skills to apply this knowledge into worded problems.
Reading: We will be reading a range of texts to practise our skills.
Topic: This week we will be learning all about Christopher Columbus and finding out about his discoveries.
Week Beginning 9th May
Literacy: This week we will be remembering our trip to Brooklands museum and using it to help us write a recount. We will be learning a new text called 'A Trip to the Aquarium' and will be learning about the features of a recount.
Maths: In maths this week we will be focussing on arithmetic and will be practising the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and using them in worded problems.
Reading: In reading this week we will be practising using our skills on extended pieces of work.
Week Beginning 3rd May
Reminder: Froghopper and Dragonfly trip - Tuesday 3rd May
Millipede and Honeybee trip - Thursday 5th May
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own poems to round off our poetry learning all about 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright.
Maths: This week in maths we will be learning all about capacity and using ml and l to measure.
Reading: In reading this week we will practising our inference and vocabulary skills when reading unfamiliar pieces of text.
Topic: We will be learning about Christopher Columbus and his discoveries.
Week Beginning 25th April 2022
Literacy: This week in writing we will be continuing to learn about the poem 'The Magic Box' and will be having a go at innovating our own poems using our imagination. We will also be learning about prepositions and uses of alliteration to enhance our writing.
Maths: In maths we will be doing some fluency practising the 4 operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also be learning how to read scales in g and kg and will be comparing mass.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to practise our vocabulary, inference and retrieval skills on unfamiliar texts.
Topic: Our new topic for this half term is explorers and we will be learning about the history of flight.
Reminder: Our trip to Brookland Museum is coming up next week
Froghopper and Dragonfly - Tuesday 3rd May
Honeybee and Millipede - Thursday 5th May
Week Beginning 19th April 2022
Welcome back to the summer term! Hopefully you have all managed to have a lovely restful Easter break.
This half term our P.E. days will continue to stay on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please send your child to school in their P.E. kits on these days.
We will be visiting Brooklands Museum on Tuesday 5th May (Dragonfly and Froghopper) and Thursday 7th May (Millipede and Honeybee) if you have not already given consent for this or paid for your child please do this ASAP.
Literacy: Our next unit of work in writing will be all about Poetry. We will be learning about the poem 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright and will be having a go at writing our own poems.
Maths: In maths we will be beginning our measurement topic and will begin using cm and m to measure the length of items.
Reading: This half term we will be looking at a range of different texts to practise using our retrieval, vocabulary and inference skills.
Easter Holidays
Monday 4th April- Monday 18th April
We hope you have a lovely break and look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 19th April.
Week Beginning 21st March
Literacy: This week we will be completing our short burst writing all about the book 'Commotion in the Ocean'. The children will be writing a short descriptive piece using the skills.
Maths: In maths this week we are continuing to learn about fractions and will be learning to identifying one half, one quarter and one third of a shape and a number.
Reading: We will be continuing to read 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and working on developing our comprehension.
Week Beginning 14th March
Literacy: This week we will be completing our cycle of writing and will be writing our own journey tale.
Maths: In maths this week we will beginning a unit of work all about fractions. We will be looking at identifying what a fraction is as well as finding half and a quarter of a shape or item as well as finding the fraction of a number i.e. 1/2 of 12 is 6.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to read 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and will be working on our comprehension skills.
Topic: We will be moving on to start a unit of learning about plants. We will be planting seeds and bulbs and will be observing plants as well as undertaking an investigation to find out what conditions plants need to grow.
A big thank you to all of you for bringing in shoe boxes, we very much appreciate it!
Week Beginning 29th February
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be continuing to learn the text 'Pirate Tom' and will be using skills from the toolkit to create some short bursts of writing. We will also be doing some role play and drama to help act out a journey story.
Maths: In maths we will be doing some assessments this week, these will assess the children's arithmetic skills as well as their ability to reason and problem solve. Along side these we will be continuing to work on drawing 2D shapes and looking at vertical lines of symmetry in shapes.
Reading: In reading we will also be doing some assessments. This will be looking to see how will children are understanding the texts that they are reading. We will also be reading the next part of 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me'.
Week Beginning 21st February 2022
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely and restful holidays. This half term we continue our Living things and their Habitats topic before moving on to our Explorers topic.
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be starting an action story called 'Pirate Tom'. We will be learning the text, looking at using rules of 3 to move on action and using our sense to describe.
Maths: In maths our next topic is shape. This week we will be learning to identify and discuss the key features of 2D and 3D shapes and will be learning how many sides and vertices different shapes have. We will also be having a go at drawing some 2D shapes using squared paper.
Reading: We will be starting to read a new text. This will be 'The giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl.
Reminder: We are still collecting shoe boxes so if you have any lying around the house please do bring them in. We will be using them first week of term!
