
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Weekly Blog

Week Beginning 22nd July 

Wow! It has been an amazing year in Year 2. The children have worked so hard and made amazing progress. We can see that they are all ready for new challenges in Year 3.


Thank you for coming to our class assemblies today. It was lovely to share their singing with you.


Next week:


Year 2 will have their summer party to mark the end of their time at the Infant School. Please send you child in with a change of clothes. If they want to bring a water gun, please make sure that it is named. We cannot be responsible for things that children bring in from home, so please don't send anything expensive!

If you do not want your child to have an ice lolly, let your child's class teacher know. 



We will be thinking about all of the goals that we have achieved this year and what we want to get better at.

We will write write a letter in English and complete some maths games. 


Times Table Rock Stars!

We are having another TTRS tournament on Tuesday! Please support your child to complete 2 session of TTRS each week. There will be prizes for best posters and the winners of the tournament. 


Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing the children in September. 



Week Beginning 15th July 



We are going to be persuading people to buy our Enterprise Week products. 



The children will be reading a range of different texts for fluency. The will focus on using expression and looking out for punctuation marks to inform them how to say the sentence. 



We will learn about position and direction this week. We will be thinking about left, right, clockwise and anti-clockwise turns. We will look at patterns and rotation. 



We are learning about changes. This week we will be thinking about the changes that an end of year brings and the children's move to Year 3. 



We will think about the conditions that different plants need to grow. We will identify some of the plants are are growing at the allotment and measure their heights. 



We are considering the question; Is it better to give or receive? We will consider what we have learnt and reflect on this question. 



This week is enterprise week. We will be looking at how we can make a profit for a charity. We will be selling our t-shirts on Friday. 




Times Table Rock Stars!

We are having another TTRS tournament at the end of this term. Please support your child to complete 2 session of TTRS each week. There will be prizes for best posters and the winners of the tournament. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

revise- adding a suffix

double the consonant when the short vowel sound needs protecting. 

eg hopping, clapped



Week Beginning 8th July 



We are going to look at writing a diary entry. After reenacting the Battle of Hasting, the children will be writing a diary entry from the perspective of a soldier. 



The children will be reading a range of different texts for fluency. The will focus on using expression and looking out for punctuation marks to inform them how to say the sentence. 



We will continue to learn about statistics this week We will be looking at making and interpreting pictograms. 



We are learning about changes. This week we will be thinking about the changes that an end of year brings and the children's move to Year 3. 



We will think about plants and what they need to survive. We will be looking at different seeds and how some plants need different temperatures to grow. 



We are considering the question; Is it better to give or receive? We will look at parables from the bible and see how these teach Christians how to give. 



We are learning how to input information on a spreadsheet. 




Times Table Rock Stars!

We are having another TTRS tournament at the end of this term. Please support your child to complete 2 session of TTRS each week. There will be prizes for best posters and the winners of the tournament. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

revise- adding a suffix

When the root word ends in y- you change it to a y before adding the suffix

Exceptions- you do not change the i to a y when you are adding -ing


Week Beginning 1st July 2024 



We are writing in different styles this week. We will think about using descriptive language and conjunctions in our sentences. 



We will continue to read our new text Knight in Training (Dragons can't swim). We will answer a range of questions about chapter 5. 



We will learn about .statistics this week We will make tallys, look at information in a table and make block diagrams. 



We are learning about changes. This week we will think about how the physical differences between boys and girls. 



We will think about plants that we eat. We will identify which part of the plant we eat- leaves, stem, flower, fruit.  



We are considering the question; Is it better to give or receive? We will think about Sikhs give through the Langar.



We are learning how to input information on a spreadsheet. 




Class swap day- Tuesday 2nd July

Please take your child to the Juniors for registration. You will need to collect them from the Junior School at the end of the day. 


Times Table Rock Stars!

We are having another TTRS tournament at the end of this term. Please support your child to complete 2 session of TTRS each week. There will be prizes for best posters and the winners of the tournament. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

revise- adding a suffix

When the root word ends in y- you change it to a y before adding the suffix

Exceptions- you do not change the i to a y when you are adding -ing




Week Beginning 24th June 2024 



We are learning a portal story. We will think about our own portal story this week and include all of the tools we have been learning. 



We will continue to read our new text Knight in Training (Dragons can't swim). We will answer a range of questions about chapter 4. 



We will learn about time. We will tell the time to and past the hour. We will think about how many minutes are in an hour and how many hours are in a day. 



We are learning about changes. This week we will think about how our body has changed since birth. 



We will identify parts of a plant and look at the results of our plant investigation. 



We are considering the question; Is it better to give or receive? We will think about Sikhs give through the Langar.



We are learning how to input information on a spreadsheet. 




Times Table Rock Stars!

We are having another TTRS tournament at the end of this term. Please support your child to complete 2 session of TTRS each week. There will be prizes for best posters and the winners of the tournament. 



We are cooking this half term. Please ensure your child's dietary needs have changed, please make sure they are up to date at the office. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

possessive apostrophes 

When something belongs to someone you use an apostrophe to show possession. 

