A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week beginning 13th July
We have made it to the final week of Y2! Thank you again to everyone who has engaged so enthusiastically in the home learning. One last week to go!
The Google Classroom meetings will be going ahead again this week, it was so lovely to see so many of you last week. If you haven't already signed up then use the sign up sheet on Google Classroom to do this. As always any problems please email your child's class teacher and we will do our best to help you out.
Literacy: This week our writing will be all about our journey through Year 2 and looking forward to Y3.
Maths: We will be setting the children maths challenges to investigated this week. These will be set on Purple Mash although you may want to do them on paper.
Reading: As always this will be set on Google Classroom.
Week Beginning 6th July
We are on the final straight now...only 2 more weeks of learning to go! Keep going!!
This week the children have the opportunity to meet with their teacher and some of their peers. These meetings will be taking place through Google Classroom. If you haven't already signed up then please do. If you need any help then please contact the school office.
Literacy: This week the children will be planning and writing their own story. This will be done over a number of days and the children will not be expected to write a whole story in one sitting. This story can be about anything the children like, please sit with them and talk through their plan so they know who their character is, where the story is set, what the problem is going to be etc.
Maths: This week we will be revisiting 2D and 3D shape and then moving onto telling the time. Telling the time is new learning that we did not cover in Year 2. There are a number of you tube videos which can help support your children learning to tell the time. Time will be revisited in Year 3 for the children but if possible if your child could recognise o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to it would be really beneficial.
Reading: Reading is continuing to be set on Google Classroom.
Like last week I have attached a number of activities that can be done as optional extra's to support the children's learning. These are not compulsory. They can be done instead of Purple Mash but if you choose to do this then please email your child's class teacher.
Year 2 Team
Week Beginning 29th June
Thank you all so much for your perseverance with Purple Mash, I am aware that last week we ran into a few problems, especially with the fractions work, and we appreciate that you are all sticking with it. We only have 3 weeks for learning left now!
Please make sure (if you haven't already) that you have access to Google Classroom, as a video will be released this week of your child's new class teacher as for obvious reasons we are unable to do our usual class swap day.
Literacy: This week the children will be writing character descriptions of famous royals from around the globe as well as writing about what they would do if they were king or queen for the day.
Maths: This weeks maths work will focus all around statistics, so your child will be asked to read and interpret tally charts, block diagrams, graphs etc.
Reading: Reading is continuing to be set on Google Classroom.
This week I have attached paper copies of the activities that could be completed with your child at home, if you have access to a printer feel free to print some of these extra activities. Please note that they are not compulsory. If you decide to print them all instead of completing Purple Mash this week please email your child's class teacher so that they know this.
Week Beginning 22nd June
What another busy week.!Well done to all of you who are still engaging with purple mash and Google Classroom we very much appreciate the hard work that you are doing, not long now.
This week in literacy you will be creating adverts for different jobs around the castle. Remember writing task can be done on paper or on Purple Mash but please do attempt every activity that is being set.
In maths we will be revising fractions, in Year 2 we look at one half, one third, one quarter of shapes and numbers, We also look at equivalent fractions one half and two quarters and explore two thirds.
Reading continues to be on Google Classroom, thank you for all of you who are doing this. If you have any problems accessing this please contact the school office and they will help you reset your password.
Week Beginning 15.6.20
Wow! What another busy week of learning. Keep up the hard work!
Literacy: This week we will be focusing on writing acrostic poems all about everything castles. Remember to use lots of descriptive language in your poem. As always you can either do your poem on paper and upload/send it to your class teacher or straight onto Purple Mash.
Handwriting: A reminder that your child should still be developing their handwriting. Here is a link to the you tube video that shows you the correct formation.
Maths: This week the focus will be multiplication and division. Your child should be able to use their 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x to support them. Hit the button is a great game to help with speed and accuracy.
Reading: As usual, reading is being set on Google Classroom, should you need any support logging in then please contact the school office. Please continue to read with your child everyday. A new summer reading challenge has been launched, see details below.
Topic: This week we are challenging you. Can you make your own catapult? Have a go with things you have around the house elastic bands, spoons, lollypop sticks etc. Can you make it work it work. Send your pictures to us!!
Week Beginning 8.6.20
All your teachers are so pleased and proud of all of you doing your home learning again this week! Please remember you need to be attempting all of the tasks you are given.
Google Classroom
You should have all received emails asking you to set up your child’s Google Classroom log in. Please follow the instructions on the email but if you have any issues feel free to contact us.
Year 2's reading will be on Google Classroom so it is very important that you are all set up ready to do these activities.
Writing- As before 2 writing tasks will be set each week for the children to do. These can either be done by hand on paper and uploaded or on Purple Mash. The choice is your.
