
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Weekly Blog



English: We will be continuing our talk for writing cycle focusing on suspense. This week we will innovate the model text. The children will be planning and writing their own finding tales using a suspense toolkit.


Maths: We will be dividing a 2 digit number to a 1 digit number with and without remainders. We will be using our multiplication knowledge to help us with this.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Beasts of Olympus'. We are going to look at vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will continue with our history focus. We will be learning about Greek Theatre and listening to some Greek Myths. We will also be considering the impact of Ancient Greece on society today.



English: We will be continuing our talk for writing cycle focusing on suspense. We will be focusing on reading as a reader and rhetorical questions as we build our toolkit for writing a finding tale.


Maths: We will be multiplying a 2 digit number to a 1 digit number with and without exchanges. We will also be linking multiplication and division together.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Beasts of Olympus'. We are going to look at vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will continue with our history focus. We will be learning about  Greek Gods and Goddesses. We will also be looking at the Trojan War and the Olympics.



This week in cooking we have made a French Cake 'Galette De Rois" linking to our French lessons. The recipe is below if you would like to make it at home.



English: We will be starting our new talk for writing cycle focusing on suspense. We will begin to learn the toolkit for writing a suspense story.


Maths: We will be looking at multiplication and will focus on related calculations and answering reasoning questions.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Beasts of Olympus'. We are going to look at vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week will will be focusing on history as part of our new topic and will be learning all about Ancient Greece. We will be looking at the difference between Sparta and Athens.



- We have a theatre company visiting on Wednesday this week. We are looking forward to watching the show and learning all about Ancient Greece!



English: We will be creating our own winter themed short stories this week. We will focus on story planning and use different way to gather our ideas e.g. circle planning.


Maths: We will be finishing our multiplication and division unit. This week we will be consolidating the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will be solving problems and cracking a Christmas code.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We are going to look at vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week will will be focusing on art. We will be looking at art produced my Claude Monet and using water colour paints to create our own artwork.



- The book we will be focusing on next half term is 'Beasts of Olympus'. Please see below if you would like to buy your child their own copy.



English: We will be  continuing with our non-fiction writing unit this week focusing on reports. We will be linking this to our geography learning as we look at the features of reports.


Maths: We will be continuing our multiplication and division unit. This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing by 8. When you are playing on 'Times Table Rockstars' this week maybe you can practise the 8 times tables!


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We are going to look at vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week will will be finishing our forces and magnets topic and will be consolidating our learning so far. In geography we will be comparing the human and physical features of Pompeii and Snowdonia. We will also be learning a printing technique called 'monotype' printing in order to make our Christmas Cards.



- We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Christmas Singing Assemblies on Tuesday 10th December. There will be two performances one at 9.05am and the second at 2.30pm.



English: We will be writing starting our new writing unit this week focusing on reports. We will be linking this to our geography learning as we look at the features of a non-fiction report.


Maths: We will be continuing our multiplication and division unit. This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing by 4. When you are playing on 'Times Table Rockstars' this week maybe you can practise the 4 times tables!


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We are going to look at vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: In Science we will be continuing to look at forces and magnets. We will be focusing on the different poles on a magnet and thinking about what poles attract and what poles repel. In Geography we will be focusing on the human and physical features of Greece and Italy and comparing these two places.



- It was so lovely to see so many of you at Christmas Making Day. Thank you to everyone that was able to attend.

- We are busy practising our Christmas songs for our Christmas Assembly next week. We will be putting on 2 performances on the 10th December.



English: We will be writing our own journey tales this week. The children will be applying all the tools we have learnt during this talk for writing cycle and using them to write a story full of action.


Maths: We will be continuing our multiplication and division unit. This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing by 3. When you are playing on 'Times Table Rockstars' this week maybe you can practise the 3 times tables!


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We are going to look at vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: In Science we will be continuing to look at forces and magnets. We will looking at magnets this week and identifying materials that are magnetic. In Geography we will focus on naming, locating and understanding climate zones.



- This week we have Christmas Making Day on Thursday. We are looking forward to welcoming you in during the morning for some Christmas craft activities. 



English: We will be innovating our model text this week. The children will be using their own ideas to write journey tales using the action toolkit.


Maths: We will be continuing our multiplication unit. We will be focusing on multiples of 2, 5 and 10.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: In Science we will be looking at forces and magnets. We will be setting up an investigation where we will investigate how objects move on different surfaces. In Geography we will explore Europe using maps. We will also name, locate and understand climate zones.



- This week we have an INSET day on Wednesday. Parents evening is Tuesday and Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing you there.



English: We will be continuing our journey tale cycle. We will be focusing on an action toolkit. The children will be creating short, snappy sentences to create tension and pace. They will also be using dramatic adverbials.


Maths: We will be beginning our multiplication unit. We will be focusing on equal groups and multiples of 2, 5 and 10.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will be having our 'Europe Day' on Wednesday where we will be kick starting our new topic. We will be learning about the countries Italy and Germany whilst creating food dishes for a feast at the end of the day.



- This week is anti-bullying week. We have odd sock day on Wednesday and Children in Need on Friday where children are invited to wear spots for a donation.



English: We will be starting our journey tale cycle. We will be focusing on an action toolkit. The children will be using personification in their writing and looking at writing in the first person.


Maths: We will be consolidating our understanding of using the column method to add and subtract two numbers.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week is sculpture week. We will be learning all about Barbara Hepworth and looking at examples of her art. We will then become sculptors and create our own artwork from salt dough and soap. 



-We have added an additional text to our reading list Autumn 2. The text is called 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We do have enough copies of this in school but the children are welcome to bring their own copy to school if they would like to.

- We are looking for donations of salt, flour and bars of soap. Thank you for any donations you are able to make.




English: The children will be finishing their warning tales and publishing them. We will also be creating our own reports about the human body linking to our science learning.


Maths: We will be continuing our topic of addition and subtraction, focusing on adding and subtracting crossing 10 and 100 whilst using the column method. We will also be looking at inverse operations and estimation. 


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will be completing our sewing projects where the children have been making their own wallets. They will be evaluating their work and comparing their wallets to their plans.



-We have added an additional text to our reading list for next half term. The text is called 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We do have enough copies of this in school but the children are welcome to bring their own copy to school if they would like to.



English: We will be applying the skills we have learnt in our talk for writing cycle to our own warning tales. The children will be gathering their ideas and writing a tale focusing on setting. They will be encouraged to use the tools we have learnt e.g. personification, rule of three, using the senses and writing about the time of day. All of these skills will help them create an effective piece of creative writing.


Maths: We will be continuing our topic of addition and subtraction, focusing on adding and subtracting two numbers crossing 10 and 100. 


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will continue to learn about Predators. In science we will be looking at animal skeletons and thinking about what are bones and why we have them. We will be continuing our DT project this week where we are designing and making a wallet. The children will be using the sewing skills they have learnt and practised to sew together two pieces of material into the shape of a wallet.



-We have added an additional text to our reading list for next half term. The text is called 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. We do have enough copies of this in school but the children are welcome to bring their own copy to school if they would like to. This is what the book looks like:




English: We will continue to learning our toolkit for our fiction writing cycle focusing on warning tales. We will be applying the toolkit to writing our own warning tales by innovating a model text.


Maths: We will continue to focus on adding and subtracting. We will be adding and subtracting by crossing 10 and then crossing 100. 


E.g. 270+ 60 = 330

This would mean that when adding this number they are not just looking at the tens column, but will have to think about the hundreds too.

Here we demonstrate that ten tens would be swapped for a 100 block.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will continue to learn about Predators. In science we will be looking at vertebrates, invertebrates, exoskeletons and endoskeltons. In DT we will be learning different sewing techniques as we begin to design and make wallets.



-Please remember that snacks bought to school are to be a piece of fruit or vegetable.



English: We will being learning our toolkit for our fiction writing cycle focusing on warning tales. We will be learning our new model text by creating actions to help us retell the story. The children will be learning about using the power of three and personification.


Maths: We will be focusing on adding and subtracting. We will start by looking at adding and subtracting ones by crossing ten and move on to adding tens and hundreds. For example, 185+7=__.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will continue to learn about Predators. In science we will be looking at animal skeletons and thinking about what are bones and why we have them. We will also begin our DT project this week where we will be practising different sewing skills.



-Times table rockstars should now be working.

-If you are able to donate any sewing resources or old material that we could use for sewing please hand it to your child's class teacher. Thank you in advance.



Thank you to everyone that attended our welcome morning. We hop you found it useful. If you were unable to attend you will find a copy of the slides on our Year 3 noticeboard. Any questions please speak to your child's class teacher. Thank you for your support.


English: We will using our model text 'The Lion' to write our own non-chronological reports. The children will be applying the skills they have learnt including generalisers, adverbials, noun phrases and conjunctions to their final piece.


Maths: We will continue to focus on ordering and comparing numbers to 1000. We will be using the symbols <, > and = when comparing amounts.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will continue to learn about Predators. We will be focusing on nutrition in science and thinking about what food we get different nutrients from. In Art we will be exploring the artist Esther Mahlangu and will be create our own artwork inspired by her work.



Times table rockstars should now be working.



English: We will using our model text 'The Lion' to write our own non-chronological reports. The children will use the skills they have learnt in their writing including: topic sentences, expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, generalisers and fronted adverbials.


Maths: We will continue to focus on Place Value, we will be using a number line to 100 and recognising amounts. We will also be representing and partitioning numbers up to 1000. We will be developing their knowledge of flexible partitioning.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will begin to learn about Predators. We will be focusing on why living things need food in Science. In Art we will be exploring African Art and creating our own patterns.



We are aware that some of our Year 3 families are currently experiencing difficulties accessing Times Table Rockstars. Please rest assured that we are working hard to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we rectify the problem.



We have had a great first week building relationships and getting to know each other. The children have settled in well to the juniors!


English: We will learning our model text 'The Lion' and we will be focusing on; using adjectives in expanded noun phrases, generalisers and the structure of an information text. 


Maths: We will continue to focus on Place Value, we will be using a number line to 100 and recognising amounts. We will also be representing and partitioning numbers up to 1000. 


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We are going to look at retrieval, inference and summarising skills this week.


Topic: This week we will begin to learn about Predators. We will be focusing on why living things need food in Science. In Art we will be sketching whilst practising and developing different sketching techniques.




Year 3 PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children come into school in their PE kit on PE days. Please can earrings be left at home.


Outdoor learning:

Please provide wellington boots for when we go to the allotment and woodlands. These need to stay in school. It is really helpful if they have a raincoat too, in case of unexpected showers. 


Reading Records

Please encourage your child to read every day. This will have a massive impact on their progress. Please fill in their reading records daily and make sure they are in school.



Practise timestables. You can use Timestable Rockstars for this. Children will have their login, in the reading record. Logins will be provided ASAP once we have access to them.



Welcome to Year 3. We are looking forward to spending time getting to know our new classes this week. Any questions please do not hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher.


English: This week we will be discussing the expectations for Writing. We will be focusing on non-fiction writing this half term and will be beginning to introduce the children to the non-fiction writing toolkit.


Maths: We will be looking at Place Value, we will be representing and partitioning numbers up to 100.


Reading: Our text for this term is 'The Akimbo Adventures'. We will be introducing the children to the text.


Topic: This week we will begin to learn about Predators. We will be focusing on why living things need food in Science.




Year 3 PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children come into school in their PE kit on PE days. 


Outdoor learning:

Provide wellington boots for when we go to the allotment and woodlands. These need to stay in school. It is really helpful if they have a raincoat too, in case of unexpected showers. 


Reading Records

Please encourage your child to read every day. This will have a massive impact on their progress. Please fill in their reading records daily and make sure they are in school.



Practise timestables. You can use Timestable Rockstars for this. Children will have their login, in the reading record. 



Please see below our reading texts for this year.