EG. Mrs Knight's book, the boy's coat, the dog's toy



Week Beginning 17th June 2024 



We are learning a portal story. We will innovate our learnt text to write our own portal story. We will use our editing skills to improve our work. 



We will continue to read our new text Knight in Training (Dragons can't swim). We will answer a range of questions about chapter 3. 



We will learn about time. We will tell the time to and past the hour. We will think about how many minutes are in an hour and how many hours are in a day. 



Because of our trip, we will continue PSHE next week



We will identify different species of flowers and trees. We will make careful observations of leaves. 



We are considering the question; Is it better to give or receive? We will think about how people of different religions give to their families, their communities and their God and what they receive in return. 



We will look at the work of various artists, some of whom we have studied at the Infant school and others that we will study at the juniors. 



Tate trip

Monday 17th- Froghopper

Tuesday 18th- Millipede

Wednesday 19th- Honeybee


Please make sure your child has a packed lunch and rain coat in a small backpack. We will be returning to school by the end of the school day. Please collect your child as normal. 



We are cooking this half term. Please ensure your child's dietary needs have changed, please make sure they are up to date at the office. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

adding word endings ed, or

eg inspected, inspector




Week Beginning 10th June 2024 



We are learning a portal story. We will innovate our learnt text to write our own portal story.



We will continue to read our new text Knight in Training (Dragons can't swim). We will answer a range of questions about chapter 2. 



We will learn about 3 quarters and solve problems including fractions. We will recap learnign about money.



Our half term theme is 'Changes'. We will think about the changes that happen as we grow from young to old. 



We will investigate whether plants grow in different conditions and begin to record results. 



We are considering the question; Is it better to give or receive? We will think about how people of different religions give to their families, their communities and their God and what they receive in return. 



We will learn about how to create a spreadsheet.



We will think about coats of arms and design our own coat of arms. 



Our trip to Tate modern is coming up soon. Please make sure you have filled in the google form and made the donation. Thank you.



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

-sh phoneme spelt as -ti

when the grapheme is -ti it is usually followed by -on

eg. position, location, station, 



Week Beginning 4th June 2024 



We are learning a portal story. We will think about the setting that our portal takes us to. 



We will be predicting and retrieving facts from our new text Knight in Training (Dragons can't swim)



We are learning about fractions. We will recap halves, quarters and thirds this week. 



Our half term theme is 'Changes'. We will recognise changes of life in nature and understand that there are some changes that are outside of our control. We will think about how we feel about this. 



We will think about how plants grow and what they need to be able to grow well. 



We are considering the question; Is it better to give or receive?



We will learn about how to create a spreadsheet.



Our trip to \Tate modern is coming up soon. Please make sure you have filled in the google form and made the donation. Thank you.



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

Week Beginning 20th May 2024 



We will be doing some short burst writes about different genres. We will write a short report. 



We will be finishing our new text Hoghedge by Dick King Smith. We will answer a range of questions about the text. 



We are learning about time. We will read quarter to and quarter past times. We will revise the 2, 5 and 10 times table



Our half term theme is 'Relationships'. We will think about how we show appreciation and how we accept other people's compliments. 



We will make our cars and evaluate them. 



We are learning about Judaism. We will think about the Friday Night Dinner and what makes it special. 



We will learn about how to do effective research using a search engine. 





Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

spelling contractions

do not- don't

have not- haven't

will not- won't



Week Beginning 13th May 2024 



We will be doing some short burst writes about different genres. We will look at pictures to inspire creative writing. 



We will be continuing our new text Hoghedge by Dick King Smith. We will answer a range of questions about the text. 



We are learning about time. We will read o'clock and half past times on an analogue clock. 



Our half term theme is 'Relationships'. We will think about trust and who our trusted friends and adults are. 



We will look at toy cars and think about their purpose and how they work. We will design a moving vehicle. 



We are learning about Judaism. We will think about how the time of Shabbat can be seen as a gift.



We will learn about how to do effective research using a search engine. 



Thank you for your offers of help to go to the Tate Gallery. Please let your child's class teacher know if you are able to come and help on this trip. We have had lots of offers of help. Thank you. We can take more helpers but this increases the train costs. If you have offered to help and you already have a train pass or a railcard, this may help us to reduce the cost for this trip. Please let Mrs Knight know. Thank you



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

adding suffixes ful, less and ly

when there is an i at the end we change the y to an i before adding the suffix. 


some words have 2 suffixes

care- careful- carefully




Week Beginning 6th May 2024 


During this week we will assessing the children using SATs papers. This will be with their normal class teacher and look very much like it does in their usual lessons.



We will be doing some short burst writes about different genres. We will look at pictures to inspire creative writing. 



We will be continuing our new text Hoghedge by Dick King Smith. We will answer a range of questions about the text. 



We are learning about fractions. We will consolidate all of the learning we have been doing about fractions. 



Our half term theme is 'Relationships'. We will think about secrets- good secrets that end up as a happy surprise and worry secrets that make us sad or anxious. 



We will learn about Bessie Coleman. 



