
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Weekly Blog

Week Beginning 22.7.24


This week we have our Leaver's Assemblies on Monday 22nd July:

9.05 - 6O & 6D

10.00 - 6W & 6M

We will be doing a range of activities to round off the children's Earlswood journeys!


Thank you for all your help and support this year - we wish the children all the best as they move onto their secondary schools and hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday!

Week Beginning 15.7.24


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be creating their own superheroes and writing information texts about them.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Pig Heart Boy', looking at summarising ideas from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be completing our enterprise project.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about preparing ourselves emotionally for the changes we are about to face.

Week Beginning 8.7.24


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own explanation texts.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Pig Heart Boy', looking at identifying and explaining is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.


Topic: This week the children will be completing our computing unit on Networks.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how respect for one another is essential in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and that we should not feel pressured into doing things we don't want to do.

Week Beginning 1.7.24


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of explanation texts.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Pig Heart Boy', looking at making inferences from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be rehearsing and performing the production!


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how a baby develops from conception through the nine months of pregnancy and how it is born.

Week Beginning 24.6.24


This week the Y6 children will be going on their residential!

6O and 6D will be going on Monday morning and returning on Wednesday afternoon.

6W and 6M will be going on Wednesday morning and returning on Friday afternoon.

If your child is not going on the residential please send them into school as normal.


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing their own newspapers.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Pig Heart Boy', looking at identifying and explaining how information is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week the children will be rehearsing the production.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how our bodies change during puberty and the importance of looking after ourselves physically and emotionally.

Week Beginning 17.6.24


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of newspapers.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Pig Heart Boy', looking at making comparisons within the text.


Topic: This week the children will be rehearsing the production.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how our bodies change during puberty and the importance of looking after ourselves physically and emotionally.

Week Beginning 10.6.24


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be doing some writing based on the poem 'Dreadful Menace'.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Pig Heart Boy', looking at retrieving and recording key information from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be rehearsing the production.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about being aware of our own self image.

Week Beginning 3.6.24


We hope you all have a lovely half term. Monday 3rd June is an INSET day so we look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 4th June!


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be doing some writing based on the tale of Chaperon Rouge.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Pig Heart Boy', looking at predicting what might happen in the text.


Topic: This week the children will be starting to learn about how the heart works.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about being aware of our own self image.

Week Beginning 20.5.24


Maths: This week we will be completing some Maths investigations.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own tales of fear using a range of grammar features to build up suspense.


Reading: This week we will be finishing our book 'Stormbreaker', looking at the skill of summarising main ideas.


Topic: This week the children will be creating and evaluating their own pieces of art based on the work of an artist of their choice.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about using technology safely and positively.

Week Beginning 13.5.24


As you are aware, next week is the KS2 SAT's week. Please could you ensure that your child is in at 8.30 each morning and that if they are ill, to inform the office as soon as possible.


The children have worked very hard this year and we are proud of the effort they have put in. With this in mind, we ask that this weekend they focus on relaxing so that they can come in ready to go on Monday.


Maths: This week we will be looking at revising using the four operations.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own tales of fear using a range of grammar features to build up suspense.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker' and summarising some of our reading skills.


Topic: This week we will be planning and creating their own pieces of art based on the work of an artist of their choice.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about recognising whether or not something is safe online and what to do if it is not.

Week Beginning 6.5.24


We hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday and we will see you on Tuesday 7th!


Maths: This week we will be looking at multi-step problems and revising using the four operations.


Writing: This week the children will be writing our own tales of fear using a range of grammar features to build up suspense.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker' and summarising some of our reading skills.


Topic: This week we will be looking back at some artists we have learnt about over the years and completing some contextual studies.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about recognising when people are trying to gain power or control and how we might stand up for ourselves in these situations.

Week Beginning 29.4.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at angles in a triangle and angles in quadrilaterals.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of suspense writing.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker' and summarising some of our reading skills.


Topic: This week we will be looking back at some artists we have learnt about over the years and completing some contextual studies.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about recognising when people are trying to gain power or control and how we might stand up for ourselves in these situations.

Week Beginning 22.4.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at classifying, measuring and drawing angles.


Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text 'Zelda' which is a suspense tale.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker' and summarising some of our reading skills.


