A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
A very big well done to all of our fantastic confident learners this week!
Honeybee | Millipede | Froghopper | Dragonfly |
Alysa Hrithik Jayla Lyla Sammy Toby M |
Week beginning 16.7.18
Literacy: We will be making poster adverts to advertise our sand art creations for the Infant School Enterprise Market.
Reading: We are continuing to read 'Knights in Training'.
Maths: We will be consolidating our knowledge of money, including adding different amounts and calculating change.
Project: This week is Enterprise Week! We will be designing and making sand art to be sold at the Infant School Enterprise Market, money raised will go to the Sea Life Trust.
Year 2 Assemblies - Thursday 19th July
Honeybee & Dragonfly summer assembly 09:15 - 09:45
Froghopper & Millipede summer assembly 09:45 – 10:15
Enterprise Week Market - Thursday 19th July
The Infant Market will be on Thursday 19th July 2.45-3.30pm.
Week beginning 9.7.18
Literacy: We will be reading the book The Snail and the Whale and writing diaries from the perspective of the snail.
Reading: We are continuing to read 'Knights in Training'.
Maths: We will be consolidating our knowledge of shapes including naming 2D and 3D shapes and describing their properties.
Project: We will be making our shoebox habitats.
Year 2 Fun Day, Tuesday 10th July:
To celebrate the end of the children’s time at the Infant School, we are going to have a fun day.
The children will take part in fun activities throughout the day including a water slide, paddling pools and a bouncy castle! The children will also be getting an ice lolly, if your child has any allergies please speak to their class teacher.
Children can come to school dressed in their own clothes on this day.
They will also need:
Week beginning 2.7.18
Literacy: We will be reading the book The Snail and the Whale and writing diaries from the characters perspective.
Reading: We are continuing to read 'Knights in Training'.
Maths: We will be consolidating our knowledge of statistics, looking at graphs and interpreting information.
Project: We will continuing to think about animals and which habitats they live in and will be beginning to plan our shoe box habitats.
Year 2 Class Swap Day, Tuesday 3rd July: Please can all Year 2 children be dropped off and picked up from their new class at the Junior School on class swap day. Any Year 2 children who currently attend Breakfast or After School Club will attend these clubs at the Junior School site and should therefore also be dropped off and picked up from the Junior School. Access is through the Junior School office to the Hall. The process of signing in and out for the clubs remains the same. All children will need to bring a packed lunch.
Shoe Boxes Wanted:
Next week we will be making shoe box habitats. Each child will need a shoe box or similar size box. If you have any at home please can you give them to your class teacher. Thank you.
Year 2 Fun Day, Tuesday 10th July:
To celebrate the end of the children’s time at the Infant School, we are going to have a fun day.
The children will take part in fun activities throughout the day including a water slide, paddling pools and a bouncy castle! The children will also be getting an ice lolly, if your child has any allergies please speak to their class teacher.
Children can come to school dressed in their own clothes on this day.
They will also need:
Week beginning 25.6.18
Literacy: This week we are learning about different spelling, punctuation and grammar rules and using them in our writing.
Reading: We are continuing to read 'Knights in Training'.
Maths: We will be consolidating our knowledge of fraction of shapes and numbers.
Project: We will be naming different plants and animals and discussing why they are suited to their habitats. We are also walking to Wray Common School on Wednesday morning to take part in the Year 2 Music Festival.
Shoe Boxes Wanted:
Next week we will be making shoe box habitats. Each child will need a shoe box or similar size box. If you have any at home please can you give them to your class teacher. Thank you.
Year 2 Music Festival at Wray Common School:
On Wednesday morning we will be walking to Wray Common School to sing in the Year 2 Music Festival. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing sun cream and brings with them a sun hat and water bottle.Thank you.
Music Festival Volunteers Needed:
Year 2 are looking for helpers to come to the Year 2 Music Festival on the morning of Wednesday 27th June. If you are able to help, please speak to your child's class teacher. Thank you.
Year 2 Fun Day, Tuesday 10th July:
To celebrate the end of the children’s time at the Infant School, we are going to have a fun day.
The children will take part in fun activities throughout the day including a water slide, paddling pools and a bouncy castle! The children will also be getting an ice lolly, if your child has any allergies please speak to their class teacher.
Children can come to school dressed in their own clothes on this day.
They will also need:
Volunteers Needed
Year 2 are looking for helpers to come to the Year 2 Music Festival on the morning of Wednesday 27th June. If you are able to help, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Thank you.
Week beginning 18.6.18
Literacy: This week we will be reading Commotion in the Ocean and writing our own pieces of descriptive writing.
Reading: We are continuing to read 'Knights in Training'.
Maths: We will be consolidating our knowledge of multiplication and division.
Project: We will be looking at how animals get their food, learning about animal food chains and making headbands for the music festival.
Shoe Boxes Wanted!
This half term we will be making shoe box habitats. Each child will need a shoe box or similar size box. If you have any at home please can you give them to your class teacher. Thank you.
Week beginning 11.6.18
Literacy: This week we will be writing an information text based on under the sea animals.
Reading: We are continuing to read 'Knights in Training'.
Maths: We will be consolidating our knowledge of addition and subtraction.
Project: We will be looking at the basic needs of animals. We will also be doing some under the sea art work.
Shoe Boxes Wanted!
This half term we will be making shoe box habitats. Each child will need a shoe box or similar size box. If you have any at home please can you give them to your class teacher. Thank you.
Week beginning 4.6.18
Literacy: This week we will be looking at the features of an information text based on under the sea animals.
Reading: We are reading two Julia Donaldson books and comparing and contrasting them.
Maths: We will be consolidating our knowledge of place value.
Project: We will be starting our new topic 'Beachcombers'. We will be labelling the oceans around the world.
Week beginning 21.5.18
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own beating the monster story.
Reading: We are reading the book 'Knights in Training'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: We will be looking at position and direction including the language clockwise, anti-clockwise, whole turn, quarter turn and half turn.
Project: We will be looking at the life cycle of a plant and revisiting the seeds we planted a few weeks ago to see if they have grown!
Week beginning 14.5.18
Literacy: This week we will be planning and writing our own beating the monster story.
Reading: We are reading the book 'Knights in Training'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: We will be doing some learning around estimating to find correct answers, looking at partitioning numbers in different ways and doing some problem solving.
Project: We will be making catapults, designing coat of arms and observing and discussing plant life cycles.
Week beginning 8.5.18
Next week we will be doing maths quizzes on Tuesday and Friday and reading quizzes on Wednesday and Thursday. These will take place in the mornings and these quizzes are the Key Stage 1 SATs. Please speak to your class teacher if you would like any more information.
Project: We will be looking at the work of the famous engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel and building some of our own bridges.
Week beginning 30.4.18
Literacy: This week we will be planning and writing our recounts of our trips to Arundel Castle.
Reading: We are reading the book 'Knights in Training'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: We will be consolidating some different areas of our maths learning from Year 2.
Project: We will be looking at the work of the famous engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel and planting some seeds and bulbs.
Week beginning 23.4.18
Literacy: This week we will be gathering information and planning our recounts of our trips to Arundel Castle.
Reading: We are reading the book 'Knights in Training'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: We will be beginning to look at time, continuing to read o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and thinking about the 5 minute intervals as well.
Project: We will be looking at the history of castles, comparing some different castles and continuing to use the bluebots to explore directions.
Week beginning 16.4.18
Literacy: This week we will be looking at the features of a recount in preparation for writing our own about our trip to Arundel Castle.
Reading: We are reading the book 'Knights in Training'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: We will be beginning to look at time, particularly reading o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
Project: We will be starting our topic off by looking at uses of everyday materials, creating some castle art work and using the bluebots to explore directions.
Parent Helpers for Arundel Castle
Thank you to those of you that have offered to help on our trip. We still need a few more people to help so if you are able to, please speak to your class teacher.
