A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week beginning 16th July
Learning this week
This week we will be focusing on a poem about our senses ‘Seaside Senses Poem’
In maths we will be focusing ordering numerals 1-10.
Beach day
Wednesday 18th July 2018
On this day children will be taking part in beach themed activities. Please ensure you apply WATERPROOF sun-cream to your child before coming to nursery. We suggest your child wears shorts, a t-shirt and trainers on this day.
Please ensure your child brings the following;
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Thank you
Infant market for Enterprise week
19th July 2.45 – 3.30 at the Infants.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 9th July
Learning this week
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘The Fish who could wish!’
In maths we will be focusing on positional language.
Nursery Summer Sing Along
Please come to nursery’s summer sing along on Friday 13th July at the main school.
Ducklings: 11.00
Chicks: 2.30
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 2nd July
The children have really enjoyed making their Supertato’s. Thank you for your donations.
Learning this week
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’’. Through this story we will be introducing our learning behaviour ‘Confidence’. The children will be encouraged to try new activities.
In maths we will be focusing on positional language.
Class swap day 3rd July 2018.
The Nursery will be closed on this day to all.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 25th June
The children have really enjoyed making their healthy sandwiches and eating them on the moon! Check the website for photos!
Learning this week!
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Supertato’. Linked to the story we would like every child to create their own Supertato. Could your children please bring in a potato during this week!
In maths we will be focusing on regular 2D shapes.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Reception/ Nursery induction drop-ins
Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th from 4.15 till 6.15
Summer Fair Donation day 29th June
The nursery children are invited to dress up in fancy dress in exchange of a donation of a box or packet of biscuits.
Save the day!
As part of our whole school Science week on Thursday 28th June, we would like the Nursery children to come in dressed as their favourite superhero!
On the day children will be participating in a range of Ice related investigations.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 18th June
The children have really enjoyed making princess cakes this week linked to our story. Check the website for photos!
Learning this week!
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Whatever Next’
In maths we will be focusing on regular 2D shapes.
We will be making a healthy sandwich and having a picnic during the session on Tuesday liked to our story.
Please sign up for parent consultation evenings on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 21st June.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Summer Fair Donation day 29th June
The nursery children are invited to dress up in fancy dress in exchange of a donation of a box or packet of biscuits.
Save the day!
As part of our whole school Science week on Thursday 28th June, we would like the Nursery children to come in dressed as their favourite superhero!
On the day children will be participating in a range of Ice related investigations.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 11th June
Welcome come back!
Learning this week!
Welcome back to Summer 2 term, this term our topic is ‘Let’s Imagine’
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Zog and the flying doctors’ by Julia Donaldson’
In maths we will be focusing on counting to 20.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Summer Fair Donation day/Bling your bike15th June
Donation of a bottle i.e. wine, juice, fizzy drink.
Summer Fair Donation day 29th June
The nursery children are invited to dress up in fancy dress in exchange of a donation of a box or packet of biscuits.
Save the day!
As part of our whole school Science week on Thursday 28th June, we would like the Nursery children to come in dressed as their favourite superhero!
On the day children will be participating in a range of Ice related investigations.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 4th June
Thank you for coming to our sports day and making this event very special for the children.
We hope you have a lovely and restful half term, we will see you back on Monday 4th June.
Learning this week!
Welcome back to Summer 2 term, this term our topic is ‘Let’s Imagine’
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘The Troll by Julia Donaldson’
In maths we will be focusing on counting to 20.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 21st May
Learning this week!
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Lost at the Zoo’
In maths we will be focusing on matching numerals to correct amounts.
Sports day 22nd May
Nursery (Chicks & Ducklings) & Reception sports morning and picnic 09:30 - 11:00
PLEASE NOTE - there will be no afternoon session at the nursery. Parents and carers are invited to come and watch their children participate in different sports activities and stay for a picnic lunch.
3rd July
Class swap day, there will be no AM or PM Nursery on this day.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 14th May
Learning this week!
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Dear Zoo’
In maths we will be focusing on matching numerals to correct amounts.
Sports day
Nursery (Chicks & Ducklings) & Reception sports morning and picnic 09:30 - 11:00
PLEASE NOTE - there will be no afternoon session at the nursery. Parents and carers are invited to come and watch their children participate in different sports activities and stay for a picnic lunch.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Sports morning and picnic
Nursery (Chicks and Ducklings) & Reception sports morning and picnic is on Tuesday 22nd May at 09.30 – 11.00.
Ducklings: Children to be dropped at Nursery as normal at 8.30-8.45.
Chicks: Children to be dropped at 8.30-8.45 at the main school entrance.
PLEASE NOTE – there will be no afternoon session at the nursery. Parents and carers are invited to come and watch their children participate in different sports activities and stay for a picnic lunch at 11.00-12.00
If you have any questions please come and speak to the nursery staff.
Week beginning 7th May
A huge thank you to all the lovely parents for your help on our trip to Ladyland Farm.
Learning this week!
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ through this story we will be teaching the children how to be reflective.
In maths we will continue to focus on positional language e.g. under, over, behind, next to……
Sports day
Nursery (Chicks & Ducklings) & Reception sports morning and picnic 09:30 - 11:30
PLEASE NOTE - there will be no afternoon session at the nursery. Parents and carers are invited to come and watch their children participate in different sports activities and stay for a picnic lunch.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 30th April
LadyLand Farm trip 1st May and 2nd May.
Please check group lists in the conservatory to confirm which day your child is going on the trip.
Learning this week!
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’
In maths we will be focusing on positional language e.g. under, over, behind, next to………
Sports day
Nursery (Chicks & Ducklings) & Reception sports morning and picnic 09:30 - 11:30
PLEASE NOTE - there will be no afternoon session at the nursery. Parents and carers are invited to come and watch their children participate in different sports activities and stay for a picnic lunch.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 23rd April
Welcome back!
Spring Walk
A huge thank you to all the lovely parents that helped out on our trip to the Woodlands.
Learning this week!
This week we will continue to focus on the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’
In maths we will continue to focus on recognising numbers of significance and numerals 1-5.
This week we will be making fresh fruit smoothie’s linked to our story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.
Ladyland Farm.
Payments for the trip to Ladyland Farm are overdue. If you have yet to make a contribution, could you please do so as soon as possible or speak to a member of staff.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 16th April
We hope you have a lovely Easter Break, we will be back on Monday 16th April.
Spring Walk
After Easter break we will be going on our Spring walk, we would love to invite the parents on this walk please inform Mrs Nawaz or your child’s key worker if you are able to join us.
Learning this week!
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’
In maths we will be focusing on recognising numbers of significance and numerals 1-5.
In preparation for starting Reception we are requesting that no toys be brought in by your children from this term.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 26th March
Spring Walk
After Easter break we will be going on our Spring walk, we would love to invite the parents on this walk please inform Mrs Nawaz or your child’s key worker if you are able to join us.
Learning Next Week
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Little Bunny and Magic Easter Town’
In maths we will be focusing reciting numbers to 10 and beyond.
This week we will be cooking orange or lemon Easter shortbread biscuits.
275g plain flour
225g butter, slightly softened
85g caster sugar
1 large lemon, grated zest only
1 large orange, grated zest only
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 19th March
Spring Walk
After Easter break we will be going on our Spring walk, we would love to invite the parents on this walk please inform Mrs Nawaz or your child’s key worker if you are able to join us.
Learning Next Week
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Egg to Chicken’
In maths we will be focusing on problem solving.
Sounds of the week: we will be revisiting phase 2 sounds and introducing high frequency words with tricky parts such as ‘the, to, I, no, go, into’.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 12th March
Next week we will be building homes for sea creatures linked to our story. If you have any small empty cardboard boxes please may we have them? I.e. cereal boxes.
Thank you for your continuous support.
If you would still like to come and share a story with our children please talk the staff and we can organise a time.
Learning Next Week
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ through this story we will encourage the children to show resilience by staying at an activity until they are happy with it.
In maths we will be focusing on problem solving.
Sounds of the week: we will be revisiting phase 2 sounds and introducing high frequency words with tricky parts such as ‘the, to, I, no, go, into’.
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
World Book Day will be on the 15th March
Children are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and it would be great if they could also bring in a book with their character in!
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 5th March
Friday dress up
Friday donation day: Easter non eatable items such as arts and crafts, gardening things e.g. bulbs.
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’ through this story we will encourage the children to be independent in their learning in the Nursery.
In maths we will be focusing on problem solving.
Sounds of the week: ‘l’ ‘ll’ ‘ss’ and blending words: it, and, an,
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
please return the reply slip for our Spring Woodlands trip.
World Book Day will be on the 15th March
Children are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and it would be great if they could also bring in a book with their character in!
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 26th February
If you have any cardboard egg boxes please could you donate them to the Nursery.
The children have settled back into Nursery routines beautifully and are enjoying their learning!
