A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week Commencing: 15th July
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be recapping some of the work we have done on fractions and decimals.
English: This week we will be completing our Roman diary before moving onto looking at some persuasive writing for our Enterprise week.
Reading: We will carry on with our book 'The Thieves of Ostia, whilst using our prediction skills to try and analyse some of the main characters.
PBL: This week we will be focusing our efforts on creating our 'Roman Experience' for Enterprise Week.
Important Messages
- Enterprise Week is the week commencing the 15th of July. Year 4 will be putting together a 'Roman Experience' on the field on Thursday 18th between 3.15 & 4.00
- End of Year Summer Assemblies Friday 19th July:
- 4R & 4P 10:00 - 10:30
- 4B & 4H 14:15 - 14:45
Congratulations to our Collaborative learners of the week!
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Zennor Zac Molly |
Catherine Rushan Chloe Lily |
Faye Ruby Scott Luke |
Daniel Imogen |
Week Commencing: 8th July
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: Having looked at graphs last week, this week we will be moving onto solving problems based on data represented in different graphs.
English: This week we will be writing a diary entry from the point of view of a Roman Citizen. We will be imagining that we have spent a day in Ancient Rome and we will be describing our day using some of the skills we have learnt this year.
Reading: We will carry on with our book 'The Thieves of Ostia, whilst looking at the language structure of the book and how it conveys different meanings.
PBL: This week we will be recounting some of the famous battles of Roman Britain before using our creative minds to create our very own Roman fact file!
Important Messages
Earlswood Summer Fair: Saturday 6th July, 12.00 - 14.00 at the Junior School
Enterprise Week is the week commencing the 15th of July. Year 4 will be putting together a 'Roman Experience' on the field on Thursday 18th between 3.15 & 4.00
Week Commencing: 1st July
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be looking at statistics and interpreting data from different types of graphs and charts.
English: This week we will be writing our very own Roman newspaper report on the mysterious disappearance of Julius Caesar.
Reading: We will carry on with our new book 'The Thieves of Ostia, whilst practising our summarising skills
PBL: This week we will be looking at the legacy that Ancient Rome left in Britain, including Roman roads, bath houses, viaducts and Hadrian's wall.
Important Messages
- Class Swap Day on Tuesday 2nd July: Your children will be spending the day in their new classes with their new teachers. Pick up time for Year 5 is at 3.25 by the Year 4 block.
- Earlswood Summer Fair: Saturday 6th July, 12.00 - 14.00 at the Junior School
Week Commencing: 24th June
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be focusing on how to find the area of 2D shapes.
English: This week we will continue to look at newspaper reports. We will be looking at some of the grammatical features that are used (such as generalisers, fronted adverbials and speech) and will be having discrete lessons on these, in preparation for writing our own versions next week.
Reading: We will carry on with our new book 'The Thieves of Ostia, whilst practising our inference skills.
PBL: This week we will be moving onto one of the most important parts of Ancient Rome: the Roman Army! We will be looking at the structure and how you would apply to become a soldier, before moving on to designing our very own shield.
Week Commencing: 17th June
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be revisiting multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 - identifying when it is appropriate to use it in different contexts (e.g converting different units of measure)
English: This week we will be beginning a brand new piece of writing - a newspaper report! We will be finding out about the mystery of the missing Emperor Caesar and identifying the features of a newspaper report.
Reading: We will carry on with our new book 'The Thieves of Ostia, whilst also discussing the use of a glossary and how we use it to define key topic words
PBL: After our amazing week at Ufton Court last week, we will be continuing with our Romans topic..This week we will be looking at the structure or Roman society; the different social classes, the jobs and of course, the entertainment!
Important Messages:
- Summer Fair Donation Day – OWN CLOTHES: On Friday 21st June, the children can wear their in exchange for a donation to the Summer Fair. Year 4's are asked to bring in a goody bag (bag's will be provided).
- District Athletics - Over the next couple of weeks during their PE lessons, children will be trialling to be selected for the District Athletics Tournament on the 3rd of July.
Week Commencing: 10th June
Our Learning this Week:
This week all our learning will be taking a very Roman theme as we head off to Ufton Court!
Please check that your child has everything they need from the kit list and that they have enough changes of clothes / wet weather gear as we are expecting rain!
The coaches will be leaving at 8.30am on Monday (4R & 4H) and Wednesday (4B & 4P) so please make sure your child is in school by 7:45am.
Children will then be back at school by 3.20pm on Wednesday/Friday ready to be picked up.
We're sure the children (and the adults!) will have a great week but if you have any questions, please ask your class teacher.
If your child is not going to Ufton Court, don't worry, they have a fun-filled week of Roman activities planned for at school.
Week Commencing: 3rd June
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be learning how to calculate the perimeter of different shapes.
English: This week we will be looking a writing a short descriptive piece about a Roman soldier; his demeanour and his appearance.
Reading: We will start our new book 'The Thieves of Ostia, beginning with some prediction work before moving on using our analytic skills to retrieve information and answer questions.
PBL: We will begin our brand new topic all about The Romans.This week we will be introduced to the Roman empire, looking at how far the empire stretched and then moving on to creating a timeline on key events that happened.
Important Messages:
- Please make sure you have checked your kit list for Ufton Court next week. If you wish to clarify anything, please speak to your class teacher.
Week Commencing: 20th May
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be revising some of the skills we have looked at this half term and using our times table knowledge to complete some challenges.
English: This week we will be looking at poetry: how it is structured and the effect it has on the reader. We will then be writing our very on Potions Poems!
Reading: We will finish our book; 'George's Marvelous Medicine'. This week we will be focusing on how the language used and structure of the book contributes to the meaning of the text.
PBL: We will be finish our topic; 'Potions', which is all about scientific states of matter. This week we will be setting up our final experiment, which tests the reactivity of vitamin c tablets in different liquids.
Important Messages:
Juniors Sports Day Friday 24th May 2019
All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!
Location: Earlswood Junior School Field
Time: 9:20-11:40am followed by a picnic on the field which will end at 12:20pm
The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.
As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic! See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The PE Team
Sun Safety
To help support the children, we ask that parents and carers ensure:
· Children bring a hat to school everyday.
· Children have sunblock applied to their skin before coming to school.
· Children bring a water bottle everyday.
Thank you for your support with this.
Week Commencing: 13th May
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be continuing to look at converting between different units of measure; focussing on measurement of mass (g & kg) and volume (ml & L).
English: This week we will be writing our own version of a 'Finding Tale'. Having written our excellent openings last week, we will now be writing the rest of our stories, with a particular focus on character description and effective endings.
Reading: We will continue our book; 'George's Marvelous Medicine'. This week we will be focusing on summarising passages of text clearly and effectively.
PBL: We will be continuing our topic; 'Potions', which is all about scientific states of matter. This week we will be setting up another experiment, this time looking at reversible and irreversible changes (e.g - evaporation of water).
Important Messages:
- As of next week, PE lessons will revert to normal times. So 4H & 4P (Tuesday & Friday), 4B & 4R (Thursday & Friday).
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Sun Safety
At Earlswood, we acknowledge the importance of sun protection and want to work with parents and carers to ensure children are safe during periods of hot weather.
During the summer term, children will be taught to:
· Protect their head using a hat.
· Protect their skin using sunblock.
· Play in the shade.
· Drink lots of water.
To help support the children, we ask that parents and carers ensure:
· Children bring a hat to school everyday.
· Children have sunblock applied to their skin before coming to school.
· Children bring a water bottle everyday.
Thank you for your support with this.
Week Commencing: 6th May
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be looking at converting between different units of measure (for example: kilometres & metres).
English: This week we will continue with our 'Finding' tale (where the main character goes on an adventure and finds something amazing). We will be putting our own class version of the story together, before planning our very own version; with a particular focus on effective openings.
Reading: We will continue our book; 'George's Marvelous Medicine'. We'll be using our inference skills to work out how a character is feeling based on their actions or emotions.
PBL: We will be continuing our topic; 'Potions', which is all about scientific states of matter. This week we will be looking at some more experiments involving changes of states; including dissolving and melting.
Important Messages:
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Sun Safety
At Earlswood, we acknowledge the importance of sun protection and want to work with parents and carers to ensure children are safe during periods of hot weather.
During the summer term, children will be taught to:
· Protect their head using a hat.
· Protect their skin using sunblock.
· Play in the shade.
· Drink lots of water.
To help support the children, we ask that parents and carers ensure:
· Children bring a hat to school everyday.
· Children have sunblock applied to their skin before coming to school.
· Children bring a water bottle everyday.