Easter Work
We have sent home some reading, spelling and maths work that your child can choose to complete over the holidays. This is optional work that your child can decide if they would like to do.
'Talk4Writing' Instructions for How to make Shortbread 26.3.18
As part of out 'Talk4Writing' Year 2 have been acting out instructions for 'How to make Shortbread' please see our 'Earlswood in Action' webpage to view this video clip.
Week beginning 26.3.18
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own instructions for how to make the mini pizza quiches we made on Friday.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Hodgeheg'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be learning about measure. We will be focusing on temperature and how to read a thermometer.
Project: This week we will be finishing our own towns and evaluating them. We will also be learning how to programme bluebots to move in a sequence of directions.
Week beginning 19.3.18
Literacy: This week we will be looking at sets of instructions, including looking at the features of instruction writing.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Hodgeheg'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be learning about measure. We will be focusing on mass, measuring in g and kg and comparing mass.
Project: This week we will be continuing designing and beginning to make our own towns. If you have any junk model materials at home, please could you bring in anything you can find and give it in to your class teacher. Thank you.
The winner of the extreme reading competition for Year 2 was Brooke in Dragonfly Class!
Week beginning 12.3.18
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to look at the story Meerkat Mail. We will be looking at the plot structure and beginning to think of ideas for our own journey stories.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Hodgeheg'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be learning about measure. We will be focusing on length, measuring in cm and m and comparing length.
Project: This week we will be starting to design our own towns. If you have any junk model materials at home, please could you bring in anything you can find and give it in to your class teacher. Thank you.
World Book Day, Thursday 15th March 2018
World Book Day has been rescheduled to Thursday 15th March due to the snow days.
Children are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and it would be great if they could also bring in a book with their character in!
Week beginning 5.3.18
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to look at the story Meerkat Mail, but will also be exploring the Snail and the Whale. We will be looking at the plot structure and beginning to think of ideas for our own journey stories.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Hodgeheg'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be learning how to draw tables and block diagrams. We will then be answering questions about the data.
Project: This week we will be continuing to look at the artist LS Lowry and creating our own artwork. We will also be thinking about how Redhill has changed over time.
World Book Day, Thursday 15th March 2018
World Book Day has been rescheduled to Thursday 15th March due to the snow days.
Children are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and it would be great if they could also bring in a book with their character in!
Junk Modelling Materials
Towards the end of this half term the children will be building towns using junk modelling materials. Please could you bring in anything you can find at home and give it in to your class teacher.
Week beginning 26.2.18
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to learn the story Meerkat Mail and will be exploring the language and grammar used in the book.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Hodgeheg'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be learning how to draw tally charts and pictograms. We will then be answering questions about the data.
Project: This week we will be looking at the artist LS Lowry and creating our own artwork.
Reminders: World Book Day, Thursday 1st March 2018
Children are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and it would be great if they could also bring in a book with their character in!
Week beginning 19.2.18
Literacy: This week we will be learning the story Meerkat Mail.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse'. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be continuing to look at shape. We will be identifying and describing properties of 3D shapes.
Project: This week we will be looking at human and physical geographical features. We will also be using the Bluebots and creating our own maps for them.
Week beginning 5.2.18
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own stories using the story structure of Wanda Wallaby. The children will be writing their own journey stories.
Reading: We are reading the book 'Frog and Toad Are Friends' by Arnold Lobel. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be looking at shape. We will be identifying and describing properties of 2D shapes.
Project: This week we will be recording and performing our own 5-a-day routines.
Week beginning 29.1.18
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own versions of Wanda Wallaby. We will also be continuing to focus on the four different sentence types. These are; statements (sentences which give us information), commands (sentences which tell us to do something), questions (sentences which ask you something) and exclamations (sentences which start with a what or how e.g. What big teeth you have!).
