A Place to Learn Together
We offer Nursery Provision to Year 6
Week beginning 16th July
Maths: This week we will be solving problems involving money.
Reading: This week we will be comparing the text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ with the film ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’. In addition, we will be completing some challenges examining how Roald Dahl engages the reader.
English: This week we will be writing our own instructional text.
Please join us on Tuesday 17th July for our assemblies:
3GM and 3K 9:45 – 10:15
3R and 3B 14:15 – 14:45
We will be selling our lovely scrumdiddlyumptious tray bakes on Wednesday 18th July outside the Year 3 block.
Week beginning 9th July
Maths: This week we will be using the four operations to solve problems involving money.
Reading: This week we will be reading chapters 28-30 of our text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’. We will continue to examine the themes throughout these chapters, order events and make inferences.
English: This week we will be innovating our instructional text. We will create our own set of instructions using the skills that we have learnt.
We are also practising for our assemblies.
No Swimming – lessons have now finished!
Enterprise week will start from Thursday 12th July 2018 and we will be selling our delicious tray bakes on Wed 18th July 2018
We have outdoor PE on Thursday so please have your PE kit in school.
3GM | 3K | 3R | 3B |
Ace Ewan |
Patrick Zac Maya Safiyya |
William Daniel Nia Katey |
Harry Luke Juliette |
Week beginning 2nd July
Maths: This week we will be improving our fluency skills and beginning to solve problems involving money.
Reading: This week we will be reading chapters 23-27 of our text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’. We will be examining the themes throughout these chapters.
English: This week we will be reading and examining the structure and grammar within our instructional text as a writer.
Class swap Day is Tuesday 3rd July.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit including trainers in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
3GM | 3K | 3R | 3B |
Vlad Noah |
Melissa Sharo Badar |
Jackson Aadhyanth |
Stanle Melody |
Week beginning 25th June
Maths: This week we will be solving missing number measurement problems and measurement investigations.
Reading: This week we will be reading chapters 18 -22 of our text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’. We will be examining the poetry within the text, asking questions to improve our understanding and answering comprehension questions.
English: This week we will be learning an instructional text including adverbs of time and imperative verbs.
Science Day is Thursday 28th June.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit including trainers in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Year 3 & 4
Juniors Sports Day Wednesday 27st June 2018
All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!
Location: Earlswood Junior School-field
Time: 9:20-11:40am followed by a picnic on the field which will end at 12:20pm
The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.
As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!
See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The PE Team
3K | 3GM | 3R | 3B |
Ben Summer Hector |
Carter Adam |
William Sophie Bennie Hannah |
Lydia Harriton Jersey |
Week beginning 18th June
Maths: This week we will be using our knowledge of length, mass and capacity to solve missing number and word problems.
Reading: This week we will be reading chapters 12 -17 of our text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ using our retrieval, inference and deduction skills.
English: This week we will be learning how to write a set of instructions based on a model text.
Parent consultation evenings Tuesday 19th June and Thursday 21st June please book online.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit including trainers in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Week beginning 11th June
Maths: We will be completing an arithmetic and reasoning assessment to assess the children’s progress. We will also continue to compare, add and subtract: length, mass, volume and capacity.
Reading: We will continue to read our text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ by Roald Dahl drawing on our own experiences to infer how a character might be feeling.
English: We will be writing our own defeating the monster story.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit including trainers in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Week beginning 4th June
Maths: We will be learning to understand what is meant by length, mass and capacity. We will also be comparing, adding and subtracting: length, mass, volume and capacity.
Reading: We will start to read our new text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ by Roald Dahl using our retrieval and inferential skills.
English: We will be innovating our text ‘The Magic Brush Sequel’ and writing a new version using the skills we learnt before half term.
This half term our spelling homework will focus on consolidating words that the children have learnt so far this year alongside new topic words.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit including trainers in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
New Date
Year 3 & 4
Juniors Sports Day Wednesday 27th June 2018
All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!
Location: Earlswood Junior School-field
Time: 9:20-11:40am followed by a picnic on the field which will end at 12:20pm
The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.
As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!
See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The PE Team
Stars of the week!
3GM | 3K | 3R | 3B |
Sam Taylor Shivesh Faye Jace |
Patrick Akshara Maya |
Vlad Chloe Riddhi |
Nathan Jo |
On Monday, please can you send your child in with as much newspaper and thick cardboard for our explosive volcano project!!!!
Week beginning 21st May
Maths: We will continue to record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours and compare durations of events (for example to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks). We will also be learning to solve time word problems and begin to recognise Roman numerals.
Reading: We will be completing our text ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ focusing on inference and authorial intent.
English: We will be innovating our text ‘The Magic Brush Sequel’ and writing the opening and build-up of our innovated story using the skills we have been learning.
From next half term our spelling homework will focus on consolidating words that the children have learnt so far this year alongside new topic words.
Friday is Sports day!!!!
Please can you help us!!!
On Monday 21st May, can you send your child in with as much newspaper and thick cardboard for our explosive volcano project!!!!
Thank you for your support.
The Year 3 team
Year 3 & 4
Juniors Sports Day Friday 25th May 2018
All parents and carers please join us for a fun filled sports day!
Location: Earlswood Junior School-field
Time: 9:20-11:40am followed by a picnic on the field which will end at 12:20pm
The entrance for parents and carers will be via the top main entrance for the junior site. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive at the gate and if you are unsure there will be members of staff to help direct you to the activity your child will be starting on first. Please be patient, we will aim to sign you in as quickly as possible.
As much enthusiasm and encouragement not only for your child but the whole colour team would be fantastic!
See you there on what will hopefully be a bright and sunny day!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The PE Team
Week beginning 14th May
Maths: We will be learning to record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours and we will compare durations of events (for example to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks).
Reading: We will continue to read ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman. We will be summarising chapters and learning how the author creates tension.
English: We will continue to learn our text ‘The Magic Brush Sequel’ by examining the text as a reader – questioning, predicting and inferring and then as a writer – looking at the structure, word choice and sentence fluency.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit including trainers in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Stars of the week!
3B | 3R | 3K | 3GM |
Sejal Isaac Amy |
Emily Katey Hannah Izzy Flo Molly Amira |
Bhargav Ben Melissa |
Olivia Jessica |
3B | 3K | 3R | 3GM |
Hassan Juliette Grace |
Freddy Lucas Max |
Daniel Ella Nia |
Alvi Neve |
Week beginning 7th May
Maths: We will be learning about time: including the vocabulary, telling the time to the nearest 5 mins and telling the time using an analogue and digital clock.
Reading: We will continue to read ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman. We will be identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.
English: We will be learning about ‘A defeating a monster tale’ - The sequel to ‘The Magic Brush’ using actions.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit including trainers in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Week beginning 30th April
Maths: We will be learning about measure including the perimeter of simple 2D shapes.
Reading: We will continue to read ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman, using our retrieval skills and discussing words and phrases that capture our interest and imagination.
English: We will be writing a news article about volcanoes using all the skills we have learnt.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Stars of the week!
3K | 3GM | 3B | 3R |
Emily Ruby |
Shivesh Christopher Ace |
Alexi Holly Devansh Thomas |
Riddhi Matthew Nia |
Natural History Museum Trip
We will be visiting the Natural History Museum on WEDNESDAY 25th APRIL and will be returning at 3:45pm. Thank you to all who have volunteered to help on this trip. Please remember to provide you child with a packed lunch, a water bottle and appropriate clothing due to the change in the weather.
Week beginning 23rd April
Maths: We will also be learning about the properties of 3D shapes and recognising them in different orientations. We will also be making model 3D shapes.
Reading: We will continue to read ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman. We will be using drama to interpret information and dictionaries to help understand the language within the text.
English: We will be learning to reader as a writer, boxing up the text and innovating a news story giving granny’s view on the dreadful wolf attack.
