A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Tapestry: In Year One tapestry is used to show evidence that your child has achieved a national curriculum objective. You will still have access to tapestry from Reception and will be able to see photographs of the children's learning. The majority of our evidence is collected in books which you will be able to see throughout the year.
Please can you ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school.
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on the story 'Hansel and Gretel' in drawing club. We will be drawing a character, focusing on setting and heading on a new adventure.
Maths: We will be looking at identifying one more and one less than a given number. We will be using the vocabulary more, fewer and less.
Reading: Our reading this week focuses on the text 'Hansel and Gretel'. We will be using rex the retriever to help us retrieve information from the text.
Topic: Our curriculum focus this week will be an art focus. We will be exploring colour, texture and shape. The children will also be exploring colour mixing.
This week in geography we will also focus on extreme weather conditions that are experienced across the world such as hurricanes, flooding and monsoons.
Welcome to Year One
We have had a lovely first week together, we have spent time getting to know the children and learning our new routine. The children have all settled in so well and we are very proud of them.
Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school. Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. We have music with Mrs Jones on a Monday.
Any questions please feel free to ask your child's teacher.
Literacy: This week we will be inviting the children to come to drawing club where we will be drawing and writing about the story 'Where the wild things are'.
Maths: We will be focusing on counting and number recognition this week. The children will be counting different amounts and identify numbers as numerals and words.
Topic: Our topic this half term is 'Woods'. This week we will have a science focus where we will be exploring the season autumn. We will be thinking about the weather associated with autumn and how some trees change during this time.
Reading: Our text this week is 'Say Hi to the Hedgehogs'. We will be practising our retrieval skills whilst learning some facts from this non-fiction text.
Thank you for all your support this year, we are incredibly proud of all the children in Year One and all they have achieved. We wish you all a lovely summer break.
We will be collecting in school books, the children will not bring home a reading book this week. The children will be bringing home their learning this week. Please send in a named carrier bag to help them transport it home. Please also take home your child's wellies.
This week is Enterprise Week
We still need a few more plastic bottles for enterprise week. Please send in any you have at home, thank you. We will be designing and making plant pots which we will be selling for £1 on Thursday in order to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Thank you in advance for any contributions.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be exploring poetry. We will be performing poetry and thinking of our own rhyming couplets.
Maths: We will be continuing to looking at time. Our learning this week will focus on telling the time to the hour and half past the hour.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on a story called 'The Mega Magic Teacher Swap'. We will be answering comprehension questions and learning new vocabulary whilst thinking about the transition to Year Two.
Phonics: This week the children will be learning new phase five sounds. We will practise reading words that have these new sounds in. Please see below to see what we will be focusing on.
Please send into school any empty 2L bottles as we will be needing these during enterprise week. Thank you in advance.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in for our class assemblies on Thursday this week. Fox and Mole at 9.05am and Badger and Hare at 2.30pm. Please practise your child's line with them at home.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be continuing to look at 'Timone's Rainforest Adventure'. The children will be writing their own portal story this week and describing a new setting.
Maths: We will be continuing to looking at time. Our learning this week will focus on days of the week and months of the year. We will be using the language before and after when sequencing events.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on a story called 'Elmer'. We will be answering comprehension questions and learning new vocabulary.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an Art focus. We will be making animal themed hats for our performance.
Phonics: This week the children will be learning new phase five sounds. We will practise reading words that have these new sounds in. Please see below to see what we will be focusing on.
Please send into school any empty 2L bottles as we will be needing these during enterprise week. Thank you in advance.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be continuing to look at 'Timone's Rainforest Adventure'. We will continue to apply the toolkit to our writing. The children will be encouraged to use alliteration in their writing and write in the past tense.
Maths: We will be continuing to look at coins and notes and their values. Please look at money at home with your children and begin to identify the values with them.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on a story called 'Little Penguin Lost'. This story is set in Antartica which links to our learning this week. The children will be exploring new vocabulary and answering comprehension questions.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an Geography focus. The children will comparing the different climate been the UK and the Polar Regions.
Phonics: This week the children will be learning new phase five sounds. We will practise reading words that have these new sounds in. Please see below to see what we will be focusing on.
Reminder: Class swap day is on Tuesday 27th June. We hope the children have a lovely day visiting their new class.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be learning a new story 'Timone's Rainforest Adventure'. We will learn to tell the story with actions and begin to look at the writing toolkit.
Maths: We will be introducing the children to coins and their values. Please look at coins at home with your children and begin to identify them with them.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on a story called Tico Tango. This is a rhyming story set in the rainforest.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an DT focus. The children will be designing and making their own animal finger puppets.
Phonics: This week the children will be learning new phase five sounds. We will practise reading words that have these new sounds in. Please see below to see what we will be focusing on.
Reminder: Fox and Mole have their trip to Tilagte on Tuesday 20th June and Hare and Badger have their trip to Tilgate on Wednesday 21st June. Please send your child with a packed lunch (unless previously arranged with the office), a water bottle, a sun hat and ensure they are wearing sun cream.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be writing recounts. We will be applying the toolkit when writing our own recounts.
Maths: We will be consolidating our understanding of place value to 100. The children will be answering fluency question and working practically to represent numbers.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on a story Grandad's Farm! We will be answering comprehension questions focusing on new vocabulary.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an science focus. We will be learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Phonics: This week the children will be learning new phase five sounds. We will practise reading words that have these new sounds in. Please see below to see what we will be focusing on.
Please send to school any kitchen role tubes you have for us to make instruments.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be writing recounts. We will be applying the toolkit when writing our own recounts.
Maths: We will be continuing to focus on place value to 100. The children will be thinking about the tens and ones in numbers up to 100.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on the story Handa's Surprise! We will looking at how the illustrations tell a different story to the text.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an art focus. We will be creating portraits of animals using symmetry.
Phonics: This week the children will complete their phonics screening. They will read a selection of real and alien words with a familiar adult. Please speak to your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Reminder: Monday 5th June is an inset day and school will be closed for children. We look forward to welcoming them back following half term on Tuesday 6th June.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be writing recounts. We will be introducing the children to their recount writing toolkit.