Reading: We are reading the book 'Frog and Toad Are Friends' by Arnold Lobel. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be continuing the topic of fractions. We will be learning to recognise, find, name and write the fractions 1/2 (half), 1/4 (quarter), 1/3 (third), 2/4 (two quarters) and 3/4 (three quarters), specifically looking at fractions of numbers.
Project: This week we will be creating our own five-a-day fitness videos.
Week beginning 22.1.18
Literacy: This week we will be using the story of Wanda Wallaby to begin to come up with our own story ideas. We will also be continuing to focus on the four different sentence types. These are; statements (sentences which give us information), commands (sentences which tell us to do something), questions (sentences which ask you something) and exclamations (sentences which start with a what or how e.g. What big teeth you have!).
Reading: We are reading the book 'Frog and Toad Are Friends' by Arnold Lobel. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be continuing the topic of fractions. We will be learning to recognise, find, name and write the fractions 1/2 (half), 1/4 (quarter), 1/3 (third), 2/4 (two quarters) and 3/4 (three quarters), specifically looking at fractions of numbers.
Project: This week we will be looking how animals move, thinking about the importance of exercise and the importance of personal hygiene.
Week beginning 15.1.18
Literacy: This week we will be retelling the story of Wanda Wallaby using actions to help us. We will also be learning about the four different sentence types. These are; statements (sentences which give us information), commands (sentences which tell us to do something), questions (sentences which ask you something) and exclamations (sentences which start with a what or how e.g. What big teeth you have!).
Reading: We are reading the book 'Frog and Toad Are Friends' by Arnold Lobel. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be starting the topic of fractions. We will be learning to recognise, find, name and write the fractions 1/2 (half), 1/4 (quarter), 1/3 (third), 2/4 (two quarters) and 3/4 (three quarters).
Project: This week we will be looking at famous sports people. We will be researching and gathering information to create our own booklet about about our chosen sports person.
Week beginning 8.1.18
Literacy: This week we will be learning the story of Wanda Wallaby. We will be using actions to help us retell the story.
Reading: We are reading the book 'Frog and Toad Are Friends' by Arnold Lobel. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be solving division questions by sharing.
Project: This half term our topic is called Bounce! and we started the topic by having a bouncy ball fun afternoon. This week we will be carrying out a science investigation. The children will be conducting their own experiments to investigate which are the best balls for Mr Blackman to use in his PE lessons.
Week beginning 18.12.17
Literacy: This week we will be retelling and adapting the story 'Mog's Christmas Calamity'.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be continuing to multiply by 2s, 5s and 10s.
Project: This week we will be using our instruments we have made to create and perform some musical pieces.
Week beginning 11.12.17
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own stories using ideas from The Magic Brush.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be multiplying by 2s, 5s and 10s.
Project: This week we will be making and evaluating our instruments.
Week beginning 4.12.17
Literacy: This week we will be writing a story based on the theme 'The Chase'.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be introducing multiplication by grouping. E.g. 2x5 is 2 groups of 5.
Project: This week we will be designing and making our own musical instruments. If you have any junk modelling materials that we could use please bring them in and give them to your class teacher. Thank you!
Froghopper and Dragonfly
Wednesday 6th December at 6pm
Thursday 7th December at 2pm
Honeybee and Millipede
Wednesday 6th December at 2pm
Thursday 7th December at 6pm
Narrators – Please wear black/grey trousers or skirt and a white shirt or polo shirt with a collar.
All other parts – P.E shorts and plain white t-shirt
Afternoon Performances:
Please bring your change of clothes (shorts etc.) in a named bag ready to change into after lunchtime.
Evening Performances:
ALL children to arrive at school at 5.30pm. Children to be dropped off at Robin or Wren Reception classroom doors.
Froghopper and Honeybee – Wren (the first classroom on the left facing the lower playground)
Dragonfly and Millipede – Robin (the second classroom on the left facing the lower playground)
After the performance, please collect your child from the same classroom door.