We have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Stars of the Week!
3K | 3GM | 3B | 3R |
Belle Ruby Caylum
Shivesh Christopher Scott
Harry Grace |
Cam Vlad Chloe |
Week beginning 16th April
Thank you for attending our performance of the Haka in the playground and we hope that you have a lovely Easter break!
When we return for the summer term we will be …
Maths: We will be continuing to recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of turn. We will also be learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
Reading: We will start to read ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman. We will be retrieving and interpreting information from the text.
English: We will be learning a newspaper article relating to Little Red Riding Hood by heart, closely looking at the vocabulary and understanding the structure.
This half term we have outdoor PE on Thursday and we will be swimming on Fridays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school and a swimming kit on Fridays. Thank you.
Trip to Natural History Museum
Please let us know if you can can help on our trip on Wednesday 25th April. Thank you.
Stars of the Week!
3K | 3GM | 3B | 3R |
Hector |
Noah |
Alexi |
Ollie |
Week beginning 26th March
Maths: We will be identifying angles that are greater/smaller than a right angle.
Reading: We will completing our book ‘Stig of the Dump’ , focusing on effective language.
English: We will be inventing our own finding tale.
We have indoor PE on Monday, outdoor PE on Thursday and need wellies in school on Wednesdays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school and with the extremely cold weather at the moment spare socks and an extra jumper would be useful.
If any parents are able to support us with our trip to the Natural History Museum on Wednesday 25th April 2018 please speak to your class teacher and can you please return the permission slip as soon as possible.
Week beginning 19th March
We would like to thank you for all the time and effort spent on your child/children’s costume for World Book Day – they looked marvellous!
We would also like to invite you to a performance on Wednesday 28th March at 3:10pm in front of the Year 3 classroom block, before you come into class to see your child’s work.
Maths: We will be identifying horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines. We will describing the properties of 2D shapes.
Reading: We will continue to read our book ‘Stig of the Dump’ , focusing on organising the paragraphs around a theme.
English: We will be continuing to innovate our story ‘Adventure at Sandy Cove’ and will then write our own story using the finding tale structure.
We have indoor PE on Monday, outdoor PE on Thursday and need wellies in school on Wednesdays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school and with the extremely cold weather at the moment spare socks and an extra jumper would be useful.
Week beginning 12th March
Maths: This week we will be solving mathematic investigations involving fractions.
Reading: We will continue to read our book ‘Stig of the Dump’ , focusing on choices made by the author.
English: We will continue to learn our story ‘Adventure at Sandy Cove’ and will then begin to create our own story based upon the structure of the learnt text.
We have indoor PE on Monday, outdoor PE on Thursday and need wellies in school on Wednesdays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school and with the extremely cold weather at the moment spare socks and an extra jumper would be useful.
Thursday 15th March World Book Day
Week beginning 5th March
Maths: This week we will solving problems using the fraction knowledge that we have been developing – unit and non-unit fractions, tenths and fractions with the same denominator.
Reading: We will continue to read our book ‘Stig of the Dump’. We will be examining chapters 4 and 5 using our retrieval and inferential skills. We will also be considering the author’s use of language.
English: We will continue to learn our story ‘Adventure at Sandy Cove’ and will then begin to create our own story based upon the structure of the learnt text.
We have indoor PE on Monday, outdoor PE on Thursday and need wellies in school on Wednesdays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school and with the extremely cold weather at the moment spare socks and an extra jumper would be useful.
Week beginning 26th February
Maths: This week we will be continuing to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and begin to order fractions on a number line.
Reading: We will continue to read our book ‘Stig of the Dump’. We will be examining the vocabulary, making predictions and using our inference skills.
English: We will continue to learn our story ‘Adventure at Sandy Cove’ and will then be investigating what grammar and structures the author has used and why.
We have indoor PE on Monday, outdoor PE on Thursday and need wellies in school on Wednesdays.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school.
World Book Day is Thursday 1st March, all children are invited to come in dressed as a character from a book.