Maths: We will be focusing on place value to 100. The children will be thinking about the tens and ones in numbers up to 100.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on the story ZooKeeper Zoe! We will explore new vocabulary throughout the text and answer comprehension questions.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be a science focus. We will be classifying animals into the groups reptiles, mammals, fish, amphibians and birds.
Phonics: We will be practising previously taught GPC's and practise our decoding skills when reading real and alien words.
Reminder: This Friday 26th is Sports Day on the junior field. Please check your child's reading record to find out which team they are in and where they will be starting.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be finishing our talk for writing cycle focusing on the Gigantasaurus. The children will be writing their own warning tale focusing on their own fearsome character.
Maths: We will be focusing on position and direction. The children will look at half turns, quarter turns and full turns. We will be using the vocabulary clockwise and anti-clockwise when turning. We will also be describing the position of objects for example, in front, behind, under, on top etc.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on the story Stomp, Chomp, Big Roars! Here Come the Dinosaurs! We will explore new vocabulary throughout the text.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an DT theme focusing on food and nutrition. We will be learning about where fruits and vegetables come from. The children will be practising different cooking skills such as grating, chopping, peeling and mixing whilst making a yummy healthy fruit salad.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be consolidating our learning of already taught GPC's. Please see what we are working on this week below.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be continuing our talk for writing cycle focusing on the gigantasaurus. We will be writing sentences including alliteration, adverbs and similes to describe a character.
Maths: We will be continue to focus on fractions this week. The children will be identifying quarter of a shape or object and moving on to finding quarter of an amount. We will use our knowledge of sharing into equal groups to help us with this.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on the story Tyrannosaurus Drip. We will be retrieving information from the text and focus on new vocabulary.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an history theme. We will be learning about Timothy Burners-Lee who invented the World Wide Web.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be consolidating our learning of already taught GPC's. Please see what we are working on this week below.
Reminder: Monday 8th May is a Bank Holiday.
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be starting their next talk for writing cycle. We will be looking at warning tales and focusing on character descriptions. We will be using the story the gigantosaurous to help us. Please share this book at home if you have it. Here is a link to the story if you would like to watch it together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E4qmlFAQTw
Maths: We will be focusing on fractions this week. The children will be identifying half if a shape or object and moving on to finding half of an amount. We will use our knowledge of sharing into equal groups and counting in 2s to help us with this.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on Katie Morag stories. We will be exploring comparing local areas and whilst developing our retrieval skills.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an geography theme. We will be comparing our local area to the Isle of Coll in Scotland.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be consolidating our learning of already taught GPC's. Please see what we are working on this week below.
Reminder: Monday 1st May is a Bank Holiday.
Please send in any small boxes e.g. cereal boxes and toothpaste boxes for the children to make 3D models of things from the local area e.g. a post box or bus stop. Thank you!
Literacy: In Literacy the children will be creating their own leaflets about our school. They will be bringing together all the skills they have learnt in the last few weeks to inspire people to visit our school.
Maths: We will be consolidating our learning on multiplication. Children will be creating equal groups, counting in groups of 2s, 5s and 10s and will be sharing equally.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on the book 'Katie in Scotland'. We will be exploring comparing local areas and whilst developing our retrieval skills.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be an art theme. We will be developing our sketching skills and explore how to add shading to our line drawings.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be consolidating our learning of already taught GPC's. Please see what we are working on this week below.
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing learning how to write an advert. Our end goal is to write an advert about Earlswood. We will be continuing to learn about conjunctions and adjectives and where to put these in our writing.
Maths: We will continuing our learning on multiplication. Children will be creating equal groups, counting in groups of 2s, 5s and 10s and will be sharing equally.
Reading: This week our reading focuses on the book 'There's a Map on my Lap'. We will be exploring maps within our Local Area so this book links nicely to our learning.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be a geography theme. We will look at maps of our local area and be creating our own maps linked to our local walk last week.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be consolidating our learning of already taught GPC's. Please see what we are working on this week below.
This week children will be exploring the local area on their walk to and from Earlswood Station.
Literacy: In Literacy we will be learning how to write an advert. Our end goal is to write an advert about Earlswood. We will be continuing to learn about conjunctions and adjectives and where to put these in our writing.
Maths: We will beginning our learning on multiplication. Children will be counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and learning about equal groups.
Reading: As part of our learning about the local area, we are also learning about wild plants found in Earlswood. Therefore, we will be reading a book called 'A Curious Garden' which is about a boy who transforms a patch of land in his area into a lush garden.
Zone: Our zone for this week will be a science theme. We will be taking pictures and observing plants in the local area.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be consolidating our learning of already taught GPC's. Please see the Summer 1 Booklet below.
This week we are making bridges from a range of different materials. Please can you collect and bring in any junk modelling for this activity.
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to learn about fact files. We will also be continuing to learn our tool kit e.g. conjunctions, verbs and adjectives. We will also be continuing to innovate the text to make it even better.
Maths: We will be comparing volume, measuring capacity and comparing different capacities.
Reading: As it's STEM week this week, we will be reading a story called; Rosie Revere the engineer. This is a story about a girl called Rosie who loves to collect treasures, which she uses to make amazing structures and inventions.
Zone: STEM Week- Children will be designing and building bridges from a range of different materials. Children will be testing out and measuring the strength of their bridges using their knowledge of mass.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be consolidating their Spring 2 learning. Please see the Spring 2 Booklet below.
This week we are baking cakes from around the UK, please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions.
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to learn about fact files. We will also be continuing to learn our tool kit of conjunctions, verbs and adjectives. We will also be innovating the text to make it even better.
Maths: We will be discussing and taking part in activities involving weight, children will be weighing fruit and comparing their weights with their size.
Reading: This week we will be reading four cake recipes from around the UK. Children will be learning so they can make the cakes later in the week.
Zone: This week it will be an DT (Food and Nutrition theme). Children will be exploring where foods come from, preparing cakes for the Great British Bake Off and making healthy choices using the 'Eat Well Plate'.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be learning the 'c' in the word 'school', 'sh' in the word 'chef', 's' and the many ways its represented e.g. ss, c,ce, se. 'z' and the many ways this is represented e.g. zz, s, se, ze and 'a' and the many ways this is represented e.g. o, or, ar and ai.
We are doing a secret DT project at the moment, please could you collect and bring into school egg boxes to help the children with this project. Thank you
Literacy: In Literacy we will be learning about fact files. Children will be exploring the structure of different fact files. We will be spotting conjunctions, verbs and adjectives within these fact files.
Maths: We will be discussing and taking part in activities involving measure, including length and height.
Reading: This week we will be reading a fiction story based in London called 'The Royal Baby's Big Red Bus. Children will be spotting new vocabulary and answering retrieval and inference style questions about the text.
Zone: This week it will be an art theme. Children will be choosing different London Landmarks to sketch.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be learning the new GPC's; ear (ur), wr (r) and st and st (s).
As part of our learning in Geography about a 'Sense of Place' please could your child bring in a photo of their house. Thank you
RE: In RE we are learning about symbols of Easter, in order to make this as enriching as possible, children will be trying Hot Cross Buns on Tuesday 7th March. If you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to innovate our model text 'Katie's Great Present Adventure'. We will be continuing to teach the children the tool kit needed to write their own tale. We will be learning about similes, adjectives, adverbs and the power of 3.
Maths: We will be partitioning numbers to 50 into tens and ones.
Reading: This week we will be reading a fiction story based in London called 'Katie in London'. Children will be answering retrieval, comprehension and inference style questions about the text.
Zone: This week we are continuing with our geography theme. We will be looking at developing the children's sense of place. We will be looking at maps of Earlswood and the surrounding areas. We will be discussing human and physical features in the local environment.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be learning the new GPC's; a (or), a (o) and ear and ere (air). Please see below this weeks home learning sheet. The home learning sheets for the whole of Spring 1 and 2 can be found below, please feel free to print your own copy to support your children at home.
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to learn our model text 'Katie's Great Present Adventure'. We will be teaching children the toolkit needed to write their own tale. We will be learning about similes, adjectives, adverbs and the power of 3.
Maths: We will be counting in 10's.
Reading: This week we will be reading a non-fiction book about the British Isle's called 'The Big Book of the UK'. We will be learning about the 4 countries that make up the UK. We will be looking at their flags, capital cities and famous landmarks.
Zone: This week is a geography zone and we will be continuing to learn about the 4 countries that make up the UK, their capital cities, flags, famous dishes and landmarks. We will also be looking at a series of maps and naming and locating the 4 seas/oceans that surround the UK.
Phonics: We will be continuing to grow the code. We will be learning new GPC's; tch (ch), ture (ch), al (ar) and a (ar). Please see below this weeks home learning sheet. The home learning sheets for the whole of Spring 1 and 2 can be found below, please feel free to print your own copy to support your children at home.
We hope you had a nice half term break. Pictures from the burning of the houses can be found on your child's tapestry journal.
Literacy: In Literacy we will be reading a range of stories about losing something. We will be learning the model text 'Katie's Present'. Please see a copy below.
Maths: We will be making numbers to 50 using a range of manipulatives such as dienes and ones.
Reading: We will be reading a book about Queen Elisabeth II called 'Tea with the Queen'. We will be discussing new vocabulary and asking the children retrieval and inference style questions about the text.
Zone: This week it is a history zone and children are learning about significant figures in history. In particular children will be learning about Queen Elisabeth II and King Charles III.
Phonics: We will be continuing to 'grow the code'. We will be learning a range of new digraphs and trigraphs; 'or', 'u', 'oul', 'are', 'au' and 'oor'. Please see the Home Learning Sheet below for more details.
WB 06/02/23
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to learn about recounts based on the Great Fire of London. Children will be writing their own recount based on the Great Fire of London.
Maths: We will be doing missing number activities from 0-20.
Reading: We will be reading a book based on Internet Safety called 'Hanni and the Magic Window'.
Internet Safety Day: Children will be taking part in Internet Safety Day and talking about what information is safe and unsafe to share online.
RE Day: Children will be learning about Christianity. Children will be learning what Christians believe God is like.
Burning Houses: On Wednesday we will be burning some of our Tudor houses to demonstrate how the fire spread so quickly during the Great Fire of London.
Phonics: We will be consolidating the sounds we have learnt so far.
WB 30/01/23
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to learn about recounts based on the Great Fire of London. Children will be learning about time connectives and conjunctions.
Maths: We will be learning about doubling.
Reading: We will be reading a different recount about the Great Fire of London called 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London'. We will be asking children retrieval and inference style questions based on the text and asking them to spot and discuss key vocabulary.
Topic: This week children will be continuing to learn about materials and their properties. We will be making 1666 Tudor style houses and designing and making miniature furniture for our houses.
Phonics: We will be learning some new Phase 5 sounds. For example the grapheme 'ui' 'ou' can make the 'yoo' or 'oo' sound.
WB 23/01/23
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to write our own journey tale based on the story Meerkat Mail. On Wednesday we will be learning about what a recount is and learning and recount about the Great Fire of London.
Maths: We will be learning our number bonds to 20.
Reading: We will be reading a different recount about the Great Fire of London. We will be asking children retrieval and inference style questions based on the text and asking them to spot and discuss key vocabulary.
Topic: This week children will be learning about materials and their properties. We will be linking this to the materials used to build houses in 1666. We will also be carrying out a floating and sinking investigation using different materials from around the classroom.
Phonics: We will be learning some new Phase 5 sounds. For example the grapheme 'o', 'o-e, and 'ou' can all have the 'u' sound.
WB 016/01/23
Literacy: In Literacy we will be writing our own journey tale based on the story Meerkat Mail.
Maths: We will be continuing to look at numbers 11-20 by looking at a number line.
Reading: We will be reading the story called 'The Baker's Boy and the Great Fire of London'. Children will be encouraged to answer comprehension and inference questions based on the text.
Topic: This week children will be learning about foods from 1666 and foods now. We will be designing, choosing and preparing our own toppings to go on bruschetta.
Phonics: We will be learning some new Phase 5 sounds. For example the grapheme 'le' in words such as 'apple' and 'beetle' makes the sound 'l'. Please see below the phonics home learning sheet for this week.
