A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week Beginning 18.9.23
Maths: We will continuing our topic of Place Value this week looking at numbers up to 1000. We are going to be focusing on flexible partitioning and finding 1, 10 and 100 more than a given number up to 1000.
Writing: We will using what we have learnt in this cycle to help us innovate our own information texts.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.
Week Beginning 11.9.23
Maths: We will continuing our topic of Place Value this week looking at numbers up to 1000 in a variety of representations, including the use of; number lines, dienes and part-whole models.
Writing: We will continuing learning our model text 'The Lion' and we will be focusing on; using adjectives in expanded noun phrases, generalisers and the structure of an information text.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.
Week Beginning 5.9.23
Maths: We will be introducing the topic of Place Value this week starting with representations of numbers up to 100, including the use of; number lines, dienes and part-whole models.
Writing: We will begin our unit on Information texts. We will be focusing on learning the model text and using adjectives to describe animals.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at prediction and retrieval skills this week.
Week Beginning 17th July
Maths: We will be doing statistics. We will be collecting data to create our own tables.
Writing: We will be writing our explanation text about 'How to Stay Healthy'. We will be including conjuction, adverbs and prepositions. We will then think about how to edit our work in order to improve it.
Reading: We will be thinking about how to write a book review and what information to include to inform someone else about the book.
What a fantastic year it has been! The Year 3 team have really enjoyed watching the children grow throughout the year. We hope you all have a lovely summer break!
Week Beginning 10th July
Maths: We will be doing statistics. We will be drawing and interpreting pictograms and bar charts.
Writing: We will begin our unit on explanation texts. We will be researching and note taking to find out the information to include in our writing.
Reading: We will be thinking about how to write a book review and what to information to include to inform someone else about the book.
Week Beginning 3rd July
Maths: We will be learning about shape. We will be looking at horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines. We will also be recognising and describing 2D and 3D shape.
Writing: We will finish writing our text comparing the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will be writing an introduction including the main points of our argument and general information.
Reading: We will be using clues from the text to draw conclusions about the characters and their actions.
Week Beginning 26th June
Maths: We will be learning about shape. We will be comparing, measuring and drawing angles.
Writing: Over the next 2 weeks we will be writing a text comparing the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will use the notes we have collected to start writing our comparative text. In each paragraph we will aim to use a topic sentence and comparative language (however, on the other hand).
Reading: We will be using clues from the text to draw conclusions about the characters and their actions.
Week Beginning 19th June
Maths: We will be learning about shape. We will be looking at quarter, half and three-quarter turns and using the vocabulary of clockwise and anti-clockwise. We will also be looking at right angles.
Writing: Over the next 2 weeks we will be writing a text comparing the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will need to use comparative language e.g. however, whilst.
Reading: We will be using clues from the text to draw conclusions about the characters and their actions.
Week Beginning 5th June
Maths: We will be learning the 11 times tables and the patterns that can be used to remember them. We will also be continuing to learn about time, thinking about years, months and days.
Writing: We will be learning the skills needed to write a Defeat the Monster tale and including describing the internal and external features a character and speech.
Reading: We will be reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. We will be predicting what the story will be about and making inferences about the characters we meet.
Week Beginning 22nd May
Maths: We will be learning about time. We will be telling time to the minute, reading digital clocks and using a.m. and p.m.
Writing: We will be writing our own persuasive texts about Earlswood Junior School and Butser Farm. We will be including boastful language, short sentences, quotes from visitors and rhetorical questions.
Reading: We will finish reading Stig of the Dump. We will be considering what we did and did not like about the story and who our favourite characters are. We will then create a book review.
Week Beginning 15th May
Maths: We will be learning about time. We will be recapping o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to then moving on to telling time to 5 minute intervals. Please encourage your child to tell the time on an analogue clock (clock face) at home as this can be a very tricky concept for children to grasp. There are lots of great games online as well https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time
Writing: We will continue to learn the skills to include in a persuasive text. We will be looking at using short sentences and beginning our paragraphs with a topic sentence.