Kind regards
Year 2 Team
Week beginning 27.11.17
Literacy: This week we will be adapting the story 'The Magic Paintbrush' by changing one or more elements of the story. We will also be using conjunctions in our sentences to add more detail e.g. and, because, when, or, if, but.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be continuing to look at money. We will be learning to add money together and how to give change.
Project: This week we will designing and making our own musical instruments. If you have any junk modelling materials that we could use please bring them in and give them to your class teacher. Thank you!
Christmas Making Morning Bottles
For one of our Christmas Making Morning activities, every child will need a standard sized, clear, plastic bottle with the lid on. Please could every child bring one in between now and the 1st December.
Week beginning 20.11.17
Literacy: This week we will be learning and retelling the story 'The Magic Paintbrush'.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be looking at money. We will be exploring different ways of making the same amount e.g. 20p = 10p + 10p and 20p = 5p + 5p + 10p.
Project: This week we will be using the computer program 2sequence to compose our own pieces of music. We will also be completing a science investigation about sound.
Christmas Making Morning
For one of our Christmas Making Morning activities, every child will need a standard sized, clear, plastic bottle with the lid on. Please could every child bring one in between now and the 1st December.
Week beginning 13.11.17
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own stories about an animal and an instrument. We will be continuing to use noun phrases to describe. For example; the big, brown and scary bear.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be looking at money. We will be learning to recognise and use the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p). We will also be using coins to make certain amounts of money e.g. Can you give me 32p? We will be exploring different ways of making the same amount e.g. 20p = 10p + 10p and 20p = 5p + 5p + 10p.
Project: This week we will be listening to different genres of music and discussing whether we like them or not. We will be using the computer program 2sequence to compose our own pieces of music. We will also be completing a science investigation about sound.
Anti Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to show their support for anti bullying.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.
Christmas Making Morning
For one of our Christmas Making Morning activities, every child will need a standard sized, clear, plastic bottle with the lid on. Please could every child bring one in between now and the 1st December.
Week beginning 6.11.17
Literacy: This week we will be writing a new version of the story 'The Bear and the Piano'. We will be changing an aspect of the story and continuing to use noun phrases to describe. For example; the big, brown and scary bear.
Reading: We are reading the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be answering questions based on the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be looking at the relationship between addition and subtraction, and using this to find solutions to missing number problems. For example; if I know 17+3=20 then I know 20-3=17.
Project: This week we will be creating silhouette art based on our book The Bear and the Piano. We will be comparing music from different countries and completing a science investigation about sound.
Poppy Day!
From Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November we will be selling poppies for £1.00 each, in aid of The Poppy Appeal at both the infant and junior sites.
Your class teacher will be given a timetable detailing when the poppies will be sold in your class.
Anti Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to show their support for anti bullying.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.
Week beginning 30.10.17
We have had a great half term in Year 2. Thank you for the fantastic response to 'visit the classroom', it was great to see so many of you. We hope you have a restful half-term.
Literacy: This week we will be learning and retelling the story 'The Bear and the Piano'. We will be focusing on using noun phrases to describe. For example the big, brown and scary bear.
Reading: We are introducing the book 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' by Roald Dahl. We will be looking at the front cover and making predictions about the story.
Maths: This week in maths we will be subtracting two, two digit numbers by using partitioning and jumping backwards on a number line. Please follow this link for an example of how to add by partitioning and other helpful how to guides. https://www.earlswood.surrey.sch.uk/maths-support-for-parents/
Project: This week we will be launching our new topic 'Beat, Band, Boogie!'. We will be listening to and comparing different pieces of music.
Anti Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to show their support for anti bullying.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.
Week beginning 16.10.17
Literacy: This week we will be using the book 'The Day the Crayons Came Home' as inspiration for our own imaginative letters from the Crayons to Duncan.
Reading: We are continuing to read the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. We will be reading the letters and using our comprehension skills to answer questions.
Maths: This week in maths we will be subtracting two, two digit numbers by jumping backwards on a number line.
Project: This week we will be exploring a range of mixed media including marbling, ice cube painting and printing with Lego.
