
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Weekly Blog



Well done to all the children for a fantastic year. We wish them all the best for Year Two!! It has been a pleasure to teach your children this year. We hope you all have a wonderful summer break.


This week we will be counting the money we have raised for WWF during enterprise week. Thank you for all your donations.


We will also be consolidating our phase 5 learning in phonics.



We wanted to congratulate the children for their amazing summer assemblies. We were all so very proud of their performances. We also wanted to thank you for your continued support this year. We have had an amazing year teaching your children and we hope the have thoroughly enjoyed their time in year one. We hope you all have a wonderful summer break and wish the children lots of luck as they continue their journey in year two.


This week is Enterprise Week, we are looking forward to creating our animal themed products this week which we will be selling on Friday. We will have plant pots, bookmarks, salt dough and masks for sale for the cost of 50p or £1. The charity we will be raising money for is WWF which was chosen by the children.


Literacy: This week the children will be looking at the poem 'What is Pink?'. They will be performing the poem and creating their own rhyming sentences to form a class poem.


Maths: We will be continuing to focus on time. We will be looking at time of day, days of the week and months of the year and will be creating calendars. 


Reading: Our text for this week is called 'The Mega Magic Teacher Swap', we will be using the reading dogs to help us answer comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Enterprise Week. We will be applying skills we have learnt this year in DT and Art to help us design and make our products.


Phonics: We will be learning new phase 5 graphemes and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Summer Assembly on Thursday 11th July.

Badger and Hare - 9.15am

Fox and Mole - 2.15pm


Literacy: This week the children will be creating their own portal stories and creating their own settings for their characters to visit.


Maths: We will be focusing on time. We will be looking at time of day, days of the week and months of the year and will be creating calendars. 


Reading: Our text for this week is called 'Elmer', we will be using the reading dogs to help us answer comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Science. We will be focusing on the season of 'summer' and thinking about the changes that have happened throughout the different seasons we have experienced in year one.


Phonics: We will be learning new phase 5 graphemes and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



Literacy: This week the children will be continuing to learn the toolkit for a portal story focusing on setting. They will be creating a new setting for their own portal story.


Maths: We will be continuing to focus on money. We will be identifying the value of coins and notes. We will be making and comparing amounts of money.


Reading: Our text for this week is called 'Little Penguins Lost', we will be using the reading dogs to help us answer comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Geography. We will be comparing the climate of where we live to the polar regions.


Phonics: We will be learning new phase 5 graphemes and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



Please encourage your child to access numbots at home to support their development in maths. Numbots can be accessed through their wonde log in which you can find in their reading records. We celebrate who has completed the most minutes in assembly each week.


Literacy: This week the children will be learning a new model text. We will be learning the toolkit for a portal story focusing on setting.


Maths: We will be focusing on money. We will be identifying the value of coins and comparing amounts.


Reading: Our text for this week is called 'Tico Tango', we will be using the reading dogs to help us answer comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is DT. We will be designing and making our own animal finger puppets.


Phonics: We will be learning new phase 5 graphemes and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.






We are very excited to be visiting Tilgate Nature Park this week. Badger and Hare have their trip on Tuesday 18th June and Fox and Mole have their trip on Wednesday 19th June.


Could you please send a baby photo of your child to for our PSHE lesson on Monday 17th June all about how we have changed as we have grown. Thank you.


Please encourage your child to access numbots at home to support their development in maths. Numbots can be accessed through their wonde log in which you can find in their reading records. We celebrate who has completed the most minutes in assembly each week.


Literacy: This week the children will be consolidating their knowledge on recounts by writing  a recount of their school trip to Tilgate Nature Park.


Maths: We will be focusing on place value to 100. The children will be identifying the tens and ones in numbers 50 to 100 and representing this in a part whole model. 


Reading: Our text for this week is called 'Grandad's Farm', we will be using the reading dogs to help us answer comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Science. We will be looking at herbivore, omnivores and carnivores. We will also be learning about vertebrates and invertebrates.


Phonics: This week we will be learning new graphemes. Please see below how you can support at home.




Please note that PE has returned to Wednesday and Friday.


Please check the Year One noticeboard for additional information regarding the Phonics Screening Check this week.