We are learning about Judaism. We will think what Jewish families do to celebrate Shabbat.



We will learn about how to do effective research using a search engine. 



Thank you for your offers of help to go to the Tate Gallery. Please let your child's class teacher know if you are able to come and help on this trip. We have had lots of offers of help. Thank you. We can take more helpers but this increases the train costs. If you have offered to help and you already have a train pass or a railcard, this may help us to reduce the cost for this trip. Please let Mrs Knight know. Thank you



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

adding suffixes ness and ment

when there is an i at the end we change the y to an i before adding the suffix. 

If a root word has the suffix ment, it will not have the suffix ness
If a root word has the suffix ness, it will not have the suffix ment

happiness- NOT happiment

payment- NOT payness




Week Beginning 29th April 2024 



We will be looking at the features of a recount. We will write about our trip to Brooklands Museum. 



We will be continuing our new text Hoghedge by Dick King Smith. We will answer a range of questions about the text. 



We are learning about fractions. We will learn about non-unit fractions, recognise three quarters, and count in fractions to a whole. 



Our half term theme is 'Relationships'. We will think about friendships.



We will learn about Bessie Coleman. 



We are learning about Judaism. We will think why i is important for Jewish families to do something different at Shabbat. 



We will learn about the 5 oceans in the world. 



Thank you for your offers of help to go to the Tate Gallery. Please let your child's class teacher know if you are able to come and help on this trip. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

when the zh phoneme is spelt -su or si

eg confusion, usual, treasure


Week Beginning 22nd April 2024 



We will be looking at the features of a recount. We will write our own recounts. We will use time adverbials and detail to interest the reader. 



We will be continuing our new text Hoghedge by Dick King Smith. We will answer a range of questions about the text. 



We are learning about fractions. We will learn about unit fractions, recognise a third and find the whole.



Our half term theme is 'Relationships'. We will think about our boundaries and physical touch.



We will learn about Bessie Coleman. 



We are learning about Judaism. We will think about how we rest and the importance of rest. 





Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

When the -c makes a -s sound

Before -i eg city

Before -e fence



Thank you for all your support this term. We hope that you enjoy the break with your family. 


Week Beginning 15th April 2024 



We will be looking at the features of a recount. We will think about using conjunctions. 



We will be starting our new text Hoghedge by Dick King Smith. We will make predictions and develop our fluency skills. 



We are learning about fractions. We will identify half and quarter of different shapes. We will think about equal and unequal parts. 



Our half term theme is 'Relationships'. We will think about our family and how our friends family may look different to ours. 



We will learn about the First Flight. We will be visiting Brooklands Museum and finding out lots of information about flight. 





Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

We revised key word spellings. You can find these in the centre of your child's reading record. 





Week Beginning 25th March 2024 



We will write our own persuasive text. 



We will be finishing The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. We will use our inference and sequencing skills. 



We are learning about measurement and we will compare capacity and measure in millilitres and litres. 



Our half term theme is 'Healthy Me'. We will think about which food gives our body energy. 



We are designing and making a healthy snack. We will make our healthy snack. 



We are finding out about significant places and landmarks in Australia. We will look at the physical and human features of Australia. We will use all the information we have learnt to write a persuasive advert to visit Australia



We will learn simple coding using the purple mash app. We will debug a programme. 


We will think about Why Christian call God Saviour. We will look at the symbols of the Easter garden.





Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

words ending in -l

-el, il, al, le

double to letter to protect the short vowel sound

Eg bubble, middle, apple




Week Beginning 18th March 2024 



We will be learning a persuasive text. We will be writing our own persuasive text. 



We will be reading the next part of The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. We will use our inference and sequencing skills. 



We are learning about measurement and we will compare mass and measure in grams and kilograms. 



Our half term theme is 'Healthy Me'. We will think about a balanced diet. 



We are designing and making a healthy snack. We will make our healthy snack. 



We are finding out about significant places and landmarks in Australia. We will look at the physical and human features of Australia.



We will learn simple coding using the purple mash app. We will debug a programme. 


We will think about Why Christian call God Saviour. We will consider the question- 'Is there a rescue at Easter? Who did Jesus forgive?'



Thank you for supporting Red Nose day. 


Times-table Rockstars:

We have set up a tournament on times-table rockstars. Please encourage your child to complete at least 1 session per week on this app. We will have a competition this week in school to promote this to the children. We have added an individual login to TTRS in their reading records if you are unable to access this app through Wonde.


Brooklands Trip

Next half term we will be visiting Brooklands Museum. You should have received a letter about this. Please complete the Google form and make the donation for this as soon as you can. 

We still need some parent helpers for this trip but we are limited to spaces on the. Please let your class teacher know if you would like to help so we can have enough adults for each class. If you don't mind helping with a different class, please let us know. Thank you



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

change the y to an i and add es

if it ends in -ey just add es





Week Beginning 11th March 2024 


This week is STEM week. We are thinking about communication across time and which communication takes the most amount of time. 



We will be learning a persuasive text and thinking about the features that help to convince someone to want something. 



We will be reading the next part of The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. We will retrieve information from the text and infer. 



We are learning about measurement and we will measure in cm and metres. We will think about what unit of measurement we should use to measure particular objects. 



Our half term theme is 'Healthy Me'. We will think about what a healthy diet looks like and how we can make sure we eat a balanced diet. 



We are designing and making a healthy snack. We will design a healthy snack bar. 



We are finding out about significant places and landmarks in Australia. 



We will learn simple coding using the purple mash app. We will add a timer to delay a movement. 


We will think about Why Christian call God Saviour. We will consider the question- 'How did Jesus save people?'



We will think about communication and how long different communication takes. We will make string telephone and think about how sound travels. 



Please remember to send a coat into school. The weather is still changeable and the children need to have access to a coat daily. Thank you


Times-table Rockstars:

We have set up a tournament on times-table rockstars. Please encourage your child to complete at least 1 session per week on this app. 


Brooklands Trip

Next half term we will be visiting Brooklands Museum. You should have received a letter about this. Please complete the Google form and make the donation for this as soon as you can. 

We still need some parent helpers for this trip but we are limited to spaces on the. Please let your class teacher know if you would like to help so we can have enough adults for each class. If you don't mind helping with a different class, please let us know. Thank you



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

change the y to an i and add es

EG. fly-flies

Trick spellings are people and friend



Week Beginning 4th March 2024 



We will finish innovating our class text, thinking about how we build suspense in our story. We will write our own defeat the monster tale independently.



This week is assessment week so we will complete some reading quizzes.  



This week is assessment week so we will complete an arithmetic quiz and a reasoning quiz. 



Our half term theme is 'Healthy Me'. We will think about the importance of medicine and when we should and should not touch it. 



We are designing and making a healthy snack. We will think about the ingredients that we want to use in our snack bar.



We are finding out about significant places and landmarks in Australia. 



We will learn simple coding using the purple mash app. We will add sound to an animation. 


We will think about Why Christian call God Saviour. We will consider the question- 'How did Jesus save people?'



Please remember to send a coat into school. The weather is still changeable and the children need to have access to a coat daily. Thank you


Times-table Rockstars:

We have set up a tournament on times-table rockstars. Please encourage your child to complete at least 1 session per week on this app. 


Brooklands Trip

Next half term we will be visiting Brooklands Museum. You should have received a letter about this. Please complete the Google form and make the donation for this as soon as you can. 

We still need some parent helpers for this trip but we are limited to spaces on the. Please let your class teacher know if you would like to help so we can have enough adults for each class. If you don't mind helping with a different class, please let us know. Thank you



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

Adding -s and -es

After sh and tch we add -es
Eg. washes, watches

Adding -ing

We double the last letter to protect the short vowel sound

eg hop-hopping, skip-skipping




Week Beginning 26th February 2024 



We will innovate our class text, thinking about how we build suspense in our story. We will use our editing skills to improve our work. 



We will be continuing our new whole class text- The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. We will think about vocabulary and use our retrieval skills. 



We are continuing our learning about multiplication and division. We will thinking about multiplying and dividing by 10 and 5. 



Our half term theme is 'Healthy Me'. We will think about the importance of being relaxed and how that can help us to be healthy. 



We will learn about the Great Barrier Reef. 



We will learn simple coding using the purple mash app. We will add action to an animation. 


We will think about Why Christian call God Saviour. We will consider the question- 'How did Jesus save people?'





Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

When the or sound is after qu or w, we use the grapheme ar

eg. warm, squash, towards

When the er sound is after w or qu, we use the grapheme or

eg. work, worth, worst


Thank you for your support throughout this half term. The children have worked really hard and are making great progress. Please remember to log onto timestable rockstars and read with your child as often as possible.

Have a good break. 


Week Beginning 19th February 2024 



We are learning how to build suspense in our fiction writing. We will think about sentence structure, dramatic sentence starters and what the threat in the story might be. 



We will be Starting our new whole class text- The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. We will retrieve information and use inference skills. 



We are continuing our learning about multiplication and division. We will thinking about odd and even numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10 and 5. 



Our half term theme is 'Healthy Me'. We will think about how we can motivate ourselves and others to be healthy. 



We will learn about Australia and look at where and how people live in the Uluru. 



We will learn simple coding using the purple mash app. 


We will think about Why Christian call God Saviour. We will think about what we mean by 'rescue'.



PE days

Our PE days will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday this term.



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

key words



Week Beginning 5th February 2024 



We are writing a non-chronological report about habitats. We will write paragraphs under sub-headings and compile our own reports. 



We will be finishing our whole class text- Mr Majeika. We will retrieve information and use inference skills. 



We are continuing our learning about multiplication and division. We will think about dividing by 2 and doubling and halving



Our half term theme is 'Dreams and Goals'. We will think about the skills you need to work as part of a team. 



We will follow a map when we go to Earlswood Lakes. We will identify key features to help us find where we are on the map.  



We will think about the artist Matisse. We will produce our own art in the style of Matisse's cut outs.



Trip to Earlswood Lakes

Thank you if you have offered to come with us to Earlswood Lakes. We will leave school around 9.15 and we should be back to school by 12.30.