Star of the week!
3K | 3GM | 3B | 3R |
Lucas Emily Lucas |
Sam Adam Vlad |
Luke Alexie |
Connor Sophie |
Week beginning 19th February
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed the half term break and feel rested.
Our topic this half term is Tribal Tales.
Maths: We will be adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator within one whole and counting forwards and backwards in tenths.
Reading: We will start to read ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King. We will be making predictions and answering questions by retrieving information from the text.
English: We will be learning the text ‘Adventure at Sandy Cove’ by heart, closely looking at the vocabulary and understanding the structure.
This half term we have indoor PE on Monday and outdoor PE on Thursday.
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school. Thank you.
If you have any empty shoeboxes can you send them in for our Tribal Tales topic.
Week beginning 5th February
Maths: This week we will be revisiting equivalent fractions with small denominators and learning to add fractions with the same denominator.
Reading: We will be finishing our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’ by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre and will then discuss our opinions of the text.
English: We will be completing our leaflets on ‘Rivers of the World’ and publishing them.
Please can you help! If you have any empty shoe boxes can you send them in next week for our new topic.
Star of the Week!
3B | 3K | 3R | 3GM |
Grace Willow |
Gabe Lydia Bhargav Safiyya |
Cam Amira |
Rosalind Ewan |
Week beginning 29th January
Maths: This week we will be learning to recognise unit and non-unit fractions with small denominators and we will also find and write fractions of an amount.
Reading: We will be continuing to read our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’ by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre. We will be increasing our summarising skills which will help us to understand the most important points of the text.
English: We will focusing on non-fiction texts about rivers around the world this week, using the information we gather in our own writing.
We will be visiting the pond and woodlands this week so please can you provide your child with a pair of wellies or suitable outdoor shoes. Thank you.
Dates for your diary:
Friends of Earlswood Valentines Disco Friday 2nd February 4:45pm – 5:45pm.
Star of the Week!
3GM | 3K | 3B | 3R |
Leo Ace Faye |
Freddy Summer Catherine |
Imogen Leo Juliette Holly |
Ollie Chloe Haleema Bennie
Week beginning 22nd January
Maths: This week we will be comparing and ordering unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator. In addition, we will be learning to recognise and show equivalent fractions with small denominators.
Reading: We will be reading chapters 5 and 6 of our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’ by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre. We will meet a new character and use our inference skills to identify feelings. We will also be discussing the author’s use of language in the text.
English: We will use the skills we have learnt during the last two weeks to invent our own story, based on the story we have been learning, plan it and write it.
We have indoor PE on Monday and outdoor PE on Fridays, where we will be using the field. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school. It would be advisable to send a plastic bag for any muddy clothes on a Friday. Thank you.
The Online Safety Information Evening on Monday 22nd January starts at 6:30pm.
Friends of Earlswood Valentines Disco Friday 2nd February 4:45pm – 5:45pm.
Star of the Week!
3GM | 3K | 3B | 3R |
Alvi Tilly |
Lauren Sophie |
Kai Luke Maia Jo Sejal Melody |
Molly Alex |
We had two very successful visits to Bough Beech this week and the children have learnt lots of information about the water treatment process. Thank you to the parent helpers for your support.
Week beginning 15th January
Maths: This week we will be learning how to use our dividing skills to solve word problems.
Reading: This week we will continue to read our book ‘Oliver and the Seawigs’ by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre. We will be making predictions and summarising key events in the next chapters.
English: We will be creating a new plan by innovating our model story ‘A River ‘ and then writing our own version.
We have indoor PE on Monday and outdoor PE on Fridays, where we will be using the field. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school. It would be advisable to send a plastic bag for any muddy clothes on a Friday. Thank you.
If you would like to attend the Online Safety Information Evening on Monday 22 January 6:30 pm reply slips need to be returned by Monday 15th January 2018.
Happy New Year!
Welcome back from the Year 3 team.
