
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Weekly Blog

Week beginning 10th February 2025


We are going to plan and write an independent discussion piece of writing. We will publish our work.


We are focusing on the ie after c rule.


We are continuing to read The Explorer and explore vocabulary in the text, retrieval questions and use our inference skills. We will also take part in a reader's theatre session to work on our expression and intonation skills.


We are continuing to work with fractions. We are looking at fractions as operators, finding a fraction of an amount and of a whole.


We are going to explore the human and physical features of South America.


We will be able to name family members, specifically brothers and sisters.


Our topic this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will think about how we can support one another with our dreams and goals.


This term we will be working on Hockey skills and a weekly dance session.


We are exploring the art work of Henri Rousseu. We will are going to complete our  Henri Rousseau style painting.


We are linking our music to the Rainforest topic and will create our own compositions.


We are using microbits.

Week beginning 3rd February 2025


We are going to work at innovating our model Discussion text in order to create a new version. We will use aspects of our toolkit such as the passive voice, cohesion, generalisers, parenthesis, degrees of possibility, rhetorical questions and emotive language.


We are learning to spell a range of challenge words this week. 


We are continuing to read The Explorer and explore vocabulary in the text, retrieval questions and finding evidence to prove answers.


We are continuing to work with fractions. We will multiply non-unit fractions by an integer, multiply mixed numbers by an integer and find fractions of amounts.

Please remember to use TTRS regularly to practise your skills. 


We are going to explore South America using maps.


We will be able to name family members.


Our topic this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will think about how we can support one another with our dreams and goals.


This term we will be working on Hockey skills and a weekly dance session.


We are exploring the art work of Henri Rousseu. We will are going to sketch and then paint our Henri Rousseau style painting.


We are linking our music to the Rainforest topic and will create our own compositions.


We are using microbits.

Week beginning 27th January 2025


Our new unit of writing is discussion based. This week we will be using language such as the passive voice, adverbs and modal verbs for possibility and ways of linking paragraphs. 


We are learning to spell words which have silent first letters.


We are continuing to read The Explorer and will be retrieving information from the text, finding the feelings of the characters using our inference skills and exploring the vocabulary.


We are recapping fractions.

Please remember to use TTRS regularly to practise your skills. Take part in the Year 5 times table battle.


We are going to learn about two more biomes and explore vegetation belts.


We will recap the days of the week and learn the names of classroom objects.


Our topic this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will explore the dreams of people in different cultures.


This term we will be working on Hockey skills and a weekly dance session.


We are exploring the art work of Henri Rousseu. We will draw jungle animals in an interesting way!


We are linking our music to the Rainforest topic and will create our own compositions.


We are using microbits.

Week beginning 20th January 2025


We are going to write an independent suspense tale using the tools we have been working on. We will then edit and publish our piece of work.


We are learning to spell words which have suffixes where the base word ends in fer.


We are continuing to read The Explorer and will be retrieving information from the text, finding the feelings of the characters using our inference skills and practising our reading fluency, intonation and expression.


We are completing division calculations which have remainders.

Please remember to use TTRS regularly to practise your skills.


We are finding out what a biome is and learning about the rainforest biome.  


We will continue to learn how to say our age and recap numbers


Our topic this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will explore what our dream job might be.


This term we will be working on Hockey skills and a weekly dance session.


We are exploring the art work of Henri Rousseu. We will explore the colours he used and mix different shades of green.


We are linking our music to the Rainforest topic and will create our own compositions.

Week beginning 13th January 2025


We are going to innovate our model text to begin to create a suspense story using our toolkit.


We are learning to spell words which are adverbs of time.


We are continuing to read The Explorer and will be summarising events and exploring the feelings of the characters.


We are continuing to work on Multiplication and division. Please remember to use TTRS regularly to practise your skills.


We will learn about and locate climate zones. The children enjoyed the Eden project workshop. There are activities on the Eden project website and a virtual tour if you would like to explore further.   


We will continue to practise our greetings in french.


Our topic this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will investigate jobs and careers for the future.


This term we will be working on Hockey skills and a weekly dance session.


We are exploring the art work of Henri Rousseu. We will begin by finding out about the artist and his work.


We are linking our music to the Rrainforest topic and will create our own compositions.

Week beginning 6th January 2025

We are beginning our new topic on The Rainforests, which is a geography based unit.