Please encourage your child to access numbots at home to support their development in maths. Numbots can be accessed through their wonde log in which you can find in their reading records. We celebrate who has completed the most minutes in assembly each week.


Literacy: This week the children will be continuing to learn the toolkit in order to write a recount. They will be using time conjunctions to start their sentences and writing in chronological order. We are also focusing on writing in the past tense.


Maths: We will be focusing on place value to 100. The children will be identifying the tens and ones in numbers 50 to 100 and representing this in a part whole model. 


Reading: Our text for this week is called Handa's Surprise, we will be using the reading dogs to help us answer comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Art. We will be using oil pastels to drawing African animals. 


Phonics: This week we will be consolidating our understanding of the phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before.



Please note that PE has returned to Wednesday and Friday.


Please check the Year One noticeboard for additional information regarding the Phonics Screening Check.


Literacy: This week the children will be learning the toolkit in order to write a recount. They will be using time conjunctions to start their sentences and writing in chronological order.


Maths: We will be focusing on place value to 100. The children will be identifying the tens and ones in numbers 50 to 100, ordering numbers and using the language greater than and less than.


Reading: Our text for this week is called Zoo Keeper Zoe, we will be using the reading dogs to help us answer comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Science and we will be classifying animals. We will be identifying mammal, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians and grouping animals accordingly.


Phonics: This week we will be consolidating our understanding of the phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before.



PE days will be Thursday and Friday this week.


If you would like to volunteer to help on our trip to Tilgate Nature Centre please speak to your child's class teacher or email thank you!


Thank you to those who have volunteered to help so far!


Hare and Badger: Tuesday 18th June

Fox and Mole: Wednesday 19th June


Literacy: This week the children will be creating their own information leaflets. They will be applying the skills they have learnt during this writing cycle to produce a leaflet which includes a heading, verbs and conjunctions.


Maths: We will be learning about position and direction. We will be exploring half turns, quarter turns and three-quarter turns and moving clockwise and anticlockwise. The children will be using the vocabulary forwards and backward, on top and under when describe position and direction. We will also focus on ordinal numbers.


Reading: This half term we will be exploring the following texts:

Harry and the Bucket of Dinosaurs at the Museum, The Day Louis Got Eaten, Tyrannosaurus Drip, Chomp! Munch! Chew! Fact File Isle Of Coll/Katie Morag stories. The children will be using rex the retriever, Iggy inference and predicting pip to help them when answering comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is food and nutrition. We will be practising the skills grating, chopping, mixing and crushing whilst making a delicious healthy fruit salad.


Phonics: This week we will be consolidating our understanding of the phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before.

Year 1 and 2 Sports Day Friday 17th May

All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!

Location: Earlswood Junior School-field

Time: 9:30-11:30am followed by a picnic on the field which will end at 12:15pm

The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.

As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!

See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!

Many thanks for your continued support,

The PE Team



If you would like to volunteer to help on our trip to Tilgate Nature Centre please speak to your child's class teacher or email thank you!


Hare and Badger: Tuesday 18th June

Fox and Mole: Wednesday 19th June


Literacy: This week the children will be exploring information leaflets. The children will be using verbs and conjunctions in their writing whilst looking at information about our local area.


Maths: We will be continuing to look at fractions. We will be consolidating our understand of a half and identifying a quarter of a shape or amount.


Reading: This half term we will be exploring the following texts:

Harry and the Bucket of Dinosaurs at the Museum, The Day Louis Got Eaten, Tyrannosaurus Drip, Chomp! Munch! Chew! Fact File Isle Of Coll/Katie Morag stories. The children will be using rex the retriever, Iggy inference and predicting pip to help them when answering comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is history and computing, we will be looking at the work of Tim Burners-Lee. We will discuss why he is a significant person in history and how his creation of the World Wide Web changed the world in many ways.


Phonics: This week we will be reviewing phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before, please see below to see how you can help at home.



We hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday weekend.


Literacy: This week the children will be writing their own warning tales. We will also begin to look at our non-fiction unit which focuses on leaflets. The children will be exploring leaflets and adverts.


Maths: We will be looking at fractions. The children will be identifying a half and a quarter of shapes and amounts.


