A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week Beginning 15th July
Literacy: This week, we will be finishing our unit of work on newspaper articles and will be writing our own. We will be becoming reporters and retelling a part of Roman history through the form of a newspaper article.
Maths: In maths, we will be finishing our final unit of work all about co-ordinates, direction and position and will be exploring plotting points.
Reading: In reading, we will be finishing the book ‘The Thieves of Ostia’ and will be reviewing the books that we have read throughout the year.
Week Beginning 8th July
Literacy: This week in writing, we will be beginning our final writing unit of the year. We will be learning how to write a newspaper article and will be learning all about the features.
Maths: This week, we will be completing our unit of work all about statistics and moving on to learning how to read and use co-ordinates.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read 'The Thieves of Ostia' book by Caroline Lawrence and will be continuing to use this to develop comprehension.
Week beginning 1st July
Literacy: This week, we will be continuing to look at the skills required to write a diary entry and will have a go at planning our own.
Maths: This week in maths, we will begin our unit on statistics. We will be analysing charts and graphs and looking at line graphs.
Reading: In reading, we are continuing at read the ‘Thieves of Ostia’ by Caroline Lawrence.
Week Beginning 24th June
Writing: In writing this week, we will continue our unit of work on recounting how we will be shifting our focus to writing a diary entry. We will be looking at the features and will have a go at writing our own from the perspective of a Roman Soldier.
Maths: In maths, we will be learning all about angles. We will be comparing and ordering angles as well as naming them. We will also go on to use this information to help us identify different types of triangles.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read ‘The Thieves of Ostia’ by Caroline Lawrence.
Week beginning 17th June
Literacy: This week in writing, we will be using the toolkit which we have created to write a recount of our trip to Ufton Court or of the amazing activities that they did when they stayed at school.
Maths: In maths, we have finished our time unit and will be moving on to our next unit of work all about measure.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read the book ‘Thieves of Ostia’ and will be gaining knowledge of Roman times.
Week beginning 4th June
Writing: Our first writing unit this half term will be writing a recount. We will be looking at the features of a recount and will be looking at how to write in first person and in the past tense.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our unit of work on time and will be focusing on reading times using 12hr and 24hr clocks. We will also look at converting times between the two.
Reading: In reading, we will be completing a reading assessment where we will be testing our comprehension abilities. We will also begin to read our last texts of the year ‘The Thieves of Ostia’ by Caroline Lawrence.
Week Beginning 20th May
Writing: This week in writing, we will be continuing to innovate our finding tales and will be working towards creating our own during our hot task.
Maths: In maths, we will be beginning our next unit of work all about time. We will be identifying the days, weeks, months years as well as looking at seconds. We will then be looking at at reading the time on an analogue clock to the nearest minute.
Reading: In reading, we will be finishing reading 'The Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe' and will be using our reading skills to round up our understanding of the book.
Week Beginning 13th May
Writing: This week in writing, we will be having a go at using the skills we have learnt to write some character descriptions showing their reactions and actions. We will also begin to innovate our model text.
Reading: We will continue to read Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe during reading lessons and will be continuing to explore our comprehension skills through the book.
Maths: In maths, we will continue our unit of work on money.
Week beginning 7th May
Writing: This week in writing, we will be starting a new unit of writing all about characterisation. We will be listening to and learning a journey tale and will be learning which tools we could use to write an effective character description.
Maths: In maths, we will be completing our unit of work on decimals and will be using this knowledge in our next topic of money. We will be learning to write money using decimals.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to read our novel, ‘The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’
Week beginning 29th April
Writing: This week in writing we will be continuing to innovate our discussion text on the topic - should children wear school uniform. We will then go on to write our HOT task arguing if magical creatures should be kept as pets.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our decimals topic and will be looking at partitioning, ordering and rounding decimals.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ for enjoyment, but to also help us further our comprehension skills.
Week Beginning 22nd April
Writing: This week in writing, we will be continuing to learn the features of a discussion text and will be focusing on how to create a balanced argument. We will also be looking at examples of discussion texts.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our unit of work on decimals and will be learning all about hundredths. We will be looking at hundredths on a place value chart and writing and ordering decimals.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to read 'The Chronicles of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' and will be further developing our comprehension skills.
Week beginning 15th April
We hope you have had a wonderful Easter break and are looking forward to seeing everyone for the Summer term.
Writing: In writing this week, we will begin a unit of work on discussion texts. We will be learning the features of a discussion text and will be practising writing a balanced opening to the text.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our unit of learning all about decimals. We will be looking at identifying decimals on a number line and will be learning to identify hundredths as a decimal.
