A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
For enterprise week we require lots and lots of:
- Bottle tops (more variety in size and colour will help us produce better art work. Anything from water bottles to laundry detergent)
- Glossy magazines (suitable for us to let the children look through!!)
- Newspapers
- Wine corks
- Plastic bottles (small and big, variety of different colours)
5B | 5SE | 5H | 5R |
Gemma Emily Adie Shinae |
Gilli Ollie |
Alisha Liam Finley |
Millie Dylan
Year 5 & 6
Juniors Sports Day
Wednesday 27th June 2018
All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!
Location: Earlswood Junior School-field
Time: 12.35-14.45
There will be a picnic lunch starting at 11.40 to 12.20 beforehand if you wish to join your child for lunch.
The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.
As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!
See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The PE Team
We have our fingers crossed for a lovely summer!
Please bring a named sun hat everyday.
Please ask someone at home to put sun cream on you before you come to school.
Please play in the shade when you are outside.
Drink lots of water. You will need a water bottle in school everyday.
Week Beginning 2nd July
English: After innovating 'Alien Landing' we will then complete our hot write.
Maths: We will continue with our work on volume and capacity.
Reading: We will continue to read Cosmic, focusing on expression and fluency.
Project: We will be creating an abstract, multi-modal space scene based on the work of Peter Thorpe.
Week beginning 18th June 2018
English: We will be boxing up our story, Alien Landing, to explore its structure in preparation for our own stories.
Maths: We will be looking at metric measure, imperial measure, converting time and time tables.
Reading: We will continue to read our new book, Cosmic. We are going to practice reading speech with expression and complete comprehension questions.
Project: We will learn about day and night, seasons and explore the moon landing.
Week Beginning 11th June
English: After learning our new story, Alien Landing, this week, we will be writing an exciting description of a UFO landing. We will also be covering commas and how to use them for different reasons.
Maths: We will be doing a series of Maths tests to assess the children's progress to plan consolidation lessons.
Reading: We will start our final novel of this year, a space themed adventure called Cosmic. We will be making predictions based off the first few chapters.
PBL: We will be looking at the relative sizes of the planets and why the moon changes shape.
Week Beginning 4th June
English: We will be learning a new story called 'Alien Landing' to fit into our new space topic. We will be investigating some mysterious alienish clues for our hook before exploring the story through drama.
Maths: We will be looking at translation of shapes and recapping metric units of measure.
Reading: We will be finishing the book we read before half term - The Other Side of Truth.
Project: We will be exploring the basic science of Space.
Week Beginning 21st May 2018
English: We will be writing up our innovated stories on tea-stained paper for our topic books. We will also be writing some Viking mini sagas/kenning poems.
Reading: We will be continuing to look at 3 mark PEPE questions.
Maths: We will be investigating position of shapes, exploring co-ordinates and learning how to reflect shapes across a mirror line.
PBL: We are excited to dress up for our Viking day on Tuesday! We're going to be building and sailing longboats and making Viking brooches.
Week Beginning 14th May 2018
English: This week we will finish our innovated stories based on Beowulf. We will then do our 'Hot Task' which will involve telling the story from Grendel's point of view.
Maths: We will be learning some key facts about angles.
Reading: We will be continue to read our story. This week we learnt about PEPE (point, evidence, point, evidence) to answer questions fully. Next week we will consolidate this.
Project: We will begin to explore The Battle of Hastings (1066). We will explore why it happened and what happened in the battle.
Week Beginning 8th May
English: After we've spent the last few weeks studying our text, Beowulf, the children will be 'innovating' the story to create their own 'overcoming the monster story'. They already have some great ideas!
Maths: We will be looking at angles, including identifying acute, obtuse and right angles. We will be using a protractor to measure angles.
Reading: The children in our book, The Other Side of Truth, settle into their new country. We will be looking at how the book changes in style to reflect this.
Project: We will be looking at the last Anglo-Saxon kings and will then start learning about the Battle of Hastings. Viking day is fast approaching!
Week Beginning 23rd April 2018
English: We will be starting our new writing unit, Beowulf, in which we will be writing our own 'Overcoming the Monster' stories. This week we will start with an exciting quest to hunt down a monster in the school!
Maths: We will be solving problems involving decimals, including adding and subtracting them.
Reading: We will be continuing our new book, The Other Side of Truth. We will take a closer look at the main characters and explore how the author describes them.
Topic: We will be finding out about Viking life and the Danegeld land tax.
Our PE days are now Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit. Thank you.
Week Beginning Monday 16th April
Our new topic is Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. Click on the links below to start finding out about the topic!
Maths: We will be recapping what we have learned so far about decimals. We will be looking at different visual representations of decimals, ordering decimals and rounding decimals.
English: We will be writing poetry based on different animals, focusing on imagery.
Reading: Our new book is 'The Other Side of the Truth'. We will be focusing on the skills needed to write more detailed answers to comprehension questions.
As part of our topic, we will be having a Viking and Anglo-Saxon dress-up day on Tuesday 22nd May. More details to follow after Easter.
Week beginning 26th March
English: We will continue to create our balanced argument about whether deforestation should be allowed. We will be thinking about the language needed to make our argument persuasive.
Maths: We will be recapping some of the topics taught so far this year including fractions of amounts and different methods of division.
Reading: Our focus will be poetry. We will be looking at a range of different poems and the language used within them. We will then be performing different poems within our classes.
Week Beginning 19th March
English: We will be writing a balanced argument based on deforestation. We will be looking at the arguments for and against and how to present both sides of the argument fairly.
Maths: We will be looking at the relationship between fractions, decimal and percentages. We will be looking at common links between fractions and decimals e.g. 1/2 = 50%, 1/4 = 25%.
Reading: We will be reading The Vanish Rainforest, based on deforestation and its impact on tribes. We will be looking at how texts make us feel and the vocabulary that is used to create this effect.
Project: We will be looking at tribal people within the rainforest and how their lives differ from ours.
Tuesday 20th March - 5B and 5R trip to Warwick School. Children need to be in school at 8.30. All children need a packed lunch, water bottle and to wear school uniform as normal.
Wednesday 21st March - Trip to Reigate Park Church's Easter Experience. Children will have lunch at school as normal and we will return to school for normal pick up time.
Grosvenor Hall - Thank you to all parents and children who attended the information evening about Grosvenor Hall. Letters have gone home with the children with details of the trip and deposit. If you were unable to attend, please click below to view the PowerPoint or view the video.
Week beginning 12th March 2018
English: We will be using writing our own version of The Nightmare Man. Our writing will include suspense, similes and powerful descriptions.
Maths: We will be looking at decimals up to three decimal places and will be rounding to the nearest whole number, tenth and thousandths. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-decimals
Reading: We will be reading The Shaman's Apprentice, focusing on comprehension style questions.
Week Beginning 26th of February
Writing: This week we will analyse our story, The Nightmare Man, to unpick how the author built suspense. We will then start to plan our own story about a child afraid of the dark.
Maths: We will be looking at multiplication of fractions. This includes multiplication of a fraction by a whole number. Please click here for more information about how this is taught.
Reading: We will continue to explore The Great Kapok Tree story, including the influence of characters on others.
Project: We thoroughly enjoyed our Rainforest visit last week! Please see the photo album page for more information. This week we will be looking at animal habitats.
PE: Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday this half term. Please ensure your child has their kit in school. Thank you!
Week Beginning 19th February
Writing: We will beginning our new text The Nightmare Man which is a spooky story and so we will focusing on suspense writing. The first week will be our imitate stage, where we will be learning the original text.
Reading: We will be reading The Great Kapok Tree and thinking about how we feel about the cutting down of trees in the rainforest.
Maths: We will be focusing on addition and subtraction of proper and improper fractions as well as mixed numbers.
Project: Our new topic for the next half term is the Rainforest. We will have our visit from the Urban Farm as an introduction to the topic. We will also be focusing on the locations of the rainforests and layers of the rainforest.
Week Beginning 5th February
Writing: We will be researching about Philippe Petit's life and then writing a biography using this information. We will also be editing and improving our writing.
Reading: We will be finishing our book this week focusing on fluency and expression when reading. We will also be practising our verbal comprehension.
Maths: We will be continuing to learn about fractions, focusing on adding and subtracting up to three fractions with different denominators.
Project: We will be adding our final touches to our theme park showcases and then presenting them. We will then be evaluating our showcases.
Week Beginning 29th January
Writing: We will be focusing on biographies, looking at their features and working towards writing our own biographies on Philippe Petit.
Reading: We will be looking at the meaning of new vocabulary looking at the context of the sentence to help us. We will also be scanning the text to locate answers.
Maths: We will be continuing to learn about fractions, focusing on converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-improper-fractions-and-mixed-numbers
Project: We will be creating a leaflet and map for our theme parks ready for the showcase.
Week Beginning 22nd January
Writing: At the start of the week we are going to be continuing to write our own version of 'The Man Who Walked Between Two Towers' incorporating grammar skills. During the second half of week we are going to be planning and writing a new story about a theme park.
Reading: We will be focusing on reading with fluency and expression and using the text to justify our answers.
Maths: We will be learning about fractions this week focusing on comparing and ordering fractions whose denominators are multiples of the same number.
Project: We will be designing and beginning to create aspects of our showcases for a new theme park!
Week Beginning 15th January
Writing: We are going to be adapting and rewriting the story we have learnt 'The Man Who Walked Between the Towers'. We will be writing a paragraph each day incorporating the grammar skills learnt last week.
Reading: We will be focusing on comprehension skills by looking at how to answer test style questions.
Maths: We will be using the bus stop method to divide up to 4 digit numbers by one digit numbers.
Project: We will be continuing with Science and learning about forces. We will be carrying out our investigation to test the affect of air resistance on parachutes with different surface areas.
Week Beginning 8th January
Writing: We are going to be learning our text through story mapping and actions. We will be practising our grammar skills including co-coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions and passive verbs. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-active-and-passive-sentences
Reading: We will be using evidence from the text to support our answers. We will also be identifying the features that create suspense within a paragraph.
Maths: We will be learning the expanded method to multiply two digit numbers by two, three and four digit numbers.
Project: We will be continuing with Science and learning about forces. We will be planning and carrying out a mini investigation.
Dates for your diary:
16th January- 5SE and 5H visit to the Warwick School. Please make sure your child is in school at 8:30 and that they have a packed lunch.
7th February- You are invited to join us for a show case of our theme park from 3:00-3:25.
20th February- Visit in from Urban Farm, please return a completed slip to the office by the 18th of January.
Week beginning 1st January
Our new topic this half term is Scream Machine. We will be learning all about theme parks and fair grounds!
Writing: We will be using the book The Man Who Walked Between the Towers to inspire our writing. We will be including a wide range of subordinating conjunctions and passive verbs. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-active-and-passive-sentences
Reading: Our book this half term is The Boy Who Swam With Piranhas. We will be identifying interesting and imaginative language within the story and discussing the effect this has on the reader.
Maths: We will be multiplying and dividing mentally, using known facts e.g. 36 ÷ 4 = 9 so 90 x 4 = ?
Project: We will begin Scream Machine by researching a variety of theme parks around the world. We will then focus on Science, looking in detail at forces.
Please join us on Wednesday 7th February from 3.00 to 3.25 in the junior hall, where will be showcasing our theme park creations.
Week beginning 18th December
English: We will be applying the grammar skills we have learned this term to produce a piece of creative writing. We will use a range of pictures to get our imaginations going and will include speech and relative clauses.
Maths: We will looking at co-ordinates. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-coordinates
Reading: We will be reading a variety of Christmas themed texts. We will be answering questions about what we have read and interpreting information about the characters.
Well done to all the children for their hard work this term. We hope you all have a relaxing break and we will see you in January!
Week beginning 11th December
English: We will be writing a newspaper article about the chalice that has been stolen from Castle Cranston. We will include the 5Ws (who, what, where, when, why) and a mixture of direct and reported speech. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-direct-and-indirect-speech
Reading: We will read be reading the ending of The Curse of Castle Cranston and will find out who stole the golden chalice. We will answer comprehension questions, using our inference skills.
Maths: We will be converting units of measure e.g. 1000ml = 1 L. We will be then be applying this knowledge to solve problems. https://www.theschoolrun.com/convert-into-the-same-units
Please join us for our Christmas assemblies:
5SE and 5H - Monday 11th December at 2.15
5R and 5B - Wednesday 13th December at 2.15
Week beginning 27th November
English: We will continue with our diary writing. We will be looking at the present perfect tense and will use this within our own diary. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-the-present-perfect-and-the-past-perfect
Maths: We will be looking at the area of rectangles and compound shapes. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-is-area
Reading: We will be looking at a larger quantity of text and will be summarising what we have read.
