
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Teacher Noticeboard



Please find below the list of words that the majority of the children in the class will be learning this half term.






These word lists will depend on your child's spelling ability and they may be on a different list. Your child should know which list/words they are working on but if you have any questions about this please talk to or email your child's class teacher.


We are now using Sir Linkalot for our spellings. To log on at home, please look at the letter attached here.


We are currently working on the Orange Orwell word list. Please watch these videos at home with your child and practise in a way that suits them. Different strategies for learning spellings can be found here. You may find it useful to go back over some of the earlier lists with your child to see if there are any they particularly struggle with.

Times Table Rockstars

In Year 4 children are expected to complete three sessions of Times Table Rockstars a week. Below is a copy of a Parents Guide but if you need any other help please ask!


Children should aim to read for 15 minutes every day and make a record in their reading record book. 



By the end of Year 4, most children will be expected to recall and use multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12 x 12. 

The new times tables for Year 4 will be 7, 9 and 11.

This knowledge will be tested at the end of Year 4 through the Multiplication check which is statutory. 

Times tables Rockstars – please complete three sessions a week.  
