A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
End of School Year
It has been a strange year, but the children have managed really well with the change of learning. Thank you for all of the support you have given them to complete the learning online. We feel sad that we haven't said proper goodbyes but there some little messages on Google Classroom from us.
We hope that you all enjoy a rest of the summer holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in the Autumn when all children return to school.
Take care and stay safe,
Year 3 Team
Important Information
Summer Reading Challenge
The Reading Agency have now launched their annual summer reading challenge. This year the theme is the Silly Squad and the focus is to celebrate funny books, happiness and laughter. Children will aim to read at least 6 books over the summer and can record their progress on the free digital platform.
Parents will be able to sign up using the link https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/
We hope lots of you will take part and look forward to hearing all about the funny books you read.
Happy reading
Week beginning 13th July 2020
This is the last week of learning in Year 3! It has been a strange year and although there have been challenges, we are really impressed with how the children have adapted to a new style of learning.
Google classroom meet ups
It has been lovely to see some of the children on Google meet ups this week. If you were unable to join, please try to this week. Add your name to the document on Google Classroom.
There have been some technical hitches but most children have been able to join. If you experience any difficulties the teachers will try to help. Make a comment in the stream on the page and they will try to get you onto the meeting.
There will be a meet link at the top of our classroom page that will be visible just before the meeting time. You may need to refresh the page for this to appear. Please only log on to the session you have signed up to. This will ensure that all children can contribute to the discussion.
If your child is the only one signed up for a slot, we will ask them to move to another day. Please sign up by Sunday evening (12th), so that we can make any adjustments on Monday morning.
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks will be an interview and a book review.
Maths- We are having a bit of revision of all of the topics over this year. A bit of money, fractions and shape, as well as timestables.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is looking ahead to Year 4. We have also set a drawing challenge and can't wait to see your creations.
Google Classroom:
We will finish reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Google Classroom. If you have a copy of the book, you could follow along or join in with reading aloud at home. There will also be some optional activities to complete about the book if you want to.
We will put an extra optional maths challenge on google classrooms each week. Please have a go if you would like to.
Google Classroom assembly rooms- Please have a look at the last art challenge of the school year, from Ms Melotte.
Link to home learning tab on our website. https://www.earlswood.surrey.sch.uk/home-learning/
Thank you,
Year 3 Team
Thank you
Thank you for all of the work you are doing with your children at home. We know that it has been challenging at times. but the children (and you) have been doing a great job.
Amazing Work!
There has been some lovely learning on Purple Mash this week and it is great to see that the children are still so motivated! We are particularly impressed with the writing that children have produced on identity this week. It has been lovely to read their writing and find out more about them.
New teachers
I am sure that your child was excited to find out who their new Year 4 teacher was going to be. There are some short videos on Google Classroom to introduce them as we couldn't have class swap day this year. Please have a look if you haven't already done so.
We are working with the Year 4 staff to ensure there is a smooth start to Year 4.
Week beginning 6th July 2020
Google classroom meet ups
Next week we will be meeting with small groups of children on Google Classroom. We are really looking forward to seeing the children. Please log in with your child's details and fill in the document to show which session you would like them to attend.
We hope that the meetings will run smoothly and will be a good opportunity to finish the year positively. However, please bear with us if there are technical hitches.
There will be a meet link at the top of our classroom page that will be visible just before the meeting time. You may need to refresh the page for this to appear. Please only log on to the session you have signed up to. This will ensure that all children can contribute to the discussion. If you have any difficultly, please call the school office.
If your child is the only one signed up for a slot, we will ask them to move to another day. Please sign up by Sunday evening (5th), so that we can make any adjustments on Monday morning.
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks will be a postcard, a letter and a leaflet based around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Maths- We will look at number and revise all 4 operations, looking at one each day. We will continue to set timestable challenges too.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is PSHE and RE.
Google Classroom:
We will continue reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Google Classroom. If you have a copy of the book, you could follow along or join in with reading aloud at home. There will also be some optional activities to complete about the book if you want to.
We will put an extra optional maths challenge on google classrooms each week. Please have a go if you would like to.
Google Classroom assembly rooms- Please have a look at the last art challenge of the school year, from Ms Melotte.
Link to home learning tab on our website. https://www.earlswood.surrey.sch.uk/home-learning/
Thank you,
Year 3 Team
Week beginning 29th June 2020
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks will be based around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They will write a newspaper report and describe chocolate bars.
Maths- We will revisit multiplication and division. This will link with the timestables that the children have been learning over the last few months.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is PSHE and RE. We will look at identity and honesty.
Blogs- Please continue to use the blogs to ask questions and celebrate learning. Blog posts will now be checked twice a day at lunchtime and the end of the school day. Please let your children know that we will be answering their questions at these times.
Google Classroom:
We will continue reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Google Classroom. If you have a copy of the book, you could follow along or join in with reading aloud at home. There will also be some optional activities to complete about the book if you want to.
We will put an extra optional maths challenge on google classrooms each week. Please have a go if you would like to.