Please make sure that your child has a warm and waterproof coat, wellies and a change of clothes, in case they get muddy. 


Children's Mental Health week

We are marking Children's Mental Health week on Wednesday and children are invited to wear clothes to express themselves. Please consider the clothes they will need to wear for our trip. We will also be completing some activities at school to support children with their Mental Health and thinking about the things that are important to us. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

j- dge, -ge, -g

you use -dge after a short vowel sound eg. hedge

you use -ge after a digraph eg. charge




Week Beginning 29th January 2024 



We are writing a non-chronological report about habitats. We will think about the features of a non-chronological report. 



We will be continuing to read our whole class text- Mr Majeika. We will retrieve information and use inference skills. 



We are continuing our learning about multiplication and division. We will think about making equal groups by grouping and sharing. We will learn the 2 times table. 



Our half term theme is 'Dreams and Goals'. We will think about the challenges we faced when learning a new skill and how we worked successfully as a team. 



We are learning about Islam. We are thinking about why it might be important for some Muslims to meet at the Mosque and pray on a Friday



We will draw a map of our school grounds and the woodlands.   



We are learning about how to keep safe online. 



We will think about the artist Matisse. We will find out about him and reflect on his art. 



Trip to Earlswood Lakes

Thank you if you have offered to come with us to Earlswood Lakes. We will leave school around 9.15 and we should be back to school by 12.30.

Please make sure that your child has a warm and waterproof coat, wellies and a change of clothes, in case they get muddy. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

You drop the -e add -est and -y

E.G. brave-bravest      shine-shiny






Week Beginning 22nd January 2024 



We are writing our own finding tale using all of the skills that we have learnt.



We will be continuing to read our whole class text- Mr Majeika. We will use inference skills and summarise what we have read. 



We are starting our learning about multiplication. We will think about equal groups and make arrays to calculate multiplication questions. 



Our half term theme is 'Dreams and Goals'. We will be thinking about how we learn together in a group. We will be working collaboratively to complete a task. 



We are learning about Islam. We will think about how Muslims speak to Allah.



We will learn about simple mechanisms including levers and sliders. We will create a habitat that includes a lever or slider.  



We are learning about how to keep safe online. 



Trip to Earlswood Lakes

You will have received a letter about our trip to Earlswood Lakes on Wednesday 7th February. We need some helpers to walk with us on this trip. If you are available to do this, please speak to your child's class teacher. Thank you.



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

You drop the -e add -ing, -er and -ed.

E.G. hike- hiker      care-caring       love-loved







Week Beginning 15th January 2024 



We are learning a story called Pirate Tom. We will be innovating the story to create own own version. 



We will be continuing to read our whole class text- Mr Majeika. We will retrieve information and sequence events from the chapters that we have read. 



We are learning about money. We will find change and solve 2 step problems.



Our half term theme is 'Dreams and Goals'. We will think about group work and understand that other people can help us to learn. 



We are learning about Islam. We will think about how Muslims get ready to talk to Allah and how they show that prayer is very important to them. 



We are learning about living things and their habitats. We will learn about micro-habitats.



We will learn about simple mechanisms including levers and sliders. 



We are learning about how to keep safe online. 



DT project

Thank you for sending in cardboard and boxes. This is the last week to bring them in . 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rules we learnt were:

You double the final letter to protect the short vowel sound when you add -ing, -er and -ed.

E.G. skip-skipping      fit- fitter       hop- hopped

You do not double the final letter when there is a digraph

E.G. knock- knocking      jump- jumper     wash- washed




Week Beginning 8th January 2024 


We are learning a story called Pirate Tom. We are using descriptive tools to make our writing interesting. 



We will be continuing to read our whole class text- Mr Majeika. We will retrieve answers from the text and sequence events. We will look at how to answer true or false questions. 



We are learning about money. We will compare amounts of money and calculate with money. 



Our half term theme is 'Dreams and Goals'. We will set ourselves a goal and think about the small steps needed to achieve it.  



We are learning about Islam. We will think about why people are important. 



We will find out which countries have hot and cold climates. We will learn about polar, equatorial and desert climates. 



We are learning about living things and their habitats. We will think about the animals and plants that live in different habitats. 



DT project

We will need shoe boxes and cardboard for our next DT project. Please start collecting. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling graphemes we were revising this week were kn, gn, wr.
We also looked at some homophones. 






Thank you for all your support this term. It has been a great start to Year 2.
Thank you for the cards and gifts. Have a lovely break and we will see you all in January. 



Week Beginning 2nd January 2024 



We are thinking about writing a descriptive story. We will be learning the text using our story map. 



We will be predicting and retrieving answers from the text. We are starting a new whole class reading book- Mr Majeika. 



We are learning about money. We will recognise and count coins and notes. 



Our half term theme is 'Dreams and Goals'. We will think about setting our own personal goals. 



We are learning about Islam. We will think about how Muslims pray. 



We are learning about living things and their habitats.  





Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rule we were revising high frequency words. These can be found in the centre of the reading records. 