Reading: This half term we will be exploring the following texts:

Harry and the Bucket of Dinosaurs at the Museum, The Day Louis Got Eaten, Tyrannosaurus Drip, Chomp! Munch! Chew! Fact File Isle Of Coll/Katie Morag stories. The children will be using rex the retriever, Iggy inference and predicting pip to help them when answering comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is art, we will be using different sketching techniques to sketch human and physical features of our local environment.


Phonics: This week we will be reviewing phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before, please see below to see how you can help at home.



Literacy: This week the children will be creating their own characters for a warning tale. They will be applying the skills they have learnt including similes and alliteration when writing their own tales.


Maths: We will be consolidating our understanding of multiplication and division. We will be recapping counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, making arrays and making and sharing into equal groups.


Reading: This half term we will be exploring the following texts:

Harry and the Bucket of Dinosaurs at the Museum, The Day Louis Got Eaten, Tyrannosaurus Drip, Chomp! Munch! Chew! Fact File Isle Of Coll/Katie Morag stories. The children will be using rex the retriever, Iggy inference and predicting pip to help them when answering comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Geography, we will be comparing our local area to a small Island in Scotland called the Isle of Coll.


Phonics: This week we will be reviewing phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before, please see below to see how you can help at home.



**Please note that this half term our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday due to having the dance teacher coming in to work with us. **


Literacy: This week we will be learning the toolkit for our talk for writing cycle focusing on warning tales. The children will be using adverbs and similes to describe a character for their story.


Maths: We will be continuing working on multiplication by making equal groups. We will also be sharing into equal groups.


Reading: This half term we will be exploring the following texts:

Harry and the Bucket of Dinosaurs at the Museum, The Day Louis Got Eaten, Tyrannosaurus Drip, Chomp! Munch! Chew! Fact File Isle Of Coll/Katie Morag stories. The children will be using rex the retriever, Iggy inference and predicting pip to help them when answering comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Geography, we will be looking at the human and physical features of the local area.


Phonics: This week we will be reviewing phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before, please see below to see how you can help at home.



This week we have our local walk taking place on Wednesday 17th April. We are looking forward to exploring the local area with the children.


**Please note that this half term our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday due to having the dance teacher coming in to work with us. **


***Due to our trip this week PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday.***


Literacy: This week we will be learning our model text which is a warning tale. The children will be looking at features of the toolkit and will be using similes and the power of three in their writing.


Maths: The children will be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will be making groups and identifying the multiples of 2, 5 and 10.


Reading: This half term we will be exploring the following texts: . The children will be using rex the retriever, Iggy inference and predicting pip to help them when answering comprehension questions.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Science, we will be looking at wild and gardens plants and naming these. We will be recapping the parts of a plant and will be spotting and naming plants on our local walk.


Phonics: This week we will be reviewing phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have taught before, please see below to see how you can help at home.



Literacy: This week we will be consolidating our understanding of non-chronological reports and the children will be creating their own reports about a country in the United Kingdom.


Maths: The children will be continuing to focus on mass and volume. They will be comparing the capacity of different containers.


Reading: This week we will be reading the four recipes we will use for our Great British Bake off on Thursday..


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is DT and cooking. The children will be participating in the Great British Bake off on Thursday. Each Class will bake their own 'Show Stopper' and then we will come together as a year group to taste the bakes and vote for the winner. All of the baking will be dairy and nut free. Please see below the recipes we will be using. Please note all the butter will be dairy free and for the Welsh Cakes we will use additional butter and not lard. Please speak to your child's teacher if you have any questions.


Phonics: This week we will be consolidating the phase 5 sounds and tricky words we have learnt this half term.


Recipes for the Great British Bake Off:



Literacy: This week we will be learning the toolkit for our non-fiction talk for writing cycle focusing on non-chronological reports. The children will be exploring a range of non-chronological reports and will be practising writing facts.


Maths: The children will be focusing on weight, we will be using the vocabulary heavier and lighter to compare the weight of objects.


Reading: This week we will continue to explore a range of texts focusing on the United Kingdom.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is art. We will be practising sketching techniques such as cross-hatching and stipping. The children will be creating their own line drawings of London Landmarks.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below to see how you can support your child at home.



