A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week Beginning 25.9.23
Maths: This week we will be looking at addition and subtraction, including using the inverse and working our multi-step problems.
Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing a finding tale, using adverbials, the five senses and relative clauses to write descriptively.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on identify and explain how information is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.
Topic: This week the children will be looking at adaptation in both plants and animals.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about understanding our own wants and needs and comparing these with children in different communities
Week Beginning 18.9.23
Maths: This week we will be looking at negative numbers and addition and subtraction.
Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing a finding tale, using adverbials and relative clauses.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on explaining the meaning of words in context and making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week the children will be looking at classification and the work of biologist Carl Linnaeus.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about understanding our own wants and needs and comparing these with children in different communities
Week Beginning 11.9.23
Maths: This week we will be looking at place value in numbers up to 10 million and rounding.
Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of a finding tale, including adverbials and relative clauses.
Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on retrieving and recording information from the text.
Topic: This week the children will be learning about Charles Darwin's discoveries during his voyage on the HMS Beagle.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about the Zones of Regulation, problems we might face and appropriate reactions to these.
Week Beginning 5.9.23
The Y6 team are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school! We will spend this week getting to know the children and starting to introduce our learning for this half term.
Week Beginning 17.7.23
The Y6 Leavers Assembly is on Thursday 20th July at 9.05am.
We will be sad to say goodbye but are looking forward to to doing lots of fun activities with the children this week!
Maths: This week we will be doing some investigations and problem solving activities.
Writing: This week the children will be finishing their explanation texts about the circulatory system.
Reading: This week we will be finishing 'Pig Heart Boy', focussing on summarising ideas from the text as a whole.
Topic: This week the children will be making some bracelets for enterprise week.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about self-esteem, positive body-talk, the transition to secondary school and managing any worries that might come with this.
Week Beginning 10.7.23
Maths: This week we will be doing some investigations and problem solving activities.
Writing: This week the children will be writing their own explanation texts about the circulatory system.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Pig Heart Boy', focussing on identifying and explaining how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.
Topic: This week the children will be learning about the circulatory system.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about how a baby develops from conception, through the nine months of pregnancy and how it is born.
Week Beginning 3.7.23
Maths: This week we will be doing some investigations and problem solving activities.
Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of an explanation text.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Pig Heart Boy', focussing on making inferences from the text.
Topic: This week the children will be learning about the circulatory system.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about how a baby develops from conception, through the nine months of pregnancy and how it is born.
Week Beginning 26.6.23
Maths: This week we will be doing some investigations and problem solving activities.
Writing: This week the children will be completing their own newspaper articles about a fairy tale villain.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Pig Heart Boy', focussing on explaining how information is related and contributes to a meaning as a whole.
Topic: This week the children will be making props and tickets and rehearsing for our production.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about how girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty and understanding the importance of looking after yourself physically and emotionally. We will consider how express feelings about the changes that will happen during puberty.
Week Beginning 19.6.23
This week is the Y6 residential.
6O and 6F are going Monday 19th - Wednesday 21st
6W and 6S are going Wednesday 21st - Friday 23rd
Maths: This week we will be doing some investigations and problem solving activities.
Writing: This week the children will be writing their own newspaper articles about a fairy tale villain.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Pig Heart Boy', focussing on making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week the children will be making props for our production.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about being aware of our own self image.
Week Beginning 12.6.23
Maths: This week we will be doing some investigations and problem solving activities.
Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of a newspaper and creating some fairy tale villains.
Reading: This week we will be starting our new book 'Pig Heart Boy', focussing on retrieving and recording key information from the text.
Topic: This week the children will be making Pesto Pasta!
PSHE: This week we are thinking about being aware of our own self image.
Week Beginning 6.6.23
We hope you all have a lovely half term in the sun! We look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday 6th June.
Maths: This week we will be doing some investigations and problem solving activities.
Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text, which is a journey tale called Chaperon Rouge.
Reading: This week we will be starting our new book 'Pig Heart Boy', focussing on predicting what might happen in the text.
Topic: This week the children will be exploring the recipe and preparing to make Pesto Pasta.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about being aware of our own self image.
Week Beginning 22.5.23
Maths: This week we will be learning about finding the mean.
Writing: This week the children will be using at the features and patterns that poems include to write their own poetry.
Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker', focussing on summarising the text.
Topic: This week the children will be finishing off their own art pieces and reflecting on their work.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about staying safe online.
Week Beginning 15.5.23
Maths: This week we will be creating art using our knowledge of geometry and symmetry.
Writing: This week the children will be starting a unit on Poetry, looking at the features and patterns that poems include.
Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker', focussing on making inferences from the text and explaining them using evidence.
