A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Last Blog of the Year- Reception 17/07/20
First of all we would like to say a big thank you to you and your children for working so hard over the last few months. It’s been lovely to see the children’s engagement and enthusiasm towards their learning continuing even in these unprecedented times. It has also been equally as humbling to see parents/carers willingness and ingenuity to keep their children engaged in their learning. All the team have loved seeing their work and progress on Tapestry and on Purple Mash. Remember to take a final look at the Reception Photo Album to see if your child’s work has been displayed. Thank you again from the Reception Team.
Tapestry: Tapestry will remain online over the summer if you choose to add observations of your child. However, please be aware that these observations will not be viewed on commented on over the summer, but will be passed on to the Year 1 team.
Downloading Tapestry Journals: You should have received an email from school and Tapestry regarding downloading your child’s Learning Journal from Reception. You have 3 weeks to download the journal from the date of the email, if you do not download within this period, please contact the school in September and they can submitted it again for you.
Reading: On Google Classroom there is a list of Reading Books from Rising Stars if you would like some additional reading over the summer. Unfortunately these will not go towards your child’s overalls ‘reads’.
Google Classroom: Don’t forget to check out the song Reception Staff have created on Google Classroom for the Children. Enjoy J
The team and I would like to wish you all a healthy and happy summer and all the best for Year 1.
The Reception Team J
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 13.07.20
I hope you have enjoyed another fun packed week of learning. I know lots of you have made the ‘snow cones’ (including myself) and they were yummy! I hope you have been staying safe and having fun whatever you have been up to! We have loved talking and seeing you on Google Classroom this week too! Make sure you sign up for a slot for next week if you haven’t done so already. Also, next week some children are coming into Nursery for a visit! For those who are coming in I hope you enjoy being back at school and seeing some of your friends before the Summer Holidays. Next week, we have a silly book for you to explore; ‘Pirates Love Underpants!’ We hope you enjoy the story and the activities in the Learning Pack below. In our SMILE Assembly this week and in our PSHE session we are exploring the theme of ‘Change’ with the help of the story ‘In it Together!’
Google Classroom
Please remember to sign up for next week’s meetings with your current class teachers, there are lots of slots available.
Remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are set tasks and some are optional tasks.
Phonics Tasks WB 13.07.20
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics folder’.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics folder’.
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics folder’.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Literacy WB 13.07.20-Pirates Love Underpants
More information and all the resources for Literacy this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Pirates Love Underpants Learning Pack WB 13.07.20’.
Set task 1: First listen to the story.
Set task 2: Can you discuss the story with your grown-ups. Can you record your responses on paper or on a video and place it on TAPESTRY? (Questions in Learning Pack)
Set task 3: Can you design an amazing pair of pants? (Worksheet in Learning Pack)
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom. Please remember to ‘hand in’ once complete.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing as we are still able to send out their certificates via email. Happy Reading!
Optional task 1: Additional Reading; ‘The Underpants Series’, these are available in the Learning Pack below.
Maths WB 13.07.20- Pants, Washing Lines and Puzzles!
More information and all the resources for Maths this week can be found in below in the folder; Pirates Love Underpants Learning Pack WB 13.07.20’.
Set task 1: Can you cut out the pants and put them in order, smallest to largest?
Set task 2: Treasure map challenge!
Set task 3: Can you complete the puzzle. This is available as a 2do on Purple Mash.
Optional task 1: Can you make a washing line?
Topic WB 13.07.20- Shark!
More information and all the resources for ‘Topic’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Pirates Love Underpants Learning Pack WB 13.07.20’.
Watch out for the sharks!
Optional task 1: What can you find out about sharks?
Optional task 2: Browse the Mini Mash Pins on Purple Mash: ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘Pirates’.
PSHE Tasks WB 13.07.20- Change
More information and all the resources for ‘PSHE’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Pirates Love Underpants Learning Pack WB 13.07.20’.
With your grown up, explore the topic of change, discuss small and big changes that have happened in your lives recently.
Optional task: Look at the story: ‘In It Together, Return to School after Lockdown’ by Twinkl. And talk to your grown up now and over the summer how you feel about returning to school, remember all the grown up’s at school are here to look after you!
Here are some links for your grown-up’s:
Handwriting WB 13.07.20- Label some pants!
Worksheets available for printing are in the folder below marked ‘Handwriting’.
Set task 1: Children to label some pants!
Expressive Arts and Design WB 13.07.20-Trophies, Dressing Up and Foot Print Painting!
More information and all the resources for ‘EAD’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Pirates Love Underpants Learning Pack WB 13.07.20’.
Optional task 1: Can you make a golden trophy?
Optional task 2: Can you dress up as a member of the crew of the Black Bloomer Pirate Ship?
Optional task 3: Foot print painting!
Music WB 13.07.20- Up, Up, Up!
Optional task 1: Mr Scullin would like you to learn the song Up, Up, Up!
To sing along to this song, please follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrd0TiER_J0
Maybe even video yourself singing the song and put on Tapestry!?
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available. These are available on Google Classroom.
If you require any support with your child’s learning, please don’t hesitate to email your child’s class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 06.07.20
Another week gone, at the moment the time seems to be flying by! We hope you have had a good week and have enjoyed the story of ‘The Night Pirates’! Next week we are slightly deviating away from pirates with a story called ‘Penguins don’t make good pirates!’ We hope you are going to enjoy the story and through this book we are going to explore; snow cones (yummy), penguins, Antarctica and icy landscapes. In PSHE we are exploring the theme of courage through the story ‘Brave Little Penguin’ read by Mrs Boittiaux on Google Classroom.
Google Classroom
Next week and for the following week children are being offered meetings with their current class teacher, please remember to sign up to these meetings, we look forward to speaking to your child and seeing how they are getting on!
Remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are set tasks and some are optional tasks.
Phonics Tasks WB 06.07.20
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
Literacy WB 06.07.20-Penguins Make Bad Pirates
More information and all the resources for Literacy this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Penguins Make Bad Pirates Learning Pack WB 06.07.20’.
Set task 1: First listen to the story.
Set task 2: Can you discuss the story with your grown-ups. Can you record your responses on paper or on a video and place it on TAPESTRY? (Questions in Learning Pack)
Set task 3: Can you design and label a snow cone? (Worksheet in Learning Pack)
Optional Task: https://www.behance.net/gallery/54048767/Penguins-Make-Bad-Pirates-PlayKids-This site has lots of pictures to print and cut out to make your own pirate scene.
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom. Please remember to ‘hand in’ once complete.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing as we are still able to send out their certificates via email. Happy Reading!
Maths WB 29.06.20- Coins
More information and all the resources for Maths this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Penguins Make Bad Pirates Learning Pack WB 06.07.20’.
Set task 1: Can you choose the correct coins to pay for the shopping? Games available as a 2Do on Purple Mash. You can just play one of the games or both it’s up to you.
Set task 2: Can you find the correct coins to buy the snow cones?
Set task 3: Can you estimate and then count the number of penguins using your knowledge of 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s?
Topic WB 06.07.20- Penguins!
More information and all the resources for ‘Topic’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Penguins Make Bad Pirates Learning Pack WB 06.07.20’.
This story is set right at the bottom of the world in Antarctic. Lots of penguins live here! Can you find Antarctic on a world map?
Optional task 1: What can you find out about penguins? Could you make your own fact file?
Watch the penguin cams, see the Learning pack for the links to these camera’s!
Optional task 2: Browse the Mini Mash Pin on Purple Mash: ‘Zoo’ and ‘All About Me’.
PSHE Tasks WB 06.07.20- Courageous
More information and all the resources for ‘PSHE’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Penguins Make Bad Pirates Learning Pack WB 06.07.20’.
Set task 1: Listen to the story ‘Be Brave Little Penguin’ by Rachel Elliot using the link below or listen to Mrs Boittiaux read the story to you on Google Classroom.
Optional task: This week could you have a go at trying something new and ask you’re grown-up’s to put a video of you doing this on Tapestry?
Go on, be brave and courageous, you can do it!
Handwriting WB 06.07.20- Label a Penguin
Worksheets available for printing are in the folder below marked ‘Handwriting’.
Set task 1: Children to label an Emperor Penguin.
Expressive Arts and Design WB 06.07.20- Snow Cones/ Icy Landscapes/Penguins
More information and all the resources for ‘EAD’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘Penguins Make Bad Pirates Learning Pack WB 06.07.20’.
Optional task 1: How to make a snow cone.
Optional task 2: Can you make a snow cone kiosk?
Optional task 3: Can you paint an icy landscape?
Optional task 4: Can you make a penguin?
Music WB 29.06.20- Up, Up, Up!
Optional task 1: Mr Scullin would like you to learn the song Up, Up, Up!
To sing along to this song, please follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrd0TiER_J0
Maybe even video yourself singing the song and put on Tapestry!?
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available. These are available on Google Classroom.
If you require any support with your child’s learning, please don’t hesitate to email your child’s class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 29.06.20
We hope you have had a good week and enjoyed the story of ‘The Pirates Next Door!' We have loved seeing your learning on Tapestry especially your excellent pirate’s ships! Thank you for all your hard work on your Phonics and Number activities on Purple Mash. Remember to check out the Reception Photo Album to see if you can spot your work from this week.
Google Classroom
Remember to check Google Classroom for messages, stories, quizzes, songs, assemblies, challenges and your reading books. Your reading books are issued to you on a Monday.
Remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are set tasks and some are optional tasks.
Phonics Tasks WB 29.06.20
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
Literacy WB 29.06.20-‘The Night Pirates' by Peter Harris
More information and all the resources for Literacy this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Night Pirates by Peter Harris Learning Pack WB 29.06.20’.
Set task 1: First listen to the story.
Set task 2: Can you discuss the story with your grown-ups. Can you record your responses on paper or on a video and place it on TAPESTRY? (Questions in Learning Pack)
Set task 3: Can you write what the pirate is saying in a way that makes us know she is speaking very loudly? (Worksheet in Learning Pack)
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom. Please remember to ‘hand in’ once complete.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing as we are still able to send out their certificates via email. Happy Reading!
Maths WB 29.06.20- Counting in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s/
More information and all the resources for Maths this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Night Pirates by Peter Harris Learning Pack WB 29.06.20’.
Set task 1: First listen and enjoy these counting in 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-cARYvdtB4
Do you notice any patterns? Can you continue the patterns?
Set task 2: Treasure! Information about this activity is available in the Learning Pack.
Set task 3: Counting in 2’s and 5’s game available as a 2Do on Purple Mash.
Topic WB 22.06.20- Flags!
More information and all the resources for ‘Topic’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Night Pirates by Peter Harris Learning Pack WB 29.06.20’.
Optional task 1: Can you make your own flag to go onto your house boat?
(Worksheet and information about this task is available in the Topic Folder)
Optional task 2: Browse the Mini Mash Pin on Purple Mash: ‘Pirates’ and ‘All About Me’.
PSHE Tasks WB 29.06.20- Gratitude
More information and all the resources for ‘PSHE’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Night Pirates by Peter Harris Learning Pack WB 29.06.20’.
When things are difficult or you're going through a hard time, it’s sometimes hard to feel grateful or thankful for things.
Here is a song about being thankful. What are you thankful for?
Click on the story below about being thankful. What are your thankful for?
Optional task 1: A-Z of thanks. Can you think of something your thankful for using all the letter of the alphabet!
Optional task 2: Can you make thank you postcards/cards to show gratitude to someone. This might be for your family, friends or even your pets, it’s up to you!
Optional task 3: Can you go on a ‘gratitude walk’ – what can you see/hear/smell that you are grateful for. Can you record your walk and post on TAPESTRY.
Remember to check out the SMILE assembly on Google Classroom on a Monday.
Handwriting WB 29.06.20- The Night Pirates
Worksheets available for printing are in the folder below marked ‘Handwriting’.
Set task 1: Children to write words from the story, however this week the words are getting smaller and smaller and smaller!
Expressive Arts and Design WB 29.06.20- House Boats
More information and all the resources for ‘EAD’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Night Pirates by Peter Harris Learning Pack WB 29.06.20’.
Set task 1: Can you design and build an amazing house boat?
Set task 2: How to make a pirate hook!
Set task 3: Can you paint a pirate ship?
Music WB 29.06.20- Up, Up, Up!
Optional task 1: Mr Scullin would like you to learn the song Up, Up, Up!
To sing along to this song, please follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrd0TiER_J0
Maybe even video yourself singing the song and put on Tapestry!?
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available. These are available on Google Classroom.
If you require any support with your child’s learning, please don’t hesitate to email your child’s class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 22.06.20
We hope you have had a good week and enjoyed the story of ‘The Pirate Cruncher’. We loved seeing your learning on Tapestry especially your sea monsters’ and your yummy pizza’s! Thank you for all your hard work on your Phonics and Number activities on Purple Mash. Remember to check out the Reception Photo Album to see if you can spot your work from this week.
Google Classroom
Remember to check Google Classroom for messages, stories, quizzes, songs, assemblies, challenges and your reading books. Your reading books are issued to you on a Monday.
Remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are set tasks and some are optional tasks.
Phonics Tasks WB 22.06.20
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY.
Literacy WB 22.06.20-‘The Pirates Next Door’ by Jonny Duddle
More information and all the resources for Literacy this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack WB 22.06.20’.
Set task 1: First listen to the story
Set task 2: Discuss the story with your grown-ups. Can you video yourself answering these questions and put this on Tapestry?
Optional task 1: There’s lots of interesting pirate activities and information on this website! https://www.jonny-duddle.com/book/the-pirates-next-door/ The Amazing World of Jonnie Duddle Author and illustrator-
Set task 3: How do you think the Jolley Roger family felt about the neighbours being unkind? Mashcam Pirates!
This task is available as a 2do in Purple Mash. (Word bank available in pack)
Set task 4: The pirates moved in next door because they needed to mend their ship!
Can you design and build a pirate ship? Can you draw your ship and add a sentence about it? (Worksheet available in pack)
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom. Please remember to ‘hand in’ once complete.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing as we are still able to send out their certificates via email.
Happy Reading!
Maths WB 15.06.20- Counting in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
More information and all the resources for Maths this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack WB 22.06.20’.
Set task 1: Toss the Sock Cannon Balls! Information about this activity it available in the pack, enjoy J
First look at this counting in 10’s clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftati8iGQcs
Do you notice a pattern? What trick does this teach you about counting in 10s?
Set task 2: Counting in 10’s game available as a 2Do Purple Mash
The pirates gave the neighbours a treasure chest as a parting gift.
Set task 3: Can you estimate and then count the number of treasure chests using your knowledge of 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s?
Do you need more of a challenge?
Optional task 1: Counting in 5’s
Do you need EVEN more of a challenge?
Optional task 2: Counting in 10’s
Topic WB 22.06.20- Pirate Ships
More information and all the resources for ‘Topic’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack WB 22.06.20’ and the Topic Folder.
Set task 1: X marks the Spot!
Set task 2: Create a Pirate ship fact file!
Optional task 1: Can you label a pirate ship? (Worksheet available in the Topic Folder)
Optional task 2: Browse the Mini Mash Pin on Purple Mash: ‘Pirates’.
PSHE Tasks WB 22.06.20- We Are All Different
More information and all the resources for ‘PSHE’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack WB 22.06.20’
Optional task 1: Read this book called: ‘Everyone is Different’. You can download it from the Twinkl website using this link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/tf-or-7-we-are-all-different-ebook
Optional task 2: Draw yourself and your friend? (Template available in the Learning Pack)
How are you the same?
How are you different?
Can you label your picture?
Can you write a sentence about your friend?
Handwriting WB 22.06.20- The Pirates Next Door- Words that rhyme/Counting in 10’s
Worksheets available for printing are in the folder below marked ‘Handwriting’.
Set task 1: Children to write words from the story which rhyme and then come up with their own rhyming words.
Optional task 1: Treasure Chests and Coins rhyming game
Optional task 2: Cutting out and ordering a 10’s sequence
Expressive Arts and Design WB 22.06.20- Pirate ships
More information and all the resources for ‘PSHE’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack WB 22.06.20’
Set task 1: Can you design and build a pirate ship?
Optional task 1: Can you colour in your own pirate ship? (Worksheet available in the EAD Folder)
Music WB 22.06.20- Up, Up, Up!
Optional task 1: Mr Scullin would like you to learn the song Up, Up, Up!
To sing along to this song, please follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrd0TiER_J0
Maybe even video yourself singing the song and put on Tapestry!?
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available. These are available on Google Classroom.
If you require any support with your child’s learning, please don’t hesitate to email your child’s class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 15.06.20
We hope you have had a good week and enjoyed the story of The Troll. We loved seeing your work on Purple Mash and Tapestry, keep it up!
Google Classroom
Remember to check Google Classroom for messages, stories, quizzes, songs, assemblies and your reading books. Your reading books are issued to you on a Monday.
Remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are set tasks and some are optional tasks.
Phonics Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Activity 1: Flash Card game to support with Phase 3 sounds consolidation-Phonics Play
Activity 2: Learn the new consonant clusters sp, st, sw,tr, tw
Activity 3: sp, st, sw,tr, tw consonant clusters quizzes-Purple Mash
Activity 4: Making words with the sp, st, sw,tr, tw consonant clusters-Purple Mash
Activity 5: Sentences to read and write-In Phonics folder
Activity 6: Phase 4 Tricky Word Songs–You Tube
Activity 7: Phase 4/5 Tricky Word games-Phonics Play
Optional tasks:
Literacy WB 15.06.20-‘The Pirate Cruncher’ by Jonny Duddle
More information and all the resources for Literacy this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirate Cruncher by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack 15.06.20’.
Set task 1: First listen to the author, Jonny Duddle read the story!
Set task 2: Discuss the story with your grown-ups.
Optional task 1: Could you grown up write up your responses to these questions or even video you answering these questions and put this on Tapestry.
Set task 3: Message in a bottle. Imagine that you are the Parrot or the monkey in the story. Can you make a message in a bottle to warn people about the Pirate Cruncher?
Draw and label your monster picture, remember to use your sounds, and best pre-cursive letter formation to help you write. Can you add a sentence?
Roll up your finished message, you might like to tie it with string, and then pop it into a bottle! Will it float in the bath? (Please keep it away from the sea though!)
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing as we are still able to send out their certificates via email.
Happy Reading!
Maths WB 15.06.20-Counting in 1’s, 2’s and 5’s, Capacity, Estimation and Coins
More information and all the resources for Maths this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirate Cruncher by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack 15.06.20’.
Set task 1: Capacity Experiment, Pasta!
Optional task 1: Do you want a challenge? Fill your cup with some different items, estimate first then count. Do you notice any patterns? How does the size of the items make a difference?
Set task 2: Missing Numbers and sequences, 1’s, 2’s and 5’. Available as a 2do on Purple Mash.
Set task 3: Counting the Loot! Imagine you are a pirate and you found some treasure in the form of coins! What might be the first thing you do? You would count the loot! Can you count the coins found in these treasure chests? Remember to use your knowledge of 1’s, 2’s and 5’s for this task. Remember to use your skills of ‘counting on’ e.g. 5p+2p, put the number 5 in your head and the count on 2 more e.g. 6,7!
Topic WB 15.06.20- Sink or float?
More information and all the resources for ‘Topic’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirate Cruncher by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack 15.06.20’.
Optional task 1: Click on the link below to have a go at finding out what objects float and which ones will sink.
Optional task 2: Bath time fun!
Why don’t you have a go at finding what objects will float or sink in your bathroom at bath time?
Optional task 3: Science experiment
Watch the clip below.
Print out the table provided (this can be found in the Topic Folder). Look at the pictures. (If you have don’t have any of these items, find some objects around your home.)
Fill a tube or sink with water.
Make the prediction.
Will the object sink or float.
Fill in the table or make up your own table.
Why do you think the object sinks/floats?
Optional task 4: Check out the ‘Pirates’ pin on Mini Mash.
PSHE Tasks WB 15.06.20- Greed
More information and all the resources for ‘PSHE’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘PSHE WB 15.06.20
Optional task 1:Watch the story of ‘The Very Greedy Bee’ by Steve Smallman.
Complete the ‘Greedy monsters game’ worksheet.
There are two monsters that really want to be greedy! Can you show them what being kind and sharing looks like?
Optional task 2: Step 1 - Pretend you are a King or Queen. Design your own crown to wear, using ‘Crown’ resource if you like.
Step 2 - Put on your crown and find a throne to sit on.
Step 3 – Ask a family member to pretend to be a magical fairy. (‘Wand’ resource available for this role.) The ‘fairy’ needs to tell you that you have 3 wishes.
You can use all 3 wishes for yourself or you can share them and give your other family members a wish too. What will you do? Will you be greedy and take all 3 wishes or will you be kind and share the wishes?
Handwriting WB 15.06.20- The Pirate Cruncher- Words that rhyme
Worksheets available for printing are in the folder below marked ‘Handwriting’.
Set task 1:
Optional task 1:
Expressive Arts and Design WB 15.06.20- Pirates and Pizza’s!
More information and all the resources for ‘EAD’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Pirate Cruncher by Jonny Duddle Learning Pack 15.06.20’.
Set task 1: Can you draw a pirate?
First watch the author and illustrator show you how he does it!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF5-fhNDxU0– How to draw a pirate with Jonny Duddle.
Optional task 1: Pirate Cruncher Pizza!
Music WB 15.06.20- Up, Up, Up!
Optional task 1: Mr Scullin would like you to learn the song Up, Up, Up!
To sing along to this song, please follow the link:
Star Learning of the Week:
Look on the Reception Photo Album and see if you can spot your work!
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available including SMILE and Music with Mr Scullin. These are available on Google Classroom.
Summer Reading Challenge: The Reading Agency have now launched their annual summer reading challenge. This year the theme is the Silly Squad and the focus is to celebrate funny books, happiness and laughter. Children will aim to read at least 6 books over the summer and can record their progress on the free digital platform.
Parents will be able to sign up using the link https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/
We hope lots of you will take part and look forward to hearing all about the funny books you read.
Happy reading
If you require any support with your child’s learning, please don’t hesitate to email you child’s class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 08.06.20
We hope you have had a good half term.
Google Classroom
Remember to check Google Classroom for messages, stories, quizzes, songs, assemblies and your reading books. Your reading books are issued to you on a Monday.
Remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible. Also check out Tapestry Memo’s for the week’s stories.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are set tasks and some are optional tasks.
Phonics Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Can you surf on a coin?
Can you put a fish in foil?
Will a car need oil?
Can you get a letter from a farmer?
Will a ladder get to the moon?
Can you get a hammer and bang in a nail?
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information, links and worksheets can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Activity 1: Flash Card game to support with Phase 3 sounds consolidation-Phonics Play
Activity 2: Learn the new consonant clusters sc, sk, sm, sn-In Phonics folder
Activity 3: sc, sk, sm, sn consonant clusters sorting game-Purple Mash
Activity 4: Making words with the sc, sk, sm, sn consonant clusters-Purple Mash
Activity 5: Sentences to read and write-In Phonics folder
Activity 6: Phase 4 Tricky Word Songs–You Tube
Activity 7: Phase 4/5 Tricky Word games-Phonics Play
Optional tasks:
Literacy WB 08.06.20-‘The Troll’ by Julia Donaldson
Check Tapestry Memos for Miss Alfa reading the story of ‘The Troll by Julia Donaldson.
More information and all the resources for Literacy this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Troll by Julia Donaldson Learning Pack’.
Set task 1: Can you draw the troll in the treasure chest and write how the pirates felt and how the Troll felt when he was discovered!
Set task 2: Which ingredients do you think Ben Buckle used to cook his bony briny soup?
Can you draw them in the pot? Use your sounds to write labels.
Set task 3: Which creatures did the pirates discover?
Can you draw them?
Set task 4: Can you make a treasure map?
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing as we are still able to send out their certificates via email.
Happy Reading!