This week is STEM week. We are looking forward to having a visitor this week. Please can you send in any junk modelling resources you have at home. Thank you.


Literacy: This week we will be writing our hot task. We will also be beginning our non-fiction talk for writing cycle focusing on non-chronological reports.


Maths: The children will be continue to focus on measure. We will be using non-standard units to measure length. We will also be measuring in cm using a ruler.


Reading: This week we will be looking at the book 'Rosie Revere Engineer' linking to our topic in STEM week.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is DT. We will be designing, making and testing bridges as part of our STEM topic.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below to see how you can support your child at home.



Thursday this week is World Book Day. The children are invited to dress up as something from a 'Non-Fiction' text.


Literacy: This week we will be continuing to work with our model text 'Katie's Present' as part of our talk for writing cycle. This week the children will be writing their own versions of the story whilst describing a new setting.


Maths: The children will be continue to focus on place value within 50. We will be comparing numbers to 50 using the symbols <, > and =.


Reading: This half term we will be looking at stories that link to our topic 'The united Kingdom'. We will be using the Rex the Retriever, Iggy Inference and Victor Vocabulary to develop comprehension skills.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Geography. We will be naming London Landmarks and plotting them along a map. The children will create aerial drawings of London including some landmarks that they have learnt about.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below to see how you can support your child at home.



Literacy: This week we will be continuing to work with our model text 'Katie's Present' as part of our talk for writing cycle. We will be focusing on learning the toolkit required to write a losing tale. This children will be using 3 adjectives to describe a setting.


Maths: The children will be continue to focus on place value within 50. We will be using the part whole model to partition numbers.


Reading: This half term we will be looking at stories that link to our new topic 'The united Kingdom'. We will be using the Rex the Retriever, Iggy Inference and Victor Vocabulary to develop comprehension skills.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is Geography. We will be naming and labelling the 4 countries in the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We will also be looking at the seas surrounding the United Kingdom.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below to see how you can support your child at home.



We are looking forward to welcoming the children back after half term on Monday 19th February.


Literacy: This week we will be learning the text 'Katie's Present' as part of our talk for writing losing tale cycle. We will be focusing on learning the toolkit required to write a losing tale.


Maths: The children will be focusing on place value within 50. We will be practically making numbers to 50 and understanding the tens and ones in the numbers.


Reading: This half term we will be looking at stories that link to our new topic 'The united Kingdom'. We will be using the Rex the Retriever, Iggy Inference and Victor Vocabulary to develop comprehension skills.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is History. We will be introducing our new topic and looking at significant figures in history and in particular Queen, Victoria, Queen Elizabeth and King Charles.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below to see how you can support your child at home.



This week is Mental Health Awareness week and the children are invited to wear their own clothes on Wednesday to express themselves.


Tuesday is Internet Safety Day and we will be thinking about how to be safe online.


Friday is an INSET day and we will welcome the children back after half term on Monday 19th February.


Literacy: This week we will be finishing our talk for writing cycle focusing on instruction writing. The children will be writing their own instructions on how to build a house.


Maths: The children will be focusing on subtraction, we will be finding the difference, identifying missing numbers and creating fact families using related facts.


Reading: This week will will focus on 'Hanni and the Magic Window' which links to internet safety.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is science and DT. This week the children will be using their knowledge of materials to design and make furniture for the houses they have built.


Phonics: This week we will be consolidating sounds we have already learnt and completing this terms assessments.



We need cereal boxes for making houses. If you have any at home please send them in. Thank you.


Literacy: This week we will be developing our skills for writing instructions. We will be applying the skills in the instructions toolkit to short bursts if writing.


Maths: The children will be focusing on doubles and subtraction this week. We will be writing subtraction number sentences and using practical resources to support us when solving a problem.


Reading: This week will will focus on a texts focusing on the topic of 'The Great Fire of London'. The children will be using the reading dogs: Rex the Retriever, Victor Vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help them answer comprehension questions about the text.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is science. This week the children will be learning about materials and focusing on their properties. We will be exploring floating and sinking and will plan an investigation.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



Literacy: This week we will be finishing our talk for writing cycle focusing on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children will be writing their own stories this week.


Maths: The children will be continue to focus on addition to 20. We will be adding by counting on and adding using a number line. The children will be using their knowledge of number bonds to 10 to support them in finding the number bonds to 20.


Reading: This half term we will be reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts focusing on the Great Fire of London including 'Toby and the Great Fire of London, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, Charlie and the Great Fire of London, The Baker's Boy and Usborne: The Great Fire of London'. The children will be using the reading dogs: Rex the Retriever, Victor Vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help them answer comprehension questions about the text.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is DT. This week the children will be planning and creating a new meal for Samuel Pepys. They will practise the skills of crushing, chopping, mixing and spreading whilst making a bagel brushetta.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



Literacy: This week we will be finishing our talk for writing cycle focusing on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children will be creating their own character descriptions and writing their own defeat the monster tales.


Maths: The children will be continue to focus on place value to 20. We will be making numbers using practical resources such as numicon and diennes. The children will be using a number line to 20, comparing numbers using the symbols <, > and = and will be ordering numbers.


Reading: This half term we will be reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts focusing on the Great Fire of London including 'Toby and the Great Fire of London, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, Charlie and the Great Fire of London, The Baker's Boy and Usborne: The Great Fire of London'. The children will be using the reading dogs: Rex the Retriever, Victor Vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help them answer comprehension questions about the text.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week is science and we will be looking at the season of winter. The children will be exploring our school grounds and making a comparison between autumn and winter. We will be creating scientific drawings of a tree in winter. We will also be looking at the day length in the winter and be thinking about the weather associated with this season.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



Literacy: This week we will be continuing our talk for writing cycle focusing on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will begin teaching the children the character toolkit to support them in their writing.


Maths: The children will be continue to focus on place value to 20. We will be making numbers using practical resources such as numicon and diennes. The children will be using the part whole model to identify tens and ones in given numbers.


Reading: This half term we will be reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts focusing on the Great Fire of London including 'Toby and the Great Fire of London, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, Charlie and the Great Fire of London, The Baker's Boy and Usborne: The Great Fire of London'. The children will be using the reading dogs: Rex the Retriever, Victor Vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help them answer comprehension questions about the text.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have an art focus. The children will be using a range of mediums to create a fire scene e.g. chalk, watercolour and collage.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



We are looking forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 2nd January, we hope you had a lovely Christmas break.


Literacy: This week we will be starting talk for writing. Our learning will focus on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will begin teaching the children the character toolkit to support them in their writing.


Maths: The children will be focusing on place value to 20. We will be making numbers using practical resources such as numicon and diennes. The children will be using the part whole model to identify tens and ones in given numbers.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'Toby and the Great Fire of London' story. We will be using Rex Retriever to help us retrieve information from the text, Victor Vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help us identify information that is inferred.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have a History focus. We will be teaching the children key information about the Great Fire of London and we will be learning where it fits into our history timeline.


Phonics: This week we will be teaching the children new phase 5 sounds and tricky words. Please see below how you can support at home.



We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Christmas Singing Performances on Thursday 14th December. Mole and Fox will perform at 9.05am and Badger and Hare will perform at 2.30pm.


Literacy: This week we will be using the book 'Oi Frog' in drawing club to take the character on a new adventure whilst using our imaginations to take the character on a journey.


Maths: The children will be consolidating their understanding of our learning this half term. We will be creating Christmas themed 2D shape pictures and using out subtraction knowledge to create fact families using the 8 facts.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'A Recipe for a Story' story. We will be using Rex Retriever to help us retrieve information from the text, Victor Vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help us identify information that is inferred.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have a DT focus. We will be making Christmas themed biscuits which the children will bring home to enjoy.


Phonics: This week we will be consolidating our phase 5 learning.



We are very excited to be having our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday this week. We have our second donation day on Friday which will be an own clothes day. Our Christmas Fair is on Saturday 9th December, we look forward to seeing you there.


Literacy: This week we will be using the book 'Angelica Sprockets Pockets' in drawing club to take the character on a new adventure whilst using our imaginations to take the character on a journey.