Reading: Our book this term is Stig of the Dump by Clive King. We will be scanning the text to be able to order events from the story and using clues from the text to work out how a character may be feeling.
Wednesday 17th May - Butser Farm. Please make sure your child is wearing PE with trainers and has a coat, water bottle, packed lunch with them. If the weather is nice they will also need a sunhat and sun cream applied before school. Please make sure your child is in school on time that day. We will return to school for 4.30pm.
Friday 18th May - Sports Day. 9.20 - 11.40. Parents and carers are invited to come and watch their children participate in different sports activities and join their child for a picnic lunch (11.40 - 12.20)
Week Beginning 8th May
Maths: We will be learning about money. We will be using money to subtract amounts and to find change.
Writing: We will be learning a persuasive text convincing the reader to visit a farm. We will then be learning some of the skills we will need for our own writing including boastful language, rhetorical questions and talking directly to the reader.
Reading: Our book this term is Stig of the Dump by Clive King. We will be finding evidence from within the text to support our answers.
Week Beginning 1st May
Maths: We will be learning about money. We will be counting amounts of money using pounds and pence and understanding that 100p is equal to £1.
Writing: We will be using Portrait of a Dragon to create our own animal poems. We will be using similes, personification, expanded noun phrases and alliteration.
Reading: Our book this term is Stig of the Dump by Clive King. We will be looking at vocabulary to understand the text and ordering events to summarise the text.
Butser Farm: We are going to Butser Farm on Wednesday 17th May. If you would be interested in coming to support your child's class, please speak to your child's teacher.
Week Beginning 24th April
Maths: We will be learning to find fractions of amounts e.g. 1/3 of 12, 3/4 of 16.
This term we will be focusing on the 12 times table. Please encourage your child to have a go at the 12s at home.
Writing: We will be using expanded noun phrases to create descriptive sentences e.g. Emerald trees dancing gently in the breeze
Reading: Our book this term is Stig of the Dump by Clive King. We will be using our retrieval skills to work out whether statements are true or false and using our inference skills to find out as much information as we can from just one paragraph.
Swimming continues for the second half of the year group. Children will need to bring a named swimming costume and towel.
Well done to all the children for their hard work this term. We hope you all have a lovely Easter break. We return to school on Monday 17th April.
Week Beginning 17th April
Maths: We will be learning how to add and subtract fractions. This term we will be focusing on the 12 times table. Please encourage your child to have a go at the 12s at home.
Writing: We will be learning a poem called A Portrait of a Dragon. We will be focussing on how to use similes and alliteration in our poetry.
Reading: Our book this term is Stig of the Dump by Clive King. We will begin by making predictions of what we think the book will be about and looking at new vocabulary within the text.
Swimming starts the first week back. Children will need to bring a named swimming costume and towel.
Week Beginning 27th March
Maths: We will be learning about capacity and volume. We will look at how to measure volume using litres and millilitres, and how to add and subtract using volume.
Writing: We will be researching information in order to write our information texts. We will be writing about a European country, making sure we include the key features: headings, subheadings, bullet points and commas.
Reading: We will be finishing reading Oliver and the Seawigs. We will be using skimming skills to locate the answers to questions within the text.
STEM: The topic this year is 'connections'. We will be looking at journeys across Europe by car, train and plane. We will consider the cost, time and environmental impact of these journeys to create our own holiday across Europe.
Week Beginning 20th March
Maths: We will be beginning a new unit of learning: Mass and Capacity. We will be looking at scales to work out the mass of objects grams and kilograms. We will then be adding and subtracting masses.
Writing: We will be learning the skill we need to write an information text. We will be using commas and colons to write a list, generalisers (e.g. most, some, many) and topic sentences so the reader knows what each paragraph is about.