Google Classroom assembly rooms- Please have a look at the next art challenge from Ms Melotte and the outdoor learning challenge from Mr Jackson.
As some staff are now in school all week with key worker children, please be aware that you may not get an immediate reply to emails.
Please email any questions about purple mash or home learning to Mrs Knight (c.knight@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk)
Link to home learning tab on our website. https://www.earlswood.surrey.sch.uk/home-learning/
Thank you,
Year 3 Team
Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks will develop a character profile of a pirate. We are encouraging the children to use good description tho show how a character looks and what kind of person they are.
Maths- We will continue with addition and subtraction. We will focus on the column method with and without exchange. For more ideas see
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z72dwty and https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvm72sg
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is PSHE looking at sun safety and Geography looking at continents.
Blogs- Please continue to use the blogs to ask questions and celebrate learning. Blog posts will now be checked twice a day at lunchtime and the end of the school day. Please let your children know that we will be answering their questions at these times.
Google Classroom:
We will continue reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Google Classroom. If you have a copy of the book, you could follow along or join in with reading aloud at home. There will also be some optional activities to complete about the book if you want to.
We will put an extra optional maths challenge on google classrooms each week. Please have a go if you would like to.
Some staff are now in school full time, supporting key worker children. The posts on Google classroom, may be from another member of staff in the Year group.
Google Classroom assembly rooms- Please have a look at the next art challenge from Ms Melotte and the outdoor learning challenge from Mr Jackson.
As some staff are now in school all week with key worker children, please be aware that you may not get an immediate reply to emails.
Please email any questions about purple mash or home learning to Mrs Knight (c.knight@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk)
Link to home learning tab on our website. https://www.earlswood.surrey.sch.uk/home-learning/
Thank you,
Year 3 Team
Summer Reading Challenge
The Reading Agency have now launched their annual summer reading challenge. This year the theme is the Silly Squad and the focus is to celebrate funny books, happiness and laughter. Children will aim to read at least 6 books over the summer and can record their progress on the free digital platform.
Parents will be able to sign up using the link https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/
We hope lots of you will take part and look forward to hearing all about the funny books you read.
Happy reading
Week beginning 15th June 2020
Thank you for all of the learning you have supported your children with at home. We are really impressed at the quality of learning we are receiving. If you need some activities that are different from purple mash, there are lots of suggestions under the home learning tab on the website for specific subjects.
If you want to try something different:
The BBC are providing online lessons on a wide range of subjects.
Oak National Academy has been set up to provide lessons from children who are unable to learn at school. https://classroom.thenational.academy/year-groups/year-3/
The NEU have set up resources that you can download and print. Their site also has ideas for creative activities. https://coronavirusandschools.org.uk/resources/
Link to home learning tab on our website. https://www.earlswood.surrey.sch.uk/home-learning/
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks will develop a story based on the alien characters they created this week. There will be a setting description and story writing at the end of the week. We look forward to reading all of your stories.
Maths- The tasks will be addition and subtraction. The tasks will encourage the children to use mental strategies but it will also be beneficial for them to have a go at using the column method on paper. For more ideas see https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z72dwty and https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvm72sg
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is science, based on forces and magnets.
Blogs- Please continue to use the blogs to ask questions and celebrate learning. Blog posts will now be checked twice a day at lunchtime and the end of the school day. Please let your children know that we will be answering their questions at these times.
Google Classroom:
We will begin reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Google Classroom. If you have a copy of the book, you could follow along or join in with reading aloud at home. There will also be some optional activities to complete about the book if you want to.
We will put an extra optional maths challenge on google classrooms each week. Please have a go if you would like to.
Some staff are now in school full time, supporting key worker children. The posts on Google classroom, may be from another member of staff in the Year group.
Google Classroom assembly rooms- Please have a look at the current art challenge from Ms Melotte and the outdoor learning challenge from Mr Jackson. If your child is returning to school in a key worker pod, Sally has posted some advice for the children.
As some staff are now in school all week with key worker children, please be aware that you may not get an immediate reply to emails.
Please email any questions about purple mash or home learning to Mrs Knight (c.knight@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk)
Thank you,
Year 3 Team
Week beginning 8th June 2020
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks include using adjectives to create an interesting description and a poem.
Maths- The tasks will be all about shape. There will be some activities on describing properties of 2D and 3D shape. There will also be some work on area. We haven't looked at area in class this year, however the children would have learnt about this in Year 2. Keep learning your timestables. It is great to see how children have got quicker at recalling answers. There are also some timetable activities on the home learning tab under maths.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is based around food. The children will think about what their food is made of. If you do any food preparation with your children, send us a picture or share the recipe on the purple mash blog.
Blogs- Please continue to use the blogs to ask questions and celebrate learning. Blog posts will now be checked twice a day at lunchtime and the end of the school day. Please let your children know that we will be answering their questions at these times.
Google Classroom:
We will begin reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Google Classroom. If you have a copy of the book, you could follow along or join in with reading aloud at home.