Topic: This week the children will be creating some of their own artwork based on an artists themes and ideas.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about power and control and how to stand up for ourselves if people are trying to gain power and control over us.
Week Beginning 9.5.23
This week the Y6 children will be sitting their SATs Papers. Please ensure your children arrive promptly in the mornings!
Maths: This week we will be revising a variety of Maths skills.
Writing: This week the children will be writing their own suspense tales, including relative clauses, show not tell and empty words.
Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker', focussing on identifying and explaining how information is related and contributes to a meaning as a whole.
Topic: This week the children will be planning and designing some of their own artwork.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about managing negative emotions.
Week Beginning 2.5.23
Maths: This week we will be revising a variety of Maths skills.
Writing: This week the children will be writing their own suspense tales, including relative clauses, show not tell and empty words.
Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker', focussing on making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week we will be revisiting and recapping some different art skills.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about managing negative emotions.
Week Beginning 24.4.23
Maths: This week we will be learning how to measure, classify and calculate angles.
Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of a suspense tale, including relative clauses, show not tell and empty words.
Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Stormbreaker', focussing on retrieving and recording information.
Topic: This week we will be looking back at some of the artists the children have learnt about at the school and completing some contextual studies.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about grief, including the different stages of grief and how we can manage negative emotions.
Week Beginning 17.4.23
We hope you have a fun Easter holiday and look forward to seeing you back on Monday 17th April!
Maths: This week we will be learning how to measure, classify and calculate angles.
Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text 'Alma' which is a suspense story.
Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Stormbreaker', focussing on making predictions about what might happen in the text.
Topic: This week we will be looking back at some of the artists the children have learnt about at the school and reminding ourselves of their work.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about the importance of looking after our mental health.
Week Beginning 27.3.23
Maths: This week we will be completing our learning on statistics, and beginning to look at the four quadrants.
Writing: This week the children will be writing their own explanation texts, using imperative verbs, causal conjunctions and formal and technical language.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on summarising ideas from the text.
Topic: This week is STEM Week and we will be looking at how Morse Code was used in WWII.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about different ways to manage stress and pressure.
Week Beginning 20.3.23
Maths: This week we will be looking at statistics, including interpreting and drawing pie charts and finding the mean.
Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of an explanation text, including imperative verbs, causal conjunctions and formal and technical language.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on making inferences from the text and justify them with evidence.
Topic: This week we will be having our World War II Day to round up all of our learning about the war. Remember to dress up on Monday!
PSHE: This week we are thinking about understanding what it means to be emotionally well and explore attitudes towards mental health/illness.
Week Beginning 13.3.23
Maths: This week we will be looking volume and then moving onto statistics, including interpreting and drawing line graphs.
Writing: This week the children will be learning an explanation text called 'Snoozeatron' and learning about the features.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on identifying how information is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.
Topic: This week we will be looking at some World War II recipes, including making Orange Drop Cookies!
PSHE: This week we are continuing to think about exploitation and how someone being exploited can help themselves.
Week Beginning 6.3.23
Maths: This week we will be looking area, including the area of triangles and parallelograms.
Writing: This week the children will be writing their own quest tales, including figurative language and apostrophes.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week we are continuing our learning on World War II, including learning about the Holocaust and Anne Frank.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about exploitation and how someone being exploited can help themselves.
Week Beginning 27.2.23
Maths: This week we will be looking at finding percentages of amounts.
Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of a quest tale, including figurative language and apostrophes.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on retrieving and recording information.
Topic: This week we are continuing our learning on World War II, including learning about the role of women and the 'Dig for Victory' campaign.
PSHE: This week we are thinking about different types of drugs and their uses and effects on the body.
Week Beginning 6.2.23
Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing decimals.
Writing: This week the children writing their own diary entries, using direct and indirect speech and passive voice.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on identifying and explaining how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.
Topic: This week we are continuing our learning on World War II, including learning rationing and the effect that would have on people's lives.
PSHE: This week we are continuing looking at how we can work with other people to make the world a better place and empathise with people who are suffering or living in difficult situations.
Week Beginning 30.1.23
Maths: This week we will be looking at decimals, including the place value of decimals and rounding.
Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of diary writing, including direct and indirect speech and passive voice.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on making inferences from the text.
Topic: This week we are continuing our learning on World War II, including learning about the life of an evacuee and what it might have been like.
PSHE: This week we are continuing looking at how we can work with other people to make the world a better place and empathise with people who are suffering or living in difficult situations.
Week Beginning 23.1.23
Maths: This week we will be starting to look at algebra, including formulae and one and two step equations.
Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing their own portal stories, including using different formalities within dialogue and a range of ways of portraying a characters thoughts and feelings.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on identifying and explaining how information is related and contributes to a meaning.
Topic: This week we are continuing our learning on World War II, including learning about some of the leaders of the countries involved.
PSHE: This week we are looking at how we can work with other people to make the world a better place and empathise with people who are suffering or living in difficult situations.
Week Beginning 16.1.23
Maths: This week we will be starting to look at algebra, including one and two step rules.
Writing: This week we will be planning and writing a portal story together, including using different formalities within dialogue and a range of ways of portraying a characters thoughts and feelings.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on explaining the meaning of words in context and making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week we are starting our learning about World War II. We will be looking at how and why it started and going through the timeline of main events.
PSHE: This week we are looking at identifying problems in the world and recognising the emotions we experience when thinking about people who are suffering or in different living situations.
Week Beginning 9.1.23
Maths: This week we will be starting to look at ratio, including calculating ratio and scale factors.
Writing: This week we will be learning about the features of a portal story, including using different formalities within dialogue and a range of ways of portraying a characters thoughts and feelings.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on retrieving and recording key information from the text.
Topic: This week we are continuing to learn about Light. We will be looking at how light travels and the achievements of scientist Patricia Bath.
PSHE: This week we are looking at what steps we might need to take to achieve a goal and how to keep motivated to work on them.
Week Beginning 3.1.23
We hope you have a lovely, relaxing Christmas break with family and friends!
We look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 3rd January.
Maths: This week we will be starting to look at ratio, including looking at the symbol and the language used.
Writing: This week we will be learning a portal story called 'The Gas Mask' and starting to look at the features of this genre.
Reading: This week we will be starting our new book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on making predictions about what might happen in the text.
Topic: This week we are starting with a Science topic about Light. We will be looking at how light travels and the achievements of scientist Patricia Bath.
PSHE: This week we are looking at our own learning strengths and how we cant set ourselves challenging but realistic goals.
Week Beginning 12.12.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at metric and imperial measures.
Writing: This week we will be learning about the features of persuasive writing, including imperative verbs and emotive language.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Holes', focussing on summarising ideas.
Topic: This week to round off our topic we are having a visit from a VR company through which we will learn all about Polar regions.
PSHE: This week we are looking at how people's differences can be a cause of conflict but also a cause for celebration.
Week Beginning 5.12.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at finding fractions of amounts.
Writing: This week we will be learning about the features of non-chronological reports, particularly focussing on semi colons and formal and technical language.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Holes', focussing on explaining how word choices contribute to the meaning as a whole.
Topic: This week we will be continuing to look at comparing different aquatic biomes.
PSHE: This week we are looking at appreciating people for who they are.
Week Beginning 28.11.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing fractions by integers and by fractions.
Writing: This week we will be learning about the features of non-chronological reports, particularly focussing on comparisons and contrasts.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Holes', focussing on making inferences using evidence from the text.
Topic: This week we will be making comparisons between different aquatic biomes.
PSHE: This week we are looking at why people might bully others and thinking about strategies for managing bullying situations.
Week Beginning 21.11.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing fractions by integers and by fractions.
Writing: This week we will be planning and writing a journey tale, including using speech, similes, hyphens and show not tell.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Holes', focussing on identifying how information from the text contributes to the meaning as a whole.
Topic: This week we will be learning about the Early Islamic Civilisation, including the culture and pastimes of Islam.
PSHE: This week we are looking at power struggles within a group and how we might manage them.
Week Beginning 14.11.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at adding and subtracting factions, including mixed numbers.
Writing: This week we will be planning and writing a journey tale, including using speech, similes, hyphens and show not tell.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Holes', focussing on making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week we will be learning about the Early Islamic Civilisation, including the founding of Baghdad and their trade systems..
PSHE: This week is Anti-Bullying week, don't forget your on socks on Monday 14th!
Week Beginning 7.11.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at adding and subtracting factions.
Writing: This week we will be learning about the features of a journey tale, including using speech, similes, hyphens and show not tell.
Reading: This week we will be continuing to read 'Holes', focussing on retrieving and identifying key information from the text.
Topic: This week we will be looking at how animals and plants can be classified.
PSHE: This week we will be recognising that everyone has a right to be who they are and identifying our own attitudes towards people that are different to us.
Week Beginning 31.10.22
We hope you all have a lovely half term, here is what we will be doing in the first week back!
Maths: This week we will be looking at equivalent fractions and comparing and ordering factions.
Writing: This week we will be learning our new text 'Ernest's Adventure to Antarctica' which is a journey tale.
Reading: This week we will be starting our new book 'Holes', focussing on making predictions from details stated and implied.