We are exploring suspense writing and are going to identify and work on the tools needed to create our own stories.


We are learning to spell words ending with able when the e from the base word remains.


Our new book links to our Rainforest theme and is The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. It is set in the Amazon Rainforest. You are invited to bring in your own copy of the text. 


Our next unit is Multiplication and division. Please remember to use TTRS regularly to practise your skills.


We will begin our topic with our online workshops led by the Eden project. We are also going to use their website to explore the rainforest biome.


We will recap French greetings.


Our topic this half term is Dreams and Goals. We are going to begin by thinking about what we would like our lives to look like when we grow up.


This term we will be working on Hockey skills and a weekly dance session.


We are exploring the art work of Henri Rousseu. We will begin by finding out about the artist and his work.


Week beginning 16th December 2024

It is the last week of term. Well done for all of your hard week this term.


We are going to write an independent explanation text using the tools we have practised.


We will conclude our book Have Sword Will Travel. What will happen to Eleanor and Odo?


We will review our work on fractions and complete an end of unit assessment.


We are going to explore Anglo Saxon settlements and complete a final assessment.


We will continue to use our Christmas vocabulary.


Our topic this week is...celebrating difference around the world.


This term we will be working on Football skills and fundamental ball skills.

Food and Nutrition

We are designing a savoury food product which would be good for a celebration.

Week beginning 9th December 2024


We are going to innovate the model text we are learning in order to begin to create our own version. One of our targets will be to use parenthesis to add extra detail to our sentences.


We are continuing our new book 'Have Sword Will Travel'  exploring vocabulary and summarising.


We will be subtracting from a mixed number fraction.


We are going to explore Anglo Saxon settlements.


We will learn some Christmas vocabulary.


We will be completing our concept maps.


Our topic this week is...Does Money Matter?


This term we will be working on Football skills and fundamental ball skills.

Food and Nutrition

We are designing a savoury food product which would be good for a celebration.

Week beginning 2nd December 2024


We are going to explore explanation texts.


We are continuing our new book 'Have Sword Will Travel'  exploring retrieval vocabulary and the impressions we get of a character.


We will continue to add and subtract fractions.


We are continuing to explore the Anglo Saxons and exploring religion at this time.


We will learn some Christmas vocabulary.


We will create collaborative concept maps.


We will be discussing types of bullying.


This term we will be working on Football skills and fundamental ball skills.


Our RE unit this term is about creation and talking about responsibility for the earth.


Week beginning 25th November 2024


We are going to write and publish our independent Defeat The Monster stories.


We will be spelling words ending in -able and -ible.


We are continuing our new book 'Have Sword Will Travel' and explore vocabulary and use our retrieval skills. We will also be using Reader's theatre to perform poems using great expression and intonation.


We will continue to work with fractions and will compare and order fractions and add and subtract fractions.


We will assess our understanding of properties of materials.


We are continuing to explore the Anglo Saxons and will look at how evidence tells us about the lives of Anglo Saxons.


We will name classroom equipment.


We will use 2 connect and the story mode to develop our concept maps.


We will be discussing name calling and rumours.


This term we will be working on Football skills and fundamental ball skills.


Our RE unit this term is about creation and we will be thinking about What Creation means for a Christian's relationship with God.

Christmas Making Morning - Thursday is Christmas Making morning. 

Week beginning 18th November 2024


We are going to write own innovated versions of Beowulf and begin to plan and write our own Defeat the Monster story.


We will be spelling words ending in -ent and ance


We are continuing our new book 'Have Sword Will Travel' and look at the vocabulary to understand the meaning and to find synonyms.


We will continue to work with fractions and will convert mixed number fractions to improper fractions.


We will look at how to use magnets to separate materials.


We have our Anglo Saxon workshop on Tuesday. You are invited to come dressed as an Anglo Saxon (no PE today). We have a visitor who will run a range of workshops to enhance our topic.


We will learn the months of the year in French.


We will use 2 connect to create a basic concept map.


We will be understanding what racism is and thinking about how we treat others from different races and cultures.


This term we will be working on Football skills and fundamental ball skills.


Our RE unit this term is about creation and we will be thinking about the question, Can Christians believe in creation?

Week beginning 11th November 2024


Now that we know the story of Beowolf, we will look at how the setting mirrors the feelings of the characters and the vocabulary used by the author to create a mood.