Some staff are now in school full time, supporting key worker children. The posts on Google classroom, may be from another member of staff in the Year group.
Please visit the assembly room too!
As some staff are now in school all week with key worker children, please be aware that you may not get an immediate reply to emails.
Please email any questions about purple mash or home learning to Mrs Knight (c.knight@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk)
Thank you
Week beginning 1st June 2020
We hope that you have had a good week off of home learning. Home learning will continue to be set as before on Purple Mash. There are other ideas on the website that you can access under the home learning tab.
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks include a diary entry and writing a description. Look at the hints to help you include some details.
Maths- The tasks will be interpreting graphs and charts. This will include pictograms, tally charts, Venn diagrams and bar graphs. On some days there are 2 short tasks to complete.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is Science and Design Technology. The tasks are based around food and healthy eating.
Blogs- Please continue to use the blogs to ask questions and celebrate learning. Please remind your child that all Year 3 children can read the blog posts, even if they are writing a post to a specific friend. All posts have to be approved by a teacher before they are seen.
Google Classroom:
The Firework Makers Daughter by Philip Pullman- the rest of the chapters will be on this week.
We will continue to upload messages and stories to our classes, however please be aware that some staff are now in school full time, supporting key worker children. The posts on Google classroom, may be from another member of staff in the Year group.
Please visit the assembly room too!
As some staff are now in school all week with key worker children, please be aware that you may not get an immediate reply to emails.
Please email any questions about purple mash or home learning to Mrs Knight (c.knight@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk)
Thank you
Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to support your children at home. This half term has been different and challenging but we have seen some great learning happening.
Next week is half term so there will be no purple mash learning set or marked. The books that the children are reading this week on Purple Mash, will be available to finish so that we can start new books on 1st June when we return to online learning.
We hope you can enjoy different routines and time off of screens. There are lots of resources on the website under the home learning tab. On google classroom, you can see an assembly from Ms Melotte, introducing the next whole school art project. Have a go and send you picture in when you have completed it.
Take care and stay safe,
Year 3 Team
Thank you for all of your comments on Google Classroom. We are glad that you are enjoying the stories and assemblies. If you are unable to log on please call the school office for assistance. We are continuing to set learning on Purple Mash and communicate with the children by marking tasks on this platform.
Week beginning 18th May 2020
Please have a look at the art challenge in the assembly room on Google Classroom. It would be lovely to see some Year 3 creations.
Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks are persuasive. You will need to create some posters around different topics.
Maths- The tasks will continue to be time activities this week. In Year 3 we learn how to read a digital and analogue clock to the nearest minute. They also need to order events and say how much time has passed. There will also be calculating with money tasks towards the end of the week.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is Science and based around growing plants.
Blogs- We have had lots of children using the blog tool on Purple Mash. There has been a lot of games created. There is a competition on purple mash where you can upload you game, please have a look and see you you want to enter.
Google Classroom:
We are reading a chapter book called The Firework Makers Daughter by Philip Pullman. There will be a new chapter uploaded every couple of days.
We will continue to upload messages and stories to our classes.
Please visit the assembly room too!
It has been a short week this week and I hope you can enjoy some time away from your screens this weekend. Perhaps if you join in any VE day celebrations (socially distanced of course) then send us a picture. Look at the assemblies in Google classroom. Mr Nott has put an assembly about VE day for you to watch.
Week beginning 11th May 2020
There are also lots of great resources on the home learning link on the website. Please use these if you need more ideas after purple mash tasks are completed. They are being updated regularly by teachers who lead these subjects at school.
This week on Purple Mash:
Writing- This weeks writing tasks include information writing about dogs and healthy teeth. There will also be a book recommendation.
Maths- The tasks will continue to be time activities this week. In Year 3 we learn how to read a digital and analogue clock to the nearest minute. They also need to order events and say how much time has passed.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is PSHE and based around growing up and relationships.
Blogs- Some children have been writing on our purple mash blogs. It is always great to hear from you. We have added another blog this week for book talk. This links nicely to one of our writing tasks this week. The teachers are also going to review books you might like to read. Please add any books you have been reading at home.
Google Classroom
You would have received an email about google classroom and how to access it.
Once you have logged on, you will see a message or story from your class teacher. There is also an assembly room so you can go to an assembly 3 times a week.
We will upload more messages and stories next week. We are continuing our learning on purple mash at the moment and won't be setting any work to do in Google classroom.
Week beginning 4th May 2020
Thank you for all of the learning you have been completing at home.
If you have photos you would like to share, please email them to Mrs Knight to put on the website. You can see some of the things children have been doing at home on the photo album tab. There are also some messages from the Year 3 staff (in case you missed them last week).
There is also a lot of great resources on the home learning link on the website. Please use these if you need more ideas after purple mash tasks are completed. They are being updated regularly by teachers who lead these subjects at school.
Purple Mash won't be set on Friday as it is a bank holiday.
This week on Purple Mash:
Writing- We are only setting 2 writing tasks this week. We hope this will give children the opportunity to think and plan their writing over 2 days. This week they will write a letter and a newspaper report.
Maths- The tasks will involve time activities to complete. In Year 3 we learn how to read a digital and analogue clock to the nearest minute. They will also have times table activities to try each day. The focus for timestables in year 3 is 3, 4, and 8 timestables. If your child knows these please practise the corresponding division facts with them. Don't forget to recap the 2, 5, and 10 timestables too.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is geography and based around volcanoes.
Handwriting- We are aware that the children are having a lot of screen time with all their home learning but where possible, we would like you to encourage your children to be picking up a pencil so that they are still practising their handwriting. Maybe they could write a letter to a friend or relative that they can't visit at the moment.
We look forward to seeing all of the work that you complete!
Week beginning 27th April 2020
Thank you for your pictures of learning you have done at home that is separate to purple mash. There is still time to email one to Mrs Knight if you want to be on the website. Also check out the Year 3 photo album for some messages from the staff.
There were a few issues at the beginning of the week with purple mash tasks not setting for some children. Please let us know if there are any problems that we can help you with.
There is also a lot of great resources on the home learning link on the website. Please use these if you need more ideas after purple mash tasks are completed.
Please enjoy books with your children every day. We are expecting children to read for 20 minutes a day in addition to the purple mash tasks.
This week on Purple Mash:
Writing- There will be a range of writing tasks including
Maths- The tasks will involve fractions activities to complete. They will also have times table activities to try each day. The focus for timestables in year 3 is 3, 4, and 8 timestables. If your child knows these please practise the corresponding division facts with them.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is geography and based around earthquakes.
We look forward to seeing all of the work that you complete.
Week beginning 20th April 2020
We hope that you have had a good break from home learning. If you have made anything or drawn a picture over the holiday, you can email a picture of it to me (c.knight@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk) and I will make a slide show of pictures on the website. It will be great to see some of the things that you are doing at home! When you send a picture please put the subject as ‘website picture’ so that I know you are giving permission for it to be on the website, especially if it includes your child in the picture.
As we continue with online home learning, purple mash tasks will be set daily. Thank you for all of the support you are giving the children to complete these tasks.
This week the purple mash tasks will be set in the same way as before. The children will see their 2dos and should be alerted to them. Most will disappear at the end of each day.
This week on Purple Mash:
Writing- There will be a range of writing tasks including diary and letter writing, persuasion and an information leaflet.
Maths- The tasks will involve multiplication and division. There will be fractions activities to complete. They will also have times table activities to try each day.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions. The book will be available to read for the whole week if you need to recap.
Topic- This week topic learning is based around our Science topic of light. You might want to look at the shadows that are made at different times of the day (if the sun is out!).
We look forward to seeing all of the work that you complete.
Thank you for engaging with the home learning this week. It is great to see children completing the tasks that have been set for them.
The next 2 weeks are the Easter holidays so there will be no compulsory work set on Purple Mash. We have however set a few optional activities for children to complete if they want to. As it is the Easter break, teachers will not be monitoring work that is completed or responding to any queries. Children can save anything they complete in their ‘My Work’ folder.
Below are some suggestions of some websites with activities that you could do together during the Easter break. It will be a different kind of holiday for everyone this year, but we hope that you can enjoy the time with your family at home staying safe.
Week Beginning 30.3.20
Thank you for all your support with the home learning on Purple Mash. It is lovely to see children taking care over their work and getting tasks completed. Teachers are looking at it everyday but may not mark an individual piece of work until the end of the following day. If you have any questions about the home learning please contact your child’s class teacher.
Week Beginning 30th March
On Purple Mash this week the tasks will be set each day and then they will go from the ‘to do’ list. Please don’t worry if you do not complete all the tasks. If you need more activities, the children can explore the contents of purple mash when they have completed their tasks. You might like to look at the art resources or computing, where they can create an animation or code a simple game.
Writing- There will be a range of writing tasks including information writing, a diary entry and a poem.
Maths- The tasks will involve addition and subtraction calculations. They will also have times table activities to complete each day.
Reading- The children will have a chapter to read each day and some questions to answer. Please help them to select the reading task first, so that they can then answer the questions.
Topic- This weeks topic learning is based around learning about the Iron Age.
You will have also seen that there are lots of live lessons being offered on social media. We have been joining in with Joe Wicks at 9am for PE. You might also like to look at the bbc website for live lessons. They show in the caption, which age range they are aimed at. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/live-lessons/primary-live-lessons/zmc9jhv . Also check out Mr Scullin’s music room on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKovqh8teAdzoNuEk52a8RA where you can even join in a singing assembly in your own home.
I am sure that you are all sharing tips with each other about how to adjust to this strange situation, but if you are stuck, please contact us and we will try to help.
Week Beginning 23.3.20
Thank you for all your support and patience at this time. The majority of the work set for the children will be through Purple Mash. The tasks will be set each day of the week and then cleared on the Sunday ready for the next week’s learning. Teachers will be monitoring what the children are doing so please let us know if you are having any issues.
As well as these activities there is a page of other ideas on the ‘Home Learning’ page on our website which is under the tab ‘Children’ on the signpost.
If you have any questions about the home learning do not hesitate to contact your class teacher and we will do our best to help!
Purple Mash
We will continue to update children’s learning on Purple Mash but there are also links to websites under the children tab on the website to aid learning.
There is also a blog where children can upload comments about their learning and share anything they have done while they are at home.
English: The activities on Purple Mash this week are a range of tasks including diary writing and information writing about Hunter Gatherers, writing a recipe, a letter and creating a poster.
SPAG: The activities on Purple Mash this week are based on revision of year 3 spelling words and a revision of speech.
Maths: The activities on Purple Mash this week are based on place value
Reading: The activities on Purple Mash this week are based around a book called Settlers.
Project: The activities on Purple Mash this week are work relating to the historic Bronze age period.
Purple Mash Log Ins
The children should all have their log in details for Purple Mash but if you are unsure please email your class teacher and they will provide these for you.
Your child can still continue to complete a session of RMeasimaths throughout the week. This will give questions from a range of maths topics.
The children should still be reading every day and they are welcome to keep recording this in their reading records. When they are reading, please ensure you are asking them questions and discussing what they have read to gauge their understanding.
One option for ensuring your children are still getting some exercise within the house is to use some fitness videos. Joes Wicks has some designed for children on his YouTube channel on the link below:
If you are looking for some music related activities, Mr Scullin has a YouTube channel with lots of videos on it that you can watch and join in with. Here is the link:
3K |
3EM |
3M |
3C |
Emilia |
Gillies Rory |
Daniyal Benji |
Aiden Carys
Week beginning 16th March 2020
We are writing our own story that includes suspense. We will include empty words, dramatic conjunctions, powerful verbs and adverbs. We will organise our writing in paragraphs.
We will tell the time on digital and analogue clocks. Will will calculate how much time has passed between events, using a numberline
We will continue our text ‘Stig of the Dump’. We are summarising what we have read in each part.
We are using Zu3D to create an animation.
We are learning about light in Science
Art week- For art week Year 3 need bars of soap. If you could donate a bar or two we would be very grateful. White soap would be best as we are carving it into a ‘stone’ sculpture.
We will also need lots and lots newspaper, carrier bags and flexible plastic package (like the wrapper around the outside of a multi-pack of crisps
Week beginning 9th March 2019
We are writing our own tale with suspense based on The Adventure of Sandy Cove.
We are learning about time. We will look at the days of the week and months of year. We will read times on a clock.
We will bemakign predictions from the text in our class book Stig of the Dump.
We are using Zu3D to create an animation.
We are learning about light in Science
Please send back swimming letters.
PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday this half term.
Week beginning 2nd March 2019
We are looking at vocabulary in our Sandy Cove Adventure. We will use conjunctions and powerful verbs in our writing.
We are looking at data and interpreting it. We will change data from charts to graphs.
We will be retrieving information from the text in our class book Stig of the Dump.
We are learning about life in the Stone age and researching Stone Henge.
Dress up!!
Friday 28th February- Mardi Gras- wear purple, gold and green
Wednesday 4th March- World book day- come as a book character
Thursday 5th March- Stone age day- come as a stone age man or woman or animal
PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday this half term.
What a busy half term we have had. The children have completed lots of lovely learning. Thank you for joining us in the playground for our music showcase. The videos will be on Earlswood in Action page this week.
Spring 2
Next half term we will be learning about the Stone-Age. We are looking forward to our theatre company visit on 5th March. The children are invited to dress up on this day.
We also have our Mardi Gras celebration in the first week and World Book day in the second week. There will be more information sent about these events.
Week beginning 25th February
We are learning a story called Adventure at Sandy Cove. We will look at how the author builds suspense.
We are starting our new book Stig of the Dump. We will make predictions about what it will be about.
We are looking at data. We will read and interpret different graphs and tables.
We are completing history learning about the Stone-age. We will look at how we know about this period in time and what life was like.
Mardi Gras- We will learn about how Mardi Gras is celebrated in different cultures and make a float for the parade.
We need shoe boxes for our computing learning this term.
PE days will change this term. We have indoor PE on Tuesday and outdoor PE on Wednesday. Please ensure your child has the correct kit in school.
Up coming trips
We are currently considering whether we have to cancel our trip to Mercers Lake as there has not been enough donations. If you are planning to pay and cannot at this time, please speak to the office. The balance for this trip was due on February 7th.
Freshwater Theatre - We are still significantly short of donations for this event. Please pay using our online system as soon as possible. If we do not receive more donations we will have to cancel this event.
Thank you
Week beginning 10th February 2020
This week is assessment week. The children will complete tests about the learning they have completed in reading and maths so far this year. They will also complete a timestable challenge.
We will be writing our persuasive adverts to show how great Earlswood is.
We are thinking about human and physical features in different countries.
In Science we are thinking about how seeds are dispersed and the life cycle of a plant.
In music we are learning songs from different continents.
On Tuesday 11th February we will be performing a few songs from around the world in the playground at 3.10. Please come along to watch. If you can't make it, we will put the video on the website.
Next half term we will need shoe boxes for our computing lessons and also our Mardi Gras day.
The balance for Mercers Lake is due now. Please pay for this using our online system or speak to the office if there are any difficulties.
Week beginning 3rd February 2020
We are thinking about the features of persuasive writing. We will be writing a persuasive piece about our theatre visit.
We are adding and subtracting money. We will be learning to give change by counting up.
We are continuing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be thinking about the main events and summarising.
We are thinking about human and physical features in different countries.
In Science we are carrying out our plant investigation and recording the results.
Thank you for sending in all of the recycling and plastic bottles. The children made some amazing creations and really enjoyed the performance from Upsideup Theatre Company.
We do not need any more recycling sent in this term.
Friday 7th February is numbers day. The children can come in wearing something with a number on.
Week beginning 27th January 2019
We are writing our own journey tale. We will invent a character and think carefully about the settings that they travel through. Our next piece of writing will be a persuasive piece. We will begin to think about some of the features of persuasive writing.
We are adding and subtracting money. We will use real money and revise column method for adding larger amounts.
We are continuing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be retrieving information from the text.
We are thinking about human and physical features in different countries.
In Science we are investigating what a plant needs to grow.
This week (Thursday 30th) is our visit from Upsideup Theatre Company. As part of our day we will be making puppets from recycled materials.
It would be helpful if you could send in any boxes, lids, wool, ribbons, bottles, plastic boxes with hinges.
Thank you for sending in milk bottles. Please keep them coming in.
Week beginning 20th January 2019
We are writing our own river story, thinking about the journey that our boat will take. We will include description and include prepositions, similes, alliteration and personification.
We are continuing to lean about fractions. We will be finding fractions of amounts using practical equipment.
For example- 1/4 of 12 is 3- get 12 cubes divide them into 4 groups (because the demominator is 4) how many are in 1 group (the numerator)
3/4 of 20 is 15-get 20 cubes divide them into 4 groups (because the demominator is 4) how many are in 3 groups (the numerator)
We are continuing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be finding information by skimming and scanning for answers.
We are completing Geography learning, looking at countries and continents.
In Science we are looking at parts of a plant.
Please label all PE kit.
Please send in trip responses as soon as possible.
Week beginning 13th January 2019
We are looking at the features of description in our River story. We look at the text in detail and think about what features the author has used to make it interesting.
We are finding fractions of amounts for example ½ of 16. ¼ of 12. We will do this practically using objects.
We are continuing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will be looking at how the author uses description to interest the reader.
We will finish our work about Monet.
We will start our Geography learning about continents and countries.
Please send in letter for Upsideup Theatre Company, who are coming into school this term, if you haven't done so already.
Week beginning 6th January 2020
Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all. We hope that you enjoyed a relaxing break.
This half term we are learning about 'Our Wonderful World'
We are learning a story called 'The River'. It is a journey story and our focus this week will be looking at the language the author uses including the prepositions and personification.
We are learning about fractions. We will do this practically using objects and fraction walls. We will find fractions that are equivalent to each other.
We are starting our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’. We will make predictions and think about how the main characters are described.
We will look at the art of Monet and create a picture of nature using some of the techniques he used.
Please send in PE kits and Wellies.
Please return any slips for trips this term.
As part of our topic, we are having a visit from Upsideup Theatre Company. As part of this day, we will be creating puppets from recycled materials. We would really like you collect any of the following items:
Plastic tubs
Containers that have hinges (plastic cake boxes)
Small shoe boxes
Cardboard tubes
Small boxes
Shiny bits
Left over wrapping paper
The children have worked really hard this term! Thank you for all of your support.
We are sending home all of their PE kits and wellies to be checked and washed. Please make sure that you check the lost property for all of your child's belongings.
Have a lovely break and enjoy the festivities. We look forward to seeing the children refreshed after their break.
Next half term we are learning about Our Wonderful World.
As part of our topic, we are having a visit from Upsideup Theatre Company. As part of this day, we will be creating puppets from recycled materials. We would really like you collect any of the following items:
Plastic tubs
Containers that have hinges (plastic cake boxes)
Small shoe boxes
Cardboard tubes
Small boxes
Shiny bits
Left over wrapping paper
We realise that there has been lots of requests for money this term. This a a gentle reminder to send in forms for Upsideup Theatre visit and Mercers Lake visit. These are really exciting opportunities for the children and we don't like to cancel them. If you are planning to pay but can't at the moment, please send the form back with permission. Please speak to the office if you are unable to contribute towards these experiences.
Some chidlren have requested the recipe for this. Enjoy!
Honey Cake
250g clear honey, plus about 2 tbsp extra to glaze
225g unsalted butter
100g dark muscovado sugar
3 large eggs, beaten
300g self-raising flour
Thank you for supporting our Christmas assembly. The children loved having you as an audience and it was great to see them all confidently performing their songs.
Week Beginning 16th December 2019
We will finish our poetry work and publish it to be displayed.
We will be solving multiplication and division problems, including scaling problems
We are finishing our book the Beasts of Olympus and reviewing what we thought of it.
School finishes on Thursday at normal time- 3.20pm.
Please ensure your child has all of their belongings and you have checked the lost property.
Please join us at St Johns Church on Tuesday evening for our Christmas carol concert.
Week beginning 9th December
We are learning a poem called 'If I had wings' by Pie Corbett. We will think about how he has made the poem exciting.
We will be dividing 2 digit numbers by a one digit number using place value counters.
We are continuing to read our book the Beasts of Olympus. We will look at finding key information in the text that we have read.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Christmas assemblies.
Wednesday 11th December
3C and 3M at 9.15
3K and 3EM at 10.00
Please help them to learn the song words that were sent home. Thank you.
Please make sure you have sent back the Mercers Lake letter.
Greek Feast
We will have our Greek Feast in the last week of term. Thank you for you contributions towards this. This is not a dress up day for the children but we will have lots of fun!
Week beginning 2nd December
We are writing our own myths, using time signals, adjectives, powerful verbs and speech.
We will continue to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We will solve problems with multiplication and division.
We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will be making predictions and answering questions about what we have read.
Christmas making afternoon is on Wednesday 4th Decemeber. Please come and join us and help your child to create some Christmas decorations.
Week beginning 25th November
We are innovating our own Midas story, changing the characters and setting. We will focus on including adjectives, adverbs and extra information to describe the character.
We will multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit using the grid method. eg 34 X 5
We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will be summarising what we have read.
Next week is Science Week. We are looking forward to doing lots of exciting investigations. We need newspaper! Please send in any you have. Thank you!
If your child would like to buy a parent present then please bring £1.50 next week. Please mark who they are buying a present for.
Own clothes on Friday 29th November for Christmas Fair donations. Year 3 have been asked to fill a bag with a toy or sweets. (Bag was given out this week)
Week Beginning 18th November 2019
We will look at how the author has used grammar to make the story exciting. We will learn how to describe a character in a setting.
We will be counting in multiples of 3, 4, 8, 50 and 100 and recalling facts for the 3, 4 and 8 timestables.
We will continue our book Beast of Olympus. We will skim and scan to find answers in the text.
We are making decoy vessels this term- Thank you for sending in boxes and tubes. We are still collecting this week.
We need newspaper for science week which is coming up this term.
Please send back trip letters for Mercers Lake and Greek Feast. We are still unsure whether we will have to cancel the Mercers Lake trip as we have not had confirmation from enough parents yet.
Children in Need
Friday 15th November 2019
Please donate to Children in Need.
Just a small contribution can change the lives of children. At Earlswood we are asking all children and staff to bring in a contribution of £1 or more. We are also asking all staff and children to something spotty on this day if possible to support Children in Need. Please bring your ‘Children in Need’ donation with you on the day and hand it to your class teacher. Many thanks.
Week beginning 11th November
We are learning a Greek Myth- Midas, thinking about how he is described and what his character is like.
We are using the inverse to solve missing number problems with addition and subtraction. We will count on in 4's, 8's, 50's and 100's.
We are starting a new book ‘Beasts of Olympus’. We are looking at how the author describes the characters and making predictions about the story.
Book Bingo- It is great that children are completing their book bingo. Please keep encouraging them to complete the challenges.
Junk modelling- Please send in small boxes for us to make vehicles with.
We look forward to seeing you all at parents evening on Tuesday and Thursday. Your child's books will be in the huts as after school club will be in the Year 3 classrooms.
It is children in Need on Friday. Children can wear something spotty and bring a donation for Children in Need.
What a busy half term we have had! The children have all settled really well into Year 3 routines and have been producing some great work in all areas of the curriculum.
Next half term we are learning about the Ancient Greeks in our topic ‘Gods and Mortals’.
As part of the topic we will be creating some models so need small cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, small bottles, lids and yoghurt pots (cleaned please). Please save any suitable things from your recycling and send them into school. Thank you.
Tuesday 5th November- Greek Day with dress up. Please send your child into school in weather appropriate clothing. We are looking forward to seeing lots of ancient Greek citizens.
Week beginning 4th November
Our next term begins with assessment week. The children will be assessed on the learning they have completed so far. We will feedback about where they are with their learning during parents evening. Please make sure that you have booked an appointment online.
Week Beginning 21st October
We are writing our own stories based on The Tigress. We are then going to read them to Year 1.
We are subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from 3 digit numbers using the column method.
We are finishing reading the sheep pig and discussing what we liked and disliked n the story.
School finishes on Thursday at normal time. Please remind your child to bring home any PE kits for washing. Wellies can stay at school unless you need them during the holidays.
Week Beginning 14th October
We are looking at the Tigress text and thinking about how the author has engaged the reader. We will look at how atmosphere is created in the story.
We are subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from 3 digit numbers and learning some mental methods for solving subtraction calculations. We will use our place value knowledge to help us find the answers.