Reading: In reading, we will begin reading a new book. This half term we will be focussing on 'The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C.S. Lewis. We will be using our comprehension skills to unpick the text and will be making predictions about what we think may happen in the book.
Week Beginning 25th March
Writing: This week, we will be writing our own tales of fear using all the skills that we have been learning to build suspense.
Maths: In maths, we will be starting a new unit of work all about decimals. The children will be learning to order decimals.
Reading: In reading, we will be finishing reading ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and will be reviewing the book, discussing our likes and dislikes, as well as making comparisons to other books.
Reminder: On Thursday 28th March, we will be visiting the Horniman Museum. Please send your child to school in full school uniform. They also need a healthy packed lunch, snack and water bottle. We will returning back to school slightly later than usual and aim to be back at school by 3:45.
Week Beginning 18th March
Writing: In writing this week, we will be creating our own tales of fear and the children will be using the skills that they have been learning to create a suspense story.
Maths: In maths, we will continue our fractions unit of work. We will be learning to add and subtract fractions.
Reading: In reading, we are continuing to read Iron Man by Ted Huges and we will be working on developing our comprehension skills.
Week beginning 11th March
Writing: In writing this week we will continue to work on our suspense story ‘The eight legged fear’ and will be focusing on using powerful verbs, use dramatic connectives and rhetorical questions.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our unit of work on fractions and will be looking at coverting fractions between mixed number improper fractions, looking at equivalent fractions and adding simple fractions.
Reading: This week in reading, we will be reading more of the story ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and will be using our reading skills to answer questions about the text.
This week as part of STEM week the children will be taking part in a group project. The children will be designing and creating their very own electronic games. As part of this, we ask if you have any cereal boxes or shoe boxes lying around the house if they could be donated to school?
Week Beginning 4th March
Writing: This week we will be finishing our poetry unit of work with the children writing their very own poems. They will be including abstract nouns, personification and alliteration to make them engaging to the reader. We will then also be starting our next unit of work which is a suspense story.
Maths: In maths this week, we will be completing some assessments with the children. As well as this, we will be continuing our work on fractions. The children will be learning to convert mixed number fractions into improper fractions as well as improper fractions into mixed number fractions.
Reading: In reading, we will also we assessing the children this week by asking them to read passages and answer a range of comprehension questions. We will also be starting to read our next text, Iron Man.
Week Beginning 26th February
Writing: In writing this week, we will be continuing our unit of work about poetry and the children will be having a go at composing their own poems. They will be using personification, alliteration and a range of interesting vocabulary to hook their reader and draw them into their poem.
Maths: In maths, we are beginning a new unit of work all about fractions. We will be starting by looking at what is a whole and moving on to counting beyond one using fractions. We will also be looking at mixed number fractions and will be ordering or comparing them.
Reading: In reading, we will be reading the final chapters of 'Why the Whales Came' by Michael Morpurgo and using our knowledge and understand of what has happened throughout the whole book to answer questions and come to conclusions.
Reminder: We are looking for donations of newspapers and magazines which we will be cutting up to use collages. If you have any spare ones lying around your house then please send them into school with your child.
Week Beginning 19th February
Writing: This half term, we will be focusing on poetry. We will be learning the poem 'The Cave of Curiosity' and will be learning the features of a poem.
Maths: In maths this week, we will continue to focus on length and perimeter. We will be looking at how to find missing sides of a rectilinear shape and polygons.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read 'Why the Whales Came' and will be exploring the text and its vocabulary more to help us answer comprehension questions about what we have read.
Week Beginning 5th February
Writing: In writing this week, we will be completing our unit of work on persuasion and will be writing our own persuasive letters using the skills that we have learnt this cycle.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our length and perimeter work and will be learning about what a perimeter is and how to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle and a rectilinear shape.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to ready 'Why the Whales Came' by Michael Morpurgo and will be using our inference, retrieval and summarising skills to answer questions about the text.
Reminder: In PSHE this week, the children will be junk modelling. If you have any 'junk' lying around your house could you please bring it into school for the children to use on Wednesday and Thursday.
Week Beginning 27th January
Writing: This week in writing, we will be continuing to look at the features of a persuasive letter and will look how these tools are used to persuade. This week we will be focussing on using boastful language. Towards the end of the week, we will be innovating our own letter to persuade.
Maths: In maths, we will be finishing our unit of work on multiplication and division and will be looking at corresponding problems as well as completing our end of unit assessment, Our next unit of work will be on length and perimeter and we will be comparing km and metres.