We will also begin to innovate the story to create our own versions.


We will be spelling words ending in -ent and-ant.


We are continuing our new book 'Have Sword Will Travel' and will be summarising the main parts, exploring how the author creates impressions about the characters and we will use our inference skills to answer questions about the story.


We will begin to work on fractions and find a fraction equivalent to a non-unit fraction, recognise equivalent fractions, and convert improper fractions to mixed number fractions and non-unit fraction.


We will learning about thermal insulators.


We will begin our new topic of Anglo Saxons and will explore why the Anglo-Saxons invaded.


We will learn french greetings.


An introduction to concept maps.


This week is anti-bullying week.


This term we will be working on Football skills and fundamental ball skills.


Our RE unit this term is about creation and we will be thinking about the question, what does it mean to create?

Week beginning 4th November 2024

Sculpture Week

This week is Sculpture week and we will be studying an sculptor and producing our own work


Our first writing unit this half term links to our topic about Anglo Saxons and is based on the story of Beowulf.


We will be spelling words ending in -ance and -ancy.


We are beginning our new book 'Have Sword Will Travel.'


We will begin to work on fractions and find a fraction equivalent to a unit fraction.


We will learning about thermal insulators.


We will begin our new topic of Anglo Saxons.


We are beginning our new theme of 'Celebrating Difference.'


This term we will be working on Football skills and fundamental ball skills.


Our RE unit this term is about creation and we will be thinking about the question, what does it mean to create?

Week beginning 21st October 2024


We will complete our recount piece of writing in the form of a diary entry.


This week we will be spelling words with irregular spelling patterns.


We are finishing our text the Wolves of Willoughby Chase and writing a book review.


We will be multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.


We will learning about irreversible changes in materials.


We will complete our topic of industrial Britain with an end of unit assessment to review what we have learnt.


We are going to evaluate our kites and think about what would make them even better.


We are continuing our theme named 'Being in my world'.


We will begin our netball sessions outdoors and an indoor handball unit of work.


Our RE unit this term is about Islam and how Muslims live a good life.

Week beginning 14th October 2024


We will continue to work on a recount piece of writing in the form of a diary entry.


This week we will be segmenting words into the correct syllables and phonemes using the word endings ant.


We are continuing to read the text 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. We will explore the vocabulary and use inference skills.


We will be solving questions using square numbers, cube numbers, square numbers, factors and prime numbers.


We will learning about reversible changes in materials.


We will continue our topic about Industrial Britain and find out the lives of the rich vs the poor.


We are going to continue to make our kites using the designs we created.


We are continuing our theme named 'Being in my world' and will look at our learning charter.


We will begin our netball sessions outdoors and an indoor handball unit of work.


Our RE unit this term is about Islam and how Muslims live a good life.

Week beginning 7th October 2024


We will begin a recount piece of writing in the form of a diary entry.


This week we will be segmenting words into the correct syllables and phonemes using the word endings cial and -tial


We are continuing to read the text 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. We will explore the vocabulary and use retrieval and inference skills. .


We will be solving questions using common multiples and factors.


We will learning about how to separate solutions.


We will continue our topic about Industrial Britain and find out about the development of factories and the impact of this on life in Britain.


We are going to begin to make our kites using the designs we created last week.


We are continuing our theme named 'Being in my world' and will look at our learning charter.


We will begin our netball sessions outdoors and an indoor handball unit of work.


Our RE unit this term is about Islam and how Muslims live a good life.

Week beginning 30th September 2024


We will be exploring figurative language in relation to the poem 'The Highwayman.'


This week we will be segmenting words into the correct syllables and phonemes using the word endings -tial


We are continuing to read the text 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. We will explore the characters and answer questions about the text. We will also be celebrating National Poetry day . If your child brings their own copy to school, please ensure that it is named. The preferred version is pictured on the list in the Year 5 website noticeboard.


We will be solving multi step calculations, subtracting using up to 4 digits, using inverse operations and comparing calculations.


We will carry out our dissolving investigation and assess the results.


We will continue our topic about Industrial Britain and find out about the development of factories.


We are going to begin our unit of work about kite making and will research kite designs.


We are continuing our theme named 'Being in my world' and will look at rewards and consequences.


We will begin our netball sessions outdoors and an indoor handball unit of work.


Our RE unit this term is about Islam and how Muslims live a good life.

Week beginning 23rd September 2024

Thank you for supporting your children with the first pieces of homework. I think we have ironed out most of the technical issues but please let us know if you encounter any difficulties.


We will be planning and writing a persuasive letter. 


This week we will be segmenting words into the correct syllables and phonemes using the word endings -ial


We are continuing to read the text 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase.' If your child brings their own copy to school, please ensure that it is named. The preferred version is pictured on the list in the Year 5 website noticeboard.


We will be rounding within 100,000 and 1,000,000. We will also be using mental strategies for addition and adding with more than 4 digits.


We will plan an investigation about dissolving materials.


We will continue our topic about Industrial Britain and find out about the development of factories.

Geography/Outdoor learning

We are continuing to use grid references.


We will create William Morris inspired print designs.


We are continuing our theme named 'Being in my world' and our responsibilities as citizens.


We will begin our netball sessions outdoors and an indoor handball unit of work.


Our RE unit this term is about Islam and how Muslims live a good life.


Year 5 homework begins this week. Your child has received an invitation to a google classroom homework group which they have accepted in class and have been able to access the group.

Their maths homework is posted in their group every Friday and must be completed by the following Thursday.

They will receive a paper copy of the reading homework which must be returned completed. The reading homework sheet is also posted onto the google classroom homework group. They should mark their answers and return the answer sheet to school by the following Thursday.

They should come to school ready to record their maths and reading scores.

If you have problems logging in at home, please check that you have logged out of your own gmail accounts  before they log in. Your child should then log in using their Wonde log in (in reading record books).

Please contact the class teacher if you have any difficulties and they will be happy to help you to resolve them.


Week Beginning 15th September 2024


We will be planning our independent piece of persuasive writing.


We are now using a programme called Spelling shed to teaching spelling.

This week we will be segmenting words into the correct syllables and phonemes using the word endings -cious.


We are continuing to read the text 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase.' If your child brings their own copy to school, please ensure that it is named. The preferred version is pictured on the list in the Year 5 website noticeboard.


We will be comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000 000, rounding to 10, 100 and 1000 and partitioning numbers to 1, 000 000.


We will look at the uses of different materials using comparative and fairing testing.


We will continue our topic about Industrial Britain and find out about the industrial revolution.

Geography/Outdoor learning

We are continuing to use map skills during our outdoor learning time and will using grid references.


We will continue to create a fact page about William Morris.


We are beginning our theme named 'Being in my world' and being a citizen of my country.


We will begin our netball sessions outdoors and an indoor handball unit of work.


Our RE unit this term is about Islam and how Muslims live a good life.

Week Beginning 9th September 2024


We are going to continue to learn our model text for persuasion and we will begin to practise the language skills needed to create our own versions.


We are now using a programme called Spelling shed to teaching spelling.

This week we will be segmenting words into the correct syllables and phonemes using the word endings -tious and -ious.


We are continuing to read the text 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase.' If your child brings their own copy to school, please ensure that it is named. The preferred version is pictured on the list in the Year 5 website noticeboard.


We will be looking at numbers up to 1,000,000, reading and writing these and finding numbers more and less than. We will be learning about the powers of 10.


We will begin our topic on the properties of materials and learn that everyday materials can be grouped according to their properties.  e.g. hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal) and response to magnets


We will begin our topic about Industrial Britain and will look at changes during Victorian times.

Geography/Outdoor learning

We are learning compass and map skills, using our outdoor learning time to practise these.


We will continue to create a fact page about William Morris.


We are beginning our theme named 'Being in my world' and are thinking about our year ahead.


We will begin our netball sessions outdoors and an indoor handball unit of work.


Our RE unit this term is about Islam and how Muslims live a good life.



Welcome to Year 5. We are really excited to start our new year and have some wonderful topics to cover in Year 5.

This week we are focusing on getting to know each other and learning our new routines.

English - We are beginning to learn our new text focusing on persuasive writing.

Reading - We will introduce our text 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase.'

Please look at the Noticeboard section to see the texts we will cover during the year.

Maths - We have some arithmetic sessions to get started and will be learning roman numerals.

Art - We are beginning our art topic about William Morris.

PE - We will be doing some games in PE.

Outdoor learning - On Friday we will be linking our outdoor learning to our geography theme.

Your child will need  a coat and wellies in school or a change of footwear as rain is forecast.