WB 09/01/23
Literacy: In Literacy we will be continuing to learn our model text based on the book 'Meerkat Mail'. Children will be continuing to learn about different settings and will be asked to choose a setting of their own.
Maths: We will be continuing to look at numbers 11-20. Children will be recalling 1 more and 1 less than any given number to 20.
Reading: We will be reading the story called 'Charlie and the Great Fire of London' and encouraging the children to sequence the important events.
Topic: This week children will be continuing to learn about the Great Fire of London and will be creating their own pieces of inspired artwork based on this event.
Phonics: We will be learning some new Phase 5 sounds. For example the grapheme 'y' in words such as 'spy' makes the sound 'igh'. Please see below the phonics home learning sheet for this week.
WB 02/01/23
Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you all a happy and healthy 2023. Thank you for your support with the Christmas Sing-alongs, the children did us and you very proud. Thank you also for your lovely cards and presents, we appreciate your generosity.
This week we will be kick starting our Learning about the Great Fire of London. Please this link https://www.fireoflondon.org.uk/game/ to follow and an interactive story about the Great Fire of London. Enjoy!
Literacy: In Literacy we will be starting out talk 4 writing journey. Children will be learning a story based on the popular story 'Meerkat Mail'. If you would like to hear the story of Meerkat Mail, please follow this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T-FyavxHrw.
Maths: We will be beginning to look at numbers beyond 10 and what these are made up of e.g. tens and ones. If you would like to help your child with tens and ones please use this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8sfr82/articles/zw4g2nb.
Reading: We will be reading the story called 'The Great Fire of London' and encouraging the children to sequence the important events.
Topic: This week children will be taking part in a range of activities based on the Great Fire of London.
Phonics: We will be learning some new Phase 5 sounds. For example the grapheme 'y' in words such as 'happy' make the sound 'ee'. Please see below the phonics home learning sheet for this week.
WB 12/12/22
Sing-along: Please come and watch our sing-along on Tuesday 13th December. Badger and Hare is at 9.05am and Fox and Mole at 2.30pm in the School Hall.
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will be continuing to learn about 'verbs'. We will be reading, following and writing our own instructions about how to make star biscuits as a Christmas treat.
Cooking: Children will be following a recipe in order to make star biscuits. Please see recipe below.
Maths: We will be consolidating our learning on subtraction from 0-10.
Reading: We will be reading the story called 'A recipe for a story' and encouraging children to write their own stories.
RE: On Friday we will be having our RE day. Children will be learning about why Christmas is important to Christians.
Topic: This week children will be taking part in a range of activities based on instructions.
Phonics: We will be consolidating the phase 5 alternative sounds we have learnt this half term.
WB 5/12/22
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will be learning about verbs and reading instructions about how to make a jam sandwich.
Maths: We will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'Nativity'.
Topic: This week children will be taking part in a range of Christmas crafts.
Phonics: We will be consolidating the phase 5 alternative sounds we have learnt this half term.
WB 28/11/22
Parent volunteers
We are looking for parents/carers to volunteer their time to talk to the children about their occupations. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are interested. Thank you
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will writing a short story about an animal and using this to create an e-book on Purple Mash.
Maths: We will be using a number line to solve subtraction problems.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'Traction Man'. The children will be sequencing the story, picking our graphemes and discussing new vocabulary. We will also be answering retrieval and inference style questions about the text. Here is a link to the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FfW3X1V4J0
Topic: This week children will be learning about E-Books and making a simple story using Purple Mash.
WB 21/11/22
Parent volunteers
We are looking for parents/carers to volunteer their time to talk to the children about their occupations. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are interested. Thank you
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will writing non-chronological reports about a superhero.
Maths: We will be continuing to learn about subtraction using the crossing out method and using the stem sentences, 'first, then and now'.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'Funny Bones'. The children will be sequencing the story and will be continuing to answer retrieval questions from the text.
Topic: This week children will be learning about the human body. Children will be drawing and labelling key body parts and using their 5 senses to explore the world around them.
Odd Socks Day 14th November /Anti Bullying Week 14th November-18th November
On Monday 14th November we ask that children wear odd socks to mark the start of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (No donation is required). Odd Socks Day encourages us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us unique. During this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, we are encouraging the children to ‘Reach Out’ for help if they or they know someone who is experiencing bullying. Thank you for your support with these special events.
WB 14/11/22
Parent volunteers
We are looking for parents/carers to volunteer their time to talk to the children about their occupations. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are interested. Thank you
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will writing non-chronological reports about a superhero.
Maths: We will be learning about subtraction and finding the missing part.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'Super Daisy'. The children will be sequencing the story and will be continuing to answer retrieval questions from the text.
Topic: This week children will be learning about two historical figures; Florence Nightingale and Rosa Parks and their impact on our lives today.
WB 7/11/22
Parent volunteers
We are looking for parents/carers to volunteer their time to talk to the children about their occupations. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are interested. Thank you
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will be using colourful semantics to write a character description based on a 'people that help us'.
Maths: We will be practising our number bonds to 10 and writing these is a systematic approach.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'The Jolly Postman'. The children will continue to practise their retrieval skills and look at the new vocabulary that arises in the book.
Topic: This week children will be learning about mixing primary colours and we will be learning about Vincent Van Gogh.
WB 31/10/22
Welcome to Aut 2. Our theme for this half term is Heroes.
Parent volunteers
We are looking for parents/carers to volunteer their time to talk to the children about their occupations. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are interested. Thank you
Cardboard Boxes such as shoes boxes
The children will be making sculptures this week, however we are in need of cardboard boxes, please can you send your child in with a cardboard box so they can take part in the activity.
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will be using colourful semantics to write a character description based on the story 'Superkid!'.
Maths: We will be consolidating our learning on the part whole model and addition fact families, including number bonds to 10.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'Traction Man'. The children will continue to practise their retrieval skills and look at the new vocabulary that arises in the book.
Topic: This week it is sculpture week. Children will be making a range of art work based on the artist Mondrian.
WB 17/10/22
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will be using colourful semantics to write about extreme weather. We will also be exploring adjectives to describe different types of extreme weather and making our own word banks.