Maths WB 08.06.20-Counting in 1’s, 2’s and 5’s and Coins
More information and all the resources for Maths this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Troll by Julia Donaldson Learning Pack’.
Set task 1: Can you complete these sequences using your knowledge of 1’s, 2’s and 5’s?
Set task 2: How many coins did Troll throw into the sea?
Set Task 3/4: Using the worksheet can you work out how much money is in the jars? Use your knowledge of counting in 1’s, 2’s and 5’s to help you.
Optional task: Can you make 20p using 1p, 2p and 5p coins? You can cut them out!
Topic WB 08.06.20- A plate of food for Troll!
More information and all the resources for ‘Topic’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Troll by Julia Donaldson Learning Pack’.
Optional task 1: Use the plate template or draw you own and draw and label a healthy meal you would give the troll, remember to use your sounds.
Optional task 2: Check out the ‘Pirates’ pin on Mini Mash.
PSHE Tasks WB 01.06.20- How did the Troll feel?
More information and all the resources for ‘PSHE’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Troll by Julia Donaldson Learning Pack’.
Optional task 1: Can you draw Troll on the ship and write a sentence to explain how he is feeling?
Alternatively you can use the Mash-Cam 2do on Purple Mash to take a picture of yourself as the troll and then write a sentence to explain how you are feeling.
Handwriting WB 08.06.20- The Troll
Worksheets available for printing are in the folder below marked ‘Handwriting’.
Set task:
Expressive Arts and Design WB 08.06.20- Walk the Plank!
More information and all the resources for ‘EAD’ this week can be found in below in the folder; ‘The Troll by Julia Donaldson Learning Pack’.
Optional task: Let’s walk the plank!
Star Learning of the Week:
Look on the Reception Photo Album and see if you can spot your work!
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available including SMILE and Music with Mr Scullin. These are available on Google Classroom.
Remember we are available to support you and your child, please just email your class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 01.06.20
We hope you have had a good half term.
Google Classroom
Remember to check Google Classroom for messages, stories, quizzes, songs, assemblies and your reading books. Your reading books are issued on a Monday.
Remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible. Also check out Tapestry Memo’s for the week’s stories.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are set tasks and some are optional tasks.
Phonics Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
These can be found in the Phonics folder.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
These can be found in the Phonics folder.
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
These can be found in the Phonics folder.
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
These can be found in the Phonics folder.
Literacy WB 01.06.20-Ten Little Pirates by Michael Brownlow
Check Tapestry Memos for Mrs. Edwards reading the story of ‘Ten Little Pirates’ by Michael Brownlow.
More information and resources can be found in the Literacy folder below.
Set Task: Create your own treasure chest.
Pirates look for treasure. You are a pirate now and you are going to make your own treasure chest! ARRRRR!
What will you put in your treasure chest?
Draw a picture of a treasure chest and draw your very own treasure inside it.
Task 1) Label the items inside the treasure chest
What is the most important item in your treasure chest to you and why?
Task 2) Write a sentence about the best treasure in your chest.
Start your sentence with “The best object in my chest is…”
For example “The best object in my chest is my brown train.”
Remember, this is about using your phonics, children! The only words you should spell correctly are tricky words.
The resource ‘Treasure Chest Writing Frame’ is available in the Literacy folder for you to use.
Upload a photo to Tapestry when you are done, fellow pirates!
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned 1 or 2 reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing, as we are still able to send out their certificates via email.
Happy Reading!
Maths WB 01.06.20-Ten Little Pirates
More information and resources can be found in the Maths folder below.
Set Task 1: Place fish on a piece of paper. 1 swims away (off the paper). How many left? Ask your child to explain what has just happened (e.g. “I took 1 away”).
Count the fish still on the piece of paper.
How many did you count?
Now put all of the fish on the paper again.
2 swim away.
Count how many are left.
Set Task 2: Let’s play Skittles/Bowling!
Set up your own game of skittles using bottles or tubes, anything that looks somewhat like a pin!
Take turns with someone in your family.
Set Task 3: Complete the Purple Mash 2do “One Less – 1 to 10”.
You are given a number and must identify the number 1 less than it.
Optional Task 1a: Draw a number line from 0 to 10.
First, start at 10.
Next, ask a family member to say a number between 1 and 10.
Then, count backwards by moving down the number line.
Finally, when your child lands on the number they think is correct ask them to say the number out loud.
Optional Task 1b: Place 10 objects on a tray or paper or rug.
Count the objects to check we have 10.
Find a partner to play with you.
Your partner will need to cover the objects (anything can be used to cover, e.g. a towel).
How many objects did your partner take away?
Count the objects that have been taken away.
Topic Tasks WB 01.06.20-Sea Animals
More information and resources can be found below in the Topic folder.
Set Task - Draw and write some facts about a sea animal you like on paper
Optional Task 1: Design a poster telling people to look after the sea and sea animals.
Optional Task 2: Why not have a look at the activities available on Mini Mash- Under the pin; ‘Under the Sea!’
Optional Task 3: Colour a fish and write about how a fish moves around, available as a 2DO on Purple Mash.
PSHE Tasks WB 01.06.20- Colour Monster– Identifying Emotions
Optional Task 1: The Colour Monster, can you put each coloured emotion in one of the jars? (See worksheet- Colour Monster emotions colour)
Optional Task 2: Draw a picture of your own colour monster and show how he/she is feeling? (See worksheet- Draw your own colour monster)
Handwriting- Ten Little Pirates/Number formation
Set Task 1:
Set Task 2:
Expressive Arts and Design- Pirate Hats/Treasure Chest
More information and resources can be found below in the EAD folder below.
Optional Task 1: Can you make a pirate hat?
Optional Task 2: Can you cut and stick your own treasure chest?
Star Learning of the Week:
Look on the Reception Photo Album and see if you can spot your work!
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available including SMILE and Music with Mr Scullin. These are available on Google Classroom.
Remember we are available to support you and your child, please just email your class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 18.05.20
We hope you have had a good week. We hope you have enjoyed the story ‘A Tiger that came to Tea’. We have loved seeing your wonderful work on Purple Mash and your work and tea parties on Tapestry. Keep up the good work!
We hope you are enjoying seeing your teachers on ‘Google Classroom’. Each week we will update these with messages, stories, quizzes, songs and assemblies and your reading books, which are assigned to you every Monday.
Please remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are ‘set tasks’ and some are ‘optional tasks’.
The Phonics Play login is:
Username: march20 Password-home
Tablet version is also available, use the same link and same username and password. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Phonics Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alfa’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional Tasks:
Literacy WB 18.05.20-Elmer by David Mckee
Elmer-First watch the story. You can listen to Mrs Sweetman read the story to you on Tapestry Memo’s or you can use the link below in the Literacy folder.
More information and resources can be found in the Literacy folder below.
Now discuss the story with your grown-ups!
Who are the characters in this story?
Where does this story take place? What is it like there?
What was special about Elmer? What sort of personality did he have?
How do you think Elmer felt to be different?
What did Elmer decide to do?
Is it a good idea to pick berries that you find growing outside? Why not?
How did the other creatures treat Elmer differently when he was in disguise?
Set Task: Draw a picture of Elmer on paper. Can you label colours you see on Elmer? Can you write a sentence about how Elmer is feeling in the story?
Please encourage your child to use their growing phonics to write, let them;
1- Say the word slowly.
2- Listen for the sounds that they can hear.
3- Write them down in that order.
Remember- the words need to ‘sound’ right, they DO NOT NEED TO BE SPELLED CORRECTLY! At this stage we are building the children’s confidence to use the sounds that they know! The exceptions are the irregular or ‘tricky’ words which the children are learning off by heart! (Tricky words are on the phonics sound mats, please have these mats available to your child when they are writing, this can be found in the Literacy folder below).
Please upload a picture of your child’s work to TAPESTRY.
Reading-Rising Stars-Available through Google Classroom
Rising Stars- You child has been assigned 1 or 2 reading books for the week; these are available on Google Classroom.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing, as we are still able to send out their certificates via email.
Happy Reading!
Maths-Counting in 2’s, Counting, estimation, sharing and halving
More information and resources can be found in the Maths folder below.
Set Task 1: Counting in 2’s. Watch and sing-a-long to this nursery rhyme about counting in 2’s. Can you continue the pattern of counting in 2’s on paper?
Set Task 2: Practice ordering numbers game in 2’s- 2Do on Purple Mash.
Set Task 3: How many Elephants can you count? (Please see Maths folder below)
Set Task 4 Investigation: Can you count how many rainbows you see on your walk? How could you record you findings?
Optional Task: Sharing with Elmo.
Investigation Task: Can you share 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 apples into 2 groups? Use the apples or real objects to help you and your knowledge of halving. Can you record your findings?
More information and resources can be found below in the Topic folder.
Optional Task 1: Elmer the Elephant uses wild berries to paint himself grey! There are lots of colours in nature! Go on a nature rainbow hunt!
Optional Task 2: Can you find out information about elephants?
Optional Task 3: We are going to create our very own Elephant Sanctuary.
Optional Task 4: Can you label an Elephant?-2Do on Purple Mash. And paper copy available in the Topic folder below.
Optional Task 5: Pins available on Mini Mash- Zoo animals and Colours.
PSHE- WB 18.05.20- It’s good to be me!
More information and resources can be found below in the PSHE folder below.
Optional Task 1: First remember to read the story of Elmer with your grown up! You can use the Power point link below, the ‘You Tube’ clip in the Literacy Folder or log on to Tapestry and watch Mrs Sweetman read the story to you on MEMO’S.
Then sing along to the song ‘1,2,3 It’s good to be me’ song.
Tell your grown up, Why it is good to be you!
Elmer just wants to be like everyone else. He thinks that he is right.
He wants to be grey, dull and exactly the same as all the other elephants.
However, the other Elephants love Elmer because of his differences.
• You are very similar to Elmer
• You are special!
• You are different!
Talk to your grown-up about what makes you special!
It’s good to be me!
Optional Task 2: Can you draw a self- portrait?
Look carefully at your reflection in a mirror; see if you can draw yourself?
Can you use your sounds to help you add some labels to describe yourself?
(e.g. black hair, long legs, kind, good friend)
Can you add a sentence to describe how you are feeling?
Please take some pictures and upload them to Tapestry so that we can celebrate your work with you!
Optional Task 3: SMILE assembly for this week for you to do with your child.
To access this weeks SMILE Assembly on the Earlswood website go to Children > Home Learning > Social, Emotional and Mental Health > Smile Assemblies to use at home and you will find this weeks Invisible String Assembly.
Why not access the assembly from Google Classroom?
Handwriting- ‘Elmer’ Can you label an elephant?
Set Task 1:
Expressive Arts and Design- Elephants
More information and resources can be found below in the EAD folder below.
Optional Task 1: Look very carefully at the pictures of the elephant, can you paint, college, mould or draw your own elephant? What tools might you use? Pencil, felt tips, paint, play dough?
Optional Task 2: Can you make a 3D Elmer?
You will need:
A milk bottle
Colourful squares of paper or fabric
(You can always colour your own squares or use
wrappers or squares cut from an old comic or
A black marker pen
Optional Task 3: Can you make your own elephant Mask?
Star Learning of the Week:
Look on the Reception Photo Album and see if you can spot your work!
Assemblies: Throughout the week there are a number of assemblies available including SMILE and Music with Mr Scullin. These are available on Google Classroom.
Remember we can only see your child's work and achievements on Purple Mash or in their Mini Mash trays. So, please can you record lots of your child’s learning on Tapestry, so we can see how they are getting on. Remember it does not have to just be the 'set tasks' or ‘optional tasks’ that you are recording it can be anything from cooking, riding your bike, constructing, artwork, etc.
If you have a printer why not print some of their special work out and we can put it in their folders when they return to school.
Remember we are available to support you and your child, please just email your class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 11.05.20
We hope you have had a good week. We have loved seeing your wonderful work on Purple Mash and on Tapestry. Please keep it up!
Please see ‘Google Classroom’ for messages, stories, quizzes and songs.
Please remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are ‘set tasks’ and some are ‘optional tasks’.