Reading: Our text this half term is Oliver and The Seawigs by Philip Reeve. We will be looking at vocabulary in the text and identifying words with similar meanings.
Art: We will be exploring Monet's Waterlilies. We will be looking at the key features of Impressionism and creating our own artwork using pastels and paint.
Week Beginning 13th March
Maths: We will be using number lines and bar models to find equivalent fractions e.g. 1/2 = 4/8.
Writing: We will be writing our own Journey stories about anything that interests us. We will be including the skills we have been learning including show not tell, personification and sentence openers using -ing (e.g. Leaping out from behind the car,…).
Reading: Our text this half term is Oliver and The Seawigs by Philip Reeve. We will be summarising parts of the text we have read and picking out the key points from a paragraph.
We will be carrying out another 'Whole School TTRS Competition' this year for the children in Years 2-6 to compete in! The battles will commence on the week beginning Monday 20th March. One child from each class will be selected to compete in the tournament for their class. Children will be decided based on who has played on TTRS the most this year so far. The rest of the class members will cheer on their classmates from the audience.
Week Beginning 6th March
Maths: We will be putting fractions onto number lines and using number lines to count in fractions.
Writing: We will be writing our own Journey stories. We will be including the skills we have been learning including show not tell, personification and sentence openers using -ing (e.g. Leaping out from behind the car,…).
Reading: Our text this half term is Oliver and The Seawigs by Philip Reeve. We will be looking at vocabulary within the text and finding other words with similar meanings.
We will be carrying out another 'Whole School TTRS Competition' this year for the children in Years 2-6 to compete in! The battles will commence on the week beginning Monday 20th March. One child from each class will be selected to compete in the tournament for their class. Children will be decided based on who has played on TTRS the most this year so far. The rest of the class members will cheer on their classmates from the audience.
Week Beginning 27th February
Maths: We will be comparing and ordering non-unit fractions e.g. 2/4 > 1/4. We will also be looking at where to put fractions on a numberline.
This half term we are focussing on the 6 times table. Please encourage your child to use Times Tables Rockstars at home.
Writing: We will be using 'show not tell' in our writing e.g. instead of saying 'She was scared.' we could write 'Her hands were shaking and a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead'.
Reading: Our text this half term is Oliver and The Seawigs by Philip Reeve. We will be answering questions using the stem 'why was...' e.g. Why was Mr Culpeper suggesting that Oliver would be better off without his parents?
Week Beginning 20th February
Maths: We will be learning about fractions. We will look at the meaning of numerator and denominator and learning about unit and non-unit fractions.
Writing: We will begin our new text The River which is a journey tale. We will learn the text and actions to remember the story. We will be looking at our SPAG skills: expanded noun phrases and powerful nouns, verbs and adverbs.
Reading: Our text this half term is Oliver and The Seawigs by Philip Reeve. We will be using the front cover and the blurb to make predictions about the book. We will look at new vocabulary within the book and work out its meaning using the context of the sentence.
Geography: We will be locating countries across Europe. We will then be locating major mountains and rivers within these countries.
Week Beginning 6th February
Maths: We will be learning about perimeter. We will begin by finding perimeters by counting the number of squares around the outside of a shape, then by adding up the lengths of each side of a shape.
Writing: We will be writing our own portal story, making sure we include our toolkit skills: correctly punctuated speech, stage directions to give the reader more information about what the character is doing, and powerful speech verbs (not said!)
Reading: Our text this half term is The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. Now we have finished the book, we will be creating a book review. We will be thinking about our favourite parts of the text and who we may recommend the book to.
Art: We will be looking at The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai. We will then create our own versions of the print.
Week Beginning 30th January
Maths: We will be continuing to learn about units of length (millimetres, centimetres and metres). We will be comparing lengths, learning to find equivalent lengths and adding lengths.