Maths: The children will be learning the names of 2D shapes, we will be identifying the features of the shapes and searching for them in the environment. Maybe you could search for some 2D shapes at home.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'Nativity' story. We will be using Rex Retriever to help us retrieve information from the text, Victor Vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help us identify information that is inferred.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have a history focus. We will be learning about Florence Nightingale and how she is and influential historic figure.


Phonics: We will be introducing new phase 5 sounds and tricky words this week. Please see below for more information.



On Tuesday we have an exciting visit from the Police who will be coming to tell the children all about their job!


Literacy: This week we will be using the book 'Open Very Carefully' in drawing club to take the character on a new adventure whilst using our imaginations to take the character on a journey. We will also be writing a recount of our visit from the police.


Maths: The children will be learning the names of 3D shapes, we will be identifying the features of the shapes and searching for them in the environment. Maybe you could search for some 3D shapes at home.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'Traction Man'. We will be using Rex Retriever to help us retrieve information from the text, Victor Vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help us identify information that is inferred.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have a science focus. We will be learning about the five senses and thinking about which part of our body is linked to each sense.


Phonics: We will be introducing new phase 5 sounds and tricky words this week. Please see below for more information.



We are looking for real life heroes to come and speak to the children to support their topic learning this half term. If you know of anyone who has a job that helps our community who would be willing to come and speak to the children please let your child's teacher know. Thank you in advance for your support.


Literacy: This week we will be using the book 'The Something' in drawing club to take the character on a new adventure whilst using our imaginations to create a new invention.


Maths: The children will be consolidating their addition and subtraction skills and applying these when solving problems.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'Funny Bones'. We will be using Rex Retriever to help us retrieve information from the text, Victor Vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary and Iggy Inference to help us identify information that is inferred.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have a science focus. We will be learning about the human body and naming key body parts.


Phonics: We will be introducing new phase 5 sounds and tricky words this week. Please see below for more information.



We are looking for real life heroes to come and speak to the children to support their topic learning this half term. If you know of anyone who has a job that helps our community who would be willing to come and speak to the children please let your child's teacher know. Thank you in advance for your support.


We are aware of a few cases of headlice in the year group. Please check your children's hair accordingly. Please make sure long hair is tied up. More information can be found on the NHS website.


Literacy: This week we will be using the book 'Clean Up' in drawing club to take the character on a new adventure whilst thinking about looking after our planet.


Maths: The children will be continuing to develop their subtraction skills. The children will be using a numberline for subtraction and also using practical objects. 


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'Super Daisy'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text and victor vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have a history focus. We will be learning about Rosa Parks and why she was influential. The children will learn key facts about her life and hear about her story.


Phonics: We will be introducing new phase 5 sounds and tricky words this week. Please see below for more information.



We are looking for real life heroes to come and speak to the children to support their topic learning this half term. If you know of anyone who has a job that helps our community who would be willing to come and speak to the children please let your child's teacher know. Thank you in advance for your support.


We are aware of a few cases of headlice in the year group. Please check your children's hair accordingly. Please make sure long hair is tied up. More information can be found on the NHS website.


Literacy: This week we will be using the book 'Chatterbox' in drawing club to take the character on a new adventure.


Maths: The children will be learning subtraction skills and using these to find a missing part in the part whole model. The children will be using their addition and subtraction knowledge to generate fact families.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'The Jolly Postman'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text and victor vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will have an art focus and the children will be learning about Vincent Van Gogh. We will be exploring shades and tones. The children will be colour mixing and creating colours to paint a portrait of a real life superhero e.g. a policeman or postman.


Phonics: We will be introducing new phase 5 sounds and tricky words this week. Please see below for more information.



This week is sculpture week, please send in to school any junk modelling resources you have at home.


Please send in a family photo for your child for RE this week. These can be emailed to


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Literacy: This week we will be continuing to construct sentences using colourful semantics. This week the children will be using the book 'The Most Magnificent Thing' to design their own magnificent creation.


Maths: The children will be learning addition skills and will be solving addition number problems.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'The Most Magnificent Thing'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text and victor vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will be linked to Sculpture Week. We will be working collaboratively to create art inspired by the artist Piet Mondrian.


Phonics: We will be introducing new phase 5 sounds and tricky words this week. Please see below for more information.



