A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week Beginning 15.7.24
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of statistics by focusing on: bar charts, collecting and representing data and two-way tables.
Writing: In Writing this week, we will be writing our own explanation texts - How to be healthy. We will also be looking at persuasive writing to create some posters and advertisements for Enterprise Week.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Edward Tulane. To complete our learning of this we will be looking at summarising the whole book and reviewing this by creating our own book reviews.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 1st July
Upcoming times table battle
We have a year group times table rockstars (TTRS) battle coming up in the last week of term. To be the class representative children need to be using (TTRS) to improve their times tables knowledge at home and gain points.
Week Beginning 8.7.24
Maths: We will be beginning our topic of statistics by focusing on interpreting and drawing pictograms and then looking at bar graphs.
Writing: We will be starting our last writing cycle looking at Explanation Texts. We will be starting this week by looking at existing explanation texts and teasing out our toolkit and ending the week with two short burst writes.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Edward Tulane. This week we will be focusing on using our inference skills to answer questions e.g. What does ...... suggest about/ What does ..... mean?/ What does ......... tell you about ......?
Book Challenge winners - w/b 24th June
Upcoming times table battle
We have a year group times table rockstars (TTRS) battle coming up in the last week of term. To be the class representative children need to be using (TTRS) to improve their times tables knowledge at home and gain points.
Week Beginning 1.7.24
Maths: We will be rounding off our topic of 'Shape', looking at: recognising 3D shapes and using our knowledge of shape to make some of our own.
Writing: We will be finishing off our comparative text on the Stone Age and Iron Age and towards the end of the week we will be editing this ready to publish it.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Edward Tulane. This week we will be focusing on using our inference skills thinking about why certain things have happened/ characters feel a certain way.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 17th June
Upcoming times table battle
We have a year group times table rockstars (TTRS) battle coming up in the last week of term. To be the class representative children need to be using (TTRS) to improve their times tables knowledge at home and gain points.
Week Beginning 24.6.24
Maths: Carrying on with our topic of 'Shape', we will be looking at: horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines as well as recognising, describing and drawing shapes.
Writing: Carrying on our topic of comparative texts we will begin to think more carefully about comparative language and using this to show cause, effect and contrast. We will end the week by starting to write a final piece comparing the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Edward Tulane. This week we will be focusing on using our retrieval (e.g. Write down three things that show Edward loved them.), inference (Why didn't Edward expect ...... to happen?) and vocabulary skills (e.g.What does ..... suggest about the new characters we have met?).
Book Challenge winners - w/b 10th June
Upcoming times table battle
We have a year group times table rockstars (TTRS) battle coming up in the last week of term. To be the class representative children need to be using (TTRS) to improve their times tables knowledge at home and gain points.
Week Beginning 17.6.24
Maths: Carrying on with our topic of 'Shape', we will be looking at: right angles, comparing angles and using this knowledge to measure and accurately draw angles.
Writing: We will begin the week writing our 'Defeat the monster' tales. After this, we will start our next cycle of learning thinking about comparative texts. This will begin by looking at civilisations within history and research differences and similarities.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Edward Tulane. This week we will be focusing on using our retrieval, inference and prediction skills.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 3rd June
Week Beginning 10.6.24
Maths: We will be finishing off our unit of time, looking at minutes and seconds and applying all we know to reasoning problems. We will then begin our next topic beginning with turns and angles.
Writing: After starting the week looking at 'show not tell' and speech, we will be looking at researching pre-historic animals to include in our stories. Then, we will be thinking about the toolkit features of our characterisation toolkit and applying this all to our own 'defeat the monster' tale.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Edward Tulane. This week we will be focusing on using our vocabulary, summary and inference skills.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 20th May (last week of Summer 1)
Week Beginning 3.6.24
Maths: We will be using what we learnt last half term to look at time and durations, specifically hours and minutes.
Writing: We will be starting a defeat the monster tale unit which will begin with looking at internal and external qualities of a character. We will then be using this work to write a short burst about a character we have created.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Edward Tulane. We will begin by looking at the beginning of the book and making predictions of the story ahead. We will also be using our retrieval skills this week.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 13th May
Week Beginning 20.5.24
Maths: This week we will be continuing to look at AM and PM as well as days, hours and minutes; applying this knowledge to reasoning and problem solving questions.
Writing: We will be continuing our persuasive unit in writing using all we learn about Butser Farm to help us write a persuasive piece encouraging people to visit there.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Stig of the Dump. To round off this text we will be looking at the vocabulary over the remaining chapters and completing a review of the book.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 6th May
Important notices for this week
Week Beginning 13.5.24
Maths: This week will be focusing on telling the time to minute intervals. We will also be recognising time on a digital clock and focusing more closely on AM and PM.
Writing: We will be continuing our persuasive unit in writing. We will be learning about: fact and opinion, using quotes to persuade the reader, how short snappy sentences can be impactful for the reader and beginning our innovate for this cycle.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Stig of the Dump. This upcoming week we will be looking at, using retrieval skills to circle the correct option; use inference skills to think about character feelings; and looking at summarising events to help us order them.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 29.4
PE Days
Our PE days are going back to Monday (outside PE) and Thursday (Indoor PE). Please ensure children are in full PE kits on these days; including black trainers.
Week Beginning 6.5.24
Maths: We are finishing off our topic of Money and beginning to look at Time. This week will be focusing on telling the time to 5 minute intervals. We will also be recognising Roman Numerals and putting this into the context of time.
Writing: We will be starting our persuasive unit in writing. We will begin this topic looking at boastful language and how to talk directly to the reader. We will be focusing on reading persuasive texts from the perspective of a reader and the unpicking what makes it effective.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Stig of the Dump. This upcoming week we will be looking at, defending a statement and mixed comprehension. This will encourage the children to use evidence from the text to support their points.
Book Challenge winners - w/b 22.4
PE Days
Our PE days are going back to Monday (outside PE) and Thursday (Indoor PE). Please ensure children are in full PE kits on these days; including black trainers.
We still have some classes without volunteers for Butser Farm.
If you child is in 3H or 3GH and you are able to volunteer to help with your child's class, please contact their teacher.
Week Beginning 29.4.24
Maths: We are beginning our new topic of money. This week's lesson will begin by converting between pence and pounds. The rest of the week will then be focusing on adding and subtracting money and finding change.
Writing: We will begin our Summer term with a poetry unit in writing. Having learnt skills we could use to write a poem we will be putting these into practise through our innovate writing. Each child will choose an animal to write their innovate poem about. At the end of the week the children will then use this learning to free write a poem for their Hot Task.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Stig of the Dump. This upcoming week we will be looking at, summarising a chunk of the story in under 30 words - thinking about the most important parts, inferring meaning from the text and then using this to look at some of the vocabulary closer.
Local visit to Jamia Mosque
Please make sure you have responded to the google form saying whether you give permission for your child to go on the local visit trip for their current RE learning.
PE Days
Our PE days are going back to Monday (outside PE) and Thursday (Indoor PE). Please ensure children are in full PE kits on these days; including black trainers.
We still have some classes without volunteers for Butser Farm. If you are able to volunteer to help with your child's class, please contact their teacher.
Week Beginning 22.4.24
Maths: Our lessons this week will be looking at finding amounts of fractions. We will be using our times tables to help us with this so please encourage your children to practise these on Times Table Rockstars.
Writing: We will begin our Summer term with a poetry unit in writing. This week’s lessons will involve recapping the use of personification and expanded noun phrases then applying these into a spine poem and short burst writing.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Stig of the Dump. The first week of learning will be focusing on: using our inference skills to draw information from the text and looking at ordering events that have happened so far in the book as a way to practise our summary skills.
PE Days
Our PE days are going back to Monday (outside PE) and Thursday (Indoor PE). Please ensure children are in full PE kits on these days; including black trainers.
We have a upcoming trip to Butser Farm next half term and are looking for volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to help with your child's class, please contact their teacher.
Week Beginning 15.4.24
Maths: We will be finishing of our learning about Mass and Capacity and beginning another unit on fractions. Our lessons this week will be looking at: comparing volume and capacity, adding and subtracting capacities, and begin focusing on adding and subtracting fractions.
Writing: We will begin our Summer term with a poetry unit in writing. This weeks lessons will be looking closely at the language used and the effect it has on a reader. We will end this week beginning to look at similes and using these within poems.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Stig of the Dump. The first week of learning will be focusing on, analysing the vocabulary in the text, predicting what might happen in this story and retrieving information.
PE Days
Our PE days are going back to Monday (outside PE) and Thursday (Indoor PE). Please ensure children are in full PE kits on these days; including black trainers.
We have a upcoming trip to Butser Farm next half term and are looking for volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to help with your child's class, please contact their teacher.
Week Beginning 25.3.24
Maths: We will be continuing our learning about Mass and Capacity. Our lessons this week will be looking at measuring capacity in millilitres and litres. Specifically, we will use this learning to compare and convert between equivalent capacities and use this to help us solve mathematical problems.