The Phonics Play login is:
Username: march Password-home
Tablet version is also available, use the same link and same username and password. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Phonics Tasks:
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY
These are the set tasks for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY
These are the set tasks for children in Miss Alpha’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Optional tasks:
Don’t forget to record these activities on TAPESTRY
Literacy Tasks- 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'
The story of the week is The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Literacy’ folder below.
First Step: To watch the story, log in to Tapestry and select ‘Memos’. The story will appear on this page.
Writing an Invitation
Although Sophie did not invite the tiger, she did want him to come back for tea at the end! So now it’s your turn to choose a zoo animal to come for tea!
Set Task 1: What is your favourite animal that lives in the zoo? (Have a look at the Topic task to see links to virtual zoos).
Can you write this animal an invitation to come to tea at your house?
You just need a piece of paper and pencil to write your invitation J
When you complete your invitation, please put your writing on Tapestry!
If you have access to a printer and would like to use a decorative paper, please find “Tiger Tea writing frames” in the Literacy folder below.
Party Food List
Set Task 2: What foods will you have at your tea party?
Make a list of party foods you would like to have for your guest!
When you complete your list, please put your writing on Tapestry!
There is a blank list template called “Party Food List” available in the Literacy Folder below if you would like to use it.
When the children are writing, there will be words that they cannot spell accurately and that is fine! This is a great opportunity to practice their phonics. So if they were spelling “Please” and take their time to sound it out “p…l…ee…z” then please encourage this process of independent writing! The only words that we expect to be written accurately are “tricky words”.
Optional Task:
Maybe after your write your invitation you could really throw a tea party at home!
Alternatively, you can use your phone to take a photo with an animal via Google!
This link explains how to use it and what animals are available: https://9to5google.com/2020/04/23/google-3d-animals-list/
Essentially, you just use your regular Google search engine and type in an animal, e.g. “tiger” and then an option appears called “Meet life-sized tiger up close”, press “View in 3D”, your camera should appear on “AR” mode and it will search your room to put the tiger in! If it’s a big animal it may need to span a wider space of your room, as they do appear in life size form!
Reading- Rising Stars
Your teachers are in the process of assigning book/s to your child for the week on Google Classroom. Please remember to keep count of how many reads your child has done.
Maths Tasks- Sharing
Set Task 1:
The Tiger was very greedy and he didn’t share!
Can you share fairly?
You will need:
2 Teddy bears
2 plates
Counters, buttons or stones to use as pretend cakes
Further information, resources and links can be found in the ‘Maths’ folder below.
Set Task 2:
Activity 1: Ordering activity -Purple Mash
Topic- Zoo
Have you been to the zoo?
Have you seen a tiger at the zoo before? There are lots of different animals you can find at the zoo.
Let’s pretend we’re going on a trip! We’re going to the zoo.
You can visit Edinburgh Zoo website to see tigers – and many other animals – on a “Tiger cam”. Here is a link: https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/tiger-cam/#tigercam
If you would prefer to visit Chester Zoo, they have a virtual zoo via this link: https://www.chesterzoo.org/virtual-zoo-2/
Here are some child friendly videos about Tigers:
You can also learn about different animals on the child friendly YouTube channel “All Things Animal TV” via this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_2_OiPFh6FdUvp50_maug/featured
10 Tiger Facts: https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/animals/general-animals/10-tiger-facts/
What facts have you learned about tigers?
Where do tigers come from?
What do they eat?
Have you learned any facts about other animals that live in the zoo?
When you learn all about tigers, and other animals, why don’t you create your own tour of a zoo at home?
Step 1 of creating an at home zoo: Draw or print out pictures of different animals you find at the zoo to put around the house. OR create tiger masks (and other animal masks) and ask some family members to pretend to be the animal! OR You can also use little animals if you have toys at home already?
Step 2: Ask someone to come and visit your zoo.
Step 3: You are the tour guide! Can you tell your visitors different facts about the animals at your zoo?
Step 4: Have fun! Upload pictures and videos to tapestry if you can for us to join your tour J
In the topic folder, there are the resources “zoo animal pictures”, “tiger tea masks” and (courtesy of Twinkl) as an aid to this task. Happy touring!
Please remember to ask your grown-ups to record your learning on TAPESTRY.
PSHE- Building Resilience
SMILE assembly for this week for you to do with your child.
To access this weeks SMILE Assembly on the Earlswood website go to Children > Home Learning > Social, Emotional and Mental Health > Smile Assemblies to use at home and you will find this weeks Infant Resilience Assembly.
Why not access the assembly from Google Classroom.
Handwriting- ‘A Tiger that Came to Tea’ words and sentences/Fruit Basket
Set Tasks:
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Handwriting’ folder below.
Please record your child’s work on Tapestry.
Expressive Arts and Design-Tea Party, Story Box, Cardboard Tube Tigers
Optional Tasks:
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ folder below.
Please take a photo of your finished creations and remember to upload to Tapestry.
Star Learning of the Week:
Look on the Reception Photo Album and see if you can spot your work!
Suggested Website and Non Screen Time Activities:
These have been updated, please take a look at them below.
Remember we can only see your child's work and achievements on Purple Mash or in their Mini Mash trays. So, please can you record lots of your child’s learning on Tapestry, so we can see how they are getting on. Remember it does not have to just be the 'set tasks' or ‘optional tasks’ that you are recording it can be anything from cooking, riding your bike, constructing, artwork, etc. Also a new feature called 'Memo's' has been added, please take a look.
If you have a printer why not print some of their special work out and we can put it in their folders when they return to school.
Remember we are available to support you and your child, please just email your class teacher.
Stay safe and enjoy the long weekend!
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 04.05.20
We hope you have had a good week and have enjoyed the story of ‘Bringing Down the Moon’. We have loved seeing your wonderful work on Purple Mash and on Tapestry. Please keep it up!
Please remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are ‘set tasks’ and some are ‘optional tasks’.
The Phonics Play login is:
Username: march Password-home
Tablet version is also available, use the same link and same username and password. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Phonics Tasks:
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Alpha’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Literacy Tasks- Good-night, owl!
The story of the week is Good-night, owl! By Pat Hutchins
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Literacy’ folder below.
Please use this link to access the story.
Set task 1: Using the onomatopoeia worksheet can you read the descriptions (or ask an adult to help you), and write a word to decribe the descriptions?
If you do not have a printer, don’t worry! You could just write a list of objects or descriptions you see inside your home or on your daily walk, and then next to the object or description you could write a word to describe what they sound like.
Please encourage the children to use their growing phonics to write, let them;
1- Say the word slowly.
2- Listen for the sounds that they can hear.
3- Write them down in that order.
Remember- the words need to ‘sound’ right, they DO NOT NEED TO BE SPELLED CORRECTLY! At this stage we are building the children’s confidence to use the sounds that they know! The exception is the irregular or ‘tricky’ words which the children are learning off by heart! Please use the Phase 2-5 Sounds mats to support their writing.
Please upload a picture of this task to TAPESTRY.
Set task 2: Could you use the sounds you have collected to write your own story just like ‘Goodnight, Owl!’ Available as a ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash.
Here is a possible structure for you to use for your story:
Mrs Sweetman tried to sleep.
The clock ticked,
tick tick,
And Mrs Sweetman tried to sleep.
The cars zoomed,
zoom, zoom,
and Mrs Sweetman tried to sleep.
If you want, you can also ask your child to do this task on paper, please just remember to upload an observation and picture to Tapestry.
Remember to use your great knowledge of sounds and tricky words and use the sounds mats which are in the Literacy folder.
I can’t wait to read your stories J
Reading-Reading Eggs/Owl Babies
If you are in need of some new books to read, please try this website https://readingeggs.co.uk/ Reading eggs is currently letting you have a 30 days free trial.
Listen to Mrs Borton read the story 'Owl Babies'. Please see below.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing, as we are still able to send out their certificates.
Happy Reading!
Maths Tasks- Counting backwards and Length
Further information, resources and links can be found in the ‘Maths’ folder below.
Set tasks:
Activity 1: Shorter and longer-Purple Mash
Activity 2: Sequence Snake-Work out the sequences to grow the snake.
-Purple Mash
Optional tasks:
Investigation 1: How to measure the height of a tree-Information in Maths folder
Investigation 2: Ordering sticks- Information in Maths folder
Activity 1: Size ordering Mr Twig- Height-Worksheet in Maths Folder
Activity 2: Size ordering Caterpillars-Length- Worksheet in Maths Folder
Activity 3: Estimate and Measure with Chef Pierre-http://www.thelearningodyssey.com/sample_act/math_k/grade/subject/mak_04_03_03.html
Topic- Nocturnal Animals and Bird Watching
Did you know that in the story of Goodnight, owl! Owls are Nocturnal.
Optional Task 1: Draw and write about a nocturnal animal- available as a 2do on Purple Mash. More information and resources can be found in the ‘Topic’ Folder below.
Optional Task 2: Bird watching- More information and resources can be found in the ‘Topic’ Folder below.
Please remember to ask your grown-ups to record your learning on TAPESTRY.
PSHE- Get Well Soon/Loneliness
Optional task:
Listen to Dr Ranj explaining Coronavirus to Jobi using the link below.
Optional task:
PSHE Assembly Infant School – Loneliness- This assembly is available in the ‘PSHE’ folder below.
Handwriting- ‘Good-night, owl!’ Words and sentences
‘Set task’
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Handwriting’ folder below.
Please record your child’s work on Tapestry.
Art and Craft Project- Can you make a tree or owl from malleable/junk modelling/ or any other materials?
Optional tasks
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Arts and Crafts’ folder below.
Please take a photo of your finished creations and remember to upload to Tapestry.
Star Learning of the Week:
Look on the Reception Photo Album and see if you can spot your work!
Music with Mr Scullin- Remember to check out Mr Scullin's video's and song available in the 'Music' section on the Home Learning page.
Suggested Website and Non Screen Time Activities:
These have been updated, please take a look at them below.
Remember we can only see your child's work and achievements on Purple Mash or in their Mini Mash trays. So, please can you record lots of your child’s learning on Tapestry, so we can see how they are getting on. Remember it does not have to be the 'set tasks' that you are recording it can be anything from cooking, riding your bike, constructing, artwork, etc.
If you have a printer why not print some of their special work out and we can put it in their folders when they return to school.
Remember we are available to support you and your child, please just email your class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 27.04.20
We hope you have had a good first week back and have enjoyed the story of ‘The Bog Baby’. We have loved seeing your wonderful work on Purple Mash and on Tapestry. Please keep it up!
Please remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are ‘set tasks’ and some are ‘optional tasks’.
The Phonics Play login is:
Username: march Password-home
Tablet version is also available, use the same link and same username and password. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Phonics Tasks:
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
These are the ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Alpha’s phonics group. Further information can be found below in the ‘Phonics’ folder.
Literacy Tasks- Bringing Down the Moon
The story of the week is “Bringing down the Moon” by Jonathan Emmett Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Literacy’ folder below.
Please use this link to access the story.
‘Set task’: You can only hear this story, so you will have to use your imagination and what you have learnt about the story e.g. the characters and settings. Your task is to draw a picture of your favourite part of the story using paper or Purple Mash- 2do: My favourite part of the story.
Can you label your picture with words such as Mole, moon, stick etc...
Can you explain why this part is your favourite by using this sentence starter: “I like this part because...”
Can you add a sentence to explain how Mole was feeling in your picture, was he excited, sad etc... Use the sentence starter: “Mole is feeling...”
Please encourage the children to use their Phase 2-5 Words Mats and their knowledge of sounds to attempt to write phonetically plausible words and sentences. Please also encourage them to refer to their tricky words in each phase on their Word Mats. We expect tricky words to be spelt correctly.
If you want, you can also ask your child to do this task on paper, please just remember to upload an observation and picture to Tapestry.
Reading- Reading Eggs
If you are in need of some new books to read, please try this website https://readingeggs.co.uk/
Reading eggs is currently letting you have a 30 days free trial.
Please also remember to keep track of how many reads your child is doing, as we are still able to send out their certificates.