Writing: We will be learning to add stage directions to speech to give the reader additional information about what is happening. For example: "Grandma, you'll never believe where I just was!" Sammy exclaimed as he bounded out of the bookshop.
The children will then begin to innovate the model text, changing some elements of the story to make it their own.
Reading: Our text this half term is The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. We will be using our skills of inference and retrieval to unpick the text.
DT: We will be continuing our levers and linkages DT project. The children will be making prototype levers to refine this skill and will then go on to produce Volcano displays with moving parts, to demonstrate their knowledge of their chosen volcano.
-Next week the children will be learning about seasonality and where food comes from. We will be planting seeds in their food and nutrition lesson. Please could children bring in a (washed out) paper coffee cup as an eco alternative to plastic seed trays.
-Our PE days this half term are Monday and Wednesday.
Week Beginning 23rd January
Maths: We will be starting a new unit looking at units of lengths (millimetres and centimetres), thinking about the relationship between them.
Writing: We will be starting our new Writing topic on Tuesday. This focus will be on portal stories and learning the toolkit for this type of writing.
Reading: Our text this half term is The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. We will be using our skills of inference and retrieval to unpick the text.
DT: We will be beginning our DT project for the next two weeks. This learning will involve levers and linkages, building up to their own creation of volcano with moving parts.
Reminders: Our PE days this half term are Monday and Wednesday.
Week Beginning 16th January
Maths: We will be dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and learning to flexibly partition 2-digit number to find ways to solve calculations.
96 ÷ 3 = ?
96 can be partitioned into 90 and 6
I know that 9 ÷ 3 = 3 so I also know that 90 ÷ 3 = 30
6 ÷ 3 = 2
30 + 2 = 32
96 ÷ 3 = 32
Writing: Now that we have learnt the features of the toolkit for a newspaper report we are beginning to innovate the model text. The children will be changing the text to report on a School trip following the newspaper report structure to organise their ideas and using the toolkit skills to make their writing exciting for the reader.
Reading: Our text this half term is The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. We will be predicting what we think the story will be about. We will be looking at new vocabulary within the text and answering mixed comprehension questions.
Geography: Our topic this term is Geology Rocks! We will be learning about the structure of a volcano and what it is like to live near a volcano.
Reminders: Our PE days this half term are Monday and Wednesday.
Week Beginning 9th January
Maths: We will be multiplying a 2 digit number by a one digit number using partitioning.
34 x 2 =
30 x 2 = 60
4 x 2 = 8
34 x 2 = 60 + 8 = 68
We will then be dividing using the same method.
68 ÷ 2 =
60 ÷ 2 = 30
8 ÷ 2 = 4
68 ÷ 2 = 30 + 4 = 34
Writing: We will be delving deeper into our toolkit and thinking about the purpose these skills have in appealing to the reader when writing a newspaper report. Towards the end of the week, we will be starting our innovation phase, writing about a past school trip.
Reading: Our text this half term is The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. We will be predicting what we think the story will be about. We will be looking at new vocabulary within the text and answering mixed comprehension questions.
Geography: Our topic this term is Geology Rocks! We will be learning about the structure of a volcano and what it is like to live near a volcano.
Reminders: Our PE days this half term are Monday and Wednesday.
Week Beginning 2nd January
The children return to school on Tuesday 3rd January.
Maths: We will be multiplying numbers by 10 and looking at how we can do this with 2-digit numbers. We will then look at related calculations e.g. If I know that 2 x 8 = 16, I also know that 2 x 80 = 160.
Writing: We will be learning how to write a newspaper report. We will begin by learning our new text - a newspaper article about the wolf who visited Red Riding Hood's grandma. We will look at organising our writing into paragraphs and using conjunctions e.g. however, although.
Reading: Our text this half term is The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. We will be predicting what we think the story will be about. We will be looking at new vocabulary within the text and answering questions using the stem 'Why had' e.g. Why had Lanchard gone to the paper merchant's?