Maths: We will be introducing the children to number sentences and writing addition fact families.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'After the Storm' in the Percy the Park Keeper series. We will be exploring extreme types of weather. The children will continue to practise their retrieval skills and look and the new vocabulary that arises in the book.
Topic: This week the children will be learning about different types of extreme weather. We will also be looking at two contrasting places in the world and comparing their climates.
WB 10/10/22
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will be assessing how the children are using colourful semantics to write simple sentences about the seasons.
Maths: We will be introducing the children to the part whole model and asking them to
demonstrate their understanding using physical resources.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'A Little Seed' by Eric Carle where will be exploring how a seeds grows into a plant. The children will continue to practise their retrieval skills and look and the new vocabulary that arises in the book.
Topic: Over the next two weeks the children will be exploring plants and trees. We will be looking at deciduous and evergreen trees in our environment and will be collecting different leaves from the trees to compare. The children will be labelling parts of trees and part of plants. We will be planting some seeds to observe the germination process.
WB 03/10/22
Literacy: In Literacy this week the children will be using adjectives to describe the four seasons. They will construct sentences using colourful semantics and include 'what like' vocabulary in their writing.
Maths: We are continuing to look the vocabulary 'greater', 'fewer', 'greatest', 'smaller', ' smallest' and will be using a number line to identify more than and less than a given number.
Reading: We will be looking at the story 'Tree' where will be exploring the tree through the seasons. The children will continue to practise their retrieval skills and look and the new vocabulary that arises in the book.
Topic: Over the next two weeks the children will be exploring plants and trees. We will be looking at deciduous and evergreen trees in our environment and will be collecting different leaves from the trees to compare. The children will be labelling parts of trees and part of plants. We will be planting some seeds to observe the germination process.
Pupil Parliament: We are setting up a Pupil Parliament. The Pupil Parliament will be made up of 1 person from each class Year 1-5 and 2 people in each class from Year 6. These children will be called Ministers. The Ministers will meet once a fortnight to discuss important issues and help make improvements in the school. Next week, the children will be given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be their class Minister for the year, if they would like to. We look forward to hearing the children talk about why they want to represent their class.
WB 26/09/22
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to explore how to form a sentence using colourful semantics, this week we will be including 'with whom' and 'when'. Children will be physically making their own sentences and practicing writing sentences using their literacy tool box e.g. capital letter, finger spaces, full stop, can you read it back?
Maths: We will be continuing to practice counting to 10, looking at different counting methods and patterns.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to use Rex the Retriever (one of our Reading Dogs) to focus on retrieval style questions. We will be reading the text 'The Squirrels that Squabbled'.
Topic: This will be the last week looking at seasons. By the end of this week all children will make a seasons wheel explaining what the weather is like in each season, significant events and how the length of day differs between each season.
WB 19/09/22
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to explore how to form a sentence using colourful semantics, this week we will be including 'with whom'. Children will be physically making sentences and practicing writing sentences using their literacy tool box.
Maths: We will be practising the skill of one more/one less within 10.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to use Rex the Retriever (one of our Reading Dogs) to focus on retrieval style questions. We will be reading the text a Percy the Park Keeper story 'One Warm Fox'.
This week we will be continuing to focus on a particular season; learning about typical weather patterns and day length.
WB 12/09/22
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to explore how to form a sentence using colourful semantics. Children will be physically making sentences and practicing writing sentences using their literacy tool box.
Maths: We will be representing numbers to 10 using a range of methods, such as a ten's frame. Counting forwards and backwards to 10/ten using the numerals and number names. We will also begin to count one more.
Reading: In reading, we will be meeting Rex the Retriever (one of our Reading Dogs) and focusing on retrieval style questions. We will be reading the text 'Say Hi to Hedgehog'.
This week we will be continuing to focus on a particular season; learning about typical weather patterns and day length.
Plastic bottles: Please can you bring in some clean plastic bottles for a science experiment. We will require these for the next four weeks. Thank you
Week Beginning 05/09/22
Literacy: This week we will be writing using colourful semantics. We will be writing about the seasons.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on sorting and counting objects within 10.
Reading: In reading, we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals.
This week we will be focusing on the four seasons, each class will be learning about a particular season.
Plastic bottles: Please can you bring in some clean plastic bottles for a science experiment. We will require these for the next four weeks. Thank you
Week Beginning 11.7.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on creating our posters for the products we will be making and selling for Enterprise Week.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on finding and making number bonds and continuing to focus on money and counting coins.
Reading: In reading, we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals.
This week we will be focusing on our Enterprise Project which we will sell at the end of term. All proceeds will go towards our chosen charity: Stripy Stork.
Week Beginning 4.7.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on writing a recount for our recent trip to Tilgate Park. We will be discussing the order of events and continuing to practice writing in the past tense using -ed verbs.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on identifying coins and notes. We will be recognising and matching coins to different values and beginning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s using coins.
Reading: In reading, we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals.
This week we will be continuing to make our animal themed 'finger puppets' focusing on joining two pieces of fabric. We will continue to focus on the artist 'Edward Tingatinga' and attempt to create some of his work.
Week Beginning 27.6.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on writing our HOT TASK to show the skills we have learned this term. We will then be beginning to discuss and ask questions ready for our trip to Tilgate Park.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on counting forwards and backwards within 100. Identifying 1 more and 1 less.
Reading: In reading, we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals.
This week we will have our R.E day where we will be learning all about 'The Torah.' We will also be having our discussions about our Tilgate Park trip and what we think it will be like.
Week Beginning 20.6.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on innovating our text 'Timones Rainforest Adventure.' Our focus will be on changing the setting with a focus on adjectives and using past tense verbs ending in -ed.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on counting forwards and backward within 100. We will also be focusing on our numeral reversals to ensure we are writing these with the correct formation.
Reading: In reading, we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals.
For our topic we are beginning to look at African artwork and African animals. We will also begin to focus on our DT project where the children will be making finger puppets.
Week Beginning 13.6.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on short burst writing and the use of -ed to write in the past tense. We will be focused on our 5 senses and use these to describe a setting.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on counting forwards and backward within 100. We will also be focusing on our numeral reversals to ensure we are writing these with the correct formation.
Reading: In reading, we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals.
We are focusing on our Science knowledge of animals developed over the last term to relate to farm and zoo animals. We will be thinking about which animal groups they belong to and what they eat.
Here is a link below for some examples:
Week Beginning 30.5.22
We hope you all have a lovely half term. School reopens for children on Tuesday 7th May.
Phonics: Please can you focus on the alien and real words in your child's reading record and read as much as you can over the holidays!
Our learning theme after the holidays is 'Paws, Claws and Whiskers.'
Week Beginning 23.5.22
The week beginning 23rd May is Sports Week!
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on short-burst writing, we will be using our skills for writing to write our HOT tasks this week.
Maths: In Maths we will be learning about position and direction and consolidating our learning of half and quarter.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals and wildlife.
Science/ History: We will be summarising our learning from this term and creating a booklet all about 'Charles Darwin' and animals based on what they eat and which category they belong to.
Week Beginning 16.5.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on short-burst writing, practicing our writing skills and using a range of adjectives. We will be focusing on extending our vocabulary and using more interesting adjectives in our writing.
Maths: In Maths we will be learning about making and finding a quarter of a shape and a quarter of an amount.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals and wildlife.
Science/ History: Our focus this term is 'Charles Darwin' and animals. We will be categorising animals based on what they eat, e.g. carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and classifying animals into their animal groups.
Week Beginning 9.5.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on learning about warning tales and describing characters. We will be practising our writing skills including using a wide range of adjectives, the use of capital letters, full stops and finger spaces within a range of writing opportunities.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on learning about halves, wholes and how to find a half of an amount.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read.
Science/ History: Our focus this term is 'Charles Darwin' and animals. We will continue to categorise animals based on what they eat, e.g. carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and sort animals into their animal groups. We will be using a range of art skills to create different animals in 2D and 3D!
Week Beginning 2.5.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on short-burst writing. We will be practising our writing skills including the use of capital letters, full stops and finger spaces within a range of writing opportunities.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on making equal groups- grouping and sharing. We will also be continuing to develop our fluency skills, counting up to 100 and solving addition and subtraction questions.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read.
Science/ History: Our focus this term is 'Charles Darwin' and animals. We will continue to categorise animals based on what they eat, e.g. carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and sort animals into their animal groups.
Week Beginning 25.4.22
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on short-burst writing, practicing our writing skills and using adjectives to write our own list poem. We will be innovating, planning and writing a list poem.
Maths: In Maths we will be learning about doubling and grouping. We will continue to practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals and wildlife.
Science/ History: Our focus this term is 'Charles Darwin' and animals. We will be categorising animals based on what they eat, e.g. carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and classifying animals into their animal groups.
Week Beginning 18.4.22
Our focus this week is introducing our new learning theme 'Origins of the Species.'
Literacy: We will be focusing on 'Poetry' for the first two weeks of term. We will be introducing our HOOK and our poem on Wednesday and Thursday.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on skip counting in 2s and 5s and beginning to introduce doubles.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to animals and wildlife.
Easter Holidays
Monday 4th April- Monday 18th April
We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 19th April.
Week Beginning 28.3.22
Our focus this week is 'Growth' as part of our STEM learning week.
We are excited for our STEM week visitors and for the STEM competition. Don't forget to bring in your posters for the British Science Week Competition!
Literacy: We will be continuing to focus on our text 'Pippety Skycap.' This week our focus is on innovating our story and writing our own using our toolkit skills.
Maths: In Maths we will be consolidating our learning of measurement, focusing on length, weight/mass and capacity and volume.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to London, Seasons and the UK.
Week Beginning 21.3.22
This week we will be having our 'Tea with the Queen' on Tuesday.
Literacy: We will be continuing to learn our new text 'Pippety Skycap.' We will be practicing some short burst writing, with a focus on sentence structure.
Maths: In Maths we will be introducing Capacity. We will be exploring key vocabulary associated with Capacity and Volume. We will be learning how to measure and compare capacity.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to London, Seasons and the UK.
R.E- We will be kicking off our week with an R.E Day on Monday 21st March. We will be learning about 'What do Eggs have to do with Easter?'
Week Beginning 14.3.22
Literacy: We have come to the end of our Talk for Writing cycle so we will be starting with a cold task and introducing a new text this week.
Maths: In Maths we will be introducing weight and mass. We will be focusing on how to measure and how to compare mass using balance scales.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to London and The UK.
Our Jigsaw theme this term is all about 'Staying Healthy.'
As part of our ongoing work to support the children with their mental health, year 1 will be taking part in a wellbeing workshop with Openview Education. Openview Education deliver theatre based workshops with an aim to empower students with the skills, knowledge and confidence that they need to stay safe and live successful, happy lives.
During the ‘Wellbeing Adventure’ workshop, the children will take part in an interactive story and go on an exciting journey to the wellbeing jungle. They’ll meet engaging and entertaining characters and learn three simple ways to look after their own wellbeing, and how to speak up if they need help.
Week Beginning 7.3.22
Literacy: We have been exploring our Talk for Writing Text 'Katie's Great Present Adventure.' This week we are focusing on writing our own adventure story thinking about characters.
Maths: In Maths we are focusing on 'Measurement' and exploring vocabulary associated with length and height. We are going to be having a go at adding and subtracting lengths thinking about our measure and addition and subtraction skills.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to London and The UK.
Science: We will be introducing a science investigation over the next couple of weeks where we will be making a prediction about which materials will 'float' or 'sink' and then we will write up our results.
Our Jigsaw theme this term is all about 'Staying Healthy.' We will be exploring household items thinking about how to keep ourselves healthy and safe.
Week Beginning 28.2.22
Literacy: We have been exploring our new Talk for Writing Text 'Katie's Great Present Adventure.' We have been beginning to learn about conjunctions and exclamation marks and using these within our writing.
Maths: In Maths we are moving onto 'Measurement' and beginning to explore vocabulary associated with measure. We have been looking at longer, shorter, taller and wider. Later in the week we will be introducing the ruler and how to measure using a ruler.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key texts related to London and The UK.