Topic: This week is Sculpture Week. We will be looking at the work of Alexander Calder and creating some of our own sculptures based around his ideas!
PSHE: This week we will be recognising that there are different perceptions of what normal means and thinking about empathising with people who are different.
Week Beginning 17.10.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at mental calculations and the order of operations using BIDMAS (brackets, indices, division, multiplications, addition and subtraction).
Writing: This week we will be planning and writing our own non-chronological report, using formal and logical language, rhetorical questions and parenthesis.
Reading: This week we will be finishing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on summarising the main ideas from the book.
Topic: This week we will be looking at the artist Marianne North and creating some art based on her techniques and work.
PSHE: This week we will be thinking about how democracy and having a voice benefits the school community.
Week Beginning 10.10.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at multiples and common factors of numbers and prime, square and cubed numbers.
Writing: This week we will be planning and writing our own non-chronological report, using formal and logical language, rhetorical questions and parenthesis.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on making identifying and explaining how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.
Topic: This week we will be learning about evolution and inheritance.
PSHE: This week we will be continuing to think about how our actions effect ourselves as well as those around us.
Week Beginning 3.10.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at dividing numbers up to 4-digit numbers.
Writing: This week we will be learning about the features of a non-chronological report, including, formal and logical language, rhetorical questions and parenthesis.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on making inferences from the text and using evidence to support them.
Topic: This week we will be learning about how living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth years ago.
PSHE: This week we will be thinking about how our actions effect ourselves as well as those around us.
Week Beginning 26.9.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying numbers up to 4-digit numbers.
Writing: This week we will be learning our new text 'Killer Whales' which is a non-chronological report.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on identifying and explaining how information is related and how it contributes to a meaning as a whole.
Topic: This week we will be learning about the location of the Galapagos islands and the places Charles Darwin visited on his voyage.
PSHE: This week we will be comparing our wants and needs to those of people in different communities.
Week Beginning 19.9.22
We express our deepest sympathies for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Our school will observe the mourning period whilst continuing to support our children, families and colleagues. This includes closing the school as a mark of respect, on the bank holiday Monday 19th September.
Maths: This week we will be looking at adding and subtracting integers using column methods as well as some multi-step problems.
Writing: This week we will be using the features of a finding tale, including fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, the 5 senses and relative clauses, to write our own stories.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week we will be describing, comparing and contrasting the geographical location of South America.
PSHE: This week we will be comparing our wants and needs to those of people in different communities.
Week Beginning 12.9.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at rounding numbers to different multiples and negative numbers.
Writing: This week we will be learning about the features of a finding tale, including fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, the 5 senses and relative clauses.
Reading: This week we will be continuing our book 'Darwin's Dragons', focussing on explaining the meaning of words in context and making comparisons within the text.
Topic: This week we will be describing, comparing and contrasting the geographical location of North America.
PSHE: This week we will be thinking about triggers and the size of problems.
Week Beginning 5.9.22
Welcome to Year 6! We are so excited to meet you all and to start the school year with you!
Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays so please send your children into school in their PE kits on these days.
Our Woodlands day is Monday so please ensure your children are prepared for this.
Maths: This week we will be looking at numbers to 1,000,000 and using them in reasoning and problem solving questions.
Writing: This week we will be learning our text 'Galapagos' which is a finding tale.
Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Darwin's Dragons' and making predictions about what might happen.
Topic: This week we will be starting our topic by learning about Charles Darwin and his important role in history.
PSHE: This week we will be settling into our new classes and discussing the Zones of Regulation.
Week Beginning 11.7.22
A huge well done to all the children for the productions last week - four fabulous performances!
This week, the children will be completing a variety of activities for our enterprise week.
They will be working in groups to create some eco-friendly bracelets and will complete activities including:
- Learning about investing money & financial risk
- Designing their bracelets
- Planning the production of the bracelets
- Making the bracelets
- Advertising
- And of course: Selling!
For this, the children will need to bring in any old newspapers or magazines to create their bracelets: please could we ask for any donations to be brought in Monday/Tuesday next week.
Thank you!
Week Beginning 27.6.22
Please don't forget to bring your production costumes in this week!
Maths: This week we will be doing a variety of maths investigations which will encourage the children to apply the skills they have learnt this year.
Writing: This week we will be looking at recapping our amazing residential trip last week.
Reading: This half term we will be reading the book 'Pig Heart Boy' as well as focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our focus this week is all about preparing for our production!
Week Beginning 13.6.22
As you are aware, we are currently rehearsing our Year 6 production: ' Pirates of the Currybean'. As part of this, we are in need of some props!
If you have any:
- Hawaiian Flower Necklaces
- Pirate Hats
- Two high-vis jackets
We would be very grateful and promise to take good care of any items donated!