Thank you for your support with this.
Week Commencing: 29th April
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving onto decimal problems involving money.
English: This week we will continue with our 'Finding' tale (where the main character goes on an adventure and finds something amazing). We will be analysing what grammatical features have been used to create an engaging dialogue (such as powerful verbs and fronted adverbials) and will be practising using these features in our own writing.
Reading: We will continue our book; 'George's Marvelous Medicine'. We'll be looking at words and phrases that capture the reader's imagination.
PBL: We will be continuing our topic; 'Potions', which is all about scientific states of matter. Having been inspired by our Science workshop last Thursday, we are going to be setting up our own experiments looking at the viscosity of different liquids!
Important Messages:
- For the first three weeks of this half term, we have arranged for an external dance teacher to come in and teach dance to the Year 4 children. Due to her availability, our Thursday PE sessions will now be on a Friday. So 4H & 4P will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays and 4R & 4B will have PE on Fridays only.
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Week Commencing: 22nd April
Welcome back! We hope you had a fun and relaxing Easter Break!
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be recapping some of our times tables, focusing on our 7's, 9's and 12's.
English: This week we will begin a brand new segment of writing, based around a 'Finding' tale (where the main character goes on an adventure and finds something amazing). We will have a go at writing our own before analysing the key features of the tale.
Reading: We will begin our brand new book; 'George's Marvelous Medicine'. We'll initially be discussing what kind of text it is and our initial impressions of the characters.
PBL: We will be starting our brand new topic; 'Potions', which is all about scientific states of matter. This week we will be designing a scientific poster, demonstrating the differences between a solid, liquid and a gas. We also have our very exciting Science workshop on Thursday 25th of April!
Important Messages:
- For the first three weeks of this half term, we have arranged for an external dance teacher to come in and teach dance to the Year 4 children. Due to her availability, our Thursday PE sessions will now be on a Friday. So 4H & 4P will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays and 4R & 4B will have PE on Fridays only.
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Week Commencing: 1st April
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be looking at the 24 hour clock and converting analogue time into digital time.
English: This week we will be writing our own 'Tales of Fear', which focuses on a character overcoming their fear of an animal. We will be looking to create suspense and tension, using the features we have been learning over the past couple of weeks.
Reading: We will be finishing our book - 'Where the Whales Came'. We will be looking at the language and structure of the text, and how it contributes to the overall meaning.
PBL: We will be finishing off our sea creature willow models before moving onto some underwater art for our topic book front covers.
Important Messages:
- 'Visit the classroom' at the Juniors is on Thursday the 4th of April. Parents are invited to come into the classroom after school to see their child's work; including their amazing willow models!
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Week Commencing: 25th March
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving onto converting different measures, for example: centimetres into metres, grams into kilograms and minutes into hours.
English: This week we will begin planning our own 'Tales of Fear', thinking about how we can use the features we identified last week to create suspense in our writing.
Reading: We will be continuing with our new book - 'Where the Whales Came'. We will be asking questions to improve our understanding of the text and discussing how characters have changed since the start of the book.
PBL: This week, as part of our Art Week, we will be building our very own sea creature models out of willow!
Important Messages:
- As part of our Art week, we are making models out of willow. If anyone has any willow cuttings they are willing to donate we'd be very grateful! Thank you.
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Week Commencing: 18th March
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving onto rounding decimals to the nearest whole number before moving on to finding fraction/decimal equivalents (e.g: 1/2 = 0.5 & 1/4 = 0.25)
English: This week we will be moving onto looking at tales of fear; identifying the features that create tension and suspense.
Reading: We will be continuing with our new book - 'Where the Whales Came'. We will be discussing unfamiliar words and explaining the meaning of words in context.
PBL: This week we will be discussing different eco-systems and how animals have adapted to their surroundings.
Important Messages:
- If you haven't already, please could you return the permission slip for our Science Workshop next half term.
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
- As part of our Art week, we are making models out of willow. If anyone has any willow cuttings they are willing to donate we'd be very grateful. If you wish to donate any, please could it be brought in next Friday the 22nd. Thank you!
Week Commencing: 11th March
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be assessing what we have learnt so far this year as well as recapping our decimals work from the last two weeks.
English: This week we will be writing our own Non-Chronological Report on our very own made-up sea creature.