Reading: In reading, we will be reading chapter 8 of our text, 'Why the Whales Came' and will be digger deeper into the text by answering comprehension questions about what we have read.
Reminder: This week Year 4 will be visiting Bough Beech Reservoir, 4C on Wednesday 31st January and 4F & 4L on Thursday 1st February. Please send your child to school in their P.E. kit on this day, with a spare pair of clothes in their bags and with a pair of wellies or old shoes that you do not mind getting muddy. We will be back at school at normal time.
Week Beginning 22nd January 2024
Literacy: This week, we will be starting a new unit of non fiction writing which is based around persuasive letter writing. The children will be learning how to write a balanced argument as well as using flattery.
Maths: In maths, we will be learning to divide two and three digit numbers by 10 and 100. We will also be looking at the four times table in more detail.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read 'Why the Whales Came' and will be asking and answering questions based on what we have read.
Week Beginning 15th January
Writing: In writing this week, we will be working on innovating a wishing tale to become our own. We will be using the skills we have learnt in our opening and endings toolkit to hook the reader.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our topic on multiplication and division and will be learning to multiply two digit and three digit numbers by one digit e.g. 27x6 or 123x6 using short multiplication.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read Micheal Morpurgo’s ‘Why the Whales Came’ and will be developing our vocabulary and inference skills.
Week Beginning 8th January
Literacy: In writing this week, we will continue to learn our wishing tale One Chance and will be looking at different ways to effectively open a story.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing on our multiplication and division unit and will be learning to multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 and looking at related number facts ie. 5 x 7 = 35 so 50 x 7 = 350 and so 500 x 7 = 3500.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to read ‘Why the Whales Came’ and will be using our reading skills to answer questions about the text.
Week Beginning 2nd January 2024
Welcome back! We hope that your Christmas holidays were restful and you enjoyed spending time with your loved ones.
This term Year 4's topic will be 'Where in the World?'
Writing: In writing, we will start the year learning a wishing tale and will be focusing on improving our openings and endings to stories.
Maths: We will be continuing to develop our knowledge of multiplication and division and will be learning factor pairs as well as multiplying numbers by 10 and 100.
Reading: In reading, we will be starting a new novel 'Why the Whales Came' by Michael Morpurgo. We will be using our reading skills to help us understand the text.
Week Beginning 11th December
Writing: This week, we will be completing our unit of writing on information texts and the children will have an opportunity to write their own. They will be using generalisers, topic sentences and a range of conjunctions to make their writing as interesting and engaging as possible.
Maths: In maths, we will be completing our unit of work all about multiplication and division and will be doing an end of unit assessment. We will also be revisiting column addition and subtraction.
Reading: In reading, we will be finishing reading Bill's New Frock and will be reviewing the book, discussing our likes and dislikes.
Week Beginning 4th December
Literacy: This week in writing we will continue to learn our information text all about Dinosaurs. As well as this we will be learning to use generalisers, conjunctions and adverbials to emphasise points.
Maths: In maths, we will be completing our unit all about timetables and we will be revising the 4x and 8x tables as well as practising mixed fluency of all of the tables that we have learnt.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to read Bills New Frock and broadening our vocabulary and using our inference skills.
Week Beginning 27th November
Writing: This week in writing, we will be starting our unit of work all about information texts. We will be learning a text all about Dinosaurs and will be exploring generalisers that we can use in our writing.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our unit of work focusing on multiplication. This week we will be looking at 11x and 12 x tables. We will also be exploring multiplying numbers by 1 and 0.
Reading: In reading, we will be reading chapter 5 of 'Bills New Frock'.
Reminder: On Thursday 30th November, it is Christmas Making Morning. You are invited to join your child in the classroom to participate in Christmas crafts between 9.30am-11am.
We are looking for donations of rice. If you have any that would could donate we would be very grateful.
Week beginning 20th November
Writing: In writing this week, we will writing our own tales using all the skills we have learnt to help build a detailed setting. The children will plan, write, edit and publish their stories.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing to learn our times tables and will be focussing on the 7x, 11x and 12x tables. Please practise these at home with your children.
Reading: We are continuing to read ‘Bills New Frock’ and will be reading chapter 4 this week in reading.
Week Beginning 13th November
Writing: This week in writing we will be innovating our model text and coming up with our very own warning tale. We will be applying the skills that we have learnt so far to do this and will be using the weather to help describe the setting.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing our unit on multiplication and division and will be focussing on the 6x and 9x tables. We will be practise recalling the tables as well as applying the knowledge to problems.