Maths: This week we will be doing a variety of maths investigations which will encourage the children to apply the skills they have learnt this year.
Writing: This week we will be continuing with our spooky, horror story - Alma.
Reading: This half term we will be reading the book 'Pig Heart Boy' as well as focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is still 'Gallery Rebels' where we're going to be looking at lots of different art styles and the artists who were famous for creating / using these techniques. This week we will be looking at the sculpture work of Henry Moore.
Week Beginning 23.5.22
Don't forget Sports Day is on Thursday this week! Year 5 & 6 start at 12.35 but you can join your children for a picnic lunch on the field from 11.40.
Your child will have been given a colour group and a starting event - this was sent home on a slip last week.
Maths: This week we will be recapping a variety of skills, including fractions, decimals and percentages.
Writing: This week we will be writing another short burst poetry piece; using the colours of the rainbow as inspiration.
Reading: This half term we will be reading the book 'Pig Heart Boy' as well as focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Gallery Rebels' where we're going to be looking at lots of different art styles and the artists who were famous for creating / using these techniques. This week we will be looking at the sculpture work of Henry Moore.
Week Beginning 16.5.22
Well done to all the children for their hard work last week, you all tried your very best and the Year 6 team are very proud of your efforts!
Maths: This week we will be recapping angles and looking at it in conjunction with our topic work, by looking at the art work of Kadinsky!
Writing: This week we will be writing a short burst poetry piece; imagining that we have wings!
Reading: This half term we will be reading the book 'Pig Heart Boy' as well as focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Gallery Rebels' where we're going to be looking at lots of different art styles and the artists who were famous for creating / using these techniques. This week we will be looking at the work of Kadinsky and Jackson Pollock.
Week Beginning 9.5.22
This week is the KS2 SAT's week!
Following our communication last week, please could you ensure that your child is in at 8.30 each morning and that if they are ill, to inform the office as soon as possible.
The children have worked very hard this year and we are proud of the effort they have put in. With this in mind, we will not be setting homework this week and ask that, this weekend, they focus on relaxing so that they can come in ready to go on Monday.
Thank you, again, for your continued support - we know they are going to do brilliantly this week.
Week Beginning 2.5.22
For this half term, our PE days are now on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Maths: This week we will be moving on to looking at angles in various shapes including: triangles, quadrilaterals and pentagons.
Writing: This week we will be continuing our short burst piece on a newspaper report; based on a traditional fairytale!
Reading: This half term we will be reading the book 'Pig Heart Boy' as well as focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Gallery Rebels' where we're going to be looking at lots of different art styles and the artists who were famous for creating / using these techniques. This week we will be looking at Pop Art.
Week Beginning 25.4.22
For this half term, our PE days are now on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Maths: This week we will be moving on to looking at angles on a straight line, vertically opposite angles and angles around a point.
Writing: This week we will be doing a short burst piece on a newspaper report; based on a traditional fairytale!
Reading: This half term we will be reading the book 'Pig Heart Boy' as well as focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Gallery Rebels' where we're going to be looking at lots of different art styles and the artists who were famous for creating / using these techniques. This week we will be looking at Pointillism.
Week Beginning 19.4.22
Welcome back - we hope you had a relaxing Easter break!
For this half term, our PE days are now on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Maths: This week we will be looking at angles inside 2D shapes, including triangles and quadrilaterals.
Writing: This week we will be doing a short burst piece on a video called 'Chaperone Rouge' which is a twisted take on Little Red Riding Hood!
Reading: This half term we will be reading the book 'Pig Heart Boy' as well as focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Gallery Rebels' where we're going to be looking at lots of different art styles and the artists who were famous for creating / using these techniques. This week we will be looking at Pointillism and Pop Art.
Week Beginning 28.3.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at the Mean as an average before moving onto the properties of circles.
Writing: This week we will be completing our innovate stage of 'Space Chimp', where the chimp will be travelling to a new, amazing location. Then, we will be using all the skills we have learnt to write our very own fabulous quest story!
Reading: This half term we will be continuing with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom' but we will also be focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will look at what we have learnt during our topic and recap some key moments from the conflict. We will then reflect on some of the questions we initially had and how we have discovered the answers to them.
Week Beginning 21.3.22
A reminder that we have our trip to Chartwell House (6P/6S on Weds & 6R/6F on Thurs). All children will need a packed lunch for this day. Thank you.
Maths: This week we will be looking at area & perimeter of 2D shapes (triangles, parallelograms & compound shapes) before moving onto volume of 3D shapes.