Geography: Our topic this term is Geology Rocks! We will begin by looking at the layers of the earth and tectonic plates.
Week Beginning 5th December
Maths: We will be looking at the 4 and 8 times tables and looking at multiplying and dividing a range of numbers by 4 and 8.
Writing: We will be writing our own set of instructions explaining how to build a minotaur labyrinth. We will make sure our instructions are in chonological order using imperative verbs (put, get, take) and time adverbials (first, then, after that). We will also hook the reader in by writing an interesting introduction.
Reading: Our book this half term is Beasts of Olympus: Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats. We will be looking at the skill of inference, specifically working on looking for and giving evidence for an answer.
Friday 2nd December - own clothes day in exchange for the following donation. Lucky bag - please decorate the bag and fill with little toys, sweets or party bag type treats (individual sweets/packets need to have use by date
Friday 9th December - normal school uniform but please bring a Christmas item for the tombola (e.g. box of crackers, napkins, candles, baubles).
Saturday 10th December 2 - 4pm - Christmas fair at the infant school
Week beginning 28th November
Maths: We will be looking at the three times table and looking at multiplying and dividing a range of numbers by 3.
Writing: We will be looking further into the skills needed for an instruction text putting these into the context of some short burst writing.
Reading: Our book this half term is Beasts of Olympus: Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats. We will be looking at the skill of inference, specifically working on looking for and giving evidence for an answer.
Art: We will be continuing our learning about Greek pottery. We will be looking more in depth at Greek artefacts and making our own pots out of clay.
Spellings: We are now working on the Great Grimms list on Sir Linkalot. Please use these videos at home with your child and rewatch any from Christmas Carol that your child may still be struggling with.
Week beginning 21st November
Maths: We will begin to learn about multiplication and division. We will look at multiples of 2, 5 and 10. We will then learn how to group and share an amount.
Writing: We will be writing our own story using all our suspense skills. We will create tension by using short sentences, powerful verbs (e.g. pounced, lurked), empty words (e.g. it, something) and describing the weather to create the mood.
Reading: Our book this half term is Beasts of Olympus: Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats. We will be looking at vocabulary using the question stem 'What does ... mean in this sentence?'. We will also be summarising the main events within a section of the text.
Art: We will be learning about Greek pottery. We will design our own Greek pots and think about the skills and tools we will need to create the shapes we want.
Spellings: We are now working on the Great Grimms list on Sir Linkalot. Please use these videos at home with your child and rewatch any from Christmas Carol that your child may still be struggling with.
Week Beginning 14th November
Maths: We will be looking at inverse operations and using them to check that our answers are correct e.g. 36 + 59 = 95 then 95 - 36 = 59
Writing: We will begin to innovate our suspense story by writing our own story with a different setting. We will be thinking about how to include the skills we have learned for a suspense text e.g. describing the weather, using rhetorical questions, using powerful verbs (smashed, crept, grabbed) and speech.
Reading: Our book this half term is Beasts of Olympus: Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats. We will be inferring meaning from the text e.g. Explain what this suggests about how Demon feels towards the gods. We will also be answering a range of different comprehension questions presented in different styles.
History and Geography: We will be learning about Greek myths and legends.
Please make sure all jumpers and hoodies are named.
Children should only have fruits or vegetables for snacks, not cereal bars etc.
Week Beginning 7th November
Maths: We will be using our rounding skills to estimate answers. e.g 322 + 567 is close to 320 + 570.
Writing: We will be learning how to add suspense to our writing by using short sentences and the five senses e.g. They could see the dog's ghastly teeth, smell its drenched fur and feel its humid breath.
Reading: Our book this half term is Beasts of Olympus: Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats. We will be summarising what we have read and be putting events from the story in the correct order. We will be looking at inference questions using the phrase 'explain what this suggests' e.g. Explain what this suggests about the relationship between the griffin and Demon.
History and Geography: We will be locating Greece on a map and looking at the states that Ancient Greece was split up into. We will be comparing how the different states were run.