Writing: To start the week we will be looking at subheadings and understanding the purpose of an introduction. Having chosen the European country we will be focusing on and looking at skills we will be aiming to use, we will now be putting these into practice for our research and write lessons.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Oliver and the Seawigs. A story full of adventures and journeys. This week we will be rounding off our learning thinking about the journey the characters have been on and their feelings throughout, looking at finishing the week reviewing this book.
We have a upcoming trip to Butser Farm next half term and are looking for volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to help with your child's class, please contact their teacher.
Week Beginning 18.3.24
Maths: We will be beginning our learning about Mass and Capacity. Our lessons this week will be looking at measuring in grams and kilograms. Specifically, we will then use this learning to compare and convert between equivalent masses.
Writing: We are beginning a new cycle of learning looking at information texts and focusing on skills related to this. We will be choosing a European country and researching each lesson to build a bank of knowledge. This week our lessons will focus on: engaging the reader with a topic sentence; using varied punctuation for lists including colons and commas; splitting information into appropriate chunks and using subheadings to show this and varying our sentence structure using generalisers and conjunctions to keep the reader engaged.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Oliver and the Seawigs. A story full of adventures and journeys. This week our lessons will be focused on inference skills discussing and answering questions about why a character acted in a certain way or why something happened, using evidence from the text to support this.
Please could we have junk modelling donations for Europe Day - to be handed to class teachers by 19th March.
20th March is own clothes day in exchange for a donation for the Easter Fair
Week Beginning 11.3.24
Maths: We will be continuing our lessons on fractions. This week we will be looking more closely at; fractions and scales and equivalent fractions.
Writing: We will be continuing our journey tale cycle. This week the children will be putting into context all they have learnt and writing Hot Tasks and publishing these.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Oliver and the Seawigs. A story full of adventures and journeys. This week our lessons will be focused on making comparisons using the text as evidence. We will be looking at this in connection to comparing characters feelings and points of view. We will also be looking at vocabulary.
Please could we have junk modelling donations for Europe Day - to be handed to class teachers by 19th March.
Week Beginning 4.3.24
Maths: We will be continuing our lessons on fractions. This week we will be looking more closely at understanding a whole fraction and how much more is needed as well as ordering and comparing non-unit fractions.
A non unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator is any number other than one;
- 2/3, 4/7 etc.
Writing: We will be continuing our journey tale cycle. This week the children will be putting into context all they have learnt in our innovate lessons. They will be looking at each part of the story box-up and trying to use each part of the toolkit.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Oliver and the Seawigs. A story full of adventures and journeys. This week our lessons will be focused on: characters thoughts, impressions from the text and retrieving answers backing these up with evidence from the text.
Week Beginning 26.2.24
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of measurement and this week lessons will involve us concluding our measurements topic and beginning fractions. These first fraction lessons will revolve around understanding denominators and using this knowledge to order and compare unit and non-unit fractions.
Writing: We will be beginning our journey tale cycle. This week we will be continuing our learning of our model text whilst focusing on; showing a characters feelings through description without telling the reader how they are feeling, using short snappy sentences and using dramatic adverbials.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Oliver and the Seawigs. A story full of adventures and journeys. This week we will be looking at using our summarising skills as well as completing a reading assessment in our lessons.
This half term
Our PE days will be:
Swimming 3A/ 3H - 26th February - 1st March
Week Beginning 19.2.24
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of measurement and this week lessons will include; adding and subtracting lengths and learning how to calculate the perimeter of a shape.
Writing: We will be beginning our journey tale cycle. This week we will be looking at sentence openers and personification. As well as learning the model text.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Oliver and the Seawigs. A story full of adventures and journeys. This week we will be looking at using our prediction skills, looking at vocabulary and deciding whether a statement about the book is fact or opinion.
Reading challenge winners for week 5 of last half term (in Year 3) were: 3G
This half term
Our PE days will be:
Swimming 3G/3GH - 19th February - 23rd February
Swimming 3A/ 3H - 26th February - 1st March
Week Beginning 5.2.24
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of measurement and this week lessons will include; converting between lengths and looking at equivalent lengths.
Writing: We will be continuing our new cycle looking at portal stories. This week we will be looking at applying the speech skills we have learnt into our final innovates and then independently in our Hot Tasks.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Firework Maker's Daughter. Now we have finished the book we will be looking at evaluating what we liked about the book and talk about each character's journey.