Reading -The children should still be reading every day and they are welcome to keep recording this in their reading records. When they are reading, please ensure you are asking them questions and discussing what they have read to gauge their understanding.
Maths- This half term we be revising all of the concepts that the children have covered so far and this weeks focus is addition and subtraction.
Week Beginning Monday 1st June
Welcome back to the second half of the the summer term! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable holidays and got to enjoy a little of the beautiful sunshine.
We are back ready to continue online learning as before the holidays. We thank you for your continued support during these times and will remind you that the teachers are still available through emails should you need any support whilst home learning.
We have a new topic 'Towers, tunnels and turrets' which would be our history topic! To kick start the topic there is a virtual tour of Windsor castle on Google Classroom for you to go and have a look at!
This week writing tasks will continue to be set on Purple Mash, these tasks can either be completed on Purple Mash or on paper and then your child's work uploaded to Purple Mash or sent to the class teacher via email. This week we will be doing some descriptive writing so please use adjectives, adverbs, verbs and even similes to make your writing really exciting.
In maths we will be continuing to practise our 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables. Please continue to work on your child's speed and accuracy at recalling their times tables. We will also be revising money and using coins to create different amounts. This is something you could further develop at home by making your very own shop and working out the change given for different amounts.
Our reading is still being set on Google Classroom, there will be 2 reading books set each week which your child should read aloud to you. We are still trying to develop fluency and expression in their reading. There is no expectation that the book should be read in 1 sitting and will be set over a few days. Once your child has completed the book please ask them the comprehension questions at the end of the book (please note that the interactive quiz will not work as you do not have a subscription) and submit your book so that your child's class teacher knows that you have finished reading it.
As always any questions feel free to ask! We are here to help.
Year 2 team
Thank you again for your support this half term, it has certainly been a strange one! There will be no home learning set during the holiday. We hope you have a safe, happy and healthy half term and home will learning will begin again on 1st June.
Year 2 team
Week Beginning 11th May 2020
As we enter another week of home learning we would like to thank you again for being so supportive. You are doing a great job, keep going! Thank you to all of you who have managed to log into Google Classroom, hopefully you enjoyed watching the videos we have sent for the children. We will make sure we upload a new video each Wednesday for the children to see, so please regualarly check this page.
The decision has been made to try something new this week with the reading. We will be setting your child 2 reading books per week, one on a Monday and one on a Thursday, these can be accessed through Google Classroom. Each book will be set for 3 days, there is no expectation that your child should be made to sit and read the whole book in one sitting, ideally do a little each day. We ask if you could sit with your child and ask them to read this texts aloud to you, we are hoping that the children can continue to develop their fluency and stamina, and some may even begin to add expression into their reading. When you have finished reading the book please ask your child to retell the story, the more detailed the retell the better. There are also questions found at the end of each book, please ask your child these questions and ask them to answer them using the text for reference should they need it. Once you have completed reading the book and answered the questions you should mark the work as done on Google Classroom so the class teacher knows that you have completed this work.
The rest of the learning Writing, Maths, Phonics, Grammar and Topic will continue to be completed on Purple Mash. Remember there are also other Home Learning activities which can be found under the 'Home Learning' tab on the Earlswood website should you want to do any additional work with your children.
As always, please feel free to email your child's class teacher should you need any help, support or have any questions and we will do our best to help.
Hope you and your families are all staying safe!
Year 2 team
Week Beginning 4.5.20
We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and stay home. Thank you so much for all of your continued support with the online learning, we appreciate it. Please remember we are here to help and support should you need it, please just ask.
Literacy: This week we are looking at non-chronological reports and doing some factual writing. If possible please help your child research some facts which they can use in their writing. Remember you can do the writing on paper or on Purple Mash. If it is being done on paper please upload it onto Purple Mash so that we can have a look at the wonderful learning.
Maths: We will be continuing to revise our 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables. Please continue to practise these regularly with your child. We will also be doing some fraction revision this week. If you wish to do some fractions with your child please note that we cover 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 in Year 2 as well as 2/3 and 3/4.
Reading: Although reading work is being set on Purple Mash please do ensure that you are still reading regularly with your child. This is so important, make sure you are regularly sharing stories with them as well as them reading to you.
Please note that Friday 8th May is a bank holiday and so there will be no Purple Mash work set. It will restart on Monday 11th May.
Hope you have a great week!
Week Beginning 27.4.20
We are continuing with the online learning on Purple Mash. Please remember to email your child's class teacher should you have any questions or experience any difficulties.
Literacy: This week the children will be set another 2 writing tasks which can be done either on Purple Mash or on paper whichever is easiest for you and your child. If you are completing work on paper please upload this to My Work folder in Purple Mash so the class teacher can comment on the work and give your child feedback. As the children have more time to complete their writing tasks we hope the children can respond to the marking comments and make improvements to their work. This worked well last week, so thank you for your help with this. The first activity will be set on a Monday and the second on a Wednesday.
Maths: Each day your child will be set 2 pieces of maths, our main focus will be the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) so if you are doing extra maths and can practise these skills that would be amazing! Remember hit the button is a great game to help improve recall speed and accuracy.
Handwriting: We ask that you continue do handwriting with your child daily. Find a link of the correct letter formations below. Remember to encourage your child to join their letters. Here are some sounds and words you could practise.
Reading: This week most of us will be reading a book called 'Ned and the Detective' please ensure that your child reads the chapter before they complete the online quiz. I know this can be challenging on the screen but it is important that the children continue to read daily!
Thank you again for your support and commitment to your child's learning during these strange times. We are happy to help in any way we can, just ask if you need anything!
Week Beginning 20.4.20
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely, restful and enjoyable Easter break where everyone has stayed safe. Welcome back for the summer term. We are continuing with the online learning on Purple Mash as we were before the holidays. Please remember to email your child's class teacher should you have any questions or experience any difficulties.
We have a brand new topic this half term called Beachcombers - we will be learning all about the seaside, animals and exploring different habitats.
Literacy: The year 2 team have decided to reduce the quantity of writing activities we are setting each week to try and relieve some of the stress of typing. We are hoping as a result of this the children will have 2 or 3 days to complete their writing activities and can come back to the task the next day to make improvements and respond to the teachers comments. The first activity will be set on a Monday and the second on a Wednesday. This weeks writing will be based on the book commotion in the ocean. If you do not have a copy of this book there is a link below, if your child could watch this that would be great!
Maths: Each day your child will be set 2 pieces of maths, our main focus will be the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) so if you are doing extra maths and can practise these skills that would be amazing! Remember hit the button is a great game to help improve recall speed and accuracy.
Handwriting: We ask that you continue do handwriting with your child daily. Find a link of the correct letter formations below. Remember to encourage your child to join their letters. Here are some sounds and words you could practise.
How does the brown cow feel now?
How far away is the car alarm?
Dinner is better in the Summer.
NB: discuss a capital needed for Summer.
Reading: This week most of us will be reading a book called 'I wish I was a Fish' please ensure that your child reads the chapter before they complete the online quiz. I know this can be challenging on the screen but it is important that the children continue to read daily!
Thank you again for your support and commitment to your child's learning during these strange times. We are happy to help in any way we can, just ask if you need anything!
Easter Holidays - 6th April - 19th April 2020.
We would like to thank you all for your continued support with your child's home learning and are still continuing to be wowed by the fabulous work your children are producing on Purple Mash! Please remember that if you take any photos of your child's additional learning to upload them into their folder on Purple Mash.
We would like to wish you all a very happy and safe Easter break and look forward to seeing your amazing learning after the holidays!
During the Easter break there is no requirement for your child to do any Purple Mash, however we will be setting some activities which are optional should your child want to complete them. These activities will not be marked.
We have also gathered some other activities which you might like to do with your children. Again these are not compulsory. They will be posted below.
We hope you have a lovely, resting and relaxing holidays. Stay safe!
Year 2 team
Week Beginning 30.3.20 – Purple Mash Activities
Thank you so much for all of your hard work and support this week with your child’s home learning! We are all new to this way of working and we know there have been some issues but we also know that everyone is doing what they can.
Please remember all the class teachers are contactable during school hours via email if you have any questions at all! Let us know if you are doing any other exciting activities at home and also if your child is unwell and unable to complete their work.
Literacy: Each day your child will get a writing 2do on purple mash. In addition to this it would be great if your child could do some writing each day as it is important that they still practise using a pencil and paper. This does not have to be a lengthy piece of work but if they could write the shopping list, write a letter/postcard to friends or family, a letter to their teaching telling them all about what they have been doing at home. If you want to email any work for teachers to look at we love looking at what you have been doing.
Handwriting: Each day we ask you practise handwriting with your child. Please find below a link to a website with videos of the correct cursive formation for each letter of the alphabet. Encourage your children to write using joined up letters. Some examples of words you could write can be found below.
Check that there is too much chop.
Put your ticket in your pocket.
The fussy boss passes less cars.
Maths: This week the focus is 2x and 5x tables, counting in 2's and 5's forwards and backwards and related division facts i.e. knowing that 2 times 5 is 10 so 10 divided by 2 is 5. They will also be consolidating on adding and subtracting numbers to 100.
Reading: The book your child will be reading this week is called 'Daisy and the memory box' each day your child will be asked to read a chapter of the story and answer questions about the text. Please support your child in reading this text, should they need it, and discuss any meaning of words which are unfamiliar to your child.
Home Learning
Thank you for all your support and patience at this time. The majority of the work set for the children will be through Purple Mash. The tasks will be set each day of the week and then cleared on the Sunday ready for the next week’s learning. Teachers will be monitoring what the children are doing so please let us know if you are having any issues.
As well as these activities there is a page of other ideas on the ‘Home Learning’ page on our website which is under the tab ‘Children’ on the signpost.
We have also created a document containing a list of apps/websites which you may wish to use should you require. Please find this below.
If you have any questions about the home learning do not hesitate to contact your class teacher and we will do our best to help!
Purple Mash Log Ins
The children should all have their log in details for Purple Mash but if you are unsure please email your class teacher and they will provide these for you.
Classroom Secrets Kids Log Ins
We have also created accounts for all the children on Classroom Secrets Kids. Their passwords for this website have been sent home. Should your child not have this information please contact the class teacher.
One option for ensuring your children are still getting some exercise within the house is to use some fitness videos. Joes Wicks has some designed for children on his YouTube channel on the link below:
If you are looking for some music related activities, Mr Scullin has a YouTube channel with lots of videos on it that you can watch and join in with. Here is the link:
Week Beginning 23.3.20 – Purple Mash Activities
Writing: A different writing activity will appear each day on Purple Mash for your child to do, these including writing instructions for Rainbow Rice Salad, completing a story about the circus and completing some descriptive writing about Pirates.
Grammar: The activities on Purple Mash this week will help your child to develop making sentences, punctuation and sequencing sentences correctly.
Maths: The activities on Purple Mash this week are all number based, your child will be asked to find one more, one less, identify the missing number and put numbers in order. Your child will also have a number bond activity where they will be practise their recall of number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.
Reading: The activities on Purple Mash this week are based on the text ‘Anna and the Third Leaf’, you child may need your support in reading this story depending on their book band colour. They will then have some comprehension questions to answer about what they have read.
Project: The activities on Purple Mash this week are;
Art- Design your own Pirate Flag/Pirate.
Science – Diary of a Sunflower – Your child will have been sent home with their sunflower seed that they have started growing at school. Please continue to care for this and ask your child to make regular observations recording their findings on Purple Mash.
The children should still be reading every day and they are welcome to keep recording this in their reading records. When they are reading, please ensure you are asking them questions and discussing what they have read to gauge their understanding. Should you need help knowing what questions to ask please contact your child’s class teacher.
Times Tables
Your children should continue to practice their timetables 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x.
Hit the Button is a great game that tests recall and speed and can be used for multiplication and division facts. Challenge your child to beat your score…believe me they love it!
We thank you again for all of your support. A reminder that should you need anything we are here to help! Please email us should you need us.
We hope that you and your families stay safe and healthy!
Year 2 Team
Congratulations to:
Aneeqa Eesa Joey Summer Mantas Maher |
Cody Harrison Ishan Sophia Henry
Oscar Haiden Kamali Sienna J Rebecca Chris |
Gbenga Nishna Darcy Ashar Archie |
Week beginning: 16th March
Thank you so much for everyone's donations to the Easter Fair and Sport Relief!
This week we are learning...
Writing: We will be planning and writing our own Rags to Riches tales
Maths: We will be starting to learn about measurements, using appropriate mathematical equipment (rulers, measuring jugs and scales)
Reading: We will be continuing to develop our inference skills, as well as answering questions about poems.
Please find the recipe for 'Rainbow Rice' below. We have been making this in cooking and the children loved it!
Week Beginning 9th March
Literacy: This week the children will be adapting 'The Story of Pirate Tom' and creating their own Rags to Riches tale.
Maths: The children will continue to work on statistics, including block diagrams and will be interpreting data as well as creating their own. We will also be starting looking at direction and movement.
Reading: We will work on retrieving information from a text and sequencing information with a focus on non fiction texts.
Topic: The children will be developing their kowledge of algorithms and debugging and will be learning to program using the beebots. They will also be completeing their maps containing human and physical features.
Week Beginning 2nd March
Literacy: This week the children will be learning about conjunctions (and, but, so because) and powerful verbs and will doing some short pieces of writing using these skills.
Maths: We are continuing to look at data handling and will be learning and pictograms, graphs and tally charts and will be interpreting the data on these as well as creating our own.
Reading: We will be continuing to devleop our vocabulary and comprehension skills looking at a range of texts including poetry.
Topic: This week we wil be learning about physical and human features and will be creating our own pirate maps. We will also be using the beebots and navigating them using algorithms.
Dragonfly and Honeybee will be at the woodland on 6th March please send your child with wellies, waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat.
Froghopper and Millipede will be at the woodlands the following week 13th March.
Have you got any spare yogurt pots lying around? Year 2 will be doing some planting in the next few week and are looking for pots to plant in. If you have any spare please send them into school with your child. Thank you!
Week Beginning 24.2.20
Welcome back and hope you had a lovely half term. Year 2 have a new topic 'Land Ahoy' and we will be learning about everything pirates!!
Literacy: This week we will be writing our own Rags to Riches stories and learning a new story all about Pirate Tom.
Maths: We will be learning all about statistics, we will be looking at pictogram and tally charts.
Reading: This week we will be consolidating our learning and working on inference, retrieval and ordering questions.
Topic: We will be starting our Land Ahoy topic and have a visit from the science dome!
Week Beginning 10.2.20
Literacy: This week we will continuing to write our own information text using all the skills we have learned this term.
Maths: This week the children will be undertaking maths assessments in arithmetic and reasoning. We will also be continuing our work on fractions and looking at the fraction of an amount.
Reading: We will also be completing reading assessments with the children this week to assess their progress so far. As well as this we will be finishing the book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'.
Topic: This week to finish off our topic we will be making our own 5-a-day workout videos and recording them to share with other classes.
Week Beginning 4.2.20
Literacy: This week we will be learning a new information text all about sports. We will be learning the features of information texts and focusing on the tense used when writing one.
Maths: We will begin to introduce fractions to the children this week and will be working on finding fractions of 2D shapes as well as beginning to find a fraction of a number.
Reading: We will continue to read the next chapter of 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' and will further develop our vocabulary and understanding of the text.
Topic: This week we will be researching a famous sports star from within living memory and will use ICT to help us gather information. We will also start to plan our own 5-a-day videos. ( dance workouts)
Week Beginning 27th January
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be applying all of the learning we have been doing about using adjectives, similes and adverbs in our writing and creating our very own wishing tale applying these skills.
Maths: We will begin to look at 2D shapes this week and will be sorting and naming shapes based on the number of sides and corners they have. We will also be investigating vertical lines of symmetry.
Reading: This week we will continue to read 'The Owl who is Afriad of the Dark' and will be focusing on the chapter named 'Dark if fun'. The children will continue to develop their stamina when reading and finding answers within a text.
Topic: In topic this week we will finish and evaluated the board games that we made last week and will begin to research famous athletes.
Week Beginning 20.1.20
Literacy: This week we will continue writing our own wishing tale using adverbs and similes in our writing.
Maths: We will be continuing our work on money and this week the focus will be working out change. Please encourage your children to use coins in real life settings and ask them to fin you the right amount when you are out shopping.
Reading: We will be reading the next chapter of 'The Owl Who is Afraid of the Dark' which is called 'Dark is Kind' and will be using this to answer questions showing our understanding of the text.
Topic: In topic this week we will be doing a crater experiment using balls and will be doing some research on famous sports people.
Please send your child to school on their woodland day with a pair of wellies, a spare pair of socks, a pair of waterproof trousers and a warm and waterproof coat as well as a hat, gloves and scarf. Ideally your child would have a named bag in which they can keep all of their items together in. We go in ALL weathers and it is currently very muddy because of all the rain so please send your child to school prepared.
Dragonfly and Honeybee - 24th January
Froghopper and Millipede - 31st January
Dragonfly and Honeybee - 7th February
Has your child brought home a certificate and an item of clothing for their RED TED reading bear?
Please can you look in your cupboards as we need more wool (3 and 4 ply) for our champion knitter as she is running out. If any of you can knit and would like to join in with knitting some clothing for bears please can you contact Mrs Emery (Mole Class).
Many Thanks
Week Beginning 13.1.20
Literacy: This week we will continue to learn about our wishing tale 'Wanda Wallaby' and will be learning about characterisation and creating our own character for our own wishing tale.
Maths: We will continue to develop our knowledge of money and will be using coins to create different amounts.
Reading: This week we will begin to read 'The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark' and will be answering questions to show our understanding of what we are reading.
Topic: We will be making predictions as to which balls are best for rolling, throwing, kicking and bouncing and will be doing a science investigation to support our predictions.
Please continue to read with your child at home every night and write this in your child's reading record which should be brought to school with them everyday.
This week Froghopper and Millipede will be at the Woodlands with Mr Jackson on Friday so can wear their PE kit.
Week Beginning 6.1.20
Welcome back to everyone, we hope your holidays were restful and enjoyable!