Our new topic this half term is Flow. We will be learning all about water, so as a Super Starter we will be visiting Bough Beech Reservoir and Water Treatment Works.
Week beginning 8th January
Maths: This week we will be dividing using multiplication tables that we know.
Reading: This week we will begin our new book Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre. We will be using our retrieval and inferential skills to answer a range of comprehension questions.
English: We will be learning the language of A River text and starting to think about the key ingredients that help to make it a good text.
Reminders: Visit to Bough Beech this week - All children will need a packed lunch and wellies or outdoor shoes.
3GM and 3R - Tuesday 9th January
3K and 3B - Thursday 11th January
Thank you for all the support this term. We have completed some great learning and we are looking forward to all the learning to come next half term. Have a lovely relaxing break. We will see you all in 2018!
Next half term our topic is 'Flow'.
We are starting our topic with our trip to Bough Beech.
3GM and 3R will visit on Tuesday 9th January
3K and 3B will visit on Thursday 11th January
Please make sure children bring wellies or trainers in a bag for this trip. They will need to wear full school uniform as usual on this day.
Thank you for your offers of help. If you are helping on one of the days, your child's class teacher will have confirmed that with you.
Our PE days are changing next term.
We will have indoor PE on Monday and outdoor PE on Fridays, where we will be using the field. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school. It would be advisable to send a plastic bag for any muddy clothes on a Friday. Thank you.
Thank you for your support at our Christmas assemblies this week. It was great to see so many of you there. The children have been really excited to have such a lovely audience. We enjoyed our Christmas dinner today. Lots of singing and delicious food. A big thank you to all the cooks!
Week beginning 18th December 2017
We will be editing and publishing the poems that we have written about our 'Magic Box'.
We will read some more non-fiction texts about Greece and answer comprehension questions on them.
We will be using our number facts to solve problems. This will involve multiplications for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 timestables.
Our Bough Beach trip will definitely go ahead next term. Thank you for sending in you slips and money so promptly.
Please take home all PE kits, wellies and any other belongings over the holidays, Please check lost property if you are missing anything.
Our PE days are changing next term.
We will have indoor PE on Monday and outdoor PE on Fridays, where we will be using the field. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school. It would be advisable to send a plastic bag for any muddy clothes on a Friday. Thank you.
Earlswood Carol Concert
Please join us at St John's Church on Tuesday evening 6.30pm.
Star of the Week!
3GM | 3K | 3B | 3R |
Noah Lewis Ada Vlad |
Emily Max |
All of 3B! |
Bennie Daniel Sophie Nia |
Week beginning 11th December 2017
We will be looking at the poem 'A Magic Box' by Kit Wright. We will think about the language the he has used and think about things that might be in our own magic box.
We will read some non-fiction texts about The Ancient Greeks. We will pick out features of non-fiction writing and learn how to skim and scan for answers.
We will be looking at statistics. This will include interpreting information and using our number facts to calculate answers.
Please send back forms for the Bough Beach trip. If there is not enough response, we will have to cancel this trip.
Christmas dinner is on Thursday.
Christmas Assembly
3GM and 3K- Wednesday 13th December at 9am
3B and 3R- Wednesday 13th December at 9.30am
Please join us to hear about what we have been learning this half term.
Week Beginning 4th December 2017
It is assessment week. This means that we will be assessing the children on everything that we have learnt this term. We will also continue with our project work based around The Greeks. This week we will be designing our clay pots.
Please help your child to learn their line for the Christmas assembly using a loud clear voice.
Bough Beach- Please send in permission slips for our trip.
This is an outdoor trip. The children will need to come in school shoes and bring wellies/outdoor shoes to change into as their feet could get wet. There will be lots of walking involved.
3R and 3GM-Tuesday 9th January
3K and 3B- Thursday 11th January
Please let us know if you are available to join us on this trip to help with a group of children.
Thank you
Junior Christmas Making Afternoon
On Friday 1st we will have our annual Christmas Making Afternoon in the Juniors from 13:45 - 15:15.
This is an opportunity to come and participate in Christmas craft activities with your children.
Please come to the main office to sign in. Hopefully see you there!
Week beginning 27th November 2017
We will be writing our own Greek myth, thinking about what can be learned or explained in the story. We will writing in paragraphs.
We will finish reading our text 'Beasts of Olympus' by Lucy Coats. We will be answering questions about the text.
We will be recalling our multiplication facts from the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 timestable. We will use the facts to solve some problems.
Please send back forms for the Bough Beach trip and for the Christmas dinner.
Children will be bringing home lines to read in our Christmas assembly. Please help them to learn these ready for our rehearsals. Thank you.
It has been a busy week in Year 3 with the start of anti-bullying week on Monday and our Greek day on Wednesday (The children all looked great- Thank you for your support with this!). We are looking forward to seeing them all spotty tomorrow to show our support for Children in Need.
It has been great to meet with most of you this week during parents evening. If you haven't been able to come, we will try to meet with you after school next week. Please speak to us about when we are available. Thank you.
Week beginning 20th November 2017
We will be reading the story of Grendel by David Lucas and using ti to innovate our own story. We will look at how to punctuate direct speech and use adverbs of time. We will write our stories with paragraphs.
We will continue to read out text 'Beasts of Olympus' by Lucy Coats. We will be making predictions and summarising key events in the next chapters.
We will be recalling our multiplication facts from the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 timestable. We will use the facts to solve some problems.
Please label all of your children's clothes.
PE days are Monday and Thursday.
Please send back forms for the Bough Beach trip and for the Christmas dinner. Thank you
Week beginning 13th November 2017
We will be reading the story of King Midas and retelling it. We will look at how to punctuate direct speech.
We will continue to read out text 'Beasts of Olympus' by Lucy Coats. We will infer how characters are feeling and how their actions show this.
We will be using our multiplication facts from the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 timestable. We will count up in 50's and 100's, noticing patterns.
Children need to return their green spelling books each week on Thursday. They will then get them back on Friday with a new list of ten spellings to learn.
Please continue to help your child to learn the ten spelling words or individual words that they have been given.
Please read with your child as often as possible.
Please log on to RM easimaths and complete 1 session.
Other websites that you might find useful for extra learning:
BBC school radio to listen to some Greek Myths
MONDAY- wear blue for anti-bullying week
WEDNESDAY- dress as a Greek for our Greek day
FRIDAY- wear spots and bring a donation for Children in Need
Junk!- Please send in any plastic bottles, cardboard, small boxes that we can use to make models of a Trojan horse.
Thank you for booking at slot to meet us on Tuesday or Thursday evening. Please let us know if this blog is useful for you and what you might like included in the future.
Thank you
Poppy Day!
On Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November we will be selling poppies for £1 each, in aid of The Poppy Appeal at both the Infant and Junior sites.
Week beginning 6th November 2017
We will be retelling one of the trials of Heracles and writing it as a play script. We will focus on the features that we need to include in the play script.
We will continue to read out text 'Beasts of Olympus' by Lucy Coats. We will look at how characters are described and how the author uses language to make the story interesting.
We will be using money when adding and subtracting. We will be solving practical problems involving money, including giving change.
Children need to return their green spelling books each week on Thursday. They will then get them back on Friday with a new list of ten spellings to learn.
Please continue to help your child to learn the ten spelling words or individual words that they have been given.
Please read with your child as often as possible. It is great to hear about the books they have got from the library and are enjoying too! If your child is no longer reading banded school books, they still need to record what they are reading in their home record book.
Please log on to RM easimaths and complete 1 session.
Other websites that you might find useful for extra learning:
the bbc website is always useful for learning games
Fruit at playtime- children are allowed to bring in some fruit or vegetables to eat at playtime. Please do not send fruit bars, biscuits, juice or smoothies.
Children are not allowed to wear jewelry to school and earings must be removed for PE. Our PE days are Monday and Thursday.
We have had a great half term in Year 3. Thank you for the fantastic response to 'visit the classroom', it was great to see so many of you. Parents evening will be coming up after half term but of course, please ask if you have any concerns about your child and what they are learning please let us know.
We have enjoyed our topic of 'Predators' and the children have been really engaged in all aspects of the learning.
We hope you have a restful half-term
Week beginning 30th October 2017
Our focus will be Greek myths. We will read and familiarise ourselves with some of the trials of Heracles and write our own 'trial'
Our new text is Beasts of Olympus, Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats. We will be making predictions and thinking about characters' feelings.
We will be solving problems including addition and subtraction. We will introduce the bar model as a strategy to solve problems.
Children need to return their green spelling books each week on Thursday. They will then get them back on Friday with a new list of ten spellings to learn.
Please continue to help your child to learn the ten spelling words or individual words that they have been given.
Please read with your child as often as possible. It is great to hear about the books they have got from the library and are enjoying too!
Please log on to RM easimaths and complete 1 session.
Other websites that you might find useful for extra learning:
the bbc website is always useful for learning games
PE on the field- Monday PE sessions are on the field. Please send a carrier bag for children to put their muddy trainers and any muddy clothes in.
Fruit at playtime- children are allowed to bring in some fruit or vegetables to eat at playtime. Please do not send fruit bars, biscuits, juice or smoothies.
We will be cooking this half term so please ensure your child's medical records are up to date with any food allergies.
Anti Bullying, Monday 13th November 2017
Children are welcome to wear something blue on this day to support and recognize anti bullying.
Children in Need, Friday 17th November 2017
Dress up in spots!
With a donation of £1, children are welcome to dress up in spots on this day or paint their face with spots to show their support for Children in Need.
Week beginning 16th October 2017
This week we are writing our own version of 'The Tiger and the Zebra' as a story. We will build interesting sentences with varied vocabulary using the skills that we have been learning over the last few weeks.
We will complete our book 'Sheep Pig' by Dick King Smith. We will complete a book review and think about the exciting parts of the story.
We are focusing on subtraction using written strategies. We will complete simple column subtraction and calculations that need exchange.
We will be designing our very own predator, thinking about the features it will have to help it to be a great hunter.
Please help your child to learn the ten spelling words. They will have a test on these words on Thursday. Please log on to RM easimaths and complete 1 session.
Other websites that you might find useful for extra learning:
the bbc website is always useful for learning games
Please send in wellies or old trainers on Wednesday for woodland.
Please send in PE kit each week. The children DO NOT come into school in their PE kit, they get changed in class and should have a bag to put their kit in so that it can stay in school for the week.
Week beginning 5th October 2017
This week we writing a story based on the poem The Tiger and The Zebra. We will add speech and use time adverbials to structure our stories.
We will continue with our book 'Sheep Pig' by Dick King Smith. We will retrieve information to answer comprehension questions.
We are focusing on subtraction using mental strategies. We will be using our number bonds when counting back and partitioning numbers.
We will be designing our very own predator, thinking about the features it will have to help it be a great hunter.
Please send in wellies or old trainers on Wednesday for woodland.
Please send in PE kit each week. The children DO NOT come into school in their PE kit, they get changed in class and should have a bag to put their kit in so that it can stay in school for the week.
SCHOOL PHOTOS- WEDNESDAY 11th OCT- please ensure your child has their school jumper and brushes their hair
Book Fair
‘Travelling Books’ are returning to the Infant School on Wednesday 4th October. The Book Fair was a huge success last year and we raised over £500 worth of book vouchers for the school. The book fair will be coming to the Juniors in March next year.
There will be a large selection of books suitable for children aged 4-11 years old, at great prices, so please come and have a look in the bottom hall everyday October 4th - 9th before and after school.
If you will not be able to make the book fair, you can still support us by buying a book online. Just go to the online shop at: https://shop.scholastic.co.uk/free-booksl and start shopping!
If you enter our school postcode RH1 6DZ, you can have the books delivered to school. This is also a great option if you would like to pay by card, as we can only take cash payments at school.
We hope to see you at the book fair next week!
The Literacy Team
Week beginning 2nd October 2017
This week we are reading more poetry. We will look at the structure and use the ideas in the poems to create a narrative.
We will continue with our book 'Sheep Pig' by Dick King Smith. We will be making inferences about what we have read and answer some comprehension questions.
We are focusing on addition using mental strategies and formal written methods. We will be using our number bonds when counting on a partitioning numbers.
We will finish our art work based around a predator, thinking about the tone of the colours that we are using.
Please send in wellies or old trainers on Wednesday for woodland.
There is already lots of lost jumpers and cardigans in Year 3. Please make sure your child has the correct jumper at home and please label all items of clothing.
Don't forget to visit the book fair!
Week beginning 25th September 2017
This week we are reading a poem about tigers and recreating it using the structure and pattern. We will think about how poetry gives us ideas in different ways to a story.
We will continue with our book 'Sheep Pig' by Dick King Smith. We will be making inferences about what we have read and answer some comprehension questions.
We are counting in 4's and 8's. We will be counting on in 50's. Our tasks will based around answering word problems with addition and place value.
We are focussing on art skills this week to begin to create our own picture of a predator.
In RE we are looking at how God is described in the bible.
Please send in wellies or old trainers on Wednesday for woodland.
Please log on to RMeasimaths with your child. They need to complete 1 session each week. If you are unable to access this, please let us know.
Week beginning 18th September
This week we will finish our learning based around the book Tigress. We will include adjectives and adverbs in our writing.
This week we are starting a new book- The Sheep Pig by Dick King Smith. We will make predictions and think about some of the main events at the start of the story.
We are comparing and ordering numbers to 1000 using our place value knowledge. We will use the greater than and less than signs to show our understanding of the value of numbers.
We are looking at how to improve our observational drawing. We will begin our art project to create a picture of a predator.
Children need to bring in their PE kit to change at school. (Please do not send them in wearing their PE kit on PE days) Please make sure they have trainers for PE.
We are going to the woodlands. Please make sure they have wellies and plastic bag to put them in after we return.
Week beginning 11th September 2017
This week we will be continuing to look at the book 'Tigress'. We will be adding adjectives and conjunctions into our sentences.
Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine is our first class book. We are looking at how characters are described and the main events in each chapter.
We are adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 to 2 and 3 digit numbers. We are looking at the value of each digit in 3 digit numbers.
We are sketching some animal skulls using close observation skills.
We will be looking at how to keep safe online.
We will look at the human skeleton compared to other animals
PE is on Monday and Thursday. Children need to bring their kit in a bag and change at school. Please make sure everything is named.
We will be visiting the woodlands this half term, please provide wellies in a plastic bag.
Welcome to Year 3!
We hope that you are excited to be back at Earlswood. We are looking forward to getting to know you all.
Some Year 3 Reminders
In Year 3 children are expected to have a PE kit in a named bag, which stays in school for the whole week. Please make sure that this includes trainers. They come to school in their uniform as usual and gets changed at school for PE. IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU NAME ALL OF YOUR CHILD'S CLOTHES. Our normal PE days will be Monday and Thursday.
In Year 3 children are NOT provided with fruit at break times. You are able to send in a piece of fruit, in their lunchbox, for them to eat during their break time.
The end of the day timings have changed this year. Please collect your child from the classroom doors at 3.20.
Children will have the opportunity to learn in the woodlands this half term. Please send in wellies in a carrier bag that can stay on their peg for the half term. Please make sure they are named. They can also wear old trainers but please make sure these are separate from their PE shoes.
Learning this week:
Maths- adding and subtracting 10 and 100.
English- We are looking at the book Tigress and writing sentences from this.
Reading- We will start our book, Diary of a killer cat by Anne Fine.
Topic- Our topic this half term is Predators. We are beginning by exploring what a carnivore is and the differences between them and other animals.