Science: We will be introducing a science investigation over the next couple of week where we will be making a prediction about which materials will 'float' or 'sink' and then we will write up our results.
Our Jigsaw theme this term is all about 'Staying Healthy.' We will be exploring what it means to be healthy and how to look after our brains and bodies.
Week Beginning 21.2.22
Literacy: We have been discussing a time when we received a favourite present, how it made us feel and what our favourite present was, in preparation for our new talk for writing text.
Maths: In Maths we are focusing on consolidating our learning by representing and recognising amounts within 50, counting forwards and backwards and identifying one more and one less. We will also be beginning to learn to skip count in 2s and 5s.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We will be focusing on our key text ' Tea with The Queen' this week as we introduce our WOW Week for 'London.'
Topic: We introduced our significant individual in history at the end of last term- Queen Elizabeth II. We will be focusing in more detail on her life and her role as Queen this week.
Our Jigsaw theme this term is all about 'Staying Healthy.' We will be exploring what it means to be healthy and how to look after our brains and bodies.
Week Beginning 7.2.22
Literacy: We are focusing on our completing our innovation for our chosen setting. We will then be writing up our HOT TASK showing off all of the toolkit skills we have learnt this term.
Maths: In Maths we are focusing on counting forwards and backwards within 50 and recognising and representing numbers to 50. We will be using dienes to represent the tens and ones within these numbers.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We have been looking at different texts related to the Great Fire of London and learning about the key events. We have been focusing on characters and setting within our own books.
Topic: We will learning about a significant figure for the end of this term- Queen Elizabeth II.
We will also be taking part in and enjoying Children's Mental Health week. Where we will focus on being active, we will have a making lesson during cooking and learning how to look after ourselves.
Week Beginning 31.1.22
Literacy: We are focusing on our new story map 'Meerkat Mail.' We will be focusing on a range of different story settings and writing sentences using adjectives to describe these.
Maths: In Maths we will be continuing to practice our addition by making 10 and number bonds within 10 and 20. We are focusing on counting forwards and backwards within 50 and recognising and representing numbers to 50.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We have been looking at different texts related to the Great Fire of London and learning about the key events. We have been focusing on characters and setting within our own books.
Topic: We will continue to develop our knowledge of the key events from the Great Fire of London. We will be using a range of different techniques to create artwork and some sliders in D.T.
Science: We will be continuing to develop our Science knowledge of identifying a range of materials and sorting materials based on their properties. We have been linking this to the houses in The Great Fire of London.
Week Beginning 24.1.22
Literacy: We will be writing our end of unit Hot Task for The Great Fire of London. We will then be introducing our new story map starting with a HOOK.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on subtraction by crossing 10. We will be continuing to practice our addition by making 10 and number bonds within 10 and 20. We will be using a number line to answer our subtraction questions.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We have been looking at different texts related to the Great Fire of London and learning about the key events. We have been focusing on characters and setting within our own books.
Topic: We will continue to develop our knowledge of the key events from the Great Fire of London. We will be using a range of different techniques to create artwork and some sliders in D.T.
Science: We will be developing our Science knowledge of identifying a range of materials and sorting materials based on their properties.
Week Beginning 17.1.22
Literacy: We will be concentrating on our toolkit skills for writing a recount and innovating our own text.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on subtraction by not crossing and crossing 10. We will be continuing to practice our addition by making 10 and number bonds to 10 and 20.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We have been looking at different texts related to the Great Fire of London and learning about the key events.
Topic: We will continue to develop our knowledge of the key events from the Great Fire of London. We will be using a range of different techniques to create artwork and some sliders in D.T.
Science: We will be developing our Science knowledge of identifying a range of materials and sorting materials based on their properties.
Week Beginning 10.1.22
Literacy: We will be introducing our Non-fiction text based on the Great Fire of London.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on adding by counting on and making number bonds to 10. Recognising and making addition facts.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read. We have been looking at different texts related to the Great Fire of London and learning about the key events.
Topic: We will be focusing on the significance and key events from the Great Fire of London. We will be exploring art and a range of art techniques to create drawings and paintings.
Science: In Science this term we will be finding out about different materials, what objects are made from and the properties of these different materials.
Week Beginning 4.1.22
We will be creating houses out of cardboard for the Week Beginning 4.1.22 for our Great Fire of London theme. If you could donate a medium box for your child or keep any boxes over Christmas and donate to Year 1 these would be greatly appreciated!
We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing festive break and look forward to seeing you all in the new school year!
Year 1 team.
Week Beginning 13.12.21
Literacy: We have been learning to write a set of instructions for our final writing task.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on identifying and representing numbers up to 20 looking at the tens and ones within these numbers.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read.
Topic: We will be focusing on a significant individual for our History this term and we will begin to learn how to create our own animations within our Computing Zone.
Week Beginning 5.12.21
Literacy: We have been learning a set of instructions for 'How to catch a Villain.' We will be learning about using imperative or bossy verbs to write our own instructions.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on counting forwards and backwards and learning to write numerals in words. Focusing on ty and teen numbers.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be answering questions based on what we have read.
Topic: We will be focusing on a significant individual for our History this term and we will begin to learn how to create our own animations within our Computing Zone.
Week Beginning 29.11.21
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on using time connectives to write a set of instructions.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction number sentences and comparing these using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be looking at the Nativity story as part of our R.E this term focused around 'Why Christmas is important to Christians. We will be answering questions based on what we have read.
Science: This term we are focusing on the human body. We will be identifying and labelling parts of the human body associated with each of the senses.
Topic: Our R.E this term is focusing on 'Why is Christmas important to Christians?'
We will be having our Christmas making morning and creating our Christmas hats.
Week Beginning 15.11.21
Literacy: We will be focusing in detail on applying similes and alliteration within our writing. We will then begin to innovate our writing changing our superhero character.
Maths: In Maths we will be continuing to focus on subtraction and vocabulary associated with subtraction. We are beginning to write down our number sentences.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be looking at the text Funny Bones and Supertato and the Evil Peas. We will be answering questions based on what we have read.
Science: This term we are focusing on the human body. We will be identifying and labelling parts of the human body associated with each of the senses.