Reading: We will be continuing with our new book - 'Where the Whales Came'. We will be using our inference skills to decipher how a character feels based on their actions and what they say.
PBL: This week we will be going on our trip to the Brighton sealife centre! Our project lessons will be focused on some of the amazing sea life we are going to see and how they are classified scientifically.
Important Messages:
- A reminder that we are going on our sea life trip this week: 4B & 4H on Tuesday and 4R & 4P on Thursday. Please can you ensure your child has a coat and a packed lunch.
- For next week only, 4R & 4H will be swapping PE lessons, so 4R will be on Tuesday and 4H will be on Friday.
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Week Commencing: 4th March
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be carrying on with decimals - comparing and ordering different numbers with up to two decimal places.
English: This week we will continue to learn our shared text all about the 'Ningen' (our mythical sea creature) and we will begin to look at implementing some of the features of non-fiction pieces, into our own writing.
Reading: We will be continuing with our new book - 'Where the Whales Came'. We will be looking at words and phrases which capture the reader's imagination.
PBL: This week we will be continuing with our topic ' Blue Abyss' which is focused on the world's oceans and it's incredible sea life. We'll be looking at famous rivers around the world this week: labeling key features, identifying their locations and designing our very own information poster about them.
Important Messages:
- If you haven't already, please could you return the Ufton Court Medical Form which was sent out last half term.
- We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2019. The theme this year is ‘Sharing a Story’ and we will be inviting children to come to school on Thursday 7th March dressed as a character from a book.
- Please can you ensure children have outdoor shoes every Thursday for our Woodlands lessons.
Week Commencing: 25th February
Welcome back! Hope you had a great half term break.
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to decimals - identifying what a decimal is and finding decimal equivalents of tenths and hundredths.
English: This week we will begin to look at the features non-fiction writing, with a particular focus on non-chronological reports (e.g all about Legoland or a fact file on a Giant Panda).
Reading: We will be beginning our new book - 'Where the Whales Came'. We will be using our prediction skills to think about what might happen in our new story.
PBL: This week we will be starting our new topic ' Blue Abyss' which is focused on the world's oceans and it's incredible sea life. We'll start by discussing what we already know and then learning about the major oceans & seas around the world.
Important Messages:
- If you haven't already, please could you return the Ufton Court Medical Form which was sent out last half term.
- We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2019. The theme this year is ‘Sharing a Story’ and we will be inviting children to come to school on Thursday 7th March dressed as a character from a book.
If you need help with ideas for costumes please speak to your class teacher.
Week Commencing: 11th February
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to written methods of short division: dividing 2 digits by 1 digit.
English: This week we will be continuing with some short burst writing work, focusing on the book 'James and the Giant Peach'.
Reading: We will be continuing with our book: James & the Giant Peach, looking at persuasive language and comparing the settings of the Aunts' house and New York.
PBL: This week we will be putting our models together for our USA/UK display on Thursday! Please could children bring in any cardboard boxes to help make them amazing.
Important Messages:
- School finishes at normal time on Thursday 14th February.
- Parents are invited to come and see the children's USA & UK models at 2.45 - 3.15 on Thursday 14th February.
Week Commencing: 4th February
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to written methods of multiplication.
English: This week we will be doing some short burst writing work, using the skills we've learnt so far this year to create pieces for different purposes.
Reading: We will be continuing with our book: James & the Giant Peach, looking at unfamiliar words in the text and then discussing why the author chose these.
PBL: This week we will be continue to look at the physical features (e.g mountains, lakes) and human features (e.g London Eye or the Statue of Liberty) of both the USA and the UK. We will then be beginning our art & design project for our USA/UK day at the end of the half term.
Important Messages:
- Cross Country Club continues on Monday lunchtimes. Children will need PE kit and a pair of trainers/boots that can get muddy!
Week Commencing: 28th January
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to multiplying and dividing numbers by 1, 0, 10 & 100
English: This week we will be finishing writing our own innovation of a journey tale and then using the skills we've learnt to edit our work effectively.
Reading: We will be continuing with our book: James & the Giant Peach, looking at developing relationships between characters and analysing the author's choice of langauge.
PBL: This week we will be looking at the physical features (e.g mountains, lakes) and human features (e.g London Eye or the Statue of Liberty) of both the USA and the UK.
Important Messages:
- Cross Country Club continues on Monday lunchtimes. Children will need PE kit and a pair of trainers/boots that can get muddy!