Writing: This week we will be moving onto our innovate stage of 'Space Chimp', where the chimp will be travelling to a new, amazing location. The focus for this piece of writing is describing new and incredible surroundings and character's responses to these.
Reading: This half term we will be continuing with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom' but we will also be focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will begin looking at the end of the conflict and the legacies that have been left from the war; including the formation of The UN.
Week Beginning 14.3.22
A reminder that next week is our trip to Chartwell House (6P/6S on 23/3 & 6R/6F on 24/3). All children will need a packed lunch for this day. Thank you.
Maths: This week we will be moving onto looking at statistics: beginning with reading and interpreting line graphs, before moving onto reading and interpreting pie charts (including percentages).
Writing: This week we will be moving onto our new piece writing which is based on a piece called 'Space Chimp'. The focus for this piece of writing is describing new and incredible surroundings and character's responses to these.
Reading: This half term we will be continuing with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom' but we will also be focusing on a variety of practice texts, in order to apply our reading skills we have been practising throughout the year.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be looking at The Dig for Victory campaign and the significance of poppies in remembrance of the conflict.
Week Beginning 7.3.22
A reminder that Year 6 Parents Evenings are on Tuesday & Thursday this week. Please contact the office to book a slot if you haven't already done so.
Don't forget Wednesday is an INSET day too!
Maths: This week we will be moving onto calculating and converting between different units of measurement.
Writing: This week we will be writing an innovate piece on our own marvellous machine!
Reading: This half term we will be continuing with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our vocabulary skills to discuss new language we have found in the text,
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be looking at women in WWII.
Week Beginning 21.2.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at a variety of ratio problems before moving on to scale factors in a variety of formats.
Writing: This week we will be looking at the grammar skills we will be using in our piece of writing. These include: causal conjunctions, imperative verbs and formal and technical language.
Reading: This half term we will be continuing with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our inference skills to assess character's feelings over time.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be looking at children in WWII and the impact that evacuation had.
Week Beginning 21.2.22
Welcome back! We hope you had a relaxing half term break.
A reminder that this week, we are running a mock SAT's week so the children can get an idea as to how the real week SAT's week will work.
With this in mind, please could we ask that your child is in by 8:45 each morning where possible.
Maths: This week we will be looking at ratios and scale factors.
Writing: This week we will be starting our new piece of writing which is focused around the journey of a chimp into space and the wonders he discovered.
Reading: This half term we will be continuing with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our retrieval skills to recap what we have read so far and predict what we think will happen in the remainder of the book.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be looking at the Holocaust; the reasons behind it, the impact of it and we will learn about Anne Frank.
Week Beginning 7.2.22
Maths: This week we will be finishing our work on algebra before moving on to looking at two-step questions (questions that require more than one sum solving to find the answer).
Writing: This week we will be innovating our own letters between a soldier and a family member during WWII.
Reading: This week we will continue with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our inference skills to review what we have read so far and look at the character's development.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be recapping what we have looked at so far in our topic, and begin to introduce the significant changes that began the turning point in WWII.
A reminder that Tuesday 8th is Internet Safety Day! The children will be doing a variety of activities, based around online safety; with a particular focus on safety whilst gaming.
Week Beginning 31.1.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at algebra, including what algebra is, creating algebraic expressions and solving a range of algebra problems.
Writing: This week we will be moving onto the grammar skills that we will be using in our writing: modal verbs, semicolons and shifting between formal and informal language.
Reading: This week we will continue with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our retrieval skills to draw a variety of answers out of the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be looking at propaganda and the important role it played in throughout the conflict.
Week Beginning 24.1.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at calculating percentages of different amounts.
Writing: This week we will be moving onto our new piece of writing, based around letters between a soldier in WWII and a family member at home.
Reading: This week we will continue with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our vocabulary skills to analyse unfamiliar language in the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be looking at the Blitz and its impact on London, before moving onto learning about code breaking and the importance of the Enigma machine.
Week Beginning 17.1.22
Maths: This week we will be looking at converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.
Writing: This week we will be innovating our own portal story, where our main character is transported back in time.
Reading: This week we will continue with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our inference skills to analyse the chapters we have read so far.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be looking at leaders on both sides of the conflict, before moving on to learning about the Battle of Britain.
Week Beginning 10.1.22
Maths: This week we will be considering our work on multiplying and dividing decimals, before moving on to converting decimals to fractions.
Writing: This week we will be focusing on the grammar skills we are going to include in our magical portal story: relative clauses, dialogue and the progressive tense.
Reading: This week we will continue with our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our retrieval skills to draw information from the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' This week, we will be creating a timeline of the main events of WWII and looking at some of the leaders of the main countries on both sides of the conflict.