Topic: We will be going on our Earlswood station walk, following a map and directions to get there. We will then have a go at creating our own maps.
Week Beginning 8.11.21
Literacy: We have noticed some strange activities over the half term and we think they may have something to do with SUPERKID. We are introducing our new story this week and learning about Alliteration and Similes.
Maths: In Maths we will be focusing on identifying and comparing 2D and 3D shapes.
Reading: In reading we are focusing on our decoding and comprehension skills. We will be looking at the text Funny Bones and Supertato and the Evil Peas. We will be answering questions based on what we have read.
Science: This term we are focusing on the human body. We will be identifying and labelling parts of the human body associated with each of the senses.
Topic: We will be going on our Earlswood station walk, following a map and directions to get there. We will then have a go at creating our own maps.
Week Beginning 25.10.21
We hope you all have a lovely half term and a well earnt break. We look forward to seeing you all after the half term for Sculpture week.
Year 1
Week Beginning 18.10.21
Literacy: We have been exploring the features of animal fact files. This week we will be planning and writing our own animal fact files.
Maths: In Maths we will continuing to use the part whole model to identify and make numbers. We will be continuing to use the part whole model to write addition number sentences.
Reading: In reading we have been reading stories that link to our woodland theme and we have been learning some key facts. We will be summarising our learning this week thinking about what we have learnt and answering comprehension questions.
Science: We have spent some time exploring the seasons we have also been looking at identifying months of the year that are associated with each of the seasons. Why not have a listen to some songs at home:
Topic: For our final week of the Autumn term we will be looking at the historian Tim Berners Lee and his invention of the World Wide Web.
Week Beginning 11.10.21
Literacy: This week we will be begin to pick out the key features of a fact file and begin to identify how to write our own.
Maths: In Maths we will continuing to use the part whole model to identify and make numbers. We will be introducing the addition symbol and mathematical vocabulary associated with addition.
Reading: In reading we have been reading stories that link to our woodland theme and we have been learning some key facts. We have been focusing on comprehension and answering questions based on the stories that we have read.
Science: We have spent some time exploring the seasons we have also been looking at identifying months of the year that are associated with each of the seasons. Why not have a listen to some songs at home:
Topic: We will be introducing our tree zone where we will be focusing on deciduous and evergreen trees and discussing how to identify these. We will also be looking at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and his sculptures made of natural materials.
Week Beginning 4.10.21
Literacy: We have completed our T4W cycle on the three little pigs. This week we will be introducing an information text to the children based on a woodland animal. We will be discussing the features of the information text and different woodland animals that we know.
Maths: In Maths we will continue practising counting forwards and backwards. We will also be introducing the children to the addition symbol and focusing on vocabulary for addition.
Reading: In reading we have been reading stories that link to our woodland theme and that link to our traditional tales. We have been focusing on comprehension and answering questions based on the stories that we have read. Making links between stories where we can.
Science: We have spent some time exploring the seasons we have also been looking at identifying months of the year that are associated with each of the seasons.
Topic: We will continue with our scientific questioning to find out about the seasons and we will be introducing our tree zone where we will be focusing on deciduous and evergreen trees and discussing how to identify these.
Week Beginning 27.9.21
Literacy: We will continue to practice our T4W story The Three Little pigs with actions. We will be focusing this week on changing one of our characters from the story and creating our own character description.
Maths: In Maths we will continue practising counting forwards and backwards, practising our number formation. We will be using the language greater than, less than and equal to, to compare objects.
Reading: In reading we have been reading stories that link to our woodland theme and that link to our traditional tales. We have also been focusing on our phonics skills to segment and blend new, unfamiliar words.
Science: We will continue to dig deeper into our learning of the seasons and identifying weathers associated with the seasons.
Topic: We will continue to explore our indoor and outdoor learning environments using our scientific skills to ask questions. We continue to explore the weather daily and how this changes throughout the seasons.
Week Beginning 20.9.21
Literacy: We will continue to practice our T4W story The Three Little pigs with actions. We will then focus in detail on the characters within the story and begin creating some character comparisons.
Maths: In Maths we will continue practising counting forwards and backwards.
Reading: In reading we have been reading stories that link to our woodland theme and that link to our traditional tales. Rex Retriever has been helping us retrieve key information such as characters and setting.
Science: We will continue to dig deeper into our learning of the seasons and identifying weathers associated with the seasons.
Topic: We will continue with our scientific questioning to find out about the seasons and we have been developing our knowledge of weather and extreme weather through our Geography zone.
Week Beginning 13.9.21
Literacy: We will begin our talk for writing cycle this term based on the Three Little Pigs. We have been exploring traditional tales and looking at characters and setting.
Maths: In Maths we will be looking exploring Place Value. We will be counting forwards and backwards and finding one more and one less up to 10.
Reading: In reading we will continue to explore Rex Retriever and how he helps us to retrieve information from a text.
Science: We will continue to explore seasons and discuss weather associated with each of the seasons.
Topic: We will continue exploring seasons, weather and using our science investigation skills to learn more about the woodlands and how the seasons change.
Week Beginning 9.9.21
Literacy: We will begin our literacy learning this term by focusing on traditional tales. We will be sequencing and retelling familiar tales and beginning to identify and discuss characters.
Maths: In Maths we will be looking exploring Place Value. We will be counting, sorting and representing objects.
Reading: In reading we will start to learn about Rex Retriever and how he helps us to retrieve information from a text.
Science: Our first topic will be all about seasons, we will be exploring each of the seasons and discuss how they are different.
Topic: Our first topic is called Enchanted Woodland! We will be exploring seasons, weather and using our science investigation skills to learn more about the woodlands.
Welcome to Year 1
A big welcome from the Year 1 team and we look forward to seeing you all this week! We hope you had a wonderful summer break.
Our first topic will be called Enchanted Woodland. We will be exploring lots of woodland animals and natural materials. We will also be exploring weather and seasons.
In Year 1 our P.E. days are Monday and Friday and children should come to school in their P.E. kit on these days.
We will have Music with Mr Scullin on a Wednesday or Thursday.
Any questions please feel free to ask your child's teacher.
Year 1 Team