
Federation of Earlswood Schools

A Place to Learn Together

We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6

Weekly Blog

Week Beginning 10.2.25


Maths: This week we will be looking at algebra, including the one step and two step rules.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing their own diary entries from the perspective of an evacuee.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', focussing on summarising ideas from more than one section of the text.


Topic: This week we will be cooking some Orange Drop Cookies and we have Internet Safety Day!


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about why we are motivated to make the world a better place.

Week Beginning 3.2.25


Maths: This week we will be looking at calculating ratio and using and calculating scale factors.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of diary entry writing, including using indirect speech and passive and active voice.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', to make inferences using evidence from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about the work of Henry Moore and having a go at their own chalk sketching.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about why we are motivated to make the world a better place.

Week Beginning 27.1.25


Maths: This week we will be looking at calculating ratio.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing a discussion text based on the question 'Should children have been evacuated in WWII?'.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', looking at identifying how information contributes to a meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about some of the WWII leaders and thinking about what it was like to be an evacuee.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about why we are motivated to make the world a better place.

Week Beginning 20.1.25


Maths: This week we will be looking at finding percentages of amounts.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing their own portal stories using characterisation, including character detail, using colour for emotion, character thought and show not tell.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', looking at making comparisons within the text.


Topic: This week the children will be starting to learn about WWII, looking at the different countries involved and the key events.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about people in the world who are suffering or living in difficult situations.

Week Beginning 13.1.25


Maths: This week we will be looking at converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.


Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of characterisation, including character detail, using colour for emotion, character thought and show not tell.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', looking at identifying key details from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be completing an investigation on shadows and looking at the work of scientist Patricia Bath.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about people in the world who are suffering or living in difficult situations.

Week Beginning 6.1.25


We hope you have a lovely Christmas break and look forward to seeing you in 2025!


Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing decimals.


Writing: This week the children will be learning a portal story called The Gas Mask and starting to look at the features of characterisation.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Goodnight Mr Tom', looking at making predictions about what might happen in the book.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about how we see, reflection and refraction.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about setting realistic goals for ourselves.

Week Beginning 16.12.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing decimals.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing a persuasive letter about protecting marine and freshwater biomes.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Holes', looking at identifying and explaining how meaning is enhanced through choices of words and phrases.


Topic: This week the children will be looking at the artist Rashid Rana and using themes from his work to create our own Islamic style art.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about ways in which difference can be a source of conflict but also a cause for celebration.

Week Beginning 9.12.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at converting and calculating metric measures.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing a non chronological report comparing marine and freshwater biomes.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Holes', looking at identifying and explaining how meaning is enhanced through choices of words and phrases.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about freshwater and marine biomes and how they are both similar and different.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about appreciating people for who they are.

Week Beginning 2.12.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at using all four operations with fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be recapping the features of a non chronological report with a focus on using comparative and contrastive language.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Holes', looking at making inferences from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about freshwater and marine biomes and how they are both similar and different.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about why some people use bullying behaviours.

Week Beginning 25.11.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be planning and writing their own journey tales using a dialogue toolkit.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Holes', looking at how information is related and contributes to a meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about North and South America, including information about population, agriculture and diversity.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about how people can have power over others.

Week Beginning 18.11.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at multiplying and dividing fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about writing with a dialogue toolkit.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Holes', looking at making comparisons within the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about North and South America, including information about population, agriculture and diversity.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about our attitudes towards people who are different to us.

Week Beginning 11.11.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at adding and subtracting mixed number fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be learning about writing with a dialogue toolkit.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Holes', looking at identifying specific key details from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about Early Islamic Civilisation.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about understanding everyone has the right to be who they are.

Week Beginning 4.11.24


We hope you have a lovely half term! Here is what we will be doing when we get back:


Maths: This week we will be looking at comparing and ordering fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text 'Ernest's Adventure' and starting to learn about writing with a dialogue toolkit.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Holes', looking at making predictions about what might happen.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about the artist Alexander Calder and creating their own pieces of work based on his style.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about the different perceptions of the word 'normal' and how we can empathise with people who are different.

Week Beginning 21.10.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own non-chronological reports about their own creatures.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at summarising main ideas from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about the artist Marianne North and creating their own pieces of work based on her style.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about our learning behaviours and SMILE expectations.

Week Beginning 14.10.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at prime, square and cubed numbers and the order of operations (BIDMAS).


Writing: This week the children will be learning about the features of a non-chronological report.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at identifying how meaning is enhanced through choices of words and phrases.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about microorganisms and completing an investigation around mould.


PSHE:  This week we will be thinking about our learning behaviours and SMILE expectations.

Week Beginning 7.10.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at short multiplication and division and long multiplication and division.


Writing: This week the children will be learning our new text 'Whales' and looking at the features of a non-chronological report.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at identifying how meaning is enhanced through choices of words and phrases.


Topic: This week the children will be continuing to learn about Darwin's theory of evolution.


PSHE:  This week is Feel Good Week!

Week Beginning 30.9.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at short multiplication and division and long multiplication and division.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own finding tales using a description toolkit, including selecting details and describing for a purpose.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at identifying how information is related and contributes to a meaning as a whole.


Topic: This week the children will be continuing to learn about Darwin's theory of evolution.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about why our school community benefits from out SMILE expectations.

Week Beginning 23.9.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at inverse operations and multi-step problems.


Writing: This week the children will be writing their own finding tales using a description toolkit, including selecting details and describing for a purpose.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at making comparisons within the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about plant adaptation and Darwin's theory of evolution.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about how our actions and words affect others and how we can empathise with others.

Week Beginning 16.9.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at negative numbers, column addition and column subtraction.


Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of a description toolkit, including selecting details and describing for a purpose.


Reading: This week we will be reading our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at explaining the meaning of words in the context.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about Gregor Mendel's work on inheritance and animal adaptation.


PSHE:  This week we are continuing to think about understanding our own wants and needs and comparing them with children in different communities.

Week Beginning 9.9.24


Maths: This week we will be looking at comparing, ordering and rounding integers.


Writing: This week the children will be looking at the features of a description toolkit, including selecting details and describing for a purpose.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at identifying key details from the text.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about Charles Darwin's discoveries.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about understanding our own wants and needs and comparing them with children in different communities.


To support both the school and your child, we are seeking your support in the purchase of the following books for your child. If you are able to buy a copy for your child to bring to school, it will enable you to share them at home too:

Week Beginning 2.9.24


We hope you all had a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 3rd September!


We will update this page so that you can see what we are learning each week.


Maths: This week we will be looking at reading and writing numbers up to 10,000,000.


Writing: This week the children will be learning our text 'Galapagos' which is a finding tale and looking at the features of a description toolkit.


Reading: This week we will be starting our book 'Darwin's Dragons', looking at making predictions about what we think might happen.


Topic: This week the children will be learning about Charles Darwin and his discoveries.


PSHE:  This week we are thinking about the Zones of Regulation and the SMILE expectations and looking forward to the year ahead.