Literacy: This week we will be learning a wishing tale called 'Wanda Wallaby Finds Her Bounce' and will looking at the features of a wishing tale.
Maths: Our focus for the next few weeks in maths will be money, we will be learning to identify coins and use coins to make different amounts.
Reading: Our reading focus book for this half term will be 'The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark' written by Jill Tomlinson. This week we will be focusing on making predictions as to what we think will happen and readingthe beginning of the story looking at the main character.
Topic: To kick off our Bounce topic we will be having a Zumba teacher in on Wednesday to teach us a routine and help us get fit. We will also be exploring balls and all things bounce as well as having a go at doing some ball sketching.
Reminders: Year 2 PE days have changed to Tuesday and Thursday so if you could please send your child to school dressed in their PE kit these days. Your child can also come dressed in their PE on the week that they visit the woodlands, this alternates with Honeybee and Dragonfly being this Friday (10th Jan) and Millipede and Froghopper being the week after (17th Jan).
We will also have a Zumba teacher visiting on Wednesday 8th January so they can wear they PE kit if they would like to. This is a one off to kick off the Bounce topic.
We have had a fantastic end to the Autumn Term. A huge congratulations to all the children for such amazing Nativity performances, I am sure you will agree!
Next half term our topic will be Bounce, this is a PE topic where we will be creating our very own keep fit routines and investigating all things that bounce.
Wishing you all a lovely holidays and a rest over the festive period and looking forward to seeing everyone again refreshed in January.
Year 2 team
Week Beginning 16.12.19
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be planning and writing our very own information text about a musical instrument.
Maths: In maths this week we will be doing a series of mathematical investigations using odd and even numbers.
Reading: We will be finishing off reading 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and will be continuing to answer questions about what we have read.
Topic: This week we will be making our very own musical instruements using junk so if anyone has any junk at home please do bring it into school!
Week Beginning 9th December
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to learn our information text all about Bears and will be re-witting the text making changes to the original.
Maths: We will continue to look at the relationship between multiplication and division and will be continuing to work on solving word problems using our knowledge.
Reading: This week we wil be reading more of 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and will be continuing to answer questions and make inference from the text.
Topic: This week in topic we will be performing our Nativity to our friends and family. We will also be designing our musical instruments ready to build them.
MP and HB:
Monday 9th December - 2pm
Tuesday 10th December - 6pm
FH and DF
Monday 9th December - 6pm
Tuesday 10th December - 2pm
Please send your child to school with a labelled bag of spare clothes they can change into:
Narrators/Male Inn Keepers : Should have a spare uniform (trouser/skirt/pinafore and collared shirt please) Remember that our performance is after lunch so this is just incase a change is required.
Mary/Joseph/Wise Men/Shepherd/Messenger/Angels/Donkey should come with a bag with PE kit (shorts and t-shirt) that they can put on under their costumes.
Children should arrive back at school at 5:30pm on the evening of their performance, we would appreciate it if all children could return regardless of whether you are watching this performance as it would be a shame for the children who have practised so hard to miss out!They should be dropped to Reception (Wren and Robin class) where they will be signed in by a member of staff.
Next week we will also be designing and making our own musical instruments so if anyone has any junk modelling things lying around the house we would be very grateful if they could be brought into school.
Christmas Fair - Please bring the choir to the Top Annexe (Fox & Mole) at 12:30 to sign in and have a practise before we perform at 13:00! They can wear their own clothes but please wear a Christmas hat!!!
Week Beginning 2nd December
Literacy: This week our focus will be information text. We will be learning the feature of an information text as well as learning a text all about Bears.
Maths: This week we will be focussing on the relationship between multiplication and division and trying to solve worded problems.
Reading: We will be continuing to read 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and answering questions about the text.
Topic: In topic we will be continuing to practise for our Nativity performances next week as well as starting to reasearch musical instruments.
Just a friendly reminder that your child can now change their book any day they wish so please ensure that your child brings their book and reading record into school everyday.
Please could you send in some Junk modelling stuff for the children to make musical instruments out of! We would like items such as cardboard boxes, egg cartons, kitchen roll tubes, tissue boxes.
Many thanks!
Year 2 team
Changes to book changing
To encourage and foster a love of reading we are altering how reading books are currently changed. As a result of this, your child will not change their book on a Tuesday and a Friday as the currently do.
When your child reads with a member of the teaching team they will be given a book which matches there current book band colour. They will continue to keep this book for one week until they read again the following week.
In addition to this, we are going to have book baskets available in the hall each morning and your child will be able to choose an additional book of their choice. The children will be given the opportunity to change this extra book when they have finished reading it on a daily basis, if they wish.
Please continue to send your child's reading book and log into school every day and record in your child's reading logs as these are checked daily by staff in your child's class.
Week Beginning 25th November
This week it is Science Week at Earlswood!!
We will be immersing ourselves in scientific investigations all week. Everyday we will have a Wow investigation followed by in depth research and investigations completed by the children focusing on 'Our Diverse Planet'. In year 2 we have decided to focus on animals; we will be learning about the classification of animals and specifically focusing on the food chain within the animal kingdom. There will be different investigations throughout the week where the children can conduct their own research about their chosen animals.
Literacy: This week we will be innovating the our own finding tales based on the story The Bear and the Piano. We will be planning and writing our new versions of our stories.
Maths: Our focus this week will continue to be on multiplication, we will be practising counting in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's.
Reading: We will continue to read 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and will further develop our vocabulary and comprehension by answering questions. We will be focusing on retrieval, inferential and sequencing questions.
Reminder - Friday is the Christmas Fair Donation Day, the children can wear their own clothes in exchange for donating a toy for the Tombola!
Week Beginning 18th November
Literacy: This week we will be innovating our story and creating our own characters.
Maths: Our focus this week will be multiplication and we will be practising counting in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's.
Reading: We will continue to read 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and will further develop our vocabulary and comprehension by answering questions.
Topic: This week we will be creating perspective art using the Bear and the Piano book as inspiration.
Congratulations to:
Joey Mantas Hugo Lila-Rose Muhammed |
Charlie Taha Lacey Ariele Lucas |
Amari Livia Esme Sebby |
Arella Maike Charlie Joe Miley Olivia |
Children in Need
Friday 15th November 2019
Please donate to Children in Need.
Just a small contribution can change the lives of children. At Earlswood we are asking all children and staff to bring in a contribution of £1 or more. We are also asking all staff and children to something spotty on this day if possible to support Children in Need. Please bring your ‘Children in Need’ donation with you on the day and hand it to your class teacher. Many thanks.
Week Beginning 11th November
Just a reminder Parent's evenings are this week on Tuesday and Thursday!
Literacy: We will be continuing to learn the story 'The Bear and the Piano' and will be creating our own character descriptions.
Maths: We will be continuing to learn about the link between addition and subtraction and solving missing number problems.
Reading: We will be continuing to read 'The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me' and answering questions about the texts.
Topic: We are continuing with our Beat, Band, Boogie topic. This week we will be developing our artistic skills, focussing on perspective. The children will revisit colour-mixing, using a blending technique with oil pastels to achieve their desired shades. These skills will be combined to imitate an illustration from our model text, which we are using in literacy, The Bear and the Piano.
Week Beginning 4th November
Literacy: We will be learning a new story called 'The Bear and the Piano'. We will be learning about the structure of a finding tale and writing our own finding tale.
Maths: This week we will be making the link between addition and subtraction and looking at how to find the answers to missing number questions.
Reading: The children will begin reading our new text 'The giraffe and the Pelly and me' by Roald Dahl and will be showing their understanding of what they are reading by answering questions.
Topic: We will be starting our new topic Beat, Band, Boogie which is a music topic! We will be listening to lots of different genres of music and learning about different instruments.
Congratulations to our confident learners this week!
Phoebe Zachary Anneqa Kairo Nithu |
Daisy Ishan Harrison Adam Ariele |
Haiden Benjamin Kamali Evelyn Harrison |
Gbenga Maike Georgina Joe Elysia |
Week Beginning 21st October
Literacy: This week we using all the knowledge we have learnt to write letters to our parents persuading them to attend the fireworks night.
Maths: We will be continuing to subtract two digit numbers using dienes to support us.
Reading: We will be continuing to use the skills we have been learning to answer inference and retrieval questions.
Topic: We will be rounding off our Muck, Mess and Mixture topic by refining our sketching skills.
Reminder: On Wednesday it is visit the classroom day at the Infant school. We would love for you to come in after school to look at your children's books and showcase all the learning we have done this half term.
Individual photos are being taken this week as follows:
Wednesday - Froghopper and Honeybee
Thursday - Millipede and Dragonfly
Please make sure your child is in full school uniform (including a jumper) on the right day.
Thank you!
Week Beginning 14th October
Literacy: This week we will be continuing to look at the features of persuasive writing and will be learning the format of letter writing.
Maths: This week we will be looking at subtraction and using the dienes to help us find strategies to subtract two digit numbers.
Reading: The children will be reading the story 'The fox and the Star' by Coralie Bickford-Smith and using the pictures to help us make inferences.
Topic: This week we will looking at the artist Carl Warner and creating our own fruit art.
Year 2 Information
There is a KS1 assessment information session being held in the learning hub (the old children's centre) on Thursday 10th of October from 2-3pm. Come along to find out Year 2, what the end of year expectations are and how we deliver the KS1 SATS. Any questions please ask your child's teacher.
Week Beginning 7th October
Literacy: This week we will continue to learn our persuasive text by 'Pink Crayon' and be learning about rhetorical questions and bossy verbs.
Maths: We will be continuing to develop our knowledge of addition and will be adding together numbers using different mental stragegies as well as using concrete materials.
Reading: We will be reading the story Tabby McTab and will be developing our comprehension by answering questions about the text.
Topic: Continuing forward with our Muck, Mess and Mixtures topic we will be creating our own artwork on the ipads and continuing to participating in a science investigation about bubbles.
Week Beginning 30th September
Literacy: This week we will be leaning a new text about 'Pink Crayon' and will be exploring persuasive writing. We will also be leanring about commands, statements and questions.
Maths: We will be exploring number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 this week and will be applying this knowledge when adding two numbers together.
Reading: We wil continue to read the story Frog and Toad and will be answering inference and retrieval questions about what we have read.
Topic: This week we will be looking at the artist Henri Matisse and creating our own art inspired by him. We will be creating our own piece of Autumn art using leaves, twigs and other items we can find in the Woodlands.
International Day of Older Persons
On 1st October it is 'International Day of Older Persons'. To celebrate this, we would like to invite the children's grandparents to come and share one of their favourite childhood stories with their grandchild's class on this day. If you would like to come into school, please speak to your class teacher.
The weather is changing and Winter is approaching. Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies and spare socks for the woodlands every Friday (these can be left at school). Please also make sure they come to school with a rain coat everyday. Mr Jackson will be taking the children into the woodlands, come rain or shine so they need to be prepared!
Thank you for your support with this.
Week Beginning 23.9.19
Literacy: This week we will be planning and writing our very own fantasy stories.
Maths: We will continue to learn about place value and numbers to 100.
Reading: We will be continuing to broaden our vocabulary and practise making inference from the texts we are reading.
Topic: This week we will be continuing our Muck, Mess and Mixtures topic by looking at the art of Kandinsky and creating our own string paintings.
Book Donations
We would like to expand our collection of books in our classrooms. If you have any books at home that you are no longer reading we would appreciate it if you could donate them to the school. If you would like to donate please hand them to your child's class teacher who will make sure they are put to good use.
Spelling Books
Your child will have brought home a green spelling book. This is to be used to practise their spellings at home and should be brought back to school every Thursday for their spelling quiz. Their new spellings will then be stuck into the book and handed back out on a Friday. We appreciate your support with practising your spellings at home! Any questions please ask a member of the Year 2 team.
Week Beginning 16.9.19
Literacy: This week the children will learning the tools they can use when writing settings and will be writing their own setting descriptions.
Maths: We will continue to learn about place value and numbers to 100.
Reading: We will be reading 'Frog and Toad Together' and will be learning how to retrieve information from the text.
Topic: We will be learning about the artist Robert Delaunay and creating some art work in a similar style.
Messy Morning
On Thursday 12th September the Year 2's will be kicking off their Muck, Mess and Mixtures topic by having a Messy Morning. This will involve exploring all kinds of messy materials and taking part in art activities. Could you please send your child to school in old clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. They will also need to bring with them their PE kit to change into for the afternoon.
Week Beginning 9.9.19
Literacy: We will start to learn a fantasy tale and be focusing on key features of writing a setting.
Maths: We will be practicing our knowledge of place value and learning to read and write the numbers to 100.
Reading: We will be reading 'Frog and Toad' stories and answering questions to show our understanding of the text.
Topic: Our first topic is called Muck, Mess and Mixtures and we will be exploring lots of different art materials and creating a range of artwork.
Welcome to Year 2
We hope you have all had a lovely, relaxing holiday and are looking forward to starting Year 2.
This year PE days for Year 2 will be on a Tuesday and a Friday so please could you send your child to school dressed in their PE kit these days. We also ask that long hair is tied up and that all earrings are removed for the safety of the children.
Each Friday we will be heading up to the junior school for our morning lessons and will be using the cooking and music room. We will also be heading to the schools woodlands so we ask that your child could bring a pair of named wellies into school. The Year 2's will be going to the juniors in all weathers so we also ask you send your child to school each week with a waterproof jacket.
We willl be sending out reading books which will be changed on Tuesday and Fridays. Please send your child to school each day with their reading book and record so it can be checked by the teacher.
If you have any questions please come and speak to your child's class teacher!
The Year 2 Team