Don't forget that Tuesday is WWII Day and we'd like the children to come in dressed as evacuees (if possible)!
Week Beginning 3.1.22
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely break and are raring to go for
for a new term of learning.
Maths: This week we will be revisiting decimals, reminding ourselves of what they are, before moving on to multiplying and dividing them.
Writing: This week we will begin our new writing topic which is focused around a character being transported back in time via a magical object.
Reading: This week we will start our new book: 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We will be using our prediction skills to discuss what the book is going to be about and what we think might happen.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'World War II.' We will begin by introducing the conflict and the reasons as to why it started, before moving on to creating a timeline of the major events that took place during the war.
Week Beginning 13.12.21
Maths: This week we will be exploring translation and reflection of shapes, refreshing ourselves on coordinates and the x and y axis.
Writing: This week we will be writing our hot task on our Land of Neverbelieve creature and formatting it in the style of a non-chronological report.
Reading: This week we will continue our new class book 'Holes.' We will be using our retrieval skills to understand the language further, enabling us to have a deeper understanding of the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Antarctic Lands and Desert Sands.' Moving on to desert sands, we will be continuing with our study on Ancient Islamic Civilisation and learning about the silk roads. We will also be continuing with Christmassy projects, such as Christmas cards.
Week Beginning 6.12.21
Maths: This week we will be finishing our fractions topic and will begin to sharpen our arithmetic skills before moving onto the four quadrants by the end of the week.
Writing: This week we will be innovating our own non-chronological, non-fiction report, using all the grammar skills we have learnt such as bullet points and cuasal conjunctions.
Reading: This week we will continue our new class book 'Holes.' We will be using our vocabulary skills to understand the language further, enabling us to have a deeper understanding of the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Antarctic Lands and Desert Sands.' Moving on to desert sands, we will be introducing our study on Ancient Islamic Civilisation and learning about the city of Baghdad from the year 600. We will also be continuing with Christmassy projects, such as Christmas cards.
Week Beginning 29.11.21
Maths: This week we will be finishing dividing fractions by whole numbers and by other fractions and will then focus on fractions of amounts later on in the week.
Writing: This week we will be continuing to learn our non-fiction text about the Killer Whale (Orca) whilst learning new grammar skills and revising ones we have already encountered.
Reading: This week we will continue our new class book 'Holes.' We will be using our retrieval skills to understand the language further, enabling us to have a deeper understanding of the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Antarctic Lands and Desert Sands.' Moving on to desert sands, we will be introducing our study on Ancient Islamic Civilisation and learning about the city of Baghdad from the year 600.
Week Beginning 22.11.21
Maths: This week we will be multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers, and other fractions.
Writing: This week we will be putting our grammar skills to the test and writing a hot task/ our own suspense story. We will also introduce our non-fiction piece.
Reading: This week we will continue our new class book 'Holes.' We will be using our vocabulary skills to understand the language further, enabling us to have a deeper understanding of the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Antarctic Lands and Desert Sands.' We be creating graphs based on the daylight hours over the course of a year in Antarctica. We are also going to be comparing desert and antarctic biomes.
Week Beginning 15.11.21
Maths: This week we will continue with adding and subtracting fractions, and introducing the addition and subtraction of mixed number fractions.
Writing: This week we will be continuing with our writing cycle where will be focusing on suspense writing. We are going to start our innovate writing using all of the grammar tools we have learnt over the last two weeks.
Reading: This week we will continue our new class book 'Holes.' We will be using our retrieval skills to understand the text further and answer questions, justifying our answers using evidence from the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Antarctic Lands and Desert Sands.' We be finding out about famous antarctic explorers Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott, and exploring how much daylight Antarctica gets over the course of a year.
Week Beginning 8.11.21
Maths: This week we will be comparing and ordering fractions at the beginning of the week, and then adding and subtracting them towards the end of the week using the knowledge we revised last week.
Writing: This week we will be continuing with our writing cycle where will be focusing on suspense writing. We are going to do some 'short burst' writing at the beginning of the week, where we will be using our grammar tools we learnt about last week, and in the latter half of the week we will plan our innovate for next week.
Reading: This week we will continue our new class book 'Holes.' We will be using our inference skills to understand the text further and answer questions, justifying our answers using evidence from the text.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Antarctic Lands and Desert Sands.' We will be begin this topic by exploring Antarctica and researching famous, historical explorers.
Week Beginning 1.11.21
Maths: This week we will be revising equivalent fractions and towards the end of the week, we will be learning how to convert improper fractions into mixed number fractions.
Writing: This week we will be starting our new writing cycle where will be focusing on suspense writing. We will begin the week with our 'Cold Task' and our grammar focus will be on the use of hyphens and punctuating speech correctly.
Reading: This week we will start our new class book 'Holes.' We will be making predictions of this fictional story based on the front cover and the blurb of the book.
Topic: Our topic for this half term is 'Antarctic Lands and Desert Sands.' We will be begin this topic by exploring Antarctica and researching famous, historical explorers.
Week Beginning 18.10.21
Maths: This week we will be focusing on 'calculations.' We will begin the week by identifying which calculations would require a formal written method and those which we can do mentally. Towards the end of the week, the children will be introduced to BIDMAS and will be exploring the order in which calculation are carried out.
Writing: This week we will be innovating our letters from Charles Darwin and applying the grammar skills that we looked at last week. Towards the end of the week, we will be 'boxing up' our own plans for our Hot Task.
Reading: This week we will be continuing with our new book 'Darwin's Dragons' with a focus on vocabulary.
Topic: This week we will be carrying out some 'Animal Art' where will be focussing on the appearance and texture of animal skin.
Week Beginning 11.10.21
Maths: This week we will be learning all about factors, common factors, multiples and common multiples. We will be applying our knowledge of these skills to reasoning and problem solving questions later on in the week.
Writing: This week we will be innovating our letters from Charles Darwin and applying the grammar skills that we looked at last week.
Reading: This week we will be continuing with our new book 'Darwin's Dragons' with a focus on retrieval.
Topic: This week we will be learning all about 'Marine Biomes' in our Geography sessions.
Week Beginning 4.10.21
Maths: This week we will be revising our division skills. We will begin the week by looking at carrying out short division sums and towards the end of the week, we will learning how to complete long division questions.
Writing: This week we will be starting a new writing cycle where we will be writing formal letters to Charles Darwin. We will be learning how to write formally and how to include semicolons correctly in our writing.
Reading: This week we will be continuing with our new book 'Darwin's Dragons' with a focus on inference.
Topic: This week we will be learning all about 'Marine Biomes' in our Geography sessions.
Week Beginning 27.9.21
Maths: This week we will be learning how to multiply and divide numbers. We will begin the week by revising short multiplication and short division. Towards the end of the week, we will be learning how to carry out long multiplication and long division sums.
Writing: This week we will be writing our 'Hot Tasks' all about Charles Darwin's journey to the Galapagos Islands. We will be applying all of the skills from our toolkit which we have looked at over the last couple of weeks.
Reading: This week we will be continuing with our new book 'Darwin's Dragons' with a focus on vocabulary.
Topic: This week we will be learning all about the Galapagos Islands in Geography. We will also be carrying out sketches of animal faces in our Art session.
Week Beginning 20.9.21
Maths: This week we will be learning how to add numbers together using the column method. We will begin the week by adding numbers without regrouping and towards the end of the week, we will focus on regrouping.
Writing: This week we will be carrying out our innovate paragraphs where will be creating setting descriptions .
Reading: This week we will be continuing with our new book 'Darwin's Dragons' with a focus on inference.
Topic: This week we will be learning all about the Galapagos Islands in Geography. We will also be carrying out sketches of animal faces in our Art session.
Week Beginning 10.9.21
Maths: This week we will be revising how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and we will be learning about negative numbers.
Writing: This week we will be carrying out our innovate paragraphs where will be creating setting descriptions .
Reading: This week we will be continuing with our new book 'Darwin's Dragons' with a focus on retrieval.
Topic: This week we will be learning more about Charles Darwin and creating fact-files to display this information. We will also be creating art collages of Charles Darwin himself!
Week Beginning 6.9.21
Maths: This week we will be doing some place value work, including rounding and the ordering of numbers to 10,000/.
Writing: This week we will be beginning our new module of writing about Charles Darwin's explorations across the globe.
Reading: This week we will be continuing with our new book 'Darwin's Dragons' with a focus on vocabulary.
Topic: This week we will be looking at animal adaptations and learning in more depth about Charles Darwin and his work. We will be carrying out research in groups and collating this to further our knowledge.
Week Beginning 6.9.21
This week, we will be welcoming the children back and making sure everyone settles back into school life. We have maths, reading and writing activities planned as well as PSHE sessions and PE on Friday. As a year group, we are also going to start on our whole-school art project which is based on the artist Frank Bowling, and so we would like the children to find and bring something made of paper for example a ticket, favourite sweet wrapper, copy of a photograph, piece of wrapping paper, joke from a cracker etc. and a small 3-d object such as a bottle top, a small plastic animal, favourite pasta shape etc. Ideally these ‘found objects’ will have some personal meaning to them, but should not be precious as they will become part of the art work and will not be able to be returned. We can't wait to see you all again!