Thursday 10th November is Greek Day. Please come dressed in a Greek outfit. If you are having difficulty getting an outfit, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Week Beginning 31st October
Maths: We will recap what we have learned so far about adding crossing tens and hundreds and subtracting using exchange. We will then learn to add and subtract a 3 digit and a 2 digit number, making sure we write the numbers in the correct columns.
Writing: We will be learning a suspense text called 'Adventure at Sandy Cove', using actions so that we can remember it. We will then learn how to punctuate speech using speech marks.
Reading: Our book this half term is Beasts of Olympus: Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats. We will make predictions about the story by looking at the front cover and reading the blurb. We will be looking at the vocabulary within the book and finding words with similar meanings.
Art: This week is sculpture week. We will be looking at artwork by Barbara Hepworth. We will be creating our own sculptures in the style of her work.
Please can each child bring in a bar of soap that we can use to create our sculptures.
Week Beginning 17th October
Maths: We will continue learning to add and subtract two numbers and recording our answers using the column method. We will be looking at numbers where we have to exchange the tens and the hundreds
Are you using Times Tables Rockstars at home? This is great for improving times table knowledge! You can log in using the wonde login (this should be in the reading record book). Please let your child's teacher know if you are having difficulty logging in.
Writing: We will be writing our own warning tale using the structure of The Canal to help us. We will use the skills we have been practising over the last few weeks: adverbials, conjunctions and prepositions.
Reading: Our book this half term is The Akimbo Adventures by Alexander McCall Smith.
We will be answering retrieval questions, where the answer can be found in the text. We will then be reviewing the stories, thinking about what we have liked about each one.
RE: Our topic is 'Why do Christians call God 'Father?'.
Week Beginning 10th October
Maths: We will be learning to add and subtract two numbers and recording our answers using the column method, which is a new skill in Year 3. We will begin with numbers that don't involve exchange before moving on to numbers that require us to cross the tens and hundreds. We will be using practical resources then move on to recording written calculations.
Are you using Times Tables Rockstars at home? This is great for improving times table knowledge! You can log in using the wonde login (this should be in the reading record book). Please let your child's teacher know if you are having difficulty logging in.
Writing: We will be adapting The Canal to write our own warning tale set in a different place. We will be applying what we have learned about conjunctions, prepositions and adverbials to our writing.
Reading: Our book this half term is The Akimbo Adventures by Alexander McCall Smith.
We will be reading the third story within the book - Akimbo and the Crocodile Man.
DT: We will be designing and making our own aprons to use in art and DT lessons.
Pupil Parliament - thank you to all the children who nominated themselves for Pupil Parliament. We will announce the winners on Monday.
Week Beginning 3rd October
Maths: We will be using the skills of addition and subtraction with calculations crossing 10 and 100,
Are you using Times Tables Rockstars at home? This is great for improving times table knowledge! You can log in using the wonde login (this should be in the reading record book). Please let your child's teacher know if you are having difficulty logging in.
Writing: We will be starting to learn a fiction story. This is a warning tale called The Canal. We will be learning the text and the actions throughout the week. We will be learning about conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs so that we can use these in our writing.
Reading: Our book this half term is The Akimbo Adventures by Alexander McCall Smith.
Tick one box to show whether each statement is true or false.
Circle the correct option
This tells us that (e.g. This sentence tells us that Akimbo is feeling...)
DT: We will be designing and making our own aprons to use in art and DT lessons.
Pupil Parliament
We are setting up a Pupil Parliament. The Pupil Parliament will be made up of 1 person from each class Year 1-5 and 2 people in each class from Year 6. These children will be called Ministers. The Ministers will meet once a fortnight to discuss important issues and help make improvements in the school. Children who want to nominate themselves have been given an application form. This needs to be returned by Monday 3rd October so we can vote for our class Ministers. We look forward to hearing the children talk about why they want to represent their class.
