
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Weekly Blog

Week beginning 10th February


This week we will be recreating the streets of Pudding Lane and burning our houses that we have made out of carboard!

Tuesday is E-Safety day where our computing lead will come and do a special assembly for us.



Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be consolidating the learning from this half term. The children will be assessed in their Phonics this week.


English: In our Talk for Writing lessons we will be doing our third week of learning how to write a recount. We will be innovating our recount into our visit from the Trunk Theatre Company. The children will then be inventing their own recount of when we burnt the houses to recreate The Great Fire of London.


Maths: In maths we will be finishing our Addition and Subtraction within 20 unit. The children will be using different strategies to subtract such as finding the difference between two numbers, comparing quantities in objects and finding the missing number in a part whole model. They will then complete an assessment for the end of this unit.


Fact Fluency (Number Sense): In Fact Fluency we will be learning the calculation strategy number 10 fact families. Please see ideas for home at the top of this page.


Science: We will be assessing the children's knowledge of materials and moving our learning onto Seasons, focusing on Winter.



Week beginning 3rd February


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds ui and ou like in the word juice and group. We will be recapping the sounds that the children have been learning this half term. We will also be recapping all of the tricky words learnt so far. Next week we will be assessing the children in Phonics.


English: In our Talk for Writing lessons we will be doing our second week of learning how to write a recount. We will be focusing on including adjectives and time adverbials. The children will then be innovating their writing basing it around writing a recount of the visit from Trunk Theatre when they recreated the Great Fire of London.


Maths: The children will be learning about doubles to 20, near doubles and subtracting within 20.


Fact Fluency (Number Sense): In Fact Fluency we will be learning the calculation strategy number 10 fact families. Please see ideas for home at the top of this page.




Week beginning 27th January


In food and nutrition we will be making bruschetta focusing on some different skills such as cutting and mashing to create our toppings. In Science we are learning about different materials and will be focusing on floating and sinking this week.


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds o-e, o and ou like in the word some, mother, young, se like in the word cheese, se and ce  like in the word mouse and fence and ey like in the word donkey. We will also be learning the tricky words thought, through, friend and work.


English: We will be starting our new cycle in talk for writing and learning about how to write a recount. We will be learning our new text 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London' which is about a flea on a rat escaping the fire. This week we are focusing on using past tense and writing in first person.


Maths: The children will be doing their end of unit assessment for place value to 20. We will then be moving onto the next unit 'Addition and Subtraction within 20'.


Fact Fluency (Number Sense): We will be focusing on two more and two less. Please see ideas for home at the top of this page.





Week beginning 20th January 2025


Well done to the children who have brought back their Hedgehog words and thank you for your support with this.


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds le like in the word apple, al like in the word total, c like in the word ice and ve like in the word give. We will also be learning the tricky words school, call, and different.


English: The children will continue to innovate (change) the setting into the children's own ideas. They will then finish the cycle by inventing their own journey tale focusing on setting description using adjectives and similes.


Maths: We will continue our unit of work focusing on place value within 20. This week we will be focusing our learning on the number line to 20, estimating on the number line and comparing and ordering numbers to 20.


Fact Fluency (Number Sense): We will be focusing on two more and two less. Please see ideas for home at the top of this page.




Week beginning 13th January 2025


Please encourage your child to practise the Hedgehog words that were sent home last week. The children need to be able to read and write these independently. Bring the sheet back into school when they can do this and we can give your child the next set of words. 


Numbots passwords are in your child's reading record. Please ensure they are logging on and collecting their parts in the game.


Thank you for your support with your child's learning.


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds like in the word spy, ow like in the word snow, g like in the word gem and ph like in the word phone. We will also be learning the tricky words who, whole, where and two. 


English: The children will continue to learn the model text "The Adventures of Flashbolt". We will be focusing on using adjectives and similes in our writing. We will then start to innovate (change) the setting into the children's own ideas.


Maths: We will continue our unit of work focusing on place value within 20. This week we will be focusing our learning on the number line, understanding the numbers 17,18, 19 and 20 and finding one more and one less. Please practise writing numerals to 20 with your child ensuring they are formed the right way round, thank you!


Fact Fluency (Number Sense): We will be focusing on one more and one less. Please see ideas for home at the top of this page.




Week beginning 6th January 2025


We hope you all have a lovely break over the holidays and look forward to seeing all of the children back to school in the New Year 2025!


Friday 10th January we have the Trunk Theatre Company coming to visit us to start off our History learning on The Great Fire of London! 


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds y like in the word happy, ea like in the word head, wh like in the word whale and oe like in toe. We will also be learning the tricky words any, many, again.


English: The children will be starting their new cycle in Talk for Writing and learning a 'journey tale' all about a super hearo named Flashbolt! We will be focusing on carefully choosing adjectives to describe a setting. We will also be using our senses to describe the setting as well.


Maths: We start our new unit of work focusing on place value within 20. This week we will be focusing our learning on counting within 20 and having a deep understanding of the numbers 11-20.


History: We will be learning all about The Great Fire of London.



Week beginning 16th December 2024


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be consolidating our learning of the Phase 5 sounds learnt so far focusing on the grow the code. Sounds: ie, i, i-e, igh, ay, a, a-e, ai, oa, o, o-e, e, ie, e-e, ea, ee, ew, u-e, u, ue.


English: The children will be doing their final week of instruction writing. They will continue to innovate the model text. We will then end will a 'Hot Write' where the children will independently write a set of instructions to show off all of the skills they have learnt during the writing cycle. 


Maths: We will be consolidating the learning from this half term focusing on adding and subtracting within 10.


RE: We will be focusing on the Nativity and why this is important to Christians.



Week beginning 9th December 2024


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be consolidating our learning from this half term. We will be focusing on the Phase 5 sounds e-e, ew, ie, aw. These will be in words like these, new, shield, claw. We will be recapping the tricky words house, mouse, water, want.


English: We will be innovating our model text of 'How to make a bee hotel' and children will be writing instructions on how to make their Christmas cards.


Maths: We will be continuing our learning on 2D and 3D shapes and completing our end of unit assessment.




Week beginning 2nd December 2024


Thank you to all of the adults that joined us for our Christmas Making Day! We all thoroughly enjoyed the morning!


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be consolidating our learning of the Phase 5 sounds learnt so far focusing on the grow the code. Sounds: ie, i, i-e, igh, ay, a, a-e, ai, oa, o, o-e, e, ie, e-e, ea, ee, ew, u-e, u, ue.


English: The children will be starting their next cycle of learning with our Talk for Writing where we will be learning how to write instructions! 


Maths: We will be carrying on our unit learning all about shape! We will be focusing on the 2D shapes square, oblong, triangle, circle, naming and sorting as well as making patterns with shapes as well. 


Fact Fluency: We will be consolidating our learning from this half term, subitising quantities to 10 and composition of numbers to 10. Please feel free to share Numberblocks with your children at home to support their deep understanding of numbers to 10.




Week beginning 25th November 2024


Christmas making morning Friday 29th November!


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds e-e, ew, ie, aw. These will be in words like these, new, shield, claw. We will be learning the tricky words house, mouse, water, want.


English: The children will be doing their final week of work in our "Three Little Pigs" cycle. They will be writing their own parts of their innovated versions of their stories. We will then end will a 'Hot Write' which is where the children independently write to show off all of the skills they have learnt during the writing cycle. 


Maths: In Maths the children will be naming, sorting and talking about the properties of 3D shapes. Our key vocabulary will be curved surface, face, vertex, vertices. We will be looking at shapes such as sphere, cylinder, cube, square-based pyramid, triangular based pyramid, and cuboid. 


Fact Fluency: This week we will be focusing on making and breaking the number 9. Please see ideas for how to support your child at home with this at the top of this page.


Topic: This week we will be learning about the different parts of the human body in our Science lessons. Key vocabulary: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tongue, skin, body.




Week beginning 18th November 2024


Christmas Making Day: If you have any paper tubes from wrapping paper or kitchen roll tubes please can you give them to your class teacher. Thank you in advance!


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e. These will be making their letter name sounds and be in words such as made, time, home, cube. We will be learning the tricky words could, would, should, our.


English: In our lessons we will be starting to innovate the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children will be changing the monster character and rehearsing their own versions of the story. They will generate their own ideas of how to describe their monster using adjectives. By Friday the children will be writing their first paragraph for their own story!


Maths: In maths we will be continuing our learning on subtraction. We will be using our        part-whole knowledge to work out subtraction problems. We will also be using a number line to work out subtraction problems. The children will end this unit of addition and subtraction by focusing on adding or taking away 1 or 2 from a given number.


Fact Fluency: This week we will be focusing on making and breaking the number 8. Please see ideas for how to support your child at home with this at the top of this page.



Week beginning 11th November 2024


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning the Phase 5 sounds o, i, a, e. These will be making their letter name sounds and be in words such as open, wild, later, being. We will be learning the tricky words Mr, Mrs, Ms, ask.


English: We have been focusing on using adjectives to describe the wolf in our story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will continue to learn our model text words and actions for our story. We will continue with developing our understanding of adjectives and introducing what verbs are. The children will then use both of these in their writing.


Maths: In maths we will be focusing on subtraction. We will be using our part-whole knowledge to work out subtraction problems. "First there were 7 ice creams. Then 2 ice creams had sprinkles put on. How many ice creams do not have sprinkles on?" 7 - 2 = 5.


Fact Fluency: This week we will be focusing on making and breaking the number 7. Please see ideas for how to support your child at home with this at the top of this page.




Week beginning 4th November 2024


We hope you all have a lovely half term break.


In RE we will be looking at families. If the children could bring in a family photo to share or upload one to Tapestry so that these can be shared during our RE lesson it would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance. 


The first week back is Sculpture Week which we are very excited about. We are looking at the artist Mondrian to inspire us with our sculptures. 


Our learning this week:


Phonics: We will be learning some new Phase 5 digraphs this week. Our digraphs will be ir , ie, ue, u. These will be in words such as bird, tie, true, unicorn. We will be learning the tricky words their, people, oh, your.


English: We will be moving away from Drawing Club and onto Talk for Writing after Half Term. This will see us focusing our learning around the story "The Three Little Pigs". We will be learning the model text through actions and writing sentences.


Maths: In maths we will be adding two amounts together to find the total and be using the symbols + and =. 


Fact Fluency: This week we will be focusing on making and breaking the number 6. Please see ideas for how to support your child at home with this at the top of this page.



Week beginning 21st October 2024


The children thoroughly enjoyed our woodland trip this week and we were very proud of the children for their demonstration of great listening skills and following of instructions. Thank you to all of the parent helpers, we couldn't run these trips without your help!


Please continue to bring in cardboard boxes for Sculpture Week. Thank you in again for these!


Please can we ask that you practise the tricky words from our Phonics lessons with your children as this has been highlighted as a focus area from out most recent Phonics assessment. Please see below the phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words learnt so far.


Our learning this week:


Phonics: In Phonics this week we will be revising our phase 5 digraphs ay, ou, oy and ea. We will be reading words such as play, spray, cloud, proud, toy, annoy, sea and treat. We will be reading the tricky words said, says, you, do, like, little, push, put, pull, full.


Drawing club: This week we will be inviting the children to come to Drawing Club where we will be drawing and writing about the story "Room on the Broom" written by Julia Donaldson. The children will be focusing on using onomatopoeias in their sentence writing this week.


Maths: The children will be focusing on number bonds to 10 and fact families. The children will be writing number sentences showing their knowledge of fact families. For example:








Week beginning 14th October


Thank you so much to all of the families that have brought in carboard boxes for our Sculpture Week after half term! Please keep bringing them in, the wider variety of sizes the better!


On Thursday and Friday this week we will be going to the woodlands at the Junior School for our first trip this year which we are very excited about! Badger Class, Fox Class and Hare Class still need some parent helps. If you are able to come on the trip with us please speak to your child's Class Teacher for dates and timings. Thank you for you support and assistance! 


Our learning this week:


Phonics: In Phonics this week we will be reviewing our learning of reading longer words such as rooftop, earring, puppet and revisiting words with our new Phase 5 digraphs such as enjoy, proud, treat and play. Tricky words that we will be reviewing are all, are, I, of, one, here, today. We will also be assessing the children in Phonics this week.


Drawing club: This week we will be inviting the children to come to Drawing Club where we will be drawing and writing about an animation and song from 'Frozen 2, Some Things Never Change'. The children will continue to focus on including proper nouns in their writing such as Ben, Sam, Tesco and Lego Land and using their capital letters correctly for these.


Maths: The children will continue practicing the skill of addition and making numbers within 10. They will also be making number bonds to 10 in a systematic way.




Week beginning 7th October


Thank you to the families that have brought in Autumn objects, the children have really enjoyed exploring these in the classroom. Please feel free to continue to bring these in. 


After half term we will be having a Sculpture Week. We need 120 boxes so we are asking now for your help please! These can be any box that is a cuboid shape such as cereal boxes, snack boxes, cereal bar boxes, shoes boxes to name a few. Thank you in advance for these!


This week is Feel Good Week where the children will be taking part in some feel good activities and on Thursday 10th October it is Children's Mental Health Day where the afternoon will be focusing on activities to support the children's mental health.


Our learning this week:


Phonics: In Phonics this week we will be revising our phase 5 digraphs ay, ou, oy and ea. We will be reading words such as play, spray, cloud, proud, toy, annoy, sea and treat. We will be reading the tricky words said, says, you, do, like, little, push, put, pull, full.


Drawing club: This week we will be inviting the children to come to Drawing Club where we will be drawing and writing about the traditional tale "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". The children have been including nouns in their sentences and will continue to look at nouns this week focusing on proper nouns such as London, Jack, Godstone Farm and using their capital letters correctly for these.


Maths: We will be using part whole models when learning about addition and subtraction this week and learning about fact families.




Week beginning 30th September 2024


As we are now officially in Autumn if any families go on any walks during the weekend please feel free to bring in natural objects such as leaves, conkers, acorns or any other signs of Autumn that we can share in the classrooms. Thank you in advance.


As the weather is turning please can we ask that a waterproof coat is brought into school every day. Thank you!


Our learning this week:


Phonics: In Phonics this week we will be reviewing our learning of reading longer words such as rooftop, earring, puppet and revisiting words with our new Phase 5 digraphs such as enjoy, proud, treat and play. Tricky words that we will be reviewing are all, are, I, of, one, here, today.


Drawing Club: This week we will be inviting the children to come to Drawing Club where we will be drawing and writing about the picture book 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers. 


Maths: In maths this week we will be assessing the children on their subitising skills during our Fact Fluency lessons. We will also be focusing on finding one more and one less of a given number and looking at ordering numerals and using number lines. 


Week beginning 23rd September 2024


Library days: Fox and Mole Mondays. Badger and Hare Tuesdays.

PE days: Wednesday and Friday (no earrings and long hair tied back please).

Music: Badger and Hare Mondays. Fox and Mole Tuesdays.

Reading days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.


Book bags are needed to take the library book home or a plastic wallet big enough to fit a picture book in.

Thank you.


Our learning this week:


Phonics: In Phonics this week we will be learning our first phase 5 digraphs ay, ou, oy and ea. We will be reading words such as play, spray, cloud, proud, toy, annoy, sea and treat. We will be reading the tricky words said, says, you, do, like, little, push, put, pull, full.


Literacy: This week we will be inviting the children to come to Drawing Club where we will be drawing and writing about an animation from 'Winne the Pooh'.


Maths: In Maths this week we will be continuing our learning on place value and focusing on the language and concepts such as greater than, less than, fewer, more, same or equal.



Week beginning 16th September 2024


Thank you so much to the families that have donated ingredients for us to provide playdough for the classes. It really is so appreciated. 


In RE we are looking at books that are special to us as we begin to learn about Christianity and the Bible. Please upload your child's favourite book to tapestry to share with the class.


Book bags: Please bring in your child's book bag in each day as it really does help protect your child's reading record and reading book. Our Library days will be Mondays for Fox and Mole and Tuesdays for Badger and Hare. Your child will come home with a book that they have checked out of our library. These books need to be kept in the book bag to keep them safe and protected. Please return the library book on the library day so that it can be returned and exchanged for a new book. Thank you!


Our learning this week


Phonics: This week in Phonics we will be revisiting Phase 4 and focusing on words with long vowels such as ee, oa, and oi. Tricky words that we will be focusing on this week are: was, they, some, come, were, there, sure, pure.


Literacy: This week we will be inviting the children to come to drawing club where we will be drawing and writing about the traditional tale 'Hansel and Gretel'.


Maths: In Maths we are continuing with our learning around place value. We will be counting on and counting back. We will also be looking at one more and one less.


Welcome to Year One


We have had a lovely first week together, we have spent time getting to know the children and learning our new routine. The children have all settled in so well and we are very proud of them.


Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies at school. Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays.  We have music with Mr Scullin this half term on a Mondays for Badger Class and Hare Class and Tuesdays for Fox Class and Mole Class .


Any questions please feel free to ask your child's teacher.



Week beginning 9th September 2024


If any families are able to donate plain flour, table salt and sunflower oil for us to make playdough for the children to use in class we would be very grateful! Thank you in advance.


Our learning this week


Phonics: This week in Phonics we will be reading words with two or more digraphs in such as cheep, singer, tooth and farmer. We will also be reading the tricky words what, when, he, she, we, be, me, have and love.


Literacy: This week we will be inviting the children to come to drawing club where we will be drawing and writing about the story 'Where the wild things are'.


Maths: We will be focusing on counting and number recognition this week. The children will be counting different amounts and identify numbers as numerals and words.


Topic: Our topic this half term is 'Woods'. This week we will have a science focus where we will be exploring the season autumn. We will be thinking about the weather associated with autumn and how some trees change during this time.