Week Beginning 11th December 2023 



We are thinking about instructions. We will write instructions to explain how to 



We will be finishing the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will summarise and review the book. 



We are learning about shape. We will make patterns with shapes and think about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. 



Our half term theme is 'Celebrating Differences'. We will think about what makes a good friend.



We are thinking about how Christians give. We will think why giving is important to Christians.



We will look at the work of Wassily Kandinsky. We will recreate one of his paintings. 




Thank you for your support with our Nativity performances. It was so lovely for the children to have a super supportive audience. 


Christmas Cards

Some children like to write Christmas cards for others in their class. Please send any in with the name clearly written on the front with the child's class (or class initials HB for Honeybee, FH for Froghopper, MP for Millipede). There will be a post box for the children to post them in. They will be given out at the end of the week. 

Class lists of first names are further down the blog. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rule we were revising high frequency words. These can be found in the centre of the reading records. 


Week Beginning 4th December 2023 



We are thinking about instructions. We will write our own instructions using prepositions, bossy verbs and some details that give clarity. 



We will be reading the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will develop our fluency and look at the vocabulary in the text.



We are learning about shape. We will use lines of symmetry to complete shapes. We will think about the properties of 3D shapes. 



Our half term theme is 'Celebrating Differences'. We will think about how we give and receive compliments. 



We will use purple mash to create digital art inspired by William Morris.  



We are thinking about how Christians give. We will think why giving is important to Christians.



We will look at the work of Wassily Kandinsky. We will think about what we have learnt about colour and how he does this in his work. 



Nativity Performances 

We can't wait to have you as an audience this week. Please make sure the children are back in school at 6.15, to get ready for their performance. 

Thank you

Honeybee- Monday 4th

Millipede- Tuesday 5th

Froghopper- Thursday 7th

Please note that school aged siblings are able to attend this performance.


Christmas Cards

Some children like to write Christmas cards for others in their class. Please send any in with the name clearly written on the front with the child's class (or class initials HB for Honeybee, FH for Froghopper, MP for Millipede). There will be a post box for the children to post them in. They will be given out at the end of the week. 

Class lists of first names are at the bottom of this message. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rule we were learning was:

Why do I swap the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ when I add the suffix -ed?

Swap the y for an i when you add ed. EG. carried, tried
Why do I drop the ‘e’ when I add the suffix -ing?

Drop the e when adding -ing. EG. coming, using

Week Beginning 27th November 2023 



We are thinking about instructions. We will look at the key features of instructions and learn some instruction of how to trap a dragon. 



We will be reading the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will answer true or false questions and make predictions.   



We are learning about shape. We will recognise 2d and 3d shapes. We will count edges and vertices on 2d shapes. We will also draw lines of symmetry on 2d shapes.



Our half term theme is 'Celebrating Differences'. We will talk about what is right and wrong and how we recognise this. 



We will use purple mash to create digital art inspired by Mondrian. 



We are thinking about how Christians give. We will think why giving is important to Christians.




We are really looking forward to our performances and working really hard to know our lines and stage directions. 



Thank you if you have sent in a costume for your child. If your child is an angel, please send in light coloured (preferably white) t-shirt and shorts/leggings/joggers, to wear under their costume. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rule we were learning was:

When do I add the suffix -es/-s to words?

add es if the word ends in the sounds /x/, /s/, /z/, /ch/, /sh/
Why do I double the final letter in some words when I add the suffix -ing?

Double the final letter to protect the short vowel sound when adding -ing. eg hopping, skipping


Week Beginning 20th November 2023 



We are writing our own story this week. We will think about the character in our story and describe them using adjectives, adverbs and similes. 



We will be reading the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will retrieve information from the text.   



We are learning about addition and subtraction. We will be subtracting 2, two-digit numbers, crossing tens. We will compare number sentences, eg 12 + 7 > 10 + 8



Our half term theme is 'Celebrating Differences'. We will think about what bullying is and what we do if we see it happening. 



We will use purple mash to create digital art inspired by Impressionist painters.



We are learning about colour mixing. We will experiment with different colours. 
We are learning about the artist Jade Fadojutimi. We will create art inspired by her artworks. 



We are thinking about how Christians give. We will think about how people give to their local communities. 



Upcoming events

20th November- Year 2 Big Art Day

Inspired by the work of Jade Fadojutimi, we are going to create big pictures using paint. Please ensure your child wears old clothes-It will be messy! We will also need big paintbrushes for this if you have any you could donate. More detail to follow. 



You will have received a letter about tickets for the performance this week. Please complete this as soon as possible. Thank you. 



Thank you if you have sent in a costume for your child. We are looking forward to performing to you.  



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you

This week the spelling rule we were learning was:

Why do some words end in ck or k?
Use ck at the end of a word after a short vowel sound (brick, sock)

We don't use ck if there is a consonant before the c sound (tusk, milk)

Why do some words end in ch or tch?

Use tch at the end of a word after a short vowel sound (ditch)



Week Beginning 13th November 2023 



We are continuing to learn the story 'The Bear and The Piano'. We will innovate our text to make our own stories. We will focus on character description. 