Although our sessions with the dance teacher have now finished we will still be doing P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday so please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days.
Week Beginning 24th January
Literacy: This week we will be starting a new unit of writing based around writing instructions. We will be learning some of the skills which are important when using instructions such as time conjunctions and using bossy verbs.
Maths: In maths we will be completing our unit of work on multiplication and division and will be focussing this week on dividing by 2, 5 and 10. We will also practising some mixed fluency practising using speed and accuracy to answer questions.
Reading: This week we are reading chapter 4 of Mr Majeika called Frog Princess and will be focussing on using our vocabulary to help us answer questions. Please continue to discuss new vocabulary with your children as you read at home as this will really help during reading lessons.
Year 2 will soon be designing our own habitats soon and require shoe box, or similarly sized, boxes to help us do this. If you have any boxes this size in your house then please send them into school with your child.
Week Beginning 17th January
Literacy: This week in literacy we will completing the innovate of our suspense story 'The monster in the murky sea' and will begin planning for our hot task. Here the children will get a chance to write their own suspense story.
Maths: In maths we will be moving onto focus on division, first we will be exploring sharing and grouping objects. We will be looking at the division symbol and how this is used.
Reading: In reading we will be reading the next chapter of Mr Majeika 'Hamish goes swimming'. We will be focussing on retrieving information as well as using inference skills.
Week Beginning 10th January
P.E. days have changed for year 2 and we will now have P.E. on a Tuesday and Thursday.
On Wednesday 12th January Year 2 have a under the sea science dome coming to visit as part of our Living things and their habitats topic.
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be practising using the skills we have learnt to add suspense to our writing. The children will also start innovating their own version of the Monster in the Murky Sea.
Maths: We continue our work on multiplication and division and this week will be learning to use arrays as well as practising our 2x, 5x and 10x table. Please remember to consolidate this learning at home by going onto times table rockstars.
Reading: We will be reading chapter 2 of Mr Majeika and working hard on using our inference skills to identify how characters are feeling as well as working on extending our vocabulary.
Week Beginning 4th January
Happy New Year to you all, we hope you had a lovely, safe and restful holidays! Welcome back to the Spring term!
This half term the Year 2 children will have a dance specialist teaching P,E, as one of their lessons, as a result we have had to change our P.E. days back to Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Please send your child into school on these days in their P.E. kit. This will be starting from week beginning 10.1.22.
Literacy: Our next T4W cycle is going to be a conquering the monster story called 'The Monster in the Murky Sea'. The children will spend this week familiarising themselves with the text as well as learning about fronted adverbials and consolidating using conjunctions within their writing.
Maths: We are continuing our work on grouping and will be learning to use the multiplication symbol to help us solve 2x, 5x and 10x problems.
Reading: In reading we will be starting a new text Mr Majeika. We will be reading chapter one this week as well as making some predictions as to what we think might happen in the story.
Topic: Our new topic this half term is Science focussed and we will be learning all about Living things and their Habitats. This week we will be identifying things that are living, dead and have never been alive. We will also be identifying the basic needs of animals and will be starting to sort and classify animals based on their habitats.
Week Beginning 13th December
Thank you to all of you who came to see our Nativity last week! For those of you who didn't manage to make it shall be put onto Google Classrooms in due course, if you have any problems accessing Google Classroom please contact your child's class teacher.
Reading: This week in reading we will be finishing reading the story 'The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark.' We will be summarising the book so far and recapping the skills which we have focused on this half term.
Writing: We will be completing our unit of work on non-chronological reports with the children designing their own toy and they will be writing a report about this. We will be looking to apply the skills from our tool kit - using headings and subheadings, conjunctions and description to our writing.
Maths: In maths we are beginning to explore practical multiplication by looking at groups of items and working out if groups are equal or not. Please practise counting in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's with your children over the holidays as this will stand them in good stead after Christmas!
Week Beginning 6th December
This week we have our Nativity performances. The children have been working so hard to prepare and they look and sound great, we can't wait for you to see it!
Millipede and Honeybee
2:30 - Monday 6th December
6:00 - Tuesday 7th December
Froghopper and Dragonfly
6:00 - Monday 6th December
2:30 - Tuesday 7th December.
Please bring your child back to school at 5:30 on the evening of your performance. If your child is a wiseman, angel, shepherd, inn keeper or messenger please could they bring shorts and t-shirt to change into for under their costumes. They should come to school on Monday and Tuesday in school uniform as usual. If your child is a narrator please can they come to school in full school uniform, you may wish to pack a clean polo shirt as our performances are after lunch!
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be innovating our non chronological report and writing about a toy that we like.
Maths: In maths we will be doing some consolidation of place value, addition and subtraction and money, all the topic we have covered so far. We will then beginning our new topic - multiplication- and using concrete materials to show the process.
Reading: In reading we will read the next chapter of 'The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark' and will be working on our vocabulary.
Nativity Information
Next week the children will have 2 performances of their Nativity. One during the school day and one evening performance. Please see performance times below.
Honeybee and Millipede :
Monday 6th December - 2:30pm
Tuesday 7th December - 6pm
Froghopper and Dragonfly:
Monday 6th December - 6pm
Tuesday 7th December - 2:30pm
If you haven't yet signed up for tickets please do. Remember strictly one parent/carer per child per performance permitted.
We ask you kindly if your child could be brought back to school on the day of their evening performance at 5:30. This gives us time to get the children into their costumes and get organised. Even if you are not attending this evening performance we ask that you still bring your child back to school for their performance.
If you child goes to after school club on this day we will collect them from after school club at 5:30 to get them changed.
If your child goes to phonics club on this day it will run as usual with a 4pm pick up. We ask if your child could be collected from phonics as usual and then dropped back at school for 5:30.
We thank you so much for your help and support with this.
Year 2 team
Week Beginning 29.11.21
Literacy: This week we will be starting to learn a non chronological report all about piano. We will be learning how to use co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions as well as how to use headings and subheadings.
Reading: This week we will be reading an non chronological report all about reindeers as well as reading the next chapter of our book.
Maths: This week we will be finishing our money topic and will be learning how to find the change from an amount. We will also be doing some consolidation of our place value, addition and subtraction.
Week Beginning 22nd November
Literacy - This week in writing we will be writing our own finding tale including all of the skills we have learnt throughout this cycle. We have been learning how to use alliteration, adverbs, adjectives, similes and rules of 3.
Reading- This week we will be doing some work on a poem called 'I opened a book' as well as reading the next chapter of The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark. We will be focussing on
Maths- This week in Maths we will be continuing to learn about money, using he coins that we know to help us find different amounts and we will also be starting to find the change from different amounts.
Topic: This week we will be finishing our perspective art work based on our book the bear and the piano. We will also start our rehearsals for the Nativity as well as learning about the Christmas story.
Week Beginning 15th November
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be innovating our story the 'Bear and the Piano' and will be focussing on changing the character.
Maths: We will be starting a new topic all about money. We will be learning to recognise coins as well as making different amounts using the coins.
Reading: We will be reading more of the story 'The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark' and developing our reading and understanding skills.
Topic: This week we will be focussing on a perspective piece of art work based around our story 'The Bear and the Piano'.
Homework: Dictation
Week Beginning 8th November
Literacy: This week we will be looking at adjectives and alliterations and how to use these when writing a character description and the children will be having a go at doing some short burst writing focusing on describing the character.
Reading: This week in reading we will be doing some reading assessments with your children. We will also be continuing to read the book 'The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark' and practising reading aloud as a class and answering questions about what we have read.
Maths: This week in maths we will be continuing our addition and subtraction topic and will be practising adding and subtracting two digit numbers. We will also be doing an addition and subtraction assessment to see how the children are getting on so far in their learning.
Topic: This week will will be learning all about The Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire night.
Reminders: Visit the classroom on Tuesday 9th November from 3:20-3:50 to look at your children's books.
Homework: Dictation
We hope you all have a lovely and restful half term!
Week Beginning 20th October
Literacy: We will be starting a new unit of work this week all about the book 'The Bear and the Piano' we will be focussing on the character and will be learning about using appropriate adjectives to description to our writing.
Maths: In maths we will be continuing to add and subtract within 100 and will be focusing on adding and subtracting two 2 digit numbers crossing a ten i.e. 27+36 = or 84-69 =. We use dienes to help us do this by either building them or drawing them visually.
Reading: Our reading text this half term will be 'The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark' and we will be reading a chapter a week focussing on the vocabulary.
Topic: This week is sculpture week and we will be learning about Anthony Caro, looking at his work and having a go at creating our own versions of this sculptures using paper folding techniques.
We will also be starting some history and will be learning all about the Gunpowder Plot.
Week Beginning 18th October
Literacy: In writing this week we will be writing the story, the day the classroom quit, persuading the children to treat the objects nicely.
Maths: This week we will be continuing our addition and subtraction work and will be adding 1's and 10's to 2 digit numbers.
Reading: We be finishing reading 'Katie's picture show' and will be using our inference skills as well as sequencing the story and writing a book review about our likes and dislikes.
Topic: This week in topic we will be learning more about Renoir and having a go at doing some impressionism art work in the style of him.
Reminder: Your child should be reading everyday at home and this should be recorded in their reading records. The spelling homework is set on purple mash. Please find below the links to the dictation and LCSWC.
Week Beginning 11th October
Literacy: In literacy this week we will be using all we have learnt to do some short burst writing try to persuade. We will also beginning innovating our text.
Maths: In maths we are continuing our addition and subtraction topic and will be learning to add 1, add 10 and subtract 1 and subtract 10 from numbers to 100.
Reading: Next week we will be continuing to read the book 'Katie's picture show' and will be using our retrieval skills, answering inference questions and sequencing events.
Topic: This week we will all be learning about the artist Renior with a focus on how he uses colour in his work.
School Photos: Year 2 will be having their school photo's taken next Thursday 14th October. Please send your child to school in full school uniform this day and not their PE kit.
Week Beginning 4th October
Literacy: This week we will be learning the actions to our new story 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and will begin to learn about how to use a rule of 3 and rhetorical questions in their writing. We will be putting this into practise.
Maths: In maths we will be moving forward onto our next topic of addition and subtraction and will begin by revisiting fact families to 20. It is vital knows their number bonds to 10 and beyond to support them with their addition and subtraction.
Reading: We will be moving onto a new text in reading called 'Katie's Picture Show' this week we will be reading the story and using our retrieval, inference and prediction skills to answer questions about the text.
Week Beginning 27th September
Literacy: This week we will be writing our very own magic paintbrush story based in a new setting. The children will be given an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt this cycle to complete this story. We will then be hooking our children in our next writing text called 'The Day the Crayon Quit'.
Maths: This week in Maths we will be counting forwards and backwards in 2's, 5's and 10's. It is very important that your children can do this so please practise at home with your children.
Reading: In reading we will be reading another version of 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse' and we will be comparing the two versions. We will be sharing our likes and dislikes about each of the books as well as finding similarities and differences between them.
Reminder: Just a reminder that our P.E. days have changed to Wednesday and Thursday. Can your children please be sent to school in their P.E. kit on these days.
Homework: Children have a spelling test set on Purple Mash weekly. See below dictation and Look, Cover, Write, Check sheets to help your child practise these words at home.
Week Beginning 20th September
Literacy This week we will be writing finishing innovating our stories about 'The Magic Paintbrush' and will begin planning and our hot task and will write our own fantasy tale.
Reading: This week in reading we will be diving deeper into the story 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse' and will be explore the vocabulary used as well as using our retrieval skills to answer questions.
Maths: In Maths we will be continuing our unit on place value and will be learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.
Week Beginning 13th September
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to work on our story 'The Magic Paintbrush and will be doing some short burst writing using adjectives and similes to describe. We will be starting to innovate our stories towards the end of the week.
Maths: We are continuing to focus on place value and will be learning to recognise, name and build numbers to 100. We will be focussing on identifying how many tens and ones are in each number i.e. 37 is made up of 3 tens and 7 ones.
Reading: This week we will be reading a story called 'Town Mouse Country Mouse' and will be learning to use our prediction skills as well as sequencing stories.
Let's Get Messy: Over the next few weeks the children will be rotating around different activities These will include
A science investigation where we will be finding waterproof materials to protect an animal from the rain.
Looking at colour theory, how we can use colour and can make shades of colour by adding light/dark to it.
A D.T. project where the children will design and make and evaluate a backpack for their reading ted.
A science investigation which the children will design all about sticky materials.
Week Beginning 3.9.21
Literacy: Our first T4W cycle this year is all about the Magic Paintbrush and we will be learning the story using actions to help us. We will be learning about using our senses to help us describe using adjectives.
Maths: In Maths we will be looking at place value and identifying one more and one less and consolidating our knowledge of numbers to 20 and then to 100.
Reading: In reading we will start to learn about Rex Retriever and how he helps us to retrieve information from a text. We will begin reading the letters from 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and be using these to help apply this skill.
Science: Our first topic will be all about materials and we will be expanding our vocabulary to help describe properties of materials, we will be thinking about categorising materials based on their properties.
Topic: Our first topic is called Let's get Messy! In this topic we will be doing lot's of science investigations, art and D.T.
Welcome to Year 2
A big welcome from the Year 2 team and we look forward to seeing you all this week! We hope you had a wonderful summer break.
Our first topic will be called Let's get Messy and we will be kicking it off this week with lots of fun messy activities. We will also be doing some writing about the summer and getting to know the new people in our classes.
In Year 2 our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday and children should come to school in their P.E. kit on these days.
We will be visiting the junior school and woodlands on a Friday, starting in a few weeks, and your child should bring into school a pair of wellies in which they can wear when we do this. These can be left at school.
We will have Music with Mr Scullin on a Friday.
Any questions please feel free to ask your child's teacher.
Year 2 Team