Junior Christmas Making Afternoon
On Friday 1st we will have our annual Christmas Making Afternoon in the Juniors from 13:45 - 15:15. This is an opportunity to come and participate in Christmas craft activities with your children. Please come to the main office to sign in. Hopefully see you there!
Week beginning 20th November
English: We will be looking at the diary of Samuel Pepys. We will use this as inspiration to write our own diary entry about the plague. We will be using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions in our writing. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-is-a-conjunction
Maths: We will be investigating the perimeter of composite shapes. We will be finding the length of all the sides within the shape in order to calculate the perimeter. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-is-the-perimeter
Reading: A crime has been committed! Someone has stolen the golden chalice! We will be investigating the motives of different characters to see who the culprit may be.
Monday 20th November - Dress up day for 5B and 5H
Tuesday 21st November - Dress up day for 5R and 5SE
Please see below for more details.
Week beginning 13.11.17
English: We will be writing the second half of our Pied Piper story. We will be using speech to move the story on and will be using strategies to link sentences and paragraphs.
Reading: We will be looking at the descriptions of settings and characters.
Maths: We will be learning about the properties of 3D shapes and their nets. We will also be looking at the properties of a variety of quadrilaterals.
Project: We will be looking at life in Medieval times and differences between rich and poor people.
Please can we have any glass jars that you have at home.
5B | 5SE | 5H | 5R |
Sophie Bradley
Arya Yaseen
Kamil Flo
Marek Ella
Week beginning 6th November
English: We will be writing our own version of the tale of the Pied Piper. We will be including prepositional phrases and adverbial phrases.
Maths: We will be learning about squared and cubed numbers e.g. 2² = 4, 2³ = 8. We will also be looking at prime numbers (numbers only divisible by themselves and 1).
Reading: We will begin to read our book 'The Curse of Castle Cranston'. We will discuss vocabulary within the text and making predictions about the story.
Project: This week our focus will be on art. We will be discussing geometric patterns and using this to create a picture of a Plague Doctor.
We need your help! Please can we have any glass jars (jam jars) you have at home? Thank you
Poppy Day! - From Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November we will be selling poppies for £1.00 each, in aid of The Poppy Appeal at both the infant and junior sites. You class teacher will be given a timetable detailing when the poppies will be sold in your class.
Dress Up Days
Anti Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to support and recognise anti bullying.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.
Your child will have come home with a letter about our visit from Tales of Plague.
5B and 5H – Monday 20th November
5SE and 5R – Tuesday 21st November
To make this an exciting experience, we have asked the children to dress up. Children could either dress like peasants or if they prefer, lords and ladies from the 1340s to 50s (medieval period). Please don’t feel you have to buy a costume, just wear:
Peasants – clothes that are neutral colours, e.g. brown and beige.
Lords and ladies – purple and red colours were the province of the gentry!
Week Beginning 30th October 2017
English: We will be exploring the story of the Pied Piper. For our grammar focus we will be learning all about prepositional phrases, adverbial phrases and using speech to move a story on.
Maths: We will be looking at Multiplication and Division, defining a 'multiple', 'product', 'factor'. We will explore problems relating to common factors.
Reading: We will begin The Curse of Castle Cranston and meet the main characters. We will be predicting what we think might happen from the front cover and blurb.
Project: We will begin our new topic - Peasants, Princes and Pestilence. We will begin by learning how the plague was carried into Britain all the way from China...
Week Beginning 16th of October
Maths: We will be looking at statistics, including bar graphs and lines graphs. We will learn how to read graphs and process the information they give us.
English: After exploring features of a persuasive leaflet last week, this week we will create a leaflet to advertise how great England is, including bullet points and brackets in our work.
Reading: After finishing and reflecting upon Matilda, we will write a book review and then end the week with reading some spooky stories!
Project: On Thursday we will be having a British tea party! In order to prepare for it we will be researching recipes, writing menus and creating decorations.