Happy Reading!
Maths Tasks- Counting backwards, Height
Further information and other optional tasks are available in the ‘Maths’ folder below.
‘Set tasks’:
Activity 2: Watch the Space Shuttle Launch using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnoNITE-CLc
‘Optional tasks’ How tall are you?
‘Optional tasks’
Topic Task WB 27.4.20- Did you know that the story ‘Bringing Down the Moon’ happens at night!
Now is actually a great time to explore the night sky. Stars are even brighter and easier to spot due to the lack of light pollution interfering with the view of the night sky.
Here are some ideas:
Screen time can actually be your friend when it comes to viewing the night sky. For instance, SpaceWeather.com publishes up-to-date forecasts for when the sun’s auroras—colourful light shows—are flaring up in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Heavens-above.com describes when to spot the International Space Station and other bright satellites orbiting above your home. And Skymaps.com offers free printable downloads of monthly charts that show where all the brightest stars can be seen in local skies.
More information can be found-Explore National Geographic Kids’ space hub.
Remember to ask your grown-ups to record your learning on TAPESTRY.
Further information and resources based on these activities can be found in the ‘Topic’ folder below.
PSHE- What is the Coronavirus? And feeling anxious
‘Optional tasks’ for all children:
Read this story which is available in this link to download:
Questions to support the child’s understanding of Coronavirus and feelings of anxiety
What does nurse Dotty do?
What is worrying Dave the dog?
What do you think Coronavirus is?
What does it mean to feel anxious?
How do you know someone might be anxious?
Nurse Dotty see’s that Dave the Dog is anxious, what does she do?
What does Nurse Dotty tell Dave he must do to stop the spread of the virus?
What things do you enjoy to do at home?
What are you looking forward to doing?
What does feeling anxious feel and look like?
What makes you feel anxious?
What strategies can we use to help us feel less anxious? We can talk to someone, just like Dave the Dog did in our story. When we are understand something it helps us become less anxious or worried about it.
Ask your child if they have any worries or anxieties at the moment?
Show them the game below and explain that we are going to write down some of their worries and then see and feel them float away. Click on the link below to play. https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/games/balloon/
Remind the children that if they are worried about anything to talk to an adult as this will help them understand what is happening.
Handwriting- ‘Bringing Down the Moon’ words and sentences
‘Set task’
‘Optional task’
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Handwriting’ folder below.
Please record your child’s work on Tapestry.
Art and Craft Project- Can you make a moon rocket?
‘Optional tasks’
Further information and resources based on this activity can be found in the ‘Arts and Crafts’ folder below.
Please take a photo of your finished creations and remember to upload to Tapestry.
Non Screen Time Activities:
Please remember to check out our 'Non Screen Time' activities- link below.
Remember we can only see your child's work and achievements on Purple Mash or in their Mini Mash trays. So, please can you record lots of your child’s learning on Tapestry, so we can see how they are getting on. Remember it does not have to be the 'set tasks' that you are recording it can be anything from cooking, riding your bike, constructing, artwork, etc.
If you have a printer why not print some of their special work out and we can put it in their folders when they return to school.
Remember we are available to support you and your child, please just email your class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home Learning Reception Week Commencing: 20.04.20
We hope you have had a relaxing Easter Break. Please find below the home learning for the week commencing 20.4.20.
Please remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning wherever possible.
Please be aware that on Purple Mash all work is recorded and marked by the teachers. Some tasks like the Phonics 2Do's do not have an option to 'save and exit' however they are still being recorded and your child's participation and score can be seen by the teachers. On some activities you have the option to 'save and exit' and in Mini Mash, work can be saved in their trays labelled 'My tray'. I hope this helps.
This week we have added lots of activities from two websites; ‘Phonics Play’ and ‘Classroom secrets’ which are two great resources for supporting your child’s phonics development. Even though the tasks aren’t recorded on the site, please have a go and take photos or just observe and record your child’s learning on Tapestry. A parent’s guide on how to use ‘Classroom secrets’ is available in the Phonics section below.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are ‘set tasks’ and some are ‘optional task’.
Phonics Tasks:
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics groups. Further information about these tasks and how to access them are available below in the ‘Phonics’ section titled Mrs Borton’s Phonics activities for WC 20.04.20.
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups. Further information about these tasks and how to access them are available below in the ‘Phonics’ section titled Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s Phonics activities for WC 20.04.20.
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups. Further information about these tasks and how to access them are available below in the ‘Phonics’ section titled Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards Phonics activities for WC 20.04.20.
Don’t forget you can also take a picture and upload onto Tapestry so we can see your child’s writing.
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Alpha’s phonics group: Further information about these tasks and how to access them are available below in the ‘Phonics’ section titled Miss Alpha’s Phonics activities for WC 20.04.20.
Don’t forget you can also take a picture and load onto Tapestry so we can see their writing.
Literacy Tasks- The Bog Baby
The story of the week is “Bog Baby” by Jeanne Willis & Gwen Millward
Please use this link to access the story.
‘Set task’ for all children:
Once you have listened to the story, all children will draw a picture of the Bog Baby. Why not add some words to describe him, could you add a sentence to explain how the Bog Baby was feeling?
The ‘2Do’ is available on Purple Mash called ‘Frog’. The children can draw their bog baby on the lily pad, label it and add a sentence to describe the Bog Baby.
When they are writing, please encourage them to use their knowledge of sounds (e.g. if they want to write ‘baby’ as ‘babee’ by using their phonics) and tricky words - these can be found in the Literacy section below. More information about this task can be found in the Literacy section below.
If you want, you can also ask your child to draw and write about the Bog Baby on paper. Just remember to upload a picture to Tapestry.
Maths Tasks- Counting/Estimation and Weight
‘Set tasks’ for all children:
Please see the folder below titled ‘Maths wb 20.4.20’ for more ‘optional tasks’.
As these activities are not on Purple Mash, please can you take photo’s and upload children’s learning to Tapestry.
Topics- Spring
‘Optional tasks’ for all children:
Can you go on a spring walk and look for spring wild flowers. Please see folder ‘Spring’ below for the spotting sheet and further information.
PSHE- Healthy Eating
Just eating cake crumbs made the Bog Baby sick!
‘Set task’ for all children:
Once you have listened to the story.
The ‘2Do’ is available on Purple Mash called ‘Plan a meal’. Children can draw a healthy plate of food. At the bottom of the page, can the children label what foods are on their plate and why they have chosen them?
If you don’t want to use ‘Purple Mash’ just simply use a plate and take a picture of a healthy plate of food you would give Bog Baby. Can you write some labels and lay them on your food? Can you write/explain why have you chosen these foods?
You could even just do it on paper. It’s your choice.
When they are writing, please encourage them to use their knowledge of sounds and tricky words- these can be found in the Literacy section below. More information about this task can be found in the PSHE section below.
If you are taking photo’s and adding your own labels or using paper, please remember to upload your pictures, videos and observations to Tapestry.
Handwriting- Bog Baby words and sentences
‘Set tasks’ for all children:
If you don’t have a printer, please see the document ‘handwriting without worksheets’ for ideas and activities.
Please record your child’s work on Tapestry.
Art and Craft Project- Drawing Bluebell’s/Design and Bog Baby’s Home
‘Optional tasks’ for all children:
Further information and resources based on these activities can be found in the ‘Arts and Crafts’ Project folder below.
Please take a photo of your finished picture and remember to upload your pictures, videos and observations to Tapestry.
Non Screen Time Activities:
Please remember to check out our 'Non Screen Time' activities- link below.
Remember we can only see your child's work and achievements on Purple Mash or in their Mini Mash trays. So, please can you record lots of your child’s learning on Tapestry, so we can see how they are getting on. Remember it does not have to be the 'set tasks' that you are recording it can be anything from cooking, riding your bike, constructing, artwork, etc.
If you have a printer why not print some of their special work out and we can put it in their folders when they return to school.
Please remember we are available to support you and your child, please just email your class teacher.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Easter Holidays
(6th April – 19th April)
Easter is here! Thank you again for all of your hard work and continued support with your child’s online learning. It has been a delight to see all of the children’s enthusiasm through Purple Mash, Tapestry and your kind emails.
During the break, we will not be setting any fixed tasks but instead offer some ideas and activities for you to do at home if you choose to.
We have provided below:
These won’t be marked as per usual term time so there is no requirement to complete them unless you want to.
We would like to wish you all a safe, enjoyable and relaxing Easter holiday. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!
All our best,
Reception Team
Home learning Reception Week Commencing: 30.03.20
Thank you for all your hard word this week. It's been a joy to see the breadth of learning that has occurred over the week, please keep it up!
Please remember to use 'Tapestry' to document your child’s learning.
Please be aware that all the work including the Phonics 2Do's on Purple Mash are recorded and seen and marked by the teachers. Some tasks like the Phonics 2Do's do not have an option to 'save and exit' however they are still being recorded and your child's participation and score can be seen by the teachers. On some activities you have the option to 'save and exit' and in Mini Mash, work can be saved in their trays labelled 'My tray'. I hope this helps.
Please be aware that some of the tasks below are ‘set tasks’ and some are optional.
Phonics Tasks:
Purple Mash: www.purplemash.com
Please see Parent Guide Purple Mash and Mini Mash below for more information
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Borton’s phonics groups.
Classroom Secrets Activities: https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/
Please see Parent Guide Classroomsecrets below for more information
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Nixon’s and Mrs Boittiaux’s phonics groups.
Classroom Secrets Activities: https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/
Please see Parent Guide Classroomsecrets below for more information
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards phonics groups.
Classroom Secrets Activities: https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/
Please see Parent Guide Classroomsecrets below for more information
These are ‘set tasks’ for children in Miss Alpha’s phonics group:
Classroom Secrets Activities: https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/
Please see Parent Guide Classroomsecrets below for more information
Phonics Play- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/#
Login: March20 Password:Home
Literacy Tasks- My Garden
The story of the week is “My Garden” by Kevin Henkes.
The website ‘vooks’ has lovely storybook experiences, with wonderful animations, and is offering parents a free 1 month account! If you would like to set it up, the link for the story is below.
Alternatively, the story can also be found on YouTube below:
‘Set task’ for all children:
Once you have listened to the story, children will create their own garden!
There will be ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash to complete for the week called ‘2Create a Story’.
Your child can draw their garden and then write about it in the box below the drawing. Can they write the words of what they planted? (E.g. jelly bean).
If they do this, can they challenge themselves and write a short sentence? (E.g. I planted a jellybean).
When they are writing, please encourage them to use their knowledge of sounds.
This is their opportunity to show off how much they know!
(Use the Phonics Phase 2 and 3 mats to help them.)
Whilst they are creating their garden, can they also talk about what they have chosen to put in it and why?
In the story, the little girl adores helping her mother in their back garden. She then imagines a world where anything could be possible (flowers of any pattern etc.)
This Literacy task is an opportunity to encourage their creativity!
For example, they could plant a small chocolate rabbit that will grow into a giant chocolate rabbit (that you could all later enjoy)!
Ideas to continue their learning in your home (optional tasks):
- They can be gardeners or helpers (if you are lucky enough to have one) or even look after a plant in your home by watering it daily etc.
- They can use writing materials at home to draw and label their own garden.
- There is a ‘garden plan’ activity attached in the Literacy section below.
- You could set up a pretend Garden centre ‘café’, where you could make healthy (and not so healthy) food for ‘customers’!
- There is a ‘create your own seed packet’ activity attached below. You can even adapt this and make your own packet, for example, of “football seeds” for your imaginary garden.
If you can upload them to tapestry, we would love to see all of these activities you may do this week at home! Happy learning!
Maths Tasks- 2D/3D Shapes and Numbers 0-20
Purple Mash: www.purplemash.com
Please see Parent Guide Purple Mash and Mini Mash below for more information
‘Set tasks’ for all children:
There are three maths activities on Purple Mash, please choose the one most suitable for your child’s level of understanding.
Curious George Bug Catcher- Less and more https://pbskids.org/curiousgeorge/busyday/bugs/
Chopper Squad- More or Less https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/chopper-squad
Ideas to continue their learning (Optional tasks):
Topics- Easter, Gardens and Shapes
Can you make a 3D robot rabbit? - Details available below in the ‘Topic’ section.
You can use Lego, wooden bricks, construction toys, recycled materials or anything else you can think of!
Ideas to continue their learning (Optional tasks):
PSHE- Exercise and Emotions
PSHE - Optional task
1) Exercise
One option for ensuring your children are still getting some exercise within the house is to use some fitness videos. Joes Wicks has some designed for children on his YouTube channel on the link below:
Afterward, if you would like, you can discuss the importance of exercise together.
(E.g. making your heart and muscles strong, helping you get better at stretching and feeling happy.)
Alternatively, you can use BBC Super movers for some short exercise videos too:
2) Emotions
During this uncertain time, if your child is having any general feelings of worry about, this video is very child friendly explains the feeling.
It also gives a nice idea of how to feel better about our worries (“turning our ‘what if?’ questions into wonderful ‘what ifs?’”).
Follow the below link to watch the class clip entitled “PSHE EYFS / KS1: Feeling Better – Worried”
Handwriting/Cutting- Number lines 0-20 and cutting out 2D shapes
‘Set tasks’ for all children:
Suggested Websites/Daily Activities/Non Screen Time Activities:
Please remember to check out our 'Suggested websites', 'Daily Activities' and 'Non Screen Time' activities- link below.
Play dough:
Why not have a go at making your own play dough?
Remember we can only see your child's work and achievements on Purple Mash or in their Mini Mash trays. So, please can you record lots of your child’s learning on Tapestry, so we can see how they are getting on. Remember it does not have to be the 'set tasks' that you are recording it can be anything from cooking, riding your bike, constructing, artwork, etc.
If you have a printer why not print some of their special work out and we can put it in their folders when they return to school.
Stay safe and take care.
The Reception Team
Home learning Reception Week Commencing: 23.03.20
Please be aware that some of these tasks are ‘set tasks’ and some are optional.
Work set on Purple Mash and Mini Mash and additional resources below in the 'Literacy' section.
Children have been set tasks in accordance to their phonics groups.
Phase 2 tasks (Mrs Borton, Miss Nixon and Mrs Boittiaux groups:
Phase 3 tasks (Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards groups:
Phase 4 tasks (Miss Alpha group):
Work is available in the 'Literacy' section below
Learning Objectives: To use their sounds to write CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) CCVC and CCVC.
To use their sounds to attempt longer unknown words using their knowledge of sounds
To use their knowledge of sounds and tricky words to attempt to write labels, captions and simple sentences.
Set task for all children:
Maths: 2D/3D Shapes and Numbers 0-20
Work set on Purple Mash and Mini Mash and additional activities below in 'Maths' section.
Learning Objective: To use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes.
Learning Objective: To recognise numbers 0-10/0-20 and where they appear on a number line.
Set tasks for all children:
Optional tasks
Topic: Baby Animals and Shapes
Work is available on Mini Mash and on the 'Topic' section below
Learning Objective: To explore similarities and differences
Optional tasks:
Handwriting and Cutting:
Work is available in the 'Handwriting' and 'Cutting' section below
Learning Objective: To practise the formation of the teen numbers.
To continue to practise using one handed tools such as scissors
Set tasks for all children:
Suggested Websites:
Please remember to check out the suggested websites, why not make some play-dough? The recipe is in your Parent Pack.
Remember to record lots of the children’s learning on Tapestry so we can see how they are getting on. If you print any work out, why not keep it safe in a folder and return it to school when the children return, this work can then be put in the children’s folders.
Have a safe and healthy week.
The Reception Team
Stars of the Week
The following children received certificates for being star learners this week. A very big congratulations to …
Finch |
Owl |
Robin |
Wren |
Jackson Erin Lara Ameen Layton |
Zach Sonny Charlie Danny Swara |
Jack Charlie Chase Safa |
Eliza M Lexi Lou Mia Miguel Jannat |
13th March 2020
This week the children have enjoyed learning how a chick hatches from its egg. We have made our own chick diaries and thought about what the chicks might say as emerge from the egg. In maths, we have been learning about halving and solving problems involving halving.
Thank you to Jimmy Skitt the sports coach, who came and taught the children some basic cricket skills.
Week Commencing 16th March 2020
Next week as well as looking at the chicks, we will be having some babies of different ages coming in for the children to notice similarities and differences.
The children will be continuing to write their chick diaries and learn how to care for chicks and hens.
We will be introducing the concept of sharing.
We will be practising our number formation (focussing on 11-15)
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be continuing our phase 4 phonics learning focussing on consonant clusters and the phase 4 tricky words.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards Group
We will be consolidating all our Phase 3 sounds, blending and segmenting and reinforcing the digraphs- ow, oi , oa.
Mrs Borton’s and Miss Julian’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds and tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go. We will also be learning the single phase 3 sounds (j, v, w). We will be practising our blending skills.
Mrs Boittiaux’s Group
We are continuing to develop our blending skills of the new phase 3 sounds we have learnt (qu, sh, ch, ng, ai, ee, igh). We will also be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we be me you are was they all.
Miss Nixon’s Group
We are segmenting 3 letter words using phase 2 sounds and digraphs. We will be revisiting phase 3 sounds we have learnt so far (qu, sh, ch, ng, ai ee igh) and the phase 3 tricky words he, she, we, me, be, you they all.
Art Week (W/C Monday 23rd March 2020)
We are looking at the sculptures of Louise Nevelson. Please can we ask for a donation of different sized cardboard boxes for children to use to make their own sculptures. Also could we have any old unwanted random objects, such as small plastic toys, cutlery, etc. Thank you.
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any CLEAN recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you!
06th March 2020
This week the children have enjoyed the story of The Papaya That Spoke – the children have drawn their favourite characters and have learnt the story off by heart. In maths, we have been learning about doubling. The children have enjoyed making their own doubles pictures from the Numicon.
World Book Day
Thank you for your wonderful costumes! The children enjoyed their day, especially meeting the author Eleanor Hawkins.
Week Commencing 9th March 2020
Chicks arriving Monday 9th March 2020
The children will be learning about the life-cycle of a chick and creating chick diaries from our observations of the chicks.
We will be introducing the concept of halving.
We will be practising our number formation (focussing on 5-10).
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be continuing our phase 4 phonics learning focussing on consonant clusters and the phase 4 tricky words.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Edwards Group
We will be consolidating all our Phase 3 sounds, blending and segmenting and reinforcing the digraphs- or ar ur.
Mrs Borton’s and Miss Julian’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds and tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go. We will also be learning the single phase 3 sounds (j and v). We will be practising our blending skills.
Mrs Boittiaux’s Group
We are continuing to develop our blending skills of the new phase 3 sounds we have learnt (qu, sh, ch, ng, ai). We will also be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we be me you are was.
Miss Nixon’s Group
We are segmenting 3 letter words using phase 2 sounds and digraphs. We will be revisiting phase 3 sounds we have learnt so far (qu, sh, ch, ng, ai) and the phase 3 tricky words he, she, we, me, be, you.
British Wildlife Centre
Please complete and return the permission slip by Monday 9th March 2020.
Sports Relief (Friday 13th March 2020)
Please feel free to donate £1 towards this good cause.
Easter Fair Donation Day (Friday 13th March 2020)
Please send you child into school with a donation of a Chocolate Easter Egg.
Art Week (W/C Monday 23rd March 2020)
We are looking at the sculptures of Louise Nevelson. Please can we ask for a donation of different sized cardboard boxes for children to use to make their own sculptures.
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any CLEAN recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you!
28th February 2020
Reception attended their first ‘Stars of the Week’ assembly this afternoon with the rest of the school. They made us very proud! The following children received certificates for being star learners this week. A very big congratulations to …
Finch |
Owl |
Robin |
Wren |
Aanya Bella Drew Georgia Joshua |
Alfred Carys Elodie Jia Savannah |
Ella Jacques Levi Summer Timi |
Chester Francesca Mikayla Natalie Sebastian |
27th February 2020
The children have come back full of energy after their half term break! We hope you all had a restful week. This week, we have enjoyed the story of Sam’s Sandwich – the children have created their own sandwiches full of interesting ingredients! In maths we have thought about symmetry in pictures and shapes – where both sides are the same and we can draw at least one line of symmetry.
Week Commencing 2nd March 2020
The children will be enjoying the story The Papaya That Spoke.
We will be introducing the concept of doubling.
We will be practising our number formation (focussing on 0-5).
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be continuing our phase 4 phonics learning (which focusses on words with consonant clusters, e.g. sl, dr, cr).
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 3 sounds. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Mrs Borton’s and Miss Julian’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We will also be learning the single phase 3 sounds (j, x, v, w, y, z). We be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Mrs Boittiaux’s Group
We are continuing to develop our blending skills of the new phase 3 sounds we have learnt (qu, sh, ch, th, ng). We will also be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Miss Nixon’s Group
We are consolidating the phase 3 sounds we have learnt so far. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are my.
World Book Day (4th March 2020)
The children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character.
Bike-it Breakfast (6th March 2020)
Cycle to school and join us 8 – 8.30 at the Junior School.
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you!
13th February 2020
We hope you have a restful half term break!
We will see on back at school on Tuesday 25th February (after an INSET day on Monday 24th February).
Week Commencing 25th February 2020
The children will be enjoying the story Sam’s Sandwich.
The children will think about symmetry.
We will be practising our zig-zag monster letters (v,w,x,z).
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be continuing our phase 4 phonics learning (which focusses on words with consonant clusters, e.g. sl, dr, cr).
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 3 sounds. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Mrs Borton’s and Miss Julian’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We are learning to recognise initial sounds in cvc words (consonant – vowel – consonant words, e.g. lad, tag, hat). We will also be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Mrs Boittiaux’s Group
We are continuing to develop our blending skills of the new phase 3 sounds we have learnt. We will also be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Miss Nixon’s Group
We are consolidating the phase 3 sounds we have learnt so far. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are my.
World Book Day (4th March 2020)
The children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character.
Bike-it Breakfast (6th March 2020)
Cycle to school and join us 8 – 8.30 at the Junior School.
Junk modelling
Please can you bring in any recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … We have totally run out! Thank you!
6th February 2020
The children have enjoyed innovating the stories of The Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man, adding their own characters and settings.
It’s Number Day tomorrow (Friday 7th February). Pupils are invited to wear any clothing with numbers on (this could be onesie, football shirt, cap). There is a suggested £1 donation for NSPCC. During the day the children will be taking part in various number activities and games.
We break up for half term next week. We hope you have a restful break!
Please note Friday 14th February is an INSET day.
Week Commencing 10th February 2020
The children will enjoy more baking next week – either making cheese straws or gingerbread men.
The children will be continuing to think about addition (finding the total number of objects in two groups by adding on).
We are going to be practising our (pre cursive) one-armed robot letters (r,b,n,h,m,k,p) and then writing these in three letter words.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be continuing our phase 4 phonics learning (which focusses on words with consonant clusters, e.g. sl, dr, cr).
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 3 sounds. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Mrs Borton’s and Miss Julian’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We are learning to recognise initial sounds in cvc words (consonant – vowel – consonant words, e.g. lad, tag, hat). We will also be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Mrs Boittiaux’s Group
We are continuing to develop our blending skills of the new phase 3 sounds we have learnt. We will also be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Miss Nixon’s Group
We are consolidating our phase 3 digraphs sh ch. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are my.
Sharon Girling (Monday 10th February) 9am in the Infant School Hall
Parents are invited to come in to school for information on Internet Safety.
Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11th February)
The children will be participating in an online safety assembly and learning.
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you!
30th January 2020
The children have enjoyed thinking about either the story of The Gingerbread Man (Wren/Robin) or The Three Little Pigs (Finch/Owl).
Finch and Owl have had lovely trips to Redhill Library! Thank you to all the parent volunteers who made this trip possible.
Week Commencing 3rd February 2020
The children will be continuing to think about the story of The Gingerbread Man (Wren/Robin) or The Three Little Pigs (Finch/Owl) – changing the characters and settings with their own ideas.