We are reading some poetry and answering questions about what we have read.
You should have received a letter about our trip to Mercers Lake in the Summer term. If you have not received this letter, please ask your child's class teacher for a copy.
School photographer will be in on Friday. Please ensure your child has a school jumper in school.
Week Beginning 7th October
We are learning a story about a tiger. We will be using adjectives and adverbs in sentences. We are looking at how a setting is described.
We are adding and subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from 3 digit numbers and learning some mental methods for solving subtraction calculations. We will use our place value knowledge to help us find the answers.
We are continuing our text ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick-King Smith. We are thinking about how the characters are felling and how we know this. We will be reading aloud to develop our intonation and fluency.
We are looking for adults who can come in and read with children from 8.30- 8.55 in the mornings. If you feel this is something you can do, please speak to your child's teacher. Thank you
Please encourage your child to learn their timestables. This year we focus on the 3, 4 and 8 timestable. They should also know the 2, 5 and 10 timestable facts by heart. Thank you
Week Beginning 30th September
We are creating our own predator and writing an information report about it.
We are adding on 2 and 3 digit numbers using the written column method. Children will use place value knowledge to begin adding at ones, then tens, then hundreds.
We are continuing our text ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick-King Smith. We will look at how the author has used language and summarise what we have read.
Well done if you have logged into RMeasimaths. Please let us know if you are unable to do so and we will try to sort it out.
Please remember to encourage your child to read daily. It is great to see lots of children doing this already and filling in the home contact books regularly. Thank you.
Please make sure your child has a coat in school.
There have already been jumpers and coats mislaid. Please check you have the correct clothes at home and return any that do not belong to you. Thank you.
On 1st October it is ‘International Day of Older Persons’. To celebrate this, we would like to invite the children's grandparents to come and share one of their favourite childhood stories with their grandchild's class on this day. If you would like to come into school, please speak to your class teacher.
Week Beginning 23rd September
We are writing our own information report about a predator. We will use conjunctions in our sentences.
We are adding on in 1’s, 10’s and 100’s using our place value knowledge to help us with mental strategies.
We are starting our new text ‘The Sheep Pig’ by Dick-King Smith. We will make predictions and look at how the characters are introduced.
Children do not come to school wearing their PE kit in Year 3. This includes trainers so please ensure your child has correct footwear on in the morning.
Children are expected to read at home every day. Please record (or get the children to record) what they have read. They are expected to hand in their reading records everyday.
Children have received their login for RM easimaths today. They are expected to complete 1 session each week. If you have trouble logging on, please let us know.
Children are expected to know the 2, 5 and 10 timestables by the end of year 2. By the end of year 3, they are expected to to know the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 timestables by heart. Please help your child to learn these facts.
Please send in any spare carrier bags you have.
Book donations: We would like to expand our collection of books in our classrooms. If you have any books at home that you are no longer reading we would really appreciate it if you could donate them to the school. If you would like to donate please hand them to your child's class teacher who will make sure they are put to good use.
Week Beginning 16th September
We are looking at the features of our Tigress text and how information is given in non-fiction books. We will be discussing the features of non-fiction texts, including how generalisers are used.
We will continue to look at place value, adding on in ones, tens and hundred. We will be counting in 4’s, 8’s and 50’s and 100’s. We will be re-capping the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
We are finishing our book The Diary of a Killer Cat. We will be summarising and thinking about vocabulary that the author has used.
Thank you for sending in PE kits and wellies. Spare carrier bags for muddy wellies and trainers are advised. If you have any spare carrier bags that we can keep in school, please send them in. (Spare socks are also a good idea.)
Reading records need to be in school daily. Please record any reading your child completes art home.
Children can bring a snack of fruit for break time. Please do not send in cereal bars, biscuits or cakes.
PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children bring PE kit in a bag and change at school.
Spelling tests will be on Thursdays and new words will be sent home on Fridays.
Welcome to Year 3!
It has been a great start and all the children have come into school with great attitudes, ready for learning. I am sure the children will tell you about our 'Predator Attack' and searching for the clues that it left behind.
In Year 3, children bring a PE kit in a separate bag (clearly named please), to keep in school all week. Thank you if you have already sent this in. Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.
Children will need wellington boots in school for when we visit the woodlands and allotment. This will be on Mondays.
Please make sure all jumpers and cardigans are named.
Spellings- Spellings test will be each Thursday. New spellings are given on Fridays.
Reading records need to be in school everyday. Children can change their books when they have finished them. Please record the reading that they complete at home. There are guidelines in the centre of the reading record for you to refer to and the spelling list for Year 3 and 4.
Please ask if you have any questions. We are available for brief chats at the beginning and end of the day. If you would like to meet for longer, please make an appointment for after school.
Week Beginning 9th September
We will be learning facts about tigers through a story about a tigress. We will be looking at how sentences are written in reports and gather facts to write our own reports.
We are learning about the value of digits in numbers, counting on and back in 1's, 10's and 100's.
We will start our book- Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine. We will make predictions and look at the vocabulary that the author has used.