We will shortly be giving your child their first weekly spelling list to learn. We would really appreciate it if you could bring the green spelling books back into school so we can stick these in. The children will then need to bring in their spelling book each Thursday for the weekly test. If you have any questions about homework please speak to your class teacher.
Week Beginning 9th of October 2017
English: We will begin a new unit of work looking at leaflets. We will develop our skill in using bullet points, creating cohesion between sentences and brackets.
Maths: We will be applying our knowledge of rounding to solve problems involving estimation. We will then move onto solving addition and subtraction multistep problems in contexts.
Reading: We will be learning The Crocodile by Road Dahl before creating a scary performance to share with the class. We will then continue with last portion of Matilda, continuing to develop our expression when reading out loud.
Project: We will be using our ICT skills to use a program on the iPads to present our learning on What Makes Britain Great.
Week Beginning 2nd of October
English: After exploring persuasive devices last week, we will write a formal letter to the Queen asking her to turn Big Ben back on.
Maths: We will be focusing on adding and subtracting numbers larger than 4 digits using the column method.
Reading: While continuing to develop our expression for the malicious Miss Trunchbull we will explore Road Dahl's use of language to create an effect on the reader.
Project: We will continue to learn about Kings and Queens by creating a family tree to show how they are related.
Week Beginning 27th September
English: Following our learning from last week, we will be planning and writing our formal letter to the Queen to persuade her to turn Big Ben back on.
Maths: We will be revising our fluency skills to solve addition and subtraction calculations before applying our knowledge to solve a range of reasoning problems.
Reading: Continuing Matilda, we will explore character growth and compare the book to film clips.
Project: We will be using an app on the iPads to present our knowledge of What Makes Britain Great.
Week Beginning 25th of September
English: We will be exploring features of a formal letter and discussing the issue of Big Ben's chime - should it be turned off?
Maths: We will be exploring roman numerals into the thousands and applying our knowledge to use our reasoning and problem solving skills.
Reading: We will read all about Lavender's trick on Miss Trunchbull in Matilda. We will write acrostic poems exploring character traits and explore an extract from the BFG.
Project: After learning about the history of the monarchy in the UK, we will create a family tree to show the reign of our Kings and Queens.
Week Beginning 18th of September
English: In English we will be exploring powerful expanded noun phrases and how we can use these to improve our writing. Following that we will write our own version of My Name is Bob about a different lost pet.
Maths: We will be exploring negative numbers and solving problems related to them.
Reading: We will look at the figurative language Road Dahl uses to create the characters of Miss Honey and Miss Trunchball. At the end of the week we will explore and analyse a First News article.
Project: We will be explore the artist William Morris before designing our own wallpaper.
We have now set homework. Your child is expected to complete 30 minutes of EasiMaths per week as well as reading daily. We have sent spellings home to be learnt which will be tested every half term. Please see the website or email for spelling strategies to use with your child when learning them. We will also be testing times tables half termly. By year 5 children are expected to know their 2 - 12 x table. Please practice these at home. If you have any questions about homework, please speak to your class teacher.
Thank you,
The Year 5 team
Week Beginning 11th of September 2017
English: We will first retell the story of 'My Name of Bob', using relative clauses to add detail to sentences, before editing our work.
Maths: We will be looking at rounding numbers up to the nearest 100,000. After refreshing our basic skills, we will move onto solving a range of problems.
Reading: We will delve in deeper to Matilda, hearing more about her mischievous pranks. We will even get into role as the parrot!
Project: We will be looking at significant British people and British inventors.
Week Beginning 6th September
Welcome back! We hope that everyone had a relaxing summer break. The Year 5 team are excited to welcome the children back and start the year. Our PE days this year are Wednesday and Thursday and our Woodlands lessons, in which all children must wear welly boots, will be on Tuesdays.
English: We will be looking at the picture book 'My Name is Bob', about an adventurous cat finding a new home. We will then retell the story.
Maths: We will learn the place value of numbers to 1,000,000, writing these in numbers and words. We will then solve problems which relate to this.
Reading: We will begin our brand new class book - Matilda by Roald Dahl. We will explore the cover and make predictions before reading the first two chapters.
Project: Our topic this half term is What Makes Britain Great?. To start with, we will explore why living in England is special to us and our experiences of it. We will then learn a little more about the countries that make up Britain and the UK.