The children will be thinking about addition!
We are going to be practising our (pre cursive) one-armed robot letters (r,b,n,h,m,k,p) and then writing these in three letter words.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be beginning their phase 4 phonics learning (which focusses on words with consonant clusters, e.g. sl, dr, cr).
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be thinking about our phase 3 trigraphs ear, air, ure. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Mrs Borton’s and Miss Julian’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We are learning to recognise initial sounds in cvc words (consonant – vowel – consonant words, e.g. lad, tag, hat). We will also be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Mrs Boittiaux’s Group
We are consolidating phase 3 sounds y z zz qu. We are developing our blending skills. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Miss Nixon’s Group
We are consolidating phase 3 digraphs sh ch. We are developing our segmenting skills. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Number Day (Friday 7th February)
Pupils are invited to wear any clothing with numbers on (this could be onesie, football shirt, cap). There is a suggested £1 donation for NSPCC. During the day the children will be taking part in various number activities and games.
Sharon Girling (Monday 10th February) 9am in the Infant School Hall
Parents are invited to come in to school for information on Internet Safety.
Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11th February)
The children will be participating in an online safety assembly and learning.
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you!
23rd January 2020
The children have really enjoyed baking based on the stories they have been learning about. We have followed recipes to make either cheese straws or gingerbread men!
Finch and Owl are looking forward to their trip next week! Please make sure your child comes to school with a coat and sensible footwear. Finch class will be walking to the library on the morning of Tuesday 28th January and Owl class on Thursday 30th January.
Week Commencing 27th January 2020
The children will be learning the story of The Gingerbread Man (Wren/Robin) or The Three Little Pigs (Finch/Owl).
The children will be consolidating their understanding of teen numbers (15-20).
We are continuing to practise the (pre cursive) ladder letters (l, i, t, u, j, y) and then writing these in three letter words (consonant – vowel – consonant words, e.g. lad, tag, hat).
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs - spotting these within words.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be thinking about our phase 3 digraphs ur ow oi er. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Mrs Borton’s and Miss Julian’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We are learning to recognise initial sounds in cvc words (consonant – vowel – consonant words, e.g. lad, tag, hat). We will also be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Mrs Boittiaux’s Group
We are thinking about the phase 3 sounds y z zz qu. We are developing our blending skills. We are learning the new tricky words we me.
Miss Nixon’s Group
We are thinking about the phase 3 digraphs sh ch. We are developing our segmenting skills. We will be continuing to embed our knowledge of phase 3 tricky words he she we me be was you they all are.
Has your child brought home a certificate and an item of clothing for their RED TED reading bear? Please can you look in your cupboards as we need more wool (3 and 4 ply) for our champion Knitter as she is running out. If any of you can knit and would like to join in with knitting some clothes for the bears please can you contact Mrs Emery (Mole Class). Many Thanks!
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you!
16th January 2020
The children have enjoyed looking at the stories of The Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man again this week – adding their own characters (like aliens, big bad spiders, kittens, and apple men!) What wonderful imaginations we have in Reception!
Wren and Robin classes have had a great time visiting the library – thank you to all the parents and grandparents that supported us walking here. Finch and Owl are looking forward to their trip!
Week Commencing 20th January 2020
The children will enjoy doing some baking based on the stories they have been thinking about. We will follow recipes to make either cheese straws or gingerbread men!
The children will be consolidating their understanding of teen numbers.
We are going to be continuing to practise our (pre cursive) curly caterpillar letters and then writing these in three letter words (consonant – vowel – consonant, e.g. cat, bag, hat).
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs - spotting these within words.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be thinking about our phase 3 digraphs oo ar or and spotting these in two syllable words.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We will also be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Redhill Library Trip – Finch and Owl classes
We are looking forward to visiting Redhill Library. Please make sure your child comes to school with a coat and sensible footwear. Finch class will be walking to the library on the morning of Tuesday 28th January and Owl class on Thursday 30th January.
Has your child brought home a certificate and an item of clothing for their RED TED reading bear? Please can you look in your cupboards as we need more wool (3 and 4 ply) for our champion Knitter as she is running out. If any of you can knit and would like to join in with knitting some clothes for the bears please can you contact Mrs Emery (Mole Class). Many Thanks!
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you
Happy New Year! Welcome back to school for the Spring Term.
9th January 2020
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely restful break! The children have come back full of energy and excitement and have enjoyed looking at the stories of The Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man.
Week Commencing 13th January 2020
Wren and Robin classes will be continuing to enjoy the story of the Three Little Pigs. Finch and Owl classes will be enjoying the story of The Gingerbread Man.
The children will be continuing to think about less (in terms of capacity).
We are going to be continuing to practise our (pre cursive) curly caterpillar letters – c a d g q e s f o.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs and all our phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be thinking about our phase 3 digraphs ng ai ee.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We will also be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Redhill Library Trip
We are looking forward to visiting Redhill Library. Please make sure your child comes to school with a coat and sensible footwear. Wren class will be the first to enjoy this trip – walking to the library on the morning of Tuesday 14th January. Robin class will visit on Thursday 16th January. Finch class on Tuesday 28th January and finally Owl class on Thursday 30th January.
* Wren class parents – if you are able to volunteer to help us walk to the library (9.15-11am) please do let us know.
Has your child brought home a certificate and an item of clothing for their RED TED reading bear?
Please can you look in your cupboards as we need more wool (3 and 4 ply) for our champion Knitter as she is running out.
If any of you can knit and would like to join in with knitting some clothes for the bears please can you contact Mrs Emery (Mole Class). Many Thanks!
Junk modelling
Please can you continue to bring in any recycling for junk modelling – boxes, tubes, egg boxes, pots … Thank you!
Week Commencing 6th January 2020
Wren and Robin classes will be enjoying the story of the Three Little Pigs. Finch and Owl classes will be enjoying the story of The Gingerbread Man.
The children will be thinking about finding one less than various amounts (to 20).
We are going to be practising our (pre cursive) curly caterpillar letters – c a d g q e s f o.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs and all our phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be thinking about our phase 3 digraphs sh ch th.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds. We will also be continuing to read the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
12th December 2019
Another week of festive fun in Reception! We have thoroughly enjoyed retelling the Jesus’ Christmas Party being the inn keeper from the nativity story – “Round the back!”
Christmas Lunch
The children will be enjoying their Christmas lunch on Tuesday 17th December.
School Carol Concert
Please come along and join us on Tuesday 17th December at St John's Church (18:30 - 19:30pm).
Christmas Sing-Along
Our Christmas Sing-Along is on Wednesday 18th December. Wren and Robin will perform at 9.15-9.45am, Owl and Finch at 10.-10.30am. We look forward to seeing you there!
We break up for the Christmas break on Thursday 19th December (normal time). Friday 20th December is an INSET day. Have a wonderful Christmas Break!
Week Commencing 16th December 2019
We will be planning for a Christmas Ball!
The children will be continuing to learn about more 3D shapes – thinking now about cone, pyramids and triangular prisms.
We are going to be continuing practising our (pre cursive) zig zag monster letters – v w x z.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 3 trigraphs ear air ure and all our phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be consolidating our knowledge of all our phase 2 and phase 3 sounds j v w x y z zz qu.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be continuing to consolidate all our phase 2 sounds, using these to focus on initial sounds in words. We will also be reading the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
5th December 2019
Wow! What an exciting week in Reception – we’re beginning to feel very festive! We all really enjoyed our Christmas Making Day. Thank you to all of you that were able to come and join us for the morning. We also had a lovely time watching the Year 2 Nativity Dress Rehearsal today.
Tomorrow is our final collection day for the Christmas Fair. We’d appreciate it if you could bring in a donation of a bottle for the bottle tombola. Please note this is not an own clothes day.
We hope to see lots of you at the Christmas Fair on Saturday (12-2).
Week Commencing 9th December 2019
We will be enjoying the story Jesus’ Christmas Party.
The children will be continuing to learn about 3D shapes – focussing on cylinders and spheres.
We are going to be practising our (pre cursive) zig zag monster letters – v w x z.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 3 sounds ur er ow oi and tricky words all are.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be thinking about phase 3 sounds y z qu and tricky words he she.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be continuing to consolidate all our phase 2 sounds, using these to focus on initial sounds in words. We will also be reading the tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Christmas Sing-Along
Our Christmas Sing-Along is on Wednesday 18th December. Wren and Robin will perform at 9.15-9.45, Owl and Finch at 10.-10.30.
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling. Many thanks!
28th November 2019
What an exciting week Science Week has been! We have enjoyed several investigations – making hypothesises and forming conclusions. We’ve been lucky enough to have a couple of visitors come and speak to us. Thank you to Ellie’s Mum, Catherine Jordan, who spoke to us about working with computers! Thank you also to Imogen’s Mum, Dr Evans, who shared about her work as a Doctor.
Week Commencing 2nd December 2019
We will be thinking about The Christmas Story. We will also be writing letters to Santa!
The children will be learning about 3D shapes – focussing on cubes and cuboids.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 3 sounds oo oo ar or and tricky words you they.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be starting to introduce phase 3 sounds x z zz qu and new tricky words we me.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be continuing to consolidate all our phase 2 sounds and tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Christmas Making Day
On Wednesday 4th December (9.30-11am) you are invited to enjoy lots of Christmas making activities with your child. Please come in through the front office where you will sign in and be able to join your child in their class.
Christmas Fair Donation Day
Next Friday (6th December) we’d appreciate a donations of bottles for the bottle tombola. Please note this is not an own clothes day.
Parent Presents
Just a reminder parent presents begins next week. Please do bring £1.50 if you want yur child to take part in this.
Christmas Fair
Next Saturday (7th December) 12-2 is the School Christmas Fair!!
Christmas Sing-Along
Our Christmas Sing-Along is on Wednesday 18th December. Wren and Robin will perform at 9.15-9.45am, Owl and Finch at 10.-10.30am.
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling. We really need kitchen rolls and wrapping paper tubes for our Christmas Making Day.
21st November 2019
We’ve thoroughly enjoyed the story of The Magic Porridge Pot this week! We have used this to help develop our thinking of capacity.
It’s Bike It Breakfast tomorrow at the Infants (8.00-8.30). We will also be thinking about Road Safety Day.
Week Commencing 25th November 2019
Next week is Science week! The children will be undertaking several investigations where they will be making hypothesises and forming conclusions. This learning will become our reading and maths focus for the week.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 3 sounds ai ee igh oa and tricky words be, was.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be starting to introduce phase 3 sounds j, v, w, y and new tricky words he, she.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be consolidating all our phase 2 sounds and tricky words the, I, no, to, into, go.
Christmas Fair Donation Day
Next Friday (29th November) is an own clothes day, in exchange for an item for the Christmas Fair tombola (e.g. box of crackers, napkins, candles, baubles).
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling. We really need kitchen rolls and wrapping paper tubes for our Christmas Making Day.
14th November 2019
It was lovely to meet you all at our Parent Consultation Evenings. Thank you for your time – we enjoyed discussing with you about all the learning we’ve been up to!
We have been recounting our Woodland Walk this week! - enjoying describing the animals we saw and where were they hiding? We have been working on our estimating skills and comparing sets of objects (stating which has more or fewer).
Week Commencing 18th November 2019
We will be enjoying the story of the Magic Porridge Pot!
We are using our porridge story to think about capacity – how much space an object holds.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 3 sounds ch sh th and tricky words we, me.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be starting to introduce phase 3 sounds j, v, w, y and new tricky words he, she.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 2 sounds ff ss ll and consolidating tricky words the, I, no.
Kitchen Rolls
Please could you bring in kitchen rolls for our upcoming Christmas Making Day.
Road Safety Day
The children will be thinking about Road Safety next Friday 22nd November where we will be doing road safety activities and enjoying a special assembly. If you would like to come in and talk to the children on this day about road safety please speak to your child’s class teacher.
7th November 2019
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed a restful half term.
What an exciting week we’ve had! It was wonderful to see lots of you at the evening Woodland Walk yesterday. So many of you spotted lots of different animals – well done! Thank you to all the parents who helped us enjoy the Woodland Walk during the school day this morning.