This week we will be focusing on different stories by the author Eric Carle.
In maths we will be focusing on sometimes matching numeral and quantity correctly.
Sounds of the week: ‘h’ ‘b’ ‘f’ ‘ff’ and blending words: it, and, an,
Chatter boxes
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Your child will bring a box home please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
World Book Day 1st March 2018
Children are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and it would be great if they could also bring in a book with their character in!
Story time
Monday 26th February - Friday 2nd March
In celebration with World Book Day on 1st March, Nursery would like to invite their parents to come and share their favourite stories with the children throughout the week.
Ducklings story time will be between 10.45 till 11.15
Chicks story time will be between 2.45 till 3.15
Please speak to a member of staff if you would like to share your favourite book!
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Story time
Monday 26th February - Friday 2nd March
In celebration with World Book Day on 1st March, Nursery would like to invite their parents to come and share their favourite stories with the children throughout the week.
Ducklings story time will be between 10.45 till 11.15
Chicks story time will be between 2.45 till 3.15
Please speak to a member of staff if you would like to share your favourite book!
Week beginning 19th February
We hope you all had a lovely break.
Our topic this term is ‘How do we grow?’
This week we are focusing on non-fiction text such as life cycle of a frog and a plant.
In maths we will be focusing on sometimes matching numeral and quantity correctly.
Sounds of the week: ‘ck’ ‘e’ ‘u’ ‘r’ and blending words: it, and, an,
This term we would like to introduce Chatterboxes. Chatterboxes are used to encourage talk in young children. Please could you encourage your child to choose 1 item to put in their chatterbox to share and return to nursery by WEDNESDAY.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the nursery team.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 5th February
The children really enjoyed eating the bread rolls linked to our story of the ‘Little Red Hen’
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
Last day of term is 8th February.
We hope you have a restful half term and we will be back on Monday 19th February.
This week we are focusing on the story ‘Jaspers beanstalk’.
In maths we will be focusing on showing an interest in shapes in the environment.
Sounds of the week: ‘g’, ‘o’, ‘c’, ‘k’ and blending words: at, in, and.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 29th January
The children really enjoyed eating the turnip and vegetable soup!
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
This week we are focusing on the story ‘Little Red Hen’. . We will also be making bread rolls linked to our story!
In maths we will be focusing on showing an interest in shapes in the environment.
Sounds of the week: ‘m’, ‘d’, and blending words: is, at, it, in.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 22nd January
This week we are focusing on the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’. The story is to encourage children to work collaboratively with others to achieve the same goal. We will also be making turnip and vegetable soup!
In maths we will be focusing on showing an interest in number problems.
Sounds of the week: ‘p’ ‘i’ ‘n’
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 15th January
The children have really enjoyed making and eating porridge this week linked to our story 'Goldilocks and the three bears'.
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
This week we are focusing on the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
In maths we will be continuing to focus on not only objects, but anything can be counted, including steps, claps or jumps.
This week we will be introducing Phase 2 sounds but also continuing with Phase 1.
Sounds of the week: ‘s’ ‘a’ ‘t’
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 8th January
The children have settled back into nursery routines beautifully. They really enjoyed the teachers acting out the story ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’.
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
This week we are continuing to focus on the story ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’. We will also be making and eating porridge linked to the story.
In maths we will be focusing on not only objects, but anything can be counted, including steps, claps or jumps.
This week we will be introducing Phase 2 sounds but also continuing with Phase 1.
Sounds of the week: ‘s’ ‘a’ ‘t’
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
We hope you have had a lovely break.
This term our topic is Traditional tales. We will be starting the year with a wow factor of acting out the story of Goldilocks and the three bears.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! School opens normal time.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Thank you
The Nursery Team.
Week beginning: 18th December
Please remember to come to our Christmas sing along on the last day of term 20th December.
Ducklings will start singing at 11am
Chicks will start singing at 2.30pm
Wow we have come to the end of our first term! The children have settled beautifully and feel happy and safe in learning environment. A huge thank you to the parents for helping us settle the children. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you have restful break. We will see you all in the New Year on 4th January 2018.
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘A letter to Santa’
In maths we will continue to focus on positional language e.g.; under, over, in, on, next to.
Please check your child’s tray as children have brought in Christmas cards for their friends. Also please take any lost property that belongs to you off the trolley in the conservatory.
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning: 11th December
Please remember to come to our Christmas sing along on the last day of term 20th December.
Ducklings will start singing at 11am
Chicks will start singing at 2.30pm
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Ten Little Lights’
In maths we will continue to focus of positional language e.g.; under, over, in, on, next to.
This week we will also be making cheesy puff pastry Christmas trees.
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beginning 4th December
A big thank you to Gordon the magician for coming to Bob and Ted’s birthday party. The children had an amazing time; they laughed and joined in with enthusiasm.
A huge thank you to all our lovely parents who came to our Christmas making day. The children really enjoyed making the Christmas activities.
Please check out the website for photos and videos!
This week we will be focusing on the book ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’.
In maths we will be focusing on positional language e.g.; under, over, in, on, next to.
Class bears
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beg 27th November 2017
This week we will be celebrating our class bears birthdays.
Dear Ducklings/chicks you are invited to Teds/Bobs birthday party on the 29th November 2017 at 08.30/12.30.
We are very lucky as we have Gordon the magician coming to the party.
Please come dressed in your party clothes!
We will be making Banana and sultana muffins to eat at the party.
Please check the recipe, if you have any concerns please speak to the nursery staff.
Recipe: makes 12 cakes
100g (4oz) butter, softened
2 eggs
175g (6oz) caster sugar
225g (8oz) self-raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons milk
2 very ripe bananas mashed
50g (2oz) sultanas
Upcoming dates
Christmas Making morning 1st December
Infant Christmas Making Morning
On Friday 1st we will have our annual Christmas Making day at the Nursery for Ducklings is from 09.00-10.30.
This is an opportunity to come and participate in Christmas craft activities with your children. Parents will sign in and out of the nursery but if you wish to join your other children at the infants you will need to sign out of the nursery and sign in at main office.
On Friday 1st we will have our annual Christmas Making day at the Nursery for Chicks is from 1.00-2.30. Parents will sign in and out of the nursery.
Christmas fair donation
Bring a donation for the Christmas fair on 1st December.
Nursery children: red apples
Please check out the website for photos and videos on Earlswood in Action for children’s amazing learning.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Bob, Ted and Bell are our class teddy bears!
They have a diary in which we would like your child to record their adventures! Your child might like to take some photos, draw some pictures, or write in the diary about what they did with them (this might be pretend writing or supported, emergent writing where letters are recognisable.) Whilst your child will need some support to record in their diaries, please encourage them to have a go independently (we are more than happy to just receive a drawing/photo of the bears and some “pretend” writing!) Each time the bears return to class, we will be encouraging the children to share their diary entries.
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beg: 20th November 2017
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Happy Birthday Mouse’ by Laura Numeroff.
In maths we are continuing to represent numbers using fingers.
Upcoming dates
Friday 24th November come to nursery in fancy dress and donate a sealed packet/packets of seeds, either vegetables or flowers.
Please check out the website for photos and videos on Earlswood in Action for children’s amazing learning.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Bob, Ted and Bell are our class teddy bears!
They have a diary in which we would like your child to record their adventures! Your child might like to take some photos, draw some pictures, or write in the diary about what they did with them (this might be pretend writing or supported, emergent writing where letters are recognisable.) Whilst your child will need some support to record in their diaries, please encourage them to have a go independently (we are more than happy to just receive a drawing/photo of the bears and some “pretend” writing!) Each time the bears return to class, we will be encouraging the children to share their diary entries.
Please could you ensure that your child returns the bear to school on Monday so that another child can take him/her home for the weekend on the Friday.
Ted Bob Belle
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
Gordon’s Magic
We would be grateful if you could pay, complete and return the slip.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beg 6th November 2017
Anti-Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on Monday to show their support for anti-bullying.
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘Scarecrows' Wedding’, by Julia Donaldson.
In maths we are continuing to represent numbers using fingers.
Next week we are looking at weddings if you have any old curtain nettings/white fabric you no longer need please can we have them!
Please check out the website for photos and videos on Earlswood in Action for children’s amazing learning.
Parent consultation evenings
Tuesday 14th November and Thursday 16th November.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement. Also please help yourself for further stars they are in a plastic wallet in the conservatory.
Gordon’s Magic
This half term Nursery will be learning all about ‘What do you celebrate?’ To make this as enriching and rewarding an experience as possible, we arranged a visit from Gordon Magic on 29th November 2017.
The total cost for this visit will be £5.00 per child. We would appreciate payment in full and would ask that you pay online using our convenient and secure system. As this activity has been booked in advance we are not able to give refunds in the event of your child being unable to participate. Please note that if we do not receive enough voluntary contributions we may not be able to run this trip. Please contact the school office if you have any concerns about paying.