- Number Day is on Friday 1st February. The day will be entirely devoted to Maths and we will be inviting children to dress up in something with numbers on for a suggested donation of £1 towards the NSPCC.
- Please could we remind parents that the second installment of £40 is due for Ufton Court by Thursday 31st January.
Week Commencing: 21st January
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to plotting coordinates on a 2D grid and translating shapes (moving them to different coordinates).
English: This week we will be innovating our own journey story; focusing on including fronted adverbials, description using our senses and powerful verbs to describe emotions.
Reading: We will be continuing with our book: James & the Giant Peach, looking at reading with expression and how characters are evolving in the story.
PBL: This week we will be doing lots of map work: identifying different countries, plotting coordinates and describing countries in relation to each other.
Important Messages:
- Cross Country Club continues on Monday lunchtimes. Children will need PE kit and a pair of trainers/boots that can get muddy!
- Number Day is on Friday 1st February. The day will be entirely devoted to Maths and we will be inviting children to dress up in something with numbers on for a suggested donation of £1 towards the NSPCC.
- Please could we remind parents that the second installment of £40 is due for Ufton Court by Thursday 31st January.
- PE lessons for 4H & 4P are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4B & 4R have theirs on Thursdays and Fridays. Please could you make sure that your child has all their PE kit with them including an additional jumper/hoody for when they are outside.
Breck’s Story
Tuesday 5th February 2018, 6.30pm
Junior School Hall
Guest speaker, Téa Staegemann , will be talking about how Breck’s life ended when he met up with a man who he had first spoken to online.
Téa will offer advice for parents to support your family online.
If you would like to attend, please ask the school office for a form.
Week Commencing: 14th January
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving onto angles: identifying acute and obtuse angles and comparing and ordering them.
English: This week we will be using the grammar skills we learnt this week (fronted adverbials and apostrophes for possession) to begin describing a setting.
Reading: We will be continuing with our book: James & the Giant Peach, looking at the different settings throughout the book and how the author creates a picture with their language choices.
PBL: This week we will be looking at the physical and human geographical features of the UK and the USA.
Important Messages:
- Cross Country Club begins on Monday 14th January. The club will run at lunchtime and children will need PE kit and a pair of trainers/boots that can get muddy!
- Please could we remind parents that the second installment of £40 is due for Ufton Court by Thursday 31st January.
- PE lessons for 4H & 4P are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4B & 4R have theirs on Thursdays and Fridays. Please could you make sure that your child has all their PE kit with them including an additional jumper/hoody for when they are outside.
Week Commencing: 7th January
Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing, festive break and are raring to go for the new term.
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving onto shapes and their properties: identifying different 2D shapes (both regular and irregular) before moving on to lines of symmetry,
English: This week we will be starting a brand new piece of writing about going on a journey! We will begin to learn our shared text before thinking about who is going on a journey and where they could be going.
Reading: We will be beginning our new book: James & the Giant Peach, making predictions on what is going to happen in the story, before moving on to analysing some of the main characters.
PBL: This week we will begin our new topic: Where in the World , which is focused on different countries around the world. This week we will be identifying some countries in Europe before creating our own comparison between the UK and another country.
Important Messages:
- Please could we remind parents that the second installment of £40 is due for Ufton Court by Thursday 31st January.
Week Commencing: 17th December
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be using everything we've learnt this term to solve some Christmas-themed investigations!
English: This week we will be finishing our instruction pieces: editing what we have done, assessing where we can improve them and then writing a piece about our own mummification process!
Reading: As this is our last week, we will be reviewing the stories we've read and discuss what we liked/disliked and any questions about what we've read.
PBL: This week we will be finishing up our topic work before moving onto evaluating what we've done this half term.
Important Messages:
- Monday 17th December: Earlswood Christmas Carol Concert at St John's Church. 18.30-19.30. All families are welcome to attend.
- Wednesday 19th December: School pick-up is at normal time - 3.20pm
Week Commencing: 10th December
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be re-capping some of the topics we have learnt this half term: equivalent fractions, fractions of amounts, rounding and mixed reasoning problems.
English: This week we will be continuing with our instruction writing. We will be looking to use everything we've learnt to create our very own set of instructions on 'How to Build a Pyramid'.