We will be reading the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will summarise what we have read.  



We are learning about addition and subtraction. We will be adding and subtracting 2, two-digit numbers. 



Our half term theme is 'Celebrating Differences'. We will think about friendships. We will be thinking about how we address bullying issues as part of our anti-bullying week. 



We will use purple mash to create digital art inspired by Impressionist painters.



We are learning about the Gunpowder Plot. We will think about why it happened and reflect on whether what happened to Guy Fawkes was fair. 



We are learning about colour mixing. We will experiment with different colours. 



We are thinking about how Christians show love.



Upcoming events

13th November- Anti-bullying Week

Children and adults are invited to wear odd socks on Monday 13th to mark the start of anti-bullying week. 


20th November- Year 2 Big Art Day

Inspired by the work of Jade Fadojutimi, we are going to create big pictures using paint. Please ensure your child wears old clothes-It will be messy. We will also need big paintbrushes for this if you have any you could donate. More detail to follow. 



In Year 2 children perform the Nativity story to an audience. This is an after school event that we ask all children to attend. You will be receiving a letter about this. Please let us know if you child will not be at the performance for any reason so that we can allocate parts. All the children will have a line to learn.



A costume can be provided by the school, however, if you would like to provide a costume for your child, please send into school by 17th November in a named bag.

Narrators will be villagers from 2000 years ago. They can wear own clothes with a tea towel for their head.

If you are unsure about what to provide, please ask your child's class teacher. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you


Week Beginning 6th November 2023

This week is assessment week. We will be assessing the children in phonics, maths and reading. This will be in our normal classes and with familiar adults. 



We are continuing to learn the story 'The Bear and The Piano'. We will use adverbs and adjectives to describe the character and their actions.  



We will be reading the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will retrieve information and summarise what we have read. 



We are learning about addition and subtraction. We will be adding and subtracting tens



Our half term theme is 'Celebrating Differences'. We will think about how we are different to our peers. 



We will use purple mash to create digital art inspired by Impressionist painters.



We are learning about the Gunpowder Plot. We will have a visit from Trunk Theatre Company on Monday to help us understand this significant Historical event. 



We are thinking about why Christians believe that it is important to give.



Upcoming events

6th November- Trunk theatre company

Please send back your permission and donation for this experience. This experience will really support our History learning this term. 


13th November- Anti-bullying Week

Children and adults are invited to wear odd socks on Monday 13th to mark the start of anti-bullying week. 


20th November- Year 2 Big Art Day

Inspired by the work of Jade Fadojutimi, we are going to create big pictures using paint. Please ensure your child wears old clothes-It will be messy. We will also need big paintbrushes for this if you have any you could donate. More detail to follow. 



In Year 2 children perform the Nativity story to an audience. This is an after school event that we ask all children to attend. You will be receiving a letter about this. Please let us know if you child will not be at the performance for any reason so that we can allocate parts. All the children will have a line to learn.


You will receive your child's part today in their reading record. 

A costume can be provided by the school, however, if you would like to provide a costume for your child, please send into school by 17th November in a named bag.

Narrators will be villagers from 2000 years ago. They can wear own clothes with a tea towel for their head.

If you are unsure about what to provide, please ask your child's class teacher. 



Each Friday the children will bring home a sheet with all the spellings that we have been learning that week. They will not be tested on these but please go over the spellings with them at home as this will help them in their writing. Thank you



Week Beginning 30th October 2023


We are really looking forward to Sculpture Week! 



We are learning the story 'The Bear and The Piano'. We will think about how the characters are described think about the tools we need to write a good character description. 



We will be reading the story 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will make predictions and think about the main characters in the first chapter.



We are learning about addition and subtraction. We will be learning about subtraction this week.



Our half term theme is 'Celebrating Differences'. We will think about how we are similar to our peers. 


Sculpture Week

We will be looking at the artist Anthony Caro. We will think about how he created sculptures and create our own sculptures from card, inspired by his work. 



Sculpture week

We need cardboard to create our sculptures. Thin card that can be cut using scissors is best. Things like cereal boxes or tissue boxes.

For our community project during Sculpture week we will need junk modelling. Please send any you have into school. Thank you


Upcoming events

6th November- Trunk theatre company

Please send back your permission and donation for this experience. This experience will really support our History learning this term. 


13th November- Anti-bullying Week

Children and adults are invited to wear odd socks on Monday 13th to mark the start of anti-bullying week. 


20th November- Year 2 Big Art Day

Inspired by the work of Jade Fadojutimi, we are going to create big pictures using paint. Please ensure your child wears old clothes-It will be messy. We will also need big paintbrushes for this if you have any you could donate. More detail to follow. 



In Year 2 children perform the Nativity story to an audience. This is an after school event that we ask all children to attend. You will be receiving a letter about this. Please let us know if you child will not be at the performance for any reason so that we can allocate parts. All the child will have a line to learn. Most costumes are provided by school and we will contact you if you need to provide anything for your child.