We would be grateful if you could complete and return the slip below by 10th November 2017.
If you have any queries please speak to your class teacher.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beg 6th November 2017
The nursery staff would like to say a huge thank you to all the parent helpers on our trip to the woodlands. The children had an amazing time looking for sticks and playing in the leaves.
Please check out the website for photos
This week we will be focusing on the story ‘The very busy spider ‘by Eric Carle. Through this story we will be teaching the children about motivation.
In maths we are beginning to represent numbers using fingers.
Poppy Day!
From Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November we will be selling poppies for £1.00 each, in aid of The Poppy Appeal at both the infant and junior sites.
Your class teacher will be given a timetable detailing when the poppies will be sold in your class.
Anti Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to show their support for anti bullying.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement.
Gordon’s Magic
This half term Nursery will be learning all about ‘What do you celebrate?’ To make this as enriching and rewarding an experience as possible, we arranged a visit from Gordon Magic on 29th November 2017.
The total cost for this visit will be £5.00 per child. We would appreciate payment in full and would ask that you pay online using our convenient and secure system. As this activity has been booked in advance we are not able to give refunds in the event of your child being unable to participate. Please note that if we do not receive enough voluntary contributions we may not be able to run this trip. Please contact the school office if you have any concerns about paying.
We would be grateful if you could complete and return the slip below by 10th November 2017.
If you have any queries please speak to your class teacher.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beg: 30th October
The children and nursery staff have had an amazing first half term. The children have settled beautifully and are becoming more independent in their learning environment.
We hope you have a lovely and restful half term see you all on Monday 30th October.
Please check out the website for photos and for videos click on Earlswood in Action.
This week we will be focusing on the book’ Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson.
In maths we will be focusing on reciting numbers 1-10 in order and match numerals to the correct quantity.
Star Moments
Please hand a completed Star to a member of staff whenever you like to share your child’s achievement.
Nursery Woodlands Visit-Tuesday 31st October
The nursery will be visiting the Woodlands at the Junior School and taking part in a stick hunt linked to the story ‘Stickman’..
Ducklings and Chicks will visit the Woodlands on Tuesday 31st October.
We will be leaving nursery at 9.30 and will return back to school by 11.00.
We will be leaving the nursery at 1.00 and will return back to school by 3.00.
All children need to be in practical outdoor clothing suitable for visiting woodlands. Please also dress your child in wellies boots and provide them with a backpack with the following items inside:
a water bottle
a waterproof coat
a spare set of clothes
any toileting items including; nappies, pull up’s, nappy sacs etc...
If necessary:
hats, gloves and scarves
Medication such as epipens and inhalers that are already held by the Nursery will be taken to the Woodlands. However, if your child will require any other prescribed medication on the day please speak to Mrs Nawaz. For the duration of the trip we assume that in the event of a medical emergency you give consent for your child to receive emergency medical treatment. If you do not give consent for this please speak to the school office.
We would love to invite the parents on this walk please inform Mrs Nawaz or your child’s key worker if you are able to join us.
We would be grateful if you could complete and return the permission slip attached by Friday 21st October.
If you have any queries please speak to a member of the Nursery Team.
Yours faithfully
The Nursery Team
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Week beg: 16thOctober
The children have been cooking Gruffalo (apple) crumble this week! Please check out the website for photos.
This week we will be focusing on the book’ Fox makes Friends’ by Adam Relf. The children will be making their own friend out of clay linked to the story.
In maths we will be focusing on reciting numbers 1-10 in order.
As part of our continuous development of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual we will be introducing Jigsaw Jenny through our weekly PSHE session. Jigsaw Jenny is a soft toy character which will encourage children to manage their feelings and behaviours in a positive way.
Our PSHE focus will be to follow our Earlswood SMILE expectations.
Nursery Woodlands Visit-Tuesday 31st October
Next half term children’s learning will be based on the topic ‘Autumn and What do you celebrate?’ in order to kick start this exciting new topic the children will be visiting the Woodlands at the Junior School and taking part in an Autumn walk.
Ducklings and Chicks will visit the Woodlands on Tuesday 31st October.
We will be leaving nursery at 9.30 and will return back to school by 11.00.
We will be leaving the nursery at 1.00 and will return back to school by 3.00.
All children need to be in practical outdoor clothing suitable for visiting woodlands. Please also dress your child in wellies boots and provide them with a backpack with the following items inside:
a water bottle
a waterproof coat
a spare set of clothes
any toileting items including; nappies, pull up’s, nappy sacs etc...