Topic: This week we will be looking back at some artists we have learnt about over the years and completing some contextual studies.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about the different stages of grief and how we might best handle the feelings and emotions that come with this.

Week Beginning 25.3.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at position and direction, including reading and plotting coordinates within the four quadrants.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own explanation texts, including formal and technical language and causal conjunctions.


Reading: This week we will be summarising some of our reading skills, focussing on making inferences and justifying them using evidence from the text.


Topic: This week we have World War II Day on Wednesday 27th March!


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about different strategies we can use to manage stress and pressure.

Week Beginning 18.3.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at statistics, including interpreting and constructing pie charts and finding the mean.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of an explanation text, including formal and technical language and causal conjunctions.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on making inferences and justifying them using evidence from the text.


Topic: This week we will be using our Computing skills to create a blog.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about what it means to be emotionally well and how we can help ourselves manage this.

Week Beginning 11.3.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at drawing and interpreting line graphs.


Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text 'The Teacher Pleaser' which is an explanation text.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on identifying and explaining how information in related and contributes to a meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week is STEM week and we will be learning about microorganisms.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about strategies to help somebody to avoid being pressurised.

Week Beginning 4.3.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at finding the area of different shapes.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own quest tales, using the toolkit for describing a setting, including metaphors, personification and similes.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on explaining the meaning of words in context and making comparisons.


Topic: This week we will be baking Orange Drop Cookies and celebrating World Book Day.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about different types of drugs and the effects on the body.

Week Beginning 26.2.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at finding percentages of amounts.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about our toolkit for describing a setting, including metaphors, personification and similes.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on retrieving and recording information.


Topic: This week we will be learning about rationing and the end of WWII.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about making choices that benefit our health and wellbeing.

Week Beginning 19.2.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at converting fractions to decimals and equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.


Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text 'The Dragon Slayer' which is a quest story, focussing on describing the setting.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on making predictions about what might happen in the text.


Topic: This week we will be learning about the Battle of Britain, the Blitz and how propaganda was used during WWII.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about making choices that benefit our health and wellbeing.

Week Beginning 5.2.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at decimals including multiplying and dividing decimals.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own diary entries, including using direct and indirect speech.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on identifying and explaining how meaning is enhanced through choices of words and phrases.


Topic: This week we are thinking about Mental Health Week.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how we can empathise with people living in difficult situations and work together to make the world a better place.

Week Beginning 29.1.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at decimals including adding subtracting decimals.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of diary writing.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on explaining and justifying inferences from within the text.


Topic: This week we are learning about the work of artist Henry Moore and using chalk to create our own art work.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how we can empathise with people living in difficult situations and work together to make the world a better place.

Week Beginning 22.1.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at algebra, including formulae and one and two step equations.


Writing: This week the children will be writing a discussion text about evacuees.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on explaining how information is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week we are learning about evacuation in WWII and what that might have been like for the children.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how we can empathise with people living in difficult situations and work together to make the world a better place.

Week Beginning 15.1.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at algebra, including the one and two step rules.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own portal sorties using characterisation.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on explaining the meaning of words in context and making comparisons within the text.


Topic: This week we are learning about how World War II started and about the timeline of the main events.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about recognising emotions we feel when we think about people in the world that are suffering or living in difficult situations.

Week Beginning 8.1.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at calculating ratio and investigating scale factor.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about how to use characterisation within a portal story.


Reading: This week we will be reading 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on retrieving an recording information from the text.


Topic: This week we are learning about shadows and the work of scientist Patricia Bath.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about our goals and how we can take steps towards reaching them.

Week Beginning 2.1.24


We hope you have a lovely Christmas break and look forward to seeing you in the new year!


Maths: This week we will be looking at calculating ratio.


Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text 'Gas Mask' which is a portal story.


Reading: This week we will be starting our new book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on making predictions using details from the text.


Topic: This week we are learning about how light travels in straight lines and how we see things.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about our goals and how we can take steps towards reaching them.

Week Beginning 11.12.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at converting and calculating metric measures.


Writing: This week the children will be writing a persuasive letter linked to their learning on marine and freshwater biomes.


Reading: This week we will be finishing our book 'Holes', focussing on summarising the main ideas from the text.


Topic: This week we are learning Islamic art and using the ideas and technology to create some of our own art work.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about differences can be a source of conflict or a cause for celebration and how to show empathy in both scenarios.