We have been thinking about firework poetry this week. We have thought about all the sounds fireworks might make and used these to make our own poem. In our maths learning we have thought about using the words more, fewer, altogether and total.
There’s lots happening at school tomorrow:
Week Commencing 11th November 2019
We will be recounting our Woodland Walk! Which animals did you spot? Where were they hiding?
We will be working on our estimating skills and comparing sets of objects (stating which has more or fewer).
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 3 sounds x z zz and tricky words he, she.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be working on segmenting and blending using our phase 2 sounds and tricky words the, to, no, I, go, into.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 2 sounds ff ll ss and tricky words go, to, into.
Parent Consultation Evenings
Tuesday 12th November (3.50-6.30) and Thursday 14th November (3.50-6.30).
We look forward to meeting you next week to discuss your child’s progress. Please do make sure you have signed up for a slot online. This will be an opportunity for you and your child to come and meet their class teacher and discuss their child’s progress.
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling – for example, boxes, bottles, egg cartons etc.
The children are still enjoying imaginatively using these during independent learning. Many thanks!
23rd October 2019
We have been thinking about our journeys to and from school this week. The children have had a go at drawing their own story maps to help them recount this journey. In maths we have continued thinking about 2D shapes (shapes which we “can’t pick up!”) – working on a variety of shapes including oval, pentagon, hexagon and octagon.
We hope you all have a wonderful half term break and look forward to seeing you after a restful week!
Week Commencing 4th November 2019
We will be enjoying the poem Bonfire Night. We will use actions and words to make it our own poem!
We will become more confident using the language of ‘fewer’ and ‘more’ when comparing two sets of objects.
Miss Alfa’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 3 sounds j v w y and tricky words he, she.
Mrs Sweetman, Mrs Stretton and Mrs Tassell’s Group
We will be working on segmenting and blending using our phase 2 sounds and tricky words the, to, no, I, go, into.
Mrs Borton’s Group
We will be concentrating on phase 2 sounds h b f l and tricky words the, I, no.
Woodland Moonlit Adventure
On Wednesday 6th November you and your child are invited to take part in a moonlit adventure! We will be opening a trail in our woodlands (at the Junior site - access to the woodland will be via the bottom gate in Brambletye Park Road) between 5:30pm and 6:30pm.
Each person will need to bring a torch, dress for the weather (school uniform is not required) and wear non-slip boots; it is likely to be muddy and there are tree roots and slopes to negotiate. Please note that the woodland is not suitable for buggies!
It will be dark in the woods - you will be responsible for your child and must ensure that he or she keeps to the trail and remains under your close supervision at all times. There will be a “walking only” expectation enforced to ensure everyone’s safety.
On Thursday 7th November children will be taken back down to the woodlands during the school day to experience the woodlands during the day. At the woodlands children will be encouraged to spot day-time animals and collect ingredients for their magic potions. On this day children will need to bring their coat and a pair of wellie boots.
Flu Immunisations
Deadlines for e-consent forms are Friday 1st November. Please make sure you have read all the information provided by Children and Family Health Surrey. The children will receive their flu immunisations during the school day on the morning of Monday 4th November.
Remembrance Day
Children will be able to buy poppies at school after half term should they wish to.
Parent Presents Donation day
The children are invited to wear their own clothes on Friday 8th November.
Parent Consultation Evening
Please sign up for a slot on our upcoming parent consultation evenings on Tuesday 12th November (3.50-6.30) and Thursday 14th November (3.50-6.30). This will be an opportunity for you and your child to come and meet their class teacher and discuss their child’s progress.
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling – for example, boxes, bottles, egg cartons etc. Please could you also bring in any bubble wrap too!
The children are really enjoying imaginatively using these during independent learning. Many thanks!
17th October 2019
We have continued to enjoy the story Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle this week – using actions and story maps to help us retell it confidently. We have also had a go at drawing story maps for our own stories! What brilliant imaginations the children in Reception have! In maths we have been thinking about 2D shapes (shapes which we “can’t pick up!”).
Week Commencing 21st October 2019
We will be describing our journeys to school. We will have a go at drawing story maps to show how we get to school. Do you come in a car? Do you walk? What do you go past on your way?
We will be continuing to think about 2D shapes (shapes which we “can’t pick up!”) and their properties, for instance how many sides and corners they have. Do you know how many sides a pentagon has? What about an octagon? How many sides does a circle have? Is it straight or curved?
Next week we will be focussing on digraphs (two letters which represent one sound) ck ff ll ss. We will the reading tricky words (which can’t be sounded out and so we spell them out using letter names), I, the, go, no, to and into.
Next week we break up for half term on Thursday 24th October. Friday 25th October is an INSET day.
Visit the Classroom
Parents and carers, you are warmly invited to visit your child’s classroom after school on Wednesday 23rd October (3.00-3.45pm) where you will be able to see some of your child's work and their learning environment.
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling – for example, boxes, bottles, egg cartons etc. The children are really enjoying imaginatively using these during independent learning. Many thanks!
10th October 2019
We have had another busy week at school! The children have enjoyed going “up the hill and down the hill” to visit Mrs Rabbit’s house, who on the third visit there opened the door -eeek! We are now learning the story of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle and using this story to help us retell stories of our own.
Week Commencing 14th October 2019
We will be continuing to learn the story Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle. We will be thinking about how to draw a story map of this story and drawing story maps for our own stories.
We will be thinking about 2D shapes (shapes which we “can’t pick up!”) and their properties, for instance how many sides and corners they have.
Next week we will be focussing on single sounds, h b f l. We have already introduced the tricky words (which can’t be sounded out and so we spell them out using letter names), I and the. Next week we will be thinking about two more: go and into.
School Photographs
Next week (Wednesday and Thursday) the children will have professional individual photographs taken which you will have the option to purchase should you wish to. Please make sure your child comes to school in full school uniform (including their jumper/cardigan). Thank you.
Named belongings
Please could you make sure your child’s belongings – clothes and water bottle are clearly named. We have had several unnamed jumpers and cardigans become separated from their owners!
Reading Journal
A polite reminder, please could you sign each time you hear your child read at home. Each time your child is heard read, either at home or school, these are counted up, with certificates given for 25, 50 and 75 reads. A Reading Ted is awarded for 100 reads!
Book Donations
We would like to expand our collection of books in our classrooms. If you have any books at home that you are no longer reading we would really appreciate it if you could donate them to the school. They will be put to good use! Thank you!
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling – for example, boxes, bottles, egg cartons etc. The children are really enjoying imaginatively using these during independent learning. Thank you.
3rd October 2019
We have enjoyed thinking about the story Owl Babies this week. The children have been busy making nests, sock puppet owls and bird feeders! They have also used this story to help with their careful counting in maths, where we’ve made trees full of twig nests and owls!
Thank you to all our grandparents who came in to share their childhood stories. The children really enjoyed meeting you!
Week Commencing 7th October 2019
We will be looking at a new story Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle.
We will be learning the sounds ck, e, u, r and new high frequency words - to no
We will be thinking about using positional language, for example, on top of, under, next to, in front of and behind.
Tapestry online learning journal
We would like to make tapestry ‘live’ for parents before half term. If you have not returned your Tapestry permission letter please bring it to the school office
Thank you for your support
Book Fair
The Book Fair continues into next week, finishing on Tuesday. It runs before and after school in the lower hall. Please do come and have a look! There are some great books this year and by buying books you are supporting the school.
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in junk modelling – for example, boxes, bottles, egg cartons etc. The children are really enjoying imaginatively using these during independent learning.
26th September 2019
We have enjoyed thinking about two more stories this week – A Squash and a Squeeze and Sharing a Shell. These stories help us think about being reflective and resilient learners. The children have also continuing consolidating their knowledge of numerals up to 10.
Week Commencing 30th September 2019
We will be sharing Owl Babies and enjoy using this story to ignite our learning.
We will be focussing on carefully counting, taking our time with one to one correspondence (ie making sure we count each object once).
The children will be learning the new sounds g, o , c, k and decodable words a, it, is, at.
International Day of Older Persons
On 1st October it is ‘International Day of Older Persons’. To celebrate this, we would like to invite the children's grandparents to come and share one of their favourite childhood stories with their grandchild's class on this day. If you would like to come into school, please speak to your class teacher.
Junk Modelling
Please could you could you bring in any egg boxes and tubes for our making next week! Also could you send your child in with an old (clean) pair of socks – to make their own sock puppet owls!
19th September 2019
Another busy week in Reception! We have enjoyed thinking about two new stories this week – The Enormous Turnip and The Very Busy Spider. These stories help us think about being collaborative and self-motivated learners. The children have also taken parts in lots of activities consolidating numerals 1-5.
Week Commencing 23rd September 2019
We will be continuing to think about our Earlswood Learning Behaviours next week, focussing on the remaining two behaviours, being reflective through the story of The Squash and the Squeeze and being resilience through the story of Sharing a Shell.
We will be focussing on confidently recognising numerals 6-10.
Phonics Rhymes
The children have all received a copy of the phonics rhymes which we use to help us learn our sounds. If you would like further guidance on saying any of these sounds, please view this youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwJx1NSineE
Just to let you know on Thursday 26th September the children will be having their photograph taken by a local newspaper. These will be published in the Surrey Mirror. Please could you let your class teacher know if you would not like them to be included in this photograph. (If you have not returned your parent consent form please do).
Junk Modelling
Please could you continue to bring in any clean boxes, bottles, tubes etc for the children to enjoy junk modelling.
If you have any unused old/current diaries please could you bring them in for the children to use as a writing opportunity.
12th September 2019
So we’ve reached the end of our first full week! The children have been so busy exploring all areas inside and outside the classrooms. We have enjoyed talking about our families, sharing our family photos with our friends. We have spoken about being independent and confident learners. We’re becoming really clear explaining what these words mean.
Week Commencing 16th September 2019
We will be continuing to think about our Earlswood Learning Behaviours next week, in particular collaboration through the story of The Enormous Turnip and self-motivation through the story of The Very Busy Spider.
We will be focussing on confidently recognising numerals 1-5 as well as numbers important to us.
We’ve had a number of children bringing in toys to school. Please could these be left safely at home.
Reading Journal
Your child needs to be bringing their Reading Journal and reading book into school every day. If you like, book bags can be purchased from the office for these to be kept in. Please record any reading you do at home with your child (these are totalled up and certificates awarded for 25, 50 and 75 reads, with a special reward for 100 reads!)
Squeezy Sauce Bottles
Please could you bring in any empty clean sauce bottles for us to use for painting in the classrooms. Thank you!
Welcome to Reception!
5th September 2019
What a wonderful day we’ve had at ‘Big School’! The children have settled in well and have enjoyed exploring their classrooms and making new friends.
Week Commencing 9th September 2019
We will be thinking about our Earlswood Learning Behaviours next week, in particular independence through the story of The Snail and the Whale and confidence through the story of Giraffes can’t Dance.
We will be enjoying lots of number songs and counting games.
The School Day
The school gate (and classrooms) open at 8.30am every day. Children need to be in their classrooms by 8.55am to be registered. If they arrive after this point they will be marked as late. The school gate opens at the end of the day at 3pm.
Reading Journal
Your child will be bringing home their new Reading Journal (in which you can record any reading you do at home with them, as well as any non-urgent messages for their class teacher). They will also be receiving one reading book. They will read with their class teacher and change their reading book on a weekly basis.
Family Photograph
We will be thinking about our families next week. Please could your child either bring in a family photo or have one emailed to us (staff email addresses can be found through the school website under staff).
Junk Modelling
We’d really appreciate any clean recycling you could bring in for the children to do junk modelling – tubes, containers, boxes, bottles etc. Thank you.
Welcome to Reception
WB 2.09.19
We hope you have had an enjoyable and relaxed summer.
We are very much looking forward to your children starting with us.
Just a reminder children will be starting school with us on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September for a their taster morning or afternoon sessions.
If you are unsure about what session your child should attend please phone the school office.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Earlswood School.
The Reception Team