A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Earlswood Infant and Nursery School St. John's Road Redhill Surrey RH1 6DZ
infoinfants@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk 01737 765125 Office contact: Catherine Wilkinson | Earlswood Junior School Brambletye Park Road Redhill Surrey RH1 6JX
infojuniors@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk 01737 765125 Office Contact: Nicola Williams
Special Educational Needs
Contact: Junior SEND Leader - Elaine Crawford
Telephone: 01737 765125
Email: e.crawford@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Contact: infant SEND Leader - Joanna Jackson
Telephone: 01737 765125
Email: j.jackson@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk