A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week beginning 25th September 2023.
Family Photos
Thank you to everyone who has sent a family photo. We would love a family photo of every child. If you are able to, please send one photo of your family to:
Please could we ask that children are encouraged to be independent when taking their jumpers on and off. We have also been encouraging children to put their shoes and socks on independently after PE. Any additional support with these skills at home would be greatly appreciated.
Our learning this week:
Drawing club: This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". We will be drawing the character and setting. We will then be going on adventures with this nursery rhyme. The vocabulary we will be teaching the children will be, gently, merry, dream, row, oar.
Maths: This week in Maths, the children will be classifying, sorting and matching objects based on their size, colour or pattern.
Phonics: In Phonics this week, the children will be learning the sounds g, o, c and k. They will be learning the phoneme - how to pronounce each sound and will be identifying items with each sound at the start. The children will also be learning how to form each grapheme using a rhyme to support them when writing. In addition to this, the children will be learning to segment sounds in words and blend them together to hear and say the whole word. The tricky word we will be learning to read will be, is.
RE: We will be thinking about our families and what makes them special and unique.
PSHE: We will be beginning to recognise and name our feelings. As well as this, we will be exploring the Zones of Regulation specifically the green zone and how we are feeling when we are in the green zone, some examples of these feelings are, happy, calm and ready to learn.
Well done!
We have really enjoyed welcoming the children to Earlswood this week and are so proud of how well the children have settled into Reception life!
This week we will be making a family book in our classrooms and sharing these photos in our RE lesson. Please can we ask for the children to bring in a photo of their family to share with the class. If you need to email a photo to us please can you do so at infoinfants@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
We have PE on Thursdays. The children do not need to wear different clothing, we do ask that earrings are removed and that long hair is tied back.
In Reception we love making playdough. If any families are able to donate any of the following ingredients for playdough it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Playdough ingredients: Plain flour, table salt, vegetable oil, cream of tar tar.
Week commencing 18.9.23
Learning this week:
Phonics: The children will be learning the phonemes p, i, n, m, d, practising their oral blending skills and blending CVC words such as sat, nap, man, dip.
Maths: The children will be singing lots of number songs, counting forwards and backwards
to 5.
Drawing club: The children will be focusing on the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock. We will be drawing the character and setting. We then going on adventures with this nursery rhyme.
PSHE: We will be understanding how it feels to belong and that we are similar and different.
RE: We will be thinking about what makes us special and unique and sharing our family photos.
PE: We will be focusing on balance and strength using the climbing equipment. We will also be learning to move in different ways with safety and control.
Welcome to all our new children starting Reception at Earlswood! It has been lovely meeting the children and yourselves during the school visits and we hope you enjoyed them too.
We are looking forward to welcoming the children on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th September for their half day sessions. Children are to be in school uniform and will not be having lunch at school on these days. The morning sessions are 9am-11:30am and the afternoon sessions are 12:30-3pm. These sessions have already been assigned. If you are unsure of your session time please contact the school.
Wednesday will be the children's first full day of school. They will be having lunch at school, please let us know of any dietary requirements if you have not done so already.
Please see the uniform policy here: Uniform
Every day the children need to bring a named:
- Water bottle
- Sun hat
- Water proof coat
- Spare clothes (these can be kept on their peg)
Sun cream needs to be applied before the children come to school and not brought into school.
Learning this week:
Phonics: In Phonics children will be learning to read and write. The children will be learning the phonemes s, a, t and practising their oral blending skills.
Maths: The children will be singing lots of number songs, counting forwards and backwards
to 5.
Drawing Club: The children will be focusing on the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy Spider. We will be drawing the character, setting and then going on an adventure and design an umbrella for Incy Wincy Spider.
Week beginning 17th July 2023.
Thank you for your support at our Summer assemblies, we all loved learning the songs and hope you all enjoyed our assemblies!
Wow! We can not believe that we are in the last week of Reception already, the year has flown by and we have had such an amazing year full of great learning with all of your amazing children. Looking back on our year, we have certainly squeezed in lots of exciting learning, with some highlights being sports day, our Christmas and Summer assemblies, cooking and our many trips including, Nower Wood, a local walk, a nighttime and daytime woodland walk, watching our caterpillars grow into butterflies and an amazing beach day! The children have wowed us this year with their amazing attitudes towards their learning, they have grown in so much confidence and we will all miss them as they move into Year 1. Well done to you all!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your incredible support throughout this year and would like to wish you all a wonderful summer break.
Thank you
Your Reception Team
Our Learning this week:
Enterprise Week
This week is our Enterprise Week. The children have voted for the charity we are raising money for and as a year group the children chose to raise funds for the Surrey Wildlife Trust. We will be making and selling flower seed bombs for £1.00. We will be selling these outside of Robin and Wren classrooms on the playground on Thursday 20th July after school. We would love to see you there!
Literacy: This week we will be focusing our learning on a clip from, "Bluey". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the animation and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: stroll, hindrance, mermaid, giggle, yell, independent and love.
Maths: The children will be consolidating their number knowledge. For this, we will be exploring odd and even numbers, finding out how to share different quantities and doubling amounts.
Phonics: This week we will be learning to read and write words with long vowel sounds e.g. crown, stair, screen, clear. The children will also be continuing to revise and read the tricky words: are, pure, sure, when, what, one, here little says was do and were.
Week beginning 10th July 2023.
Wow! What a wonderful beach day we had this week! It was wonderful welcoming the children on board Earlswood Airways, flying to a beautiful beach, playing parachute games, creating beautiful sand art pictures, enjoying ice creams and splashing in the paddling pools and zooming down the slip and slide!
As well as an exciting beach day we have also been cooking this week! Please see the recipe below for our yummy Leek and Mushroom Croustades.
Our Learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be focusing our learning on a clip from, "Moana". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the animation and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be:
wave, determined, brave, curl, paddle, glide and inquisitive.
Maths: The children will be learning about maps and journeys. We will be looking at where items are in relation to one another and will be teaching the children to use the language based on directions and routes to different places.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words which end in, ing, ed and est, e.g. swimming, bumped, melted and printed. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: to, into, all, are, they, one, out, today and says. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, out, and today.
Week beginning 3rd July 2023.
We have our 'Beach Day' on Wednesday 5th July for the Reception children to enjoy a little bit of the beach at Earlswood. Please remember:
Our Learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be reading the story, "Fidgety Fish". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be:
fidget, dive, glide, grip, scurry, rumble, quivered and oomph (energy).
Maths: The children will be revisiting pattern in Maths this week. We will be using shapes to create patterns as well as extending our patterns and discussing if a pattern is complete or incomplete.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write longer words with consonant blends in, e.g. forest, blanket, freshness and handstand. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: we, me, be, he, she, says, there, when, what and one. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, there, when, what and one.
Week beginning 26th June 2023.
Literacy: This week we will be watching a clip from the animation "Peter Pan"” The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the animation and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be:
terrified, hook, time, fierce, greedy, oar, emergency and gloomy.
Maths: In Maths this week the children will be learning about positional language. We will be encouraging the children to describe the position of objects in relation to others for example we will build a lego model and then ask the children to build the same model by describing where each colour brick goes.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write words with consonant blends in, e.g. crept, string, scrunch and grand. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: are, pure, sure, was, do, were, here, little and says. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, were, here, little and says.
Week beginning 19th June 2023,
This week we will be focusing our provision around the theme of 'Pirates' and will be immersing ourselves into our story of 'Pirate Pete's Stinky Feet'. We will be encouraging the children to create large pirate ships to act out parts of the story. We are also making boats in the junk modelling area and then testing how much treasure they can carry before they sink. If any families have recycling that is clean we could use to make boats that would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Our Learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be “Pirate Pete and his Smelly Feet!” The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: peer, adventuring, polka dot, cutlass, voyage, ocean and directions.
Maths: In Maths this week the children will be learning about odd and even numbers. We will be continuing our learning of sharing from the previous week to then understand that only even numbers can be shared into two groups. We will also be explore the idea of sorting objects into pairs and if all of the objects can be sorted into pairs the number was an even number.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write words with consonant blends in, e.g. champ, shelf, truck and swim. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: put, pull, full, push, my, by, like, some, come and love. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, some, come, love and do.
Week beginning 12th June 2023.
The children have really enjoyed making their own playdough, problem solving to make it the right texture. If you are able to donate any plain flour, salt or vegetable oil it will be gratefully received. This week we will be printing with fruit and vegetables as we explore healthy choices. We would also be grateful if anyone has some extra fruit or vegetables such as celery, peppers, apples or potatoes. Thank you in advance!
In RE this half term, we are learning about places which are special. If you are able to upload a photo to Tapestry of a place which is special for your child or family we would love to share them during RE next week.
As the weather is now starting to warm up please may we ask for all children to come to school with sun cream already applied and that they bring a named hat to school along with their water bottle.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of our theme, "Around the World" we will be exploring and talking about the story, "Handa's Surprise" The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: precarious, pinch, oblivious, wander, alarmed and perched.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about sharing different quantities using the vocabulary or equal and fair. The children will be using a variety of different resources to explore sharing equally and not equally.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words with consonant blends in, e.g. went, lamp, gift, best, pond and jump. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: the, I, go, no, of, you, said, so, have and like. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, said, so, have and like.
Week beginning Tuesday 6th June 2023.
We would like to wish you all a happy and safe half term break and look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 6th June.
This week has certainly been busy and we all really enjoyed our walk around the local area. The children were great ambassadors for Earlswood and showed great respect, listening and behaviour during their walk. The children were all keen to find different landmarks to tick off on their groups checklist and were successful in finding our Nursery, the park, a post box, the local shop, the old gas works, the railway bridge and the Junior school! We would like to thank everyone who supported us on our walks, we are very grateful for your time and support.
We would also like to thank you all so much for joining us for Sports Day and for our picnic this week. We were all immensely proud of all of the children as they showed such wonderful enthusiasm for their sports day!
Please see the additional Phonics tricky words flashcards which have been uploaded just above this in the "Phonics Flashcards" tab. These are all of the tricky words the children have learnt. It would be super if you are able to continue to support your child to continue to learn these words at home.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of our theme, "Around the World" we will be exploring and talking about the story, "Emma Jane's Aeroplane" The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: explorers, journey, navigating, ingenious, ascend, descend, downpour and cooperate.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about doubling numbers and how we have two of the same amount when we have a double. The children will be using a variety of different resources such as Numicon and dominoes to find and identify doubles of numbers up to 10.
Phonics: This week we will be learning to read and write words with long vowel sounds e.g. green, train, bright and toast. The children will also be continuing to revise and read the tricky words, we, he, she, me, be, of, says, there, when, what and one.
Week beginning 22nd May 2023.
Summer Uniform.
With the sunshine starting to warm up please can we remind you that summer dresses are not part of our uniform policy in Reception and that as the weather gets warmer your child can wear a white t-shirt, black shorts and black trainers to school.
Can we also remind you that our PE day is a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child is not wearing earrings on our PE day.
Local walk - Monday 22nd May
We are looking forward to going on a walk around our local area next Monday 22nd May. Thank you for your support with the walk.
Sports Day - Wednesday 24th May
It’s time for some sporting fun again! We will be holding our annual Nursery and Reception School Sports Morning on Wednesday 24th May. The sports morning will commence at 10am at the Infant School Site.
We will put a sticker in your child’s reading record to confirm their team colour.
Parents and carers are invited to join us to see the children participating in a range of fun activities. Please drop your child off at the normal time. Parents will not be able to wait in the playground following school drop off as staff need to set up activities.
Parents and carers attending the event should arrive from 9:40am - 10am through the St John’s Road gate where you will be asked to sign in. On arrival, please check the board or ask a member of staff for the activity station your child will be starting at if you are unsure. The playground will be very busy during the event so please leave buggies under the Year 2 covered area on the top playground.
Your child will need to bring a packed lunch on this day (unless you have requested for a lunch to be provided by the school) and you can join your child for lunch on the school field between 11:15am and 12:00pm. Children will then return to school for the afternoon and should be collected at normal pick-up time.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of our theme all about journeys we will be exploring and talking about the story, "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: wandering, joyful, obstacle, tiptoe, panic, fell and hide.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about shapes and tangrams. The children will be learning how shapes can be combined and separated to make new shapes such as how many oblongs can be made by combining small squares or by cutting an oblong in half diagonally and exploring how many different triangles can be made.
Phonics: This week we will be consolidating the skills we have learnt to read and write longer words and words which end in different suffixes such as 'ing', 'ed' and 'est'. The children will also continue to revise all of the tricky words we have learnt so far this term.
Week beginning 15th May 2023.
Summer Uniform.
With the sunshine starting to warm up please can we remind you that summer dresses are not part of our uniform policy in Reception and that as the weather gets warmer your child can wear a white t-shirt, black shorts and black trainers to school.
Can we also remind you that our PE day is a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child is not wearing earrings on our PE day.
Our learning this week:
Our theme this week is all about our local area and for this we will be looking at and talking about our homes, our journey to school and places we see and visit near to where we live. With this in mind, we would be very grateful if you are able to upload a photograph to Tapestry of the outside of your home and any favourite places in our local area such as the park, local attractions or shops which we will use to inspire discussions about where we live and share with your child and their class.
We are looking forward to going on a walk around our local area next Monday 22nd May. If you are available to help please do speak to your child's class teacher.
Literacy: As part of our theme all about journeys we will be exploring and talking about the animation, "The Jetsons" The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the animation and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: apartment, journey, responsibilities, frustrated and exhausted.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about subtraction. The children will be exploring how to find a total amount once some items have been taken away. We will be using the vocabulary of 'first, next and now' when solving different subtraction questions e.g. first I have 3 cars, next I take away 1 car, now I have 2 cars.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words which end in, ing, ed and est, e.g. swimming, bumped, melted and printed. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: to, into, all, are, they, one, out, today and says. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, out, and today.
Week beginning 8th May 2023.
Please may we remind you that school is closed on Monday 8th May for a bank holiday.
We have all enjoyed a wonderful day celebrating the King's Coronation today and the children have been busy making crowns and baking lemonade scones! We all enjoyed a tea party as a whole year group where we ate our scones, listened to music, learnt all about the Coronation and even listened to the very funny story, "The Kings Pants!"
Please do see the recipe above if you would like to bake with your child at home!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of our theme all about transport and space this week, we will be exploring and talking about the story "Whatever Next!" The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be:
imaginative, companion, grubby, astonished, courageous, underwhelmed, disbelief and adventurous
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about addition. The children will be exploring how to find totals by combining two quantities. We will be using the vocabulary of 'first, next and now' when finding total amounts e.g. first I have 3 cars, next I add 2 cars, now I have 5 cars.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write longer words with consonant blends in, e.g. forest, blanket, freshness and handstand. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: we, me, be, he, she, says, there, when, what and one. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, there, when, what and one.
Week beginning 1st May 2023.
As it is a bank holiday on Monday 1st May the school will be closed.
For the Spring Phonics home learning sheets please visit the teacher noticeboard.
If you have any kitchen roll tubes we would love these for our junk modelling areas as we will be busy making different methods of transport!
The children have all enjoyed watching our caterpillars grow! We cannot believe how big they have grown and are now starting to see some of the caterpillars create their own webs. We are now waiting for the caterpillars to grow a little bot more and for their chrysalides to form!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of our theme all about transport this week, we will be exploring and talking about the story "How to Catch a Star". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: adventure, determination, thoughtful, reaching,
lonely, elated and resilient.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about shape and positional language. The children will be matching shapes, exploring the position of different shapes by rotating them and recreating models using positional language to describe the placement of each coloured cube in their model.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write words with consonant blends in, e.g. crept, string, scrunch and grand. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: are, pure, sure, was, do, were, here, little and says. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, were, here, little and says.
Week beginning 24th April 2023.
We are all very excited as our caterpillars all safely arrived this week. The children are enjoying observing them and talking about how they are growing! We have learnt how we must look after the caterpillars and have talked about what will happen next in their lifecycle.
Thank you to everyone who uploaded a photo of your child's special item or your family to Tapestry. The children really enjoyed sharing these with their classes during our PSHE and RE lessons this week.
We will be learning about old and new methods of transport this week and will be encouraging the children to identify, talk about and sort images of transport into old and new.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of our new theme all about transport this week, we will be exploring and talking about the story "Hundred Decker Bus". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: navigate, inflate, extension, uncertainty, crew, layer, expanding, mechanical and ascending.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing our learning about numbers to 20. The children will be encouraged to describe how many tens and ones make up a number e.g. 18 - The number is made of 1 ten and 8 ones. We will also be ordering numbers to 20.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write words with consonant blends in, e.g. champ, shelf, truck and swim. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: put, pull, full, push, my, by, like, some, come and love. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, some, come, love and do.
We would like to thank you all for all of your support over this Spring term and would like to wish you all a lovely Easter break. We are looking forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 17th April.
Week beginning 17th April 2023.
If you have any kitchen roll tubes we would love these for our junk modelling areas as we will be busy making models of different methods of transport!
For our learning in RE and PSHE during the first week back we would love for some more photos to be uploaded to Tapestry!
For PSHE we are learning about jobs people do. To support the children in talking about their families and the jobs they do we would be very grateful if you are able to upload a family photo to Tapestry by Tuesday 18th April.
As part of RE we will be talking about items which are special to us. We would love for a photo of your child with their special item to be uploaded to Tapestry which we can share and talk about with our classes. We would be very grateful if this can be uploaded by Thursday 20th April.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of our new theme all about transport this week, we will be exploring and talking about the animation "Wacky Races". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: accelerate, breaking, hazard, steering, chuckle, demolish, overtake and transport.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning to recognise and count up to 20. The children will also be looking at patterns they notice when counting from 10-20 and 0-20.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words with consonant blends in, e.g. went, lamp, gift, best, pond and jump. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: the, I, go, no, of, you, said, so, have and like. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, said, so, have and like.
Week beginning 27th March 2023.
This week is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week! The children will be learning about the theme of 'minibeasts' and we will be exploring how we can identify, sort and classify different minibeasts. We will also be becoming scientists as we explore waterproof and non-waterproof materials and frozen items.
PE will be on Wednesday, please may we remind you that earrings will need to be removed for PE.
Our learning this week:
Phonics home learning - Please do see the above worksheet titled: Spring 2 Week 5 to support and further consolidate your child's Phonics learning at home. We would be very grateful if you can continue to support the children with their tricky word recognition.
Literacy: This week we will be exploring and talking about the animation "Mr Benn, The Zookeeper", The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: liberate, capture, habitat, tearful, protect, shelter, release and forlorn.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing to consolidate our learning about number bonds. The children will be finding different ways to make numbers up to 10 and will be exploring the composition of different numbers. We will also be learning how to form each digit from 0-9.
Phonics: This week we will be consolidating different graphemes learnt throughout Phase 3. The children will be continuing to read the tricky words we have learnt to date and will be using their blending and segmenting skills when reading and writing.
Week beginning 20th March 2023.
Nower Wood Trip:
Finch and Owl - Monday 20th March.
Please may we ask for the children to bring a coat, packed lunch and water bottle to school on the day of their trip. School uniform is to be worn with comfortable footwear which is appropriate for the weather i.e. school shoes, trainers or wellington boots if it is raining.
Visit the classroom - Tuesday 21st March after school until 3.30pm.
You are invited to celebrate your child's learning so far this year. Please do wait until all of the children have left the classroom and once ready, your child's class teacher will welcome you in.
Phonics home learning - Please do see the above worksheet titled: Spring 2 Week 4 to support and further consolidate your child's Phonics learning at home. We would be very grateful if you can continue to support the children with their tricky word recognition.
Literacy: This week we will be reading the story, "The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet", The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: gnaw, absent, marooned, plump, weep, regret, rancid and secure.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be consolidating our learning about number bonds. The children will be finding different ways to make numbers up to 10 and will be exploring the composition of different numbers.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing longer words where the 's' or 'es' in a word makes a 'z' sound when said out loud, e.g. foxes, visits and queens. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: they, all, by, my, are, sure and pure.
Week beginning 13th March 2023.
Nower Wood Trip:
Wren and Robin - Monday 13th March.
Finch and Owl - Monday 20th March.
Please may we ask for the children to bring a coat, packed lunch and water bottle to school on the day of their trip. School uniform is to be worn with comfortable footwear which is appropriate for the weather i.e. school shoes, trainers or wellington boots if it is raining.
Red Nose Day and Spring Fair Donation Day - Friday 17th March.
As this is both our Spring fair donation day and Red Nose day, the children are invited to wear their own clothes with something red! Reception have also been asked to donate a chocolate Easter egg for our Spring fair.
Literacy: This week we will be exploring a short clip from the animation, "A Bugs Life". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: exhausting, inventor, anxious, panicking, terrified, determined, collecting and talkative.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about patterns. The children will be continuing movement and shape patterns and will be challenged to create patterns such as AABBCC for example, red, red, blue, blue, green green and ABBABB patterns such as red, green green, red, green, green..
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing longer words which end in 'ing', such as zooming, winking and waiting. We will also be learning about compound words where two separate words come together to make one word e.g. popcorn, carpark and rooftop. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: he, we, me, be, was, you , they and all.
Week beginning 6th March 2023.
Phonics Home Learning Sheets
All of the previous home learning sheets for Phonics can now be found on the Teacher Noticeboard - please click on this link for the page:
We have also uploaded a set of Phase 3 sound cards for you to further support your child at home. These are saved above in the folder titled "Phonics flashcards".
Junk Modelling.
We are always very grateful to receive the following items for our junk modelling areas - cereal boxes, egg boxes, kitchen roll tubes and clean, washed out plastic cartons. We do ask that no meats containers or toilet roll tubes are brought into school.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures! The vocabulary the children will be learning and encouraged to use will be: dinky, ravenous, sweltering, lovely, immense, stunning, growing and snug.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about 3D shapes. The children will be learning to describe and name 3D shapes, identifying real life objects and matching them to 3D shapes and will also be sorting shapes by different features.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words two or more digraphs, such as shimmer, tooth and corner. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: no, of, to, into, she, he, and we. The children will also be learning to write the tricky words: to, into, she and we.
Week beginning 27th February 2023.
Phonics Home Learning Sheets
All of the previous home learning sheets for Phonics can now be found on the Teacher Noticeboard - please click on this link for the page:
Fruit and vegetables donations.
We are learning all about the farm this week and are introducing a farm shop as part of our role play area. We would be very grateful of any donations of fresh fruit or vegetables which the children could use to sell and buy in our farm shop!
Junk Modelling.
We are always very grateful to receive the following items for our junk modelling areas - cereal boxes, egg boxes, kitchen roll tubes and clean, washed out plastic cartons. We do ask that no meats containers or toilet roll tubes are brought into school.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the fairytale, "Chicken Licken". The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about number bonds to 10. The children will be finding different ways to make numbers up to 10 by finding pairs of numbers e.g. 8 and 2, 6 and 4.
Phonics: This week we will reviewing the graphemes, "er" and "air". We will also be reading and writing words with double letters such as, "better" and "pattern". The children will also be learning to 'chunk' words where we break up the word to support us when reading longer words e.g. "fantastic" would be chunked as "fan / tas / tic". The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: full, push, and, go, no and of.
Thank you for all of your continued support this half term.
We would like to wish you all a very happy and restful half term break, we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 20th February 2023.
Phonics support: Phase 3 Sounds:
Here is a link to the scheme we are using with all of the correct pronunciations for each Phase 3 sound: https://youtu.be/DvOuc7cWXxc
Please click on Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1.
You can support your child to learn these graphemes by:
Here is a link which explains how we encourage the children to read and blend sounds in words: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
Please click on - How we teach - How we teach blending.
Week beginning 20.2.23
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the story, ‘The Mole Who Knew It was None of his Business’. The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords and super sentences for their pictures!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be exploring the numbers 9 and 10 and representing them in different ways. The children will complete a series of short games in pairs and groups to compare different quantities and order numerals from 0 to 10.
Phonics: This week we will recapping all of the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) which we have learnt over the last half term. The tricky words we will be continuing to revise are: is, as, his, has, the, I, he, put, pull and full.
Week beginning 6th February 2023.
Please note that school is closed on Friday 10th February 2023 for an INSET day.
Junk Modelling
If you have any junk modelling such as kitchen roll tubes, bottle lids, corks, cereal boxes or washed out tubs which you no longer require please send them into school for our junk modelling areas, the children love to be creative and make amazing models! Please can we ask that boxes or containers which have contained nuts or meat are not sent into school.
Our learning this week:
Children’s Mental Health Week:
This week is children's mental health week and this year the theme is ‘Let’s Connect’. The children will be taking part in activities that encourage them to connect with others in healthy, rewarding and meaningful ways. As part of this week, children are invited to wear their own clothes on Wednesday 8th February to show their individuality and help us celebrate differences.
Internet Safety Day:
On Tuesday 7th February it is also Safer Internet Day. The children will be listening to a story all about keeping safe on the internet. We will also be learning about different technology the children use. If you have any photos of your children using different technology please do upload them to your child's Tapestry learning journal and we will share these with the class as we discover different technology!
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the story, ‘Bumble Bear’. The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords for their pictures!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing our learning all about length and height and also sequencing the different parts of our day with Mr Wolf, beginning with getting up and having our breakfast and finishing with going to bed! We will also be measuring short periods of time in simple ways by using a sand timer to carry out 1 minute fitness challenges!
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing all of the sounds we have learnt this half term. The children will be continuing to read and write tricky words and will be reading sentences using the sounds we have learnt this half term.
Week beginning 30th January 2023.
Junk Modelling
If you have any junk modelling such as kitchen roll tubes, bottle lids, corks, cereal boxes or washed out tubs which you no longer require please send them into school for our junk modelling areas, the children love to be creative and make amazing models! Please can we ask that boxes or containers which have contained nuts or meat are not sent into school.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the story, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords for their pictures!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning to combine two groups of items to find a total. The children will also be learning to describe and compare length and height using the language of long, short, tall and we will also talk about the breadth of items using the vocabulary: wide, wider, arrow, narrower, thick and thin.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on reading and writing longer words such as: sunset, pocket, rocket, carpet and farmyard. These words all have more than 1 syllable and to support the children when reading these words we will encourage them to 'chunk' these words i.e. f-a-r-m / y-a-r-d. The tricky words the children will be learning to read are: are, sure, pure, into, she, push, he, we, me, be and of.
Week beginning 23rd January 2023.
Junk Modelling
If you have any junk modelling such as kitchen roll tubes, bottle lids, corks, cereal boxes or washed out tubs which you no longer require please send them into school for our junk modelling areas, the children love to be creative and make amazing models! Please can we ask that boxes or containers which have contained nuts or meat are not sent into school.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the story, 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords for their pictures!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning all about the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children will be encouraged to represent these amounts using tens frames and will be shopping to find 6, 7 or 8 items in the classroom!
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) er e.g. digger and the trigraph air e.g. hair. The children will also be learning to read words with double letters in e.g. ladder, rabbit and digger. The children will using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read words and sentences and segmenting sounds when writing. The tricky words we will be recapping and encouraging the children to read are: my, by, all, no and go. We will also be learning to write the tricky words: are, pure and sure
Week beginning 16th January 2023.
Old DIY equipment
We would be very grateful if you have any old paintbrushes or paint rollers that you are no longer in need.
Junk Modelling
If you have any junk modelling such as kitchen roll tubes, bottle lids, corks, cereal boxes or washed out tubs which you no longer require please send them into school for our junk modelling areas, the children love to be creative and make amazing models! Please can we ask that boxes or containers which have contained nuts or meat are not sent into school.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the story, 'Little Red Riding Hood'. The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords for their pictures!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning all about mass and capacity. The children will be encouraged to compare quantities using the vocabulary associated with weight such as heavy and light and capacity such as empty and full.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) ur, ow, oi e.g. fur, owl, boing and the trigraph ear e.g. hear. The children will also be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read words and sentences and segmenting sounds when writing. The tricky words we will be recapping and encouraging the children to read are: into, was, you and they. We will also be learning to write the tricky words: my, by and all.
Week beginning 9th January 2023.
Phonics home learning
Please see Spring term Week 1 for our Phonics learning this week.
Garden pots
As we look to plant seeds and bulbs in preparation for Spring time, we would be very grateful of any donations of large plant pots which you may not require any more.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be exploring the story, 'Superworm'. The children will be learning new vocabulary linked to the story and will be focusing on the main character, setting and events/adventures. We will be encouraging the children to use their imagination to draw their own character, setting and adventure pictures! As well as drawing, the children will be using their Phonics to sound out special passwords for their pictures!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing to use our subitising skills when identifying quantities of objects up to 5. The children will also be learning the vocabulary, 'fair', 'same', 'more' or 'less' when comparing quantities.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) oo, oo, ar and or e.g. moon, book, dark and horn. The children will also be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read words and sentences and segmenting sounds when writing. The tricky words we will be recapping and encouraging the children to read are: and, push, was, you and they. We will also be learning to write the tricky words: was, you and they.
Friday 16th December
We have had a fabulous week, and the children did their very best at their Christmas Sing-a-longs. Well done Robin, Wren, Finch and Owl children! We are very proud of you!
We would like to to say a great big thank you for all the lovely Christmas gifts we have received as well as your kind words in cards and emails. Thank you all so much from all the Reception Team.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
Week beginning 12.12.22
Upcoming Dates:
Saturday 10th December 2 - 4pm - Christmas fair at the infant school
Monday 12th December - Robin and Wren Christmas sing-a-long 9.05am
Finch and Owl Christmas sing-a-long 2.30pm
The children have been working so hard to prepare for their sing-a-longs and they look and sound great, we can't wait for you to see it!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be looking at the story, "The Night Before, The Night Before Christmas" by Kes Gray. We will be looking closely at the illustrations and will be writing lists of nouns based on what we see in the pictures and will use this to support us when composing and writing captions and short sentences.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be recapping our learning all about matching quantities and numerals and finding one more and one less. The children will be using practical resources and five frames to support them when solving different number problems.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing all of the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this half term and we will be recapping previously learnt digraphs (two letters which make one sound). The children will be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read and segmenting sounds when writing.
Week beginning 5.12.22
Thank you so much for your support with Christmas making morning! We hope you all enjoyed the morning!
Upcoming Dates over the next two weeks:
Wednesday 7th December - Infant Christmas lunch
Monday 12th December - Robin and Wren Christmas sing-a-long 9.05am
Finch and Owl Christmas sing-a-long 2.30pm
The children have been working so hard to prepare for their sing-a-longs and they look and sound great, we can't wait for you to see it!
Phonics Home Learning
Please see the file at the top of this page titled: Phonics Home Learning for a guide to the graphemes we have learnt this week and some activities you can do at home to further support your child. This will be added to each week. We have added week 5 this week.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning a new poem, "Counting Christmas." The children will be learning the poem through actions and will be looking at the vocabulary from the poem. We will also be using our Phonics to support us when sounding out and writing CVC words.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about routines during the day and night time. The children will also be learning the days of the week and will be counting down to events.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing all of the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this half term. We will be focusing on the digraphs, ng, nk, ch and th e.g. sing, pink, chip and moth. The children will also be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read and segmenting sounds when writing.
Week beginning 28.11.22
Please could we ask for as many kitchen roll cardboard tubes that you have spare to be brought into school for our Christmas Making activities.
Christmas Making Morning
Next Wednesday 30th November is Christmas making morning! You are welcome to join your child in their class for the exciting festivities from 9.30-11.30am.
Phonics Home Learning
Please see the file at the top of this page titled: Phonics Home Learning for a guide to the graphemes we have learnt this week and some activities you can do at home to further support your child. This will be added to each week. We have added week 4 this week.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to learn our new Talk for Writing story, ‘The Magic Porridge Pot.’ The children will be learning the story through actions and a visual story map. We will also be sequencing the story, using our Phonics to help us when sounding out and writing labels for items from the story and using our reading skills when ordering words to build a sentence. We will also innovate the story by changing what the pot might cook instead of porridge!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be finding out about more and less. The children will be using lots of resources such as five and ten frames and counting items to support them when finding one less or one more than a number.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing sounds we have previously learnt and will be focusing on words with 's' at the end of them. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, we, me and be. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, she, push, of and he. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 21.11.22
Please could we ask for as many kitchen roll cardboard tubes that you have spare to be brought into school for our Christmas Making activities.
Reading books:
Please may we remind you to ensure your child's reading diary and book is returned to school every day.
Phonics Home Learning
Please see the file at the top of this page titled: Phonics Home Learning for a guide to the graphemes we have learnt this week and some activities you can do at home to further support your child. This will be added to each week. We have added week 3 this week.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning our new Talk for Writing story, ‘The Magic Porridge Pot.’ The children will be learning the story through actions and a visual story map and will be talking about new vocabulary from the story.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be looking at the compositions of the number 4. We will also be looking at and talking about positional vocabulary and will learn about the shapes, squares, oblongs and rectangles which also have 4 sides and 4 vertices.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound), sh, th, ng and nk. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, she, he and of. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, go, no, to, into, push, and, has, his and her.. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 14.11.22
Thank you so much for joining us on our nighttime walk! It was so lovely to see so many families brave the chilly evening, and we hope that you all enjoyed the walk! We would also like to thank all of the parents who were able to support each class during our daytime walk, we are so grateful for your support.
Phonics Home Learning
Please see the file at the top of this page titled: Phonics Home Learning for a guide to the graphemes we have learnt this week and some activities you can do at home to further support your child. This will be added to each week. We have added both week 1 and week 2 this week.
Odd Socks Day 14th November /Anti Bullying Week 14th November-18th November
On Monday 14th November we ask that children wear odd socks to mark the start of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (No donation is required). Odd Socks Day encourages us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us unique. During this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, we are encouraging the children to ‘Reach Out’ for help if they or they know someone who is experiencing bullying. Thank you for your support with these special events.
Children in Need - Friday 18th November
On Friday 18th November, we ask that children wear something spotty to celebrate Children in Need. Your donations can help children and young people all over the UK who need it most. If you would like to complete your own fundraising challenges, please follow this link for some ideas - https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/fundraising/ten-on-the-spot-fundraising-challenges/ - we would love to hear about any fundraising challenges you and your family take part in! Thank you for your support.
Our learning this week:
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning all about the features of a recount. The children will be ordering events from our woodland walk and will be encouraged to use time conjunctions such as first, next, then and finally when talking about the order of events. We will also be using our Phonics knowledge to support us when labelling events and composing and writing short phrases and sentences.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be looking at the compositions of numbers 1, 2 and 3 and introducing the part whole model. We will also be using our subitising skills to notice the different compositions.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the graphemes and digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound), z, zz, qu and ch. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, go, no, to and into. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, and, has, his and her.. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 7.11.22
This week at school has been sculpture week and the children have all really enjoyed making their own and whole class sculptures. They really do look amazing! We have also enjoyed learning all about Diwali and the children have all made their own Diya lamp which will be coming home when they are painted and dry.
Phonics information:
Please see the QR code at the front of your child’s reading diary. If you scan the QR code it will take you to the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds web page. Here you will find lots of great information under the parent tab linked to Phonics and reading and how you can further support your child with their Phonics learning.
Visit the Classroom:
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into the school next week to view your children's work on after school Thursday 10th November. Please wait outside your child's class until all of the children in the class have been dismissed.
Woodland Walk:
On Wednesday 9th November between 5.30-6.30pm it is our evening woodland walk starting at the Juniors in the playground. Please bring a torch with you or you could use your phone torch if you have one. Please may we remind you that you are responsible for your child during the walk and the walk will not be suitable for buggies. Please also ensure all children have their wellington boots in school for our daytime walk on Thursday morning.
Odd Socks Day:
Odd Socks Day 14th November /Anti Bullying Week 14th November-18th November.
On Monday 14th November we ask that children wear odd socks to mark the start of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (No donation is required). Odd Socks Day encourages us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us unique. During this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, we are encouraging the children to ‘Reach Out’ for help if they or they know someone who is experiencing bullying. Thank you for your support with these special events.
Children in Need - Friday 18th November
On Friday 18th November, we ask that children and staff wear something spotty to celebrate Children in Need. Your donations can help children and young people all over the UK who need it most. If you would like to complete your own fundraising challenges, please follow this link for some ideas - https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/fundraising/ten-on-the-spot-fundraising-challenges/ - we would love to hear about any fundraising challenges you and your family take part in! Thank you for your support.
Our learning this week:
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning all about fireworks. The children will be encouraged to talk about the colours and sounds of fireworks. We will be using our Phonics to support us when labelling pictures and modelling writing sentences describing fireworks. We will also be innovating a firework poem to make our own exciting poems!
Maths: This week in Maths we will be looking at numerals to 3 and comparing quantities with 1, 2 and 3 objects. We are also learning that as we count, each number is one more than the number before. We will also be challenging the children to explain how they know that one amount is less than or greater than other amounts of items.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the graphemes, v, w, x and y. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, and, has, his and her. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, I, is, the, put, pull, full and as. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 31.10.22
We hope that you all have a restful and enjoyable half term break and look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 31st October 2022.
We would be very grateful of any pumpkin donations when we return to school.
Phonics Home learning
We have sent out home learning sheets for all of the graphemes we have learnt so far in Phonics. Please share these with your child and encourage them to sound talk and orally blend lots of words for example, you might ask your child to find a h-a-t or p-e-n.
Here is a link to the scheme we are using with all of the correct pronunciations for each sound: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
We have also uploaded a set of flashcards onto the website which you could encourage your children to write out and learn them through a variety of different activities such as:
You can support your child to learn these graphemes by:
Here is a link which explains how we encourage the children to read and blend sounds in words: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
We have also been working hard to recognise and read the tricky words: I, is and the. Please also encourage your child to continue to read these words. You could ask your child to spot them in a story book or when out and about.
Our learning this week:
This week at school is sculpture week. We are all very excited to start our own individual and class sculptures! If you have been on an Autumn walk we would still love any collections of conkers, pine cones or acorns for our sculptures.
The children will also be learning all about Autumn and special celebrations. If you celebrate Diwali or go to any firework events, please do add this to your child's Tapestry journal, we would love to share their experiences with the children in their class. If you require any support with this please do speak to your child's class teacher.
Literacy: This week we will be learning a poem all about Autumn leaves. The children will be encouraged to learn the poem through drawing it and actions. We will also innovate the poem to make it individual for our class.
Maths: In Maths this week we will be continuing to encourage the children to subitise, where the children will be encouraged to talk about what they see and what they notice when looking at an arrangement of items. We will also be talking about where we see numbers - What numbers can the children see at home or when out and about? We will be exploring the numerals and composition of 1, 2 and 3 and the children will be learning to group amounts of objects into groups of 1, 2's or 3's.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the graphemes, ff, ll, ss and j. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, put, pull, full and as. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, I, is and the. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
18th October 2022.
Sculpture Week
For sculpture week (after half term) we will be learning all about the work of the sculptor, Louise Nevelson. The children will all make their own sculpture and this year we are using natural items to use for our sculptures.
To make our sculptures, we would appreciate as many shoe boxes and lids as you have and would like the children to collect a range of natural items such as:
Pine cones
Dental Hygiene:
Next week we are learning all about the importance of dental hygiene. In order to provide some exciting activities for the children we would be very grateful for as many clean, empty milk bottles or fizzy drink bottles as you can spare.
Our Learning:
Literacy: This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle". The children will be learning this nursery rhyme through drawing a story map and with actions. The children will also be innovating it to change the nursery rhyme into their own version.
Maths: In Maths this week we will be learning all about comparing quantities using the language of more and less. We will also be subitising! Here the children will be encouraged to talk about what they see and what they notice when looking at an arrangement of items.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be revising the graphemes which we have been learning throughout this term. The tricky words we will be continuing to read and recognise are, is, the and I. The children will continue to practice their blending skills to support them when sounding out words when reading and writing.
Please scan the QR code which has been stuck into your child's reading diaries to access Numbots. This QR code will take you to Wonde which is our online learning platform. The website should display as: login.earlswood.school and you should be able to access this and Numbots through your child's QR code.
If there are any problems with logging in, please do speak to your child's class teacher.
10th October 2022.
We hope you have had an opportunity to watch the information video about our Little Wandle phonics programme. We are approaching the end of our first teaching block for Phonics. We are reviewing each child’s progress and where there are gaps in learning we will be filling them through Daily Keep Up sessions. These will happen during the school day. Please look out for a sticker in your child’s reading diary informing you if your child is taking part in the daily Keep Up sessions.
Teddy Bears Story Time
This week at school it is our 'Feel Good Week!' As part of this week, we would love for all of the children to bring in a teddy next Friday 14th October to enjoy a story time and snack alongside each Reception class and their teddies!
Sculpture Week (after half term) - week beginning - 31st October 2022
For sculpture week, we will be learning all about the work of the sculptor, Louise Nevelson. The children will all make their own sculpture and this year we are using natural items to use for our sculptures. For this exciting activity, we would like every child to bring in a shoe box.
Please could these be brought into school by Friday 21st October.
Our Learning:
Literacy: This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme "Miss Polly had a Dolly". The children will be learning this nursery rhyme through drawing a story map and with actions. The children will also be innovating it to change the nursery rhyme into their own version.
Maths: In Maths this week we will be learning all about patterns. The children will be making and continuing their own movement patterns such as stamping feet, clap, clap. We will also be learning to identify and talk about repeating patterns such as red, blue, red, blue, and will be encouraged to make their own patterns using resources in the classroom.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning how to pronounce the phonemes and recognise the graphemes, h, b, f and l. The tricky word we will be learning to read is the and the children will continue to revise the tricky words is and I. The children will learn how to form each of the above graphemes and will continue to practice their blending skills to support them when sounding out words and reading.
3rd October 2022.
Family Photos
Thank you to everyone who has sent a family photo to your child's class teacher. We would still love a family photo of every child which we will print and make into a family book for each class. If you are able to, please send one photo of your family to your child's class teacher:
Robin Class: l.merrett-jones@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Wren Class: b.hall@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk or k.saraceno@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Finch Class: m.aldred@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Owl Class: s.tarrant@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Sculpture Week (after half term) - week beginning - 31st October 2022
For sculpture week, we will be learning all about the work of the sculptor, Louise Nevelson. The children will all make their own sculpture and this year we are using natural items to use for our sculptures.
For this exciting activity, we would like every child to bring in a shoe box Please could these be brought into school by Friday 21st October.
Mad Hatters Tea Party
We are looking forward to the Mad Hatters Tea Party next Thursday 6th October! To get into the spirit of the lunch, your child is invited to wear a hat to school for the tea party!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". The children will be learning it through drawing a story map and with actions. The children will also be innovating it to change the nursery rhyme into their own version.
Maths: In Maths this week, we will be learning all about comparing items based on quantity or size. The children will be encouraged to use their sorting knowledge to support them when grouping items and will be asked to compare the size of different items using the language of larger and smaller.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning how to pronounce the phonemes and recognise the graphemes, ck, e, u and r. The tricky word we will be learning to read is I and the children will continue to revise the tricky word, is. The children will learn how to form each of the above graphemes and will continue to practice their blending skills to support them when sounding out words and reading.
26th September 2022.
Please may we ask that the children's water bottles are not put in their book bags with their reading diaries or books just in case any bottles leak over the children's books.
Family Photos
Thank you to everyone who has sent a family photo to your child's class teacher. We would love a family photo of every child which we will print and make into a family book for each class. If you are able to, please send one photo of your family to your child's class teacher:
Robin Class: l.merrett-jones@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Wren Class: b.hall@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk or k.saraceno@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Finch Class: m.aldred@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Owl Class: s.tarrant@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme "Row Row Row Your Boat". The children will be learning it through drawing a story map and with actions. The children will also be innovating it to change the method of transport e.g. "Zoom zoom zoom your car quickly up the hill, merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream."
Maths: This week in Maths, the children will be classifying, sorting and matching objects based on their size, colour or pattern.
Phonics: In Phonics this week, the children will be learning the sounds g, o, c and k. They will be learning the phoneme - how to pronounce each sound and will be identifying items with each sound at the start. The children will also be learning how to form each grapheme using a rhyme to support them when writing. In addition to this, the children will be learning to segment sounds in words and blend them together to hear and say the whole word. The tricky word we will be learning to read will be, is.
W/b 19th September 2022
We express our deepest sympathies for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Our school will observe the mourning period whilst continuing to support our children, families and colleagues. This includes closing the school as a mark of respect, on the bank holiday Monday 19th September.
Family photo
We would love a family photo of every child which we will print and make into a family book for each class. If you are able to, please send one photo of your family to your child's class teacher:
Robin Class: l.merrett-jones@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Wren Class: b.hall@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk or k.saraceno@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Finch Class: m.aldred@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Owl Class: s.tarrant@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
It has been lovely seeing all of the children looking super smart in their uniforms this week!
If you have not already sent a spare bag of clothes in for your child, please bring a named set in which will stay on your child's peg.
Please could we remind you that we do PE on a Wednesday and that all earrings will need to be removed for PE.
We would also like the children to have a book bag in school for their reading diaries and story books. Please ensure water bottles are not kept inside your child's book bag so that books will not get water damaged.
Plastic bottles
If you have any empty, plastic condiment bottles such as tomato ketchup ones please could you send them to school with your child as we would like to use them for our creative activities.
Our learning this week
Literacy: This week we are learning the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock". The children will be reciting the nursery rhyme and will be innovating it to change the animal and where the animal travels in the nursery rhyme, e.g. "Hickory, Dickory, Dock, the elephant stomped up the tree."
Maths: This week in Maths, the children will be counting actions such as 3 claps, 4 jumps and 5 hops. The children will also be singing lots of counting songs up to 5, such as 5 Currant Buns in a Baker's Shop. We will also be learning about sorting items into groups and exploring how we can sort items by colour or size.
Phonics: In Phonics this week, the children will be learning the sounds i, n, m and d. They will be learning the phoneme - how to pronounce each sound and will be identifying items with each sound at the start. The children will also be learning how to form each grapheme using a rhyme to support them when writing. In addition to this, the children will be learning to segment sounds in words and blend them together to hear and say the whole word.
9th September 2022
We have all really enjoyed meeting lots of the children and their families this week and hope the children have enjoyed their first morning or afternoon of school!
We are all very excited to be welcoming your children to school for their first full week starting on Monday 12th September!
Please may we ask for all belongings and uniform to be named and the children will need to bring in a named water bottle as well. There are also welly racks outside each classroom for your child's wellington boots to be kept.
The children can start arriving from 8.30am until 8.45am. Please drop your child off at their classroom door and collect from their classroom door at 3.05pm.
Pleasure for reading books.
Next week we will start to introduce our pleasure for reading book baskets. Here the children can choose a picture book to share with you at home. Once your child is ready to change their book, please return it and they can choose another book to bring home. Please do record in your child's reading diary all of the different books that you read and share with your child.
Our learning
Literacy: This week we are learning the nursery rhyme "Incy Wincy Spider". The children will be learning to retell and recite the nursery rhyme. We will also be looking at key vocabulary from the nursery rhyme and innovating it to change the animal and where the animal travels in the nursery rhyme.
Maths: This week in Maths, the children will be counting within 10 and will be acting out and singing lots of different number rhymes.
Phonics: In Phonics this week, the children will be learning the sounds s, a, t and p. We will be learning the phoneme (how to pronounce each sound) and will be identifying items with each sound at the start. The children will also be learning how to form each grapheme using a rhyme to support them when writing. In addition to this, the children will be learning to segment sounds in words and blend them together to hear and say the whole word e.g. The teacher will sound out the word - s-a-t and the children will be asked to say the word which has ben sounded out.
Week beginning 18.7.22
We are looking forward to selling our seed bombs that we have made this week to raise money for the charity Stripy Stork. They will be sold on Wednesday from 3:05pm for £1 each outside Robin and Wren classrooms. We have made a few additional seed bombs if people were wanting to buy more than one.
As we draw to the end of the year we wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to our families for the continued support this year.
Literacy: We will be looking at the key features of a poster and will be creating our own posters on sun safety and will challenge the children to make a poster all about them for their new Year 1 teacher.
Maths: We will be consolidating skills we have learnt this year and practicing our number formation.
Phonics: This week in Phonics we will be revisiting the skills required when reading longer words and words with different suffixes in. The children will also continue to revise all of the tricky words we have learnt so far.
What a wonderful beach day we all had! The children and teachers all enjoyed learning about animals under the sea in the Science Dome, splashing in water, building sandcastles, eating ice creams and creating wonderful works of art using coloured sand!
Week beginning 11.7.22
Next week is Enterprise week! If you have any paper or newspapers that you could donate we would be very grateful as we will use this to make our exciting flower seed bombs! We will be selling every classes exciting creations on Wednesday 20th July on the playground outside Robin and Wren classrooms straight after school for £1.00 and all money raised will be donated to Stripey Stork.
Our Learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be using our Phonics knowledge to support us when writing sentences all about our exciting beach day! As well as this, the children will be busy making posters and writing instructions for our Enterprise project!
Maths: The children will be developing their spatial reasoning knowledge by looking at different maps and using appropriate language to describe the position of items or places in relation to one another. We will also be talking about different journeys and will encourage the children to draw linear maps which include places they see or travel to on their journeys. The children will also be talking about the position of items in their classrooms and will be working together to create a map of their classrooms. It would be lovely if the children would like to draw a map of a room at their house this week!
Phonics: This week in Phonics we will be revisiting the skills required when reading longer words and words with different suffixes in. The children will also continue to revise all of the tricky words we have learnt so far.
Week beginning 4.7.22
This week we have parents' evening on both Tuesday 5th July and Thursday 7th July. Please remember to sign up if you have not yet done so.
We also have our 'Beach Day' for the Reception children to enjoy a little bit of the beach at Earlswood. Please remember sun hats and to apply sun lotion before your child comes to school (fingers crossed the weather is looking sunny). A water bottle with water in will be needed as normal.
Our Learning this week:
Literacy: We will be reading the story "Mouse's Big Day". The children will be sequencing events and using their phonics knowledge to write facts to understand that we can write to pass on information.
Maths: The children will be revisiting pattern in Maths this week. We will be using shapes to create patterns as well as extending our patterns and discussing if a pattern is complete or incomplete.
Phonics: This week in Phonics we will be reading words with the suffixes such as 'er' and 'est'. The children will need to spot the root word without the suffix before chunking and segmenting to read the word. We will recap the tricky words: to, into, all, are, they, one, out, today.
Week beginning 27.6.22
Our Learning this week:
Literacy: In Literacy this week we will be using our Phonics knowledge to support us when sounding out and writing words. We will be learning to use adjectives when describing pirate equipment such as, small, golden coins. In addition to this, we will also be learning about the characteristics of Pirate Pete and will be encouraged to gather ideas to support us when writing about ourselves as a pirate!
Maths: In Maths this week the children will be learning about positional language. We will be encouraging the children to describe the position of objects in relation to others for example we will build a lego model and then ask the children to build the same model by describing where each colour brick goes.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to learn to read and write words with the suffixes 'ing' and 'ed' e.g. swimming and painting. We will also be learning how the 'ed' at the end of a word can sound as though there is a t, id or d at the end of the word e.g. splashed (t sound at the end of the word) floated (id sound at the end of the word) and crowned (d sound at the end of the word) The children will also be continuing to revise and read the tricky words: some, come, love, do, the, I, go, no, you, said, so, have and like
Week beginning 20.6.22
Thank you for the donations of fruit and vegetables last week! This week we will be focusing our provision around the theme of 'Pirates' and will be immersing ourselves into our story of 'Pirate Pete's Stinky Feet'. We will be encouraging the children to create large pirate ships to act out parts of our story. We are also making boats in the junk modelling area and then testing how much treasure they can carry before they sink. If any families have recycling that is clean we could you to make boats that would be muchly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Our Learning this week:
Literacy: In literacy this week we will be reading the story of 'Pirate Pete's Stinky Feet'. We will be looking at the structure of the story with a beginning, middle and end. We will also be discussing what the 'problem' in the story was and how it was resolved. The children will also be spotting the rhyming words as well as focusing on understanding any unfamiliar vocabulary.
Maths: In maths this week the children will be learning about odd and even numbers. We will be continuing our learning of sharing from the previous week to then understand that only even numbers can be shared into two groups. We will also be explore the idea of sorting objects into pairs and if all of the objects can be sorted into pairs the number was an even number.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to learn to read and write words with long vowel sounds e.g. sports, crowds, dresses, person. We will also be revising the suffixes s and es The children will also be continuing to revise and read the tricky words: put, pull, full, push, here, little, says, my, by, like, some, come, love, do.
Week beginning 13.6.22
The children have really enjoyed making their own playdough, problem solving to make it the right texture. If anyone has any plain flour, salt or vegetable oil it will be gratefully received. This week we will be printing with fruit and vegetables as we explore healthy choices. We would also be grateful if anyone has some extra fruit or vegetables such as celery, peppers, apples or potatoes. Thank you in advance!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be continuing our learning based around "Emma Jane's Aeroplane" We will be focusing on sentence structure, rearranging mixed up sentences from our story. The children will then be innovating the story changing the transport and animals.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about sharing different quantities using the vocabulary or equal and fair. The children will be using a variety of different resources to explore sharing equally and not equally.
Phonics: This week we will be learning to read and write words with long vowel sounds e.g. crown, stair, screen, clear. The children will also be continuing to revise and read the tricky words: are, pure, sure, when, what, one, here little says was do and were.
Week beginning 7.6.22
We would like to wish you all a happy and safe half term break and look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 7th June.
Thank you all so much for joining us for Sports Day and our picnic this week, we were all so proud of all of the children as they showed such wonderful enthusiasm for their first sports day!
This has been a very busy week with us all celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. The children have particularly enjoyed becoming bakers when making soda bread, learning the National Anthem for our picnic and have been busy collaging or painting Union Jack flags to wave at the picnic!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be immersing ourselves in our new story, "Emma Janes Aeroplane" The children will be encouraged to act out the story, ordering pictures and learning the story through drawing a visual story map.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about doubling numbers and how we have two of the same amount when we have a double. The children will be using a variety of different resources such as Numicon and dominoes to find and identify doubles of numbers up to 10.
Phonics: This week we will be learning to read and write words with long vowel sounds e.g. green, train, bright and toast. The children will also be continuing to revise and read the tricky words, we, he, she, me, be, of, says, there, when, what and one.
Week beginning 23.5.22
Thank you all so much for sending in a photo of your child's favourite local place and of your homes. We enjoyed sharing these with the children and talking about places which are local to us.
We are all really looking forward to celebrating the Queen's jubilee next week and have lots of exciting activities planned for the children. As part of our learning next week, we will also be looking at famous London landmarks. If your child has visited London, please do upload a photo onto Tapestry and we can share and talk about their experiences of London!
Sports Day Wednesday 25th May 10.00am
Nursery and Reception Sports Day Wednesday 25th May
All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!
Location: Earlswood Infant School, St Johns Road
Time: 10.00-11.30am followed by a picnic on the field which will end by 12:15pm
The entrance for parents and carers will be via the main entrance on St. Johns Road. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.
As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!
See you there on what we hope will be a bright and sunny day!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The PE Team
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be reading the story of "The Queens Hat" We will be designing a new hat for the Queen, writing labels describing our hats and will also be creating and writing wanted posters to help us find the Queens hat!
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about shapes. The children will be learning how shapes can be combined and separated to make new shapes such as how many oblongs can be made by combining small squares or by cutting an oblong in half diagonally and exploring how many different triangles can be made.
Phonics: This week we will be consolidating the skills we have learnt to read and write longer words and words which end in different suffixes. The children will also continue to revise all of the tricky words we have learnt so far this term.
Week beginning 16.5.22
As part of our learning all about our local area and where we live next week, we would be very grateful for a photo of your child to be uploaded to Tapestry of their favourite place to visit locally - this could be a park, shop or attraction. We would also like a photo of your child outside their home to inspire discussions about different buildings. If you are unable to upload a photo please send a named photo in or email your child's class teacher.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be continuing our Talk for Writing cycle on the story, "Naughty Bus". The children will be innovating the story to change the method of transport e.g. instead of the naughty bus, the chidlren might choose to have a naught train or a naughty bike. We will also be writing sentences for our innovated stories.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about subtraction. The children will be exploring how to find a total amount once some items have been taken away. We will be using the vocabulary of 'first, next and now' when solving different subtraction questions e.g. first I have 3 cars, next I take away 1 car, now I have 2 cars.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words which end in, ing, ed and est, e.g. swimming, bumped, melted and shifted. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: to, into, all, are, they, one, out, today and says. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, out, and today.
Week beginning 9.5.22
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be beginning our new Talk for Writing cycle by learning the story of, "Naughty Bus". The children will be learning to retell the story through actions and by creating their own storymaps where they will draw the story and write labels for their pictures. The children will also be writing sentences using illustrations from the book to inspire them.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about addition. The children will be exploring how to find totals by combining two quantities. We will be using the vocabulary of 'first, next and now' when finding total amounts e.g. first I have 3 cars, next I add 2 cars, now I have 5 cars.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write longer words with consonant blends in, e.g. forest, blanket, freshness and handstand. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: we, me, be, he, she, says, there, when, what and one. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, there, when, what and one.
Week beginning 2.5.22
The children have really enjoyed watching our new chicks hatching! They have been very busy observing and watching how the chicks hatch from the eggs! Please visit our Instagram page for a video of the chicks hatching! https://www.instagram.com/earlswoodschools/ We will be very sad to see them leave us on Friday 6th May.
As it is a bank holiday on Monday 2nd May the school will be closed.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning about how to care for a chick. The children will be using their Phonics knowledge to support them when writing lists and instructions all about looking after the chicks.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about shape and positional language. The children will be matching shapes, exploring the position of different shapes by rotating them and recreating models using positional language to describe the placement of each coloured cube in their model.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write words with consonant blends in, e.g. crept, string, scrunch and grand. The tricky words we will be learning to read are: are, pure, sure, was, do, were, here, little and says. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, were, here, little and says.
Week beginning 25.4.22
We are all very excited as we await our living eggs on Monday! To support this exciting activity, we will be learning about the life cycle of a chick and will have lots of exciting activities based on chicks for next week!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning about chicks and their life cycle. We will be using our Phonics knowledge to support us when writing short phrases and sentences to create fact files about chicks.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing our learning about numbers to 20. The children will be encouraged to describe how many tens and ones make up a number e.g. 18 - The number is made on 1 ten and 8 ones and will also be ordering numbers to 20.
Phonics: This week we will be continuing to read and write words with consonant blends in, e.g. champ, shelf, truck and swim. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: put, pull, full, push, my, by, like, some, come and love. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, some, come, love and do.
We would like to wish you all a very happy and restful holiday. We look forward to welcoming you and the children back to school on Tuesday 19th April.
Thank you for all of the photos you sent in for STEM week this week. The children all had a wonderful week talking about and learning about how they grow and how they have changed since being a baby.
Week beginning 19.4.22
If you have any kitchen roll tubes we would love these for our junk modelling areas as we will be busy making different methods of transport!
For our learning in RE and PSHE during the first week back we would love for some more photos to be uploaded to Tapestry!
For PSHE we are learning about jobs people do. To support the children in talking about their families and the jobs they do we would be very grateful if you are able to upload a family photo to Tapestry by Wednesday 20th April.
As part of RE learning we will be discussing items which are special to us. We would love for a photo of your child with their special item to be uploaded to Tapestry as well to support them when talking about what special to them.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be looking at and exploring the similarities and differences between transport from the 1900's all the way up to now. We will be making our own non-fiction books and will be writing a page a day about different transport starting with writing labels then progressing to sentences describing different methods of transport.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning to recognise and count up to 20. The children will also be looking at patterns they notice when counting from 10-20 and 0-20.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words with consonant blends in, e.g. went, pond and jump. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: the, I, go, no, of, you, said, so, have and like. We will also be learning to write the tricky words, said, so, have and like.
Week beginning 28.3.22
This week is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week! The children will be learning about the theme of 'growth' and we will be exploring how we have changed and grown. With this in mind, we would love for all of the children to have a baby photograph so that we can talk about and explore how they have much they have grown!
If you are able to send a photo, please write your child's name at the back or you could upload a photo to Tapestry or email your child's class teacher.
Please could we have a photograph by Monday 28th March.
PE will be on Wednesday, please may we remind you that earrings will need to be removed for PE.
We would also be very grateful for as many egg boxes that you are able to donate for this weeks learning activities!
Our learning this week:
Literacy: As part of STEM week where we are learning about growth and how we change as we grow, we will be learning the story, "Once There Were Giants". The children will be retelling the story and will be sequencing pictures from the story. The children will also be writing a sentence describing what they could do when they were a certain age e.g. When I could walk, I walked to the park.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing to consolidate our learning about number bonds. The children will be finding different ways to make numbers up to 10 and will be exploring the composition of different numbers. We will also be learning how to form each digit from 0-9.
Phonics: This week we will be consolidating different graphemes learnt throughout Phase 3. The children will be continuing to read the tricky words we have learnt to date and will be using their blending and segmenting skills when reading and writing.
Week beginning 21.3.22
PE will be on Wednesday, please may we remind you that earrings will need to be removed for PE.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be innovating the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children will be thinking of new characters instead of Jack and the Giant. We will be writing short sentences from our new story and will write speech bubbles for different characters from the story.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be consolidating our learning about number bonds. The children will be finding different ways to make numbers up to 10 and will be exploring the composition of different numbers.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing longer words where the 's' or 'es' in a word makes a 'z' sound when said out loud, e.g. foxes, visits and queens. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: they, all, by, my, are, sure and pure.
Week beginning 14.3.22
PE will be on Wednesday, please may we remind you that earrings will need to be removed for PE.
Friday 18th March is Red Nose Day. The chidlren are invited to come to school dressed in red for a voluntary donation.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning our new Talk for Writing story all about Jack and the Beanstalk! The children will be encouraged to act out the story, learn the story through a visual storymap and will look into different vocabulary from the story in order to gain a deeper understanding of the story.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about patterns. The children will be continuing movement and shape patterns and will be challenged to create patterns such as AABBCC, AABBCC and ABBABB etc.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing longer words which end in 'ing', such as zooming, winking and waiting. We will also be learning about compound words where two separate words come toegther to make one word e.g. popcorn, carpark and rooftop. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: he, we, me, be, was, you , they and all.
What a very busy and exciting week we have had! The children represented Earlswood incredibly well during our trips to the British Wildlife Centre and we all learnt lots of facts as we saw the otters, owls, mice, hedgehogs, foxes, badgers and red squirrels to name but a few!
Thank you for your support with the children's amazing costumes for World Book Day! We have a lovely day, sharing stories, writing about our characters and watching a very exciting performance of a story by the Reception team!
Week beginning 7.3.22
School is closed for INSET on Wednesday 9th March.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be recapping the knowledge we learnt from our trip about British wildlife. The children will also be writing short non-fiction sentences about different animals from the wildlife centre. We will be encouraging the children to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces when writing.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about 3D shapes. The children will be learning to describe and name 3D shapes, identifying real life objects and matching them to 3D shapes and will also be sorting shapes by different features.
Phonics: This week we will be reading and writing words two or more digraphs , such as shimmer, tooth and corner. The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: no, of, to, into, she, he, and we.
Week beginning 28.2.22
British Wildlife Centre Trip:
Wren and Robin - Tuesday 1st March
Finch and Owl - Wednesday 2nd March
Please may we ask for the children to bring a coat, packed lunch and water bottle to school on the day of their trip. School uniform is to be worn with comfortable footwear which is appropriate for the weather i.e. school shoes, trainers or wellington boots if it is raining.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be writing lists all about what we might need for our trip or the different animals we saw on our trip. The children will also be learning about the features of a recount and will be writing short sentences about their trip to the British Wildlife Centre, remembering to start a sentence with a capital letter, spaces between our words and full stops.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about number bonds to 10. The children will be finding different ways to make numbers up to 10 by finding pairs of numbers e.g. 8 and 2, 6 and 4.
Phonics: This week we will reviewing the graphemes, "er" and "air". We will also be reading and writing words with double letters such as, "better" and "pattern". The children will also be learning to 'chunk' words where we break up the word to support us when reading longer words e.g. "fantastic" would be chunked as "fan / tas / tic". The tricky words we will be continuing to read are: full, push, and, go, no and of.
Thank you for all of your continued support this half term.
We would like to wish you all a very happy and restful half term break, we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 21st February 2022.
This week we have really enjoyed taking part in lots of activities for Children's Mental Health Awareness Week, such as making healthy fruit snacks for our bodies, different relaxation activities and lots of physical activities such as zumba, earning our workout badges with Joe Wicks and Hey Duggee and even some yoga!
We have also been learning about keeping safe on the internet and understanding who can keep us safe when using the internet.
Phonics support: Phase 3 Sounds:
Here is a link to the scheme we are using with all of the correct pronunciations for each Phase 3 sound: https://youtu.be/DvOuc7cWXxc
Please click on Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1.
You can support your child to learn these graphemes by:
Here is a link which explains how we encourage the children to read and blend sounds in words: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
Please click on - How we teach - How we teach blending.
Week beginning 21.2.21
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning a poem about a fox. The children will be learning about adjectives and will create their own 'who am I?' books where they will be describing an animal using adjectives and seeing who in the class can guess the animal they have described and written their book about! We will then be innovating (changing) the poem by having a different animal as the main focus.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be exploring the numbers 9 and 10 and representing them in different ways. The children will complete a series of short games in pairs and groups to compare different quantities and order numerals from 0 to 10.
Phonics: This week we will recapping all of the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) which we have learnt over the last half term. The tricky words we will be continuing to revise are: is, as, his, has, the, I, he, put, pull and full.
Week beginning 7.2.21
Maths app:
There is now a 'Whiterose' app called '1-minute maths' which is free to download for Apple/IOS, Android and Kindle devices. Children can practise their addition and subtraction skills and there is also a whole section on subitising! Please see the link below to check it out:
Mental Health Week:
This week is mental health week we will be planning in lots of exciting activities to encourage wellbeing and happiness such as cooking, being active and yoga activities. With this in mind, we would like to invite the children to bring in their favourite teddy on Friday 11th February to share a story with.
Internet Safety Day:
On Tuesday 8th February it is also Safer Internet Day. The children will be listening to a story all about keeping safe on the internet, the importance of passwords and will be thinking about who keeps us safe.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be reading the story of, "Little Red Riding Hood" The children will be learning the story through a story map and actions. We will also be using our Phonics to support us when writing descriptions of different characters from the story. The children will be encouraged to think of exciting adjectives when describing characters.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing our learning all about length and height and also sequencing the different parts of our day with Mr Wolf, beginning with getting up and having our breakfast and finishing with going to bed! We will also be measuring short periods of time in simple ways by using a sand timer to carry out 1 minute fitness challenges!
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing all of the sounds we have learnt this half term. The children will be continuing to read and write tricky words and will be reading sentences using the sounds we have learnt this half term.
Week beginning 31.1.22
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be reading the story of, "The Tiny Seed" and will be using our Phonics when segmenting words to write labels for natural items. The children will be going on a nature walk within the Infant school grounds to take photos of natural items which we will then bring back into the classroom to use when writing our labels.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning to combine two groups of items to find a total. The children will also be learning to describe and compare length and height using the language of long, short, tall and we will also talk about the breadth of items using the vocabulary: wide, wider, arrow, narrower, thick and thin.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on reading and writing longer words such as: sunset, pocket, rocket, carpet and farmyard. These words all have more than 1 syllable and to support the children when reading these words we will encourage them to 'chunk' these words i.e. f-a-r-m / y-a-r-d. The tricky words the children will be learning to read are: are, sure, pure, into, she, push, he, we, me, be and of.