Literacy: This week we will be continuing to construct sentences using colourful semantics. This week the children will be writing sentences using 'what like' vocabulary to describe.


Maths: The children will be learning number bond facts and practising solving number bonds systematically. We will be using practical resources to find number bonds e.g. numicon, tens frames and counters.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'A Tiny Seed'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text and victor vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will be a history focus. We will be learning about the printing press. The children will create artwork using the printing technique using rollers and styrofoam.


Phonics: We will be introducing new phase 5 sounds and tricky words this week. Please see below for more information.



On Monday and Tuesday we will be going to the woodlands at the junior school. Please can you ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school.


Literacy: This week we will be continuing to construct sentences using colourful semantics. This week the children will be writing sentences using 'with whom' and 'when' vocabulary.


Maths: We will be continuing to focus on addition, we will be using the part whole model and writing addition number sentences. The children will be learning number bond facts and practising solving number bonds systematically.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the 'The Squirrels Who Squabbled'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text and victor vocabulary to support us learning new vocabulary.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will be a Science focus. We will be identifying deciduous and evergreen trees in the junior woodlands. We will be naming trees and identifying the key features: trunk, branch, leaf, crown and roots.


Phonics: We will be consolidating sounds we have already learnt and developing our decoding and blending skills. Please see below for more information.



Reading at home: Please record reading at home in the reading record book. The children are working towards earning clothes for their reading teds. We would like the children to read at home every day.


Please can you ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school.


Literacy: This week we will be continuing to construct sentences using colourful semantics. This week the children will be writing sentences using 'who', 'doing', 'what' and 'where' vocabulary e.g. The girl is throwing the leaves in the woods.


Maths: We will be focusing on addition, we will be using the part whole model and writing addition number sentences.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the Percy the Park Keeper Story 'After The Storm'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will be a DT focus. We will be using our knowledge of plants to create a mechanical slider picture.


Phonics: We will be consolidating sounds we have already learnt and developing our decoding and blending skills. Please see below for more information.



Reading at home: Please record reading at home in the reading record book. The children are working towards earning clothes for their reading teds. We would like the children to read at home every day.


Please can you ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school.


Literacy: This week we will be introducing the children to colourful semantics and will be using it to form sentences.


Maths: We will be learning how to use a number line and focusing on greater than, less than and equal to using the symbols <, > and =.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the Percy the Park Keeper Story 'Fox's Socks'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will be a science focus. We will be learning about the parts of a plant and what their purpose is. Our key vocabulary this week is stem, leaf, petal, flower, seed and root.


Phonics: We will be consolidating sounds we have already learnt and developing our decoding and blending skills. Please see below for more information.



Tapestry: In Year One tapestry is used to show evidence that your child has achieved a national curriculum objective. You will still have access to tapestry from Reception and will be able to see photographs of the children's learning. The majority of our evidence is collected in books which you will be able to see throughout the year.


Please can you ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school.


Literacy: This week we will be focusing on the story 'Hansel and Gretel' in drawing club. We will be drawing a character, focusing on setting and heading on a new adventure.


Maths: We will be looking at identifying one more and one less than a given number. We will be using the vocabulary more, fewer and less.


Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the text 'Hansel and Gretel'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text.


Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will be an art focus. We will be exploring colour, texture and shape. The children will also be exploring colour mixing.

This week in geography we will also focus on extreme weather conditions that are experienced across the world such as hurricanes, flooding and monsoons.



Welcome to Year One


We have had a lovely first week together, we have spent time getting to know the children and learning our new routine. The children have all settled in so well and we are very proud of them.


Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school. Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.  We have music with Mrs Jones on a Monday.


Any questions please feel free to ask your child's teacher.


Literacy: This week we will be inviting the children to come to drawing club where we will be drawing and writing about the story 'Where the wild things are'.


Maths: We will be focusing on counting and number recognition this week. The children will be counting different amounts and identify numbers as numerals and words.


Topic: Our topic this half term is 'Woods'. This week we will have a science focus where we will be exploring the season autumn. We will be thinking about the weather associated with autumn and how some trees change during this time.


Reading: Our text this week is 'Say Hi to the Hedgehogs'. We will be practising our retrieval skills whilst learning some facts from this non-fiction text.
