A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week Beginning 25th September
Writing: This week in writing we will be completing our unit for work on dialogue by writing our very own quest stories.
Maths: In maths this week we will be completing our unit of work on place value and will be focussing on rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000.
Reading: This week in reading we will be continuing to read ‘The Ancient Egyptian Sleepover’ and will be developing our comprehension skills.
Week Beginning 18th September
Writing: In writing we will be continuing to learn about how to correctly write dialogue when writing a story. We will be continuing the innovate stage of our cycle creating our own Egyptian quest tale.
Maths: We are continuing our place value topic and will be ordering numbers on a number line and rounding numbers to 10,000 to the nearest 10, 100 and thousand.
Reading: In reading we are continuing to read the Ancient Egyptian sleepover and will be practising our inference and retrieval skills as well as working on developing our vocabulary.
Reminders: As the weather begins to change, please send your child to school with wellies that they can wear on our trips to the woodlands.
Week beginning 11th September
Writing: In writing we will continue to learn the rules of speech and will be applying these when writing dialogue.
Maths: In maths lessons we will be developing our understanding of ones, tens, hundredths and thousands. We will be partitioning numbers to 10,000.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to read ‘The Ancient Egypt Sleepover’ and will be further developing our inference and retrieval skills.
Week Beginning 4th September
Welcome to Year 4! We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing summer.
We have returned to school in unseasonably hot weather so please ensure that your child comes to school with a hat, water bottle.
Our P.E. days will be Wednesday and Friday, however we will not be doing P.E. on Wednesday of the first week.
Writing- This week in writing we will be starting a unit of fiction writing based around a quest text. The focus of our writing will be speech and we will be teaching the children how to use speech marks correctly.
Maths - In maths our first unit will be Place Value and we will be working on identifying, building and ordering numbers to 10,000.
Reading-Our first text this year will be a 'The Ancient Egypt Sleepover' by Stephen Davies. This week we will be reading the first two chapters and making predictions as to what will happen in the text.
Week Beginning 17th July
Literacy: This week in writing we will be continuing our newspaper articles. We will be researching our topic and having a go at using the skills that we have learnt to write our own newspaper article.
Maths: In maths this week we will be completing our unit of work all about position and direction.
Reading: We will finish reading the book 'The Thieves of Ostia' this week and will be completing a book review of the whole text.
It is also enterprise week this week so we will be working hard to design, make and promote our cake making business. Remember to bring you £1.50 on Thursday to buy your own tasty treat.
Week Beginning 10th July
Literacy: This week in Literacy we will be beginning our final writing topic and learning all about Newspaper Articles. We will be exploring the features of a newspaper article, look at their features and understand how to make them effective. We will then have a go at writing our own.
Maths: In maths we will be looking at data handling and will interpreting and creating our own pictograms, line charts and bar charts.
Reading: In reading we will continue to read the 'Thieves of Ostia' and will be completing comprehension activities based around our reading.
Week Beginning 3rd July
Literacy: In writing this week, we will be writing a diary entry based on a Roman Soldier. We will be using the knowledge that we have acquired during our Romans topic to help us do this. Towards the end of the week we will be familiarising ourselves with newspaper articles and how to write them.
Maths: In maths we will be continuing our unit of work on Shape. We will be learning about polygons and lines of symmetry.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to read our book 'The Thieves of Ostia' and will be using our knowledge to help answer questions around the text.
Week Beginning 19th June
Literacy: This week in writing we will begin a unit of work all about writing a diary entry. We will be looking at the features of a diary entry and practise using show not tell, personification and dramatic fronted adverbials to make our writing exciting.
Maths: In maths, we are continuing to work on converting time between analogue and digital clocks.
Reading - In reading lessons, we are continuing to read the 'Thieves of Ostia'.
PSHE - This week in PSHE:
The children will learn the internal and external parts of male and female bodies that are necessary for making a baby.
The children will be taught that having a baby is a personal choice and will reflect on how they feel about having children when they are an adult.
Week Beginning 12th June
Literacy: In writing we are working towards writing a recap of Ufton court. Will will be looking at the features of a recap and will be practising using these skills to help write a recap.
Maths: In maths we will be moving onto learning about time. We will be looking at analogue and digit clocks and will be looking at converting times between the two.
Reading: In reading this half term we will be reading the book 'The Thieves of Ostia' written by Caroline Lawrence. We will be using the reading skills we have been developing over the year to help us unpick and understand the story in more detail.
Week Beginning 15th May
Literacy: This week in writing we will be continuing with our poetry unit and will be spending having a go at sorting through some vocabulary to look at words which would be appropriate and powerful to use in our poems. We will also be having a at innovating the Cave of Curiosity.
Maths: In maths we will be using our decimals knowledge to help us be able to convert money into pounds and pence.
Reading: This week in reading we will continue to read 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.' and will be answering comprehension questions about the text that we read.
REMINDER: On Friday 19th May it is Y3 and Y4 sports day. Please send your child to school on this day with a packed lunch and in their PE kit. Sports day will run from 9:20-11:40, afterwards we will be having a picnic lunch on the field, we look forward to seeing you there!
Week beginning 8th May
Literacy: In writing this week we will be beginning a unit of work all about poetry. We will be reading a poem called ‘The Cave of Curiosity’ as well looking at the features of poetry.
Maths: In maths we will be completing our decimals unit with an assessment and will start our next topic which is money. We will be using our knowledge of decimals to help add and subtract amounts to find totals.
Reading: In reading we are continuing to enjoy the book ‘The Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe.’We will be reading to help develop our inference, vocabulary and retrieval skills.
Week Beginning 2nd May
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be finishing off innovating our finding tales, where our character finds a mysterious creature in the woods. We will also be planning and writing our own hot tasks.
Maths: In Maths, we will be continuing our decimals topic and will looking at rounding decimals and making a whole using decimals.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to read 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' and will be continuing to use our reading skills.
Week Beginning 24th April
Literacy: In writing this week we will be continuing learn our finding tale 'The Secret Garden'. We will also continue to develop our knowledge of the skills we can use to create an engaging character when writing aa story and looking at some good character descriptions to see what this looks like, as well as having a go at writing our own.
Maths: In maths we will continuing our unit of work on decimals and will be looking at dividing 2 digit numbers by 10 as well as learning about hundredths as a decimal using a place value grid and a number line.
Reading: In reading, we will be continuing to read the book 'The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.' We will be developing our inference skills.
PSHE: In PSHE this week we will be talking about Love and Loss. Below, is the link to the story we will be using to do this. Any questions please feel free to talk to your child's class teacher.
Week Beginning 17th April
Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely Easter full of laughter and relaxing, ready to come back to school for the summer term.
Literacy: In writing, we are going to be starting this half term writing a finding tale. Our model text will be named 'The Secret Garden' and we will be learning words and actions to this as well as looking at the features,
Maths: In maths, we are moving on to our next unit of work which will be decimals. We will be learning the difference between a tenth and a hundred and will be reading and identifying numbers including decimals.
Reading: In reading, we will be starting our next book which will be the C.S. Lewis classic 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.' We will be beginning to read the first few chapters, as well as looking at the inference in the book.
Week beginning 27th March
Literacy: This week we will be completing our unit of work using suspense and the children will be innovating and creating their own take of fear.
Maths: In Maths this week we will be concluding our fraction unit of work and will be learning how to add fractions.
Reading: This week in reading we will be finishing reading Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
Topic: This week is STEM week and we will be learning all about the water cycle and how water connects the world.
We will be carrying out another 'Whole School TTRS Competition' this year for the children in Years 2-6 to compete in! The battles will commence on the week beginning Monday 20th March. One child from each class will be selected to compete in the tournament for their class. Children will be decided based on who has played on TTRS the most this year so far. The rest of the class members will cheer on their classmates from the audience.
Week Beginning 20th March
This week in writing we will be continuing to learn our text and will start to innovate our own tale of fear.
In maths we will be continuing on our unit of fractions and will be learning to add and subtract fractions.
In reading we are continuing to read 'Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We will be reading the next chapter and will be unpicking the inference and vocabulary used.
Week Beginning 13th March
Literacy: This week in writing we will be starting our next unit of work. This will be focused around a text called 'The Eight Legged Fear' and we will be learning about writing to create suspense. We will be learning our new text as well as looking at how we can use empty words and short sentences to build suspense and add drama when writing.
Maths: In Maths we will be continuing work on fractions, having completed our assessments last week, and will be learning to understand improper fractions. We will also be learning to convert improper fractions into mixed fractions.
Reading: We will be continuing to read our new text 'Iron Man' by Ted Hughes and will be looking at using the text to help build impressions of characters and develop our understanding of what we are reading.
Week Beginning 6th March
Literacy: This week in writing we will be innovating our discussion and having a go at writing our own. We will be using the skills that we have been learning to try and link our arguments using appropriate sentence signposts and generalisers.
Maths: In maths this week we will be doing some revision of everything that we have learnt so far in Year 4 including place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions. We will then be completing some assessments in class to assess our arithmetic and reasoning skills.
Reading: In reading this week we will also be completing an assessment to see how well the children are getting on at independently applying their reading skills.
Week Beginning 27th February
Literacy: This week in writing we will be continuing to learn our discussion text titled ‘Is plastic fantastic?’ We will be looking at writing balanced arguments for and against and having a go at doing our own.
Maths: In Maths we are moving forward with our fraction unit of work.
Reading: This week in reading we will read the end of ‘Why the Whales Came’ and will be applying our inference skills as well as summarising the main points in the text.
Reminder: Wednesday 1st of March is World Book Day. Children are asked to come to school dressed as their favourite book character.
Week Beginning 20th February
Literacy: In writing this half term we will starting to learn all about discussion texts. We will be looking at the features of a discussion text and learning a text all about the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic.
Maths: In maths we will be completing our of work all about length and perimeter and assessing our knowledge of this. We will then be moving on to a unit of work all about fractions where we will be looking at understanding a whole.
Reading: In reading we will be continuing to read 'Why the Whales came' by Michael Morpurgo. This book is helping us understand complex themes as well as broadening our vocabulary.
On Monday we will be making our U.K landmarks. Please ensure that your child is sent to school with the items that they require to do this as we do not have any junk modelling resources at school.
If anyone has any old magazines and/or newspapers that they are done with we would appreciate donations of these to Year 4 for a project after half term.
Week Beginning 6th February
Literacy: This week in writing we will be innovating and writing a persuasive letter to Mrs Chandler to try and persuade her to let us go on school trips to all kinds of wonderful places and attractions. We will then be putting all of our knowledge to the test and writing our own persuasive letter.
Maths: In maths we are continuing to develop of knowledge of length and perimeter. We will be learning how to find the length of rectilinear shapes.
Reading: This week in Reading we will be enjoying more of our exciting class book 'Why the Whales Came''.
Week Beginning 30th January
Literacy: This week in writing we are continuing to learn the features of a persuasive letter and will be learning how to use bossy and boastful language to try and persuade. We will also be beginning to innovate pour text to try and persuade.
Maths: In maths next week we will be learning all about length and perimeter. We will be learning to measure in km and m and looking at equivalent lengths.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read the 'Why the Whales Came' and will be continuing to develop our comprehension skills and answering questions about the text.
Week Beginning 23rd January
Literacy: This week in literacy we will be completing our unit of work all about the wishing tale and writing out own during our hot task. We will also start a new non-fiction unit of work based on persuasion writing. We will be learning a persuasive letter and the skills used in this genre of writing.
Maths: In maths this week, we will be completing our unit of work on multiplication and division. We will be learning how to divide 2 digit numbers by one digit numbers i.e. 68 ÷ 4 = and then how to divide 3 digit numbers by a one digit number i.e. 126 ÷ 9 =.
Reading: In reading, we will continue to read 'Why the Whales came' by Michael Morpurgo and will be answering questions about the text.
Week beginning 16th January 2023
Literacy: This week in writing we will be innovating our wishing tale and the children will create their own version of a wishing tale.
Maths: In maths this week we continue with multiplication and division and begin to use the formal written method to multiply together a one digit number with a 2 digit number.
Reading: In reading we are continuing to read ‘Why the Whales Came.’ We will be reading chapter 4 of the book and exploring the vocabulary used by the author as well as using our retrieval skills.
Week Beginning 9th January 2023
Writing: This week in writing we will be continuing to look at tools that we can use when writing openings to stories to help hook the reader and keep them engaged. We will also be continuing to learn the story 'One Chance'.
Maths: We are continuing our multiplication and division topic and will be learning how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100 and will be learning about multiplication facts which link.
Reading: This week in reading we will be continuing to read the story 'Why the Whale came' and will be answering questions about the story.
Week Beginning 12th December
Literacy: This week in writing we will be using the knowledge that we have gained throughout the half term to write an information text all about the human body.
Maths: In math this week we will be further developing our knowledge of adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers with exchanges.
Reading: This week we will complete reading Bill’s New Frock by Anne Fine and will be summarising our knowledge.
Week Beginning 5th December 2022
Literacy: This week we will be begin innovating our text and will be creating a new information text all about an animal. The children will be showing their understanding of how to use generalises, fronted adverbials.
Maths: In maths this week we will be consolidating their knowledge of everything that we have covered so far in Year 4. We will be looking at the place value of numbers to 10,000, adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers and multiplying up to 12 x 12.
Reading: In reading we will continue to read Bills New Frock.
Week Beginning 28th November
Literacy: This week we are starting a new unit of work and will be writing an information text. We will be learning about different sentence starters and using them in a appropriate ways.
Maths: In maths we will continue to work on our times tables and will be having a go at mixed fluency. All children should continue to practise tables up to 12 x 12 to increase speed and accuracy.
Reading: We are continuing to read Bill’s New Frock in class and will be working on answering comprehension questions about the text.
Science: In topic we will be learning more about the human body and how the digestive system works.
Week Beginning 21st November
Literacy: This week we will be planning our very own warning tale and will be writing our Hot Task. We will also start our unit of work on information texts and will think about the features of a non chronological report.
Maths: In maths we will continue to work on multiplication and division and will be focussing on the 7x, 11x and 12x tables.
Reading: We are continuing to read ‘Bill’sNew Frock’ and will be working on our inference skills.
Science: In topic we will begin to learn more about the human body, specifically looking at the digestive system.
Week Beginning 14th November
Literacy: This week we will be innovating our model text including features of the toolkit which we have been learning. We will be focussing on creating exciting descriptions for a setting for a warning tale based around a river..
Maths: In maths we will be continuing to learn about multiplication and division. This week we will be focusing on the 6x, 7x and 9x tables. Please continue to practise these at home with your children.
Reading: In reading we are continuing to read the book 'Bill's New Frock' and will be answering comprehension questions based around the text.
"Sirlinkalot is eagerly awaiting any spelling 'tricks' that either children, parents or carers have created! Get thinking with your adults at home and send your ideas to the email below."
Odd Socks Day 14th November /Anti Bullying Week 14th November-18th November
On Monday 14th November we ask that children wear odd socks to mark the start of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (No donation is required). Odd Socks Day encourages us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us unique. During this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, we are encouraging the children to ‘Reach Out’ for help if they or they know someone who is experiencing bullying. Thank you for your support with these special events.
Week Beginning 7th November
This week is assessment week and all the children will be completing reading, arithmetic, reasoning and SPAG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) test papers.
Literacy: This week in writing we will continue to learn about our warning tale called 'The Treacherous Tracks' and will be learning about pathetic fallacy. We will be using our knowledge of using similies, adjectives and rules of three in our writing to help describe weather changes to change the atmosphere.
Maths: In maths this week we will begin our unit of work all about multiplication. We will start by looking at the 3x and 6x tables and will make links between the two.
Reading: We will continue to read 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine and will be using our comprehension skills to answer questions about the text.
Topic: In topic this week we will be learning all about teeth.
Week Beginning 31st October
Writing: We will be starting a new cycle of writing this week and will be learning a warning tale. We will be learning how to use prepositions, add description and similies.
Maths: In maths this week we will be starting to look at how to find the area of shapes.
Reading: In reading we will be starting a new book called 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine. We will be making predictions about the text and answering questions about the text.
Week Beginning 17th October
Literacy: In writing we will be using the skills we have learnt about and will be planning and writing our own sets of instructions.
Maths: In Maths we will be practising subtracting 4 digit numbers with exchanging eg. 4321-2543 =. We will be using physical resources and column method to help us do this.
Reading: This week in reading we will be continuing to read a non fiction pieces of work and will be using our reading skills.
Reminder: We are still looking for any cleaned Pringle tubes and AA batteries so that we can make our torches next week.
Week Beginning 10th October
Literacy: This week we will be continuing our instructional writing and will be looking at using time sign posts, and will be having a go at writing a short burst writing instructions about a Woolly Mammoth.
Maths: In maths this week we will be continuing to add 4 digit numbers focusing on when numbers exchange a ten eg. 3456+5789 =. We will then begin looking at how to subtract 4 digit numbers with no exchanges later in the week.
Reading: This week we will begin to read a non fiction book called 'A Guide to Ancient Egypt' an will be working on developing our sequencing skills.
Science: Over the next 2 weeks we will be designing and making our very own torch using the knowledge of electricity which we have gained over the past few weeks. To do this we need your help, we are asking for each child to bring in 1 x AA battery and an empty Pringles tub.
Week Beginning 3rd October
Literacy: This week in writing we will be start our next unit of work, this will be instructional writing. We will be learning a new text called ‘ How to build a pyramid’ and starting to identify features of instructions.
Reading: In reading this week we will be ‘The Smiling Stones’ and reading the last few chapters. We will be using our summarising skills and be
Maths: In maths we will be moving onto our unit of work on addition and subtraction. We will be adding two 4 digit numbers for example 2354+1234 and exploring different methods we could use to do this.
Pupil Parliament
We are setting up a Pupil Parliament. The Pupil Parliament will be made up of 1 person from each class Year 1-5 and 2 people in each class from Year 6. These children will be called Ministers. The Ministers will meet once a fortnight to discuss important issues and help make improvements in the school. Next week, the children will be given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be their class Minister for the year, if they would like to. We look forward to hearing the children talk about why they want to represent their class.
Week Beginning 26th September
Literacy: This week we will be completing our unit by creating our own meeting tale. We will be using the dialogue toolkit and will practise using speech within our writing.
Maths: In maths this we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of place value and will be looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000.
Reading: In reading we will continue to read the story 'Smiling Stones' and will be developing our reading skills.
Spellings: We are continuing to work on the Orange Orwell list on Sir Link a Lot.
Tuesday 27th September - 4W/4AC will be cooking.
Could your child please bring in an cooking apple with them so we can make apple crumble.
Tuesday 20th September - 4C/4D will be cooking.
Could your child please bring in a cooking apple with them so we can make apple crumble.
Week Beginning 19th September 2022
Literacy: This week we will be innovating our story 'An Adventure in Egypt' and will be creating our own meeting tale named 'An Adventure in.........' . We will including using speech using speech marks in our writing.
Maths: We will be estimating where numbers fall on a number line as as ordering and comparing numbers to 10,000.
Reading: We will continue to read a book named 'The Smiling Stones' and will be working on developing our comprehension skills.
Week Beginning 12th September
Writing - This week we will be learning a new text named ‘An Egyptian Adventure’ and will be learning how to use speech marks in our writing.
Maths- We will continue to work on our place value looking at numbers to 10,000. We will be ordering numbers to 10,000 and placing these on number lines.
Reading- In reading we will be beginning to read a story named ‘Smiling Stones’ and will be working on our reading skills.
Spelling- For spelling we will begin using Sir Linkalot videos to help us and will be starting to learning the words on the Orange Orwell list.
Reminder- Please remember it is Egyptian day on Tuesday 13th September and we ask your children come to school dressed up.
Week Beginning 5th September
Welcome to Year 4! We are so excited to meet you all and to start the new school year with you. Below are some of the things we will be doing on our first two days back.
Maths: This week we will be doing some place value work, and thinking about number properties.
Writing: This week you will be writing about yourselves, focussing on sentences structure and beginning to learn our new text.
Reading: This week we will be reading a range of short texts and answering some questions.
Topic: This week we will be starting our topic with an introduction to Ancient Egypt!
PSHE: This week we will be thinking about the challenges of starting a new school year and discussing ways to overcome them. We will be learning all about 'Zones of Regulation'.