Reading: In reading, we are continuing to read our class novel ‘Bills New Frock’ and will be exploring how to answer questions using our retrieval and inference skills.
As Christmas Making Morning is approaching, Y4 are looking for donations of
-empty kitchen roll tubes
-colourful wool
If you have any of these around the house please send your child into school with any of these items.
Week Beginning 6th November
Writing: In writing this week, we will be continuing to learn our warning 'The Treacherous Tracks' and will be learning skills that we can use when writing a story setting including personification and show not tell and will be practising using these skills.
Maths: In maths, we will be starting a new unit of learning focusing on multiplication and division. We will also be doing assessment papers to assess the children's learning so far.
Reading: In reading, we will also be doing an assessment paper to help assess the progress made so far. We will also be continuing to read 'Bills New Frock' by Anne Fine and using our inference and retrieval skills to answer questions.
Week beginning 30th October
Literacy: Our new text in writing is a warning tale name 'The Treacherous Tracks'. The focus on this unit of work will be setting description, we will be using rules of three to add description and thinking about using our senses to explain the time and weather.
Maths: In maths, we will beginning our next unit of work all about area. We will learning about what an area is and how to calculate an area using squares.
Reading: Our new book is called 'Bills New Frock' by Anne Fine. We will be making predictions about our new book as well as using our inference and retrieval skills to answer questions.
Week Beginning 16th October
Literacy: This week in writing we will completing our unit of work all about instructions writing. The children will be having a go at writing instructions on how to make a canopic jar as well as creating their own set of 'How to...' instructions.
Maths :In maths we will be continuing to subtract two four digit numbers i.e. 4567-3759. We will be learning how to subtract with exchanges using the column method. This is something that you could practise at home with your child.
Reading: In reading, we will be finishing reading our book 'The Egypt Sleepover' and will be answering questions to show our understanding.
Reminder: This week, we ware making our torches so please send in any empty Pringle tubes that you have at home into school. Each child needs a pringles tube for their torch. We are also looking for donations of AA batteries. Any spare lying around at home would be greatly appreciated.
Week Beginning 9th October
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to learn the model text and will be practising using the skills we have learnt when writing some instructions. We will be practising using colons and commas correctly as well as using add on and drop in clauses.
Maths: In maths, we will be continuing to learning how to add four digit numbers and will be looking how to do this with more than one exchange. We will also be starting to subtract two four digit numbers.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to read 'The Ancient Egypt Sleepover' and will be further developing our reading skills.
Week beginning 2nd October
Writing: This week we will starting our next writing unit all about instructions. We be reviewing the features of instructional writing and looking at the skills that we will need to include in our writing.
Maths: In maths we will beginning out unit of work looking at addition and subtraction. The children will be using the column method to add four digit numbers which exchange 10.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to read our class book as well as looking at some poetry during national poetry day on Thursday.
Reminder: In the last week of the half term we will be making torches and each child will need a pringles tube. If you have any at home please rinse them and bring them into school. Thank you!
Week Beginning 25th September
Writing: This week in writing we will be completing our unit of work all about quest tales and will be writing our very own quest tale. We will be using all of the skills that we have been learning this unit to help add dialogue to our stories.
Maths: In maths we will be finishing our unit of work working on place value and will be learning to round numbers to 10,00 to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
Reading: During reading lessons. we will continue to read the story 'The Ancient Egypt Sleepover' and will be working on developing our comprehension skills.
Reminder: In the last week of the half term we will be making torches and each child will need a pringles tube. If you have any at home please rinse them and bring them into school. Thank you!
Week beginning 11th September
Writing: In writing we will continue to learn the rules of speech and will be applying these when writing dialogue.
Maths: In maths lessons we will be developing our understanding of ones, tens, hundredths and thousands. We will be partitioning numbers to 10,000.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to read ‘The Ancient Egypt Sleepover’ and will be further developing our inference and retrieval skills.
Week Beginning 4th September
Welcome to Year 4! We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing summer.
We have returned to school in unseasonably hot weather so please ensure that your child comes to school with a hat, water bottle.
Our P.E. days will be Wednesday and Friday, however we will not be doing P.E. on Wednesday of the first week.
Writing- This week in writing we will be starting a unit of fiction writing based around a quest text. The focus of our writing will be speech and we will be teaching the children how to use speech marks correctly.
Maths - In maths our first unit will be Place Value and we will be working on identifying, building and ordering numbers to 10,000.
Reading-Our first text this year will be a 'The Ancient Egypt Sleepover' by Stephen Davies. This week we will be reading the first two chapters and making predictions as to what will happen in the text.