Reading: Each week this half term, we will be focusing at a different Egyptian short story to practise our reading skills: focusing on the characters, the settings and discussing the story's significance in Egyptian history. This week we will be focusing on the story of The Prince, the Dog, the Snake and the Crocodile.
PBL: This week we will be continuing to focus on Ancient Egyptian Art: pottery, headdresses and hieroglyphics.
Important Messages:
- Thursday 13th December: Year 4 Christmas Sing-a-Longs. 4R & 4P at 9.15 and 4B & 4H at 10.00
- Monday 17th December: Earlswood Christmas Carol Concert at St John's Church. 18.30-19.30. All families are welcome to attend.
Week Commencing: 3rd December
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be carrying on with our multiplication and division: looking at multiplication and division facts for times tables up to 12x12
English: This week we will be continuing with our instruction writing. We will be looking to include features (such as imperative (bossy) verbs and time connectives) in our very own 'How to build a Mummy' instructions.
Reading: Each week this half term, we will be focusing at a different Egyptian short story to practise our reading skills: focusing on the characters, the settings and discussing the story's significance in Egyptian history. This week we will be focusing on the story of The Shipwrecked Sailor.
PBL: This week we will be continuing our topic: Ancient Egyptians. The focus this week will be on Egyptian Art: pottery, headdresses and hieroglyphics.
Important Messages:
- There will be no spellings sent home this week, as next week we will be doing our half-termly spelling assessment.
- Thursday 6th December: Year 4 Egyptian Day - a reminder that, if possible, we would like the children to dress up for our topic day on Thursday next week.
- Thursday 13th December: Year 4 Christmas Sing-a-Longs. 4R & 4P at 9.15 and 4B & 4H at 10.00
Week Commencing: 26th November
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving onto multiplication and division: looking at multiplication and division facts for times tables up to 12x12
English: This week we will be moving onto a different style of writing: instruction writing. We will be looking at the features (such as imperative (bossy) verbs and prepositions) before attempting to write our own version on how to make winter soup.
Reading: Each week this half term, we will be focusing at a different Egyptian short story to practise our reading skills: focusing on the characters, the settings and discussing the story's significance in Egyptian history. This week we will be focusing on the story of The Shipwrecked Sailor.
PBL: This week we will be continuing our topic: Ancient Egyptians. The focus this week will be on the River Nile and its significance in the Ancient Egyptian Empire.
Important Messages:
- Friday 30th is Christmas making afternoon at the Juniors! An opportunity to come and participate in Christmas craft activities with your child. The afternoon starts at 13.45 and ends at 15.15.
- For those of you who wish to support your child in Maths, please take a look on our website under the 'Support for Parents' section, where our Maths team have uploaded some tutorial videos on short & long multiplication and division.
Week Commencing: 19th November
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will continue looking at fractions: the focus this week will be simplifying fractions to their simplest form (E.G: 4/8 = 2/4 = 1/2)
English: This week we will finish writing of our own version of our 'finding tale'. There has been some fantastic writing on the build up and encountering a problem; now they are going to resolve their stories and make sure they finish with a bang!
Reading: Each week this half term, we will be focusing at a different Egyptian short story to practise our reading skills: focusing on the characters, the settings and discussing the story's significance in Egyptian history. This week we will be focusing on the story of the quarrel between Hours & Seth.
PBL: This week we will be continuing our topic: Ancient Egyptians. The focus this week will be on comparing Ancient Egyptian life to the Modern World.
Important Messages:
- Friday 23rd is FoE Christmas Fair Donation day. The children are invited to come in non-school uniform if they bring in a small donation of a Toy for the Toy Tombola.
- If you have any spare kitchen roll tubes lying around at home, please could you send them into school as we need some for our Christmas Making Afternoon. Thank you!
Week Commencing: 12th November
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will continue looking at fractions: the focus this week will be on adding fractions with the same denominator (e.g: 2/5 + 1/5 = 3/5)
English: This week we will begin writing each part of our own version of our 'finding tale'. The children have worked really hard in learning our class version and now they are going to write their very own Egyptian adventure story!
Reading: Each week this half term, we will be looking at a different Egyptian short story - focusing on the characters, the settings and discussing the story's significance in Egyptian history. This week we will be focusing on the story of Osiris & Iris.
PBL: This week we will be returning to our topic: Ancient Egyptians. The focus this week will be on the timeline of ancient Egyptian history and some of the significant events that happened.