Week Beginning 16th October 2023

We are already at the end of the first half term in Year 2. We are really impressed with how the children have settled into the new routines. We look forward to our next topic 'Colour' which includes a theatre visit for our History Learning about the Great Fire of London. 



We are learning about persuasive writing. We will be writing our our persuasive letters. 



We will be reading with individual children and in phonics, we will assess their learning this half term. 



We are learning about addition and subtraction. We will add to teh next ten and add across tens/ We will add 3, 1-digit numbers. 



Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about our class rules. 


Design Technology

We will be designing and making a bag for our reading teds. We will think about our joining techniques. 




For our DT project we need some fabric to make our bags from. If you have any spare fabric at home, please send it into school. Thank you



Thank you to all of you who attended workshops over the last 2 weeks. It has been great to be able to support you to support your children. The PowerPoints from the sessions are saved under the noticeboard tab. We will also be able to discuss this further with you at our parent meetings next term. 





Week Beginning 9th October 2023



We are learning about persuasive writing. We will be writing our our persuasive letters. 



We are reading the story 'Katie's Picture Show'. We will think about what could happen next adn write a review of the book.



We are learning about addition and subtraction. We will make number bonds to 100 with tens. We will add and subtract 1s from bigger numbers. 



Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about our class rules. 



We will think about the question 'What do you think God is like?' or 'What do Christians think God is like?' 


Design Technology

We will be designing and making a bag for our reading teds. We will think about our joining techniques. 



We will think about how we keep safe online. 



For our DT project we need some fabric to make our bags from. If you have any spare fabric at home, please send it into school. Thank you


Children will need wellies for Thursday.


On Tuesday children are invited to wear yellow to school to mark World Mental Health Day. Your child can wear their own clothes that includes some yellow. 


Individual School photos will be on Wednesday. Please make sure that your child is looking smart for their photo. 




Week Beginning 2nd October 2023



We are learning about persuasive writing. We will think about how we persuade someone to do something. We are basing our writing around the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit.



We are reading the story 'Katie's Picture Show'. We will think about the make some predictions and sequence events. 



We are learning about place value. We will count on in 2's, 5's and 10's. We will learn to count in 3's.



Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about rewards and consequences. 



We will think about the question 'What do some Christians say that God is like for them?' 



We will carry out some investigations with materials. This week we are doing a 'sticky stuff' investigation.  



We will think about how we keep safe online. 



For our Science investigation this week we need jam, honey, syrup and marshmallows. If you have any in the cupboard to spare, please send into school on Monday. Thank you




Week Beginning 25th September 2023



We are writing our own finding tale. We will use all the tools we have learnt to describe a setting in our new story. 



We are reading the story 'Katie's Picture Show'. We will think about the vocabulary in the story and retrieve information. 



We are learning about place value. We will compare objects and numbers. We will order numbers. 



Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about our rewards and consequences. 



We will think about the question 'How might God be like a shepherd to his people?' 



We will carry out some investigations with materials.  



We will think about how we keep safe online. 



Children will need their wellies in school for next week. 


Week Beginning 18th September 2023



We are writing our won version of The Magic Paintbrush. We will use adjectives and our senses to describe the setting that our story takes place in. 



We are reading the story 'Town Mouse, Country Mouse'. We are making sensible predictions and retrieving information from the text to answer questions. 



We are learning about place value. We will partition numbers flexibly, write numbers in expanded form and place numbers on a number line.



Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about our rights and responsibilities.  



We will think about the question 'What do some Christians say about God?' 



We will think about the properties of materials. We will sort materials into groups. 



We will think about how we keep safe online. 




Thank you for reading at home with your child. When you read at home, please record it in the reading record. Children can earn clothes and accessories for their Reading Ted for every 50 reads that they complete. We will count home and school reads. 



As part of our RE learning this half term there is an opportunity for someone to come and speak to the children about how they picture God. If you think you would be able to come and speak to the Year 2 children about this, or know someone who would be able to do this, then please let Mrs Knight know. 





Week Beginning 11th September 2023


Welcome to Year 2! We have had a great start. The children have settled really well, even in the heat. We look forward to working with you and your children over the next year. Below you can read about the things they will be learning next week. 



We are learning a story called the Magic Paintbrush. We will use our senses to describe a setting. We will use adjectives to make our writing exciting. 



We are reading the story 'The Day The Crayons Quit!'. We are retrieving information from the text to answer questions. 



We are learning about place value. We will partition numbers into tens and ones. We will write numbers in digits and words.



Our half term theme is 'New Beginnings'. We will think about our hopes and fears for the year. 



We will think about the question 'What is an expert and a guide?' 



We will learn about the seven continents and identify countries that are important to us. 



We will think about how we keep safe online. 



Reading books

All children should have a reading book. Please encourage your child to read each day. Books will be changed on Tuesdays. 


PE days

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.


Water bottles

A gentle reminder that water bottles should contain water and not juice. 



We will be going to the juniors on Thursdays this year for our music and outdoor PE session. On some weeks we will also visit the allotment, cooking room and woodlands. Please bring in some wellies for your child to use when we visit the allotment or woodlands. 