Reading challenge winners last week in Year 3 were: 3G
Next half term
Our PE days will be:
Swimming 3G/3GH - 19th February - 23rd February
Swimming 3A/ 3H - 26th February - 1st March
Week Beginning 29.1.24
Maths: Last week we begun our topic of measurement and this week lessons will include; measurement in centimetres and millimetres looking at their connection and a variety of practical and problem solving questions.
Writing: We will be continuing our new cycle looking at portal stories. This week will involve looking at applying the speech skills we have learnt into short bursts and then our innovates towards the end of the week.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Firework Maker's Daughter. We will be focusing on the retrieval and inference questions using evidence from the text to support our answers. Additionally, we will be looking at comparisons within the book.
Week Beginning 22.1.24
Maths: We will be finishing our unit of Multiplication and Division with a quiz to see what we have learnt. We will then be beginning our new topic of measurement. Next week, we will be looking at scaling and measurement in mm and cm.
Writing: We will be starting our new cycle looking at portal stories. This week will involve looking at skills which can be used to create an effective portal story. This will include focusing on; punctuating speech, using reporting clauses to suggest how a character feels and to use stage direction - e.g. "Please!" Johanna begged as she crossed her fingers tightly.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Firework Maker's Daughter. We will be focusing on the retrieval and inference questions using evidence from the text to support our answers. Additionally, we will be looking at ordering a summary of events within the book so far.
Week Beginning 15.1.24
Maths: We will be continuing our topic Multiplication and Division. Using our knowledge of multiplying from last week, we will be looking at dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. This will be completed using dienes and counters to help us visualise these calculations alongside partitioning.
Writing: We will be carrying on with our Non-fiction unit focusing on newspaper reports. We will be looking at incorporating this cycles skills into our innovate newspaper reports focusing on our Earth Rocks workshop and using this to help us write our Hot Tasks.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Firework Maker's Daughter. We will be focusing on the vocabulary used within the story and using this to decode its meaning. Additionally, we will be looking at prediction and impressions we can draw using clues from the text.
Week Beginning 8.1.24
Maths: We will be continuing our topic Multiplication and Division. Looking at multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with and without an exchange.
Writing: We will be carrying on with our Non-fiction unit focusing on newspaper reports. We will be focusing on more skills we can use to write an effective newspaper report including; the use of headlines, use of adverbials and use of questions and exclamations.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Firework Maker's Daughter. We will be focusing on the skills of inference, summary and mixed comprehension.
Cooking last week: We made a Galette de Rois to celebrate Three Kings Day to link with our French learning. Some children have requested this recipe so it is as below.
Week Beginning 2.1.24
Maths: We will be beginning our topic Multiplication and Division. Looking at related facts, recapping multiples and using our reasoning when thinking about multiplication.
Writing: We will be starting our Non-fiction unit focusing on newspaper reports. We will be starting with a hook and then we will be looking at how an opening can hook the reader and what needs to be included.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Firework Maker's Daughter. We will be focusing on the skills of retrieval and prediction, whilst also looking at the vocabulary and its meaning.
Week Beginning 11.12.23
Maths: We will be finishing our topic of multiplication and division. We will be looking at the relationship between the 2,4 and 8 times table. We will then be consolidating our learning of addition, subtraction and place value.
Please ensure children are going onto Times Table Rock Stars to help with their recall of these times tables.
Writing: We will be finishing our Non-Fiction unit focusing on instruction writing. We will be looking at finishing our innovate model about caring for an animal and be looking towards creating a instruction text of the children's choice.
Specifically, looking at including; precise nouns, introductions to hook the reader, wide range of conjunctions and adverbials and summarising in a conclsuion.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Beasts of Olympus. We will be focusing on mixed comprehension and a book review to finish this learning.
Week Beginning 4.12.23
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of multiplication and division. We will be looking at how to multiply and divide by 4 and 8 thinking about the link between the two.
Please ensure children are going onto Times Table Rock Stars to help with their recall of these times tables.
Writing: We will be beginning our next Non-Fiction unit which will focus on instruction writing. We will continue learning our text 'How to look after a minotaur' and focusing on specific skills we could use to write information texts. E.g. adverbials, conjunctions, imperative verbs.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Beasts of Olympus. We will be focusing on mixed comprehension, retrieval and inference
Our class assemblies are on Wednesday 6th December.
3G and 3GH - 9:05
3A and 3H - 2:30
Week Beginning 27.11.23
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of multiplication and division. We will be looking at how to multiply and divide by 3 and 4.
Please ensure children are going onto Times Table Rock Stars to help with their recall of these times tables.
Writing: We will be beginning our next Non-Fiction unit which will focus on instruction writing. We will begin this by learning our text 'How to look after a minotaur' and thinking about our own mythical creatures.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Beasts of Olympus. We will be focusing on mixed comprehension, retrieval and inference.
Assemblies: Children need to continue to learn their assembly lines and songs, please can you encourage them to practice these at home.
Week Beginning 20.11.23
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of multiplication and division. We will be looking at multiples of 3, 5 and 10 as well as sharing and grouping as methods of dividing. Please ensure children are going onto Times Table Rock Stars to help with their recall of these times tables.
Writing: We will be continuing our Suspense cycle. As part of this we are going to begin thinking about our own suspense stories and trying to incorporate everything we have learnt this cycle.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Beasts of Olympus. We will be focusing on mixed comprehension, retrieval and inference.
Assemblies: Children will be provided with lines this week, please can you encourage them to practice these at home.
Week Beginning 13.11.23
Maths: We will be finishing our topic of addition and subtraction and beginning multiplication and division. The first few lessons of this topic will be focusing on using arrays as a ways to show multiplication.
Writing: We will be continuing our Suspense cycle. As part of this we are going to begin innovating our our suspense stories.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Beasts of Olympus. We will be focusing on mixed comprehension, retrieval and inference.
Greek day: Greek day is on Thursday 16th November. We invite all children to dress up as an ancient Greek for this as we immerse ourselves in all things Ancient Greece.
Week Beginning 6.11.23
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of addition and subtraction, thinking about inverse operations and using estimates as a way to double check our answers.
Writing: We will be continuing our Suspense cycle. As part of this we are going to look more closely at hiding a threat, thinking about the effect this has on the reader.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Beasts of Olympus. We will be focusing on summarising, retrieval and inference.
Week Beginning 30.10.23
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of addition and subtraction, consolidating our knowledge of adding and subtracting two numbers crossing 10 and 100.
Writing: We will be beginning our Suspense cycle. We will begin this with a hook and then we will be looking at hiding the threat from the reader and using character reaction to intensify the story.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Beasts of Olympus. Within our first week we will be focusing on prediction, retrieval and inference.
Week Beginning 16.10.23
Maths: We will be continuing our topic of addition and subtraction, focusing on adding and subtracting two numbers crossing 10 and 100.
Writing: We will be finishing our Warning Tale cycle with the children being given the opportunity to write a warning tale of their choice. They will be encouraged to use personification, five senses and rule of 3; applying this thinking about the setting of the story.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.
Week Beginning 9.10.23
Maths: We will continuing our topic of addition and subtraction looking at adding and subtracting 1s and 10s across 10 and 100.
E.g. 270+ 60 = 330
This would mean that when adding this number they are not just looking at the tens column, but will have to think about the hundreds too
Here we demonstrate that ten tens would be swapped for a 100 block and then look at their answer.
Writing: We will using the skills of personification, power of three as well as choosing an appropriate time of day and weather to help us create an effective setting for our innovated warning tale.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and mixed comprehension skills this week.
We are sewing for the next two weeks, any spare fabric you have at home would be greatly appreciated.
Week Beginning 2.10.23
Maths: We will be beginning our topic of addition and subtraction. We will look at adding and subtracting 1s,10s and 100s.
Writing: We will be starting our Warning Tale cycle. This will be focusing on personification, five senses and rule of 3; applying this thinking about the setting of the story.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.
Week Beginning 25.9.23
Maths: We will concluding our topic of Place Value this week. We will be looking at consolidating numbers to 1000 and looking at ordering and comparing values to 1000.
Writing: We will using what we have learnt in this cycle and last weeks innovates to help us write our own information texts based on a chosen animal.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.
Week Beginning 18.9.23
Maths: We will continuing our topic of Place Value this week looking at numbers up to 1000. We are going to be focusing on flexible partitioning and finding 1, 10 and 100 more than a given number up to 1000.
Writing: We will using what we have learnt in this cycle to help us innovate our own information texts.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.
Week Beginning 11.9.23
Maths: We will continuing our topic of Place Value this week looking at numbers up to 1000 in a variety of representations, including the use of; number lines, dienes and part-whole models.
Writing: We will continuing learning our model text 'The Lion' and we will be focusing on; using adjectives in expanded noun phrases, generalisers and the structure of an information text.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.
Week Beginning 5.9.23
Maths: We will be introducing the topic of Place Value this week starting with representations of numbers up to 100, including the use of; number lines, dienes and part-whole models.
Writing: We will begin our unit on Information texts. We will be focusing on learning the model text and using adjectives to describe animals.
Reading: Our book this half term will be Akimbo. We are going to look at prediction and retrieval skills this week.