Important Messages:
- If you have not yet done so, please can you book an appointment to see your child's teacher at parents evenings this week: Tuesday 13th & Thursday 15th.
- Friday 16th is Children in Need and we are inviting the children to come in wearing something 'spotty' and a £1 donation towards the great work that Children in Need does.
Week Commencing: 4th November
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will continue looking at fractions: understanding that they are part of a whole and looking for equivalent fractions (for example: 2/4 & 1/2)
English: This week we will be continue planning our brand new story about Rosie the explorer and her adventures in Egypt. We will be looking at breaking the story down into parts and identifying what happens in each part.
Reading: Each week this half term, we will be looking at a different Egyptian short story - focusing on the characters, the settings and discussing the story's significance in Egyptian history. This week we will also be looking specifically at language and what impact it has on the reader.
PBL: As this week is Science week, we will be spending our Project lessons focusing on different experiments with electricity: building circuits, testing different power sources and finishing with some fun investigations involving static!
Important Messages:
- A reminder that the deadline for the letter and deposit for our Egyptian Day was Wednesday 31st of October.
- Please ensure that your child has a coat with them every day; obviously the weather is becoming a lot more variable as we enter the Winter Season and we don't want any children wet or cold at break time!
Week Commencing: 29th October
We hope you have a fun and relaxing half term!
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be looking at fractions: understanding that they are part of a whole and the significance of tenths and hundredths (splitting something into ten equal pieces or a hundred equal pieces)
English: This week we will be begin planning our brand new story, this time based on a 'Finding' Tale! (Think of any adventurer story where the main character goes off to find something before encountering a challenge to overcome!)
Reading: Each week this half term, we will be looking at a different Egyptian short story - focusing on the characters, the settings and discussing the story's significance in Egyptian history.
PBL: We will be starting our brand new topic all about The Ancient Egyptians! This week we will be starting off by identifying exactly where Egypt is and some of the key features of an Ancient Egyptian civilisation.
Important Messages:
- A reminder that if you wish your child to attend, you need to return the blue letter and pay the £40 deposit online by Wednesday 31st October.
- If you have a spare couple of minutes, please watch this video showing the importance of reading with your child ten minutes a day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orb6xXPPBKo
- Please ensure that your child has a coat with them every day; obviously the weather is becoming a lot more variable as we enter the Winter Season and we don't want any children wet or cold at break time!
Week Commencing: 15th October
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be using everything we've learnt this half term to solve multi-step word problems.
English: This week we will be looking at improving our grammar skills, with a particular focus on punctuating direct speech correctly.
Reading: We will continue reading our topic book for this half term - The Demon Dentist. This week we will be discussing our likes and dislikes and comparing it to other types of text.
PBL: In 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile' this week we will be finishing our work on the digestive system: evaluating our scientific videos from last week before discussing everything we have learnt this half term.
Important Messages:
- Thank you to Lauren K's Mum and Nathan W's Mum for coming in as our first Year 4 Mystery Readers! If you are interested in being a mystery reader and coming in to read a short story to your child's class, please contact your class teacher.
- Thank you to all the parents who came along to our Ufton Court Information Evening on Tuesday, we are certainly looking forward to it! A reminder that if you wish your child to attend, you need to return the blue letter and pay the £40 deposit online by Wednesday 31st October.
- A reminder that school breaks up on Thursday 18th October at normal time.
Week Commencing: 8th October
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to formal methods of column subtraction - consolidating what we already know before applying this to problem solving.
English: This week we will be looking at regular (jumped) and irregular verbs (ran) before moving on to writing our own warning story based on the story we have learnt over the past few weeks.
Reading: We will continue reading our topic book for this half term - The Demon Dentist. This week we will be sequencing the story so far before moving on to working on our comprehension skills.
PBL: In 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile' this week we will be continuing with the digestive system - we will be finishing off our informative digestive models before moving on to creating our own films to show the digestive journeys!
Important Messages:
- Ufton Court information meeting for parents is on Tuesday the 9th of October at 7pm in the Junior hall.
- We are looking for 'mystery readers' to come in and read a short story to your child's class. It can be a parent, relative or family friend - if you are interested and would like further information, please contact your class teacher.
- A reminder that school photos are happening on Friday the 12th of October. Please can you ensure your child has a school jumper with them.
Week Commencing: 1st October
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to formal methods of column addition - consolidating what we already know before applying this to problem solving.