Reminders: Next week it is 'visit the classroom' on Wednesday 18th October you are invited to come into the classroom after school to see your child's work. We will also be holding an art gallery in the hall, showcasing some of the children's excellent artwork from our topic Muck, Mess and Mixtures.
Week beginning 9.10.17
Literacy: This week we will be looking at the book 'The Day the Crayon Came Home' and learning how to use question marks in our writing.
Reading: We are continuing to read the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. We will be reading the letters and using our comprehension skills to answer questions.
Maths: This week in maths we will be adding two, two digit numbers by partitioning.
Project: This week we will be learning about the changes of everyday materials and doing a range of scientific investigations.
Week beginning 2.10.17
Literacy: This week we will be looking at the book 'The Day the Crayon Came Home'. We will be revisiting how to use punctuation correctly in our writing.
Reading: We are starting to read the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. We will be looking at the front cover and blurb, predicting what might happen in the book.
Maths: This week in maths we will be using our addition and subtraction facts to 20 and 100.
Project: This week we will be making crayons out of clay and using these to make a stop motion animation story.
Book Fair
‘Travelling Books’ are returning to the Infant School on Wednesday 4th October. The Book Fair was a huge success last year and we raised over £500 worth of book vouchers for the school. The book fair will be coming to the Juniors in March next year.
There will be a large selection of books suitable for children aged 4-11 years old, at great prices, so please come and have a look in the bottom hall everyday October 4th - 9th before and after school.
If you will not be able to make the book fair, you can still support us by buying a book online. Just go to the online shop at: https://shop.scholastic.co.uk/free-booksl and start shopping!
If you enter our school postcode RH1 6DZ, you can have the books delivered to school. This is also a great option if you would like to pay by card, as we can only take cash payments at school.
We hope to see you at the book fair next week!
The Literacy Team
Week beginning 25.9.17
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own stories, using the ideas from the Naughty Bus book.
Reading: We are continuing to read the book ‘The Clumsies’. We will be developing our comprehension skills, focusing on inferring an answer from the text.
Maths: This week in maths we will be learning to count in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s and using this knowledge to answer questions.
Project: This week we will be exploring the work of artists such as Henri Matisse and Kurt Schwitters and producing our own work based on theirs.
Week beginning 15.9.17
Literacy: This week we will be learning about verbs and adverbs and we will be using these when writing our own version of the naughty bus.
Reading: We are continuing to read the book ‘The Clumsies’. We will be developing our comprehension skills, focusing on the author's choice of language.
Maths: This week in maths we will be comparing and ordering numbers to 100 using the symbols < > =.
Project: This week we will be learning about food from around the world. We will also be looking at the artist Carl Warner who made art out of fruit!
Week beginning 11.9.17
Literacy: This week we will be reading and retelling the story ‘The Naughty Bus’.
Reading: We are going to begin reading our book ‘The Clumsies’. We will be developing our comprehension skills, focusing on the author's choice of language.
Maths: This week in maths we will be identifying and representing numbers in different ways. For example number lines and tally charts.
Project: This week we will be learning about primary and secondary colours and we will be exploring different shades of the same colour. On Thursday we will be holding our ‘Messy Morning’. This will involve exploring different messy materials. Please can your child come to school in old clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. They will need to bring their PE kit to school to change into for the afternoon.
Welcome to Year 2!
All the team are looking forward to the year ahead. Our topic this half term we will be Muck, Mess and Mixtures where we will be exploring lots of different materials and creating a range of artwork using different media.
Our PE days will be on Tuesday and Thursday, on these days your child comes to school in their PE kit. Please tie long hair back and remove earrings.
We will be going to the Juniors every Friday for our Music and Cooking/Woodlands lessons. Your child can come to school in their PE kit or wear school uniform. They will need a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat.
We will be sending home reading books which will be changed on a Tuesday and Thursday.
If you have any questions please come and speak to your child’s class teacher.
The Year 2 Team