If necessary:
hats, gloves and scarves
Medication such as epipens and inhalers that are already held by the Nursery will be taken to the Woodlands. However, if your child will require any other prescribed medication on the day please speak to Mrs Nawaz.
We would love to invite parents on this walk please inform Mrs Nawaz or your child’s key worker if you are able to join us.
We would be grateful if you could complete and return the permission slip attached by Friday 21st October.
If you have any queries please speak to a member of the Nursery Team.
Yours faithfully
The Nursery Team
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Nursery Team
Nursery photos
All the Nursery children will be having their photos on Friday.
Week beg: 9th October
The children are settling in really well and are building lovely friendships please check out the website for photos.
This week we will be focusing on the book ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson
In maths we will be singing the nursery rhyme ‘The Gruffalo counting song ’
As part of making our learning meaningful and memorable we will be making Gruffalo apple crumble this week. We will be using the apples from our nursery apple tree.
This is the recipe we will be using for the apple crumble, if you have any concerns about the ingredients please speak to any member of the nursery staff.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Gruffalo apple crumble
Book Fair
‘Travelling Books’ are returning to the Infant School on Wednesday 4th October. The Book Fair was a huge success last year and we raised over £500 worth of book vouchers for the school. The book fair will be coming to the Juniors in March next year.
There will be a large selection of books suitable for children aged 4-11 years old, at great prices, so please come and have a look in the bottom hall everyday October 4th - 9th before and after school.
If you will not be able to make the book fair, you can still support us by buying a book online. Just go to the online shop at: https://shop.scholastic.co.uk/free-booksl and start shopping!
If you enter our school postcode RH1 6DZ, you can have the books delivered to school. This is also a great option if you would like to pay by card, as we can only take cash payments at school.
We hope to see you at the book fair next week!
The Literacy Team
We would love to see more family photos!
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Nursery Team
Week beg: 2nd October
The children are settling in really well and are building lovely friendships please check out the website for photos.
This week we will be focusing on the book ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell
In maths we will be singing the nursery rhyme ‘5 little owls sitting on a branch’
We would like to a huge thank you to Catherine and baby Joseph for visiting the nursery this week.
Book Fair
‘Travelling Books’ are returning to the Infant School on Wednesday 4th October. The Book Fair was a huge success last year and we raised over £500 worth of book vouchers for the school. The book fair will be coming to the Juniors in March next year.
There will be a large selection of books suitable for children aged 4-11 years old, at great prices, so please come and have a look in the bottom hall everyday October 4th - 9th before and after school.
If you will not be able to make the book fair, you can still support us by buying a book online. Just go to the online shop at: https://shop.scholastic.co.uk/free-booksl and start shopping!
If you enter our school postcode RH1 6DZ, you can have the books delivered to school. This is also a great option if you would like to pay by card, as we can only take cash payments at school.
We hope to see you at the book fair next week!
The Literacy Team
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Nursery Team
Week beg: 25th September
The children are settling in really well and are building lovely friendships
This week we will be focusing on the book ‘The Family Book’ by Todd Parr.
In maths we will be singing the nursery rhyme ‘5 little speckled frogs’
As part of our topic this week, we would like the children to bring in a photo of their family to share with us during circle time. This will encourage the children to talk about their family.
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Please help your child to choose a book from the book box in the conservatory.
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Nursery Team
Week beg: 18th September
We would like to say a huge welcome to all the children in the Nursery. They have settled beautifully and are beginning to join in with daily routines with enthusiasm.
Next week we will be focusing on the story ‘Guess how much I love you?’
The opening timings of the nursery are:
Mornings drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
Please keep your child at home for 48 hours after sickness and or diarrhoea for further information please read the health and safety policy on our website.
As the weather is changing could you please send your child with a coat every day and a water bottle with water!
Learning to love to read starts at an early age, to continue this love and encourage children to listen to stories please help your child choose a book from our book box in the conservatory. We have so many wonderful books to choose from. Reading to the children exposes them to a richer vocabulary.
Nursery Team
Welcome to Earlswood Nursery!
We hope you have had a lovely summer break; we are looking forward to getting to know your children.
Our topic this term will be ‘All About Me!’
The opening timings of the nursery is:
Morning drop off: 8.30 – 8.45
Morning pick up: 11.15 – 11.30
Afternoon drop off: 12.30 – 12.45
Afternoon pick up: 15.15 - 15.30
New children
Please check your child’s start date and time, if you have any questions please contact us.
Thank you
The Nursery Team