English: This week we will be editing our fabulous 'Warning' stories, before moving on to writing our own blurbs and designing our own front covers so we can publish them!
Reading: We will continue reading our topic book for this half term - The Demon Dentist. This week we will be discussing settings within the text and how they contribute to the overall effect for the reader.
PBL: In 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile' this week we will be moving on to the digestive system - identifying the main organs and their functions, before creating our very own flip book to demonstrate what we know.
Important Messages:
- We are looking for 'mystery readers' to come in and read a short story to your child's class. It can be a parent, relative or family friend - if you are interested and would like further information, please contact your class teacher.
- The Book Fair is returning to Earlswood Infant School! It will be available before and after school from Tuesday the 2nd of October to Tuesday the 9th.
- Please see below for a poster about an Online safety Information Event with Sharon Girling, which talks through how to help your child remain safe online and who to speak to if you feel you need support. 9.15 - 10.15 in the Infant school hall.
Week Commencing: 24th September
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be looking at negative numbers (numbers that go below 0) and where we would expect to see them (such as maps or thermometers).
English: We will be writing our very own version of the Demon Dentist this week - using the skills we learnt last week to make our own versions amazing!
Reading: We will continue reading our topic book for this half term - The Demon Dentist. This week we will be discussing new characters as they are introduced: their positive and negative effects on the main characters, before moving onto discussing the effects of figurative language (such as similies and metaphors) in the text.
PBL: Our topic this half term is 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile' which is all about the human body! This week we will be conducting an experiment to look at the effect of different food types on teeth before moving on to the other parts of the digestive system and their role within the body.
Important Messages:
- We are looking for 'mystery readers' to come in and read a short story to your child's class. It can be a parent, relative or family friend - if you are interested and would like further information, please contact your class teacher.
- Woodlands lessons (where outdoor shoes are needed) will be on Thursdays.
- PE lessons for 4H & 4P will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- PE lessons for 4R & 4B will be on Thursdays and Fridays
Week Commencing: 17th September
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be moving on to rounding 4-digit numbers, including in different contexts such as money, weight and capacity, before beginning to look at estimating answers: the skills we use and what strategies we can use to help us.
English: We will be continuing with our 'Demon Dentist' story writing this week: beginning to plan our own version by breaking the story down into sections and planning each piece separately.
Reading: We will continue reading our topic book for this half term - The Demon Dentist. This week we will be using our inference skills to discuss character's personalities and motives and finding evidence to support this.
PBL: Our topic this half term is 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile' which is all about the human body! This week we will continue looking at teeth; investigating the effects of plaque on our teeth and setting up an experiment which involves discovering if we have any plaque in our mouths!
Important Messages:
- Woodlands lessons (where outdoor shoes are needed) will be on Thursdays.
- PE lessons for 4H & 4P will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- PE lessons for 4R & 4B will be on Thursdays and Fridays
- Homework begins this Friday (the 14th). Spellings will be sent home, as will log in cards for RM Easimaths - please could you ensure your child is completing at least one session (15 mins) a week.
- Please could you ensure that your child has a coat in school at all times - Autumn weather is creeping up on us!
A big welcome back from The Year 4 Team!
We hope you've all had a relaxing break and are raring to go for the new school year. Check back here each week to see what exciting things we will be learning and for any important notices.
Week Commencing: 10th September
Our Learning this Week:
Maths: This week we will be re-capping place value in four digit numbers, before moving on to counting in 100's and 1000's and identifying patterns in our times tables.
English: This week we will start our first piece of writing, based on the David Williams book 'The Demon Dentist'. We will begin by creating our own class version of the story before identifying grammatical devices (such as adjectives and adverbs) that we can use to make our stories even better!
Reading: We will begin reading our topic book for this half term - The Demon Dentist; making predictions about the book before moving onto discussing some of the main characters and their personalities.
PBL: Our topic this half term is 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile' which is all about the human body! This week we will be looking at teeth: their function and the effects of plaque before moving on to building our own model teeth!
Important Messages:
- Woodlands lessons (where outdoor shoes are needed) will be on Thursdays.
- PE lessons for 4H & 4P will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- PE lessons for 4R & 4B will be on Thursdays and Fridays
- Spellings will be sent home on a Friday (beginning next week - the 14th), with the test happening the following Thursday.