Week beginning 24.1.22
Please may we remind you that school is closed on Wednesday 26th January for an INSET day.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning a new poem through actions and a visual story map. The poem is about making a cup of tea and as part of this, the children will be learning about time conjunctions such as, first, next, then, after and finally. The children will also be innovating the poem by changing the cup of tea to a different drink or meal in order to make it their own.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning all about the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children will be encouraged to represent these amounts using tens frames and will be shopping to find 6, 7 or 8 items in the classroom!
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) er e.g. digger and the trigraph air e.g. hair. The children will also be learning to read words with double letters in e.g. ladder, rabbit and digger. The children will using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read words and sentences and segmenting sounds when writing. The tricky words we will be recapping and encouraging the children to read are: my, by, all, no and go. We will also be learning to write the tricky words: are, pure and sure
Week beginning 17.1.22
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning a poem through actions and a visual story map. The poem is about getting dressed for Winter and as part of this, the children will be learning about instructions and how we use verbs to describe what to do. The children will also be innovating the poem to make it their own.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning all about mass and capacity. The children will be encouraged to compare quantities using the vocabulary associated with weight such as heavy and light and capacity such as empty and full.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) ur, ow, oi e.g. fur, owl, boing and the trigraph ear e.g. hear. The children will also be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read words and sentences and segmenting sounds when writing. The tricky words we will be recapping and encouraging the children to read are: into, was, you and they. We will also be learning to write the tricky words: my, by and all.
Week beginning 10.1.22
Junk Modelling
If you have any junk modelling such as kitchen roll tubes, bottle lids, corks, cereal boxes or washed out tubs which you no longer require please send them into school for our junk modelling areas, the children love to be creative and make amazing models! Please can we ask that boxes or containers which have contained nuts or meat are not sent into school.
Garden pots
As we look to plant seeds and bulbs in preparation for Spring time, we would be very grateful of any donations of large plant pots which you may not require any more.
Comics and Magazines
We would still love to be able to add magazines and comics to each of our reading areas. If you do have any good quality children's comics which you are happy to donate we would be very grateful for them.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be using our Phonics Knowledge to write captions and short sentences about different winter scenes. We will be writing CVC and CVCC words and will be focusing on using the tricky words, "the" and "is" when writing our captions and sentences.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be continuing to use our subitising skills when identifying quantities of objects up to 5. The children will also be learning the vocabulary, 'fair' 'same' 'more' or 'less' when comparing quantities.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) oo, oo, ar and or e.g. moon, book, dark and horn. The children will also be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read words and sentences and segmenting sounds when writing. The tricky words we will be recapping and encouraging the children to read are: and, push, was, you and they. We will also be learning to write the tricky words: was, you and they.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you all so much for your kind words, gifts and support this term. We are all incredibly grateful and would like to wish you all a lovely break with family and friends.
We are looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 4th January 2022.
Week beginning 4.1.22
(Please note that Monday 3rd January school is closed)
Christmas Sing-a-Long videos on Google Classrooms
We hope that you enjoyed the Christmas sing-a-longs. We were so proud of all the effort the children put into their performance! If you were unable to attend the sing-a-long, they have been recorded and added to your child's class on Google Classrooms and will be available to watch from 2.00pm on Friday 17th December.
Please find your child's log in details for Google Classrooms at the front of their reading diary.
When logging into Google Classrooms, please ensure you log out of your own Google account before logging into your child's account. Follow the below steps when logging in:
If you have any difficulty logging into Google Classrooms and have an Android device please see this guidance below:
Phonics Grapheme Cards
We have sent all of the children home with a set of grapheme cards which we have learnt so far. Please do cut out each card - (it would be great scissor practice for your child to have a go at cutting some out) and encourage your child to practice each sound.
Here is a link to the scheme we are using with all of the correct pronunciations for each sound in Phase 2 which we have learnt this Autumn 2:
You can support your child to learn these graphemes by:
Junk Modelling
If you have any junk modelling such as kitchen roll tubes, bottle lids, corks, cereal boxes or washed out tubs which you no longer require please send them into school for our junk modelling areas, the children love to be creative and make amazing models! Please can we ask that boxes or containers which have contained nuts or meat are not sent into school.
Garden pots
As we look to plant seeds and bulbs in preparation for Spring time, we would be very grateful of any donations of large plant pots which you may not require any more.
Comics and Magazines
We would still love to be able to add magazines and comics to each of our reading areas. If you do have any good quality children's comics which you are happy to donate we would be very grateful for them.
Our learning this week:
For RE this week we will be talking about books and stories which are special to the children. Please do take a photograph of your child with their special book or story and upload it to Tapestry where we will be able to share with the class by Thursday 6th January 2022. If you are unable to upload a photo to Tapestry, your child is welcome to bring their favourite book to school on Thursday 6th January. Please ensure your child's name is in the book if they choose to bring it in.
Literacy: This week we will be learning about the four seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. The children will be using their senses to describe each season and will be using their Phonics knowledge to support them when writing labels and captions about each season.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about counting backwards. The children will be counting back from 5 to 0 and will also be learning about recognising zero as a quantity. The children will be encouraged to use objects and five frames when finding out answers to questions linked to counting backwards.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be focusing on the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound) ai, ee and oa and the trigaph (3 letters which make 1 sound) igh e.g. sail, sheep, toad and light. The children will also be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read words and sentences and segmenting sounds when writing. The tricky words we will be recapping and encouraging the children to read are: is, as, the, I, put, pull and full.
Week beginning 13.12.21
Christmas Sing-a-Longs
This week we have our Christmas sing-a-longs. The children have been working so hard to prepare and they look and sound great, we can't wait for you to see it!
Wednesday 15th December:
9.15 - Robin and Wren
10.00 - Finch and Owl
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be looking at the story, "The Night Before, The Night Before Christmas" by Kes Gray. We will be looking closely at the illustrations and will be writing lists of nouns from what we see and will use this to support us when composing and writing captions and short sentences.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be learning about routines during the day and night time. The children will also be learning the days of the week and will be counting down to events.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing all of the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this half term. We will be focusing on the digraphs, ng, nk, ch and th e.g. sing, pink, chip and moth. The children will also be using their grapheme knowledge to support them when blending to read and segmenting sounds when writing.
Week beginning 6.12.21
If you were unable to attend the recent Maths workshop, please visit the Earlswood in Action tab for a recording of the workshop: https://earlswood.primarysite.media/
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning our new Christmas and Winter poems. The children will be learning these using actions to support them when retelling and performing them.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be recapping the skills of subitising quantities up to five. The children will also be finding one more and one less with numbers up to five.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing all of the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this half term. The children will be using their grapeme knowledge to support them when blending to read and segmenting sounds when writing.
Week beginning 29.11.21
If you have any junk modelling such as kitchen roll tubes, bottle lids, corks, cereal boxes or washed out tubs which you no longer require please send them into school for our junk modelling areas, the children love to be creative and make amazing models! Please can we ask that boxes or containers which have contained nuts or meat are not sent into school.
We would also be very grateful of any egg boxes which we would love to use for our provision in the coming weeks!
Our learning this week:
As part of our half term theme, 'sparkle and shine' this week the children will be learning all about birthdays and beginning our exciting Christmas making projects!
Literacy: This week we will be continuing our learning of the nursery rhyme, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". The children will be innovating the nursery rhyme and will also be developing their vocabulary of positional language.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be looking at the compositions of numbers to 5. We will be comparing quantities and using five and tens frames to support counting.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be reviewing sounds we have previously learnt and will be focusing on words with 's' at the end of them. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, we, me and be. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, she, push, of and he. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 22.11.21
We would love to be able to add magazines and comics to each of our reading areas. If you do have any good quality children's comics which you are happy to donate we would be very grateful for them.
Our learning this week:
As part of our half term theme, 'sparkle and shine' this week the children will be learning all about stars and the night sky.
Literacy: This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme, "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star". We will be exploring vocabulary we can use to describe stars. The children will be learning the nursery rhyme through a visual story map and actions.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be looking at the compositions of the number 4. We will also be looking at and talking about positional vocabulary and will learn about the shapes, squares, oblongs and rectangles which also have 4 sides and 4 vertices.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound), sh, th, ng and nk. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, she, he and of. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, go, no, to, into, push, and, has, his and her.. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 15.11.21
Thank you all so much for supporting our night time walk we hope that the children enjoyed exploring what they could see and hear during the night and that they enjoyed the sparkly Phonics trail during the string walk! They all loved walking to the Junior field on Thursday to see how different it looks and exploring what they could hear during the day!
Anti-Bullying Week
The week beginning 15th November is Anti-Bullying Week. To kickstart the week, we would like the children to wear odd socks on Monday 15th November!
Children in Need
On Friday 19th November it is Children In Need. We would like the children to come in their own clothes, wearing something spotty if they can. We are also asking for all children to donate £1 or more if possible. They can either bring their donation on the day or you may donate online through Scopay.
Parent's Evening
Parent's Evening is next Tuesday and Thursday, please speak to your child's class teacher if you have not made an appointment for one of these days.
Next Wednesday 17th November school will be closed for an INSET day.
Our learning this week:
This week the children will be learning about Anti bullying week and Children in Need. There will be lots of exciting activities planned for the children to explore!
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to learn our new Talk for Writing story, ‘The Magic Porridge Pot.’ The children will be learning the story through actions and a visual story map. We will also be sequencing the story, using our Phonics to help us when sounding out and writing labels for items from the story and using our reading skills when ordering words to build a sentence.
Maths: This week in Maths, we will be looking at the compositions of numbers 1, 2 and 3 and introducing the part whole model. We will also be using our subitising skills to notice the different compositions.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the graphemes and digraphs (2 letters which make 1 sound), z, zz, qu and ch. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, go, no, to and into. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, and, has, his and her.. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 8.11.21
Please see the QR code at the front of your child’s reading diary. If you scan the QR code it will take you to the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds web page. Here you will find lots of great information under the parent tab linked to Phonics and reading and how you can further support your child with their Phonics learning.
This week at school has been sculpture week and the children have all really enjoyed making their own and whole class sculptures. They really do look amazing! We have also enjoyed learning all about Diwali and the children have all made their own Diya lamp which will be coming home when they are painted and dry.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into the school next week to view your children's work on Tuesday 9th November between 3:10 and 3:40. To keep you and our community as safe as possible please could we ask you to wear a mask when on the school premises. There will be hand sanitizer available at each classroom door for you to use.
On Wednesday 10th November it is our evening woodland walk starting at the Juniors in the playground. Please bring a torch with you or you could use your phone torch if you have one. Please may we remind you that you are responsible for your child during the walk and the walk will not be suitable for buggies.
Our learning this week:
This week the children will be learning about Remembrance. We will be exploring this through lots of exciting craft activities and discussion.
Literacy: This week we will be learning our new Talk for Writing story, ‘The Magic Porridge Pot.’ The children will be learning the story through actions and a visual story map and will be talking about new vocabulary from the story. We will also be acting out different parts from the story.
Maths: This week in Maths we will be looking at numerals to 3 and comparing quantities with 1, 2 and 3 objects. We are also learning that as we count, each number is one more than the number before. We will also be challenging the children to explain how they know that one amount is less than or greater than other amounts of items.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the graphemes, v, w, x and y. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, and, has, his and her. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, I, is, the, put, pull, full and as. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 1.11.21
Welcome back, we hope that you all had a lovely and enjoyable half term break!
This week at school is sculpture week. We are all very excited to start our own individual and class sculptures! If you have been on an Autumn walk we would still love any collections of conkers, pine cones or acorns for our sculptures.
