A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
What will the nursery offer be?
We provide 15 hours free entitlement for all 3–4 year olds and this will be provided across 2.5 days, as follows:
All day Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday morning, or
Wednesday afternoon, and all day Thursday and Friday.
We provide some places for eligible families to access 30 hours free childcare and this will be offered all day Monday to Friday.
What hours is the Nursery open?
The all day sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday run from 8:45am-3.15pm.
To ensure children receive their full entitlement, the Wednesday morning session will run from 8:45am–11:45am and the afternoon session will run from 12.15pm–3:15pm.
If your child attends all day on a Wednesday, the day will run from 8:45am–3:15pm.
Do I get a choice of which days my child attends?
On the application form there will be an opportunity to express a preference. We will do our best to accommodate requests for specific Nursery provision, however our admission criteria will be used to allocate places.
What will my child eat during their day at Nursery?
Your child will receive free milk during their session. There will be a supervised lunch session during the day for which you will need to provide a healthy packed lunch or pay for a hot meal that will be served in the Nursery. Please remember we are a NUT FREE school.
What will my child wear during their day at Nursery?
All Nursery children will be expected to wear uniform, this will be the same as the Reception uniform : Black joggers, Earlswood sweatshirt or cardigan and a white polo shirt with black shoes or black trainers. In warmer weather, black shorts may be worn instead of joggers.
Is there a cost or application fee for the Nursery?
No, all provision is free at Earlswood Nursery. Applications are also free.
Can I pay for additional hours to my child’s day in the Nursery if I am not eligible for 30 hours free childcare?
Unfortunately, due to staffing and administrative costs we are not able to offer any additional hours at nursery above the allocated places. This means that if you are allocated a 15 hour free entitlement, you will not be able to pay to “top up”.
How are the places allocated?
Please note, places are not allocated on a first come first served basis. A priority system is used in the following order:
1) Children in care.
2) Exceptional social/medical need.
3) Siblings of the Federation of Earlswood Schools
4) Children who turn 4 years old within the academic year you are applying for
5) Children who will be 3 years old within the academic year you are applying for, these children will be able to stay on in nursery for another year as they will not be due to start Reception until the following September
For further details, please refer to our Nursery admissions policy.
When do I apply for a place at Nursery?
You can apply for a place now. Please hand in your application by 31st January for the September intake of the same year. Any applications received after this date will be treated as a late application and added to the waiting list. It will then be processed after all of the first offers have been given.
What if my circumstances change and I am no longer eligible for 30 hours free childcare?
The purpose of the Government’s 30-hour childcare policy is to enable parents to work. If your circumstances change and you no longer meet the criteria, unfortunately you will not be eligible for the full 30-hours entitlement. You will still, however, be eligible for 15-hours of free entitlement, regardless of your circumstances. It is very important on your application form to state clearly which sessions will be your free 15-hours entitlement as your child will receive this regardless of any change in your circumstances.
After I have been offered a place can I swap my sessions?
We will try to accommodate your request if we have availability. If it is not possible immediately, you will be placed on a waiting list.
Can I visit the Nursery?
Yes, please phone the infant school office for a tour.
I still have questions
Lots more information will be provided to you once your place has been offered. If you do have additional queries in the meantime, feel free to contact the infant office on 01737 765125.
Further information regarding free nursery education is available on the links below: