A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Whole School TTRS Competition
We will be carrying out another 'Whole School TTRS Competition' this year for the children in Years 2-6 to compete in! The battles will commence on the week beginning Monday 20th March. One child from each class will be selected to compete in the tournament for their class. Children will be decided based on who has played on TTRS the most this year so far. The rest of the class members will cheer on their classmates from the audience.
Sir Linkalot - 10.1.23
This week, each class will be finishing 'Broccoli Bronte' and moving onto the word list 'Suspicious Sartre'.
Sir Linkalot Email
Sirlinkalot is eagerly awaiting any spelling 'tricks' that either children, parents or carers have created! Get thinking with your adults at home and send your ideas to the email below:
Children in Need - Friday 18th November
On Friday 18th November, we ask that children and staff wear something spotty to celebrate Children in Need. Your donations can help children and young people all over the UK who need it most. If you would like to complete your own fundraising challenges, please follow this link for some ideas - https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/fundraising/ten-on-the-spot-fundraising-challenges/ - we would love to hear about any fundraising challenges you and your family take part in! Thank you for your support.
Odd Socks Day 14th November
Anti Bullying Week 14th November-18th November
On Monday 14th November we ask that children wear odd socks to mark the start of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (no donation is required). Odd Socks Day encourages us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us unique.
During this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, we are encouraging the children to ‘Reach Out’ for help if they or they know someone who is experiencing bullying. Thank you for your support with these special events.
Sir Linkalot
Below is a document including some useful spelling strategies. These strategies will support you and your children when they are learning their spellings with Sir Link a Lot.
School Photos - 14.10.22
The Year 6 children will be having their photos taken on Friday 14th October. As this is one of our PE days please could you send your children in wearing a polo shirt with a school jumper or cardigan but then leggings or joggers and trainers so that we can still do PE.
Sir Linkalot - 3.10.22
This week, each class will be finishing 'Weird Wordsworth' and moving onto the word list 'Discreet Dahl'.
Pupil Parliament
This year we are setting up a Pupil Parliament. The Pupil Parliament will be made up of 1 person from each class in Year 1-5 and 2 people from each class in Year 6. These children will be called Ministers. The Ministers will meet once a fortnight to discuss important issues and help make improvements in the school. Next week, the children will be given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be their class Minister for the year, if they would like to. We look forward to hearing the children talk about why they want to represent their class.
Sir Linkalot - 19.9.22
All of the Y6 classes are currently working on the word list 'Weird Wordsworth'.
Year 6 Homework 2022/23
This year homework will start on Friday 23rd September. You will find the details of the Y6 expectations below:
Children should be reading for 20 minutes every day and making a record in their reading record book. Class teachers will check the children's reading record daily.
This year we are introducing Sir Linkalot as part of our school’s spelling strategy. We will be using Sir Linkalot in class and we invite the children to consolidate their knowledge by accessing the app at home. Please check this page to find out which set of spellings they are working on.
Children will be set a piece of English each week that will focus on comprehension. The answers will be posted on Google Classroom.
Each week the children will be set a fluency sheet on Google Classroom that they are expected to complete for their Maths homework.
The children also have access to Times Tables Rockstars through their Wonde logins which is an additional resource that can be used at home.