The children will also be learning all about fireworks and Diwali.If you celebrate Diwali or go to any firework events, please do add this to your child's Tapestry journal, we would love to share their experiences with the children in their class. If you require any support with this please do speak to your child's class teacher.
Phonics Grapheme Cards
Just before the half term break, we sent all of the children home with a set of grapheme cards which we have learnt so far. Please do cut out each card - (it would be great scissor practice for your child to have a go at cutting some out) and encourage your child to practice each sound. Here is a link to the scheme we are using with all of the correct pronunciations for each sound: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
You can support your child to learn these graphemes by:
We have also been working hard to recognise and read the tricky words: I, is and the. Please also encourage your child to continue to read these words. You could ask your child to spot them in a story book or when out and about.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning all about fireworks. The children will be encougaed to talk about the colours and sounds of fireworks. We will be using our Phonics to support us when labelling pictures and modelling writing sentences describing fireworks. We will also be innovating a firework poem to make our own exciting poems!
Maths: In Maths this week we will be continuing to encourage the children to subitise, where the children will be encouraged to talk about what they see and what they notice when looking at an arrangement of items. We will also be talking about where we see numbers - What numbers can the children can see at home or when out? We will be exploring the numerals and composition of 1, 2 and 3 and the children will be learning to group amounts of objects into groups of 1, 2's or 3's.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning to recognise and pronounce the graphemes, ff, ll, ss and j. The tricky words we will be learning to read and recognise are, put, pull, full and as. We will also continue to revisit the tricky words, I, is and the. The children will continue to practice their blending and segmenting skills to support them when reading and writing.
Week beginning 18.10.21
Please may we remind you that we break up for half term on Thursday 21st October and that school is closed on Friday 22nd October.
If you were unable to attend our workshops all about Reception and Phonics, please do click on the 'key information and letters' star which will take you to the links for each workshop for you to see. Here is the link for you to click which will take you to this area of the website:
Dental Hygiene:
Next week we are learning all about the importance of dental hygiene. In order to provide some exciting activities for the children we would be very grateful for as many clean, empty milk bottles or fizzy drink bottles as you can spare.
We are also still in need of boxes for our sculpture week after half term.
Our Learning next week:
Literacy: This week we will be innovating the story of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle by changing what they travel on in the story. The children will also be talking about their journey to school and will be encouraged to draw a map of what they see when travelling to school. With this in mind, please encourage your child to observe different items on their journeys so that they will be able to talk about their journeys.
Maths: In Maths this week we will be learning all about subitising. The children will be encouraged to talk about what they see and what they notice when looking at an arrangement of items.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be revising the graphemes which we have been learning throughout this term. The tricky words we will be continuing to read and recognise are, is, the and I. The children will continue to practice their blending skills to support them when sounding out words and reading.
Week beginning 11.10.21
First Year at School Photos!
The Surrey Mirror are celebrating all of the children's first year at school and will be doing a special feature on new Reception classes. The newspaper will be on sale from Monday 11th October.
Fruit and Vegetable donations
For our learning next week, the children will be finding out all about foods which are healthy. We would be very grateful of any donations of root vegetables or fruit for the children to use in their activities throughout next week.
Climbing Zone
Throughout the week, each class will have their own time in the climbing zone. Please see below for when your child will be in the climbing zone. For safety reasons, we do ask for earrings and jewellery to be removed on these days.
Tuesday - Robin.
Wednesday - Wren.
Thursday - Finch and Owl.
Sculpture Week
For sculpture week, we will be learning all about the work of the sculptor, Louise Nevelson. The children will all make their own sculpture and this year we are using natural items to use for our sculptures.
To make our sculptures, we would appreciate as many shoe boxes and lids as you have and would like the children to collect a range of natural items such as:
Pine cones
Our Learning next week:
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to learn the story of, “Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle” The children will be looking at homes and using their knowledge of Phonics to sound out labels and sentences for different houses.
Maths: In Maths this week we will be learning all about patterns. The children will be making and continuing their own patterns such as stamping feet, clap, clap. They will also be learning to identify and talk about repeating patterns such as red, blue, red, blue, and will be encouraged to make their own patterns using resources in the classroom.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning how to pronounce the phonemes and recognise the graphemes, h, b, f and l. The tricky word we will be learning to read is the and the children will continue to revise the tricky words is and I. The children will learn how to form each of the above graphemes and will continue to practice their blending skills to support them when sounding out words and reading.
Week beginning 4.10.21
Teddy Bears Story Time
As part of feel good week at school next week we would like all children to bring in a teddy next Friday 8th October to enjoy a story time and snack alongside their classes and teddies!
Sculpture Week
For sculpture week, we will be learning all about the work of the sculptor, Louise Nevelson. The children will all make their own sculpture and this year we are using natural items to use for our sculptures.
To make our sculptures, we would appreciate as many shoe boxes and lids as you have and would like the children to collect a range of natural items such as:
Pine cones
Book Fair
‘Travelling Books’ are returning to the Infant School from Monday 4th October -Thursday 7th October. The Book Fair has always been a huge success at Earlswood and each purchase supports us to earn book vouchers to buy books for the school library and classrooms. The book fair will be coming to the Junior School in March next year.
There will be a large selection of books suitable for children aged 4-11 years old, at great prices, so please come and have a look on the bottom playground every day October 4th - 7th before and after school.
Click here for a link to the online ‘Travelling Books’ Autumn invitation. https://images.scholastic.co.uk/assets/a/47/91/travelling-books-invitation-autumn-2021-2028914.pdf
New for this year!
Purchases can now be made using a credit/debit card by scanning the QR code (copies of the QR code will be available at the fair on the day) and filling in your card details. We will still be taking traditional cash payments.
If you will not be able to make the book fair, you can still support us by buying a book online. Just go to the online shop at: https://shop.scholastic.co.uk/free-booksl and start shopping! If you enter our school postcode RH1 6DZ, you can have the books delivered to school. This is also a great option if you would like to pay by card, as we can only take cash payments at school.
We hope to see you at the book fair next week!
The Reading Team
Our Learning next week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning our new Talk for Writing text, “Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle” The children will be going on adventures around the school to act out the story and will be learning the story through a visual storymap and actions.
Maths: In Maths this week, we will be learning all about comparing items based on quantities or size. The children will be encouraged to use their sorting knowledge to support them when grouping items and will be asked to compare the size of different items using the language of larger and smaller.
Phonics: This week in Phonics, we will be learning how to pronounce the phonemes and recognise the graphemes, ck, e, u and r. The tricky word we will be learning to read is I and the children will continue to revise the tricky word, is. The children will learn how to form each of the above graphemes and will continue to practice their blending skills to support them when sounding out words and reading.
Week beginning 27.9.21
Please may we ask that the children's water bottles are not put in their book bags with their reading diaries or books just in case any bottles leak over the children's books.
Family Photos
This week we are continuing our learning all about ourselves and will be spending time talking about our families. We would still love a family photo of every child which we will print and make into a family book for each class. If you are able to, please send one photo of your family to your child's class teacher:
Robin Class: e.Louis-Jean@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Wren Class: r.page@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk or k.saraceno@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Finch Class: l.merrett-jones@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Owl Class: s.tarrant@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we will be learning the nursery rhyme "Row Row Row Your Boat". The children will be learning it through drawing a story map and with actions. The children will also be innovating it to change the method of transport e.g. "Zoom zoom zoom your car quickly up the hill, merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream."
Maths: This week in Maths, the children will be classifying, sorting and matching objects based on their size, colour or pattern.
Phonics: In Phonics this week, the children will be learning the sounds g, o, c and k. They will be learning the phoneme - how to pronounce each sound and will be identifying items with each sound at the start. The children will also be learning how to form each grapheme using a rhyme to support them when writing. In addition to this, the children will be learning to segment sounds in words and blend them together to hear and say the whole word. The tricky word we will be learning to read will be, is.
Week beginning 20.9.21
Reading Diaries
This week, we have sent your child's reading diary home. Please do comment on any text your child shares or reads with you at home such as non fiction books, story books or comics. At the front of your child's reading diary is a Wonde log in and an emoji password. With this you will be able to access Google Classrooms and great additional learning apps! If you are unable to scan the barcode, please visit: Earlswood Schools - Wonde Login. Here you will be able to access Numbots which is a super online app encouraging the children to develop their Number knowledge and Purple Mash where your child can explore the different learning activities on offer.
Love of Reading books from Monday 20th September.
In order to promote a true love of reading we will be encouraging the children to select a picture book to share at home with you. These will be available every day for the children and they will be able to choose a new book once they have returned their current one.
Family Photos
Thank you to everyone who has sent a family photo to your child's class teacher. We would love a family photo of every child which we will print and make into a family book for each class. If you are able to, please send one photo of your family to your child's class teacher:
Robin Class: e.Louis-Jean@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Wren Class: r.page@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk or k.saraceno@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Finch Class: l.merrett-jones@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Owl Class: s.tarrant@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Please may we also ask for all of your child's belongings to be named and that they have a pair of wellies and spare change of clothes in school.
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we are learning the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock". The children will be reciting the nursery rhyme and will be innovating it to change the animal and where the animal travels in the nursery rhyme, e.g. "Hickory, Dickory, Dock, the elephant stomped up the tree."
Maths: This week in Maths, the children will be counting actions such as 3 claps, 4 jumps and 5 hops. The children will also be singing lots of counting songs up to 5, such as 5 Currant Buns in a Baker's Shop.
Phonics: In Phonics this week, the children will be learning the sounds i, n, m and d. They will be learning the phoneme - how to pronounce each sound and will be identifying items with each sound at the start. The children will also be learning how to form each grapheme using a rhyme to support them when writing. In addition to this, the children will be learning to segment sounds in words and blend them together to hear and say the whole word.
Week beginning 13.9.21
The children have been superstars at starting school and we are looking forward to our first full week in Reception! All of the children have settled so incredibly well and are already wonderful at remembering the daily routines such as where their water bottles, bags and coats go. This week we will be continuing to settle the children into their new classes.
Please may we ask for all of your child's belongings to be named and that they have a pair of wellies and spare change of clothes in school.
Family Photos
We would love a family photo of every child which we will print and make into a family book for each class. If you are able to, please send one photo of your family to your child's class teacher:
Robin Class: e.Louis-Jean@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Wren Class: r.page@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk or k.saraceno@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Finch Class: l.merrett-jones@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Owl Class: s.tarrant@earlswood.surrey.sch.uk
Our learning this week:
Literacy: This week we are learning the nursery rhyme "Incy Wincy Spider". The children will be reciting the nursery rhyme and will be innovating it to change the animal and where the animal travels in the nursery rhyme.
Maths: This week in Maths, the children will be counting within 10 and will be acting out lots of different number rhymes.
Welcome to Reception!
We have all really enjoyed meeting lots of the children and their families over the last 2 days and are looking forward to meeting you on Monday and Tuesday next week!
The children will be coming to school for half a day next Wednesday and Thursday, if you are unsure whether they are coming to school from 9-11:30 or 12.30-3.00pm please do not hesitate to ask your child's class teacher.
Next Friday the children will be starting their first full day at school!
Please may we ask for all belongings and uniform to be named and the children will need to bring in a named water bottle as well. There are also welly racks outside each classroom for your child's wellington boots to be kept.
The children can start arriving from 8.30am until 8.55am. Please drop your child off at their classroom door and collect from their classroom door at 3.00pm.
We are looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you all to school next week!