Week Beginning 26th September
Maths: We will be revisiting number bonds to 10 and learning to apply these to different mathematical contexts. We will then add and subtract 1s, 10s and 100s making links to our knowledge of place value.
We will also be learning to look for patterns and making links between the two times table and the four times table. We have been using lots of times table songs in school which you may wish to use at home.
2 x table
4 x table
English: We will be writing our own non-chronological reports about a predator of our choice. We will be including generalisers, conjunctions and adjectives. We will then begin our fiction writing and will write a description of a setting based on a video.
Conjunctions: https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-conjunctio
Adjectives: https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-adjective
Reading: Our book this half term is The Akimbo Adventures by Alexander McCall Smith.
Mixed comprehension questions
Geography: We will be looking at world maps so that we can identify the equator, tropics, hemispheres and poles.
Week Beginning 19th September
Maths: The children will continue to develop their understanding of place value using numbers up to 1000. They will learn to estimate a number's position on a number line, looking at number lines with different starting and finishing points and by considering the intervals. They will then compare and order 3 digit numbers by considering how many hundreds, tens and ones. Lastly, the children will learn to count in 50s, a skill which will help them to solve maths problems in a range of different mathematical contexts,
English: We will be writing our own non-chronological reports about a polar bear. We will be including generalisers, conjunctions and adjectives.
Conjunctions: https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-conjunctio
Adjectives: https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-adjective
Reading: Our book this half term is The Akimbo Adventures by Alexander McCall Smith.
Retrieval questions - Give one (e.g. Give one piece of evidence that shows Akimbo is scared.)
Summarise questions - Put the events of the story in the correct order.
Vocabulary - Which word closely matches the meaning of the word (e.g. Which word closely matches the meaning of the word 'shocked'.)
Art: We will be looking at African art and creating our own versions using a range of different drawing materials including pencil, pastel and graphite sticks.
Week Beginning 12th September
Maths: This week the children will continue to develop their understanding of place value by using familiar models including part-whole models to partition, dienes to represent, number lines and place value counters. They will be broadening their understanding by working with 3-digit numbers and learning different ways to partition them by considering the hundreds, tens and ones. They will then learn to find 1, 10 and 100 more and less working with numbers up to 1000.
Part-whole Model | Diens | Place Value Counters |
![]() |
English: We will continue to learn our non-chronological text about lions. We will then be using adjectives to describe the lion e.g. the long, sharp claws. We will also be looking at the features of a non-chronological text e.g. headings and sub-headings.
Reading: Our book this half term is The Akimbo Adventures by Alexander McCall Smith.
Retrieval questions - Name two... (e.g. Name two of the things Akimbo does to help his dad.)
Vocabulary questions - Which word is closest in meaning to... (e.g. Which word is closest in meaning to crouched)
Inference questions - Give two impressions this give you... (e.g. The glassy surface of the lake. Give two impressions this gives you of the water.)
PSHE: We will continue to learn about our new Zones of Regulation as a way to manage our emotions within the classroom. You can find out more information here.
Art: We will be looking at African art and creating our own versions using a range of different drawing materials including pencil, pastel and graphite sticks
Week Beginning 5th September
Maths: We will be learning about hundreds, tens and ones. We will be looking at numbers that have been represented in different way. We will also be writing numbers using both numerals and words.
English: We will start the half term looking at a non-chronological report about lions. We will be learning our new text using actions. We will be using dictionaries to look up new words we are unsure about and learning to use new conjunctions e.g. when, while, so.
Reading: Our book this half term is The Akimbo Adventures by Alexander McCall Smith. We will be making predictions about what we think will happen in the story. We will then be retrieving information from the text and using clues from the text to infer what it means.
PSHE: We will be learning about our new Zones of Regulation as a way to manage our emotions within the classroom.
Art: We will be using our observation skills to sketch a picture of a predator's skull.