Week Beginning 4.12.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at problem solving with fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be writing non-chronological reports comparing marine and freshwater biomes.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Holes', focussing on identifying and explaining how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases..


Topic: This week we are learning about the main biomes and comparing and contrasting marine and freshwater biomes.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about appreciating people for who they are.

Week Beginning 27.11.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of non-chronological reports.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Holes', focussing on making inferences and justifying them with evidence from the text.


Topic: This week we are learning about the main biomes and comparing and contrasting marine and freshwater biomes.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how to problem solve bullying situations.

Week Beginning 20.11.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own journey tales, including dialogue, show not tell, hyphenated adjectives and similes.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Holes', focussing on explaining how information is related and contributes to a meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week we are continuing to learn about the human geography of North and South America, including population.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about a range of strategies for managing my feelings in bullying situations and if we are part of one.

Week Beginning 13.11.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at adding and subtracting fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own journey tales, including dialogue, show not tell, hyphenated adjectives and similes.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Holes', focussing on making comparisons within the text.


Topic: This week is we are learning about the human geography of North and South America, including population.


PSHE:  This week we is Anti Bullying week, this years theme is 'Make a Noise About Bullying'.

Week Beginning 6.11.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at comparing and ordering fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of a journey tale, including dialogue, show not tell, hyphenated adjectives and similes.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Holes', focussing on retrieving and recording key information from the text.


Topic: This week is we are learning about Early Islamic Civilisation, including why Baghdad was known as the centre for learning and how the Silk Road was used for trading.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how everyone has a right to be who they are and being aware of our attitudes towards people who are different to us.

Week Beginning 30.10.23


We hope you have a lovely half term!

Here is what we will be getting up to on the first week back:


Maths: This week we will be looking at equivalent fractions and converting between improper and mixed fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be learning a journey tale and looking at the use of dialogue.


Reading: This week we will be starting our new book 'Holes', focussing on making predictions.


Topic: This week is sculpture week and the children will be looking at the work of Alexander Calder and using his ideas to create their own pieces.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about the different perceptions of normal and about empathising with people who are different.

Week Beginning 16.10.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at square and cubed numbers and the order of operations (BIDMAS).


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own non-chronological reports, including formal language, balanced arguments and parenthesis.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on summarising main ideas from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be looking at the work of Marianne North and using her ideas to create their own pieces.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how we can contribute to a group and how having a voice can effect the school community.

Week Beginning 9.10.23


Maths: This week we will be looking division, including the long and short written methods and factors and multiples of numbers.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of a non-chronological report including formal language, balanced arguments and parenthesis.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing explaining how meaning in enhanced through choice of words and phrases.


Topic: This week the children will be looking at adaptation in both plants and animals, including the work of Gregor Mendel.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about Feel Good Week!

Week Beginning 2.10.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplication and division, including the long and short written methods.


Writing: This week the children will be learning a non-chronological report about Whales and looking at grammar features including formal language, balanced arguments and parenthesis.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on making and explaining inferences from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be looking at adaptation in both plants and animals, including the work of Gregor Mendel.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about understanding how rewards and consequences feel and how they relate to rights and responsibilities.

Week Beginning 25.9.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at addition and subtraction, including using the inverse and working our multi-step problems.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing a finding tale, using adverbials, the five senses and relative clauses to write descriptively.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on identify and explain how information is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week the children will be looking at adaptation in both plants and animals.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about understanding our own wants and needs and comparing these with children in different communities

Week Beginning 18.9.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at negative numbers and addition and subtraction.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing a finding tale, using adverbials and relative clauses.


Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on explaining the meaning of words in context and making comparisons within the text.


Topic: This week the children will be looking at classification and the work of biologist Carl Linnaeus.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about understand our own wants and needs and comparing these with children in different communities

Week Beginning 11.9.23


Maths: This week we will be looking at place value in numbers up to 10 million and rounding.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of a finding tale, including adverbials and relative clauses.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on retrieving and recording information from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about Charles Darwin's discoveries during his voyage on the HMS Beagle.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about the Zones of Regulation, problems we might face and appropriate reactions to these.

Week Beginning 5.9.23


The Y6 team are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school! We will spend this week getting to know the children and starting to introduce our learning for this half term.
